// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { LocalizerType, ICUStringMessageParamsByKeyType, ICUJSXMessageParamsByKeyType, } from './types/Util'; import type { ServiceIdString, AciString, PniString } from './types/ServiceId'; import { missingCaseError } from './util/missingCaseError'; import type { GroupV2ChangeDetailType, GroupV2ChangeType } from './groups'; import { SignalService as Proto } from './protobuf'; import * as log from './logging/log'; type SelectParamsByKeyType<T extends string | JSX.Element> = T extends string ? ICUStringMessageParamsByKeyType : ICUJSXMessageParamsByKeyType; export type SmartContactRendererType<T extends string | JSX.Element> = ( serviceId: ServiceIdString ) => T extends string ? string : JSX.Element; type StringRendererType< T extends string | JSX.Element, ParamsByKeyType extends SelectParamsByKeyType<T> = SelectParamsByKeyType<T> > = <Key extends keyof ParamsByKeyType>( id: Key, i18n: LocalizerType, components: ParamsByKeyType[Key] ) => T; export type RenderOptionsType<T extends string | JSX.Element> = { // `from` will be a PNI when the change is "declining a PNI invite". from?: ServiceIdString; i18n: LocalizerType; ourAci: AciString | undefined; ourPni: PniString | undefined; renderContact: SmartContactRendererType<T>; renderIntl: StringRendererType<T>; }; const AccessControlEnum = Proto.AccessControl.AccessRequired; const RoleEnum = Proto.Member.Role; export type RenderChangeResultType<T extends string | JSX.Element> = ReadonlyArray< Readonly<{ detail: GroupV2ChangeDetailType; text: T extends string ? string : JSX.Element; // Used to differentiate between the multiple texts produced by // 'admin-approval-bounce' isLastText: boolean; }> >; export function renderChange<T extends string | JSX.Element>( change: GroupV2ChangeType, options: RenderOptionsType<T> ): RenderChangeResultType<T> { const { details, from } = change; return details.flatMap((detail: GroupV2ChangeDetailType) => { const texts = renderChangeDetail<T>(detail, { ...options, from, }); if (!Array.isArray(texts)) { return { detail, isLastText: true, text: texts }; } return texts.map((text, index) => { const isLastText = index === texts.length - 1; return { detail, isLastText, text }; }); }); } function renderChangeDetail<T extends string | JSX.Element>( detail: GroupV2ChangeDetailType, options: RenderOptionsType<T> ): string | T | ReadonlyArray<string | T> { const { from, i18n: localizer, ourAci, ourPni, renderContact, renderIntl, } = options; type JSXLocalizerType = <Key extends keyof ICUJSXMessageParamsByKeyType>( key: Key, ...values: ICUJSXMessageParamsByKeyType[Key] extends undefined ? [undefined?] : [ICUJSXMessageParamsByKeyType[Key]] ) => string; const i18n = (<Key extends keyof SelectParamsByKeyType<T>>( id: Key, components: SelectParamsByKeyType<T>[Key] ): T => { return renderIntl(id, localizer, components); }) as JSXLocalizerType; const isOurServiceId = (serviceId?: ServiceIdString): boolean => { if (!serviceId) { return false; } return Boolean( (ourAci && serviceId === ourAci) || (ourPni && serviceId === ourPni) ); }; const fromYou = isOurServiceId(from); if (detail.type === 'create') { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--create--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--create--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--create--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'title') { const { newTitle } = detail; if (newTitle) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--title--change--you', { newTitle }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--title--change--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), newTitle, }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--title--change--unknown', { newTitle, }); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--title--remove--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--title--remove--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--title--remove--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'avatar') { if (detail.removed) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--avatar--remove--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--avatar--remove--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--avatar--remove--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--avatar--change--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--avatar--change--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--avatar--change--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'access-attributes') { const { newPrivilege } = detail; if (newPrivilege === AccessControlEnum.ADMINISTRATOR) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--unknown'); } if (newPrivilege === AccessControlEnum.MEMBER) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--unknown'); } log.warn( `access-attributes change type, privilege ${newPrivilege} is unknown` ); return ''; } if (detail.type === 'access-members') { const { newPrivilege } = detail; if (newPrivilege === AccessControlEnum.ADMINISTRATOR) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--unknown'); } if (newPrivilege === AccessControlEnum.MEMBER) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--unknown'); } log.warn( `access-members change type, privilege ${newPrivilege} is unknown` ); return ''; } if (detail.type === 'access-invite-link') { const { newPrivilege } = detail; if (newPrivilege === AccessControlEnum.ADMINISTRATOR) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--unknown'); } if (newPrivilege === AccessControlEnum.ANY) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--unknown'); } log.warn( `access-invite-link change type, privilege ${newPrivilege} is unknown` ); return ''; } if (detail.type === 'member-add') { const { aci } = detail; const weAreJoiner = isOurServiceId(aci); if (weAreJoiner) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--you--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--you--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--you--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--other--you', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--other--other', { adderName: renderContact(from), addeeName: renderContact(aci), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--other--unknown', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (detail.type === 'member-add-from-invite') { const { aci, inviter, pni } = detail; const weAreJoiner = isOurServiceId(aci); const weAreInviter = isOurServiceId(inviter); const fromPni = pni && from === pni; const fromAci = from === aci; if (!from || (!fromPni && !fromAci)) { if (weAreJoiner) { // They can't be the same, no fromYou check here if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--you--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--you--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--you', { inviteeName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), inviteeName: renderContact(aci), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--unknown', { inviteeName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (weAreJoiner) { if (inviter) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you', { inviterName: renderContact(inviter), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you-no-from'); } if (weAreInviter) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--from-you', { inviteeName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (inviter) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other', { inviteeName: renderContact(aci), inviterName: renderContact(inviter), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other-no-from', { inviteeName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (detail.type === 'member-add-from-link') { const { aci } = detail; if (fromYou && isOurServiceId(aci)) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-link--you--you'); } if (from && aci === from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-link--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } // Note: this shouldn't happen, because we only capture 'add-from-link' status // from group change events, which always have a sender. log.warn('member-add-from-link change type; we have no from!'); return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add--other--unknown', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (detail.type === 'member-add-from-admin-approval') { const { aci } = detail; const weAreJoiner = isOurServiceId(aci); if (weAreJoiner) { if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--you--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } // Note: this shouldn't happen, because we only capture 'add-from-admin-approval' // status from group change events, which always have a sender. log.warn( 'member-add-from-admin-approval change type; we have no from, and we are joiner!' ); return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--you--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--you', { joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } // Note: this shouldn't happen, because we only capture 'add-from-admin-approval' // status from group change events, which always have a sender. log.warn('member-add-from-admin-approval change type; we have no from'); return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--unknown', { joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (detail.type === 'member-remove') { const { aci } = detail; const weAreLeaver = isOurServiceId(aci); if (weAreLeaver) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--you', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (from && from === aci) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--self', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--unknown', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (detail.type === 'member-privilege') { const { aci, newPrivilege } = detail; const weAreMember = isOurServiceId(aci); if (newPrivilege === RoleEnum.ADMINISTRATOR) { if (weAreMember) { if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--you', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--unknown', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (newPrivilege === RoleEnum.DEFAULT) { if (weAreMember) { if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--you--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--you--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--you', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--unknown', { memberName: renderContact(aci), }); } log.warn( `member-privilege change type, privilege ${newPrivilege} is unknown` ); return ''; } if (detail.type === 'pending-add-one') { const { serviceId } = detail; const weAreInvited = isOurServiceId(serviceId); if (weAreInvited) { if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--you--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--you--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--you', { inviteeName: renderContact(serviceId), }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'pending-add-many') { const { count } = detail; if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-add--many--you', { count, }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-add--many--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), count, }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-add--many--unknown', { count, }); } if (detail.type === 'pending-remove-one') { const { inviter, serviceId } = detail; const weAreInviter = isOurServiceId(inviter); const weAreInvited = isOurServiceId(serviceId); const sentByInvited = Boolean(from && from === serviceId); const sentByInviter = Boolean(from && inviter && from === inviter); if (weAreInviter) { if (sentByInvited) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--you', { inviteeName: renderContact(serviceId), }); } if (fromYou) { return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--you', { inviteeName: renderContact(serviceId) } ); } if (from) { return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), inviteeName: renderContact(serviceId), } ); } return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--unknown', { inviteeName: renderContact(serviceId) } ); } if (sentByInvited) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--from-you'); } if (inviter) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--other', { memberName: renderContact(inviter), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--unknown'); } if (inviter && sentByInviter) { if (weAreInvited) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-own--to-you', { inviterName: renderContact(inviter), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-own--unknown', { inviterName: renderContact(inviter), }); } if (inviter) { if (fromYou) { return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--you', { memberName: renderContact(inviter) } ); } if (from) { return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), memberName: renderContact(inviter), } ); } return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--unknown', { memberName: renderContact(inviter) } ); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'pending-remove-many') { const { count, inviter } = detail; const weAreInviter = isOurServiceId(inviter); if (weAreInviter) { if (fromYou) { return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--you', { count } ); } if (from) { return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), count, } ); } return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--unknown', { count } ); } if (inviter) { if (fromYou) { return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--you', { count, memberName: renderContact(inviter), } ); } if (from) { return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), count, memberName: renderContact(inviter), } ); } return i18n( 'icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--unknown', { count, memberName: renderContact(inviter), } ); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--you', { count, }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), count, }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--unknown', { count, }); } if (detail.type === 'admin-approval-add-one') { const { aci } = detail; const weAreJoiner = isOurServiceId(aci); if (weAreJoiner) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-add-one--you'); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-add-one--other', { joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (detail.type === 'admin-approval-remove-one') { const { aci } = detail; const weAreJoiner = isOurServiceId(aci); if (weAreJoiner) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--you--you'); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--you--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--you', { joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (from && fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--own', { joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--unknown', { joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } if (detail.type === 'admin-approval-bounce') { const { aci, times, isApprovalPending } = detail; let firstMessage: T | string; if (times === 1) { firstMessage = i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-bounce--one', { joinerName: renderContact(aci), }); } else { firstMessage = i18n('icu:GroupV2--admin-approval-bounce', { joinerName: renderContact(aci), numberOfRequests: times, }); } if (!isApprovalPending) { return firstMessage; } const secondMessage = renderChangeDetail( { type: 'admin-approval-add-one', aci, }, options ); return [ firstMessage, ...(Array.isArray(secondMessage) ? secondMessage : [secondMessage]), ]; } if (detail.type === 'group-link-add') { const { privilege } = detail; if (privilege === AccessControlEnum.ADMINISTRATOR) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--unknown'); } if (privilege === AccessControlEnum.ANY) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--unknown'); } log.warn(`group-link-add change type, privilege ${privilege} is unknown`); return ''; } if (detail.type === 'group-link-reset') { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-reset--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-reset--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-reset--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'group-link-remove') { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-remove--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-remove--other', { adminName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--group-link-remove--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'description') { if (detail.removed) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--description--remove--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--description--remove--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--description--remove--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--description--change--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--description--change--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--description--change--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'announcements-only') { if (detail.announcementsOnly) { if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--announcements--admin--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--announcements--admin--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--announcements--admin--unknown'); } if (fromYou) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--announcements--member--you'); } if (from) { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--announcements--member--other', { memberName: renderContact(from), }); } return i18n('icu:GroupV2--announcements--member--unknown'); } if (detail.type === 'summary') { return i18n('icu:GroupV2--summary'); } throw missingCaseError(detail); }