Remove Android length warning
Handle incoming long message attachments
Show long download pending status in message bubble
Fix the width of the smallest spinner
Remove Android length warning from HTML templates
- visually distinguish any reference we couldn't verify on receipt
- show toast on quote click if we can't scroll to message
- toast visuals redesigned to match rest of app
- New schema version 8 with video/image thumbnails, screenshots, sizes
- Upgrade messages not at current schema version when loading messages
to show in conversation
- New MessageDetail react component
- New ConversationHeader react component
Biggest changes forced by this: alt tags for all images, resulting in
new strings added to messages.json, and a new i18n paramter/prop added
in a plot of places.
Another change of note is that there are two new tslint.json files under
ts/test and ts/styleguide to relax our rules a bit there. This required
a change to our package.json script, as manually specifying the config
file there made it ignore our tslint.json files in subdirectories
- Remove extra padding at top of Android bubbles, via sibling selector
- Don't include .attachments, .quote-wrapper, .content in bubble unless
we actually need them. This allows for sibling selectors.
- This is a different technique for adding the ReactWrapperView for
quotes - it is now appended to the DOM instead of attaching to
something already in the DOM. This allows us to use .remove(), so it's
a bit cleaner.
- Users of ReactWrapperView can now specify tagName and className
Split out test-specific and general utility react components too.
And moved our test/legacy* files for the Style Guide into a styleguide/
subdirectory of test/.
I think we'll be able to live in this directory structure for a while.