// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { useCallback, useState, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react'; import { clamp, chunk, maxBy, flatten, noop } from 'lodash'; import type { VideoFrameSource } from '@signalapp/ringrtc'; import { GroupCallRemoteParticipant } from './GroupCallRemoteParticipant'; import { GroupCallOverflowArea, OVERFLOW_PARTICIPANT_WIDTH, } from './GroupCallOverflowArea'; import type { GroupCallRemoteParticipantType, GroupCallVideoRequest, } from '../types/Calling'; import { CallViewMode } from '../types/Calling'; import { useGetCallingFrameBuffer } from '../calling/useGetCallingFrameBuffer'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import { usePageVisibility } from '../hooks/usePageVisibility'; import { useDevicePixelRatio } from '../hooks/useDevicePixelRatio'; import { nonRenderedRemoteParticipant } from '../util/ringrtc/nonRenderedRemoteParticipant'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { SECOND } from '../util/durations'; import { filter, join } from '../util/iterables'; import * as setUtil from '../util/setUtil'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT, MAX_FRAME_WIDTH } from '../calling/constants'; import { SizeObserver } from '../hooks/useSizeObserver'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import type { CallingImageDataCache } from './CallManager'; const SMALL_TILES_MIN_HEIGHT = 80; const LARGE_TILES_MIN_HEIGHT = 200; const PARTICIPANT_MARGIN = 12; const TIME_TO_STOP_REQUESTING_VIDEO_WHEN_PAGE_INVISIBLE = 20 * SECOND; const PAGINATION_BUTTON_ASPECT_RATIO = 1; const MAX_PARTICIPANTS_PER_PAGE = 49; // 49 remote + 1 self-video = 50 total // We scale our video requests down for performance. This number is somewhat arbitrary. const VIDEO_REQUEST_SCALAR = 0.75; type Dimensions = { width: number; height: number; }; type GridArrangement = { rows: Array<Array<ParticipantTileType>>; scalar: number; }; type PaginationButtonType = { isPaginationButton: true; videoAspectRatio: number; paginationButtonType: 'prev' | 'next'; numParticipants: number; }; type ParticipantTileType = | GroupCallRemoteParticipantType | PaginationButtonType; type PropsType = { callViewMode: CallViewMode; getGroupCallVideoFrameSource: (demuxId: number) => VideoFrameSource; i18n: LocalizerType; imageDataCache: React.RefObject<CallingImageDataCache>; isCallReconnecting: boolean; remoteParticipants: ReadonlyArray<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType>; setGroupCallVideoRequest: ( _: Array<GroupCallVideoRequest>, speakerHeight: number ) => void; remoteAudioLevels: Map<number, number>; onClickRaisedHand?: () => void; }; enum VideoRequestMode { Normal = 'Normal', LowResolution = 'LowResolution', NoVideo = 'NoVideo', } // This component lays out group call remote participants. It uses a custom layout // algorithm (in other words, nothing that the browser provides, like flexbox) in // order to animate the boxes as they move around, and to figure out the right fits. // // It's worth looking at the UI (or a design of it) to get an idea of how it works. Some // things to notice: // // * Participants are arranged in 0 or more rows. // * Each row is the same height, but each participant may have a different width. // * It's possible, on small screens with lots of participants, to have participants // removed from the grid, or on subsequent pages. This is because participants // have a minimum rendered height. // * Participant videos may have different aspect ratios // * We want to ensure that presenters and recent speakers are shown on the first page, // but we also want to minimize tiles jumping around as much as possible. // // There should be more specific comments throughout, but the high-level steps are: // // 1. Figure out the maximum number of possible rows that could fit on a page; this is // `maxRowsPerPage`. // 2. Sort the participants in priority order: we want to fit presenters and recent // speakers in the grid first // 3. Figure out which participants should go on each page -- for non-paginated views, // this is just one page, but for paginated views, we could have many pages. The // general idea here is to fill up each page row-by-row, with each video as small // as we allow. // 4. Try to distribute the videos throughout the grid to find the largest "scalar": // how much can we scale these boxes up while still fitting them on the screen? // The biggest scalar wins as the "best arrangement". // 5. Lay out this arrangement on the screen. export function GroupCallRemoteParticipants({ callViewMode, getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, imageDataCache, i18n, isCallReconnecting, remoteParticipants, setGroupCallVideoRequest, remoteAudioLevels, onClickRaisedHand, }: PropsType): JSX.Element { const [gridDimensions, setGridDimensions] = useState<Dimensions>({ width: 0, height: 0, }); const [pageIndex, setPageIndex] = useState(0); const devicePixelRatio = useDevicePixelRatio(); const getFrameBuffer = useGetCallingFrameBuffer(); const { invisibleDemuxIds, onParticipantVisibilityChanged } = useInvisibleParticipants(remoteParticipants); const minRenderedHeight = callViewMode === CallViewMode.Paginated ? SMALL_TILES_MIN_HEIGHT : LARGE_TILES_MIN_HEIGHT; const isInSpeakerView = callViewMode === CallViewMode.Speaker || callViewMode === CallViewMode.Presentation; const isInPaginationView = callViewMode === CallViewMode.Paginated; const shouldShowOverflow = !isInPaginationView; const maxRowWidth = gridDimensions.width; const maxGridHeight = gridDimensions.height; // 1. Figure out the maximum number of possible rows that could fit on the page. // Could be 0 if (a) there are no participants (b) the container's height is small. const maxRowsPerPage = Math.floor( maxGridHeight / (minRenderedHeight + PARTICIPANT_MARGIN) ); // 2. Sort the participants in priority order: by `presenting` first, since presenters // should be on the main grid, then by `speakerTime` so that the most recent speakers // are next in line for the first pages of the grid const prioritySortedParticipants: Array<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType> = useMemo( () => remoteParticipants .concat() .sort( (a, b) => Number(b.presenting || 0) - Number(a.presenting || 0) || (b.speakerTime || -Infinity) - (a.speakerTime || -Infinity) ), [remoteParticipants] ); // 3. Layout the participants on each page. The general algorithm is: first, try to fill // up each page with as many participants as possible at the smallest acceptable video // height. Second, sort the participants that fit on each page by a stable sort order, // and make sure they still fit on the page! Third, add tiles at the beginning and end // of each page (if paginated) to act as back and next buttons. const gridParticipantsByPage: Array<ParticipantsInPageType> = useMemo(() => { if (!prioritySortedParticipants.length) { return []; } if (!maxRowsPerPage) { return []; } if (isInSpeakerView) { return [ { rows: [[prioritySortedParticipants[0]]], hasSpaceRemaining: false, numParticipants: 1, }, ]; } return getGridParticipantsByPage({ participants: prioritySortedParticipants, maxRowWidth, maxPages: isInPaginationView ? Infinity : 1, maxRowsPerPage, minRenderedHeight, maxParticipantsPerPage: MAX_PARTICIPANTS_PER_PAGE, currentPage: pageIndex, }); }, [ maxRowWidth, isInPaginationView, isInSpeakerView, maxRowsPerPage, minRenderedHeight, pageIndex, prioritySortedParticipants, ]); // Make sure we're not on a page that no longer exists (e.g. if people left the call) if ( pageIndex >= gridParticipantsByPage.length && gridParticipantsByPage.length > 0 ) { setPageIndex(gridParticipantsByPage.length - 1); } const totalParticipantsInGrid = gridParticipantsByPage.reduce( (pageCount, { numParticipants }) => pageCount + numParticipants, 0 ); // In speaker or overflow views, not all participants will be on the grid; they'll // get put in the overflow zone. const overflowedParticipants: Array<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType> = useMemo( () => isInPaginationView ? [] : prioritySortedParticipants .slice(totalParticipantsInGrid) .sort(stableParticipantComparator), [isInPaginationView, prioritySortedParticipants, totalParticipantsInGrid] ); const participantsOnOtherPages = useMemo( () => gridParticipantsByPage .map((page, index) => { if (index === pageIndex) { return []; } return page.rows.flat(); }) .flat() .filter(isGroupCallRemoteParticipant), [gridParticipantsByPage, pageIndex] ); const currentPage = gridParticipantsByPage.at(pageIndex) ?? { rows: [], }; // 4. Try to arrange the current page such that we can scale the videos up // as much as possible. const gridArrangement = arrangeParticipantsInGrid({ participantsInRows: currentPage.rows, maxRowsPerPage, maxRowWidth, maxGridHeight, minRenderedHeight, }); const nextPage = () => { setPageIndex(index => index + 1); }; const prevPage = () => { setPageIndex(index => Math.max(0, index - 1)); }; // 5. Lay out the current page on the screen. const gridParticipantHeight = Math.round( gridArrangement.scalar * minRenderedHeight ); const gridParticipantHeightWithMargin = gridParticipantHeight + PARTICIPANT_MARGIN; const gridTotalRowHeightWithMargin = gridParticipantHeightWithMargin * gridArrangement.rows.length - PARTICIPANT_MARGIN; const gridTopOffset = Math.max( 0, Math.round((gridDimensions.height - gridTotalRowHeightWithMargin) / 2) ); const rowElements: Array<Array<JSX.Element>> = gridArrangement.rows.map( (tiles, index) => { const top = gridTopOffset + index * gridParticipantHeightWithMargin; const totalRowWidthWithoutMargins = totalRowWidthAtHeight(tiles, minRenderedHeight) * gridArrangement.scalar; const totalRowWidth = totalRowWidthWithoutMargins + PARTICIPANT_MARGIN * (tiles.length - 1); const leftOffset = Math.max( 0, Math.round((gridDimensions.width - totalRowWidth) / 2) ); let rowWidthSoFar = 0; return tiles.map(tile => { const left = rowWidthSoFar + leftOffset; const renderedWidth = Math.round( tile.videoAspectRatio * gridParticipantHeight ); rowWidthSoFar += renderedWidth + PARTICIPANT_MARGIN; if (isPaginationButton(tile)) { const isNextButton = tile.paginationButtonType === 'next'; const isPrevButton = tile.paginationButtonType === 'prev'; return ( <button key={ isNextButton ? 'next-pagination-tile' : 'prev-pagination-tile' } onClick={isNextButton ? nextPage : prevPage} style={{ insetInlineStart: left, insetBlockStart: top, width: renderedWidth, height: gridParticipantHeight, }} type="button" className="module-ongoing-call__group-call--pagination-tile" > {isPrevButton ? ( <div className="module-ongoing-call__group-call--pagination-tile--prev-arrow" /> ) : null} +{tile.numParticipants} {isNextButton ? ( <div className="module-ongoing-call__group-call--pagination-tile--next-arrow" /> ) : null} </button> ); } return ( <GroupCallRemoteParticipant key={tile.demuxId} getFrameBuffer={getFrameBuffer} imageDataCache={imageDataCache} getGroupCallVideoFrameSource={getGroupCallVideoFrameSource} onClickRaisedHand={onClickRaisedHand} height={gridParticipantHeight} i18n={i18n} audioLevel={remoteAudioLevels.get(tile.demuxId) ?? 0} left={left} remoteParticipant={tile} top={top} width={renderedWidth} remoteParticipantsCount={remoteParticipants.length} isActiveSpeakerInSpeakerView={isInSpeakerView} isCallReconnecting={isCallReconnecting} /> ); }); } ); const videoRequestMode = useVideoRequestMode(); useEffect(() => { log.info(`Group call now using ${videoRequestMode} video request mode`); }, [videoRequestMode]); useEffect(() => { let videoRequest: Array<GroupCallVideoRequest>; switch (videoRequestMode) { case VideoRequestMode.Normal: videoRequest = [ ...currentPage.rows .flat() // Filter out any next/previous page buttons .filter(isGroupCallRemoteParticipant) .map(participant => { let scalar: number; if (participant.sharingScreen) { // We want best-resolution video if someone is sharing their screen. scalar = Math.max(devicePixelRatio, 1); } else { scalar = VIDEO_REQUEST_SCALAR; } return { demuxId: participant.demuxId, width: clamp( Math.round( gridParticipantHeight * participant.videoAspectRatio * scalar ), 1, MAX_FRAME_WIDTH ), height: clamp( Math.round(gridParticipantHeight * scalar), 1, MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT ), }; }), ...participantsOnOtherPages.map(nonRenderedRemoteParticipant), ...overflowedParticipants.map(participant => { if (invisibleDemuxIds.has(participant.demuxId)) { return nonRenderedRemoteParticipant(participant); } return { demuxId: participant.demuxId, width: clamp( Math.round(OVERFLOW_PARTICIPANT_WIDTH * VIDEO_REQUEST_SCALAR), 1, MAX_FRAME_WIDTH ), height: clamp( Math.round( (OVERFLOW_PARTICIPANT_WIDTH / participant.videoAspectRatio) * VIDEO_REQUEST_SCALAR ), 1, MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT ), }; }), ]; break; case VideoRequestMode.LowResolution: videoRequest = remoteParticipants.map(participant => participant.hasRemoteVideo ? { demuxId: participant.demuxId, width: 1, height: 1, } : nonRenderedRemoteParticipant(participant) ); break; case VideoRequestMode.NoVideo: videoRequest = remoteParticipants.map(nonRenderedRemoteParticipant); break; default: log.error(missingCaseError(videoRequestMode)); videoRequest = remoteParticipants.map(nonRenderedRemoteParticipant); break; } setGroupCallVideoRequest( videoRequest, clamp(gridParticipantHeight, 0, MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT) ); }, [ devicePixelRatio, currentPage.rows, gridParticipantHeight, invisibleDemuxIds, overflowedParticipants, remoteParticipants, setGroupCallVideoRequest, videoRequestMode, participantsOnOtherPages, ]); return ( <div className="module-ongoing-call__participants"> <div className="module-ongoing-call__participants__grid--wrapper"> <SizeObserver onSizeChange={size => { setGridDimensions(size); }} > {gridRef => ( <div className="module-ongoing-call__participants__grid" ref={gridRef} > {flatten(rowElements)} {isInPaginationView && ( <> {pageIndex > 0 ? ( <button aria-label="Prev" className="module-ongoing-call__prev-page" onClick={prevPage} type="button" > <div className="module-ongoing-call__prev-page--arrow" /> </button> ) : null} {pageIndex < gridParticipantsByPage.length - 1 ? ( <button aria-label="Next" className="module-ongoing-call__next-page" onClick={nextPage} type="button" > <div className="module-ongoing-call__next-page--arrow" /> </button> ) : null} </> )} </div> )} </SizeObserver> </div> {shouldShowOverflow && overflowedParticipants.length > 0 ? ( <GroupCallOverflowArea getFrameBuffer={getFrameBuffer} getGroupCallVideoFrameSource={getGroupCallVideoFrameSource} imageDataCache={imageDataCache} i18n={i18n} isCallReconnecting={isCallReconnecting} onClickRaisedHand={onClickRaisedHand} onParticipantVisibilityChanged={onParticipantVisibilityChanged} overflowedParticipants={overflowedParticipants} remoteAudioLevels={remoteAudioLevels} remoteParticipantsCount={remoteParticipants.length} /> ) : null} </div> ); } // This function is only meant for use with `useInvisibleParticipants`. It helps avoid // returning new set instances when the underlying values are equal. function pickDifferentSet<T>(a: Readonly<Set<T>>, b: Readonly<Set<T>>): Set<T> { return a.size === b.size ? a : b; } function useInvisibleParticipants( remoteParticipants: ReadonlyArray<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType> ): Readonly<{ invisibleDemuxIds: Set<number>; onParticipantVisibilityChanged: (demuxId: number, isVisible: boolean) => void; }> { const [invisibleDemuxIds, setInvisibleDemuxIds] = useState(new Set<number>()); const onParticipantVisibilityChanged = useCallback( (demuxId: number, isVisible: boolean) => { setInvisibleDemuxIds(oldInvisibleDemuxIds => { const toggled = setUtil.toggle( oldInvisibleDemuxIds, demuxId, !isVisible ); return pickDifferentSet(oldInvisibleDemuxIds, toggled); }); }, [] ); useEffect(() => { log.info( `Invisible demux IDs changed to [${join(invisibleDemuxIds, ',')}]` ); }, [invisibleDemuxIds]); useEffect(() => { const remoteParticipantDemuxIds = new Set<number>( remoteParticipants.map(r => r.demuxId) ); setInvisibleDemuxIds(oldInvisibleDemuxIds => { const staleIds = filter( oldInvisibleDemuxIds, id => !remoteParticipantDemuxIds.has(id) ); const withoutStaleIds = setUtil.remove(oldInvisibleDemuxIds, ...staleIds); return pickDifferentSet(oldInvisibleDemuxIds, withoutStaleIds); }); }, [remoteParticipants]); return { invisibleDemuxIds, onParticipantVisibilityChanged, }; } function useVideoRequestMode(): VideoRequestMode { const isPageVisible = usePageVisibility(); const [result, setResult] = useState<VideoRequestMode>( isPageVisible ? VideoRequestMode.Normal : VideoRequestMode.LowResolution ); useEffect(() => { if (isPageVisible) { setResult(VideoRequestMode.Normal); return noop; } setResult(VideoRequestMode.LowResolution); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { setResult(VideoRequestMode.NoVideo); }, TIME_TO_STOP_REQUESTING_VIDEO_WHEN_PAGE_INVISIBLE); return () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; }, [isPageVisible]); return result; } function totalRowWidthAtHeight( participantsInRow: ReadonlyArray< Pick<ParticipantTileType, 'videoAspectRatio'> >, height: number ): number { return participantsInRow.reduce( (result, participant) => result + participantWidthAtHeight(participant, height), 0 ); } function participantWidthAtHeight( participant: Pick<ParticipantTileType, 'videoAspectRatio'>, height: number ) { return participant.videoAspectRatio * height; } function stableParticipantComparator( a: Readonly<{ demuxId: number }>, b: Readonly<{ demuxId: number }> ): number { return a.demuxId - b.demuxId; } type ParticipantsInPageType< T extends { videoAspectRatio: number } = ParticipantTileType > = { rows: Array<Array<T>>; numParticipants: number; }; type PageLayoutPropsType = { maxRowWidth: number; minRenderedHeight: number; maxRowsPerPage: number; maxParticipantsPerPage: number; }; function getGridParticipantsByPage({ participants, maxPages, currentPage, ...pageLayoutProps }: PageLayoutPropsType & { participants: Array<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType>; maxPages: number; currentPage?: number; }): Array<ParticipantsInPageType> { if (!participants.length) { return []; } const pages: Array<ParticipantsInPageType> = []; function getTotalParticipantsOnGrid() { return pages.reduce((count, page) => count + page.numParticipants, 0); } let remainingParticipants = [...participants]; while (remainingParticipants.length) { if (currentPage === pages.length - 1) { // Optimization: we can stop early, we don't have to lay out the remainder of the // pages pages.push({ rows: [remainingParticipants], numParticipants: remainingParticipants.length, }); return pages; } const nextPageInPriorityOrder = getNextPage({ participants: remainingParticipants, leaveRoomForPrevPageButton: pages.length > 0, leaveRoomForNextPageButton: pages.length + 1 < maxPages, ...pageLayoutProps, }); // We got the next page, but it's in priority order; let's see if these participants // also fit in sorted order const priorityParticipantsOnNextPage = nextPageInPriorityOrder.rows.flat(); let sortedParticipantsHopingToFitOnPage = [ ...priorityParticipantsOnNextPage, ].sort(stableParticipantComparator); let nextPageInSortedOrder = getNextPage({ participants: sortedParticipantsHopingToFitOnPage, leaveRoomForPrevPageButton: pages.length > 0, leaveRoomForNextPageButton: pages.length + 1 < maxPages, isSubsetOfAllParticipants: sortedParticipantsHopingToFitOnPage.length < remainingParticipants.length, ...pageLayoutProps, }); let nextPage: ParticipantsInPageType<ParticipantTileType> | undefined; if ( nextPageInSortedOrder.numParticipants === nextPageInPriorityOrder.numParticipants ) { // Great, we're able to show everyone. It's possible that there is now extra space // and we could show more people, but let's leave it here for simplicity nextPage = nextPageInSortedOrder; } else { // We weren't able to fit everyone. Let's remove the least-prioritized person and // try again. It's pretty unlikely this will take more than 1 attempt, but // let's take more and more participants off the screen if it takes a lot of // attempts so we don't have to iterate dozens of times. const PARTICIPANTS_TO_REMOVE_PER_ATTEMPT = [1, 1, 1, 2, 5]; const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5; let attemptNumber = 0; while ( sortedParticipantsHopingToFitOnPage.length && attemptNumber < MAX_ATTEMPTS ) { const numLeastPrioritizedParticipantsToRemove = PARTICIPANTS_TO_REMOVE_PER_ATTEMPT[ Math.min( attemptNumber, PARTICIPANTS_TO_REMOVE_PER_ATTEMPT.length - 1 ) ]; const leastPrioritizedParticipantIds = new Set( priorityParticipantsOnNextPage .splice( -1 * numLeastPrioritizedParticipantsToRemove, numLeastPrioritizedParticipantsToRemove ) .map(participant => participant.demuxId) ); sortedParticipantsHopingToFitOnPage = sortedParticipantsHopingToFitOnPage.filter( participant => !leastPrioritizedParticipantIds.has(participant.demuxId) ); nextPageInSortedOrder = getNextPage({ participants: sortedParticipantsHopingToFitOnPage, leaveRoomForPrevPageButton: pages.length > 0, leaveRoomForNextPageButton: pages.length + 1 < maxPages, ...pageLayoutProps, }); // Are we able to fill all of them now? Great, let's ship it. if ( nextPageInSortedOrder.numParticipants === sortedParticipantsHopingToFitOnPage.length ) { nextPage = nextPageInSortedOrder; break; } attemptNumber += 1; } if (!nextPage) { log.warn( `GroupCallRemoteParticipants: failed after ${attemptNumber} attempts to layout the page; pageIndex: ${pages.length}, \ # fit in priority order: ${nextPageInPriorityOrder.numParticipants}, \ # fit in sorted order: ${nextPageInSortedOrder.numParticipants}` ); nextPage = nextPageInSortedOrder; } } if (!nextPage) { break; } const nextPageTiles = nextPage as ParticipantsInPageType<ParticipantTileType>; // Add a previous page tile if needed if (pages.length > 0) { nextPageTiles.rows[0].unshift({ isPaginationButton: true, paginationButtonType: 'prev', videoAspectRatio: PAGINATION_BUTTON_ASPECT_RATIO, numParticipants: getTotalParticipantsOnGrid(), }); } if (!nextPage.numParticipants) { break; } remainingParticipants = remainingParticipants.slice( nextPage.numParticipants ); pages.push(nextPage); if (pages.length === maxPages) { break; } // Add a next page tile if needed if (remainingParticipants.length) { nextPageTiles.rows.at(-1)?.push({ isPaginationButton: true, paginationButtonType: 'next', videoAspectRatio: PAGINATION_BUTTON_ASPECT_RATIO, numParticipants: remainingParticipants.length, }); } } return pages; } /** * Attempt to fill a new page with as many participants as will fit, leaving room for * next/prev page buttons as needed. Participants will be added in the order provided. * * @returns ParticipantsInPageType, representing the participants that fit on this page * assuming they are rendered at minimum height. Does not include prev/next buttons, * but will leave space for them if needed. Participants are not necessarily * returned in the row-distribution that will maximize video scaling; that should * be done subsequently. */ function getNextPage({ participants, maxRowWidth, minRenderedHeight, maxRowsPerPage, maxParticipantsPerPage, leaveRoomForPrevPageButton, leaveRoomForNextPageButton, isSubsetOfAllParticipants, }: PageLayoutPropsType & { participants: Array<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType>; leaveRoomForPrevPageButton: boolean; leaveRoomForNextPageButton: boolean; isSubsetOfAllParticipants?: boolean; }): ParticipantsInPageType<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType> { const paginationButtonWidth = participantWidthAtHeight( { videoAspectRatio: PAGINATION_BUTTON_ASPECT_RATIO, }, minRenderedHeight ); let rowWidth = leaveRoomForPrevPageButton ? paginationButtonWidth + PARTICIPANT_MARGIN : 0; // Initialize fresh page with empty first row const rows: Array<Array<GroupCallRemoteParticipantType>> = [[]]; let row = rows[0]; let numParticipants = 0; // Start looping through participants and adding them to the rows one-by-one for (let i = 0; i < participants.length; i += 1) { const participant = participants[i]; const isLastParticipant = !isSubsetOfAllParticipants && i === participants.length - 1; const participantWidth = participantWidthAtHeight( participant, minRenderedHeight ); const isLastRow = rows.length === maxRowsPerPage; const shouldShowNextButtonInThisRow = isLastRow && !isLastParticipant && leaveRoomForNextPageButton; const currentRowMaxWidth = shouldShowNextButtonInThisRow ? maxRowWidth - (paginationButtonWidth + PARTICIPANT_MARGIN) : maxRowWidth; const participantFitsOnRow = rowWidth + participantWidth + (row.length ? PARTICIPANT_MARGIN : 0) <= currentRowMaxWidth; if (participantFitsOnRow) { rowWidth += participantWidth + (row.length ? PARTICIPANT_MARGIN : 0); row.push(participant); numParticipants += 1; if (numParticipants === maxParticipantsPerPage) { return { rows, numParticipants }; } } else { if (isLastRow) { return { rows, numParticipants }; } // Start a new row! row = [participant]; rows.push(row); numParticipants += 1; rowWidth = participantWidth; } } return { rows, numParticipants, }; } /** * Given an arrangement of participants in rows that we know fits on a page at minimum * rendered height, try to find an arrangement that maximizes video size, or return the * provided arrangement with maximal video size. The result of this is ready to be * laid out on the screen. * * @returns GridArrangement: { * rows: participants in rows, * scalar: the scalar by which can scale every video on the page and still fit * } */ function arrangeParticipantsInGrid({ participantsInRows, maxRowWidth, minRenderedHeight, maxRowsPerPage, maxGridHeight, }: { participantsInRows: Array<Array<ParticipantTileType>>; maxRowWidth: number; minRenderedHeight: number; maxRowsPerPage: number; maxGridHeight: number; }): GridArrangement { // Start out with the arrangement that was prepared by getGridParticipantsByPage. // We know this arrangement (added one-by-one) fits, so its scalar is // guaranteed to be >= 1. Our chunking strategy below might not arrive at such // an arrangement. let bestArrangement: GridArrangement = { scalar: getMaximumScaleForRows({ maxRowWidth, minRenderedHeight, rows: participantsInRows, maxGridHeight, }), rows: participantsInRows, }; const participants = participantsInRows.flat(); // For each possible number of rows (starting at 0 and ending at `maxRowCount`), // distribute participants across the rows at the minimum height. Then find the // "scalar": how much can we scale these boxes up while still fitting them on the // screen? The biggest scalar wins as the "best arrangement". for (let rowCount = 1; rowCount <= maxRowsPerPage; rowCount += 1) { // We do something pretty naïve here and chunk the grid's participants into rows. // For example, if there were 12 grid participants and `rowCount === 3`, there // would be 4 participants per row. // // This naïve chunking is suboptimal in terms of absolute best fit, but it is much // faster and simpler than trying to do this perfectly. In practice, this works // fine in the UI from our testing. const numberOfParticipantsInRow = Math.ceil(participants.length / rowCount); const rows = chunk(participants, numberOfParticipantsInRow); const scalar = getMaximumScaleForRows({ maxRowWidth, minRenderedHeight, rows, maxGridHeight, }); if (scalar > bestArrangement.scalar) { bestArrangement = { scalar, rows, }; } } return bestArrangement; } // We need to find the scalar for this arrangement. Imagine that we have these // participants at the minimum heights, and we want to scale everything up until // it's about to overflow. function getMaximumScaleForRows({ maxRowWidth, minRenderedHeight, maxGridHeight, rows, }: { maxRowWidth: number; minRenderedHeight: number; maxGridHeight: number; rows: Array<Array<ParticipantTileType>>; }): number { if (!rows.length) { return 0; } const widestRow = maxBy(rows, x => totalRowWidthAtHeight(x, minRenderedHeight) ); strictAssert(widestRow, 'Could not find widestRow'); // We don't want it to overflow horizontally or vertically, so we calculate a // "width scalar" and "height scalar" and choose the smaller of the two. (Choosing // the LARGER of the two could cause overflow.) const widthScalar = (maxRowWidth - (widestRow.length - 1) * PARTICIPANT_MARGIN) / totalRowWidthAtHeight(widestRow, minRenderedHeight); const heightScalar = (maxGridHeight - (rows.length - 1) * PARTICIPANT_MARGIN) / (rows.length * minRenderedHeight); return Math.min(widthScalar, heightScalar); } function isGroupCallRemoteParticipant( tile: ParticipantTileType ): tile is GroupCallRemoteParticipantType { return 'demuxId' in tile; } function isPaginationButton( tile: ParticipantTileType ): tile is PaginationButtonType { return 'isPaginationButton' in tile; }