// @ts-ignore import EmojiConvertor from 'emoji-js'; const instance = new EmojiConvertor(); instance.init_unified(); instance.init_colons(); instance.img_sets.apple.path = 'node_modules/emoji-datasource-apple/img/apple/64/'; instance.include_title = true; instance.replace_mode = 'img'; instance.supports_css = false; // needed to avoid spans with background-image export function getRegex(): RegExp { return instance.rx_unified; } export function getTitle(value: string): string | undefined { return instance.data[value][3][0]; } export function findImage(value: string, variation?: string) { return instance.find_image(value, variation); } export function replaceColons(str: string) { return str.replace(instance.rx_colons, m => { const name = m.substr(1, m.length - 2); const code = instance.map.colons[name]; if (code) { return instance.data[code][0][0]; } return m; }); } function getCountOfAllMatches(str: string, regex: RegExp) { let match = regex.exec(str); let count = 0; if (!regex.global) { return match ? 1 : 0; } while (match) { count += 1; match = regex.exec(str); } return count; } function hasNormalCharacters(str: string) { const noEmoji = str.replace(instance.rx_unified, '').trim(); return noEmoji.length > 0; } export function getSizeClass(str: string) { if (hasNormalCharacters(str)) { return ''; } const emojiCount = getCountOfAllMatches(str, instance.rx_unified); if (emojiCount > 8) { return ''; } else if (emojiCount > 6) { return 'small'; } else if (emojiCount > 4) { return 'medium'; } else if (emojiCount > 2) { return 'large'; } else { return 'jumbo'; } } const VARIATION_LOOKUP: { [index: string]: string } = { '\uD83C\uDFFB': '1f3fb', '\uD83C\uDFFC': '1f3fc', '\uD83C\uDFFD': '1f3fd', '\uD83C\uDFFE': '1f3fe', '\uD83C\uDFFF': '1f3ff', }; // Taken from emoji-js/replace_unified export function getReplacementData( m: string, p1: string | undefined, p2: string | undefined ): string | { value: string; variation?: string } { const unified = instance.map.unified[p1]; if (unified) { const variation = VARIATION_LOOKUP[p2 || '']; if (variation) { return { value: unified, variation, }; } return { value: unified, }; } const unifiedVars = instance.map.unified_vars[p1]; if (unifiedVars) { return { value: unifiedVars[0], variation: unifiedVars[1], }; } return m; }