/* global _, textsecure, WebAPI, libsignal, OutgoingMessage, window, dcodeIO */ /* eslint-disable more/no-then, no-bitwise */ function stringToArrayBuffer(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new Error('Passed non-string to stringToArrayBuffer'); } const res = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); const uint = new Uint8Array(res); for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 1) { uint[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return res; } function hexStringToArrayBuffer(string) { return dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(string, 'hex').toArrayBuffer(); } function base64ToArrayBuffer(string) { return dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(string, 'base64').toArrayBuffer(); } function Message(options) { this.attachments = options.attachments || []; this.body = options.body; this.expireTimer = options.expireTimer; this.flags = options.flags; this.group = options.group; this.needsSync = options.needsSync; this.preview = options.preview; this.profileKey = options.profileKey; this.quote = options.quote; this.recipients = options.recipients; this.sticker = options.sticker; this.reaction = options.reaction; this.timestamp = options.timestamp; if (!(this.recipients instanceof Array)) { throw new Error('Invalid recipient list'); } if (!this.group && this.recipients.length !== 1) { throw new Error('Invalid recipient list for non-group'); } if (typeof this.timestamp !== 'number') { throw new Error('Invalid timestamp'); } if (this.expireTimer !== undefined && this.expireTimer !== null) { if (typeof this.expireTimer !== 'number' || !(this.expireTimer >= 0)) { throw new Error('Invalid expireTimer'); } } if (this.attachments) { if (!(this.attachments instanceof Array)) { throw new Error('Invalid message attachments'); } } if (this.flags !== undefined) { if (typeof this.flags !== 'number') { throw new Error('Invalid message flags'); } } if (this.isEndSession()) { if ( this.body !== null || this.group !== null || this.attachments.length !== 0 ) { throw new Error('Invalid end session message'); } } else { if ( typeof this.timestamp !== 'number' || (this.body && typeof this.body !== 'string') ) { throw new Error('Invalid message body'); } if (this.group) { if ( typeof this.group.id !== 'string' || typeof this.group.type !== 'number' ) { throw new Error('Invalid group context'); } } } } Message.prototype = { constructor: Message, isEndSession() { return this.flags & textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION; }, toProto() { if (this.dataMessage instanceof textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage) { return this.dataMessage; } const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage(); proto.timestamp = this.timestamp; proto.attachments = this.attachmentPointers; if (this.body) { proto.body = this.body; } if (this.flags) { proto.flags = this.flags; } if (this.group) { proto.group = new textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext(); proto.group.id = stringToArrayBuffer(this.group.id); proto.group.type = this.group.type; } if (this.sticker) { proto.sticker = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Sticker(); proto.sticker.packId = hexStringToArrayBuffer(this.sticker.packId); proto.sticker.packKey = base64ToArrayBuffer(this.sticker.packKey); proto.sticker.stickerId = this.sticker.stickerId; if (this.sticker.attachmentPointer) { proto.sticker.data = this.sticker.attachmentPointer; } } if (this.reaction) { proto.reaction = this.reaction; } if (Array.isArray(this.preview)) { proto.preview = this.preview.map(preview => { const item = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Preview(); item.title = preview.title; item.url = preview.url; item.image = preview.image || null; return item; }); } if (this.quote) { const { QuotedAttachment } = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Quote; const { Quote } = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage; proto.quote = new Quote(); const { quote } = proto; quote.id = this.quote.id; quote.author = this.quote.author; quote.text = this.quote.text; quote.attachments = (this.quote.attachments || []).map(attachment => { const quotedAttachment = new QuotedAttachment(); quotedAttachment.contentType = attachment.contentType; quotedAttachment.fileName = attachment.fileName; if (attachment.attachmentPointer) { quotedAttachment.thumbnail = attachment.attachmentPointer; } return quotedAttachment; }); } if (this.expireTimer) { proto.expireTimer = this.expireTimer; } if (this.profileKey) { proto.profileKey = this.profileKey; } this.dataMessage = proto; return proto; }, toArrayBuffer() { return this.toProto().toArrayBuffer(); }, }; function MessageSender(username, password) { this.server = WebAPI.connect({ username, password }); this.pendingMessages = {}; } MessageSender.prototype = { constructor: MessageSender, _getAttachmentSizeBucket(size) { return Math.max( 541, Math.floor(1.05 ** Math.ceil(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1.05))) ); }, getPaddedAttachment(data, shouldPad) { if (!window.PAD_ALL_ATTACHMENTS && !shouldPad) { return data; } const size = data.byteLength; const paddedSize = this._getAttachmentSizeBucket(size); const padding = window.Signal.Crypto.getZeroes(paddedSize - size); return window.Signal.Crypto.concatenateBytes(data, padding); }, async makeAttachmentPointer(attachment, shouldPad = false) { if (typeof attachment !== 'object' || attachment == null) { return Promise.resolve(undefined); } const { data, size } = attachment; if (!(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) && !ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { throw new Error( `makeAttachmentPointer: data was a '${typeof data}' instead of ArrayBuffer/ArrayBufferView` ); } if (data.byteLength !== size) { throw new Error( `makeAttachmentPointer: Size ${size} did not match data.byteLength ${data.byteLength}` ); } const padded = this.getPaddedAttachment(data, shouldPad); const key = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(64); const iv = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(16); const result = await textsecure.crypto.encryptAttachment(padded, key, iv); const id = await this.server.putAttachment(result.ciphertext); const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.AttachmentPointer(); proto.id = id; proto.contentType = attachment.contentType; proto.key = key; proto.size = attachment.size; proto.digest = result.digest; if (attachment.fileName) { proto.fileName = attachment.fileName; } if (attachment.flags) { proto.flags = attachment.flags; } if (attachment.width) { proto.width = attachment.width; } if (attachment.height) { proto.height = attachment.height; } if (attachment.caption) { proto.caption = attachment.caption; } return proto; }, queueJobForNumber(number, runJob) { this.pendingMessages[number] = this.pendingMessages[number] || new window.PQueue({ concurrency: 1 }); const queue = this.pendingMessages[number]; const taskWithTimeout = textsecure.createTaskWithTimeout( runJob, `queueJobForNumber ${number}` ); queue.add(taskWithTimeout); }, uploadAttachments(message) { return Promise.all( message.attachments.map(this.makeAttachmentPointer.bind(this)) ) .then(attachmentPointers => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign message.attachmentPointers = attachmentPointers; }) .catch(error => { if (error instanceof Error && error.name === 'HTTPError') { throw new textsecure.MessageError(message, error); } else { throw error; } }); }, async uploadLinkPreviews(message) { try { const preview = await Promise.all( (message.preview || []).map(async item => ({ ...item, image: await this.makeAttachmentPointer(item.image), })) ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign message.preview = preview; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error && error.name === 'HTTPError') { throw new textsecure.MessageError(message, error); } else { throw error; } } }, async uploadSticker(message) { try { const { sticker } = message; if (!sticker || !sticker.data) { return; } const shouldPad = true; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign message.sticker = { ...sticker, attachmentPointer: await this.makeAttachmentPointer( sticker.data, shouldPad ), }; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error && error.name === 'HTTPError') { throw new textsecure.MessageError(message, error); } else { throw error; } } }, uploadThumbnails(message) { const makePointer = this.makeAttachmentPointer.bind(this); const { quote } = message; if (!quote || !quote.attachments || quote.attachments.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.all( quote.attachments.map(attachment => { const { thumbnail } = attachment; if (!thumbnail) { return null; } return makePointer(thumbnail).then(pointer => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign attachment.attachmentPointer = pointer; }); }) ).catch(error => { if (error instanceof Error && error.name === 'HTTPError') { throw new textsecure.MessageError(message, error); } else { throw error; } }); }, sendMessage(attrs, options) { const message = new Message(attrs); const silent = false; return Promise.all([ this.uploadAttachments(message), this.uploadThumbnails(message), this.uploadLinkPreviews(message), this.uploadSticker(message), ]).then( () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.sendMessageProto( message.timestamp, message.recipients, message.toProto(), res => { res.dataMessage = message.toArrayBuffer(); if (res.errors.length > 0) { reject(res); } else { resolve(res); } }, silent, options ); }) ); }, sendMessageProto( timestamp, numbers, message, callback, silent, options = {} ) { const rejections = textsecure.storage.get('signedKeyRotationRejected', 0); if (rejections > 5) { throw new textsecure.SignedPreKeyRotationError( numbers, message.toArrayBuffer(), timestamp ); } const outgoing = new OutgoingMessage( this.server, timestamp, numbers, message, silent, callback, options ); numbers.forEach(number => { this.queueJobForNumber(number, () => outgoing.sendToNumber(number)); }); }, sendMessageProtoAndWait(timestamp, numbers, message, silent, options = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const callback = result => { if (result && result.errors && result.errors.length > 0) { return reject(result); } return resolve(result); }; this.sendMessageProto( timestamp, numbers, message, callback, silent, options ); }); }, sendIndividualProto(number, proto, timestamp, silent, options = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const callback = res => { if (res && res.errors && res.errors.length > 0) { reject(res); } else { resolve(res); } }; this.sendMessageProto( timestamp, [number], proto, callback, silent, options ); }); }, createSyncMessage() { const syncMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage(); // Generate a random int from 1 and 512 const buffer = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(1); const paddingLength = (new Uint8Array(buffer)[0] & 0x1ff) + 1; // Generate a random padding buffer of the chosen size syncMessage.padding = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(paddingLength); return syncMessage; }, sendSyncMessage( encodedDataMessage, timestamp, destination, expirationStartTimestamp, sentTo = [], unidentifiedDeliveries = [], isUpdate = false, options ) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myDevice === 1 || myDevice === '1') { return Promise.resolve(); } const dataMessage = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.decode( encodedDataMessage ); const sentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Sent(); sentMessage.timestamp = timestamp; sentMessage.message = dataMessage; if (destination) { sentMessage.destination = destination; } if (expirationStartTimestamp) { sentMessage.expirationStartTimestamp = expirationStartTimestamp; } const unidentifiedLookup = unidentifiedDeliveries.reduce( (accumulator, item) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign accumulator[item] = true; return accumulator; }, Object.create(null) ); if (isUpdate) { sentMessage.isRecipientUpdate = true; } // Though this field has 'unidenified' in the name, it should have entries for each // number we sent to. if (sentTo && sentTo.length) { sentMessage.unidentifiedStatus = sentTo.map(number => { const status = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Sent.UnidentifiedDeliveryStatus(); status.destination = number; status.unidentified = Boolean(unidentifiedLookup[number]); return status; }); } const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.sent = sentMessage; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, contentMessage, timestamp, silent, options ); }, async getProfile(number, { accessKey } = {}) { if (accessKey) { return this.server.getProfileUnauth(number, { accessKey }); } return this.server.getProfile(number); }, getAvatar(path) { return this.server.getAvatar(path); }, getSticker(packId, stickerId) { return this.server.getSticker(packId, stickerId); }, getStickerPackManifest(packId) { return this.server.getStickerPackManifest(packId); }, sendRequestBlockSyncMessage(options) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myDevice !== 1 && myDevice !== '1') { const request = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Request(); request.type = textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Request.Type.BLOCKED; const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.request = request; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); } return Promise.resolve(); }, sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage(options) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myDevice !== 1 && myDevice !== '1') { const request = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Request(); request.type = textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Request.Type.CONFIGURATION; const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.request = request; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); } return Promise.resolve(); }, sendRequestGroupSyncMessage(options) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myDevice !== 1 && myDevice !== '1') { const request = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Request(); request.type = textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Request.Type.GROUPS; const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.request = request; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); } return Promise.resolve(); }, sendRequestContactSyncMessage(options) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myDevice !== 1 && myDevice !== '1') { const request = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Request(); request.type = textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Request.Type.CONTACTS; const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.request = request; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); } return Promise.resolve(); }, async sendTypingMessage(options = {}, sendOptions = {}) { const ACTION_ENUM = textsecure.protobuf.TypingMessage.Action; const { recipientId, groupId, groupNumbers, isTyping, timestamp } = options; // We don't want to send typing messages to our other devices, but we will // in the group case. const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); if (recipientId && myNumber === recipientId) { return null; } if (!recipientId && !groupId) { throw new Error('Need to provide either recipientId or groupId!'); } const recipients = groupId ? _.without(groupNumbers, myNumber) : [recipientId]; const groupIdBuffer = groupId ? window.Signal.Crypto.fromEncodedBinaryToArrayBuffer(groupId) : null; const action = isTyping ? ACTION_ENUM.STARTED : ACTION_ENUM.STOPPED; const finalTimestamp = timestamp || Date.now(); const typingMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.TypingMessage(); typingMessage.groupId = groupIdBuffer; typingMessage.action = action; typingMessage.timestamp = finalTimestamp; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.typingMessage = typingMessage; const silent = true; const online = true; return this.sendMessageProtoAndWait( finalTimestamp, recipients, contentMessage, silent, { ...sendOptions, online, } ); }, sendDeliveryReceipt(recipientId, timestamps, options) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myNumber === recipientId && (myDevice === 1 || myDevice === '1')) { return Promise.resolve(); } const receiptMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.ReceiptMessage(); receiptMessage.type = textsecure.protobuf.ReceiptMessage.Type.DELIVERY; receiptMessage.timestamp = timestamps; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.receiptMessage = receiptMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( recipientId, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); }, sendReadReceipts(sender, timestamps, options) { const receiptMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.ReceiptMessage(); receiptMessage.type = textsecure.protobuf.ReceiptMessage.Type.READ; receiptMessage.timestamp = timestamps; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.receiptMessage = receiptMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( sender, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); }, syncReadMessages(reads, options) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myDevice !== 1 && myDevice !== '1') { const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.read = []; for (let i = 0; i < reads.length; i += 1) { const read = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.Read(); read.timestamp = reads[i].timestamp; read.sender = reads[i].sender; syncMessage.read.push(read); } const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); } return Promise.resolve(); }, async syncViewOnceOpen(sender, timestamp, options) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myDevice === 1 || myDevice === '1') { return null; } const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); const viewOnceOpen = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.ViewOnceOpen(); viewOnceOpen.sender = sender; viewOnceOpen.timestamp = timestamp; syncMessage.viewOnceOpen = viewOnceOpen; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); }, async sendStickerPackSync(operations, options) { const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); if (myDevice === 1 || myDevice === '1') { return null; } const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const ENUM = textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.StickerPackOperation.Type; const packOperations = operations.map(item => { const { packId, packKey, installed } = item; const operation = new textsecure.protobuf.SyncMessage.StickerPackOperation(); operation.packId = hexStringToArrayBuffer(packId); operation.packKey = base64ToArrayBuffer(packKey); operation.type = installed ? ENUM.INSTALL : ENUM.REMOVE; return operation; }); const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.stickerPackOperation = packOperations; const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const silent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, contentMessage, Date.now(), silent, options ); }, syncVerification(destination, state, identityKey, options) { const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const myDevice = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); const now = Date.now(); if (myDevice === 1 || myDevice === '1') { return Promise.resolve(); } // First send a null message to mask the sync message. const nullMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.NullMessage(); // Generate a random int from 1 and 512 const buffer = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(1); const paddingLength = (new Uint8Array(buffer)[0] & 0x1ff) + 1; // Generate a random padding buffer of the chosen size nullMessage.padding = libsignal.crypto.getRandomBytes(paddingLength); const contentMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); contentMessage.nullMessage = nullMessage; // We want the NullMessage to look like a normal outgoing message; not silent const silent = false; const promise = this.sendIndividualProto( destination, contentMessage, now, silent, options ); return promise.then(() => { const verified = new textsecure.protobuf.Verified(); verified.state = state; verified.destination = destination; verified.identityKey = identityKey; verified.nullMessage = nullMessage.padding; const syncMessage = this.createSyncMessage(); syncMessage.verified = verified; const secondMessage = new textsecure.protobuf.Content(); secondMessage.syncMessage = syncMessage; const innerSilent = true; return this.sendIndividualProto( myNumber, secondMessage, now, innerSilent, options ); }); }, sendGroupProto(providedNumbers, proto, timestamp = Date.now(), options = {}) { const me = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const numbers = providedNumbers.filter(number => number !== me); if (numbers.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve({ successfulNumbers: [], failoverNumbers: [], errors: [], unidentifiedDeliveries: [], dataMessage: proto.toArrayBuffer(), }); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const silent = true; const callback = res => { res.dataMessage = proto.toArrayBuffer(); if (res.errors.length > 0) { reject(res); } else { resolve(res); } }; this.sendMessageProto( timestamp, numbers, proto, callback, silent, options ); }); }, async getMessageProto( number, body, attachments, quote, preview, sticker, reaction, timestamp, expireTimer, profileKey, flags ) { const attributes = { recipients: [number], body, timestamp, attachments, quote, preview, sticker, reaction, expireTimer, profileKey, flags, }; return this.getMessageProtoObj(attributes); }, async getMessageProtoObj(attributes) { const message = new Message(attributes); await Promise.all([ this.uploadAttachments(message), this.uploadThumbnails(message), this.uploadLinkPreviews(message), this.uploadSticker(message), ]); return message.toArrayBuffer(); }, sendMessageToNumber( number, messageText, attachments, quote, preview, sticker, reaction, timestamp, expireTimer, profileKey, options ) { return this.sendMessage( { recipients: [number], body: messageText, timestamp, attachments, quote, preview, sticker, reaction, expireTimer, profileKey, }, options ); }, resetSession(number, timestamp, options) { window.log.info('resetting secure session'); const silent = false; const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage(); proto.body = 'TERMINATE'; proto.flags = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.END_SESSION; const logError = prefix => error => { window.log.error(prefix, error && error.stack ? error.stack : error); throw error; }; const deleteAllSessions = targetNumber => textsecure.storage.protocol.getDeviceIds(targetNumber).then(deviceIds => Promise.all( deviceIds.map(deviceId => { const address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress( targetNumber, deviceId ); window.log.info('deleting sessions for', address.toString()); const sessionCipher = new libsignal.SessionCipher( textsecure.storage.protocol, address ); return sessionCipher.deleteAllSessionsForDevice(); }) ) ); const sendToContactPromise = deleteAllSessions(number) .catch(logError('resetSession/deleteAllSessions1 error:')) .then(() => { window.log.info( 'finished closing local sessions, now sending to contact' ); return this.sendIndividualProto( number, proto, timestamp, silent, options ).catch(logError('resetSession/sendToContact error:')); }) .then(() => deleteAllSessions(number).catch( logError('resetSession/deleteAllSessions2 error:') ) ); const myNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); // We already sent the reset session to our other devices in the code above! if (number === myNumber) { return sendToContactPromise; } const buffer = proto.toArrayBuffer(); const sendSyncPromise = this.sendSyncMessage( buffer, timestamp, number, null, [], [], options ).catch(logError('resetSession/sendSync error:')); return Promise.all([sendToContactPromise, sendSyncPromise]); }, async sendMessageToGroup( groupId, groupNumbers, messageText, attachments, quote, preview, sticker, reaction, timestamp, expireTimer, profileKey, options ) { const me = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const numbers = groupNumbers.filter(number => number !== me); const attrs = { recipients: numbers, body: messageText, timestamp, attachments, quote, preview, sticker, reaction, expireTimer, profileKey, group: { id: groupId, type: textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.DELIVER, }, }; if (numbers.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve({ successfulNumbers: [], failoverNumbers: [], errors: [], unidentifiedDeliveries: [], dataMessage: await this.getMessageProtoObj(attrs), }); } return this.sendMessage(attrs, options); }, createGroup(targetNumbers, id, name, avatar, options) { const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage(); proto.group = new textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext(); proto.group.id = stringToArrayBuffer(id); proto.group.type = textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE; proto.group.members = targetNumbers; proto.group.name = name; return this.makeAttachmentPointer(avatar).then(attachment => { proto.group.avatar = attachment; return this.sendGroupProto( targetNumbers, proto, Date.now(), options ).then(() => proto.group.id); }); }, updateGroup(groupId, name, avatar, targetNumbers, options) { const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage(); proto.group = new textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext(); proto.group.id = stringToArrayBuffer(groupId); proto.group.type = textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE; proto.group.name = name; proto.group.members = targetNumbers; return this.makeAttachmentPointer(avatar).then(attachment => { proto.group.avatar = attachment; return this.sendGroupProto( targetNumbers, proto, Date.now(), options ).then(() => proto.group.id); }); }, addNumberToGroup(groupId, newNumbers, options) { const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage(); proto.group = new textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext(); proto.group.id = stringToArrayBuffer(groupId); proto.group.type = textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE; proto.group.members = newNumbers; return this.sendGroupProto(newNumbers, proto, Date.now(), options); }, setGroupName(groupId, name, groupNumbers, options) { const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage(); proto.group = new textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext(); proto.group.id = stringToArrayBuffer(groupId); proto.group.type = textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE; proto.group.name = name; proto.group.members = groupNumbers; return this.sendGroupProto(groupNumbers, proto, Date.now(), options); }, setGroupAvatar(groupId, avatar, groupNumbers, options) { const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage(); proto.group = new textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext(); proto.group.id = stringToArrayBuffer(groupId); proto.group.type = textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE; proto.group.members = groupNumbers; return this.makeAttachmentPointer(avatar).then(attachment => { proto.group.avatar = attachment; return this.sendGroupProto(groupNumbers, proto, Date.now(), options); }); }, leaveGroup(groupId, groupNumbers, options) { const proto = new textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage(); proto.group = new textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext(); proto.group.id = stringToArrayBuffer(groupId); proto.group.type = textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.QUIT; return this.sendGroupProto(groupNumbers, proto, Date.now(), options); }, async sendExpirationTimerUpdateToGroup( groupId, groupNumbers, expireTimer, timestamp, profileKey, options ) { const me = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const numbers = groupNumbers.filter(number => number !== me); const attrs = { recipients: numbers, timestamp, expireTimer, profileKey, flags: textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE, group: { id: groupId, type: textsecure.protobuf.GroupContext.Type.DELIVER, }, }; if (numbers.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve({ successfulNumbers: [], failoverNumbers: [], errors: [], unidentifiedDeliveries: [], dataMessage: await this.getMessageProtoObj(attrs), }); } return this.sendMessage(attrs, options); }, sendExpirationTimerUpdateToNumber( number, expireTimer, timestamp, profileKey, options ) { return this.sendMessage( { recipients: [number], timestamp, expireTimer, profileKey, flags: textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE, }, options ); }, makeProxiedRequest(url, options) { return this.server.makeProxiedRequest(url, options); }, }; window.textsecure = window.textsecure || {}; textsecure.MessageSender = function MessageSenderWrapper(username, password) { const sender = new MessageSender(username, password); this.sendExpirationTimerUpdateToNumber = sender.sendExpirationTimerUpdateToNumber.bind( sender ); this.sendExpirationTimerUpdateToGroup = sender.sendExpirationTimerUpdateToGroup.bind( sender ); this.sendRequestGroupSyncMessage = sender.sendRequestGroupSyncMessage.bind( sender ); this.sendRequestContactSyncMessage = sender.sendRequestContactSyncMessage.bind( sender ); this.sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage = sender.sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage.bind( sender ); this.sendRequestBlockSyncMessage = sender.sendRequestBlockSyncMessage.bind( sender ); this.sendMessageToNumber = sender.sendMessageToNumber.bind(sender); this.sendMessage = sender.sendMessage.bind(sender); this.resetSession = sender.resetSession.bind(sender); this.sendMessageToGroup = sender.sendMessageToGroup.bind(sender); this.sendTypingMessage = sender.sendTypingMessage.bind(sender); this.createGroup = sender.createGroup.bind(sender); this.updateGroup = sender.updateGroup.bind(sender); this.addNumberToGroup = sender.addNumberToGroup.bind(sender); this.setGroupName = sender.setGroupName.bind(sender); this.setGroupAvatar = sender.setGroupAvatar.bind(sender); this.leaveGroup = sender.leaveGroup.bind(sender); this.sendSyncMessage = sender.sendSyncMessage.bind(sender); this.getProfile = sender.getProfile.bind(sender); this.getAvatar = sender.getAvatar.bind(sender); this.syncReadMessages = sender.syncReadMessages.bind(sender); this.syncVerification = sender.syncVerification.bind(sender); this.sendDeliveryReceipt = sender.sendDeliveryReceipt.bind(sender); this.sendReadReceipts = sender.sendReadReceipts.bind(sender); this.makeProxiedRequest = sender.makeProxiedRequest.bind(sender); this.getMessageProto = sender.getMessageProto.bind(sender); this._getAttachmentSizeBucket = sender._getAttachmentSizeBucket.bind(sender); this.getSticker = sender.getSticker.bind(sender); this.getStickerPackManifest = sender.getStickerPackManifest.bind(sender); this.sendStickerPackSync = sender.sendStickerPackSync.bind(sender); this.syncViewOnceOpen = sender.syncViewOnceOpen.bind(sender); }; textsecure.MessageSender.prototype = { constructor: textsecure.MessageSender, };