syntax = "proto3"; // // Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC. // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only // package; message SessionStructure { message Chain { bytes sender_ratchet_key = 1; bytes sender_ratchet_key_private = 2; message ChainKey { uint32 index = 1; bytes key = 2; } ChainKey chain_key = 3; message MessageKey { uint32 index = 1; bytes cipher_key = 2; bytes mac_key = 3; bytes iv = 4; } repeated MessageKey message_keys = 4; } message PendingPreKey { uint32 pre_key_id = 1; int32 signed_pre_key_id = 3; bytes base_key = 2; } uint32 session_version = 1; bytes local_identity_public = 2; bytes remote_identity_public = 3; bytes root_key = 4; uint32 previous_counter = 5; Chain sender_chain = 6; // The order is significant; keys at the end are "older" and will get trimmed. repeated Chain receiver_chains = 7; PendingPreKey pending_pre_key = 9; uint32 remote_registration_id = 10; uint32 local_registration_id = 11; bool needs_refresh = 12; bytes alice_base_key = 13; } message RecordStructure { SessionStructure current_session = 1; // The order is significant; sessions at the end are "older" and will get trimmed. repeated SessionStructure previous_sessions = 2; } message PreKeyRecordStructure { uint32 id = 1; bytes public_key = 2; bytes private_key = 3; } message SignedPreKeyRecordStructure { uint32 id = 1; bytes public_key = 2; bytes private_key = 3; bytes signature = 4; fixed64 timestamp = 5; } message IdentityKeyPairStructure { bytes public_key = 1; bytes private_key = 2; } message SenderKeyStateStructure { message SenderChainKey { uint32 iteration = 1; bytes seed = 2; } message SenderMessageKey { uint32 iteration = 1; bytes seed = 2; } message SenderSigningKey { bytes public = 1; bytes private = 2; } uint32 sender_key_id = 1; SenderChainKey sender_chain_key = 2; SenderSigningKey sender_signing_key = 3; repeated SenderMessageKey sender_message_keys = 4; } message SenderKeyRecordStructure { repeated SenderKeyStateStructure sender_key_states = 1; }