// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import type { Database } from '@signalapp/better-sqlite3'; import { omit } from 'lodash'; import type { LoggerType } from '../../types/Logging'; import type { ServiceIdString, AciString, PniString, } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import { normalizeServiceId, normalizeAci, normalizePni, } from '../../types/ServiceId'; import type { JSONWithUnknownFields } from '../../types/Util'; import { isNotNil } from '../../util/isNotNil'; // // Main migration function that does the following: // // 1. Drop indexes/triggers/generated columns // 2. Alter tables to change column names // 3. Re-create indexes/triggers/generated columns // 4. Call other functions to migrate column and json values in each // affected table. // export default function updateToSchemaVersion88( currentVersion: number, db: Database, logger: LoggerType ): void { if (currentVersion >= 88) { return; } // See updateToSchemaVersion84 const selectMentionsFromMessages = ` SELECT messages.id, bodyRanges.value ->> 'mentionAci' as mentionAci, bodyRanges.value ->> 'start' as start, bodyRanges.value ->> 'length' as length FROM messages, json_each(messages.json ->> 'bodyRanges') as bodyRanges WHERE bodyRanges.value ->> 'mentionAci' IS NOT NULL `; db.transaction(() => { // Rename all columns and re-create all indexes first. db.exec(` -- -- conversations -- DROP INDEX conversations_uuid; ALTER TABLE conversations RENAME COLUMN uuid TO serviceId; -- See: updateToSchemaVersion20 CREATE INDEX conversations_serviceId ON conversations(serviceId); -- -- sessions -- ALTER TABLE sessions RENAME COLUMN ourUuid TO ourServiceId; ALTER TABLE sessions RENAME COLUMN uuid TO serviceId; -- -- messages -- DROP INDEX messages_sourceUuid; DROP INDEX messages_preview; DROP INDEX messages_preview_without_story; DROP INDEX messages_activity; ALTER TABLE messages DROP COLUMN isGroupLeaveEventFromOther; ALTER TABLE messages DROP COLUMN isGroupLeaveEvent; ALTER TABLE messages RENAME COLUMN sourceUuid TO sourceServiceId; -- See: updateToSchemaVersion47 ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isGroupLeaveEvent INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( type IS 'group-v2-change' AND json_array_length(json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details')) IS 1 AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].type') IS 'member-remove' AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') IS NOT NULL AND json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.from') IS json_extract(json, '$.groupV2Change.details[0].aci') ); ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN isGroupLeaveEventFromOther INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( isGroupLeaveEvent IS 1 AND isChangeCreatedByUs IS 0 ); -- See: updateToSchemaVersion25 CREATE INDEX messages_sourceServiceId on messages(sourceServiceId); -- See: updateToSchemaVersion81 CREATE INDEX messages_preview ON messages (conversationId, shouldAffectPreview, isGroupLeaveEventFromOther, received_at, sent_at); CREATE INDEX messages_preview_without_story ON messages (conversationId, shouldAffectPreview, isGroupLeaveEventFromOther, received_at, sent_at) WHERE storyId IS NULL; CREATE INDEX messages_activity ON messages (conversationId, shouldAffectActivity, isTimerChangeFromSync, isGroupLeaveEventFromOther, received_at, sent_at); -- -- reactions -- DROP INDEX reaction_identifier; ALTER TABLE reactions RENAME COLUMN targetAuthorUuid TO targetAuthorAci; -- See: updateToSchemaVersion29 CREATE INDEX reaction_identifier ON reactions ( emoji, targetAuthorAci, targetTimestamp ); -- -- unprocessed -- ALTER TABLE unprocessed RENAME COLUMN sourceUuid TO sourceServiceId; -- -- sendLogRecipients -- DROP INDEX sendLogRecipientsByRecipient; ALTER TABLE sendLogRecipients RENAME COLUMN recipientUuid TO recipientServiceId; -- See: updateToSchemaVersion37 CREATE INDEX sendLogRecipientsByRecipient ON sendLogRecipients (recipientServiceId, deviceId); -- -- storyDistributionMembers -- ALTER TABLE storyDistributionMembers RENAME COLUMN uuid TO serviceId; -- -- mentions -- DROP TRIGGER messages_on_update; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_insert_insert_mentions; DROP TRIGGER messages_on_update_update_mentions; DROP INDEX mentions_uuid; ALTER TABLE mentions RENAME COLUMN mentionUuid TO mentionAci; -- See: updateToSchemaVersion84 CREATE INDEX mentions_aci ON mentions (mentionAci); -- -- preKeys -- DROP INDEX preKeys_ourUuid; DROP INDEX signedPreKeys_ourUuid; DROP INDEX kyberPreKeys_ourUuid; ALTER TABLE preKeys RENAME COLUMN ourUuid TO ourServiceId; ALTER TABLE signedPreKeys RENAME COLUMN ourUuid TO ourServiceId; ALTER TABLE kyberPreKeys RENAME COLUMN ourUuid TO ourServiceId; -- See: updateToSchemaVersion64 CREATE INDEX preKeys_ourServiceId ON preKeys (ourServiceId); CREATE INDEX signedPreKeys_ourServiceId ON signedPreKeys (ourServiceId); CREATE INDEX kyberPreKeys_ourServiceId ON kyberPreKeys (ourServiceId); `); // Migrate JSON fields const { identifierToServiceId } = migrateConversations(db, logger); const ourServiceIds = migrateItems(db, logger); migrateSessions(db, ourServiceIds, logger); migrateMessages(db, logger); migratePreKeys(db, 'preKeys', ourServiceIds, logger); migratePreKeys(db, 'signedPreKeys', ourServiceIds, logger); migratePreKeys(db, 'kyberPreKeys', ourServiceIds, logger); migrateJobs(db, identifierToServiceId, logger); // Re-create triggers after updating messages db.exec(` -- See: updateToSchemaVersion45 CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON messages WHEN (new.body IS NULL OR old.body IS NOT new.body) AND new.isViewOnce IS NOT 1 AND new.storyId IS NULL BEGIN DELETE FROM messages_fts WHERE rowid = old.rowid; INSERT INTO messages_fts (rowid, body) VALUES (new.rowid, new.body); END; -- See: updateToSchemaVersion84 CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert_insert_mentions AFTER INSERT ON messages BEGIN INSERT INTO mentions (messageId, mentionAci, start, length) ${selectMentionsFromMessages} AND messages.id = new.id; END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update_update_mentions AFTER UPDATE ON messages BEGIN DELETE FROM mentions WHERE messageId = new.id; INSERT INTO mentions (messageId, mentionAci, start, length) ${selectMentionsFromMessages} AND messages.id = new.id; END; `); db.pragma('user_version = 88'); })(); logger.info('updateToSchemaVersion88: success!'); } // // migrateConversation does the following: // // 1. Rename `uuid` to `serviceId` // 2. Prefix the value of `pni` with `PNI:` if needed // 3. Renames various `uuid` fields to either `serviceId` or `aci`. // // The result is a conversationId to serviceId map to be consumed in // other functions. // type LegacyBodyRanges = JSONWithUnknownFields< Array<{ mentionUuid?: string; }> >; type UpdatedBodyRanges = JSONWithUnknownFields< Array<{ mentionAci: AciString | undefined; }> >; type MigrateConversationsResultType = Readonly<{ identifierToServiceId: Map; }>; type LegacyConversationData = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ uuid?: string | null; pni?: string | null; bannedMembersV2?: Array<{ uuid: string; }>; lastMessageBodyRanges?: LegacyBodyRanges; membersV2?: Array<{ uuid: string; }>; pendingAdminApprovalV2?: Array<{ uuid: string; }>; pendingMembersV2?: Array<{ uuid: string; }>; senderKeyInfo?: { memberDevices: Array<{ identifier: string }>; }; }>; type UpdatedConversationData = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ serviceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; pni: PniString | undefined; bannedMembersV2: | Array<{ serviceId: ServiceIdString; }> | undefined; lastMessageBodyRanges: UpdatedBodyRanges | undefined; membersV2: | Array<{ aci: AciString; }> | undefined; pendingAdminApprovalV2: | Array<{ aci: AciString; }> | undefined; pendingMembersV2: | Array<{ serviceId: ServiceIdString; }> | undefined; senderKeyInfo: | { memberDevices: Array<{ serviceId: ServiceIdString }>; } | undefined; }>; function migrateConversations( db: Database, logger: LoggerType ): MigrateConversationsResultType { const convos: Array<{ id: string; e164?: string; serviceId?: string; json: string; }> = db.prepare('SELECT id, e164, serviceId, json FROM conversations').all(); const updateStmt = db.prepare( 'UPDATE conversations SET json = $json WHERE id IS $id' ); logger.info( `updateToSchemaVersion88: updating ${convos.length} conversations` ); // Build lookup map for senderKeyInfo const identifierToServiceId = new Map(); for (const { id, e164, serviceId: rawServiceId } of convos) { if (!rawServiceId) { continue; } const serviceId = normalizeServiceId( rawServiceId, 'legacyConvo.serviceId', logger ); identifierToServiceId.set(id, serviceId); if (e164) { identifierToServiceId.set(e164, serviceId); } identifierToServiceId.set(serviceId, serviceId); } for (const { id, json } of convos) { try { const legacy: LegacyConversationData = JSON.parse(json); const { uuid: serviceId, pni, bannedMembersV2, membersV2, pendingAdminApprovalV2, pendingMembersV2, lastMessageBodyRanges, senderKeyInfo, ...restOfConvo } = legacy; const modern: UpdatedConversationData = { ...restOfConvo, serviceId: normalizeServiceId( serviceId, 'legacyConvo.serviceId', logger ), pni: prefixPni(pni, 'legacyConvo.pni', logger), bannedMembersV2: bannedMembersV2?.map( ({ uuid: memberServiceId, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, serviceId: normalizeServiceId( memberServiceId, 'legacyConvo.bannedMembersV2', logger ), }; } ), membersV2: membersV2?.map(({ uuid: aci, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, aci: normalizeAci(aci, 'legacyConvo.membersV2', logger), }; }), pendingAdminApprovalV2: pendingAdminApprovalV2?.map( ({ uuid: aci, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, aci: normalizeAci( aci, 'legacyConvo.pendingAdminApprovalV2', logger ), }; } ), pendingMembersV2: pendingMembersV2?.map( ({ uuid: memberServiceId, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, serviceId: normalizeServiceId( memberServiceId, 'legacyConvo.pendingMembersV2', logger ), }; } ), lastMessageBodyRanges: migrateBodyRanges( lastMessageBodyRanges, 'lastMessageBodyRanges', logger ), senderKeyInfo: senderKeyInfo ? { ...senderKeyInfo, memberDevices: senderKeyInfo.memberDevices .map(({ identifier, ...rest }) => { const deviceServiceId = identifierToServiceId.get(identifier); if (!deviceServiceId) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to resolve identifier ${identifier}` ); return undefined; } return { ...rest, serviceId: deviceServiceId }; }) .filter(isNotNil), } : undefined, }; updateStmt.run({ id, json: JSON.stringify(modern) }); } catch (error) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to parse convo ${id} json`, error ); continue; } } return { identifierToServiceId }; } // // migrateItems does: // // 1. Migrate `pni` storage item to a prefixed value // 2. Return `aci` and `pni` (and their legacy values) to be used in other // migrations. type OurServiceIds = Readonly<{ legacyAci?: string; legacyPni?: string; aci?: AciString; pni?: PniString; }>; function migrateItems(db: Database, logger: LoggerType): OurServiceIds { // Get our ACI and PNI const uuidIdJson = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM items WHERE id IS 'uuid_id' ` ) .pluck() .get(); const pniJson = db .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM items WHERE id IS 'pni' ` ) .pluck() .get(); let legacyAci: string | undefined; try { [legacyAci] = JSON.parse(uuidIdJson).value.split('.', 2); } catch (error) { logger.warn('updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to parse uuid_id item', error); } let legacyPni: string | undefined; try { legacyPni = JSON.parse(pniJson).value; } catch (error) { logger.warn('updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to parse pni item', error); } const aci = normalizeAci(legacyAci, 'uuid_id', logger); const pni = prefixPni(legacyPni, 'pni', logger); const maps: Array<{ id: string; json: string }> = db .prepare( ` SELECT id, json FROM items WHERE id IN ('identityKeyMap', 'registrationIdMap'); ` ) .all(); const updateStmt = db.prepare( 'UPDATE items SET json = $json WHERE id IS $id' ); if (pni) { updateStmt.run({ id: 'pni', json: JSON.stringify({ id: 'pni', value: pni }), }); } for (const { id, json } of maps) { try { const data: { id: string; value: Record } = JSON.parse(json); const aciValue = legacyAci && data.value[legacyAci]; if (legacyAci && aci && aciValue) { delete data.value[legacyAci]; data.value[aci] = aciValue; } const pniValue = legacyPni && data.value[legacyPni]; if (legacyPni && pni && pniValue) { delete data.value[legacyPni]; data.value[pni] = pniValue; } updateStmt.run({ id, json: JSON.stringify(data) }); } catch (error) { logger.warn(`updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to parse ${id} item`, error); } } return { aci, pni, legacyAci, legacyPni }; } // // migrateSessions does: // // 1. Update `ourServiceId` to a normalized ACI or (prefixed) PNI in both // json and column // 2. Update the `session.id` to use new `ourServiceId` // (the schema is `${ourServiceId}:${theirServiceId}.${theirDevice}` // function migrateSessions( db: Database, ourServiceIds: OurServiceIds, logger: LoggerType ): void { const sessions: Array<{ id: string; serviceId: string; ourServiceId: string; json: string; }> = db .prepare('SELECT id, serviceId, ourServiceId, json FROM sessions') .all(); const updateStmt = db.prepare( ` UPDATE sessions SET id = $newId, serviceId = $newServiceId, ourServiceId = $newOurServiceId, json = $newJson WHERE id IS $id ` ); logger.info(`updateToSchemaVersion88: updating ${sessions.length} sessions`); for (const { id, serviceId, ourServiceId, json } of sessions) { const match = id.match(/^(.*):(.*)\.(.*)$/); if (!match) { logger.warn(`updateToSchemaVersion88: invalid session id ${id}`); continue; } let legacyData: JSONWithUnknownFields>; try { legacyData = JSON.parse(json); } catch (error) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to parse session ${id}`, error ); continue; } const [, from, to, device] = match; const newId = `${migrateServiceId(from, ourServiceIds, logger)}:` + `${migrateServiceId(to, ourServiceIds, logger)}.${device}`; const newServiceId = migrateServiceId(serviceId, ourServiceIds, logger); const newOurServiceId = migrateServiceId( ourServiceId, ourServiceIds, logger ); if (!newServiceId || !newOurServiceId) { logger.warn( 'updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to normalize session service ids', serviceId, ourServiceId ); continue; } const newData: JSONWithUnknownFields<{ id: string; serviceId: ServiceIdString; ourServiceId: ServiceIdString; }> = { ...omit(legacyData, 'uuid', 'ourUuid'), id: newId, serviceId: newServiceId, ourServiceId: newOurServiceId, }; updateStmt.run({ id, newId, newServiceId, newOurServiceId, newJson: JSON.stringify(newData), }); } } // // Migrate messages processes messages in page by page and does: // // 1. Update all json fields from `*uuid` to `*serviceId`/`*aci` depending // on context. type LegacyBodyRangesAndQuote = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ bodyRanges?: LegacyBodyRanges; quote?: { authorUuid?: string; bodyRanges?: LegacyBodyRanges; }; }>; type UpdatedBodyRangesAndQuote = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ bodyRanges: UpdatedBodyRanges | undefined; quote: | { authorAci: AciString | undefined; bodyRanges: UpdatedBodyRanges | undefined; } | undefined; }>; type LegacyMessage = JSONWithUnknownFields< LegacyBodyRangesAndQuote & { id: string; sourceUuid?: string; expirationTimerUpdate?: { sourceUuid?: string; }; reactions?: Array; storyReaction?: LegacyReaction; storyReplyContext?: { authorUuid?: string; }; editHistory?: Array; groupV2Change?: { details?: Array; }; } >; type UpdatedMessage = JSONWithUnknownFields< UpdatedBodyRangesAndQuote & { id: string; sourceServiceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; expirationTimerUpdate: | { sourceServiceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; } | undefined; reactions: Array | undefined; storyReaction: UpdatedReaction | undefined; storyReplyContext: | { authorAci: AciString | undefined; } | undefined; editHistory: Array | undefined; groupV2Change: | { details: Array | undefined; } | undefined; } >; function migrateMessages(db: Database, logger: LoggerType): void { const PAGE_SIZE = 10000; const getPage = db.prepare(` SELECT rowid, id, json FROM messages LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset `); const updateStmt = db.prepare(` UPDATE messages SET json = $json WHERE rowid = $rowid `); logger.info('updateToSchemaVersion88: updating messages'); let totalMessages = 0; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition for (let offset = 0; true; offset += PAGE_SIZE) { const messages: Array<{ id: string; rowid: number; json: string }> = getPage.all({ limit: PAGE_SIZE, offset, }); if (messages.length === 0) { break; } totalMessages += messages.length; for (const { rowid, id, json } of messages) { try { const legacy: LegacyMessage = JSON.parse(json); const { sourceUuid, expirationTimerUpdate, reactions, storyReaction, storyReplyContext, editHistory, groupV2Change, ...restOfMessage } = legacy; const updatedMessage: UpdatedMessage = { ...restOfMessage, ...omit( migrateBodyRangesAndQuote(legacy, 'message', logger), 'sourceUuid' ), sourceServiceId: normalizeServiceId(sourceUuid, 'sourceUuid'), expirationTimerUpdate: expirationTimerUpdate ? { ...omit(expirationTimerUpdate, 'sourceUuid'), sourceServiceId: normalizeServiceId( expirationTimerUpdate.sourceUuid, 'expirationTimerUpdate.sourceUuid' ), } : undefined, reactions: reactions?.map(r => migrateReaction(r, 'reactions', logger) ), storyReaction: storyReaction ? migrateReaction(storyReaction, 'storyReaction', logger) : undefined, storyReplyContext: storyReplyContext ? { ...omit(storyReplyContext, 'authorUuid'), authorAci: normalizeAci( storyReplyContext.authorUuid, 'storyReplyContext.authorUuid', logger ), } : undefined, editHistory: editHistory?.map(h => migrateBodyRangesAndQuote(h, 'editHistory', logger) ), groupV2Change: groupV2Change ? { ...groupV2Change, details: groupV2Change.details?.map(d => migrateGroupChange(d, logger) ), } : undefined, }; updateStmt.run({ rowid, json: JSON.stringify(updatedMessage), }); } catch (error) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to parse message ${id} json`, error ); } } } logger.info(`updateToSchemaVersion88: updated ${totalMessages} messages`); } // migratePreKeys works similarly to migrateSessions and does: // // 1. Update `ourServiceId` to ACI or (prefixed) PNI // 2. Update `id` to use new `ourServiceId` value // (the schema is `${ourServiceId}:${keyId}`) // function migratePreKeys( db: Database, table: string, ourServiceIds: OurServiceIds, logger: LoggerType ): void { const preKeys = db.prepare(`SELECT id, json FROM ${table}`).all(); const updateStmt = db.prepare(` UPDATE ${table} SET id = $newId, json = $newJson WHERE id = $id `); logger.info(`updateToSchemaVersion88: updating ${preKeys.length} ${table}`); for (const { id, json } of preKeys) { const match = id.match(/^(.*):(.*)$/); if (!match) { logger.warn(`updateToSchemaVersion88: invalid ${table} id ${id}`); continue; } let legacyData: JSONWithUnknownFields>; try { legacyData = JSON.parse(json); } catch (error) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to parse ${table} ${id}`, error ); continue; } const [, ourUuid, keyId] = match; const ourServiceId = migrateServiceId(ourUuid, ourServiceIds, logger); const newId = `${ourServiceId}:${keyId}`; const newData: JSONWithUnknownFields<{ id: string; ourServiceId: ServiceIdString; }> = { ...omit(legacyData, 'ourUuid'), id: newId, ourServiceId, }; updateStmt.run({ id, newId, newJson: JSON.stringify(newData), }); } } // // migrateJobs does: // // 1. Update conversation jobs to use `serviceId` instead of `uuid` // 1.1. `DeleteStoryForEveryone` // 1.2. `ResendRequest` // 1.3. `Receipts` // 2. Update `read sync`/`view sync`/`view once open sync` to use service ids // 3. Update `single proto` job queue to use `serviceId` type LegacyConversationJob = JSONWithUnknownFields< | { type: 'DeleteStoryForEveryone'; updatedStoryRecipients: Array<{ destinationUuid?: string; legacyDestinationUuid?: string; destinationAci?: string; destinationPni?: string; }>; } | { type: 'ResendRequest'; senderUuid: string; } | { type: 'Receipts'; receipts: Array<{ senderUuid?: string; }>; } >; type UpdatedConversationJob = JSONWithUnknownFields< | { type: 'DeleteStoryForEveryone'; updatedStoryRecipients: Array<{ destinationServiceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; }>; } | { type: 'ResendRequest'; senderAci: AciString; } | { type: 'Receipts'; receipts: Array<{ senderAci: AciString | undefined; }>; } >; type LegacyReadSyncJob = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ readSyncs: Array<{ senderUuid: string; }>; }>; type UpdatedReadSyncJob = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ readSyncs: Array<{ senderAci: AciString; }>; }>; type LegacyViewSyncJob = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ viewSyncs: Array<{ senderUuid: string; }>; }>; type UpdatedViewSyncJob = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ viewSyncs: Array<{ senderAci: AciString; }>; }>; type LegacyViewOnceSyncJob = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ viewOnceOpens: Array<{ senderUuid: string; }>; }>; type UpdatedViewOnceSyncJob = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ viewOnceOpens: Array<{ senderAci: AciString; }>; }>; type LegacySingleProtoJob = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ identifier: string; }>; type UpdatedSingleProtoJob = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ serviceId: ServiceIdString; }>; function migrateJobs( db: Database, identifierToServiceId: Map, logger: LoggerType ): void { const jobs = db.prepare('SELECT id, queueType, data FROM jobs').all(); const updateStmt = db.prepare('UPDATE jobs SET data = $data WHERE id IS $id'); let updatedCount = 0; for (const { id, queueType, data } of jobs) { try { const parsedData: unknown = JSON.parse(data); let updatedData: unknown | undefined; if (queueType === 'conversation') { const convoJob = parsedData as LegacyConversationJob; let updatedJob: UpdatedConversationJob | undefined; if (convoJob.type === 'DeleteStoryForEveryone') { updatedJob = { ...convoJob, updatedStoryRecipients: convoJob.updatedStoryRecipients.map( ({ destinationUuid, legacyDestinationUuid, destinationAci, destinationPni, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, destinationServiceId: normalizeServiceId( destinationUuid || destinationAci || destinationPni || legacyDestinationUuid, 'DeleteStoryForEveryone', logger ), }; } ), }; } else if (convoJob.type === 'ResendRequest') { updatedJob = { ...omit(convoJob, 'senderUuid'), senderAci: normalizeAci( convoJob.senderUuid, 'ResendRequest', logger ), }; } else if (convoJob.type === 'Receipts') { updatedJob = { ...convoJob, receipts: convoJob.receipts.map(({ senderUuid, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, senderAci: normalizeAci(senderUuid, 'Receipts', logger), }; }), }; } updatedData = updatedJob; } else if (queueType === 'read sync') { const syncJob = parsedData as LegacyReadSyncJob; const updatedJob: UpdatedReadSyncJob = { ...syncJob, readSyncs: syncJob.readSyncs.map(({ senderUuid, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, senderAci: normalizeAci(senderUuid, 'read sync'), }; }), }; updatedData = updatedJob; } else if (queueType === 'view sync') { const syncJob = parsedData as LegacyViewSyncJob; const updatedJob: UpdatedViewSyncJob = { ...syncJob, viewSyncs: syncJob.viewSyncs.map(({ senderUuid, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, senderAci: normalizeAci(senderUuid, 'read sync'), }; }), }; updatedData = updatedJob; } else if (queueType === 'view once open sync') { const syncJob = parsedData as LegacyViewOnceSyncJob; const updatedJob: UpdatedViewOnceSyncJob = { ...syncJob, viewOnceOpens: syncJob.viewOnceOpens.map( ({ senderUuid, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, senderAci: normalizeAci(senderUuid, 'read sync'), }; } ), }; updatedData = updatedJob; } else if (queueType === 'single proto') { const { identifier, ...syncJob } = parsedData as LegacySingleProtoJob; const serviceId = identifierToServiceId.get(identifier); if (!serviceId) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to resolve identifier ${identifier} ` + `for job ${id}/${queueType}` ); continue; } const updatedJob: UpdatedSingleProtoJob = { ...syncJob, serviceId, }; updatedData = updatedJob; } if (updatedData !== undefined) { updatedCount += 1; updateStmt.run({ id, data: JSON.stringify(updatedData) }); } } catch (error) { logger.warn( `updateToSchemaVersion88: failed to migrate job ${id}/${queueType} json`, error ); } } logger.info(`updateToSchemaVersion88: updated ${updatedCount} jobs`); } // // Various utility methods below. // function migrateBodyRangesAndQuote( { bodyRanges, quote, ...rest }: LegacyBodyRangesAndQuote, context: string, logger: LoggerType ): UpdatedBodyRangesAndQuote { return { ...rest, bodyRanges: bodyRanges ? migrateBodyRanges(bodyRanges, `${context}.bodyRanges`, logger) : undefined, quote: quote ? { ...quote, authorAci: normalizeAci( quote.authorUuid, `${context}.quote.authorUuid`, logger ), bodyRanges: quote.bodyRanges ? migrateBodyRanges( quote.bodyRanges, `${context}.quote.bodyRanges`, logger ) : undefined, } : undefined, }; } function migrateServiceId( legacyId: string, ourServiceIds: OurServiceIds, logger: LoggerType ): ServiceIdString; function migrateServiceId( legacyId: string | null | undefined, { legacyAci, legacyPni, aci, pni }: OurServiceIds, logger: LoggerType ): ServiceIdString | undefined { if (legacyId == null) { return undefined; } if (legacyId === legacyAci) { return aci; } if (legacyId === legacyPni) { return pni; } return normalizeServiceId(legacyId, `migrateServiceId(${legacyId})`, logger); } function prefixPni( legacyPni: string | null | undefined, context: string, logger: LoggerType ): PniString | undefined { if (legacyPni == null) { return undefined; } if (legacyPni.toLowerCase().startsWith('pni:')) { return normalizePni(legacyPni, context, logger); } return normalizePni(`PNI:${legacyPni}`, context, logger); } function migrateBodyRanges( legacy: LegacyBodyRanges | undefined | null, context: string, logger: LoggerType ): UpdatedBodyRanges | undefined { if (legacy == null) { return undefined; } return legacy?.map(({ mentionUuid: mentionAci, ...rest }) => { return { ...rest, mentionAci: normalizeAci(mentionAci, context, logger), }; }); } type LegacyReaction = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ authorUuid?: string; }>; type UpdatedReaction = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ authorAci: AciString | undefined; }>; function migrateReaction( { authorUuid, ...legacy }: LegacyReaction, context: string, logger: LoggerType ): UpdatedReaction { return { ...legacy, authorAci: normalizeAci(authorUuid, context, logger), }; } type LegacyGroupChange = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ type: string; uuid?: string; }>; type UpdatedGroupChange = JSONWithUnknownFields<{ type: string; serviceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; aci: AciString | undefined; }>; const GROUP_CHANGES_WITH_SERVICE_ID = new Set([ 'pending-add-one', 'pending-remove-one', ]); function migrateGroupChange( { type, uuid, ...rest }: LegacyGroupChange, logger: LoggerType ): UpdatedGroupChange { let aci: AciString | undefined; let serviceId: ServiceIdString | undefined; if (GROUP_CHANGES_WITH_SERVICE_ID.has(type)) { serviceId = normalizeServiceId(uuid, `migrateGroupChange(${type})`, logger); } else { aci = normalizeAci(uuid, `migrateGroupChange(${type})`, logger); } return { ...rest, type, aci, serviceId, }; }