// Copyright 2021 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import { batch } from 'react-redux'; import type { MessageAttributesType } from '../model-types.d'; import { MessageModel } from '../models/messages'; import * as Errors from '../types/errors'; import * as log from '../logging/log'; import { DataReader, DataWriter } from '../sql/Client'; import { deletePackReference } from '../types/Stickers'; import { isStory } from '../messages/helpers'; import { isDirectConversation } from './whatTypeOfConversation'; import { getCallHistorySelector } from '../state/selectors/callHistory'; import { DirectCallStatus, GroupCallStatus, AdhocCallStatus, } from '../types/CallDisposition'; import { getMessageIdForLogging } from './idForLogging'; import { singleProtoJobQueue } from '../jobs/singleProtoJobQueue'; import { MINUTE } from './durations'; import { drop } from './drop'; import { hydrateStoryContext } from './hydrateStoryContext'; import { update as updateExpiringMessagesService } from '../services/expiringMessagesDeletion'; import { tapToViewMessagesDeletionService } from '../services/tapToViewMessagesDeletionService'; export async function postSaveUpdates(): Promise { await updateExpiringMessagesService(); await tapToViewMessagesDeletionService.update(); } export async function eraseMessageContents( message: MessageModel, additionalProperties = {}, shouldPersist = true ): Promise { log.info( `Erasing data for message ${getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes)}` ); // Note: There are cases where we want to re-erase a given message. For example, when // a viewed (or outgoing) View-Once message is deleted for everyone. try { await deleteMessageData(message.attributes); } catch (error) { log.error( `Error erasing data for message ${getMessageIdForLogging(message.attributes)}:`, Errors.toLogFormat(error) ); } message.set({ attachments: [], body: '', bodyRanges: undefined, contact: [], editHistory: undefined, isErased: true, preview: [], quote: undefined, sticker: undefined, ...additionalProperties, }); window.ConversationController.get( message.attributes.conversationId )?.debouncedUpdateLastMessage(); if (shouldPersist) { await window.MessageCache.saveMessage(message.attributes); } await DataWriter.deleteSentProtoByMessageId(message.id); } export async function cleanupMessages( messages: ReadonlyArray, { fromSync, }: { fromSync?: boolean; } ): Promise { // First, handle any calls that need to be deleted const inMemoryQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 3, timeout: MINUTE * 30 }); drop( inMemoryQueue.addAll( messages.map((message: MessageAttributesType) => async () => { await maybeDeleteCall(message, { fromSync, }); }) ) ); await inMemoryQueue.onIdle(); // Then, remove messages from memory, so we can batch the updates in redux batch(() => { messages.forEach(message => cleanupMessageFromMemory(message)); }); // Then, handle any asynchronous actions (e.g. deleting data from disk) const unloadedQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 3, timeout: MINUTE * 30 }); drop( unloadedQueue.addAll( messages.map((message: MessageAttributesType) => async () => { await deleteMessageData(message); }) ) ); await unloadedQueue.onIdle(); } /** Removes a message from redux caches & backbone, but does NOT delete files on disk, * story replies, edit histories, attachments, etc. Should ONLY be called in conjunction * with deleteMessageData. */ export function cleanupMessageFromMemory(message: MessageAttributesType): void { const { id, conversationId } = message; window.reduxActions?.conversations.messageDeleted(id, conversationId); const parentConversation = window.ConversationController.get(conversationId); parentConversation?.debouncedUpdateLastMessage(); window.MessageCache.unregister(id); } async function cleanupStoryReplies( story: MessageAttributesType, pagination?: { messageId: string; receivedAt: number; } ): Promise { const storyId = story.id; const parentConversation = window.ConversationController.get( story.conversationId ); const isGroupConversation = Boolean( parentConversation && !isDirectConversation(parentConversation.attributes) ); const replies = await DataReader.getRecentStoryReplies(storyId, pagination); const logId = `cleanupStoryReplies(${storyId}/isGroup=${isGroupConversation})`; const lastMessage = replies[replies.length - 1]; const lastMessageId = lastMessage?.id; const lastReceivedAt = lastMessage?.received_at; log.info( `${logId}: Cleaning ${replies.length} replies, ending with message ${lastMessageId}` ); if (!replies.length) { return; } if (pagination?.messageId === lastMessageId) { log.info( `${logId}: Returning early; last message id is pagination starting id` ); return; } if (isGroupConversation) { // Cleanup all group replies await Promise.all( replies.map(reply => { const replyMessageModel = window.MessageCache.register( new MessageModel(reply) ); return eraseMessageContents(replyMessageModel); }) ); } else { // Refresh the storyReplyContext data for 1:1 conversations await Promise.all( replies.map(async reply => { const model = window.MessageCache.register(new MessageModel(reply)); await hydrateStoryContext(model.id, story, { shouldSave: true, isStoryErased: true, }); }) ); } return cleanupStoryReplies(story, { messageId: lastMessageId, receivedAt: lastReceivedAt, }); } export async function deleteMessageData( message: MessageAttributesType ): Promise { await window.Signal.Migrations.deleteExternalMessageFiles(message); if (isStory(message)) { await cleanupStoryReplies(message); } const { sticker } = message; if (!sticker) { return; } const { packId } = sticker; if (packId) { await deletePackReference(message.id, packId); } } export async function maybeDeleteCall( message: MessageAttributesType, { fromSync, }: { fromSync?: boolean; } ): Promise { const { callId } = message; const logId = `maybeDeleteCall(${getMessageIdForLogging(message)})`; if (!callId) { return; } const callHistory = getCallHistorySelector(window.reduxStore.getState())( callId ); if (!callHistory) { return; } if ( callHistory.status === DirectCallStatus.Pending || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Joined || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.OutgoingRing || callHistory.status === GroupCallStatus.Ringing || callHistory.status === AdhocCallStatus.Pending ) { log.warn( `${logId}: Call status is ${callHistory.status}; not deleting from Call Tab` ); return; } if (!fromSync) { await singleProtoJobQueue.add( window.textsecure.MessageSender.getDeleteCallEvent(callHistory) ); } await DataWriter.markCallHistoryDeleted(callId); window.reduxActions.callHistory.removeCallHistory(callId); }