* Change systemPreferences.isDarkMode() to nativeTheme.shouldUseDarkColors
* Remove vibrancy parameter to BrowserWindow
* Update curve25519-n; removes context-aware deprecation warning
* Set app.allowRendererProcessReuse = true to remove warning
* Move from deprecated setters to direct property set
* Serialized sender certificates: Store less, store plain object
* isMenuBarAutoHide -> autoHideMenuBar
* UUID: Fix sealed sender indicator on message details screen
* Data._cleanData: Remove function keys, handle null in array
- run _cleanData when saving attachment download jobs
- remove job from jobs table when the send itself throws error
* _cleanData: Don't dig into strings, booleans, or numbers
* getPropsForMessageDetail: Make it clear what we're reducing
Co-authored-by: Ken Powers <ken@signal.org>
* Decrypt given and family names from profile name string
* Handle both given and family name from decrypted profile name
* Ensure we properly handle profiles with no family name
* If focus was set to document.body during archive, focus left pane
* Shortcut Guide: Add space between text and shortcut highlight
* Ensure that draft attachment can be closed with click on X button
* Move to keyDown event for user idle checking
* Additional resiliency around avatars; check for them on on-disk
* Increase timeouts to preserve websocket connection
* On startup, be resilient to malformed JSON in log files
* Don't crash if shell.openExternal returns an error
* Whenever we request a contact/group sync, also request block list
* Avatar popup: Ensure styling is mouse- and keyboard-appropriate
* MainHeader: Create popperRoot on demand, not on mount
* CompositionInput: Disable default Ctrl-/ shortcut
* Update libphonenumber
* Add new requiredProtocolVersion field to DataMessage
* Message.requiredProtocolVersion, warning if version mot supported
* Update strings; limit width; new left pane preview text