Quite a few other fixes, including:
- Sending to contact with no avatar yet (not synced from mobile)
- Left pane doesn't update quickly or at all on new message
- Left pane doesn't show sent or error status
- Contributing.md: Ensure set of linux dev dependencies is complete
- New schema version 8 with video/image thumbnails, screenshots, sizes
- Upgrade messages not at current schema version when loading messages
to show in conversation
- New MessageDetail react component
- New ConversationHeader react component
UI now in separate renderer:
- the permissions popup
- settings dialog
- debug log dialog
- about window
Couple bug fixes:
- About Window: Fix 'escape' to close window
- Remove outdated dist/copy tasks from Gruntfile
Eslintified settings_view.js
Biggest changes forced by this: alt tags for all images, resulting in
new strings added to messages.json, and a new i18n paramter/prop added
in a plot of places.
Another change of note is that there are two new tslint.json files under
ts/test and ts/styleguide to relax our rules a bit there. This required
a change to our package.json script, as manually specifying the config
file there made it ignore our tslint.json files in subdirectories
* Remove extra parenthesis causing warnings on latest chromium
* Update to electron 2.0.1
* Move all @types dependencies to devDependencies
* Update electron-builder/electron-updater
* Update to Node.js 8.9.3 to match Electron 2.0.1
Notification Improvements (#2364)
- Fixed: The change for production didn't full make it into v1.11.0-beta.1 - this change restores the code which removes the old notification when we add a new one
- Fixed: Notifications could be orphaned in notification center if they were added/removed quickly
- Fixed: Notifications weren't removed properly when read on a linked device
Dev: Better logging when we receive a read sync from a linked device (#2364)
Feature: Receive contact (#2349, #2359)
Fixed: Sometimes clicks on quoted message wouldn't work (#2350)
Fixed: In dark theme, it was hard to see a message's triple-dot menu on hover - thanks @PunkChameleon (#2334)
Fixed: Unsupported image and video types were missing from media pane (#2351)
Fixed: On small screens, the media lightbox view would show media off-screen (#2351)
Notification improvements
- Remove all on remote read, on focus, on exit
- Show multi-message notifications like '5 new messages'
Media Gallery: A number of small visual fixes (#2351)
Emoji pane: Can now dismiss it by pressing escape key - thanks @tommypacker (#2354, #2357)
Update translations (#2328, #2352)
- Windows 7: Use Electron-native notifications (#2338, #2330)
- Improve Logging For Disappearing Messages (#2332)
- Prettier: Continue expanding its coverage of app (#2339, #2324)
- Document Translations Setup + Remove Unused Strings (#2329)
- Make Protocol Buffers available to commonjs code (#2347)