var path = require('path'); var packageJson = require('./package.json'); module.exports = function(grunt) { 'use strict'; var bower = grunt.file.readJSON('bower.json'); var components = []; for (var i in { components.push([i]); } var libtextsecurecomponents = []; for (i in bower.concat.libtextsecure) { libtextsecurecomponents.push(bower.concat.libtextsecure[i]); } var importOnce = require('node-sass-import-once'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-sass'); grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), concat: { components: { src: components, dest: 'js/components.js', }, libtextsecurecomponents: { src: libtextsecurecomponents, dest: 'libtextsecure/components.js', }, test: { src: [ 'node_modules/mocha/mocha.js', 'node_modules/chai/chai.js', 'test/_test.js', ], dest: 'test/test.js', }, //TODO: Move errors back down? libtextsecure: { options: { banner: ';(function() {\n', footer: '})();\n', }, src: [ 'libtextsecure/errors.js', 'libtextsecure/libsignal-protocol.js', 'libtextsecure/protocol_wrapper.js', 'libtextsecure/crypto.js', 'libtextsecure/storage.js', 'libtextsecure/storage/user.js', 'libtextsecure/storage/groups.js', 'libtextsecure/storage/unprocessed.js', 'libtextsecure/protobufs.js', 'libtextsecure/helpers.js', 'libtextsecure/stringview.js', 'libtextsecure/event_target.js', 'libtextsecure/account_manager.js', 'libtextsecure/websocket-resources.js', 'libtextsecure/message_receiver.js', 'libtextsecure/outgoing_message.js', 'libtextsecure/sendmessage.js', 'libtextsecure/sync_request.js', 'libtextsecure/contacts_parser.js', 'libtextsecure/ProvisioningCipher.js', 'libtextsecure/task_with_timeout.js', ], dest: 'js/libtextsecure.js', }, libtextsecuretest: { src: [ 'node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js', 'components/mock-socket/dist/mock-socket.js', 'node_modules/mocha/mocha.js', 'node_modules/chai/chai.js', 'libtextsecure/test/_test.js', ], dest: 'libtextsecure/test/test.js', }, }, sass: { options: { sourceMap: true, importer: importOnce, }, dev: { files: { 'stylesheets/manifest.css': 'stylesheets/manifest.scss', }, }, }, jshint: { files: [ 'Gruntfile.js', 'js/**/*.js', '!js/background.js', '!js/backup.js', '!js/components.js', '!js/database.js', '!js/libsignal-protocol-worker.js', '!js/libtextsecure.js', '!js/logging.js', '!js/expiring_messages.js', '!js/modules/**/*.js', '!js/Mp3LameEncoder.min.js', '!js/settings_start.js', '!js/signal_protocol_store.js', '!js/views/clear_data_view.js', '!js/views/conversation_search_view.js', '!js/views/conversation_view.js', '!js/views/debug_log_view.js', '!js/views/file_input_view.js', '!js/views/message_view.js', '!js/views/settings_view.js', '!js/models/conversations.js', '!js/models/messages.js', '!js/WebAudioRecorderMp3.js', '!libtextsecure/message_receiver.js', '_locales/**/*', ], options: { jshintrc: '.jshintrc' }, }, copy: { deps: { files: [ { src: 'components/mp3lameencoder/lib/Mp3LameEncoder.js', dest: 'js/Mp3LameEncoder.min.js', }, { src: 'components/webaudiorecorder/lib/WebAudioRecorderMp3.js', dest: 'js/WebAudioRecorderMp3.js', }, ], }, }, watch: { libtextsecure: { files: ['./libtextsecure/*.js', './libtextsecure/storage/*.js'], tasks: ['concat:libtextsecure'], }, protobuf: { files: ['./protos/SignalService.proto'], tasks: ['exec:build-protobuf'], }, sass: { files: ['./stylesheets/*.scss'], tasks: ['sass'], }, scripts: { files: ['<%= jshint.files %>'], tasks: ['jshint'], }, transpile: { files: ['./ts/**/*.ts'], tasks: ['exec:transpile'], }, }, exec: { 'tx-pull': { cmd: 'tx pull', }, transpile: { cmd: 'yarn transpile', }, 'build-protobuf': { cmd: 'yarn build-protobuf', }, }, 'test-release': { osx: { archive: 'mac/' + packageJson.productName + '.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar', appUpdateYML: 'mac/' + packageJson.productName + '.app/Contents/Resources/app-update.yml', exe: 'mac/' + packageJson.productName + '.app/Contents/MacOS/' + packageJson.productName, }, mas: { archive: 'mas/', appUpdateYML: 'mac/', exe: 'mas/' + packageJson.productName + '.app/Contents/MacOS/' + packageJson.productName, }, linux: { archive: 'linux-unpacked/resources/app.asar', exe: 'linux-unpacked/' +, }, win: { archive: 'win-unpacked/resources/app.asar', appUpdateYML: 'win-unpacked/resources/app-update.yml', exe: 'win-unpacked/' + packageJson.productName + '.exe', }, }, gitinfo: {}, // to be populated by grunt gitinfo }); Object.keys(grunt.config.get('pkg').devDependencies).forEach(function(key) { if (/^grunt(?!(-cli)?$)/.test(key)) { // ignore grunt and grunt-cli grunt.loadNpmTasks(key); } }); // Transifex does not understand placeholders, so this task patches all non-en // locales with missing placeholders grunt.registerTask('locale-patch', function() { var en = grunt.file.readJSON('_locales/en/messages.json'); grunt.file.recurse('_locales', function( abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename ) { if (subdir === 'en' || filename !== 'messages.json') { return; } var messages = grunt.file.readJSON(abspath); for (var key in messages) { if (en[key] !== undefined && messages[key] !== undefined) { if ( en[key].placeholders !== undefined && messages[key].placeholders === undefined ) { messages[key].placeholders = en[key].placeholders; } } } grunt.file.write(abspath, JSON.stringify(messages, null, 4) + '\n'); }); }); grunt.registerTask('getExpireTime', function() { grunt.task.requires('gitinfo'); var gitinfo = grunt.config.get('gitinfo'); var commited = gitinfo.local.branch.current.lastCommitTime; var time = Date.parse(commited) + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 90; grunt.file.write( 'config/local-production.json', JSON.stringify({ buildExpiration: time }) + '\n' ); }); grunt.registerTask('clean-release', function() { require('rimraf').sync('release'); require('mkdirp').sync('release'); }); function runTests(environment, cb) { var failure; var Application = require('spectron').Application; var electronBinary = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'electron.cmd' : 'electron'; var app = new Application({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', '.bin', electronBinary), args: [path.join(__dirname, 'main.js')], env: { NODE_ENV: environment, }, requireName: 'unused', }); function getMochaResults() { return window.mochaResults; } app .start() .then(function() { return app.client.waitUntil( function() { return app.client.execute(getMochaResults).then(function(data) { return Boolean(data.value); }); }, 10000, 'Expected to find window.mochaResults set!' ); }) .then(function() { return app.client.execute(getMochaResults); }) .then(function(data) { var results = data.value; if (results.failures > 0) { console.error(results.reports); failure = function() { 'Found ' + results.failures + ' failing unit tests.' ); }; return app.client.log('browser'); } else { grunt.log.ok(results.passes + ' tests passed.'); } }) .then(function(logs) { if (logs) { console.error(); console.error('Because tests failed, printing browser logs:'); console.error(logs); } }) .catch(function(error) { failure = function() { 'Something went wrong: ' + error.message + ' ' + error.stack ); }; }) .then(function() { // We need to use the failure variable and this early stop to clean up before // shutting down. Grunt's fail methods are the only way to set the return value, // but they shut the process down immediately! if (failure) { console.log(); console.log('Main process logs:'); return app.client.getMainProcessLogs().then(function(logs) { logs.forEach(function(log) { console.log(log); }); return app.stop(); }); } else { return app.stop(); } }) .then(function() { if (failure) { failure(); } cb(); }) .catch(function(error) { console.error('Second-level error:', error.message, error.stack); if (failure) { failure(); } cb(); }); } grunt.registerTask('unit-tests', 'Run unit tests w/Electron', function() { var environment = grunt.option('env') || 'test'; var done = this.async(); runTests(environment, done); }); grunt.registerTask( 'lib-unit-tests', 'Run libtextsecure unit tests w/Electron', function() { var environment = grunt.option('env') || 'test-lib'; var done = this.async(); runTests(environment, done); } ); grunt.registerMultiTask('test-release', 'Test packaged releases', function() { var dir = grunt.option('dir') || 'dist'; var environment = grunt.option('env') || 'production'; var asar = require('asar'); var config =; var archive = [dir, config.archive].join('/'); var files = [ 'config/default.json', 'config/' + environment + '.json', 'config/local-' + environment + '.json', ]; console.log(, archive); var releaseFiles = files.concat(config.files || []); releaseFiles.forEach(function(fileName) { console.log(fileName); try { asar.statFile(archive, fileName); return true; } catch (e) { console.log(e); throw new Error('Missing file ' + fileName); } }); if (config.appUpdateYML) { var appUpdateYML = [dir, config.appUpdateYML].join('/'); if (require('fs').existsSync(appUpdateYML)) { console.log('auto update ok'); } else { throw new Error('Missing auto update config ' + appUpdateYML); } } var done = this.async(); // A simple test to verify a visible window is opened with a title var Application = require('spectron').Application; var assert = require('assert'); var app = new Application({ path: [dir, config.exe].join('/'), requireName: 'unused', }); app .start() .then(function() { return app.client.getWindowCount(); }) .then(function(count) { assert.equal(count, 1); console.log('window opened'); }) .then(function() { // Get the window's title return app.client.getTitle(); }) .then(function(title) { // Verify the window's title assert.equal(title, packageJson.productName); console.log('title ok'); }) .then(function() { assert( app.chromeDriver.logLines.indexOf('NODE_ENV ' + environment) > -1 ); console.log('environment ok'); }) .then( function() { // Successfully completed test return app.stop(); }, function(error) { // Test failed! return app.stop().then(function() { 'Test failed: ' + error.message + ' ' + error.stack ); }); } ) .then(done); }); grunt.registerTask('tx', ['exec:tx-pull', 'locale-patch']); grunt.registerTask('dev', ['default', 'watch']); grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jshint']); grunt.registerTask('test', ['unit-tests', 'lib-unit-tests']); grunt.registerTask('date', ['gitinfo', 'getExpireTime']); grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'exec:build-protobuf', 'exec:transpile', 'concat', 'copy:deps', 'sass', 'date', ]); };