/* global Backbone: false */ /* global $: false */ /* global ConversationController: false */ /* global getAccountManager: false */ /* global Signal: false */ /* global storage: false */ /* global textsecure: false */ /* global Whisper: false */ /* global wrapDeferred: false */ /* global _: false */ // eslint-disable-next-line func-names (async function() { 'use strict'; // We add this to window here because the default Node context is erased at the end // of preload.js processing window.setImmediate = window.nodeSetImmediate; const { IdleDetector, MessageDataMigrator } = Signal.Workflow; const { Errors, Message } = window.Signal.Types; const { upgradeMessageSchema } = window.Signal.Migrations; const { Migrations0DatabaseWithAttachmentData } = window.Signal.Migrations; const { Views } = window.Signal; // Implicitly used in `indexeddb-backbonejs-adapter`: // https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop/blob/4033a9f8137e62ed286170ed5d4941982b1d3a64/components/indexeddb-backbonejs-adapter/backbone-indexeddb.js#L569 window.onInvalidStateError = e => console.log(e); console.log('background page reloaded'); console.log('environment:', window.getEnvironment()); let initialLoadComplete = false; window.owsDesktopApp = {}; window.document.title = window.getTitle(); // start a background worker for ecc textsecure.startWorker('js/libsignal-protocol-worker.js'); Whisper.KeyChangeListener.init(textsecure.storage.protocol); textsecure.storage.protocol.on('removePreKey', () => { getAccountManager().refreshPreKeys(); }); let messageReceiver; window.getSocketStatus = () => { if (messageReceiver) { return messageReceiver.getStatus(); } return -1; }; Whisper.events = _.clone(Backbone.Events); let accountManager; window.getAccountManager = () => { if (!accountManager) { const USERNAME = storage.get('number_id'); const PASSWORD = storage.get('password'); accountManager = new textsecure.AccountManager(USERNAME, PASSWORD); accountManager.addEventListener('registration', () => { Whisper.Registration.markDone(); console.log('dispatching registration event'); Whisper.events.trigger('registration_done'); }); } return accountManager; }; const cancelInitializationMessage = Views.Initialization.setMessage(); console.log('Start IndexedDB migrations'); console.log('Run migrations on database with attachment data'); await Migrations0DatabaseWithAttachmentData.run({ Backbone }); console.log('Storage fetch'); storage.fetch(); const idleDetector = new IdleDetector(); let isMigrationWithIndexComplete = false; let isMigrationWithoutIndexComplete = false; idleDetector.on('idle', async () => { console.log('Idle processing started'); const NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BATCH = 1; if (!isMigrationWithIndexComplete) { const batchWithIndex = await MessageDataMigrator.processNext({ BackboneMessage: Whisper.Message, BackboneMessageCollection: Whisper.MessageCollection, numMessagesPerBatch: NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BATCH, upgradeMessageSchema, }); console.log('Upgrade message schema (with index):', batchWithIndex); isMigrationWithIndexComplete = batchWithIndex.done; } if (!isMigrationWithoutIndexComplete) { const database = Migrations0DatabaseWithAttachmentData.getDatabase(); const batchWithoutIndex = await MessageDataMigrator.processNextBatchWithoutIndex( { databaseName: database.name, minDatabaseVersion: database.version, numMessagesPerBatch: NUM_MESSAGES_PER_BATCH, upgradeMessageSchema, } ); console.log('Upgrade message schema (without index):', batchWithoutIndex); isMigrationWithoutIndexComplete = batchWithoutIndex.done; } const areAllMigrationsComplete = isMigrationWithIndexComplete && isMigrationWithoutIndexComplete; if (areAllMigrationsComplete) { console.log('All migrations are complete. Stopping idle detector.'); idleDetector.stop(); } }); function mapOldThemeToNew(theme) { switch (theme) { case 'dark': case 'light': return theme; case 'android-dark': return 'dark'; case 'android': case 'ios': default: return 'light'; } } // We need this 'first' check because we don't want to start the app up any other time // than the first time. And storage.fetch() will cause onready() to fire. let first = true; storage.onready(async () => { if (!first) { return; } first = false; // These make key operations available to IPC handlers created in preload.js window.Events = { getDeviceName: () => textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceName(), getThemeSetting: () => storage.get('theme-setting'), setThemeSetting: value => { storage.put('theme-setting', value); onChangeTheme(); }, getHideMenuBar: () => storage.get('hide-menu-bar'), setHideMenuBar: value => { storage.put('hide-menu-bar', value); window.setAutoHideMenuBar(value); window.setMenuBarVisibility(!value); }, getNotificationSetting: () => storage.get('notification-setting', 'message'), setNotificationSetting: value => storage.put('notification-setting', value), getAudioNotification: () => storage.get('audio-notification'), setAudioNotification: value => storage.put('audio-notification', value), // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq isPrimary: () => textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId() == '1', getSyncRequest: () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const syncRequest = window.getSyncRequest(); syncRequest.addEventListener('success', resolve); syncRequest.addEventListener('timeout', reject); }), getLastSyncTime: () => storage.get('synced_at'), setLastSyncTime: value => storage.put('synced_at', value), addDarkOverlay: () => { if ($('.dark-overlay').length) { return; } $(document.body).prepend('
'); $('.dark-overlay').on('click', () => $('.dark-overlay').remove()); }, removeDarkOverlay: () => $('.dark-overlay').remove(), deleteAllData: () => { const clearDataView = new window.Whisper.ClearDataView().render(); $('body').append(clearDataView.el); }, }; const themeSetting = window.Events.getThemeSetting(); const newThemeSetting = mapOldThemeToNew(themeSetting); window.Events.setThemeSetting(newThemeSetting); try { await ConversationController.load(); } finally { start(); } }); Whisper.events.on('shutdown', async () => { idleDetector.stop(); if (messageReceiver) { await messageReceiver.close(); } Whisper.events.trigger('shutdown-complete'); }); Whisper.events.on('setupWithImport', () => { const { appView } = window.owsDesktopApp; if (appView) { appView.openImporter(); } }); Whisper.events.on('setupAsNewDevice', () => { const { appView } = window.owsDesktopApp; if (appView) { appView.openInstaller(); } }); Whisper.events.on('setupAsStandalone', () => { const { appView } = window.owsDesktopApp; if (appView) { appView.openStandalone(); } }); function start() { const currentVersion = window.getVersion(); const lastVersion = storage.get('version'); const newVersion = !lastVersion || currentVersion !== lastVersion; storage.put('version', currentVersion); if (newVersion) { console.log( `New version detected: ${currentVersion}; previous: ${lastVersion}` ); } window.dispatchEvent(new Event('storage_ready')); console.log('listening for registration events'); Whisper.events.on('registration_done', () => { console.log('handling registration event'); Whisper.RotateSignedPreKeyListener.init(Whisper.events, newVersion); connect(true); }); cancelInitializationMessage(); const appView = new Whisper.AppView({ el: $('body'), }); window.owsDesktopApp.appView = appView; Whisper.WallClockListener.init(Whisper.events); Whisper.ExpiringMessagesListener.init(Whisper.events); if (Whisper.Import.isIncomplete()) { console.log('Import was interrupted, showing import error screen'); appView.openImporter(); } else if (Whisper.Registration.everDone()) { Whisper.RotateSignedPreKeyListener.init(Whisper.events, newVersion); connect(); appView.openInbox({ initialLoadComplete, }); } else if (window.isImportMode()) { appView.openImporter(); } else { appView.openInstaller(); } Whisper.events.on('showDebugLog', () => { appView.openDebugLog(); }); Whisper.events.on('unauthorized', () => { appView.inboxView.networkStatusView.update(); }); Whisper.events.on('reconnectTimer', () => { appView.inboxView.networkStatusView.setSocketReconnectInterval(60000); }); Whisper.events.on('contactsync', () => { if (appView.installView) { appView.openInbox(); } }); window.addEventListener('focus', () => Whisper.Notifications.clear()); window.addEventListener('unload', () => Whisper.Notifications.fastClear()); Whisper.events.on('showConversation', conversation => { if (appView) { appView.openConversation(conversation); } }); Whisper.Notifications.on('click', conversation => { window.showWindow(); if (conversation) { appView.openConversation(conversation); } else { appView.openInbox({ initialLoadComplete, }); } }); } window.getSyncRequest = () => new textsecure.SyncRequest(textsecure.messaging, messageReceiver); Whisper.events.on('start-shutdown', async () => { if (messageReceiver) { await messageReceiver.close(); } Whisper.events.trigger('shutdown-complete'); }); let disconnectTimer = null; function onOffline() { console.log('offline'); window.removeEventListener('offline', onOffline); window.addEventListener('online', onOnline); // We've received logs from Linux where we get an 'offline' event, then 30ms later // we get an online event. This waits a bit after getting an 'offline' event // before disconnecting the socket manually. disconnectTimer = setTimeout(disconnect, 1000); } function onOnline() { console.log('online'); window.removeEventListener('online', onOnline); window.addEventListener('offline', onOffline); if (disconnectTimer && isSocketOnline()) { console.log('Already online. Had a blip in online/offline status.'); clearTimeout(disconnectTimer); disconnectTimer = null; return; } if (disconnectTimer) { clearTimeout(disconnectTimer); disconnectTimer = null; } connect(); } function isSocketOnline() { const socketStatus = window.getSocketStatus(); return ( socketStatus === WebSocket.CONNECTING || socketStatus === WebSocket.OPEN ); } function disconnect() { console.log('disconnect'); // Clear timer, since we're only called when the timer is expired disconnectTimer = null; if (messageReceiver) { messageReceiver.close(); } } let connectCount = 0; async function connect(firstRun) { console.log('connect'); // Bootstrap our online/offline detection, only the first time we connect if (connectCount === 0 && navigator.onLine) { window.addEventListener('offline', onOffline); } if (connectCount === 0 && !navigator.onLine) { console.log( 'Starting up offline; will connect when we have network access' ); window.addEventListener('online', onOnline); onEmpty(); // this ensures that the loading screen is dismissed return; } if (!Whisper.Registration.everDone()) { return; } if (Whisper.Import.isIncomplete()) { return; } if (messageReceiver) { messageReceiver.close(); } const USERNAME = storage.get('number_id'); const PASSWORD = storage.get('password'); const mySignalingKey = storage.get('signaling_key'); connectCount += 1; const options = { retryCached: connectCount === 1, }; Whisper.Notifications.disable(); // avoid notification flood until empty // initialize the socket and start listening for messages messageReceiver = new textsecure.MessageReceiver( USERNAME, PASSWORD, mySignalingKey, options ); messageReceiver.addEventListener('message', onMessageReceived); messageReceiver.addEventListener('delivery', onDeliveryReceipt); messageReceiver.addEventListener('contact', onContactReceived); messageReceiver.addEventListener('group', onGroupReceived); messageReceiver.addEventListener('sent', onSentMessage); messageReceiver.addEventListener('readSync', onReadSync); messageReceiver.addEventListener('read', onReadReceipt); messageReceiver.addEventListener('verified', onVerified); messageReceiver.addEventListener('error', onError); messageReceiver.addEventListener('empty', onEmpty); messageReceiver.addEventListener('reconnect', onReconnect); messageReceiver.addEventListener('progress', onProgress); messageReceiver.addEventListener('configuration', onConfiguration); window.textsecure.messaging = new textsecure.MessageSender( USERNAME, PASSWORD ); // Because v0.43.2 introduced a bug that lost contact details, v0.43.4 introduces // a one-time contact sync to restore all lost contact/group information. We // disable this checking if a user is first registering. const key = 'chrome-contact-sync-v0.43.4'; if (!storage.get(key)) { storage.put(key, true); // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (!firstRun && textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId() != '1') { window.getSyncRequest(); } } const deviceId = textsecure.storage.user.getDeviceId(); const { sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage } = textsecure.messaging; const status = await Signal.Startup.syncReadReceiptConfiguration({ deviceId, sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage, storage, }); console.log('Sync read receipt configuration status:', status); if (firstRun === true && deviceId !== '1') { const hasThemeSetting = Boolean(storage.get('theme-setting')); if (!hasThemeSetting && textsecure.storage.get('userAgent') === 'OWI') { storage.put('theme-setting', 'ios'); onChangeTheme(); } const syncRequest = new textsecure.SyncRequest( textsecure.messaging, messageReceiver ); Whisper.events.trigger('contactsync:begin'); syncRequest.addEventListener('success', () => { console.log('sync successful'); storage.put('synced_at', Date.now()); Whisper.events.trigger('contactsync'); }); syncRequest.addEventListener('timeout', () => { console.log('sync timed out'); Whisper.events.trigger('contactsync'); }); if (Whisper.Import.isComplete()) { textsecure.messaging.sendRequestConfigurationSyncMessage().catch(e => { console.log(e); }); } } storage.onready(async () => { const shouldSkipAttachmentMigrationForNewUsers = firstRun === true; if (shouldSkipAttachmentMigrationForNewUsers) { const database = Migrations0DatabaseWithAttachmentData.getDatabase(); const connection = await Signal.Database.open( database.name, database.version ); await Signal.Settings.markAttachmentMigrationComplete(connection); } idleDetector.start(); }); } function onChangeTheme() { const view = window.owsDesktopApp.appView; if (view) { view.applyTheme(); } } function onEmpty() { initialLoadComplete = true; let interval = setInterval(() => { const view = window.owsDesktopApp.appView; if (view) { clearInterval(interval); interval = null; view.onEmpty(); } }, 500); Whisper.Notifications.enable(); } function onReconnect() { // We disable notifications on first connect, but the same applies to reconnect. In // scenarios where we're coming back from sleep, we can get offline/online events // very fast, and it looks like a network blip. But we need to suppress // notifications in these scenarios too. So we listen for 'reconnect' events. Whisper.Notifications.disable(); } function onProgress(ev) { const { count } = ev; const view = window.owsDesktopApp.appView; if (view) { view.onProgress(count); } } function onConfiguration(ev) { storage.put('read-receipt-setting', ev.configuration.readReceipts); } async function onContactReceived(ev) { const details = ev.contactDetails; const id = details.number; if (id === textsecure.storage.user.getNumber()) { // special case for syncing details about ourselves if (details.profileKey) { console.log('Got sync message with our own profile key'); storage.put('profileKey', details.profileKey); } } const c = new Whisper.Conversation({ id, }); const validationError = c.validateNumber(); if (validationError) { console.log( 'Invalid contact received:', Errors.toLogFormat(validationError) ); return; } try { const conversation = await ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( id, 'private' ); let activeAt = conversation.get('active_at'); // The idea is to make any new contact show up in the left pane. If // activeAt is null, then this contact has been purposefully hidden. if (activeAt !== null) { activeAt = activeAt || Date.now(); } if (details.profileKey) { conversation.set({ profileKey: details.profileKey }); } if (typeof details.blocked !== 'undefined') { if (details.blocked) { storage.addBlockedNumber(id); } else { storage.removeBlockedNumber(id); } } await wrapDeferred( conversation.save({ name: details.name, avatar: details.avatar, color: details.color, active_at: activeAt, }) ); const { expireTimer } = details; const isValidExpireTimer = typeof expireTimer === 'number'; if (!isValidExpireTimer) { return; } const source = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const receivedAt = Date.now(); await conversation.updateExpirationTimer( expireTimer, source, receivedAt, { fromSync: true } ); if (details.verified) { const { verified } = details; const verifiedEvent = new Event('verified'); verifiedEvent.verified = { state: verified.state, destination: verified.destination, identityKey: verified.identityKey.toArrayBuffer(), }; verifiedEvent.viaContactSync = true; await onVerified(verifiedEvent); } ev.confirm(); } catch (error) { console.log('onContactReceived error:', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); } } async function onGroupReceived(ev) { const details = ev.groupDetails; const { id } = details; const conversation = await ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( id, 'group' ); const updates = { name: details.name, members: details.members, avatar: details.avatar, type: 'group', }; if (details.active) { const activeAt = conversation.get('active_at'); // The idea is to make any new group show up in the left pane. If // activeAt is null, then this group has been purposefully hidden. if (activeAt !== null) { updates.active_at = activeAt || Date.now(); } updates.left = false; } else { updates.left = true; } await wrapDeferred(conversation.save(updates)); const { expireTimer } = details; const isValidExpireTimer = typeof expireTimer === 'number'; if (!isValidExpireTimer) { console.log( 'Ignore invalid expire timer.', 'Expected numeric `expireTimer`, got:', expireTimer ); return; } const source = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const receivedAt = Date.now(); await conversation.updateExpirationTimer(expireTimer, source, receivedAt, { fromSync: true, }); ev.confirm(); } // Descriptors const getGroupDescriptor = group => ({ type: Message.GROUP, id: group.id, }); // Matches event data from `libtextsecure` `MessageReceiver::handleSentMessage`: const getDescriptorForSent = ({ message, destination }) => message.group ? getGroupDescriptor(message.group) : { type: Message.PRIVATE, id: destination }; // Matches event data from `libtextsecure` `MessageReceiver::handleDataMessage`: const getDescriptorForReceived = ({ message, source }) => message.group ? getGroupDescriptor(message.group) : { type: Message.PRIVATE, id: source }; function createMessageHandler({ createMessage, getMessageDescriptor, handleProfileUpdate, }) { return async event => { const { data, confirm } = event; const messageDescriptor = getMessageDescriptor(data); const { PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE } = textsecure.protobuf.DataMessage.Flags; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise const isProfileUpdate = Boolean(data.message.flags & PROFILE_KEY_UPDATE); if (isProfileUpdate) { return handleProfileUpdate({ data, confirm, messageDescriptor }); } const message = createMessage(data); const isDuplicate = await isMessageDuplicate(message); if (isDuplicate) { console.log('Received duplicate message', message.idForLogging()); return event.confirm(); } const upgradedMessage = await upgradeMessageSchema(data.message); await ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( messageDescriptor.id, messageDescriptor.type ); return message.handleDataMessage(upgradedMessage, event.confirm, { initialLoadComplete, }); }; } // Received: async function handleMessageReceivedProfileUpdate({ data, confirm, messageDescriptor, }) { const profileKey = data.message.profileKey.toArrayBuffer(); const sender = await ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( messageDescriptor.id, 'private' ); await sender.setProfileKey(profileKey); return confirm(); } const onMessageReceived = createMessageHandler({ handleProfileUpdate: handleMessageReceivedProfileUpdate, getMessageDescriptor: getDescriptorForReceived, createMessage: initIncomingMessage, }); // Sent: async function handleMessageSentProfileUpdate({ confirm, messageDescriptor, }) { const conversation = await ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( messageDescriptor.id, messageDescriptor.type ); await conversation.save({ profileSharing: true }); return confirm(); } function createSentMessage(data) { const now = Date.now(); return new Whisper.Message({ source: textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(), sourceDevice: data.device, sent_at: data.timestamp, received_at: now, conversationId: data.destination, type: 'outgoing', sent: true, expirationStartTimestamp: data.expirationStartTimestamp ? Math.min(data.expirationStartTimestamp, Date.now()) : null, }); } const onSentMessage = createMessageHandler({ handleProfileUpdate: handleMessageSentProfileUpdate, getMessageDescriptor: getDescriptorForSent, createMessage: createSentMessage, }); function isMessageDuplicate(message) { return new Promise(resolve => { const fetcher = new Whisper.Message(); const options = { index: { name: 'unique', value: [ message.get('source'), message.get('sourceDevice'), message.get('sent_at'), ], }, }; fetcher.fetch(options).always(() => { if (fetcher.get('id')) { return resolve(true); } return resolve(false); }); }).catch(error => { console.log('isMessageDuplicate error:', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); return false; }); } function initIncomingMessage(data) { const message = new Whisper.Message({ source: data.source, sourceDevice: data.sourceDevice, sent_at: data.timestamp, received_at: data.receivedAt || Date.now(), conversationId: data.source, type: 'incoming', unread: 1, }); return message; } async function onError(ev) { const { error } = ev; console.log('background onError:', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); if ( error && error.name === 'HTTPError' && (error.code === 401 || error.code === 403) ) { Whisper.events.trigger('unauthorized'); console.log( 'Client is no longer authorized; deleting local configuration' ); Whisper.Registration.remove(); const previousNumberId = textsecure.storage.get('number_id'); try { await textsecure.storage.protocol.removeAllConfiguration(); // These two bits of data are important to ensure that the app loads up // the conversation list, instead of showing just the QR code screen. Whisper.Registration.markEverDone(); textsecure.storage.put('number_id', previousNumberId); console.log('Successfully cleared local configuration'); } catch (eraseError) { console.log( 'Something went wrong clearing local configuration', eraseError && eraseError.stack ? eraseError.stack : eraseError ); } return; } if (error && error.name === 'HTTPError' && error.code === -1) { // Failed to connect to server if (navigator.onLine) { console.log('retrying in 1 minute'); setTimeout(connect, 60000); Whisper.events.trigger('reconnectTimer'); } return; } if (ev.proto) { if (error && error.name === 'MessageCounterError') { if (ev.confirm) { ev.confirm(); } // Ignore this message. It is likely a duplicate delivery // because the server lost our ack the first time. return; } const envelope = ev.proto; const message = initIncomingMessage(envelope); await message.saveErrors(error || new Error('Error was null')); const id = message.get('conversationId'); const conversation = await ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( id, 'private' ); conversation.set({ active_at: Date.now(), unreadCount: conversation.get('unreadCount') + 1, }); const conversationTimestamp = conversation.get('timestamp'); const messageTimestamp = message.get('timestamp'); if (!conversationTimestamp || messageTimestamp > conversationTimestamp) { conversation.set({ timestamp: message.get('sent_at') }); } conversation.trigger('newmessage', message); conversation.notify(message); if (ev.confirm) { ev.confirm(); } await wrapDeferred(conversation.save()); } throw error; } function onReadReceipt(ev) { const readAt = ev.timestamp; const { timestamp } = ev.read; const { reader } = ev.read; console.log('read receipt', reader, timestamp); if (!storage.get('read-receipt-setting')) { return ev.confirm(); } const receipt = Whisper.ReadReceipts.add({ reader, timestamp, read_at: readAt, }); receipt.on('remove', ev.confirm); // Calling this directly so we can wait for completion return Whisper.ReadReceipts.onReceipt(receipt); } function onReadSync(ev) { const readAt = ev.timestamp; const { timestamp } = ev.read; const { sender } = ev.read; console.log('read sync', sender, timestamp); const receipt = Whisper.ReadSyncs.add({ sender, timestamp, read_at: readAt, }); receipt.on('remove', ev.confirm); // Calling this directly so we can wait for completion return Whisper.ReadSyncs.onReceipt(receipt); } async function onVerified(ev) { const number = ev.verified.destination; const key = ev.verified.identityKey; let state; const c = new Whisper.Conversation({ id: number, }); const error = c.validateNumber(); if (error) { console.log('Invalid verified sync received:', Errors.toLogFormat(error)); return; } switch (ev.verified.state) { case textsecure.protobuf.Verified.State.DEFAULT: state = 'DEFAULT'; break; case textsecure.protobuf.Verified.State.VERIFIED: state = 'VERIFIED'; break; case textsecure.protobuf.Verified.State.UNVERIFIED: state = 'UNVERIFIED'; break; default: console.log(`Got unexpected verified state: ${ev.verified.state}`); } console.log( 'got verified sync for', number, state, ev.viaContactSync ? 'via contact sync' : '' ); const contact = await ConversationController.getOrCreateAndWait( number, 'private' ); const options = { viaSyncMessage: true, viaContactSync: ev.viaContactSync, key, }; if (state === 'VERIFIED') { await contact.setVerified(options); } else if (state === 'DEFAULT') { await contact.setVerifiedDefault(options); } else { await contact.setUnverified(options); } if (ev.confirm) { ev.confirm(); } } function onDeliveryReceipt(ev) { const { deliveryReceipt } = ev; console.log( 'delivery receipt from', `${deliveryReceipt.source}.${deliveryReceipt.sourceDevice}`, deliveryReceipt.timestamp ); const receipt = Whisper.DeliveryReceipts.add({ timestamp: deliveryReceipt.timestamp, source: deliveryReceipt.source, }); ev.confirm(); // Calling this directly so we can wait for completion return Whisper.DeliveryReceipts.onReceipt(receipt); } })();