When indexing message attachment metadata using numeric indexes such as:
conversationId: '+12223334455',
received_at: 123,
attachments: […],
numAttachments: 2,
conversationId: '+12223334455',
received_at: 456,
attachments: [],
numAttachments: 0,
conversationId: '+12223334455',
received_at: 789,
attachments: [],
numAttachments: 1,
It creates an index as follows:
[conversationId, received_at, numAttachments]
['+12223334455', 123, 2]
['+12223334455', 456, 0]
['+12223334455', 789, 1]
This means a query such as…
lowerBound: ['+12223334455', 0, 1 ]
upperBound: ['+12223334455', Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE]
…will return all three original entries because they span the `received_at`
from `0` through `Number.MAX_VALUE`. One workaround is to index booleans using
`1 | undefined` where `1` is included in the index and `undefined` is not, but
that way we lose the ability to query for the `false` value. Instead, we flip
adjust the index to `[conversationId, hasAttachments, received_at]` and can
then query messages with attachments using
[conversationId, 1 /* hasAttachments */, 0 /* received_at */]
[conversationId, 1 /* hasAttachments */, Number.MAX_VALUE /* received_at */]
Turns out that we reload thumbnails for every message when any new
message is added to the conversation. This fix prevents that by actually
checking for the proper sentinel on the message model
- messages.getQuoteObjectUrl: early return
- backup.js: explaining variables for long if statement
- types/messages.js: Log if thumbnail has neither data nor path
- sendmessage.js:
- remove extraneous logging
- fix indentation
- upload attachments and thumbnails in parallel
- preload: don't load fs for tests, just fse
- _conversation.scss: split two selectors into two lines, 0px -> 0
- backup_test.js: use fse.existsSync and comment twoSlashes regex
- network_tests_view_test.js: Comment duplicate assignment to window.getSocketStatus