// Copyright 2024 Signal Messenger, LLC // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import Long from 'long'; import { BackupLevel } from '@signalapp/libsignal-client/zkgroup'; import { APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, stringToMIMEType, } from '../../../types/MIME'; import * as log from '../../../logging/log'; import { type AttachmentType, isDownloadableFromTransitTier, isDownloadableFromBackupTier, isAttachmentLocallySaved, type AttachmentDownloadableFromTransitTier, type AttachmentDownloadableFromBackupTier, type LocallySavedAttachment, type AttachmentReadyForBackup, isDecryptable, isReencryptableToSameDigest, } from '../../../types/Attachment'; import { Backups, SignalService } from '../../../protobuf'; import * as Bytes from '../../../Bytes'; import { getTimestampFromLong } from '../../../util/timestampLongUtils'; import { encryptAttachmentV2, generateAttachmentKeys, } from '../../../AttachmentCrypto'; import { strictAssert } from '../../../util/assert'; import type { CoreAttachmentBackupJobType } from '../../../types/AttachmentBackup'; import { type GetBackupCdnInfoType, getMediaIdForAttachment, getMediaIdFromMediaName, getMediaNameForAttachment, } from './mediaId'; import { redactGenericText } from '../../../util/privacy'; import { missingCaseError } from '../../../util/missingCaseError'; import { toLogFormat } from '../../../types/errors'; import { bytesToUuid } from '../../../util/uuidToBytes'; export function convertFilePointerToAttachment( filePointer: Backups.FilePointer ): AttachmentType { const { contentType, width, height, fileName, caption, blurHash, incrementalMac, incrementalMacChunkSize, attachmentLocator, backupLocator, invalidAttachmentLocator, } = filePointer; const commonProps: Omit = { contentType: contentType ? stringToMIMEType(contentType) : APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, width: width ?? undefined, height: height ?? undefined, fileName: fileName ?? undefined, caption: caption ?? undefined, blurHash: blurHash ?? undefined, incrementalMac: incrementalMac?.length ? Bytes.toBase64(incrementalMac) : undefined, incrementalMacChunkSize: incrementalMacChunkSize ?? undefined, }; if (attachmentLocator) { const { cdnKey, cdnNumber, key, digest, uploadTimestamp, size } = attachmentLocator; return { ...commonProps, size: size ?? 0, cdnKey: cdnKey ?? undefined, cdnNumber: cdnNumber ?? undefined, key: key?.length ? Bytes.toBase64(key) : undefined, digest: digest?.length ? Bytes.toBase64(digest) : undefined, uploadTimestamp: uploadTimestamp ? getTimestampFromLong(uploadTimestamp) : undefined, }; } if (backupLocator) { const { mediaName, cdnNumber, key, digest, size, transitCdnKey, transitCdnNumber, } = backupLocator; return { ...commonProps, cdnKey: transitCdnKey ?? undefined, cdnNumber: transitCdnNumber ?? undefined, key: key?.length ? Bytes.toBase64(key) : undefined, digest: digest?.length ? Bytes.toBase64(digest) : undefined, size: size ?? 0, backupLocator: mediaName ? { mediaName, cdnNumber: cdnNumber ?? undefined, } : undefined, }; } if (invalidAttachmentLocator) { return { ...commonProps, error: true, size: 0, }; } throw new Error('convertFilePointerToAttachment: mising locator'); } export function convertBackupMessageAttachmentToAttachment( messageAttachment: Backups.IMessageAttachment ): AttachmentType | null { const { clientUuid } = messageAttachment; if (!messageAttachment.pointer) { return null; } const result = { ...convertFilePointerToAttachment(messageAttachment.pointer), clientUuid: clientUuid ? bytesToUuid(clientUuid) : undefined, }; switch (messageAttachment.flag) { case Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag.VOICE_MESSAGE: result.flags = SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE; break; case Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag.BORDERLESS: result.flags = SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.BORDERLESS; break; case Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag.GIF: result.flags = SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.GIF; break; case Backups.MessageAttachment.Flag.NONE: case null: case undefined: result.flags = undefined; break; default: throw missingCaseError(messageAttachment.flag); } return result; } /** * Some attachments saved on desktop do not include the key used to encrypt the file * originally. This means that we need to encrypt the file in-memory now (at * export-creation time) to calculate the digest which will be saved in the backup proto * along with the new keys. */ async function generateNewEncryptionInfoForAttachment( attachment: Readonly ): Promise { const fixedUpAttachment = { ...attachment }; // Since we are changing the encryption, we need to delete all encryption & location // related info delete fixedUpAttachment.cdnId; delete fixedUpAttachment.cdnKey; delete fixedUpAttachment.cdnNumber; delete fixedUpAttachment.backupLocator; delete fixedUpAttachment.uploadTimestamp; delete fixedUpAttachment.digest; delete fixedUpAttachment.iv; delete fixedUpAttachment.key; const keys = generateAttachmentKeys(); // encrypt this file without writing the ciphertext to disk in order to calculate the // digest const { digest, iv } = await encryptAttachmentV2({ keys, plaintext: { absolutePath: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath( attachment.path ), }, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath: window.Signal.Migrations.getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, }); return { ...fixedUpAttachment, digest: Bytes.toBase64(digest), iv: Bytes.toBase64(iv), key: Bytes.toBase64(keys), }; } export async function getFilePointerForAttachment({ attachment, backupLevel, getBackupCdnInfo, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; backupLevel: BackupLevel; getBackupCdnInfo: GetBackupCdnInfoType; }): Promise<{ filePointer: Backups.FilePointer; updatedAttachment?: AttachmentType; }> { const filePointerRootProps = new Backups.FilePointer({ contentType: attachment.contentType, incrementalMac: attachment.incrementalMac ? Bytes.fromBase64(attachment.incrementalMac) : undefined, incrementalMacChunkSize: attachment.incrementalMacChunkSize, fileName: attachment.fileName, width: attachment.width, height: attachment.height, caption: attachment.caption, blurHash: attachment.blurHash, }); const logId = `getFilePointerForAttachment(${redactGenericText( attachment.digest ?? '' )})`; if (attachment.size == null) { log.warn(`${logId}: attachment had nullish size, dropping`); return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, invalidAttachmentLocator: getInvalidAttachmentLocator(), }), }; } if (!isAttachmentLocallySaved(attachment)) { // 1. If the attachment is undownloaded, we cannot trust its digest / mediaName. Thus, // we only include a BackupLocator if this attachment already had one (e.g. we // restored it from a backup and it had a BackupLocator then, which means we have at // one point in the past verified the digest). if ( isDownloadableFromBackupTier(attachment) && backupLevel === BackupLevel.Media ) { return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, backupLocator: getBackupLocator(attachment), }), }; } // 2. Otherwise, we only return the transit CDN info via AttachmentLocator if (isDownloadableFromTransitTier(attachment)) { return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, attachmentLocator: getAttachmentLocator(attachment), }), }; } // 3. Otherwise, we don't have the attachment, and we don't have info to download it return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, invalidAttachmentLocator: getInvalidAttachmentLocator(), }), }; } // The attachment is locally saved if (backupLevel !== BackupLevel.Media) { // 1. If we have information to donwnload the file from the transit tier, great, let's // just create an attachmentLocator so the restorer can try to download from the // transit tier if (isDownloadableFromTransitTier(attachment)) { return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, attachmentLocator: getAttachmentLocator(attachment), }), }; } // 2. Otherwise, we have the attachment locally, but we don't have information to put // in the backup proto to allow the restorer to download it. (This shouldn't // happen!) log.warn( `${logId}: Attachment is downloaded but we lack information to decrypt it` ); return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, invalidAttachmentLocator: getInvalidAttachmentLocator(), }), }; } // Some attachments (e.g. those quoted ones copied from the original message) may not // have any encryption info, including a digest. if (attachment.digest) { // From here on, this attachment is headed to (or already on) the backup tier! const mediaNameForCurrentVersionOfAttachment = getMediaNameForAttachment(attachment); const backupCdnInfo = await getBackupCdnInfo( getMediaIdFromMediaName(mediaNameForCurrentVersionOfAttachment).string ); // We can generate a backupLocator for this mediaName iff // 1. we have iv, key, and digest so we can re-encrypt to the existing digest when // uploading, or // 2. the mediaId is already in the backup tier and we have the key & digest to // decrypt and verify it if ( isReencryptableToSameDigest(attachment) || (backupCdnInfo.isInBackupTier && isDecryptable(attachment)) ) { return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, backupLocator: getBackupLocator({ ...attachment, backupLocator: { mediaName: mediaNameForCurrentVersionOfAttachment, cdnNumber: backupCdnInfo.isInBackupTier ? backupCdnInfo.cdnNumber : undefined, }, }), }), }; } } let attachmentWithNewEncryptionInfo: AttachmentReadyForBackup | undefined; try { log.info(`${logId}: Generating new encryption info for attachment`); attachmentWithNewEncryptionInfo = await generateNewEncryptionInfoForAttachment(attachment); } catch (e) { log.error( `${logId}: Error when generating new encryption info for attachment`, toLogFormat(e) ); return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, invalidAttachmentLocator: getInvalidAttachmentLocator(), }), }; } return { filePointer: new Backups.FilePointer({ ...filePointerRootProps, backupLocator: getBackupLocator({ ...attachmentWithNewEncryptionInfo, backupLocator: { mediaName: getMediaNameForAttachment(attachmentWithNewEncryptionInfo), cdnNumber: undefined, }, }), }), updatedAttachment: attachmentWithNewEncryptionInfo, }; } function getAttachmentLocator( attachment: AttachmentDownloadableFromTransitTier ) { return new Backups.FilePointer.AttachmentLocator({ cdnKey: attachment.cdnKey, cdnNumber: attachment.cdnNumber, uploadTimestamp: attachment.uploadTimestamp ? Long.fromNumber(attachment.uploadTimestamp) : null, digest: Bytes.fromBase64(attachment.digest), key: Bytes.fromBase64(attachment.key), size: attachment.size, }); } function getBackupLocator(attachment: AttachmentDownloadableFromBackupTier) { return new Backups.FilePointer.BackupLocator({ mediaName: attachment.backupLocator.mediaName, cdnNumber: attachment.backupLocator.cdnNumber, digest: Bytes.fromBase64(attachment.digest), key: Bytes.fromBase64(attachment.key), size: attachment.size, transitCdnKey: attachment.cdnKey, transitCdnNumber: attachment.cdnNumber, }); } function getInvalidAttachmentLocator() { return new Backups.FilePointer.InvalidAttachmentLocator(); } export async function maybeGetBackupJobForAttachmentAndFilePointer({ attachment, filePointer, getBackupCdnInfo, messageReceivedAt, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; filePointer: Backups.FilePointer; getBackupCdnInfo: GetBackupCdnInfoType; messageReceivedAt: number; }): Promise { if (!filePointer.backupLocator) { return null; } const mediaName = getMediaNameForAttachment(attachment); strictAssert(mediaName, 'mediaName must exist'); const { isInBackupTier } = await getBackupCdnInfo( getMediaIdForAttachment(attachment).string ); if (isInBackupTier) { return null; } strictAssert( isReencryptableToSameDigest(attachment), 'Attachment must now have all required info for re-encryption' ); strictAssert( isAttachmentLocallySaved(attachment), 'Attachment must be saved locally for it to be backed up' ); const { path, contentType, key: keys, digest, iv, size, cdnKey, cdnNumber, uploadTimestamp, version, localKey, } = attachment; return { mediaName, receivedAt: messageReceivedAt, type: 'standard', data: { path, contentType, keys, digest, iv, size, version, localKey, transitCdnInfo: cdnKey && cdnNumber != null ? { cdnKey, cdnNumber, uploadTimestamp, } : undefined, }, }; }