// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import { fabric } from 'fabric'; import { clamp } from 'lodash'; import { strictAssert } from '../util/assert'; export class MediaEditorFabricCropRect extends fabric.Rect { static PADDING = 4; constructor(options?: fabric.IRectOptions) { super({ fill: undefined, lockScalingFlip: true, ...(options || {}), }); this.on('scaling', this.containBounds); this.on('moving', this.containBounds); } private containBounds = () => { if (!this.canvas) { return; } const zoom = this.canvas.getZoom() ?? 1; const { left, top, width, height } = this.getBoundingRect(true, true); const { scaleX, scaleY } = this; strictAssert(scaleX, 'Expected scaleX to be defined'); strictAssert(scaleY, 'Expected scaleY to be defined'); const canvasHeight = this.canvas.getHeight() / zoom; const canvasWidth = this.canvas.getWidth() / zoom; const padding = MediaEditorFabricCropRect.PADDING / zoom; const nextLeft = clamp(left, padding, canvasWidth - width - padding); const nextTop = clamp(top, padding, canvasHeight - height - padding); const nextScaleX = clamp(scaleX, 0, 1); const nextScaleY = clamp(scaleY, 0, 1); this.left = nextLeft; this.top = nextTop; this.scaleX = nextScaleX; this.scaleY = nextScaleY; this.setCoords(); this.saveState(); }; override render(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void { super.render(ctx); const bounds = this.getBoundingRect(); const zoom = this.canvas?.getZoom() || 1; const canvasWidth = (this.canvas?.getWidth() || 0) / zoom; const canvasHeight = (this.canvas?.getHeight() || 0) / zoom; const height = bounds.height / zoom; const left = bounds.left / zoom; const top = bounds.top / zoom; const width = bounds.width / zoom; ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)'; // top ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, top); // left ctx.fillRect(0, top, left, height); // bottom ctx.fillRect(0, height + top, canvasWidth, canvasHeight - top); // right ctx.fillRect(left + width, top, canvasWidth - left, height); ctx.restore(); } } const CONTROL_DEFAULT_SIZE = 24; const CONTROL_HITBOX_SIZE = 48; enum Corner { TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, } const cursorStyle: Record<Corner, string> = { [Corner.TopLeft]: 'nwse-resize', [Corner.TopRight]: 'nesw-resize', [Corner.BottomLeft]: 'nesw-resize', [Corner.BottomRight]: 'nwse-resize', }; function getMinSize(width: number | undefined): number { return Math.min(width ?? CONTROL_DEFAULT_SIZE, CONTROL_DEFAULT_SIZE); } function createControl(corner: Corner) { const onTopSide = corner === Corner.TopLeft || corner === Corner.TopRight; const onLeftSide = corner === Corner.TopLeft || corner === Corner.BottomLeft; return new fabric.Control({ x: onLeftSide ? -0.5 : 0.5, y: onTopSide ? -0.5 : 0.5, actionHandler: fabric.controlsUtils.scalingEqually, cursorStyle: cursorStyle[corner], sizeX: CONTROL_HITBOX_SIZE, sizeY: CONTROL_HITBOX_SIZE, render: ( ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, left: number, top: number, _, rect: fabric.Object ) => { const WIDTH = getMinSize(rect.width); ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff'; ctx.lineWidth = 3; ctx.beginPath(); const yStart = onTopSide ? top + WIDTH : top - WIDTH; const yEnd = onTopSide ? top - 2 : top + 2; const xStart = onLeftSide ? left - 2 : left + 2; const xEnd = onLeftSide ? left + WIDTH : left - WIDTH; ctx.moveTo(xStart, yStart); ctx.lineTo(xStart, yEnd); ctx.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); }, }); } MediaEditorFabricCropRect.prototype.controls = { tl: createControl(Corner.TopLeft), tr: createControl(Corner.TopRight), bl: createControl(Corner.BottomLeft), br: createControl(Corner.BottomRight), }; MediaEditorFabricCropRect.prototype.excludeFromExport = true; MediaEditorFabricCropRect.prototype.borderColor = '#ffffff'; MediaEditorFabricCropRect.prototype.cornerColor = '#ffffff';