// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import * as React from 'react'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import LRU from 'lru-cache'; import type { WaveformCache } from '../types/Audio'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; const MAX_WAVEFORM_COUNT = 1000; const MAX_PARALLEL_COMPUTE = 8; const MAX_AUDIO_DURATION = 15 * 60; // 15 minutes export type ComputePeaksResult = { duration: number; peaks: ReadonlyArray<number>; // 0 < peak < 1 }; export type Contents = { computePeaks(url: string, barCount: number): Promise<ComputePeaksResult>; }; // This context's value is effectively global. This is not ideal but is necessary because // the app has multiple React roots. In the future, we should use a single React root // and instantiate these inside of `GlobalAudioProvider`. (We may wish to keep // `audioContext` global, however, as the browser limits the number that can be // created.) let audioContext: AudioContext | undefined; const waveformCache: WaveformCache = new LRU({ max: MAX_WAVEFORM_COUNT, }); const inProgressMap = new Map<string, Promise<ComputePeaksResult>>(); const computeQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: MAX_PARALLEL_COMPUTE, }); async function getAudioDuration( url: string, buffer: ArrayBuffer ): Promise<number> { const blob = new Blob([buffer]); const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const audio = new Audio(); audio.muted = true; audio.src = blobURL; await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { audio.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => { resolve(); }); audio.addEventListener('error', event => { const error = new Error( `Failed to load audio from: ${url} due to error: ${event.type}` ); reject(error); }); }); if (Number.isNaN(audio.duration)) { throw new Error(`Invalid audio duration for: ${url}`); } return audio.duration; } /** * Load audio from `url`, decode PCM data, and compute RMS peaks for displaying * the waveform. * * The results are cached in the `waveformCache` which is shared across * messages in the conversation and provided by GlobalAudioContext. * * The computation happens off the renderer thread by AudioContext, but it is * still quite expensive, so we cache it in the `waveformCache` LRU cache. */ async function doComputePeaks( url: string, barCount: number ): Promise<ComputePeaksResult> { const cacheKey = `${url}:${barCount}`; const existing = waveformCache.get(cacheKey); if (existing) { log.info('GlobalAudioContext: waveform cache hit', url); return Promise.resolve(existing); } log.info('GlobalAudioContext: waveform cache miss', url); // Load and decode `url` into a raw PCM const response = await fetch(url); const raw = await response.arrayBuffer(); const duration = await getAudioDuration(url, raw); const peaks = new Array(barCount).fill(0); if (duration > MAX_AUDIO_DURATION) { log.info( `GlobalAudioContext: audio ${url} duration ${duration}s is too long` ); const emptyResult = { peaks, duration }; waveformCache.set(cacheKey, emptyResult); return emptyResult; } if (!audioContext) { audioContext = new AudioContext(); await audioContext.suspend(); } const data = await audioContext.decodeAudioData(raw); // Compute RMS peaks const norms = new Array(barCount).fill(0); const samplesPerPeak = data.length / peaks.length; for ( let channelNum = 0; channelNum < data.numberOfChannels; channelNum += 1 ) { const channel = data.getChannelData(channelNum); for (let sample = 0; sample < channel.length; sample += 1) { const i = Math.floor(sample / samplesPerPeak); peaks[i] += channel[sample] ** 2; norms[i] += 1; } } // Average let max = 1e-23; for (let i = 0; i < peaks.length; i += 1) { peaks[i] = Math.sqrt(peaks[i] / Math.max(1, norms[i])); max = Math.max(max, peaks[i]); } // Normalize for (let i = 0; i < peaks.length; i += 1) { peaks[i] /= max; } const result = { peaks, duration }; waveformCache.set(cacheKey, result); return result; } export async function computePeaks( url: string, barCount: number ): Promise<ComputePeaksResult> { const computeKey = `${url}:${barCount}`; const pending = inProgressMap.get(computeKey); if (pending) { log.info( 'VoiceNotesPlaybackContext: already computing peaks for', computeKey ); return pending; } log.info('VoiceNotesPlaybackContext: queue computing peaks for', computeKey); const promise = computeQueue.add(() => doComputePeaks(url, barCount)); inProgressMap.set(computeKey, promise); try { return await promise; } finally { inProgressMap.delete(computeKey); } } const globalContents: Contents = { computePeaks, }; export const VoiceNotesPlaybackContext = React.createContext<Contents>(globalContents); export type VoiceNotesPlaybackProps = { children?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactChildren; }; /** * A global context that holds Audio, AudioContext, LRU instances that are used * inside the conversation by ts/components/conversation/MessageAudio.tsx */ export function VoiceNotesPlaybackProvider({ children, }: VoiceNotesPlaybackProps): JSX.Element { return ( <VoiceNotesPlaybackContext.Provider value={globalContents}> {children} </VoiceNotesPlaybackContext.Provider> ); }