// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { isNumber } from 'lodash'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import type { PropsType as TimelinePropsType } from '../components/conversation/Timeline'; import type { TimelineItemType } from '../components/conversation/TimelineItem'; import { WidthBreakpoint } from '../components/_util'; import { MINUTE } from './durations'; import { missingCaseError } from './missingCaseError'; import { isSameDay } from './timestamp'; import type { LastMessageStatus } from '../model-types.d'; const COLLAPSE_WITHIN = 3 * MINUTE; export enum TimelineMessageLoadingState { // We start the enum at 1 because the default starting value of 0 is falsy. DoingInitialLoad = 1, LoadingOlderMessages, LoadingNewerMessages, } export enum ScrollAnchor { ChangeNothing, ScrollToBottom, ScrollToIndex, ScrollToUnreadIndicator, Top, Bottom, } export enum UnreadIndicatorPlacement { JustAbove, JustBelow, } export type MessageTimelineItemDataType = Readonly<{ author: { id: string }; deletedForEveryone?: boolean; isEditedMessage?: boolean; reactions?: ReadonlyArray<unknown>; status?: LastMessageStatus; timestamp: number; }>; // This lets us avoid passing a full `MessageType`. That's useful for tests and for // documentation. export type MaybeMessageTimelineItemType = Readonly< | undefined | TimelineItemType | { type: 'message'; data: MessageTimelineItemDataType } >; const getMessageTimelineItemData = ( timelineItem: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType ): undefined | MessageTimelineItemDataType => timelineItem?.type === 'message' ? timelineItem.data : undefined; export function shouldCurrentMessageHideMetadata( areMessagesGrouped: boolean, item: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType, newerTimelineItem: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType ): boolean { if (!areMessagesGrouped) { return false; } const message = getMessageTimelineItemData(item); if (!message) { return false; } if (message.isEditedMessage) { return false; } const newerMessage = getMessageTimelineItemData(newerTimelineItem); if (!newerMessage) { return false; } // If newer message is deleted, but current isn't, we'll show metadata. if (newerMessage.deletedForEveryone && !message.deletedForEveryone) { return false; } switch (message.status) { case undefined: return true; case 'paused': case 'error': case 'partial-sent': case 'sending': return false; case 'sent': case 'delivered': case 'read': case 'viewed': return true; default: log.error(missingCaseError(message.status)); return true; } } export function areMessagesInSameGroup( olderTimelineItem: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType, unreadIndicator: boolean, newerTimelineItem: MaybeMessageTimelineItemType ): boolean { if (unreadIndicator) { return false; } const olderMessage = getMessageTimelineItemData(olderTimelineItem); if (!olderMessage) { return false; } const newerMessage = getMessageTimelineItemData(newerTimelineItem); if (!newerMessage) { return false; } return Boolean( !olderMessage.reactions?.length && olderMessage.author.id === newerMessage.author.id && (olderMessage.isEditedMessage || newerMessage.timestamp >= olderMessage.timestamp) && newerMessage.timestamp - olderMessage.timestamp < COLLAPSE_WITHIN && isSameDay(olderMessage.timestamp, newerMessage.timestamp) ); } type ScrollAnchorBeforeUpdateProps = Readonly< Pick< TimelinePropsType, | 'haveNewest' | 'isIncomingMessageRequest' | 'isSomeoneTyping' | 'items' | 'messageLoadingState' | 'oldestUnseenIndex' | 'scrollToIndex' | 'scrollToIndexCounter' > >; export function getScrollAnchorBeforeUpdate( prevProps: ScrollAnchorBeforeUpdateProps, props: ScrollAnchorBeforeUpdateProps, isAtBottom: boolean ): ScrollAnchor { if (props.messageLoadingState || !props.items.length) { return ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing; } const loadingStateThatJustFinished: undefined | TimelineMessageLoadingState = !props.messageLoadingState && prevProps.messageLoadingState ? prevProps.messageLoadingState : undefined; if ( isNumber(props.scrollToIndex) && (loadingStateThatJustFinished === TimelineMessageLoadingState.DoingInitialLoad || prevProps.scrollToIndex !== props.scrollToIndex || prevProps.scrollToIndexCounter !== props.scrollToIndexCounter) ) { return ScrollAnchor.ScrollToIndex; } switch (loadingStateThatJustFinished) { case TimelineMessageLoadingState.DoingInitialLoad: if (props.isIncomingMessageRequest) { return ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing; } if (isNumber(props.oldestUnseenIndex)) { return ScrollAnchor.ScrollToUnreadIndicator; } return ScrollAnchor.ScrollToBottom; case TimelineMessageLoadingState.LoadingOlderMessages: return ScrollAnchor.Bottom; case TimelineMessageLoadingState.LoadingNewerMessages: return ScrollAnchor.Top; case undefined: { const didSomethingChange = prevProps.items.length !== props.items.length || (props.haveNewest && prevProps.isSomeoneTyping !== props.isSomeoneTyping); if (didSomethingChange && isAtBottom) { return ScrollAnchor.ScrollToBottom; } break; } default: throw missingCaseError(loadingStateThatJustFinished); } return ScrollAnchor.ChangeNothing; } export function getWidthBreakpoint(width: number): WidthBreakpoint { if (width > 606) { return WidthBreakpoint.Wide; } if (width > 514) { return WidthBreakpoint.Medium; } return WidthBreakpoint.Narrow; }