/* global Whisper: false */ /* global dcodeIO: false */ /* global _: false */ /* global textsecure: false */ /* global i18n: false */ /* eslint-env browser */ /* eslint-env node */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, guard-for-in */ const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const tmp = require('tmp'); const decompress = require('decompress'); const pify = require('pify'); const archiver = require('archiver'); const rimraf = require('rimraf'); const electronRemote = require('electron').remote; const crypto = require('./crypto'); const { dialog, BrowserWindow, } = electronRemote; module.exports = { getDirectoryForExport, backupToDirectory, getDirectoryForImport, importFromDirectory, // for testing _sanitizeFileName, _trimFileName, _getExportAttachmentFileName, _getAnonymousAttachmentFileName, _getConversationDirName, _getConversationLoggingName, }; function stringify(object) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const key in object) { const val = object[key]; if (val instanceof ArrayBuffer) { object[key] = { type: 'ArrayBuffer', encoding: 'base64', data: dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(val).toString('base64'), }; } else if (val instanceof Object) { object[key] = stringify(val); } } return object; } function unstringify(object) { if (!(object instanceof Object)) { throw new Error('unstringify expects an object'); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const key in object) { const val = object[key]; if (val && val.type === 'ArrayBuffer' && val.encoding === 'base64' && typeof val.data === 'string') { object[key] = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(val.data, 'base64').toArrayBuffer(); } else if (val instanceof Object) { object[key] = unstringify(object[key]); } } return object; } function createOutputStream(writer) { let wait = Promise.resolve(); return { write(string) { // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then wait = wait.then(() => new Promise((resolve) => { if (writer.write(string)) { resolve(); return; } // If write() returns true, we don't need to wait for the drain event // https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v7.x/docs/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_writable writer.once('drain', resolve); // We don't register for the 'error' event here, only in close(). Otherwise, // we'll get "Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected" warnings. })); return wait; }, async close() { await wait; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writer.once('finish', resolve); writer.once('error', reject); writer.end(); }); }, }; } async function exportContactAndGroupsToFile(db, parent) { const writer = await createFileAndWriter(parent, 'db.json'); return exportContactsAndGroups(db, writer); } function exportContactsAndGroups(db, fileWriter) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let storeNames = db.objectStoreNames; storeNames = _.without( storeNames, 'messages', 'items', 'signedPreKeys', 'preKeys', 'identityKeys', 'sessions', 'unprocessed' ); const exportedStoreNames = []; if (storeNames.length === 0) { throw new Error('No stores to export'); } console.log('Exporting from these stores:', storeNames.join(', ')); const stream = createOutputStream(fileWriter); stream.write('{'); _.each(storeNames, (storeName) => { // Both the readwrite permission and the multi-store transaction are required to // keep this function working. They serve to serialize all of these transactions, // one per store to be exported. const transaction = db.transaction(storeNames, 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( `exportToJsonFile transaction error (store: ${storeName})`, transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = () => { console.log('transaction complete'); }; const store = transaction.objectStore(storeName); const request = store.openCursor(); let count = 0; request.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( `exportToJsonFile request error (store: ${storeNames})`, request.error, reject ); }; request.onsuccess = async (event) => { if (count === 0) { console.log('cursor opened'); stream.write(`"${storeName}": [`); } const cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { if (count > 0) { stream.write(','); } // Preventing base64'd images from reaching the disk, making db.json too big const item = _.omit( cursor.value, ['avatar', 'profileAvatar'] ); const jsonString = JSON.stringify(stringify(item)); stream.write(jsonString); cursor.continue(); count += 1; } else { // no more stream.write(']'); console.log('Exported', count, 'items from store', storeName); exportedStoreNames.push(storeName); if (exportedStoreNames.length < storeNames.length) { stream.write(','); } else { console.log('Exported all stores'); stream.write('}'); await stream.close(); console.log('Finished writing all stores to disk'); resolve(); } } }; }); }); } async function importNonMessages(db, parent, options) { const file = 'db.json'; const string = await readFileAsText(parent, file); return importFromJsonString(db, string, path.join(parent, file), options); } function eliminateClientConfigInBackup(data, targetPath) { const cleaned = _.pick(data, 'conversations', 'groups'); console.log('Writing configuration-free backup file back to disk'); try { fs.writeFileSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify(cleaned)); } catch (error) { console.log('Error writing cleaned-up backup to disk: ', error.stack); } } function importFromJsonString(db, jsonString, targetPath, options) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, { forceLightImport: false, conversationLookup: {}, groupLookup: {}, }); const { conversationLookup, groupLookup, } = options; const result = { fullImport: true, }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const importObject = JSON.parse(jsonString); delete importObject.debug; if (!importObject.sessions || options.forceLightImport) { result.fullImport = false; delete importObject.items; delete importObject.signedPreKeys; delete importObject.preKeys; delete importObject.identityKeys; delete importObject.sessions; delete importObject.unprocessed; console.log('This is a light import; contacts, groups and messages only'); } // We mutate the on-disk backup to prevent the user from importing client // configuration more than once - that causes lots of encryption errors. // This of course preserves the true data: conversations and groups. eliminateClientConfigInBackup(importObject, targetPath); const storeNames = _.keys(importObject); console.log('Importing to these stores:', storeNames.join(', ')); let finished = false; const finish = (via) => { console.log('non-messages import done via', via); if (finished) { resolve(result); } finished = true; }; const transaction = db.transaction(storeNames, 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'importFromJsonString transaction error', transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = finish.bind(null, 'transaction complete'); _.each(storeNames, (storeName) => { console.log('Importing items for store', storeName); if (!importObject[storeName].length) { delete importObject[storeName]; return; } let count = 0; let skipCount = 0; const finishStore = () => { // added all objects for this store delete importObject[storeName]; console.log( 'Done importing to store', storeName, 'Total count:', count, 'Skipped:', skipCount ); if (_.keys(importObject).length === 0) { // added all object stores console.log('DB import complete'); finish('puts scheduled'); } }; _.each(importObject[storeName], (toAdd) => { toAdd = unstringify(toAdd); const haveConversationAlready = storeName === 'conversations' && conversationLookup[getConversationKey(toAdd)]; const haveGroupAlready = storeName === 'groups' && groupLookup[getGroupKey(toAdd)]; if (haveConversationAlready || haveGroupAlready) { skipCount += 1; count += 1; return; } const request = transaction.objectStore(storeName).put(toAdd, toAdd.id); request.onsuccess = () => { count += 1; if (count === importObject[storeName].length) { finishStore(); } }; request.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( `importFromJsonString request error (store: ${storeName})`, request.error, reject ); }; }); // We have to check here, because we may have skipped every item, resulting // in no onsuccess callback at all. if (count === importObject[storeName].length) { finishStore(); } }); }); } function createDirectory(parent, name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const sanitized = _sanitizeFileName(name); const targetDir = path.join(parent, sanitized); if (fs.existsSync(targetDir)) { resolve(targetDir); return; } fs.mkdir(targetDir, (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(targetDir); }); }); } function createFileAndWriter(parent, name) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const sanitized = _sanitizeFileName(name); const targetPath = path.join(parent, sanitized); const options = { flags: 'wx', }; return resolve(fs.createWriteStream(targetPath, options)); }); } function readFileAsText(parent, name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const targetPath = path.join(parent, name); fs.readFile(targetPath, 'utf8', (error, string) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } return resolve(string); }); }); } function readFileAsArrayBuffer(targetPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // omitting the encoding to get a buffer back fs.readFile(targetPath, (error, buffer) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } // Buffer instances are also Uint8Array instances // https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/buffer.html#buffer_buffers_and_typedarray return resolve(buffer.buffer); }); }); } function _trimFileName(filename) { const components = filename.split('.'); if (components.length <= 1) { return filename.slice(0, 30); } const extension = components[components.length - 1]; const name = components.slice(0, components.length - 1); if (extension.length > 5) { return filename.slice(0, 30); } return `${name.join('.').slice(0, 24)}.${extension}`; } function _getExportAttachmentFileName(message, index, attachment) { if (attachment.fileName) { return _trimFileName(attachment.fileName); } let name = attachment.id; if (attachment.contentType) { const components = attachment.contentType.split('/'); name += `.${components.length > 1 ? components[1] : attachment.contentType}`; } return name; } function _getAnonymousAttachmentFileName(message, index) { if (!index) { return message.id; } return `${message.id}-${index}`; } async function readAttachment(dir, attachment, name, options) { options = options || {}; const { key, encrypted } = options; const anonymousName = _sanitizeFileName(name); const targetPath = path.join(dir, anonymousName); if (!fs.existsSync(targetPath)) { console.log(`Warning: attachment ${anonymousName} not found`); return; } const data = await readFileAsArrayBuffer(targetPath); if (encrypted && key) { attachment.data = await crypto.decryptSymmetric(key, data); } else { attachment.data = data; } } async function writeAttachment(attachment, options) { const { dir, message, index, key, newKey, } = options; const filename = _getAnonymousAttachmentFileName(message, index); const target = path.join(dir, filename); if (fs.existsSync(target)) { if (newKey) { console.log(`Deleting attachment ${filename}; key has changed`); fs.unlinkSync(target); } else { console.log(`Skipping attachment ${filename}; already exists`); return; } } const encrypted = await crypto.encryptSymmetric(key, attachment.data); const writer = await createFileAndWriter(dir, filename); const stream = createOutputStream(writer); stream.write(Buffer.from(encrypted)); await stream.close(); } async function writeAttachments(attachments, options) { const { name } = options; const promises = _.map( attachments, (attachment, index) => writeAttachment(attachment, Object.assign({}, options, { index, })) ); try { await Promise.all(promises); } catch (error) { console.log( 'writeAttachments: error exporting conversation', name, ':', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); throw error; } } function _sanitizeFileName(filename) { return filename.toString().replace(/[^a-z0-9.,+()'#\- ]/gi, '_'); } async function exportConversation(db, conversation, options) { options = options || {}; const { name, dir, attachmentsDir, key, } = options; if (!name) { throw new Error('Need a name!'); } if (!dir) { throw new Error('Need a target directory!'); } if (!attachmentsDir) { throw new Error('Need an attachments directory!'); } if (!key) { throw new Error('Need a key to encrypt with!'); } console.log('exporting conversation', name); const writer = await createFileAndWriter(dir, 'messages.json'); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const transaction = db.transaction('messages', 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( `exportConversation transaction error (conversation: ${name})`, transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = () => { // this doesn't really mean anything - we may have attachment processing to do }; const store = transaction.objectStore('messages'); const index = store.index('conversation'); const range = window.IDBKeyRange.bound( [conversation.id, 0], [conversation.id, Number.MAX_VALUE] ); let promiseChain = Promise.resolve(); let count = 0; const request = index.openCursor(range); const stream = createOutputStream(writer); stream.write('{"messages":['); request.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( `exportConversation request error (conversation: ${name})`, request.error, reject ); }; request.onsuccess = async (event) => { const cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor) { const message = cursor.value; const { attachments } = message; // skip message if it is disappearing, no matter the amount of time left if (message.expireTimer) { cursor.continue(); return; } if (count !== 0) { stream.write(','); } // eliminate attachment data from the JSON, since it will go to disk message.attachments = _.map( attachments, attachment => _.omit(attachment, ['data']) ); // completely drop any attachments in messages cached in error objects // TODO: move to lodash. Sadly, a number of the method signatures have changed! message.errors = _.map(message.errors, (error) => { if (error && error.args) { error.args = []; } if (error && error.stack) { error.stack = ''; } return error; }); const jsonString = JSON.stringify(stringify(message)); stream.write(jsonString); if (attachments && attachments.length) { const exportAttachments = () => writeAttachments(attachments, { dir: attachmentsDir, name, message, key, }); // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then promiseChain = promiseChain.then(exportAttachments); } count += 1; cursor.continue(); } else { try { await Promise.all([ stream.write(']}'), promiseChain, stream.close(), ]); } catch (error) { console.log( 'exportConversation: error exporting conversation', name, ':', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); reject(error); return; } console.log('done exporting conversation', name); resolve(); } }; }); } // Goals for directory names: // 1. Human-readable, for easy use and verification by user (names not just ids) // 2. Sorted just like the list of conversations in the left-pan (active_at) // 3. Disambiguated from other directories (active_at, truncated name, id) function _getConversationDirName(conversation) { const name = conversation.active_at || 'inactive'; if (conversation.name) { return `${name} (${conversation.name.slice(0, 30)} ${conversation.id})`; } return `${name} (${conversation.id})`; } // Goals for logging names: // 1. Can be associated with files on disk // 2. Adequately disambiguated to enable debugging flow of execution // 3. Can be shared to the web without privacy concerns (there's no global redaction // logic for group ids, so we do it manually here) function _getConversationLoggingName(conversation) { let name = conversation.active_at || 'inactive'; if (conversation.type === 'private') { name += ` (${conversation.id})`; } else { name += ` ([REDACTED_GROUP]${conversation.id.slice(-3)})`; } return name; } function exportConversations(db, options) { options = options || {}; const { messagesDir, attachmentsDir, key, } = options; if (!messagesDir) { return Promise.reject(new Error('Need a messages directory!')); } if (!attachmentsDir) { return Promise.reject(new Error('Need an attachments directory!')); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const transaction = db.transaction('conversations', 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'exportConversations transaction error', transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = () => { // not really very useful - fires at unexpected times }; let promiseChain = Promise.resolve(); const store = transaction.objectStore('conversations'); const request = store.openCursor(); request.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'exportConversations request error', request.error, reject ); }; request.onsuccess = async (event) => { const cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor && cursor.value) { const conversation = cursor.value; const dirName = _getConversationDirName(conversation); const name = _getConversationLoggingName(conversation); const process = async () => { const dir = await createDirectory(messagesDir, dirName); return exportConversation(db, conversation, { name, dir, attachmentsDir, key, }); }; console.log('scheduling export for conversation', name); // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then promiseChain = promiseChain.then(process); cursor.continue(); } else { console.log('Done scheduling conversation exports'); try { await promiseChain; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(); } }; }); } function getDirectory(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const browserWindow = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow(); const dialogOptions = { title: options.title, properties: ['openDirectory'], buttonLabel: options.buttonLabel, }; dialog.showOpenDialog(browserWindow, dialogOptions, (directory) => { if (!directory || !directory[0]) { const error = new Error('Error choosing directory'); error.name = 'ChooseError'; return reject(error); } return resolve(directory[0]); }); }); } function getDirContents(dir) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readdir(dir, (err, files) => { if (err) { reject(err); return; } files = _.map(files, file => path.join(dir, file)); resolve(files); }); }); } function loadAttachments(dir, getName, options) { options = options || {}; const { message } = options; const promises = _.map(message.attachments, (attachment, index) => { const name = getName(message, index, attachment); return readAttachment(dir, attachment, name, options); }); return Promise.all(promises); } function saveMessage(db, message) { return saveAllMessages(db, [message]); } function saveAllMessages(db, messages) { if (!messages.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let finished = false; const finish = (via) => { console.log('messages done saving via', via); if (finished) { resolve(); } finished = true; }; const transaction = db.transaction('messages', 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'saveAllMessages transaction error', transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = finish.bind(null, 'transaction complete'); const store = transaction.objectStore('messages'); const { conversationId } = messages[0]; let count = 0; _.forEach(messages, (message) => { const request = store.put(message, message.id); request.onsuccess = () => { count += 1; if (count === messages.length) { console.log( 'Saved', messages.length, 'messages for conversation', // Don't know if group or private conversation, so we blindly redact `[REDACTED]${conversationId.slice(-3)}` ); finish('puts scheduled'); } }; request.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( 'saveAllMessages request error', request.error, reject ); }; }); }); } // To reduce the memory impact of attachments, we make individual saves to the // database for every message with an attachment. We load the attachment for a // message, save it, and only then do we move on to the next message. Thus, every // message with attachments needs to be removed from our overall message save with the // filter() call. async function importConversation(db, dir, options) { options = options || {}; _.defaults(options, { messageLookup: {} }); const { messageLookup, attachmentsDir, key, } = options; let conversationId = 'unknown'; let total = 0; let skipped = 0; let contents; try { contents = await readFileAsText(dir, 'messages.json'); } catch (error) { console.log(`Warning: could not access messages.json in directory: ${dir}`); } let promiseChain = Promise.resolve(); const json = JSON.parse(contents); if (json.messages && json.messages.length) { conversationId = `[REDACTED]${(json.messages[0].conversationId || '').slice(-3)}`; } total = json.messages.length; const messages = _.filter(json.messages, (message) => { message = unstringify(message); if (messageLookup[getMessageKey(message)]) { skipped += 1; return false; } if (message.attachments && message.attachments.length) { const importMessage = async () => { const getName = attachmentsDir ? _getAnonymousAttachmentFileName : _getExportAttachmentFileName; const parentDir = attachmentsDir || path.join(dir, message.received_at.toString()); await loadAttachments(parentDir, getName, { message, key, }); return saveMessage(db, message); }; // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then promiseChain = promiseChain.then(importMessage); return false; } return true; }); if (messages.length > 0) { await saveAllMessages(db, messages); } await promiseChain; console.log( 'Finished importing conversation', conversationId, 'Total:', total, 'Skipped:', skipped ); } async function importConversations(db, dir, options) { const contents = await getDirContents(dir); let promiseChain = Promise.resolve(); _.forEach(contents, (conversationDir) => { if (!fs.statSync(conversationDir).isDirectory()) { return; } const loadConversation = () => importConversation(db, conversationDir, options); // eslint-disable-next-line more/no-then promiseChain = promiseChain.then(loadConversation); }); return promiseChain; } function getMessageKey(message) { const ourNumber = textsecure.storage.user.getNumber(); const source = message.source || ourNumber; if (source === ourNumber) { return `${source} ${message.timestamp}`; } const sourceDevice = message.sourceDevice || 1; return `${source}.${sourceDevice} ${message.timestamp}`; } function loadMessagesLookup(db) { return assembleLookup(db, 'messages', getMessageKey); } function getConversationKey(conversation) { return conversation.id; } function loadConversationLookup(db) { return assembleLookup(db, 'conversations', getConversationKey); } function getGroupKey(group) { return group.id; } function loadGroupsLookup(db) { return assembleLookup(db, 'groups', getGroupKey); } function assembleLookup(db, storeName, keyFunction) { const lookup = Object.create(null); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const transaction = db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( `assembleLookup(${storeName}) transaction error`, transaction.error, reject ); }; transaction.oncomplete = () => { // not really very useful - fires at unexpected times }; const store = transaction.objectStore(storeName); const request = store.openCursor(); request.onerror = () => { Whisper.Database.handleDOMException( `assembleLookup(${storeName}) request error`, request.error, reject ); }; request.onsuccess = (event) => { const cursor = event.target.result; if (cursor && cursor.value) { lookup[keyFunction(cursor.value)] = true; cursor.continue(); } else { console.log(`Done creating ${storeName} lookup`); resolve(lookup); } }; }); } function getDirectoryForExport() { const options = { title: i18n('exportChooserTitle'), buttonLabel: i18n('exportButton'), }; return getDirectory(options); } function createZip(zipDir, targetDir) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const target = path.join(zipDir, 'messages.zip'); const output = fs.createWriteStream(target); const archive = archiver('zip', { cwd: targetDir, }); output.on('close', () => { resolve(target); }); archive.on('warning', (error) => { console.log(`Archive generation warning: ${error.stack}`); }); archive.on('error', reject); archive.pipe(output); // The empty string ensures that the base location of the files added to the zip // is nothing. If you provide null, you get the absolute path you pulled the files // from in the first place. archive.directory(targetDir, ''); archive.finalize(); }); } function writeFile(targetPath, contents) { return pify(fs.writeFile)(targetPath, contents); } async function encryptFile(sourcePath, targetPath, options) { options = options || {}; const { key } = options; if (!key) { throw new Error('Need key to do encryption!'); } const plaintext = await readFileAsArrayBuffer(sourcePath); const encrypted = await crypto.encryptSymmetric(key, plaintext); return writeFile(targetPath, encrypted); } async function decryptFile(sourcePath, targetPath, options) { options = options || {}; const { key } = options; if (!key) { throw new Error('Need key to do encryption!'); } const encrypted = await readFileAsArrayBuffer(sourcePath); const plaintext = await crypto.decryptSymmetric(key, encrypted); return writeFile(targetPath, Buffer.from(plaintext)); } function createTempDir() { return pify(tmp.dir)(); } function deleteAll(pattern) { console.log(`Deleting ${pattern}`); return pify(rimraf)(pattern); } async function backupToDirectory(directory, options) { options = options || {}; if (!options.key) { throw new Error('Encrypted backup requires a key to encrypt with!'); } let stagingDir; let encryptionDir; try { stagingDir = await createTempDir(); encryptionDir = await createTempDir(); const db = await Whisper.Database.open(); const attachmentsDir = await createDirectory(directory, 'attachments'); await exportContactAndGroupsToFile(db, stagingDir); await exportConversations(db, Object.assign({}, options, { messagesDir: stagingDir, attachmentsDir, })); const zip = await createZip(encryptionDir, stagingDir); await encryptFile(zip, path.join(directory, 'messages.zip'), options); console.log('done backing up!'); return directory; } catch (error) { console.log( 'The backup went wrong!', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); throw error; } finally { if (stagingDir) { await deleteAll(stagingDir); } if (encryptionDir) { await deleteAll(encryptionDir); } } } function getDirectoryForImport() { const options = { title: i18n('importChooserTitle'), buttonLabel: i18n('importButton'), }; return getDirectory(options); } async function importFromDirectory(directory, options) { options = options || {}; try { const db = await Whisper.Database.open(); const lookups = await Promise.all([ loadMessagesLookup(db), loadConversationLookup(db), loadGroupsLookup(db), ]); const [messageLookup, conversationLookup, groupLookup] = lookups; options = Object.assign({}, options, { messageLookup, conversationLookup, groupLookup, }); const zipPath = path.join(directory, 'messages.zip'); if (fs.existsSync(zipPath)) { // we're in the world of an encrypted, zipped backup if (!options.key) { throw new Error('Importing an encrypted backup; decryption key is required!'); } let stagingDir; let decryptionDir; try { stagingDir = await createTempDir(); decryptionDir = await createTempDir(); const attachmentsDir = path.join(directory, 'attachments'); const decryptedZip = path.join(decryptionDir, 'messages.zip'); await decryptFile(zipPath, decryptedZip, options); await decompress(decryptedZip, stagingDir); options = Object.assign({}, options, { attachmentsDir, }); const result = await importNonMessages(db, stagingDir, options); await importConversations(db, stagingDir, Object.assign({}, options, { encrypted: true, })); console.log('Done importing from backup!'); return result; } finally { if (stagingDir) { await deleteAll(stagingDir); } if (decryptionDir) { await deleteAll(decryptionDir); } } } const result = await importNonMessages(db, directory, options); await importConversations(db, directory, options); console.log('Done importing!'); return result; } catch (error) { console.log( 'The import went wrong!', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); throw error; } }