// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { maxBy } from 'lodash'; import type { AciString } from '../types/ServiceId'; import type { MessageAttributesType, MessageReactionType, ReadonlyMessageAttributesType, } from '../model-types.d'; import { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; import { ReactionSource } from '../reactions/ReactionSource'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../sql/Client'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { getAuthor, isIncoming, isOutgoing } from '../messages/helpers'; import { getMessageSentTimestampSet } from '../util/getMessageSentTimestampSet'; import { isDirectConversation, isMe } from '../util/whatTypeOfConversation'; import { getMessagePropStatus, hasErrors, isStory, } from '../state/selectors/message'; import { getPropForTimestamp } from '../util/editHelpers'; import { isSent } from '../messages/MessageSendState'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { repeat, zipObject } from '../util/iterables'; import { getMessageIdForLogging } from '../util/idForLogging'; import { hydrateStoryContext } from '../util/hydrateStoryContext'; import { shouldReplyNotifyUser } from '../util/shouldReplyNotifyUser'; import { drop } from '../util/drop'; import * as reactionUtil from '../reactions/util'; import { isNewReactionReplacingPrevious } from '../reactions/util'; import { notificationService } from '../services/notifications'; import { ReactionReadStatus } from '../types/Reactions'; import type { ConversationQueueJobData } from '../jobs/conversationJobQueue'; import { conversationJobQueue, conversationQueueJobEnum, } from '../jobs/conversationJobQueue'; export type ReactionAttributesType = { emoji: string; envelopeId: string; fromId: string; remove?: boolean; removeFromMessageReceiverCache: () => unknown; source: ReactionSource; // If this is a reaction to a 1:1 story, we can use this message, generated from the // reaction message itself. Necessary to put 1:1 story replies into the right // conversation - not the same conversation as the target message! generatedMessageForStoryReaction?: MessageModel; targetAuthorAci: AciString; targetTimestamp: number; timestamp: number; receivedAtDate: number; }; const reactionCache = new Map(); function remove(reaction: ReactionAttributesType): void { reactionCache.delete(reaction.envelopeId); reaction.removeFromMessageReceiverCache(); } export function findReactionsForMessage( message: ReadonlyMessageAttributesType ): Array { const matchingReactions = Array.from(reactionCache.values()).filter( reaction => { return isMessageAMatchForReaction({ message, targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, targetAuthorAci: reaction.targetAuthorAci, reactionSenderConversationId: reaction.fromId, }); } ); matchingReactions.forEach(reaction => remove(reaction)); return matchingReactions; } async function findMessageForReaction({ targetTimestamp, targetAuthorAci, reactionSenderConversationId, logId, }: { targetTimestamp: number; targetAuthorAci: string; reactionSenderConversationId: string; logId: string; }): Promise { const messages = await DataReader.getMessagesBySentAt(targetTimestamp); const matchingMessages = messages.filter(message => isMessageAMatchForReaction({ message, targetTimestamp, targetAuthorAci, reactionSenderConversationId, }) ); if (!matchingMessages.length) { return undefined; } if (matchingMessages.length > 1) { // This could theoretically happen given limitations in the reaction proto but // is very unlikely log.warn( `${logId}/findMessageForReaction: found ${matchingMessages.length} matching messages for the reaction!` ); } return matchingMessages[0]; } function isMessageAMatchForReaction({ message, targetTimestamp, targetAuthorAci, reactionSenderConversationId, }: { message: ReadonlyMessageAttributesType; targetTimestamp: number; targetAuthorAci: string; reactionSenderConversationId: string; }): boolean { if (!getMessageSentTimestampSet(message).has(targetTimestamp)) { return false; } const targetAuthorConversation = window.ConversationController.get(targetAuthorAci); const reactionSenderConversation = window.ConversationController.get( reactionSenderConversationId ); if (!targetAuthorConversation || !reactionSenderConversation) { return false; } const author = getAuthor(message); if (!author) { return false; } if (author.id !== targetAuthorConversation.id) { return false; } if (isMe(reactionSenderConversation.attributes)) { // I am either the recipient or sender of all the messages I know about! return true; } if (message.type === 'outgoing') { const sendStateByConversationId = getPropForTimestamp({ log, message, prop: 'sendStateByConversationId', targetTimestamp, }); const sendState = sendStateByConversationId?.[reactionSenderConversation.id]; if (!sendState) { return false; } return isSent(sendState.status); } if (message.type === 'incoming') { const messageConversation = window.ConversationController.get( message.conversationId ); if (!messageConversation) { return false; } const reactionSenderServiceId = reactionSenderConversation.getServiceId(); return ( reactionSenderServiceId != null && messageConversation.hasMember(reactionSenderServiceId) ); } return true; } export async function onReaction( reaction: ReactionAttributesType ): Promise { reactionCache.set(reaction.envelopeId, reaction); const logId = `Reactions.onReaction(timestamp=${reaction.timestamp};target=${reaction.targetTimestamp})`; try { const matchingMessage = await findMessageForReaction({ targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, targetAuthorAci: reaction.targetAuthorAci, reactionSenderConversationId: reaction.fromId, logId, }); if (!matchingMessage) { log.info( `${logId}: No message for reaction`, 'targeting', reaction.targetAuthorAci ); return; } const matchingMessageConversation = window.ConversationController.get( matchingMessage.conversationId ); if (!matchingMessageConversation) { log.info( `${logId}: No target conversation for reaction`, reaction.targetAuthorAci, reaction.targetTimestamp ); remove(reaction); return undefined; } // awaiting is safe since `onReaction` is never called from inside the queue await matchingMessageConversation.queueJob( 'Reactions.onReaction', async () => { log.info(`${logId}: handling`); // Message is fetched inside the conversation queue so we have the // most recent data const targetMessage = await findMessageForReaction({ targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, targetAuthorAci: reaction.targetAuthorAci, reactionSenderConversationId: reaction.fromId, logId: `${logId}/conversationQueue`, }); if (!targetMessage || targetMessage.id !== matchingMessage.id) { log.warn( `${logId}: message no longer a match for reaction! Maybe it's been deleted?` ); remove(reaction); return; } const targetMessageModel = window.MessageCache.register( new MessageModel(targetMessage) ); // Use the generated message in ts/background.ts to create a message // if the reaction is targeted at a story. if (!isStory(targetMessage)) { await handleReaction(targetMessageModel, reaction); } else { const generatedMessage = reaction.generatedMessageForStoryReaction; strictAssert( generatedMessage, 'Generated message must exist for story reaction' ); await handleReaction(generatedMessage, reaction, { storyMessage: targetMessage, }); } remove(reaction); } ); } catch (error) { remove(reaction); log.error(`${logId} error:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error)); } } export async function handleReaction( message: MessageModel, reaction: ReactionAttributesType, { storyMessage, shouldPersist = true, }: { storyMessage?: MessageAttributesType; shouldPersist?: boolean; } = {} ): Promise { const { attributes } = message; if (message.get('deletedForEveryone')) { return; } // We allow you to react to messages with outgoing errors only if it has sent // successfully to at least one person. if ( hasErrors(attributes) && (isIncoming(attributes) || getMessagePropStatus( attributes, window.ConversationController.getOurConversationIdOrThrow() ) !== 'partial-sent') ) { return; } const conversation = window.ConversationController.get( message.attributes.conversationId ); if (!conversation) { return; } const isFromThisDevice = reaction.source === ReactionSource.FromThisDevice; const isFromSync = reaction.source === ReactionSource.FromSync; const isFromSomeoneElse = reaction.source === ReactionSource.FromSomeoneElse; strictAssert( isFromThisDevice || isFromSync || isFromSomeoneElse, 'Reaction can only be from this device, from sync, or from someone else' ); const newReaction: MessageReactionType = { emoji: reaction.remove ? undefined : reaction.emoji, fromId: reaction.fromId, targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, timestamp: reaction.timestamp, isSentByConversationId: isFromThisDevice ? zipObject(conversation.getMemberConversationIds(), repeat(false)) : undefined, }; // Reactions to stories are saved as separate messages, and so require a totally // different codepath. if (storyMessage) { if (isFromThisDevice) { log.info( 'handleReaction: sending story reaction to ' + `${getMessageIdForLogging(storyMessage)} from this device` ); } else { if (isFromSomeoneElse) { log.info( 'handleReaction: receiving story reaction to ' + `${getMessageIdForLogging(storyMessage)} from someone else` ); } else if (isFromSync) { log.info( 'handleReaction: receiving story reaction to ' + `${getMessageIdForLogging(storyMessage)} from another device` ); } const generatedMessage = reaction.generatedMessageForStoryReaction; strictAssert( generatedMessage, 'Story reactions must provide storyReactionMessage' ); const targetConversation = window.ConversationController.get( generatedMessage.get('conversationId') ); strictAssert( targetConversation, 'handleReaction: targetConversation not found' ); window.MessageCache.register(generatedMessage); generatedMessage.set({ expireTimer: isDirectConversation(targetConversation.attributes) ? targetConversation.get('expireTimer') : undefined, storyId: storyMessage.id, storyReaction: { emoji: reaction.emoji, targetAuthorAci: reaction.targetAuthorAci, targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, }, }); await hydrateStoryContext(generatedMessage.id, storyMessage, { shouldSave: false, }); // Note: generatedMessage comes with an id, so we have to force this save await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(generatedMessage.attributes, { forceSave: true, }); log.info('Reactions.onReaction adding reaction to story', { reactionMessageId: getMessageIdForLogging(generatedMessage.attributes), storyId: getMessageIdForLogging(storyMessage), targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, timestamp: reaction.timestamp, }); window.MessageCache.register(generatedMessage); if (isDirectConversation(targetConversation.attributes)) { await targetConversation.addSingleMessage(generatedMessage.attributes); if (!targetConversation.get('active_at')) { targetConversation.set({ active_at: generatedMessage.attributes.timestamp, }); await DataWriter.updateConversation(targetConversation.attributes); } } if (isFromSomeoneElse) { log.info( 'handleReaction: notifying for story reaction to ' + `${getMessageIdForLogging(storyMessage)} from someone else` ); if ( await shouldReplyNotifyUser( generatedMessage.attributes, targetConversation ) ) { drop(targetConversation.notify(generatedMessage.attributes)); } } } } else { // Reactions to all messages other than stories will update the target message const previousLength = (message.get('reactions') || []).length; if (isFromThisDevice) { log.info( `handleReaction: sending reaction to ${getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes)} ` + 'from this device' ); const reactions = reactionUtil.addOutgoingReaction( message.get('reactions') || [], newReaction ); message.set({ reactions }); } else { const oldReactions = message.get('reactions') || []; let reactions: Array; const oldReaction = oldReactions.find(re => isNewReactionReplacingPrevious(re, newReaction) ); if (oldReaction) { notificationService.removeBy({ ...oldReaction, messageId: message.id, }); } if (reaction.remove) { log.info( 'handleReaction: removing reaction for message', getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes) ); if (isFromSync) { reactions = oldReactions.filter( re => !isNewReactionReplacingPrevious(re, newReaction) || re.timestamp > reaction.timestamp ); } else { reactions = oldReactions.filter( re => !isNewReactionReplacingPrevious(re, newReaction) ); } message.set({ reactions }); } else { log.info( 'handleReaction: adding reaction for message', getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes) ); let reactionToAdd: MessageReactionType; if (isFromSync) { const ourReactions = [ newReaction, ...oldReactions.filter(re => re.fromId === reaction.fromId), ]; reactionToAdd = maxBy(ourReactions, 'timestamp') || newReaction; } else { reactionToAdd = newReaction; } reactions = oldReactions.filter( re => !isNewReactionReplacingPrevious(re, reaction) ); reactions.push(reactionToAdd); message.set({ reactions }); if (isOutgoing(message.attributes) && isFromSomeoneElse) { void conversation.notify(message.attributes, reaction); } } } if (reaction.remove) { await DataWriter.removeReactionFromConversation({ emoji: reaction.emoji, fromId: reaction.fromId, targetAuthorServiceId: reaction.targetAuthorAci, targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, }); } else { await DataWriter.addReaction( { conversationId: message.get('conversationId'), emoji: reaction.emoji, fromId: reaction.fromId, messageId: message.id, messageReceivedAt: message.get('received_at'), targetAuthorAci: reaction.targetAuthorAci, targetTimestamp: reaction.targetTimestamp, timestamp: reaction.timestamp, }, { readStatus: isFromThisDevice ? ReactionReadStatus.Read : ReactionReadStatus.Unread, } ); } const currentLength = (message.get('reactions') || []).length; log.info( 'handleReaction:', `Done processing reaction for message ${getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes)}.`, `Went from ${previousLength} to ${currentLength} reactions.` ); } if (isFromThisDevice) { let jobData: ConversationQueueJobData; if (storyMessage) { strictAssert( newReaction.emoji !== undefined, 'New story reaction must have an emoji' ); const generatedMessage = reaction.generatedMessageForStoryReaction; strictAssert( generatedMessage, 'Story reactions must provide storyReactionmessage' ); await hydrateStoryContext(generatedMessage.id, message.attributes, { shouldSave: false, }); await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(generatedMessage.attributes, { forceSave: true, }); window.MessageCache.register(generatedMessage); void conversation.addSingleMessage(generatedMessage.attributes); jobData = { type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.NormalMessage, conversationId: conversation.id, messageId: generatedMessage.id, revision: conversation.get('revision'), }; } else { jobData = { type: conversationQueueJobEnum.enum.Reaction, conversationId: conversation.id, messageId: message.id, revision: conversation.get('revision'), }; } if (shouldPersist) { await conversationJobQueue.add(jobData, async jobToInsert => { log.info( `enqueueReactionForSend: saving message ${getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes)} and job ${ jobToInsert.id }` ); await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(message.attributes, { jobToInsert, }); }); } else { await conversationJobQueue.add(jobData); } } else if (shouldPersist && !isStory(message.attributes)) { await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(message.attributes); window.reduxActions.conversations.markOpenConversationRead(conversation.id); } }