/* * vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab */ (function () { 'use strict'; function clear(done) { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); return messages.fetch().then(function() { messages.destroyAll(); done(); }); } var attributes = { type: 'outgoing', body: 'hi', conversationId: 'foo', attachments: [], received_at: new Date().getTime() }; var attachment = { data: 'datasaurus', contentType: 'plain/text' }; describe('MessageCollection', function() { before(clear); after(clear); it('has no image url', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); assert.isNull(message.getImageUrl()); }); it('updates image url', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add({ attachments: [attachment] }); var firstUrl = message.getImageUrl(); message.updateImageUrl(); var secondUrl = message.getImageUrl(); assert.notEqual(secondUrl, firstUrl); }); it('gets outgoing contact', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); message.getContact(); }); it('gets incoming contact', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add({ type: 'incoming' }); message.getContact(); }); it('adds without saving', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); assert.notEqual(messages.length, 0); var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 0); }); it('saves asynchronously', function(done) { new Whisper.MessageCollection().add(attributes).save().then(done); }); it('fetches persistent messages', function(done) { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 0); messages.fetch().then(function() { assert.notEqual(messages.length, 0); var m = messages.at(0).attributes; _.each(attributes, function(val, key) { assert.deepEqual(m[key], val); }); done(); }); }); it('destroys persistent messages', function(done) { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); messages.fetch().then(function() { messages.destroyAll().then(function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); messages.fetch().then(function() { assert.strictEqual(messages.length, 0); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should be ordered oldest to newest', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); // Timestamps var today = new Date(); var tomorrow = new Date(); tomorrow.setDate(today.getDate()+1); // Add threads messages.add({ received_at: today }); messages.add({ received_at: tomorrow }); var models = messages.models; var firstTimestamp = models[0].get('received_at').getTime(); var secondTimestamp = models[1].get('received_at').getTime(); // Compare timestamps assert(firstTimestamp < secondTimestamp); }); it('checks if is incoming message', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); assert.notOk(message.isIncoming()); message = messages.add({type: 'incoming'}); assert.ok(message.isIncoming()); }); it('checks if is outgoing message', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); assert.ok(message.isOutgoing()); message = messages.add({type: 'incoming'}); assert.notOk(message.isOutgoing()); }); it('checks if is group update', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); assert.notOk(message.isGroupUpdate()); message = messages.add({group_update: true}); assert.ok(message.isGroupUpdate()); }); it('checks if there are any key conflicts', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); assert.notOk(message.hasKeyConflicts()); message = messages.add({errors: [{name: 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError'}]}); assert.ok(message.hasKeyConflicts()); }); it('returns a description of key conflicts', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add({errors: [{name: 'IncomingIdentityKeyError'}]}); assert.deepEqual(message.getKeyConflict(), {name: 'IncomingIdentityKeyError'}); }); it('returns an accurate description', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'hi', 'If no group updates, key conflicts, or end session flags, return message body.'); message = messages.add({group_update: {left: 'Alice'}}); assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Alice left the group.', 'Notes one person leaving the group.'); message = messages.add({group_update: {name: 'blerg'}}); assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Updated the group. Title is now \'blerg\'.', 'Returns a single notice if only group_updates.name changes.'); message = messages.add({group_update: {joined: ['Bob']}}); assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Updated the group. Bob joined the group.', 'Returns a single notice if only group_updates.joined changes.'); message = messages.add({group_update: {joined: ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Eve']}}); assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Updated the group. Bob, Alice, Eve joined the group.', 'Notes when >1 person joins the group.'); message = messages.add({group_update: {joined: ['Bob'], name: 'blerg'}}); assert.equal(message.getDescription(), 'Updated the group. Title is now \'blerg\'. Bob joined the group.', 'Notes when there are multiple changes to group_updates properties.'); message = messages.add({flags: true}); assert.equal(message.getDescription(), i18n('sessionEnded')); message = messages.add({type: 'incoming', errors: [{name: 'OutgoingIdentityKeyError'}]}); assert.equal(message.getDescription(), i18n('incomingKeyConflict')); }); it('checks if it is end of the session', function() { var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection(); var message = messages.add(attributes); assert.notOk(message.isEndSession()); message = messages.add({flags: true}); assert.ok(message.isEndSession()); }); }); })();