/* global Whisper, i18n, getAccountManager, $, textsecure, QRCode */ /* eslint-disable more/no-then */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (function() { 'use strict'; window.Whisper = window.Whisper || {}; const Steps = { INSTALL_SIGNAL: 2, SCAN_QR_CODE: 3, ENTER_NAME: 4, PROGRESS_BAR: 5, TOO_MANY_DEVICES: 'TooManyDevices', NETWORK_ERROR: 'NetworkError', }; const DEVICE_NAME_SELECTOR = 'input.device-name'; const CONNECTION_ERROR = -1; const TOO_MANY_DEVICES = 411; Whisper.InstallView = Whisper.View.extend({ templateName: 'link-flow-template', className: 'main full-screen-flow', events: { 'click .try-again': 'connect', 'click .finish': 'finishLinking', // the actual next step happens in confirmNumber() on submit form #link-phone }, initialize(options = {}) { window.readyForUpdates(); this.selectStep(Steps.SCAN_QR_CODE); this.connect(); this.on('disconnected', this.reconnect); // Keep data around if it's a re-link, or the middle of a light import this.shouldRetainData = window.Signal.Util.Registration.everDone() || options.hasExistingData; }, render_attributes() { let errorMessage; if (this.error) { if ( this.error.name === 'HTTPError' && this.error.code === TOO_MANY_DEVICES ) { errorMessage = i18n('installTooManyDevices'); } else if ( this.error.name === 'HTTPError' && this.error.code === CONNECTION_ERROR ) { errorMessage = i18n('installConnectionFailed'); } else if (this.error.message === 'websocket closed') { // AccountManager.registerSecondDevice uses this specific // 'websocket closed' error message errorMessage = i18n('installConnectionFailed'); } return { isError: true, errorHeader: 'Something went wrong!', errorMessage, errorButton: 'Try again', }; } return { isStep3: this.step === Steps.SCAN_QR_CODE, linkYourPhone: i18n('linkYourPhone'), signalSettings: i18n('signalSettings'), linkedDevices: i18n('linkedDevices'), androidFinalStep: i18n('plusButton'), appleFinalStep: i18n('linkNewDevice'), isStep4: this.step === Steps.ENTER_NAME, chooseName: i18n('chooseDeviceName'), finishLinkingPhoneButton: i18n('finishLinkingPhone'), isStep5: this.step === Steps.PROGRESS_BAR, syncing: i18n('initialSync'), }; }, selectStep(step) { this.step = step; this.render(); }, connect() { this.error = null; this.selectStep(Steps.SCAN_QR_CODE); this.clearQR(); if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } const accountManager = getAccountManager(); accountManager .registerSecondDevice( this.setProvisioningUrl.bind(this), this.confirmNumber.bind(this) ) .catch(this.handleDisconnect.bind(this)); }, handleDisconnect(error) { window.log.error( 'provisioning failed', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); this.error = error; this.render(); if (error.message === 'websocket closed') { this.trigger('disconnected'); } else if ( error.name !== 'HTTPError' || (error.code !== CONNECTION_ERROR && error.code !== TOO_MANY_DEVICES) ) { throw error; } }, reconnect() { if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } this.timeout = setTimeout(this.connect.bind(this), 10000); }, clearQR() { this.$('#qr img').remove(); this.$('#qr canvas').remove(); this.$('#qr .container').show(); this.$('#qr').removeClass('ready'); }, setProvisioningUrl(url) { if ($('#qr').length === 0) { window.log.error('Did not find #qr element in the DOM!'); return; } this.$('#qr .container').hide(); this.qr = new QRCode(this.$('#qr')[0]).makeCode(url); this.$('#qr').removeAttr('title'); this.$('#qr').addClass('ready'); }, setDeviceNameDefault() { const deviceName = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceName(); this.$(DEVICE_NAME_SELECTOR).val(deviceName || window.getHostName()); this.$(DEVICE_NAME_SELECTOR).focus(); }, finishLinking() { // We use a form so we get submit-on-enter behavior this.$('#link-phone').submit(); }, confirmNumber() { const tsp = textsecure.storage.protocol; window.removeSetupMenuItems(); this.selectStep(Steps.ENTER_NAME); this.setDeviceNameDefault(); return new Promise(resolve => { this.$('#link-phone').submit(e => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); let name = this.$(DEVICE_NAME_SELECTOR).val(); name = name.replace(/\0/g, ''); // strip unicode null if (name.trim().length === 0) { this.$(DEVICE_NAME_SELECTOR).focus(); return null; } this.selectStep(Steps.PROGRESS_BAR); const finish = () => resolve(name); // Delete all data from database unless we're in the middle // of a re-link, or we are finishing a light import. Without this, // app restarts at certain times can cause weird things to happen, // like data from a previous incomplete light import showing up // after a new install. if (this.shouldRetainData) { return finish(); } return tsp.removeAllData().then(finish, error => { window.log.error( 'confirmNumber: error clearing database', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); return finish(); }); }); }); }, }); })();