// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import React, { useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import type { VideoFrameSource } from '@signalapp/ringrtc'; import { CallNeedPermissionScreen } from './CallNeedPermissionScreen'; import { CallScreen } from './CallScreen'; import { CallingLobby } from './CallingLobby'; import { CallingParticipantsList } from './CallingParticipantsList'; import { CallingSelectPresentingSourcesModal } from './CallingSelectPresentingSourcesModal'; import { CallingPip } from './CallingPip'; import { IncomingCallBar } from './IncomingCallBar'; import type { ActiveCallType, CallingConversationType, CallViewMode, GroupCallVideoRequest, PresentedSource, } from '../types/Calling'; import { CallEndedReason, CallMode, CallState, GroupCallConnectionState, GroupCallJoinState, } from '../types/Calling'; import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import type { AcceptCallType, BatchUserActionPayloadType, CancelCallType, DeclineCallType, GroupCallParticipantInfoType, PendingUserActionPayloadType, RemoveClientType, SendGroupCallRaiseHandType, SendGroupCallReactionType, SetGroupCallVideoRequestType, SetLocalAudioType, SetLocalPreviewType, SetLocalVideoType, SetRendererCanvasType, StartCallType, } from '../state/ducks/calling'; import { CallLinkRestrictions } from '../types/CallLink'; import type { CallLinkType } from '../types/CallLink'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/Util'; import { missingCaseError } from '../util/missingCaseError'; import { CallingToastProvider } from './CallingToast'; import type { SmartReactionPicker } from '../state/smart/ReactionPicker'; import type { Props as ReactionPickerProps } from './conversation/ReactionPicker'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { isGroupOrAdhocActiveCall } from '../util/isGroupOrAdhocCall'; import { CallingAdhocCallInfo } from './CallingAdhocCallInfo'; import { callLinkRootKeyToUrl } from '../util/callLinkRootKeyToUrl'; import { usePrevious } from '../hooks/usePrevious'; import { copyCallLink } from '../util/copyLinksWithToast'; const GROUP_CALL_RING_DURATION = 60 * 1000; export type DirectIncomingCall = Readonly<{ callMode: CallMode.Direct; callState?: CallState; callEndedReason?: CallEndedReason; conversation: ConversationType; isVideoCall: boolean; }>; export type GroupIncomingCall = Readonly<{ callMode: CallMode.Group; connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState; joinState: GroupCallJoinState; conversation: ConversationType; otherMembersRung: Array>; ringer: Pick; remoteParticipants: Array; }>; export type CallingImageDataCache = Map; export type PropsType = { activeCall?: ActiveCallType; availableCameras: Array; callLink: CallLinkType | undefined; cancelCall: (_: CancelCallType) => void; changeCallView: (mode: CallViewMode) => void; closeNeedPermissionScreen: () => void; getGroupCallVideoFrameSource: ( conversationId: string, demuxId: number ) => VideoFrameSource; getIsSharingPhoneNumberWithEverybody: () => boolean; getPresentingSources: () => void; incomingCall: DirectIncomingCall | GroupIncomingCall | null; renderDeviceSelection: () => JSX.Element; renderReactionPicker: ( props: React.ComponentProps ) => JSX.Element; showContactModal: (contactId: string, conversationId?: string) => void; startCall: (payload: StartCallType) => void; toggleParticipants: () => void; acceptCall: (_: AcceptCallType) => void; approveUser: (payload: PendingUserActionPayloadType) => void; batchUserAction: (payload: BatchUserActionPayloadType) => void; bounceAppIconStart: () => unknown; bounceAppIconStop: () => unknown; declineCall: (_: DeclineCallType) => void; denyUser: (payload: PendingUserActionPayloadType) => void; hasInitialLoadCompleted: boolean; i18n: LocalizerType; isGroupCallRaiseHandEnabled: boolean; me: ConversationType; notifyForCall: ( conversationId: string, title: string, isVideoCall: boolean ) => unknown; openSystemPreferencesAction: () => unknown; playRingtone: () => unknown; removeClient: (payload: RemoveClientType) => void; blockClient: (payload: RemoveClientType) => void; sendGroupCallRaiseHand: (payload: SendGroupCallRaiseHandType) => void; sendGroupCallReaction: (payload: SendGroupCallReactionType) => void; setGroupCallVideoRequest: (_: SetGroupCallVideoRequestType) => void; setIsCallActive: (_: boolean) => void; setLocalAudio: (_: SetLocalAudioType) => void; setLocalVideo: (_: SetLocalVideoType) => void; setLocalPreview: (_: SetLocalPreviewType) => void; setOutgoingRing: (_: boolean) => void; setPresenting: (_?: PresentedSource) => void; setRendererCanvas: (_: SetRendererCanvasType) => void; showShareCallLinkViaSignal: ( callLink: CallLinkType, i18n: LocalizerType ) => void; stopRingtone: () => unknown; switchToPresentationView: () => void; switchFromPresentationView: () => void; hangUpActiveCall: (reason: string) => void; togglePip: () => void; toggleScreenRecordingPermissionsDialog: () => unknown; toggleSettings: () => void; isConversationTooBigToRing: boolean; pauseVoiceNotePlayer: () => void; } & Pick; type ActiveCallManagerPropsType = { activeCall: ActiveCallType; } & Omit< PropsType, | 'acceptCall' | 'bounceAppIconStart' | 'bounceAppIconStop' | 'declineCall' | 'hasInitialLoadCompleted' | 'incomingCall' | 'notifyForCall' | 'playRingtone' | 'setIsCallActive' | 'stopRingtone' | 'isConversationTooBigToRing' >; function ActiveCallManager({ activeCall, approveUser, availableCameras, batchUserAction, blockClient, callLink, cancelCall, changeCallView, closeNeedPermissionScreen, denyUser, hangUpActiveCall, i18n, isGroupCallRaiseHandEnabled, getIsSharingPhoneNumberWithEverybody, getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, getPresentingSources, me, openSystemPreferencesAction, renderDeviceSelection, renderEmojiPicker, renderReactionPicker, removeClient, sendGroupCallRaiseHand, sendGroupCallReaction, setGroupCallVideoRequest, setLocalAudio, setLocalPreview, setLocalVideo, setPresenting, setRendererCanvas, setOutgoingRing, showContactModal, showShareCallLinkViaSignal, startCall, switchToPresentationView, switchFromPresentationView, toggleParticipants, togglePip, toggleScreenRecordingPermissionsDialog, toggleSettings, pauseVoiceNotePlayer, }: ActiveCallManagerPropsType): JSX.Element { const { conversation, hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo, peekedParticipants, pip, presentingSourcesAvailable, settingsDialogOpen, showParticipantsList, outgoingRing, } = activeCall; const cancelActiveCall = useCallback(() => { cancelCall({ conversationId: conversation.id }); }, [cancelCall, conversation.id]); const joinActiveCall = useCallback(() => { // pause any voice note playback pauseVoiceNotePlayer(); startCall({ callMode: activeCall.callMode, conversationId: conversation.id, hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo, }); }, [ startCall, activeCall.callMode, conversation.id, hasLocalAudio, hasLocalVideo, pauseVoiceNotePlayer, ]); // For caching screenshare frames which update slowly, between Pip and CallScreen. const imageDataCache = React.useRef(new Map()); const previousConversationId = usePrevious(conversation.id, conversation.id); useEffect(() => { if (conversation.id !== previousConversationId) { imageDataCache.current.clear(); } }, [conversation.id, previousConversationId]); const getGroupCallVideoFrameSourceForActiveCall = useCallback( (demuxId: number) => { return getGroupCallVideoFrameSource(conversation.id, demuxId); }, [getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, conversation.id] ); const setGroupCallVideoRequestForConversation = useCallback( (resolutions: Array, speakerHeight: number) => { setGroupCallVideoRequest({ conversationId: conversation.id, resolutions, speakerHeight, }); }, [setGroupCallVideoRequest, conversation.id] ); const onCopyCallLink = useCallback(async () => { if (!callLink) { return; } const link = callLinkRootKeyToUrl(callLink.rootKey); if (link) { await copyCallLink(link); } }, [callLink]); const handleShareCallLinkViaSignal = useCallback(() => { if (!callLink) { log.error('Missing call link'); return; } showShareCallLinkViaSignal(callLink, i18n); }, [callLink, i18n, showShareCallLinkViaSignal]); let isCallFull: boolean; let showCallLobby: boolean; let groupMembers: | undefined | Array>; let isConvoTooBigToRing = false; let isAdhocAdminApprovalRequired = false; let isAdhocJoinRequestPending = false; let isCallLinkAdmin = false; switch (activeCall.callMode) { case CallMode.Direct: { const { callState, callEndedReason } = activeCall; const ended = callState === CallState.Ended; if ( ended && callEndedReason === CallEndedReason.RemoteHangupNeedPermission ) { return ( ); } showCallLobby = !callState; isCallFull = false; groupMembers = undefined; break; } case CallMode.Group: case CallMode.Adhoc: { showCallLobby = activeCall.joinState !== GroupCallJoinState.Joined; isCallFull = activeCall.deviceCount >= activeCall.maxDevices; isConvoTooBigToRing = activeCall.isConversationTooBigToRing; ({ groupMembers } = activeCall); isAdhocAdminApprovalRequired = !callLink?.adminKey && callLink?.restrictions === CallLinkRestrictions.AdminApproval; isAdhocJoinRequestPending = isAdhocAdminApprovalRequired && activeCall.joinState === GroupCallJoinState.Pending; isCallLinkAdmin = Boolean(callLink?.adminKey); break; } default: throw missingCaseError(activeCall); } if (pip) { return ( ); } if (showCallLobby) { return ( <> {settingsDialogOpen && renderDeviceSelection()} {showParticipantsList && (activeCall.callMode === CallMode.Adhoc && callLink ? ( ) : ( ))} ); } let isHandRaised = false; if (isGroupOrAdhocActiveCall(activeCall)) { const { raisedHands, localDemuxId } = activeCall; if (localDemuxId) { isHandRaised = raisedHands.has(localDemuxId); } } const groupCallParticipantsForParticipantsList = isGroupOrAdhocActiveCall( activeCall ) ? [ ...activeCall.remoteParticipants, { ...me, hasRemoteAudio: hasLocalAudio, hasRemoteVideo: hasLocalVideo, isHandRaised, presenting: Boolean(activeCall.presentingSource), demuxId: activeCall.localDemuxId, }, ] : []; return ( <> {presentingSourcesAvailable && presentingSourcesAvailable.length ? ( ) : null} {settingsDialogOpen && renderDeviceSelection()} {showParticipantsList && (activeCall.callMode === CallMode.Adhoc && callLink ? ( ) : ( ))} ); } export function CallManager({ acceptCall, activeCall, approveUser, availableCameras, batchUserAction, blockClient, bounceAppIconStart, bounceAppIconStop, callLink, cancelCall, changeCallView, closeNeedPermissionScreen, declineCall, denyUser, getGroupCallVideoFrameSource, getPresentingSources, hangUpActiveCall, hasInitialLoadCompleted, i18n, incomingCall, isConversationTooBigToRing, isGroupCallRaiseHandEnabled, getIsSharingPhoneNumberWithEverybody, me, notifyForCall, openSystemPreferencesAction, pauseVoiceNotePlayer, playRingtone, removeClient, renderDeviceSelection, renderEmojiPicker, renderReactionPicker, sendGroupCallRaiseHand, sendGroupCallReaction, setGroupCallVideoRequest, setIsCallActive, setLocalAudio, setLocalPreview, setLocalVideo, setOutgoingRing, setPresenting, setRendererCanvas, showContactModal, showShareCallLinkViaSignal, startCall, stopRingtone, switchFromPresentationView, switchToPresentationView, toggleParticipants, togglePip, toggleScreenRecordingPermissionsDialog, toggleSettings, }: PropsType): JSX.Element | null { const isCallActive = Boolean(activeCall); useEffect(() => { setIsCallActive(isCallActive); }, [isCallActive, setIsCallActive]); const shouldRing = getShouldRing({ activeCall, incomingCall, isConversationTooBigToRing, hasInitialLoadCompleted, }); useEffect(() => { if (shouldRing) { log.info('CallManager: Playing ringtone'); playRingtone(); return () => { log.info('CallManager: Stopping ringtone'); stopRingtone(); }; } stopRingtone(); return noop; }, [shouldRing, playRingtone, stopRingtone]); const mightBeRingingOutgoingGroupCall = isGroupOrAdhocActiveCall(activeCall) && activeCall.outgoingRing && activeCall.joinState !== GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined; useEffect(() => { if (!mightBeRingingOutgoingGroupCall) { return noop; } const timeout = setTimeout(() => { setOutgoingRing(false); }, GROUP_CALL_RING_DURATION); return () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; }, [mightBeRingingOutgoingGroupCall, setOutgoingRing]); if (activeCall) { // `props` should logically have an `activeCall` at this point, but TypeScript can't // figure that out, so we pass it in again. return ( ); } // In the future, we may want to show the incoming call bar when a call is active. if (incomingCall) { return ( ); } return null; } function isRinging(callState: CallState | undefined): boolean { return callState === CallState.Prering || callState === CallState.Ringing; } function isConnected(connectionState: GroupCallConnectionState): boolean { return ( connectionState === GroupCallConnectionState.Connecting || connectionState === GroupCallConnectionState.Connected ); } function isJoined(joinState: GroupCallJoinState): boolean { return joinState !== GroupCallJoinState.NotJoined; } function hasRemoteParticipants( remoteParticipants: Array ): boolean { return remoteParticipants.length > 0; } function isLonelyGroup(conversation: CallingConversationType): boolean { return (conversation.sortedGroupMembers?.length ?? 0) < 2; } function getShouldRing({ activeCall, incomingCall, isConversationTooBigToRing, hasInitialLoadCompleted, }: Readonly< Pick< PropsType, | 'activeCall' | 'incomingCall' | 'isConversationTooBigToRing' | 'hasInitialLoadCompleted' > >): boolean { if (!hasInitialLoadCompleted) { return false; } if (incomingCall != null) { // don't ring a large group if (isConversationTooBigToRing) { return false; } if (activeCall != null) { return false; } if (incomingCall.callMode === CallMode.Direct) { return ( isRinging(incomingCall.callState) && incomingCall.callEndedReason == null ); } if (incomingCall.callMode === CallMode.Group) { return ( !isConnected(incomingCall.connectionState) && !isJoined(incomingCall.joinState) && !isLonelyGroup(incomingCall.conversation) ); } // Adhoc calls can't be incoming. throw missingCaseError(incomingCall); } if (activeCall != null) { switch (activeCall.callMode) { case CallMode.Direct: return ( activeCall.callState === CallState.Prering || activeCall.callState === CallState.Ringing ); case CallMode.Group: case CallMode.Adhoc: return ( activeCall.outgoingRing && isConnected(activeCall.connectionState) && isJoined(activeCall.joinState) && !hasRemoteParticipants(activeCall.remoteParticipants) && !isLonelyGroup(activeCall.conversation) ); default: throw missingCaseError(activeCall); } } return false; }