// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { noop } from 'lodash'; import type { ConversationQueueJobData } from '../jobs/conversationJobQueue'; import type { StoryDataType } from '../state/ducks/stories'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import type { StoryMessageRecipientsType } from '../types/Stories'; import type { StoryDistributionIdString } from '../types/StoryDistributionId'; import type { ServiceIdString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { DAY } from './durations'; import { StoryRecipientUpdateEvent } from '../textsecure/messageReceiverEvents'; import { conversationJobQueue, conversationQueueJobEnum, } from '../jobs/conversationJobQueue'; import { onStoryRecipientUpdate } from './onStoryRecipientUpdate'; import { sendDeleteForEveryoneMessage } from './sendDeleteForEveryoneMessage'; import { isGroupV2 } from './whatTypeOfConversation'; import { __DEPRECATED$getMessageById } from '../messages/getMessageById'; import { strictAssert } from './assert'; import { repeat, zipObject } from './iterables'; import { isOlderThan } from './timestamp'; export async function deleteStoryForEveryone( stories: ReadonlyArray<StoryDataType>, story: StoryDataType ): Promise<void> { if (!story.sendStateByConversationId) { return; } // Group stories are deleted as regular messages. const sourceConversation = window.ConversationController.get( story.conversationId ); if (sourceConversation && isGroupV2(sourceConversation.attributes)) { void sendDeleteForEveryoneMessage(sourceConversation.attributes, { deleteForEveryoneDuration: DAY, id: story.messageId, timestamp: story.timestamp, }); return; } const logId = `deleteStoryForEveryone(${story.messageId})`; const message = await __DEPRECATED$getMessageById(story.messageId); if (!message) { throw new Error('Story not found'); } if (isOlderThan(story.timestamp, DAY)) { throw new Error('Cannot send DOE for a story older than one day'); } const conversationIds = new Set(Object.keys(story.sendStateByConversationId)); const newStoryRecipients = new Map< ServiceIdString, { distributionListIds: Set<StoryDistributionIdString>; isAllowedToReply: boolean; } >(); const ourConversation = window.ConversationController.getOurConversationOrThrow(); // Remove ourselves from the DOE. conversationIds.delete(ourConversation.id); // `updatedStoryRecipients` is used to build `storyMessageRecipients` for // a sync message. Put all affected destinationServiceIds early on so that if // there are no other distribution lists for them - we'd still include an // empty list. Object.entries(story.sendStateByConversationId).forEach( ([recipientId, sendState]) => { if (recipientId === ourConversation.id) { return; } const destinationServiceId = window.ConversationController.get(recipientId)?.getServiceId(); if (!destinationServiceId) { return; } newStoryRecipients.set(destinationServiceId, { distributionListIds: new Set(), isAllowedToReply: sendState.isAllowedToReplyToStory !== false, }); } ); // Find stories that were sent to other distribution lists so that we don't // send a DOE request to the members of those lists. stories.forEach(item => { const { sendStateByConversationId } = item; // We only want matching timestamp stories which are stories that were // sent to multi distribution lists. // We don't want the story we just passed in. // Don't need to check for stories that have already been deleted. // And only for sent stories, not incoming. if ( item.timestamp !== story.timestamp || item.messageId === story.messageId || item.deletedForEveryone || !sendStateByConversationId ) { return; } Object.keys(sendStateByConversationId).forEach(conversationId => { if (conversationId === ourConversation.id) { return; } const destinationServiceId = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId)?.getServiceId(); if (!destinationServiceId) { return; } // Remove this conversationId so we don't send the DOE to those that // still have access. conversationIds.delete(conversationId); // Build remaining distribution list ids that the user still has // access to. if (item.storyDistributionListId === undefined) { return; } // Build complete list of new story recipients (not counting ones that // are in the deleted story). let recipient = newStoryRecipients.get(destinationServiceId); if (!recipient) { const isAllowedToReply = sendStateByConversationId[conversationId].isAllowedToReplyToStory; recipient = { distributionListIds: new Set(), isAllowedToReply: isAllowedToReply !== false, }; newStoryRecipients.set(destinationServiceId, recipient); } recipient.distributionListIds.add(item.storyDistributionListId); }); }); // Include the sync message with the updated storyMessageRecipients list const sender = window.textsecure.messaging; strictAssert(sender, 'messaging has to be initialized'); const newStoryMessageRecipients: StoryMessageRecipientsType = []; newStoryRecipients.forEach((recipientData, destinationServiceId) => { newStoryMessageRecipients.push({ destinationServiceId, distributionListIds: Array.from(recipientData.distributionListIds), isAllowedToReply: recipientData.isAllowedToReply, }); }); const destinationServiceId = ourConversation.getCheckedServiceId( 'deleteStoryForEveryone' ); log.info(`${logId}: sending DOE to ${conversationIds.size} conversations`); message.set({ deletedForEveryoneSendStatus: zipObject(conversationIds, repeat(false)), }); // Send the DOE log.info(`${logId}: enqueuing DeleteStoryForEveryone`); try { const jobData: ConversationQueueJobData = { type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.DeleteStoryForEveryone, conversationId: ourConversation.id, storyId: story.messageId, targetTimestamp: story.timestamp, updatedStoryRecipients: newStoryMessageRecipients, }; await conversationJobQueue.add(jobData, async jobToInsert => { log.info(`${logId}: Deleting message with job ${jobToInsert.id}`); await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message.attributes, { jobToInsert, ourAci: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(), }); }); } catch (error) { log.error( `${logId}: Failed to queue delete for everyone`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); throw error; } log.info(`${logId}: emulating sync message event`); // Emulate message for Desktop (this will call deleteForEveryone()) const ev = new StoryRecipientUpdateEvent( { destinationServiceId, timestamp: story.timestamp, storyMessageRecipients: newStoryMessageRecipients, }, noop ); void onStoryRecipientUpdate(ev); }