Rather than throw an error, just log call messages and drop them. This way we
distinguish them from incorrectly encoded content messages or new types of
messages we don't support yet, and don't insert unnecessary red flags and
stacktraces in debug logs.
- Logging is available in main process as well as renderer process, and
entries all go to one set of rotating files. Log entries in the
renderer process go to DevTools as well as the console. Entries from
the main process only show up in the console.
- We save three days of logs, one day per file in %userData%/logs
- The 'debug' object store is deleted in a new database migration
- Timestamps and level included in the new log we generate for publish
as well as the devtools
- The bunyan API is exposed via windows.log (providing the ability to
log at different levels, and save objects instead of just text), so we
can move our code to it over time.
ConversationView responds to drag/drop events by forwarding them to its file
input. The file input stops propagation and handles the event only if the data
transfer is type file. This means that any other data type (text, img, etc...)
causes an recursive loop of event propagation, eventually resulting in logging a
"RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded".
Fix by only forwarding files to the file input.
Found a number of 'Illegal buffer' errors in an Electron log submitted
today. As far as I can tell, these same profiles are succeedig for me,
so it's time to collect more data.
* Upgrade emoji deps and move to node_modules
Add support for Emoji 3.0 and switch from bower to yarn for managing emoji
* Delete old emoji deps
* Don't copy emoji on windows
It is no longer necessary since the symlinked image dir is gone.
* Update emoji test
* Fix emoji tests; remove all overrides of emoji-js functions
* Add AES-GCM encryption for profiles
With tests.
* Add profileKey to DataMessage protobuf
* Decrypt and save profile names
* Save incoming profile keys
* Move pad/unpad to crypto module
* Support fetching avatars from the cdn
* Translate failed authentication errors
When AES-GCM authentication fails, webcrypto returns a very generic error. The
same error is thrown for invalid length inputs, but our earlier checks in
decryptProfile should rule out those failure modes and leave us safe to assume
that we either had bad ciphertext or the wrong key.
* Handle profile avatars (wip) and log decrypt errors
* Display profile avatars
Synced contact avatars will still override profile avatars.
* Display profile names in convo list
Only if we don't have a synced contact name.
* Make cdn url an environment config
Use different ones for staging and production
* Display profile name in conversation header
* Display profile name in group messages
* Update conversation header if profile avatar changes
* Style profile names small with ~
* Save profileKeys from contact sync messages
* Save profile keys from provisioning messages
For standalone accounts, generate a random profile key.
* Special case for one-time sync of our profile key
Android will use a contact sync message to sync a profile key from Android
clients who have just upgraded and generated their profile key. Normally we
should receive this data in a provisioning message.
* Infer profile sharing from synced data messages
* Populate profile keys on outgoing messages
Requires that `profileSharing` be set on the conversation.
* Support for the profile key update flag
When receiving a message with this flag, don't init a message record, just
process the profile key and move on.
* Display profile names in group member list
* Refresh contact's profile on profile key changes
* Catch errors on profile save
* Save our own synced contact info
Don't return early if we get a contact sync for our own number
This adds a new copy:deps task into the overall default task, and it
needs to be run before running the product for the first time, and after
upgrading audio-related deps.
This removes our custom notification sound in favor of the system sound, and
ensures that the system sound is disabled if the user unchecks the audio
notification option.
* main.js: check for truthiness of mainwindow, not === null
* background.js: Connect to websocket even if we are unlinked
We know registration isn't done, but it has been done before. So instead
of sitting tight, we connect to the socket to start everything up and
attempt to the websocket once more.
* Add certificate pinning on https service requests
Make https requests to the server using node apis instead of browser apis, so we
can specify our own CA list, which contains only our own CA.
This protects us from MITM by a rogue CA.
As a bonus, this let's us drop the use of non-standard ports and just use good
ol' default 443 all the time, at least for http requests.
* Make certificateAuthorities an option on requests
Modify node-based xhr implementation based on driverdan/node-XMLHttpRequest,
adding support for setting certificate authorities on each request.
This allows us to pin our master CA for requests to the server and cdn but not
to the s3 attachment server, for instance. Also fix an exception when sending
binary data in a request: it is submitted as an array buffer, and must be
converted to a node Buffer since we are now using a node based request api.
* Import node-based xhr implementation
Add a copy of https://github.com/driverdan/node-XMLHttpRequest@86ff70e, and
expose it to the renderer in the preload script.
In later commits this module will be extended to support custom certificate
* Support "arraybuffer" responseType on requests
When fetching attachments, we want the result as binary data rather than a utf8
string. This lets our node-based XMLHttpRequest honor the responseType property
if it is set on the xhr.
Note that naively using the raw `.buffer` from a node Buffer won't work, since
it is a reuseable backing buffer that is often much larger than the actual
content defined by the Buffer's offset and length.
Instead, we'll prepare a return buffer based on the response's content length
header, and incrementally write chunks of data into it as they arrive.
* Switch to self-signed server endpoint
* Log more error info on failed requests
With the node-based xhr, relevant error info are stored in statusText and
responseText when a request fails.
* Add node-based websocket w/ support for custom CA
* Support handling array buffers instead of blobs
Our node-based websocket calls onmessage with an arraybuffer instead of a blob.
For robustness (on the off chance we switch or update the socket implementation
agian) I've kept the machinery for converting blobs to array buffers.
* Destroy all wacky server ports
If the 'empty' event is fired between the updateInbox() call and the
new InboxView() call afterwards, then the loading screen will never go
away. We fix that by immediately creating the InboxView but only adding
it to the DOM when the backing data is ready.
Just send an event from the main process to the renderer,
The latter routes it the appropriate view method.
For now it's a no-op unless the main window exists and it is showing the inbox,
which will be addressed in a future commit.
Change the placeholder content for when notifications are configured for
count-only or sender-only. Remove some options that are no longer
Since we no longer have support for list-style notifications, stop
coalescing notifications into batches and just show contents of the last
message received. Also open the window when clicking on a notification
if it has previously been closed.
All Whisper.events listeners are now defined and bound in background.js,
and we no longer need global methods for opening the inbox and
conversation views, as those are handled by AppView or internally by
Add buttons for switching between the linking flow and the standalone
registration flow. The button and standalone registration are only
availble in a development environment.
Traditionally, NODE_ENV refers to an environment variable. For clarity,
let's keep it that way and don't reuse it in the renderer. Also, add a
note about explicitly overriding env vars for node-config.
Add the buildExpiration config and add it to the renderer's config
object. Use grunt to write the build expiration to
config/local-production.json which will override the default value (no
expiration) in production. Finally, run this grunt task as part of the
build process.
Introduce a top level view for navigating between the inbox and the
installer, enabling an in-window relink flow. Navigation is driven
through the openInbox and openInstaller global events.
Add environment-specific configs under `./config` and integrate with the
build system. Also changes package.json `files` from blacklist to
Database logging is helpful as a debugging tool, but it creates an
infinite loop with the debug log, which wants to write to the database,
which wants to write to the log, which wants to write to the database,
which wants to write to the log, which wants to write to the database,
which wants to write to the log, which wants to write to the database...
Just use the english locale for now. Load locale data from the
filesystem in the main process and pass it to the renderer preload
script via ipc. Note that we need the locale data to be available by the
time view scripts are loaded.
Set NODE_ENV at run time or build time to switch the app between dev and
production modes.
At build time, the current NODE_ENV will be included in the packaged
app's package.json file. At runtime we read NODE_ENV from package.json,
but also allow the local environment variable to override. A query
string parsed by a preload script exposes the value to the renderer,
which then determines whether we use the staging or production server.
Additionally, different environments have different user data
Nothing stops us from rendering the inbox in the background page, since
it is no longer a background page at all. TODO: intercept window close
events to hide this window instead of closing it unless the app is quit