// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ChangeEvent, ClipboardEvent } from 'react'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'react'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import * as grapheme from '../util/grapheme'; import { AvatarColorPicker } from './AvatarColorPicker'; import { AvatarColors } from '../types/Colors'; import type { AvatarDataType } from '../types/Avatar'; import { AvatarModalButtons } from './AvatarModalButtons'; import { BetterAvatarBubble } from './BetterAvatarBubble'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import { avatarDataToBytes } from '../util/avatarDataToBytes'; import { createAvatarData } from '../util/createAvatarData'; import { getFittedFontSize, getFontSizes, } from '../util/avatarTextSizeCalculator'; type DoneHandleType = ( avatarBuffer: Uint8Array, avatarData: AvatarDataType ) => unknown; export type PropsType = { avatarData?: AvatarDataType; i18n: LocalizerType; onCancel: () => unknown; onDone: DoneHandleType; }; const BUBBLE_SIZE = 120; const MAX_LENGTH = 3; export function AvatarTextEditor({ avatarData, i18n, onCancel, onDone, }: PropsType): JSX.Element { const initialText = useMemo(() => avatarData?.text || '', [avatarData]); const initialColor = useMemo( () => avatarData?.color || AvatarColors[0], [avatarData] ); const [inputText, setInputText] = useState(initialText); const [fontSize, setFontSize] = useState(getFontSizes(BUBBLE_SIZE).text); const [selectedColor, setSelectedColor] = useState(initialColor); const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null); const focusInput = useCallback(() => { const inputEl = inputRef?.current; if (inputEl) { inputEl.focus(); } }, []); const handleChange = useCallback( (ev: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const { value } = ev.target; if (grapheme.count(value) <= MAX_LENGTH) { setInputText(ev.target.value); } }, [setInputText] ); const handlePaste = useCallback( (ev: ClipboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const inputEl = ev.currentTarget; const selectionStart = inputEl.selectionStart || 0; const selectionEnd = inputEl.selectionEnd || inputEl.selectionStart || 0; const textBeforeSelection = inputText.slice(0, selectionStart); const textAfterSelection = inputText.slice(selectionEnd); const pastedText = ev.clipboardData.getData('Text'); const newGraphemeCount = grapheme.count(textBeforeSelection) + grapheme.count(pastedText) + grapheme.count(textAfterSelection); if (newGraphemeCount > MAX_LENGTH) { ev.preventDefault(); } }, [inputText] ); const onDoneRef = useRef<DoneHandleType>(onDone); // Make sure we keep onDoneRef up to date useEffect(() => { onDoneRef.current = onDone; }, [onDone]); const handleDone = useCallback(async () => { const newAvatarData = createAvatarData({ color: selectedColor, text: inputText, }); const buffer = await avatarDataToBytes(newAvatarData); onDoneRef.current(buffer, newAvatarData); }, [inputText, selectedColor]); // In case the component unmounts before we're able to create the avatar data // we set the done handler to a no-op. useEffect(() => { return () => { onDoneRef.current = noop; }; }, []); const measureElRef = useRef<null | HTMLDivElement>(null); useEffect(() => { const measureEl = measureElRef.current; if (!measureEl) { return; } const nextFontSize = getFittedFontSize( BUBBLE_SIZE, inputText, candidateFontSize => { measureEl.style.fontSize = `${candidateFontSize}px`; const { width, height } = measureEl.getBoundingClientRect(); return { height, width }; } ); setFontSize(nextFontSize); }, [inputText]); useEffect(() => { focusInput(); }, [focusInput]); const hasChanges = initialText !== inputText || selectedColor !== initialColor; return ( <> <div className="AvatarEditor__preview"> <BetterAvatarBubble color={selectedColor} i18n={i18n} onSelect={focusInput} style={{ height: BUBBLE_SIZE, width: BUBBLE_SIZE, }} > <input className="AvatarTextEditor__input" onChange={handleChange} onPaste={handlePaste} ref={inputRef} style={{ fontSize }} type="text" dir="auto" value={inputText} /> </BetterAvatarBubble> </div> <hr className="AvatarEditor__divider" /> <AvatarColorPicker i18n={i18n} onColorSelected={color => { setSelectedColor(color); focusInput(); }} selectedColor={selectedColor} /> <AvatarModalButtons hasChanges={hasChanges} i18n={i18n} onCancel={onCancel} onSave={handleDone} /> <div className="AvatarTextEditor__measure" ref={measureElRef}> {inputText} </div> </> ); }