// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { ChangeEvent } from 'react'; import React, { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { partition } from 'lodash'; import type { ListRowProps } from 'react-virtualized'; import { List } from 'react-virtualized'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import type { ConversationType } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import type { LocalizerType } from '../types/I18N'; import { SearchInput } from './SearchInput'; import { filterAndSortConversations } from '../util/filterAndSortConversations'; import { NavSidebarSearchHeader } from './NavSidebar'; import { ListTile } from './ListTile'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; import { UserText } from './UserText'; import { Avatar, AvatarSize } from './Avatar'; import { I18n } from './I18n'; import { SizeObserver } from '../hooks/useSizeObserver'; import { CallType } from '../types/CallDisposition'; import type { CallsTabSelectedView } from './CallsTab'; import { InAnotherCallTooltip, getTooltipContent, } from './conversation/InAnotherCallTooltip'; type CallsNewCallProps = Readonly<{ hasActiveCall: boolean; allConversations: ReadonlyArray; i18n: LocalizerType; onChangeCallsTabSelectedView: (selectedView: CallsTabSelectedView) => void; onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation: (conversationId: string) => void; onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation: (conversationId: string) => void; regionCode: string | undefined; }>; type Row = | { kind: 'header'; title: string } | { kind: 'conversation'; conversation: ConversationType }; export function CallsNewCallButton({ callType, isEnabled, isActive, isInCall, i18n, onClick, }: { callType: CallType; isActive: boolean; isEnabled: boolean; isInCall: boolean; i18n: LocalizerType; onClick: () => void; }): JSX.Element { let innerContent: React.ReactNode | string; let inAnotherCallTooltipContent = ''; if (!isEnabled) { inAnotherCallTooltipContent = getTooltipContent(i18n); } // Note: isActive is only set for groups and adhoc calls if (isActive) { innerContent = isInCall ? i18n('icu:CallsNewCallButton--return') : i18n('icu:joinOngoingCall'); } else if (callType === CallType.Audio) { innerContent = ( ); } else { innerContent = ( ); } const buttonContent = ( ); return inAnotherCallTooltipContent === '' ? ( buttonContent ) : ( {buttonContent} ); } export function CallsNewCall({ hasActiveCall, allConversations, i18n, onChangeCallsTabSelectedView, onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation, onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation, regionCode, }: CallsNewCallProps): JSX.Element { const [queryInput, setQueryInput] = useState(''); const query = useMemo(() => { return queryInput.toLowerCase().normalize().trim(); }, [queryInput]); const activeConversations = useMemo(() => { return allConversations.filter(conversation => { return conversation.activeAt != null && conversation.isArchived !== true; }); }, [allConversations]); const filteredConversations = useMemo(() => { if (query === '') { return activeConversations; } return filterAndSortConversations(activeConversations, query, regionCode); }, [activeConversations, query, regionCode]); const [groupConversations, directConversations] = useMemo(() => { return partition(filteredConversations, conversation => { return conversation.type === 'group'; }); }, [filteredConversations]); const handleSearchInputChange = useCallback( (event: ChangeEvent) => { setQueryInput(event.currentTarget.value); }, [] ); const handleSearchInputClear = useCallback(() => { setQueryInput(''); }, []); const rows = useMemo((): ReadonlyArray => { let result: Array = []; if (directConversations.length > 0) { result.push({ kind: 'header', title: 'Contacts', }); result = result.concat( directConversations.map(conversation => { return { kind: 'conversation', conversation, }; }) ); } if (groupConversations.length > 0) { result.push({ kind: 'header', title: 'Groups', }); result = result.concat( groupConversations.map((conversation): Row => { return { kind: 'conversation', conversation, }; }) ); } return result; }, [directConversations, groupConversations]); const isRowLoaded = useCallback( ({ index }) => { return rows.at(index) != null; }, [rows] ); const rowHeight = useCallback( ({ index }) => { if (rows.at(index)?.kind === 'conversation') { return ListTile.heightCompact; } // Height of .CallsNewCall__ListHeaderItem return 40; }, [rows] ); const rowRenderer = useCallback( ({ key, index, style }: ListRowProps) => { const item = rows.at(index); strictAssert(item != null, 'Rendered non-existent row'); if (item.kind === 'header') { return (
); } const isNewCallEnabled = !hasActiveCall; return (
} title={} trailing={
{item.conversation.type === 'direct' && ( { if (isNewCallEnabled) { onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation(item.conversation.id); } }} i18n={i18n} /> )} { if (isNewCallEnabled) { onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation(item.conversation.id); } }} i18n={i18n} />
} onClick={() => { onChangeCallsTabSelectedView({ type: 'conversation', conversationId: item.conversation.id, callHistoryGroup: null, }); }} />
); }, [ rows, i18n, hasActiveCall, onChangeCallsTabSelectedView, onOutgoingAudioCallInConversation, onOutgoingVideoCallInConversation, ] ); return ( <> {rows.length === 0 && (
{query === '' ? ( i18n('icu:CallsNewCall__EmptyState--noQuery') ) : ( , }} /> )}
)} {rows.length > 0 && ( {(ref, size) => { return (
{size != null && ( )}
); }}
)} ); }