npm run icon-gen and grunt (run default task) can be grouped into one
Use SIGNAL_ENV instead of NODE_ENV since Setting NODE_ENV adversely
affects yarn's install behavior, so we had to set it after the install
and before the build. By using a custom variable instead, we can set it
globally and eventually use it in a build matrix.
Move mas build to its own npm script
These modules together allow us to import css files from third party
components without maintaining symlinks that essentially rename them as
sass partials, which doesn't work on windows.
This corresponds to CFBundleVersion in the mac build. It must be
incremented every time we upload a new build to the app store for the
current release version.
Either icon-gen or local scaling of images was producing a corrupted and
glitchy .icns file. With this module, we need only provide a 1024px
image and it handles the scaling and generation of all other icon
Add the buildExpiration config and add it to the renderer's config
object. Use grunt to write the build expiration to
config/local-production.json which will override the default value (no
expiration) in production. Finally, run this grunt task as part of the
build process.
Add environment-specific configs under `./config` and integrate with the
build system. Also changes package.json `files` from blacklist to
Spaces in the file name get escaped to %20. Then the percent sign gets
escaped again on the way to s3 upload, such that the object name on s3
ends up as %2520. To fix this, we can simply omit spaces from our
artifact names.
Move these to where the build expects them to be.
In theory electron-builder should generate these from a build/icon.icns
but that doesn't seem to be working.
`npm run icon-gen` builds icon files from png files in the images
directory, outputting to build/icon.{ico,icns} (the expected location
for electron-builder).
Set NODE_ENV at run time or build time to switch the app between dev and
production modes.
At build time, the current NODE_ENV will be included in the packaged
app's package.json file. At runtime we read NODE_ENV from package.json,
but also allow the local environment variable to override. A query
string parsed by a preload script exposes the value to the renderer,
which then determines whether we use the staging or production server.
Additionally, different environments have different user data
In package.json, define our main entry point for electron, and add a
node script to start it up.
Add main.js from Electron/electron-quick-start with two modifications.
1. Load background.html instead of index.html
2. Disable node integration in the renderer
At this point we can load the background page in a window
with `npm start`, though it currently breaks on missing chrome app APIs.
Set up grunt with tasks for:
* preen - deletes unused files from bower_components, configured in
* concat - concatenates preened bower components, configured
automagically from the preen config
It's worth noting that this setup assumes the order of files within a
package doesn't matter. This is usually true since we often include only
one file from the package.