- visually distinguish any reference we couldn't verify on receipt
- show toast on quote click if we can't scroll to message
- toast visuals redesigned to match rest of app
Android: The gray border around the quote didn't interact well with the
image, which needed to overlap the border. For now we'll just remove the
Also made the thumbnail image 2px bigger because I noticed that in some
cases there was a partial-pixel space below the image (where the rest of
the quote was making the container bigger).
iOS: The gray border around outgoing quotes was fading into the
background gray color, making the quote look a tiny bit more narrow than
the main message. Removed the border.
Note that substantial changes will be required for the updated Android
mockups, putting the quotation into the text box next to the attachment
- Remove extra padding at top of Android bubbles, via sibling selector
- Don't include .attachments, .quote-wrapper, .content in bubble unless
we actually need them. This allows for sibling selectors.
- This is a different technique for adding the ReactWrapperView for
quotes - it is now appended to the DOM instead of attaching to
something already in the DOM. This allows us to use .remove(), so it's
a bit cleaner.
- Users of ReactWrapperView can now specify tagName and className
It would have rounded corners inside of the bubble, which is not what
we want. This makes the bubble itself have the rounded corners, and then
it cuts off anything that would extend past its edges.
The :before technique for adding the icon was removed, because it
resulted in some rendering issues when the layout pressure in the
message bubble got too high - you would see a partial icon. This
solution shrinks the icon a bit when the filename wants to expand to
take its space.
The iOS bubble width also needed special care to ensure it didn't expand
to accommodate the very wide filenames. Beyond that, overflow: hidden
needed to be applied at several levels to make everything behave as
A good bit of CSS was required to keep the text color changing along
with the text it is nestled within.
Also: took this opportunity to increase the contrast of the number and
verified section right under the contact name in the group members view.
Not yet using the new APIs, but ready to. Still to do:
- Send sync messages on trust decisions
- Respond to received trust decision sync messages
- Show trust decisions in the conversation history
- In that rare situation where a sent message ends up with a key error
make it easy to retry the send.
- Last seen indicator now spans the full conversation, with subtle
shadow highlights above and below
- Scrollbars now overlap the content of the conversation, allowing last
seen indicator to touch the right edge of the window.
- The iOS and Android conversation background is now #eee instead of
white, which meant that the outgoing messages (Android) and incoming
messages (iOS) had to be updated for contrast. They now have white
- Similarly, the scroll down button needed more contrast, and its
background is now white in light themes.
Add names and sizes for all attachments except images, and (as with
arbitrary attachments), clicking on the text will open a save dialog.
In the absence of a filename, choose something that makes sense.
Display different icons for different media types, including distinct icons
for voice notes and audio files.
In iOS theme, audio, video, voice, and files are all encapsulated in bubbles.
This makes the "x" in the search bar always visible when there is
text in the search box, even if the mouse is not hovering, hopefully
making for a clearer UI around search and resolving issue #741
The implementation adds the "x.svg" as a background image to the search
box when it is classed with .active, in addition to the
-webkit-search-cancel-button, which is still there for the actual
functionality but only appears on mouse hover (one tiny snag is that
coloring appears slightly different on hover, at least on my screen -
don't know if this is a problem).
I accounted for both ltr and rtl text-direction by using
getComputedStyle(...).direction to detect from the input's dir="auto"
- if there's a more elegant way to do this, please suggest. An ideal
solution would use the :dir pseudo-class but it's not implemented
in Chrome yet -
For now, I added the direction-checking to inbox_view.js. I see that is also used in new_group_update_view.js and
recipient_input_view.js but neither of these views seem to be in use (?)
and they don't set the .active class anyway, so I ignored them.
Update: Amended version a few hours later - fixed and manually tested
color and spacing for iOS and Android Dark themes. Also made some new
SASS variables to make things DRYer and fixed my tab size.