// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as log from '../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; /** * Provides a way to delay tasks * but also a way to force sleeping tasks to immediately resolve/reject on shutdown */ export class Sleeper { private shuttingDown = false; private shutdownCallbacks: Set<() => void> = new Set(); /** * delay by ms, careful when using on a loop if resolving on shutdown (default) */ sleep( ms: number, reason: string, options?: { resolveOnShutdown?: boolean } ): Promise<void> { log.info(`Sleeper: sleeping for ${ms}ms. Reason: ${reason}`); const resolveOnShutdown = options?.resolveOnShutdown ?? true; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; const shutdownCallback = () => { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } log.info( `Sleeper: resolving sleep task on shutdown. Original reason: ${reason}` ); if (resolveOnShutdown) { setTimeout(resolve, 0); } else { setTimeout(() => { reject( new Error( `Sleeper: rejecting sleep task during shutdown. Original reason: ${reason}` ) ); }, 0); } }; if (this.shuttingDown) { log.info( `Sleeper: sleep called when shutdown is in progress, scheduling immediate ${ resolveOnShutdown ? 'resolution' : 'rejection' }. Original reason: ${reason}` ); shutdownCallback(); return; } timeout = setTimeout(() => { resolve(); this.removeShutdownCallback(shutdownCallback); }, ms); this.addShutdownCallback(shutdownCallback); }); } private addShutdownCallback(callback: () => void) { this.shutdownCallbacks.add(callback); } private removeShutdownCallback(callback: () => void) { this.shutdownCallbacks.delete(callback); } shutdown(): void { if (this.shuttingDown) { return; } log.info( `Sleeper: shutting down, settling ${this.shutdownCallbacks.size} in-progress sleep calls` ); this.shuttingDown = true; this.shutdownCallbacks.forEach(cb => { try { cb(); } catch (error) { log.error( 'Sleeper: Error executing shutdown callback', Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } }); log.info('Sleeper: sleep tasks settled'); } } export const sleeper = new Sleeper();