// Copyright 2019-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only /* global window */ const { ipcRenderer: ipc, remote } = require('electron'); const sharp = require('sharp'); const pify = require('pify'); const { readFile } = require('fs'); const config = require('url').parse(window.location.toString(), true).query; const { noop, uniqBy } = require('lodash'); const pMap = require('p-map'); // It is important to call this as early as possible const { SignalContext } = require('../ts/windows/context'); const { deriveStickerPackKey, encryptAttachment, getRandomBytes, } = require('../ts/Crypto'); const Bytes = require('../ts/Bytes'); const { SignalService: Proto } = require('../ts/protobuf'); const { getEnvironment } = require('../ts/environment'); const { createSetting } = require('../ts/util/preload'); const { dialog } = remote; const STICKER_SIZE = 512; const MIN_STICKER_DIMENSION = 10; const MAX_STICKER_DIMENSION = STICKER_SIZE; const MAX_WEBP_STICKER_BYTE_LENGTH = 100 * 1024; const MAX_ANIMATED_STICKER_BYTE_LENGTH = 300 * 1024; window.ROOT_PATH = window.location.href.startsWith('file') ? '../../' : '/'; window.getEnvironment = getEnvironment; window.getVersion = () => config.version; window.getGuid = require('uuid/v4'); window.PQueue = require('p-queue').default; window.Backbone = require('backbone'); window.localeMessages = ipc.sendSync('locale-data'); require('../ts/SignalProtocolStore'); SignalContext.log.info('sticker-creator starting up...'); const Signal = require('../js/modules/signal'); window.Signal = Signal.setup({}); window.textsecure = require('../ts/textsecure').default; const { initialize: initializeWebAPI } = require('../ts/textsecure/WebAPI'); const { getAnimatedPngDataIfExists, } = require('../ts/util/getAnimatedPngDataIfExists'); const WebAPI = initializeWebAPI({ url: config.serverUrl, storageUrl: config.storageUrl, directoryUrl: config.directoryUrl, directoryEnclaveId: config.directoryEnclaveId, directoryTrustAnchor: config.directoryTrustAnchor, cdnUrlObject: { 0: config.cdnUrl0, 2: config.cdnUrl2, }, certificateAuthority: config.certificateAuthority, contentProxyUrl: config.contentProxyUrl, proxyUrl: config.proxyUrl, version: config.version, }); function processStickerError(message, i18nKey) { const result = new Error(message); result.errorMessageI18nKey = i18nKey; return result; } window.processStickerImage = async path => { const imgBuffer = await pify(readFile)(path); const sharpImg = sharp(imgBuffer); const meta = await sharpImg.metadata(); const { width, height } = meta; if (!width || !height) { throw processStickerError( 'Sticker height or width were falsy', 'StickerCreator--Toasts--errorProcessing' ); } let contentType; let processedBuffer; // [Sharp doesn't support APNG][0], so we do something simpler: validate the file size // and dimensions without resizing, cropping, or converting. In a perfect world, we'd // resize and convert any animated image (GIF, animated WebP) to APNG. // [0]: https://github.com/lovell/sharp/issues/2375 const animatedPngDataIfExists = getAnimatedPngDataIfExists(imgBuffer); if (animatedPngDataIfExists) { if (imgBuffer.byteLength > MAX_ANIMATED_STICKER_BYTE_LENGTH) { throw processStickerError( 'Sticker file was too large', 'StickerCreator--Toasts--tooLarge' ); } if (width !== height) { throw processStickerError( 'Sticker must be square', 'StickerCreator--Toasts--APNG--notSquare' ); } if (width > MAX_STICKER_DIMENSION) { throw processStickerError( 'Sticker dimensions are too large', 'StickerCreator--Toasts--APNG--dimensionsTooLarge' ); } if (width < MIN_STICKER_DIMENSION) { throw processStickerError( 'Sticker dimensions are too small', 'StickerCreator--Toasts--APNG--dimensionsTooSmall' ); } if (animatedPngDataIfExists.numPlays !== Infinity) { throw processStickerError( 'Animated stickers must loop forever', 'StickerCreator--Toasts--mustLoopForever' ); } contentType = 'image/png'; processedBuffer = imgBuffer; } else { contentType = 'image/webp'; processedBuffer = await sharpImg .resize({ width: STICKER_SIZE, height: STICKER_SIZE, fit: 'contain', background: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0 }, }) .webp() .toBuffer(); if (processedBuffer.byteLength > MAX_WEBP_STICKER_BYTE_LENGTH) { throw processStickerError( 'Sticker file was too large', 'StickerCreator--Toasts--tooLarge' ); } } return { path, buffer: processedBuffer, src: `data:${contentType};base64,${processedBuffer.toString('base64')}`, meta, }; }; window.encryptAndUpload = async ( manifest, stickers, cover, onProgress = noop ) => { const usernameItem = await window.Signal.Data.getItemById('uuid_id'); const oldUsernameItem = await window.Signal.Data.getItemById('number_id'); const passwordItem = await window.Signal.Data.getItemById('password'); if (!oldUsernameItem || !passwordItem) { const { message } = window.localeMessages[ 'StickerCreator--Authentication--error' ]; dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'warning', message, }); throw new Error(message); } const { value: username } = usernameItem; const { value: oldUsername } = oldUsernameItem; const { value: password } = passwordItem; const packKey = getRandomBytes(32); const encryptionKey = deriveStickerPackKey(packKey); const iv = getRandomBytes(16); const server = WebAPI.connect({ username: username || oldUsername, password, useWebSocket: false, }); const uniqueStickers = uniqBy( [...stickers, { imageData: cover }], 'imageData' ); const manifestProto = new Proto.StickerPack(); manifestProto.title = manifest.title; manifestProto.author = manifest.author; manifestProto.stickers = stickers.map(({ emoji }, id) => { const s = new Proto.StickerPack.Sticker(); s.id = id; s.emoji = emoji; return s; }); const coverSticker = new Proto.StickerPack.Sticker(); coverSticker.id = uniqueStickers.length === stickers.length ? 0 : uniqueStickers.length - 1; coverSticker.emoji = ''; manifestProto.cover = coverSticker; const encryptedManifest = await encrypt( Proto.StickerPack.encode(manifestProto).finish(), encryptionKey, iv ); const encryptedStickers = await pMap( uniqueStickers, ({ imageData }) => encrypt(imageData.buffer, encryptionKey, iv), { concurrency: 3, timeout: 1000 * 60 * 2, } ); const packId = await server.putStickers( encryptedManifest, encryptedStickers, onProgress ); const hexKey = Bytes.toHex(packKey); ipc.send('install-sticker-pack', packId, hexKey); return { packId, key: hexKey }; }; async function encrypt(data, key, iv) { const { ciphertext } = await encryptAttachment(data, key, iv); return ciphertext; } const getThemeSetting = createSetting('theme-setting'); async function resolveTheme() { const theme = (await getThemeSetting.getValue()) || 'system'; if (process.platform === 'darwin' && theme === 'system') { const { theme: nativeTheme } = SignalContext.nativeThemeListener; return nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors ? 'dark' : 'light'; } return theme; } async function applyTheme() { window.document.body.classList.remove('dark-theme'); window.document.body.classList.remove('light-theme'); window.document.body.classList.add(`${await resolveTheme()}-theme`); } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', applyTheme); SignalContext.nativeThemeListener.subscribe(() => applyTheme()); SignalContext.log.info('sticker-creator preload complete...');