// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import pProps from 'p-props'; import { chunk } from 'lodash'; import { HKDF } from 'libsignal-client'; import { calculateAgreement, generateKeyPair } from './Curve'; import { CipherType, encrypt, decrypt, HashType, hash, sign, } from './util/synchronousCrypto'; // Generate a number between zero and 16383 export function generateRegistrationId(): number { const id = new Uint16Array(getRandomBytes(2))[0]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return id & 0x3fff; } export function typedArrayToArrayBuffer(typedArray: Uint8Array): ArrayBuffer { const ab = new ArrayBuffer(typedArray.length); // Create a new Uint8Array backed by the ArrayBuffer and copy all values from // the `typedArray` into it by calling `.set()` method. Note that raw // ArrayBuffer doesn't offer this API, because it is supposed to be used with // concrete data view (i.e. Uint8Array, Float64Array, and so on.) new Uint8Array(ab).set(typedArray, 0); return ab; } export function arrayBufferToBase64(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): string { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(arrayBuffer).toString('base64'); } export function arrayBufferToHex(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): string { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(arrayBuffer).toString('hex'); } export function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64string: string): ArrayBuffer { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(base64string, 'base64').toArrayBuffer(); } export function hexToArrayBuffer(hexString: string): ArrayBuffer { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(hexString, 'hex').toArrayBuffer(); } export function fromEncodedBinaryToArrayBuffer(key: string): ArrayBuffer { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(key, 'binary').toArrayBuffer(); } export function bytesFromString(string: string): ArrayBuffer { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(string, 'utf8').toArrayBuffer(); } export function stringFromBytes(buffer: ArrayBuffer): string { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer).toString('utf8'); } export function hexFromBytes(buffer: ArrayBuffer): string { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer).toString('hex'); } export function bytesFromHexString(string: string): ArrayBuffer { return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(string, 'hex').toArrayBuffer(); } export async function deriveStickerPackKey( packKey: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const salt = getZeroes(32); const info = bytesFromString('Sticker Pack'); const [part1, part2] = await deriveSecrets(packKey, salt, info); return concatenateBytes(part1, part2); } export function deriveSecrets( input: ArrayBuffer, salt: ArrayBuffer, info: ArrayBuffer ): [ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuffer] { const hkdf = HKDF.new(3); const output = hkdf.deriveSecrets( 3 * 32, Buffer.from(input), Buffer.from(info), Buffer.from(salt) ); return [ typedArrayToArrayBuffer(output.slice(0, 32)), typedArrayToArrayBuffer(output.slice(32, 64)), typedArrayToArrayBuffer(output.slice(64, 96)), ]; } export async function deriveMasterKeyFromGroupV1( groupV1Id: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const salt = getZeroes(32); const info = bytesFromString('GV2 Migration'); const [part1] = await deriveSecrets(groupV1Id, salt, info); return part1; } export async function computeHash(data: ArrayBuffer): Promise { const digest = await crypto.subtle.digest({ name: 'SHA-512' }, data); return arrayBufferToBase64(digest); } // High-level Operations export async function encryptDeviceName( deviceName: string, identityPublic: ArrayBuffer ): Promise> { const plaintext = bytesFromString(deviceName); const ephemeralKeyPair = generateKeyPair(); const masterSecret = calculateAgreement( identityPublic, ephemeralKeyPair.privKey ); const key1 = await hmacSha256(masterSecret, bytesFromString('auth')); const syntheticIv = getFirstBytes(await hmacSha256(key1, plaintext), 16); const key2 = await hmacSha256(masterSecret, bytesFromString('cipher')); const cipherKey = await hmacSha256(key2, syntheticIv); const counter = getZeroes(16); const ciphertext = await encryptAesCtr(cipherKey, plaintext, counter); return { ephemeralPublic: ephemeralKeyPair.pubKey, syntheticIv, ciphertext, }; } export async function decryptDeviceName( { ephemeralPublic, syntheticIv, ciphertext, }: { ephemeralPublic: ArrayBuffer; syntheticIv: ArrayBuffer; ciphertext: ArrayBuffer; }, identityPrivate: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const masterSecret = calculateAgreement(ephemeralPublic, identityPrivate); const key2 = await hmacSha256(masterSecret, bytesFromString('cipher')); const cipherKey = await hmacSha256(key2, syntheticIv); const counter = getZeroes(16); const plaintext = await decryptAesCtr(cipherKey, ciphertext, counter); const key1 = await hmacSha256(masterSecret, bytesFromString('auth')); const ourSyntheticIv = getFirstBytes(await hmacSha256(key1, plaintext), 16); if (!constantTimeEqual(ourSyntheticIv, syntheticIv)) { throw new Error('decryptDeviceName: synthetic IV did not match'); } return stringFromBytes(plaintext); } // Path structure: 'fa/facdf99c22945b1c9393345599a276f4b36ad7ccdc8c2467f5441b742c2d11fa' export function getAttachmentLabel(path: string): ArrayBuffer { const filename = path.slice(3); return base64ToArrayBuffer(filename); } const PUB_KEY_LENGTH = 32; export async function encryptAttachment( staticPublicKey: ArrayBuffer, path: string, plaintext: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const uniqueId = getAttachmentLabel(path); return encryptFile(staticPublicKey, uniqueId, plaintext); } export async function decryptAttachment( staticPrivateKey: ArrayBuffer, path: string, data: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const uniqueId = getAttachmentLabel(path); return decryptFile(staticPrivateKey, uniqueId, data); } export async function encryptFile( staticPublicKey: ArrayBuffer, uniqueId: ArrayBuffer, plaintext: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const ephemeralKeyPair = generateKeyPair(); const agreement = calculateAgreement( staticPublicKey, ephemeralKeyPair.privKey ); const key = await hmacSha256(agreement, uniqueId); const prefix = ephemeralKeyPair.pubKey.slice(1); return concatenateBytes(prefix, await encryptSymmetric(key, plaintext)); } export async function decryptFile( staticPrivateKey: ArrayBuffer, uniqueId: ArrayBuffer, data: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const ephemeralPublicKey = getFirstBytes(data, PUB_KEY_LENGTH); const ciphertext = getBytes(data, PUB_KEY_LENGTH, data.byteLength); const agreement = calculateAgreement(ephemeralPublicKey, staticPrivateKey); const key = await hmacSha256(agreement, uniqueId); return decryptSymmetric(key, ciphertext); } export async function deriveStorageManifestKey( storageServiceKey: ArrayBuffer, version: number ): Promise { return hmacSha256(storageServiceKey, bytesFromString(`Manifest_${version}`)); } export async function deriveStorageItemKey( storageServiceKey: ArrayBuffer, itemID: string ): Promise { return hmacSha256(storageServiceKey, bytesFromString(`Item_${itemID}`)); } export async function deriveAccessKey( profileKey: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const iv = getZeroes(12); const plaintext = getZeroes(16); const accessKey = await encryptAesGcm(profileKey, iv, plaintext); return getFirstBytes(accessKey, 16); } export async function getAccessKeyVerifier( accessKey: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const plaintext = getZeroes(32); return hmacSha256(accessKey, plaintext); } export async function verifyAccessKey( accessKey: ArrayBuffer, theirVerifier: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const ourVerifier = await getAccessKeyVerifier(accessKey); if (constantTimeEqual(ourVerifier, theirVerifier)) { return true; } return false; } const IV_LENGTH = 16; const MAC_LENGTH = 16; const NONCE_LENGTH = 16; export async function encryptSymmetric( key: ArrayBuffer, plaintext: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const iv = getZeroes(IV_LENGTH); const nonce = getRandomBytes(NONCE_LENGTH); const cipherKey = await hmacSha256(key, nonce); const macKey = await hmacSha256(key, cipherKey); const ciphertext = await encryptAes256CbcPkcsPadding( cipherKey, plaintext, iv ); const mac = getFirstBytes(await hmacSha256(macKey, ciphertext), MAC_LENGTH); return concatenateBytes(nonce, ciphertext, mac); } export async function decryptSymmetric( key: ArrayBuffer, data: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const iv = getZeroes(IV_LENGTH); const nonce = getFirstBytes(data, NONCE_LENGTH); const ciphertext = getBytes( data, NONCE_LENGTH, data.byteLength - NONCE_LENGTH - MAC_LENGTH ); const theirMac = getBytes(data, data.byteLength - MAC_LENGTH, MAC_LENGTH); const cipherKey = await hmacSha256(key, nonce); const macKey = await hmacSha256(key, cipherKey); const ourMac = getFirstBytes( await hmacSha256(macKey, ciphertext), MAC_LENGTH ); if (!constantTimeEqual(theirMac, ourMac)) { throw new Error( 'decryptSymmetric: Failed to decrypt; MAC verification failed' ); } return decryptAes256CbcPkcsPadding(cipherKey, ciphertext, iv); } export function constantTimeEqual( left: ArrayBuffer, right: ArrayBuffer ): boolean { if (left.byteLength !== right.byteLength) { return false; } let result = 0; const ta1 = new Uint8Array(left); const ta2 = new Uint8Array(right); const max = left.byteLength; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise result |= ta1[i] ^ ta2[i]; } return result === 0; } // Encryption export async function hmacSha256( key: ArrayBuffer, plaintext: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { return sign(key, plaintext); } // We use part of the constantTimeEqual algorithm from below here, but we allow ourMac // to be longer than the passed-in length. This allows easy comparisons against // arbitrary MAC lengths. export async function verifyHmacSha256( plaintext: ArrayBuffer, key: ArrayBuffer, theirMac: ArrayBuffer, length: number ): Promise { const ourMac = await hmacSha256(key, plaintext); if (theirMac.byteLength !== length || ourMac.byteLength < length) { throw new Error('Bad MAC length'); } const a = new Uint8Array(theirMac); const b = new Uint8Array(ourMac); let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < theirMac.byteLength; i += 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise result |= a[i] ^ b[i]; } if (result !== 0) { throw new Error('Bad MAC'); } } export async function encryptAes256CbcPkcsPadding( key: ArrayBuffer, plaintext: ArrayBuffer, iv: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const algorithm = { name: 'AES-CBC', iv, }; const extractable = false; const cryptoKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', key, // `algorithm` appears to be an instance of AesCbcParams, // which is not in the param's types, so we need to pass as `any`. // TODO: just pass the string "AES-CBC", per the docs? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any algorithm as any, extractable, ['encrypt'] ); return window.crypto.subtle.encrypt(algorithm, cryptoKey, plaintext); } export async function decryptAes256CbcPkcsPadding( key: ArrayBuffer, ciphertext: ArrayBuffer, iv: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const algorithm = { name: 'AES-CBC', iv, }; const extractable = false; const cryptoKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', key, // `algorithm` appears to be an instance of AesCbcParams, // which is not in the param's types, so we need to pass as `any`. // TODO: just pass the string "AES-CBC", per the docs? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any algorithm as any, extractable, ['decrypt'] ); return window.crypto.subtle.decrypt(algorithm, cryptoKey, ciphertext); } export async function encryptAesCtr( key: ArrayBuffer, plaintext: ArrayBuffer, counter: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { return encrypt(key, plaintext, counter, CipherType.AES256CTR); } export async function decryptAesCtr( key: ArrayBuffer, ciphertext: ArrayBuffer, counter: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { return decrypt(key, ciphertext, counter, CipherType.AES256CTR); } export async function encryptAesGcm( key: ArrayBuffer, iv: ArrayBuffer, plaintext: ArrayBuffer, additionalData?: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const algorithm = { name: 'AES-GCM', iv, ...(additionalData ? { additionalData } : {}), }; const extractable = false; const cryptoKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', key, // `algorithm` appears to be an instance of AesGcmParams, // which is not in the param's types, so we need to pass as `any`. // TODO: just pass the string "AES-GCM", per the docs? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any algorithm as any, extractable, ['encrypt'] ); return crypto.subtle.encrypt(algorithm, cryptoKey, plaintext); } export async function decryptAesGcm( key: ArrayBuffer, iv: ArrayBuffer, ciphertext: ArrayBuffer, additionalData?: ArrayBuffer ): Promise { const algorithm = { name: 'AES-GCM', iv, ...(additionalData ? { additionalData } : {}), tagLength: 128, }; const extractable = false; const cryptoKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( 'raw', key, // `algorithm` appears to be an instance of AesGcmParams, // which is not in the param's types, so we need to pass as `any`. // TODO: just pass the string "AES-GCM", per the docs? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any algorithm as any, extractable, ['decrypt'] ); return crypto.subtle.decrypt(algorithm, cryptoKey, ciphertext); } // Hashing export function sha256(data: ArrayBuffer): ArrayBuffer { return hash(HashType.size256, data); } // Utility export function getRandomBytes(n: number): ArrayBuffer { const bytes = new Uint8Array(n); window.crypto.getRandomValues(bytes); return typedArrayToArrayBuffer(bytes); } export function getRandomValue(low: number, high: number): number { const diff = high - low; const bytes = new Uint32Array(1); window.crypto.getRandomValues(bytes); // Because high and low are inclusive const mod = diff + 1; return (bytes[0] % mod) + low; } export function getZeroes(n: number): ArrayBuffer { const result = new Uint8Array(n); const value = 0; const startIndex = 0; const endExclusive = n; result.fill(value, startIndex, endExclusive); return typedArrayToArrayBuffer(result); } export function highBitsToInt(byte: number): number { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return (byte & 0xff) >> 4; } export function intsToByteHighAndLow( highValue: number, lowValue: number ): number { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return ((highValue << 4) | lowValue) & 0xff; } export function trimBytes(buffer: ArrayBuffer, length: number): ArrayBuffer { return getFirstBytes(buffer, length); } export function getViewOfArrayBuffer( buffer: ArrayBuffer, start: number, finish: number ): ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer { const source = new Uint8Array(buffer); const result = source.slice(start, finish); return window.Signal.Crypto.typedArrayToArrayBuffer(result); } export function concatenateBytes( ...elements: Array ): ArrayBuffer { const length = elements.reduce( (total, element) => total + element.byteLength, 0 ); const result = new Uint8Array(length); let position = 0; const max = elements.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { const element = new Uint8Array(elements[i]); result.set(element, position); position += element.byteLength; } if (position !== result.length) { throw new Error('problem concatenating!'); } return typedArrayToArrayBuffer(result); } export function splitBytes( buffer: ArrayBuffer, ...lengths: Array ): Array { const total = lengths.reduce((acc, length) => acc + length, 0); if (total !== buffer.byteLength) { throw new Error( `Requested lengths total ${total} does not match source total ${buffer.byteLength}` ); } const source = new Uint8Array(buffer); const results = []; let position = 0; const max = lengths.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { const length = lengths[i]; const result = new Uint8Array(length); const section = source.slice(position, position + length); result.set(section); position += result.byteLength; results.push(typedArrayToArrayBuffer(result)); } return results; } export function getFirstBytes(data: ArrayBuffer, n: number): ArrayBuffer { const source = new Uint8Array(data); return typedArrayToArrayBuffer(source.subarray(0, n)); } export function getBytes( data: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, start: number, n: number ): ArrayBuffer { const source = new Uint8Array(data); return typedArrayToArrayBuffer(source.subarray(start, start + n)); } function _getMacAndData(ciphertext: ArrayBuffer) { const dataLength = ciphertext.byteLength - MAC_LENGTH; const data = getBytes(ciphertext, 0, dataLength); const mac = getBytes(ciphertext, dataLength, MAC_LENGTH); return { data, mac }; } export async function encryptCdsDiscoveryRequest( attestations: { [key: string]: { clientKey: ArrayBuffer; requestId: ArrayBuffer }; }, phoneNumbers: ReadonlyArray ): Promise> { const nonce = getRandomBytes(32); const numbersArray = new window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer( phoneNumbers.length * 8, window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.BIG_ENDIAN ); phoneNumbers.forEach(number => { // Long.fromString handles numbers with or without a leading '+' numbersArray.writeLong(window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.Long.fromString(number)); }); // We've written to the array, so offset === byteLength; we need to reset it. Then we'll // have access to everything in the array when we generate an ArrayBuffer from it. numbersArray.reset(); const queryDataPlaintext = concatenateBytes( nonce, numbersArray.toArrayBuffer() ); const queryDataKey = getRandomBytes(32); const commitment = sha256(queryDataPlaintext); const iv = getRandomBytes(12); const queryDataCiphertext = await encryptAesGcm( queryDataKey, iv, queryDataPlaintext ); const { data: queryDataCiphertextData, mac: queryDataCiphertextMac, } = _getMacAndData(queryDataCiphertext); const envelopes = await pProps( attestations, async ({ clientKey, requestId }) => { const envelopeIv = getRandomBytes(12); const ciphertext = await encryptAesGcm( clientKey, envelopeIv, queryDataKey, requestId ); const { data, mac } = _getMacAndData(ciphertext); return { requestId: arrayBufferToBase64(requestId), data: arrayBufferToBase64(data), iv: arrayBufferToBase64(envelopeIv), mac: arrayBufferToBase64(mac), }; } ); return { addressCount: phoneNumbers.length, commitment: arrayBufferToBase64(commitment), data: arrayBufferToBase64(queryDataCiphertextData), iv: arrayBufferToBase64(iv), mac: arrayBufferToBase64(queryDataCiphertextMac), envelopes, }; } export function uuidToArrayBuffer(uuid: string): ArrayBuffer { if (uuid.length !== 36) { window.log.warn( 'uuidToArrayBuffer: received a string of invalid length. Returning an empty ArrayBuffer' ); return new ArrayBuffer(0); } return typedArrayToArrayBuffer( Uint8Array.from( chunk(uuid.replace(/-/g, ''), 2).map(pair => parseInt(pair.join(''), 16)) ) ); } export function arrayBufferToUuid( arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer ): undefined | string { if (arrayBuffer.byteLength !== 16) { window.log.warn( 'arrayBufferToUuid: received an ArrayBuffer of invalid length. Returning undefined' ); return undefined; } const uuids = splitUuids(arrayBuffer); if (uuids.length === 1) { return uuids[0] || undefined; } return undefined; } export function splitUuids(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): Array { const uuids = []; for (let i = 0; i < arrayBuffer.byteLength; i += 16) { const bytes = getBytes(arrayBuffer, i, 16); const hex = arrayBufferToHex(bytes); const chunks = [ hex.substring(0, 8), hex.substring(8, 12), hex.substring(12, 16), hex.substring(16, 20), hex.substring(20), ]; const uuid = chunks.join('-'); if (uuid !== '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') { uuids.push(uuid); } else { uuids.push(null); } } return uuids; } export function trimForDisplay(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): ArrayBuffer { const padded = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); let paddingEnd = 0; for (paddingEnd; paddingEnd < padded.length; paddingEnd += 1) { if (padded[paddingEnd] === 0x00) { break; } } return window.dcodeIO.ByteBuffer.wrap(padded) .slice(0, paddingEnd) .toArrayBuffer(); }