// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { assert } from 'chai'; import Long from 'long'; import { Proto, StorageState } from '@signalapp/mock-server'; import * as durations from '../../util/durations'; import type { App } from './fixtures'; import { Bootstrap, debug, getCallLinkRecordPredicate } from './fixtures'; import { createCallLink } from '../helpers'; import { uuidToBytes } from '../../util/uuidToBytes'; import { MY_STORY_ID } from '../../types/Stories'; const IdentifierType = Proto.ManifestRecord.Identifier.Type; describe('storage service', function (this: Mocha.Suite) { this.timeout(durations.MINUTE); let bootstrap: Bootstrap; let app: App; beforeEach(async () => { bootstrap = new Bootstrap({ contactCount: 0 }); await bootstrap.init(); const { phone } = bootstrap; let state = StorageState.getEmpty(); state = state.updateAccount({ profileKey: phone.profileKey.serialize(), e164: phone.device.number, givenName: phone.profileName, }); // Add my story state = state.addRecord({ type: IdentifierType.STORY_DISTRIBUTION_LIST, record: { storyDistributionList: { allowsReplies: true, identifier: uuidToBytes(MY_STORY_ID), isBlockList: true, name: MY_STORY_ID, recipientServiceIds: [], }, }, }); await phone.setStorageState(state); app = await bootstrap.link(); }); afterEach(async function (this: Mocha.Context) { if (!bootstrap) { return; } await bootstrap.maybeSaveLogs(this.currentTest, app); if (app) { await app.close(); } await bootstrap.teardown(); }); it('should save created call links and restore on relink', async () => { const { phone } = bootstrap; let state; const window = await app.getWindow(); state = await phone.expectStorageState('initial state'); debug('Creating call link'); const roomId = await createCallLink(window, { name: 'Fun link' }); assert.exists(roomId, 'Call link roomId should exist'); debug('Waiting for storage update'); state = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state }); const record = state.findRecord(getCallLinkRecordPredicate(roomId)); assert.ok(record, 'Saves call link record with matching roomId'); const deletedAt = Long.fromValue( record.record.callLink?.deletedAtTimestampMs ?? 0 ).toNumber(); assert.notOk(deletedAt, 'deletedAt falsey'); debug('Creating link then deleting it'); const roomIdDelete = await createCallLink(window, { name: 'Link to delete', }); assert.exists(roomIdDelete, 'Call link roomId should exist'); debug('Waiting for storage update'); state = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state }); const recordToDelete = state.findRecord( getCallLinkRecordPredicate(roomIdDelete) ); assert.ok(recordToDelete, 'Saves call link record with matching roomId'); const deletedAtBeforeDelete = Long.fromValue( recordToDelete.record.callLink?.deletedAtTimestampMs ?? 0 ).toNumber(); assert.notOk(deletedAtBeforeDelete, 'deletedAt falsey'); debug('Deleting call link'); const callLinkItem = await window.getByText('Link to delete'); await callLinkItem.click(); const callLinkDetails = await window.locator( '.CallsTab__ConversationCallDetails' ); await callLinkDetails.waitFor(); const deleteButton = await window.getByText('Delete link'); await deleteButton.click(); const confirmModal = await window.getByTestId( 'ConfirmationDialog.CallLinkDetails__DeleteLinkModal' ); await confirmModal.waitFor(); const deleteConfirm = await window .locator('.module-Button') .getByText('Delete'); await deleteConfirm.click(); debug('Waiting for storage update'); state = await phone.waitForStorageState({ after: state }); const recordAfterDelete = state.findRecord( getCallLinkRecordPredicate(roomIdDelete) ); assert.ok(recordAfterDelete, 'Call link record still present'); const deletedAtAfterDelete = Long.fromValue( recordAfterDelete.record.callLink?.deletedAtTimestampMs ?? 0 ).toNumber(); assert.ok(deletedAtAfterDelete, 'deletedAt present'); }); });