/* global $: false */ /* global _: false */ /* global Backbone: false */ /* global filesize: false */ /* global i18n: false */ /* global Signal: false */ /* global Whisper: false */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function() { 'use strict'; const FileView = Whisper.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className: 'fileView', templateName: 'file-view', render_attributes() { return this.model; }, }); const ImageView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'img', initialize(blobUrl) { this.blobUrl = blobUrl; }, events: { load: 'update', }, update() { this.trigger('update'); }, render() { this.$el.attr('src', this.blobUrl); return this; }, }); const MediaView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize(dataUrl, { contentType } = {}) { this.dataUrl = dataUrl; this.contentType = contentType; this.$el.attr('controls', ''); }, events: { canplay: 'canplay', }, canplay() { this.trigger('update'); }, render() { const $el = $('<source>'); $el.attr('src', this.dataUrl); this.$el.append($el); return this; }, }); const AudioView = MediaView.extend({ tagName: 'audio' }); const VideoView = MediaView.extend({ tagName: 'video' }); // Blacklist common file types known to be unsupported in Chrome const unsupportedFileTypes = ['audio/aiff', 'video/quicktime']; Whisper.AttachmentView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'div', className() { if (this.isImage()) { return 'attachment'; } return 'attachment bubbled'; }, initialize(options) { this.blob = new Blob([this.model.data], { type: this.model.contentType }); if (!this.model.size) { this.model.size = this.model.data.byteLength; } if (options.timestamp) { this.timestamp = options.timestamp; } }, events: { click: 'onClick', }, unload() { this.blob = null; if (this.lightboxView) { this.lightboxView.remove(); } if (this.fileView) { this.fileView.remove(); } if (this.view) { this.view.remove(); } this.remove(); }, onClick() { if (!this.isImage()) { this.saveFile(); return; } const props = { objectURL: this.objectUrl, contentType: this.model.contentType, onSave: () => this.saveFile(), // implicit: `close` }; this.lightboxView = new Whisper.ReactWrapperView({ Component: Signal.Components.Lightbox, props, onClose: () => Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.hide(), }); Signal.Backbone.Views.Lightbox.show(this.lightboxView.el); }, isVoiceMessage() { return Signal.Types.Attachment.isVoiceMessage(this.model); }, isAudio() { const { contentType } = this.model; // TODO: Implement and use `Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isAudioTypeSupported`: return Signal.Types.MIME.isAudio(contentType); }, isVideo() { const { contentType } = this.model; return Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported(contentType); }, isImage() { const { contentType } = this.model; return Signal.Util.GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported(contentType); }, mediaType() { if (this.isVoiceMessage()) { return 'voice'; } else if (this.isAudio()) { return 'audio'; } else if (this.isVideo()) { return 'video'; } else if (this.isImage()) { return 'image'; } // NOTE: The existing code had no `return` but ESLint insists. Thought // about throwing an error assuming this was unreachable code but it turns // out that content type `image/tiff` falls through here: return undefined; }, displayName() { if (this.isVoiceMessage()) { return i18n('voiceMessage'); } if (this.model.fileName) { return this.model.fileName; } if (this.isAudio() || this.isVideo()) { return i18n('mediaMessage'); } return i18n('unnamedFile'); }, saveFile() { Signal.Types.Attachment.save({ attachment: this.model, document, getAbsolutePath: Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, timestamp: this.timestamp, }); }, render() { if (!this.isImage()) { this.renderFileView(); } let View; if (this.isImage()) { View = ImageView; } else if (this.isAudio()) { View = AudioView; } else if (this.isVideo()) { View = VideoView; } if (!View || _.contains(unsupportedFileTypes, this.model.contentType)) { this.update(); return this; } if (!this.objectUrl) { this.objectUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.blob); } const { blob } = this; const { contentType } = this.model; this.view = new View(this.objectUrl, { blob, contentType }); this.view.$el.appendTo(this.$el); this.listenTo(this.view, 'update', this.update); this.view.render(); if (View !== ImageView) { this.timeout = setTimeout(this.onTimeout.bind(this), 5000); } return this; }, onTimeout() { // Image or media element failed to load. Fall back to FileView. this.stopListening(this.view); this.update(); }, renderFileView() { this.fileView = new FileView({ model: { mediaType: this.mediaType(), fileName: this.displayName(), fileSize: filesize(this.model.size), altText: i18n('clickToSave'), }, }); this.fileView.$el.appendTo(this.$el.empty()); this.fileView.render(); return this; }, update() { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.trigger('update'); }, }); })();