Database logging is helpful as a debugging tool, but it creates an
infinite loop with the debug log, which wants to write to the database,
which wants to write to the log, which wants to write to the database,
which wants to write to the log, which wants to write to the database,
which wants to write to the log, which wants to write to the database...
On a recent trip through a CPU profile taken while Signal Desktop
churned through a large backlog of messages, it was clear that
console.log was a major source of time spent, primarily the sort
operation required after every new entry is added to the Backbone
collection. So, three different techniques to combat this:
1) Reduce the maximum number of entries in the collection from 5k to 2k
2) No more logging of add/update/remove queue in MessageReceiver
3) No more log entries in Message.handleDataMessage main codepath
The user-agent string includes the information needed (OS + Chrome version) and the console.get() function seems just right. The debugLog itself is not manipulated.