* Introduce normalize-path wherever we use fastGlob
* CI: Update yarn version; install yarn via npm on windows
* Add more logging to Grunt file spectron usage
* Lock core.js to what it was resolving to before: 2.4.1
* test/index.html: Remove nonexistent test file
* test/index.html: Remove missing registration.js
* preload.js: Introduce client-side logging for load failures
* Gruntfile: Introduce better debuggability if prod test fails
* Reintroduce glob for searches inside asar
Remove Android length warning
Handle incoming long message attachments
Show long download pending status in message bubble
Fix the width of the smallest spinner
Remove Android length warning from HTML templates
- New schema version 8 with video/image thumbnails, screenshots, sizes
- Upgrade messages not at current schema version when loading messages
to show in conversation
- New MessageDetail react component
- New ConversationHeader react component
UI now in separate renderer:
- the permissions popup
- settings dialog
- debug log dialog
- about window
Couple bug fixes:
- About Window: Fix 'escape' to close window
- Remove outdated dist/copy tasks from Gruntfile
Eslintified settings_view.js
Three locations were changed:
1. a group update, which lists a set of contacts
2. the contact name in the left pane
3. the conversation title
Three new components were added to window.Signal.Components to support
these scenarios, respectively:
1. Emojify
2. ContactName
3. ConversationTitle
Note that there are a number of other places in the app that should be
emojified, but never have been before. Essentially any place that a
contact name might be shown. A non-exhaustive list:
- Show group members
- Show safety number
- Verified change notification
- Disappearing timer change notification
- Contact verification notification
- Quote contact name
- Remove extra padding at top of Android bubbles, via sibling selector
- Don't include .attachments, .quote-wrapper, .content in bubble unless
we actually need them. This allows for sibling selectors.
- This is a different technique for adding the ReactWrapperView for
quotes - it is now appended to the DOM instead of attaching to
something already in the DOM. This allows us to use .remove(), so it's
a bit cleaner.
- Users of ReactWrapperView can now specify tagName and className