// Copyright 2022 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import type { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'; import * as log from '../../logging/log'; import * as Errors from '../../types/errors'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../../sql/Client'; import { CONVERSATION_UNLOADED, MESSAGE_CHANGED, MESSAGE_DELETED, MESSAGE_EXPIRED, } from './conversations'; import { VERSION_NEEDED_FOR_DISPLAY } from '../../types/Message2'; import { isDownloading, hasFailed } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { isNotNil } from '../../util/isNotNil'; import { getLocalAttachmentUrl } from '../../util/getLocalAttachmentUrl'; import { useBoundActions } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import type { AttachmentType } from '../../types/Attachment'; import type { BoundActionCreatorsMapObject } from '../../hooks/useBoundActions'; import type { ConversationUnloadedActionType, MessageChangedActionType, MessageDeletedActionType, MessageExpiredActionType, } from './conversations'; import type { MIMEType } from '../../types/MIME'; import type { MediaItemType } from '../../types/MediaItem'; import type { StateType as RootStateType } from '../reducer'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../../model-types'; type MediaItemMessage = ReadonlyDeep<{ attachments: Array; conversationId: string; id: string; receivedAt: number; receivedAtMs: number; sentAt: number; }>; type MediaType = ReadonlyDeep<{ path: string; objectURL: string; thumbnailObjectUrl?: string; contentType: MIMEType; index: number; attachment: AttachmentType; message: MediaItemMessage; }>; export type MediaGalleryStateType = ReadonlyDeep<{ conversationId: string | undefined; documents: ReadonlyArray; haveOldestDocument: boolean; haveOldestMedia: boolean; loading: boolean; media: ReadonlyArray; }>; const FETCH_CHUNK_COUNT = 50; const INITIAL_LOAD = 'mediaGallery/INITIAL_LOAD'; const LOAD_MORE_MEDIA = 'mediaGallery/LOAD_MORE_MEDIA'; const LOAD_MORE_DOCUMENTS = 'mediaGallery/LOAD_MORE_DOCUMENTS'; const SET_LOADING = 'mediaGallery/SET_LOADING'; type InitialLoadActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof INITIAL_LOAD; payload: { conversationId: string; documents: ReadonlyArray; media: ReadonlyArray; }; }>; type LoadMoreMediaActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof LOAD_MORE_MEDIA; payload: { conversationId: string; media: ReadonlyArray; }; }>; type LoadMoreDocumentsActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof LOAD_MORE_DOCUMENTS; payload: { conversationId: string; documents: ReadonlyArray; }; }>; type SetLoadingActionType = ReadonlyDeep<{ type: typeof SET_LOADING; payload: { loading: boolean; }; }>; type MediaGalleryActionType = ReadonlyDeep< | ConversationUnloadedActionType | InitialLoadActionType | LoadMoreDocumentsActionType | LoadMoreMediaActionType | MessageChangedActionType | MessageDeletedActionType | MessageExpiredActionType | SetLoadingActionType >; function _getMediaItemMessage( message: ReadonlyDeep ): MediaItemMessage { return { attachments: message.attachments || [], conversationId: window.ConversationController.lookupOrCreate({ serviceId: message.sourceServiceId, e164: message.source, reason: 'conversation_view.showAllMedia', })?.id || message.conversationId, id: message.id, receivedAt: message.received_at, receivedAtMs: Number(message.received_at_ms), sentAt: message.sent_at, }; } function _cleanVisualAttachments( rawMedia: ReadonlyDeep> ): ReadonlyArray { let index = 0; return rawMedia .flatMap(message => { return (message.attachments || []).map( (attachment: AttachmentType): MediaType | undefined => { if ( !attachment.path || !attachment.thumbnail || isDownloading(attachment) || hasFailed(attachment) ) { return; } const { thumbnail } = attachment; const result = { path: attachment.path, objectURL: getLocalAttachmentUrl(attachment), thumbnailObjectUrl: thumbnail?.path ? getLocalAttachmentUrl(thumbnail) : undefined, contentType: attachment.contentType, index, attachment, message: _getMediaItemMessage(message), }; index += 1; return result; } ); }) .filter(isNotNil); } function _cleanFileAttachments( rawDocuments: ReadonlyDeep> ): ReadonlyArray { return rawDocuments .map(message => { const attachments = message.attachments || []; const attachment = attachments[0]; if (!attachment) { return; } return { contentType: attachment.contentType, index: 0, attachment, message: { ..._getMediaItemMessage(message), attachments: [attachment], }, }; }) .filter(isNotNil); } async function _upgradeMessages( messages: ReadonlyArray ): Promise> { const { upgradeMessageSchema } = window.Signal.Migrations; const ourAci = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedAci(); // We upgrade these messages so they are sure to have thumbnails const upgraded = await Promise.all( messages.map(async message => { const { schemaVersion } = message; const model = window.MessageCache.__DEPRECATED$register( message.id, message, 'loadMediaItems' ); try { if (schemaVersion && schemaVersion < VERSION_NEEDED_FOR_DISPLAY) { const upgradedMsgAttributes = await upgradeMessageSchema(message); model.set(upgradedMsgAttributes); await DataWriter.saveMessage(upgradedMsgAttributes, { ourAci }); } } catch (error) { log.warn( `_upgradeMessages: Failed to upgrade message ${model.idForLogging()}: ${Errors.toLogFormat(error)}` ); return undefined; } return model.attributes; }) ); return upgraded.filter(isNotNil); } function initialLoad( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, InitialLoadActionType | SetLoadingActionType > { return async dispatch => { dispatch({ type: SET_LOADING, payload: { loading: true }, }); const rawMedia = await DataReader.getOlderMessagesByConversation({ conversationId, includeStoryReplies: false, limit: FETCH_CHUNK_COUNT, requireVisualMediaAttachments: true, storyId: undefined, }); const rawDocuments = await DataReader.getOlderMessagesByConversation({ conversationId, includeStoryReplies: false, limit: FETCH_CHUNK_COUNT, requireFileAttachments: true, storyId: undefined, }); const upgraded = await _upgradeMessages(rawMedia); const media = _cleanVisualAttachments(upgraded); const documents = _cleanFileAttachments(rawDocuments); dispatch({ type: INITIAL_LOAD, payload: { conversationId, documents, media, }, }); }; } function loadMoreMedia( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, InitialLoadActionType | LoadMoreMediaActionType | SetLoadingActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const { conversationId: previousConversationId, media: previousMedia } = getState().mediaGallery; if (conversationId !== previousConversationId) { log.warn('loadMoreMedia: conversationId mismatch; calling initialLoad()'); initialLoad(conversationId)(dispatch, getState, {}); return; } const firstMedia = previousMedia[0]; if (!firstMedia) { log.warn('loadMoreMedia: no previous media; calling initialLoad()'); initialLoad(conversationId)(dispatch, getState, {}); return; } dispatch({ type: SET_LOADING, payload: { loading: true }, }); const { sentAt, receivedAt, id: messageId } = firstMedia.message; const rawMedia = await DataReader.getOlderMessagesByConversation({ conversationId, includeStoryReplies: false, limit: FETCH_CHUNK_COUNT, messageId, receivedAt, requireVisualMediaAttachments: true, sentAt, storyId: undefined, }); const upgraded = await _upgradeMessages(rawMedia); const media = _cleanVisualAttachments(upgraded); dispatch({ type: LOAD_MORE_MEDIA, payload: { conversationId, media, }, }); }; } function loadMoreDocuments( conversationId: string ): ThunkAction< void, RootStateType, unknown, InitialLoadActionType | LoadMoreDocumentsActionType | SetLoadingActionType > { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const { conversationId: previousConversationId, documents: previousDocuments, } = getState().mediaGallery; if (conversationId !== previousConversationId) { log.warn( 'loadMoreDocuments: conversationId mismatch; calling initialLoad()' ); initialLoad(conversationId)(dispatch, getState, {}); return; } const firstDocument = previousDocuments[0]; if (!firstDocument) { log.warn( 'loadMoreDocuments: no previous documents; calling initialLoad()' ); initialLoad(conversationId)(dispatch, getState, {}); return; } dispatch({ type: SET_LOADING, payload: { loading: true }, }); const { sentAt, receivedAt, id: messageId } = firstDocument.message; const rawDocuments = await DataReader.getOlderMessagesByConversation({ conversationId, includeStoryReplies: false, limit: FETCH_CHUNK_COUNT, messageId, receivedAt, requireFileAttachments: true, sentAt, storyId: undefined, }); const documents = _cleanFileAttachments(rawDocuments); dispatch({ type: LOAD_MORE_DOCUMENTS, payload: { conversationId, documents, }, }); }; } export const actions = { initialLoad, loadMoreMedia, loadMoreDocuments, }; export const useMediaGalleryActions = (): BoundActionCreatorsMapObject< typeof actions > => useBoundActions(actions); export function getEmptyState(): MediaGalleryStateType { return { conversationId: undefined, documents: [], haveOldestDocument: false, haveOldestMedia: false, loading: true, media: [], }; } export function reducer( state: Readonly = getEmptyState(), action: Readonly ): MediaGalleryStateType { if (action.type === SET_LOADING) { const { loading } = action.payload; return { ...state, loading, }; } if (action.type === INITIAL_LOAD) { return { ...state, loading: false, ...action.payload, haveOldestDocument: false, haveOldestMedia: false, }; } if (action.type === LOAD_MORE_MEDIA) { const { conversationId, media } = action.payload; if (state.conversationId !== conversationId) { return state; } return { ...state, loading: false, haveOldestMedia: media.length === 0, media: media.concat(state.media), }; } if (action.type === LOAD_MORE_DOCUMENTS) { const { conversationId, documents } = action.payload; if (state.conversationId !== conversationId) { return state; } return { ...state, loading: false, haveOldestDocument: documents.length === 0, documents: documents.concat(state.documents), }; } // We don't capture the initial message add, but we do capture the moment when its // attachments have been downloaded if (action.type === MESSAGE_CHANGED) { const { payload } = action; const { conversationId, data: message } = payload; if (conversationId !== state.conversationId) { return state; } if (!message.attachments || message.attachments.length === 0) { return state; } const mediaWithout = state.media.filter( item => item.message.id !== message.id ); const documentsWithout = state.documents.filter( item => item.message.id !== message.id ); if (message.deletedForEveryone) { return { ...state, media: mediaWithout, documents: documentsWithout, }; } // Check whether we have new downloaded media, or an attachment has been deleted const mediaCount = state.media.length - mediaWithout.length; const documentCount = state.documents.length - mediaWithout.length; const media = _cleanVisualAttachments([message]); const documents = _cleanFileAttachments([message]); if (mediaCount !== media.length || documentCount !== documents.length) { return { ...state, media: mediaWithout.concat(media), documents: documentsWithout.concat(documents), }; } return state; } if (action.type === MESSAGE_DELETED || action.type === MESSAGE_EXPIRED) { return { ...state, media: state.media.filter(item => item.message.id !== action.payload.id), documents: state.documents.filter( item => item.message.id !== action.payload.id ), }; } if (action.type === CONVERSATION_UNLOADED) { return getEmptyState(); } return state; }