Update strings

This commit is contained in:
Scott Nonnenberg 2022-03-09 15:12:54 -08:00
parent 01e58f75d3
commit b973c3ad9f
66 changed files with 7955 additions and 2303 deletions

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" cant be added to the group because theyre using an old version of Signal. You can add them to the group after theyve updated Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Noem hierdie groep",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Druk 'Herbegin Signal' om die opdaterings toe te pas.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Hierdie weergawe bevat n aantal klein aanpassings en regstellings om Signal glad te laat werk.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "لا يمكن إضافة المستخدم \"$name$\" للمجموعة لأنه يستخدم إصدارا قديما لـ Signal. يمكنك إضافته للمجموعة فور تحديثه للتطبيق.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "سمّ هذه المجموعة",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "يُرجى الضغط على زر الفأرة لتنزيل التحديث",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "‫يُرجى الضغط على إعادة تشغيل Signal لتطبيق التحديثات.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "يحتوي هذا الإصدار على عدد من التعديلات الصغيرة وإصلاحات الأخطاء للحفاظ على تشغيل Signal بسلاسة.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "مُتعب: إرسال صور عادية غير مُعدّلة على Signal. متحمس: إضافة ملصقات قطط ورسائل نصية بالنيون، ورسم أشجار سعيدة على صورك قبل إرسالها على Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "هل شعرت من قبل في حياتك أنك تحتاج إلى المزيد من وحدات البيكسل للجزء الأيمن من شاشتك؟ هل تحب الصور الرمزية، ولكن الصور الرمزية فقط ولا شيء غيرها؟ هل لديك ملصق صدام \"توفير مساحة العرض\" على سيارتك؟ إذا أجبت بنعم أو لا على أي من هذه الأسئلة، فسيوفر لك هذا التحديث جزءاً أيسر قابل للطي.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "‫لقد أصبح Signal Desktop مُحسَّنا لاشتغال تحت إمرة معالج « M1 » لشركة آبل، والذي يستخدمونه في حواسيبهم الحديثة. إن كنت من مستخدمي هذا الصنف من الأجهزة، فمن المفترض أن يكون عمل التطبيق أسرع. أما إذا لم يتوفر لديك ذلك النوع من الحواسيب، فعلى الأقل هناك من تحسَّن أداء عملهم بالتطبيق. نخص بالشكر والامتنان $dennis$ الذي قام بعمل جبار لتمكين هذا التحسين.",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "أ دامت مكالمتك طويلا ؟ سيبقى نظامك مشتغلا طول تلك المدة، بدل أن يغفو في وسط محادثة مهمة.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "هناك أيضا بضع تعديلات وإصلاحات للعلل لإبقاء عمل Signal سلسا، بما في ذلك عدة تحسينات متعلقة بالمكالمات.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "‫عام جديد، شاشة تثبيت جديدة. لقد أعدنا تصميم شاشات التثبيت في الوقت المناسب لسنة 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\", Signal-ın köhnə versiyasını istifadə etdiyi üçün qrupa əlavə edilə bilmədi. Signal-ı yenilədikdən sonra qrupa əlavə edə bilərsiniz.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Qrupun adı",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Yeniləməni endirmək üçün klikləyin",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal yenilənə bilmədi. Yenidən sınamaq üçün klikləyin.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Yeniləmələri tətbiq etmək üçün \"Signal-ı yenidən başlat\"a basın.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Bu versiya, Signal-ın problemsiz işləməsini təmin etmək üçün kiçik düzəltmələr və xəta düzəltmələri ehtiva edir.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Yorğun: Signal-da düzəliş edilməmiş şəkillər göndərilir. Naqilli: Şəkillərə, onları Signal-da göndərməzdən əvvəl pişik stikerləri, neon mətnlər əlavə edin və onların üzərində xoşbəxt ağaclar çəkin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Həyatınız boyu heç sağ paneldə daha çox pikselə ehtiyacınız olduğunu hiss etmisiniz? Avatar pərəstişkarısınız, amma yalnız avatarlar, başqa heç nə? Avtomobilinizdə \"Ekran daşınmaz əmlakını saxla\" bufer etiketi var? Bu suallardan hər hansısa birinə bəli cavabı vermisinizsə, bu yeniləmədə sizin üçün yığcamlaşdırıla bilən sol panel var.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Masaüstü, artıq Apple-ın ən son kompüterlərində istifadə edilən M1 çipi üçün optimallaşdırılıb. Bu yeni modelləri istifadə edirsinizsə, tətbiq daha sürətli olmalıdır. İstifadə etmirsinizsə, onda istifadə edənləri mehribanca salamlayın. Əziyyətinə görə çoxlu təşəkkürlər $dennis$!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Uzun-uzun söhbət edirsiniz? Vacib iclasda olarkən sisteminizin yuxuya getmək əvəzinə tam oyaq qalmalıdır.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Həmçinin, zənglərlə əlaqəli bir neçə təkmilləşdirmə daxil olmaqla Signal-ın problemsiz işləməsini təmin etmək üçün bir neçə xəta düzəlişləri də var.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Yeni il, yeni başlanğıc ekranı. Başlanğıc quraşdırma ekranlarını 2022 üçün vaxtında yenidən dizayn etdik.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "İndi, yüksək səsli makinaçı və ya ağır çeynənən üçün daha az çıın axtarışlarla! Zəng lobbisində səkkiz və ya daha çox adam varsa, Masaüstü səsi avtomatik bağlayacaq.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Söhbətlərinizin arasında istədiyiniz qədər gəzin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Heç qeyri-stabil bağlantıda Signal-ı istifadə etmisiniz? Artıq narahat olmağa ehtiyac yoxdur. Yox olan mesajlar üçün vaxtölçən dəyişiklikləri və daha çoxu Wi-Fi-nız təkrar qaydasına düşəndə göndəriləcək.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Ən son yeniləmə sistemi təqdim edildi və arıtq növbəti yeniləmələr üçün kiçik yeniləmələr olacaq.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Signal artıq medi düymələri saxlamır.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Yapon dostlarımız üçün daha yaxşı şrift dəstəyi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" не могат да бъдат добавени в групата, защото ползват стара версия на Signal. Ще можете да ги добавите към групата след като обновят Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Назовете тази група",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Натиснете Рестарт на Signal за да валидирате промените.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "“$name$”-কে গ্রুপটিতে যোগ করা যাবে না কারণ তারা Signal-এর পুরোনো একটি সংস্করণ ব্যবহার করছেন। তারা Signal আপডেট করলে আপনি তাদেরকে গ্রুপে যোগ করতে পারবেন।",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "এই গ্রুপের নাম দিন",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "আপডেট ডাউনলোড করতে ক্লিক করুন",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "আপডেটগুলি প্রয়োগ করতে Signal পূনরায় চালু করুন।",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "সিগন্যালকে মসৃণভাবে চলমান রাখতে এই সংস্করণে অনেকগুলি ছোটখাট পরিবর্তন রয়েছে এবং বাগ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে।",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "ক্লান্ত: সিগন্যালে অ-সম্পাদিত সমতল চিত্রগুলি পাঠানো। তারযুক্ত: ক্যাট স্টিকার, নিয়ন টেক্সট যোগ করা, এবং সিগন্যালে পাঠানোর আগে আপনার ছবিতে সুখী গাছ আঁকা।",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "কখনও মনে হয় আপনার জীবনে সঠিক পেনে আরও পিক্সেল প্রয়োজন? আপনি কি অবতারের ভক্ত, কিন্তু কেবল অবতার এবং অন্য কিছু নয়? আপনার গাড়িতে কি \"স্ক্রিন রিয়েল এস্টেট সংরক্ষণ করুন\" বাম্পার স্টিকার আছে? আপনি যদি এই প্রশ্নগুলির কোনওটিতে হ্যাঁ বা না উত্তর দেন তবে এই আপডেটটির আপনার জন্য কিছু কোলাপসিবল বাম পেন রয়েছে।",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "$name$ no es pot afegir al grup perquè usa una versió antiga del Signal. Podeu afegir-los al grup després d'haver actualitzat el Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Poseu un nom al grup",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Cliqueu per a baixar l'actualització",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "El Signal no s'ha pogut actualitzar. Feu clic per tornar-ho a provar.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Premeu Reinicia el Signal per a aplicar les actualitzacions.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Aquesta versió conté una sèrie de petites modificacions i correccions d'errors per tal que el Signal funcioni sense problemes.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Cansat: enviament de imatges senzills sense editar amb el Signal. Amb cable: addició d'adhesius de gats, text de neó i dibuixos d'arbres feliços a les imatges abans d'enviar-les amb el Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Alguna vegada heu sentit que necessiteu més píxels al plafó? Sou fan dels avatars, però només dels avatars i res més? Teniu un adhesiu estrambòtic al para-xocs del cotxe? Si heu respost sí o no a qualsevol d'aquestes preguntes, aquesta actualització té un plafó esquerre plegable per a vosaltres.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "El Signal Desktop ara està optimitzat per al xip M1 d'Apple, que s'usa als seus ordinadors més nous. Si sou en un d'aquests dispositius nous, l'aplicació hauria de ser molt més ràpida. Si no hi sou, donem la benvinguda als usuaris que hi són. Moltes gràcies a $dennis$ pel seu esforç aquí!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "En una trucada llarga? El vostre sistema hauria de romandre despert tota l'estona, en lloc d'adormir-se mentre esteu enmig d'una discussió important.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "També hi ha una sèrie de petits retocs i correccions d'errors perquè el Signal funcioni sense problemes, incloses diverses millores relacionades amb les trucades.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Any nou, nova pantalla de configuració inicial. Hem redissenyat les pantalles de configuració inicial just a temps per al 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Ara, amb menys cerques frenètiques per al mecanògraf fort o el mastegador pesat! Al vestíbul de trucades, el Desktop ara desactivarà automàticament l'àudio si hi ha vuit o més persones a la trucada.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Desplaceu-vos sense fi a través de les converses i sentiu-vos segurs que allà on estigueu en la conversa sabreu quan va ser.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Heu usat mai el Signal amb una connexió inestable? Ja no cal que us en preocupeu més: el temporitzador de missatges efímers canvia i s'enviaran quan la Wi-Fi torni a captar-se millor.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "S'ha introduït un nou sistema d'actualització i la gent hauria de començar a veure actualitzacions més petites amb la propera actualització.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Les aplicacions que usen tecles multimèdia s'alegren! El Signal ja no hi té cap control.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Millor suport de tipus de lletra per als nostres amics japonesos.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "„$name$“ nelze přidat do skupiny, protože používají starou verzi aplikace Signal. Můžete je přidat do skupiny poté, co si aktualizují aplikaci Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Pojmenovat tuto skupinu",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Kliknutím stáhnete aktualizaci",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal se nepodařilo aktualizovat. Klikněte zde pro opakování.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Klikněte na Restartovat Signal pro aplikování změn.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Tato verze obsahuje řadu drobných úprav a oprav chyb, aby Signal fungoval hladce.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Už mě neba: Odesílání obyčejných neupravených obrázků. Od teď třeba: Přidávání samolepek koček, neonového textu a kreslení šťastných stromů na obrázky před jejich odesláním.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Měli jste někdy pocit, že potřebujete více pixelů na té \"správné\" straně svého života? Jste fanouškem avatarů, ale pouze avatarů a ničeho jiného? Máte na autě samolepku \"Šetřete prostor na obrazovce\"? Pokud jste na některou z těchto otázek odpověděli ano nebo ne, pak má pro vás tato aktualizace schovávací levý panel.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop nyní nativně podporuje čip M1 společnosti Apple, který se používá v novějších počítačích. Pokud používáte jedno z těchto nových zařízení, aplikace by měla být mnohem svižnější. Pokud ne, ostatním to přejte. Obrovské díky $dennis$ za jeho skvělou práci!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Na dlouhém callu? Váš systém by měl zůstat po celou dobu vzhůru, místo aby usnul uprostřed důležité diskuse.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "K dispozici je také řada drobných vylepšení a oprav chyb, které zajišťují bezproblémový chod aplikace Signal, včetně několika vylepšení souvisejících s voláním.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Nový rok, nová úvodní obrazovka nastavení. Přepracovali jsme obrazovky úvodního nastavení tak akorát na začátek 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Nyní už nebudete muset zběsile hledat hlasitého písaře nebo přežvýkavce! Při připojování k hovoru Signal Desktop automaticky vypne zvuk, pokud se účastní osm nebo více osob.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Nekonečně dlouho můžete procházet konverzace a mít jistotu, že ať už jste v konverzaci kdekoli, budete vědět kdy.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Používali jste někdy službu Signal při nestabilním připojení? Už si nemusíte dělat starosti - časovač mizejících zpráv se změní a další se nyní odešlou, jakmile se vaše Wi-Fi opět zlepší.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Byl zaveden nový systém aktualizací a s příští aktualizací by se měly začít objevovat menší aktualizace.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Aplikace, které používají multimediální klávesy, se radují! Signál už na ně nemá vliv.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Lepší podpora písma pro naše japonské přátele.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Nid oes modd ychwanegu \"$name$\" i'r grŵp oherwydd maen nhw'n defnyddio fersiwn hen o Signal. Gallwch ychwanegu nhw i'r grŵp ar ôl iddyn nhw ddiweddaru Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Enwi'r grŵp hwn",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Cliciwch i lwytho diweddariad i lawr",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Methwyd diweddaru Signal. Cliciwch i rhoi gynnig arall arni.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Pwyswch Ailgychwyn Signal i diweddaru.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Mae'r fersiwn hon yn cynnwys nifer o drydariadau bach a chywiriadau gwallau i gadw Signal yn rhedeg yn llyfn.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Wedi blino: Anfon delweddau plaen heb eu golygu ar Signal. Yn fyw: Ychwanegu sticeri cath, testun neon, a thynnu coed hapus ar eich delweddau cyn eu hanfon ar Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ydych chi erioed wedi teimlo bod angen mwy o bicseli arnoch chi ar y cwarel de yn eich bywyd? Ydych chi'n ffan o afatarau, ond dim ond afatarau a dim byd arall? Oes gennych chi sticer bumper \"Save the screen real estate\" ar eich car? Os gwnaethoch chi ateb ie neu na i unrhyw un o'r cwestiynau hynny, yna mae gan y diweddariad hwn ryw gwarel chwith cwympadwy i chi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Bellach mae Signal Desktop wedi'i optimeiddio ar gyfer sglodyn M1 Apple sy'n cael ei ddefnyddio yn eu cyfrifiaduron diweddaraf. Os ydych chi ar un o'r dyfeisiau newydd sbon hynny, dylai'r ap fod yn llawer mwy cyflym. Os nad ydych chi, rhowch groeso cynnes i'r defnyddwyr sydd. Diolchiadau mawr i $dennis$ am ei waith caled!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Ar alwad hir? Dylai eich system aros yn effro trwy'r amser, yn lle cwympo i gysgu tra'ch bod chi yng nghanol sgwrs bwysig.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Mae yna hefyd nifer o newidiadau bach a chywiriadau i gadw Signal i redeg yn llyfn, gan gynnwys sawl gwelliant sy'n gysylltiedig â galwadau.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Blwyddyn newydd, sgrin sefydlu gychwynnol newydd. Rydym wedi ailgynllunio'r sgriniau gosod cychwynnol mewn pryd ar gyfer 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Nawr, am lai o chwilio am y teipydd swnllyd neu'r cnöwr trymaf! Yn y cyntedd galwadau, bydd Desktop yn atal sain os oes yna 8 neu ragor mewn galwad.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Sgroliwch yn ddiddiwedd trwy'ch sgyrsiau a theimlo'n hyderus y byddwch chi'n gwybod pryd ble bynnag yr ydych chi yn y sgwrs.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Erioed wedi defnyddio Signal ar gysylltiad ansad? Dim gofid - bydd newidiadau amser negeseuon byrhoedlog a rhagor yn cael eu cydweddu nôl unwaith fydd eich WiFi yn teimlo'n well eto.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Mae system diweddaru newydd wedi ei gyflyno a dylech chi fod yn gweld diweddariadau llai gyda'r diweddariad nesaf.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Bydd apiau sy'n defnyddio bysellau cyfryngau yn hapus! Does gan Signal ddim gafael arnyn nhw bellach.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Gwell cefnogaeth ffontiau i'n ffrindiau Japaneaidd.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" kan ikke føjes til gruppen, fordi de anvender en ældre version af Signal. Du kan føje dem til gruppen, når de har opdateret Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Navngiv gruppen",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Klik for at hente opdatering",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal kunne ikke opdatere. Klik for at prøve igen.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Genstart Signal for at anvende opdateringerne.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Denne version indeholder en række småjusteringer og fejlrettelser som sikrer, at Signal kører problemfrit.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Træt: Sender almindelige, uredigerede billeder på Signal. Energisk: Tilføjer katteklistermærker, neontekst og tegner glade træer på dine billeder, før du sender dem på Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Har du nogensinde følt, at du har brug for flere pixels på en rude? Er du fan af avatarer, men kun avatarer og ikke andet? Har du et \"Bevar skærmpladsen\"-klistermærke på din kofanger? Hvis du har svaret ja eller nej til et af disse spørgsmål, får du med denne opdatering en sammenklappelig venstre rude.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop er nu optimeret til Apples M1-chip, som bruges i deres nyere computere. Hvis du bruger en af disse nymodens enheder, burde appen nu være meget hurtigere. Hvis du ikke gør, så giv en varm velkomst til de brugere, der gør. En kæmpe tak til $dennis$ for hans hårde arbejde her!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "I gang med et langt opkald? Dit system burde nu holde sig vågent uafbrudt i stedet for at falde i søvn, mens du er midt i en vigtig diskussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Der er også en række små justeringer og fejlrettelser for at få Signal til at køre problemfrit, herunder flere opkaldsrelaterede forbedringer.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Nyt år, nyt skærmbillede til startopsætning. Vi har omdesignet skærmbillederne til den indledende opsætning lige i tide til 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Nu med færre hektiske søgninger efter den, som larmer med sin tastning eller tygger højlydt! I opkaldslobbyen vil Desktop nu automatisk deaktivere lyd, hvis der er otte eller flere personer i opkaldet.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Du kan scrolle uendeligt gennem dine samtaler og være sikker på, at uanset hvor du er i samtalen, ved du hvornår.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Har du nogensinde brugt Signal på en ustabil forbindelse? Nu behøver du ikke længere bekymre dig - ændringer i udløbstiden for forsvindende beskeder og andet vil nu blive sendt ud, når dit Wi-Fi er bedre igen.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Der er blevet indført et nyt opdateringssystem, og folk burde begynde at se mindre opdateringer med den næste opdatering.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applikationer, der bruger medieknapper, kan glæde sig! Signal har ikke længere magten over dem.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Bedre understøttelse af skrifttyper for vores japanske venner.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "$name$ kann der Gruppe nicht hinzugefügt werden, da dieser Nutzer eine alte Signal-Version verwendet. Du kannst ihn der Gruppe hinzufügen, sobald er Signal aktualisiert hat.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Gib dieser Gruppe einen Namen",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Anklicken, um die Aktualisierung herunterzuladen",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Klicke, um es erneut zu versuchen.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Zum Aktualisieren klicke auf »Signal neu starten«.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Diese Version enthält eine Reihe kleinerer Optimierungen und Fehlerbehebungen, damit Signal weiterhin reibungslos funktioniert.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Langweilig: Unbearbeitete Bilder über Signal senden.\nAufregend: Ergänze Katzensticker, Neonschrift und male glückliche Bäume auf deine Bilder, bevor du sie über Signal verschickst.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Schon mal das Gefühl gehabt, mehr Pixel in der rechten Fensterhälfte zu benötigen? Bist du ein Freund von Avataren und sonst nichts anderem? Hast du einen „Bildschirmplatz sparen“-Aufkleber an deinem Auto? Egal ob du einige Fragen mit Ja oder Nein beantwortet hast, diese Aktualisierung bringt einen einklappbaren linken Fensterbereich.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop ist nun für Apples M1-Chip optimiert, den Apple in seinen neueren Rechnern verbaut. Wenn du so ein neumodisches Gerät benutzt, sollte das Programm deutlich flüssiger laufen. Wenn nicht, heiße die Nutzer, die es tun, herzlich willkommen. Vielen Dank an $dennis$ für seine harte Arbeit hier!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "In einem langen Anruf? Dein System sollte nun die ganze Zeit aktiv bleiben, anstatt sich mitten in einer wichtigen Besprechung schlafen zu legen.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Es ist auch eine Reihe kleiner Optimierungen und Fehlerbehebungen eingeflossen, eingeschlossen einiger anrufbezogenen Verbesserungen, damit Signal weiterhin flüssig läuft.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Neues Jahr, neuer Ersteinrichtungsbildschirm. Wir haben den Ersteinrichtungsbildschirm gerade rechtzeitig für 2022 neu gestaltet.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Jetzt mit weniger hektischen Suchen nach dem lauten Tipper oder dem Schwerkauenden! Im Anrufsraum deaktiviert Signal Desktop ab jetzt den Ton, wenn sich acht oder mehr Personen im Anruf befinden.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Scrolle endlos durch deine Unterhaltungen und sei dir sicher, dass du immer weißt, »wann« du dich in der Unterhaltung befindest.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Hast du Signal schon einmal bei einer instabilen Verbindung verwendet? Mache dir keine Sorgen mehr - Änderungen an der Ablaufzeit für verschwindende Nachrichten und mehr werden jetzt wieder versendet, sobald dein WLAN wieder besser ist.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Ein neues Aktualisierungssystem wurde eingefügt und daher werden folgende Aktualisierungen kleiner sein.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Verbesserte Zeichensatzunterstützung für unsere japanischen Freunde.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Ο/Η \"$name$\" δεν μπορεί να προστεθεί στην ομάδα επειδή χρησιμοποιεί μια παλιά έκδοση του Signal. Μπορείς να τον/την προσθέσεις στην ομάδα αφού αναβαθμίσει το Signal. ",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Ονομασία ομάδας",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Κάνε κλικ για λήψη της αναβάθμισης",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Πάτα Επανεκκίνηση για να εφαρμοστούν οι αναβαθμίσεις.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Αυτή η έκδοση περιλαμβάνει διάφορες μικρές βελτιώσεις και αποσφαλματώσεις για να συνεχίσει το Signal να λειτουργεί ομαλά.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Ξεπερασμένο: Αποστολή απλών μη επεξεργασμένων εικόνων στο Signal. Σύγχρονο: Προσθέστε αυτοκόλλητα γάτας, κείμενο νέον και σχεδιάστε χαρούμενα δέντρα στις εικόνες σας πριν τις στείλετε στο Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Νιώσατε ποτέ στη ζωή σας ότι χρειάζεστε περισσότερα pixel στο δεξί παράθυρο; Είστε λάτρης των avatar, αλλά μόνο των avatar και τίποτα άλλο; Έχετε αυτοκόλλητο στον προφυλακτήρα του αυτοκινήτου σας που λέει \"Χρειάζομαι Περισσότερο Χώρο Στην Οθόνη\"; Εάν απαντήσατε ναι ή όχι σε κάποια από αυτές τις ερωτήσεις, τότε αυτή η ενημέρωση έχει ένα πτυσσόμενο αριστερό παράθυρο για εσάς.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
"description": "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message"
"safetyNumberChangeDialog__pending-messages": {
"message": "Send pending messages",
"message": "Sendi pritraktotajn mesaĝojn",
"description": "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message in the outbox"
"identityKeyErrorOnSend": {
@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "„$name$“ ne povas esti aldonita al la grupo, ĉar ŝi aŭ li uzas malnovan version de Signal. Vi povos aldoni ŝin aŭ lin, kiam ŝi aŭ li ĝisdatigos Signal-on.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Nomi tiun grupon",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Alklaki por elŝuti ĝisdatigon",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal ne povis esti ĝisdatigita. Alklaku por reprovi.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Premu „Restartigi Signal-on“ por ĝisdatigi.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Tiu versio enhavas kelkajn optimumaĵojn kaj riparetojn, por ke Signal plu funkciu bone.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Vi povas nun desegni sur bildo aŭ aldoni glumarkojn aŭ tekstojn sur bildo antaŭ ol sendi ĝin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ĉu vi jam diris al vi, ke vi bezonas pli da spaco en la dekstra panelo? Se jes, vi nun povas maletendi la maldekstran panelon.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop nun funkcias senpere ĉe novaj M1-komputiloj de Apple. Sur tiaj komputiloj, la aplikaĵo estu pli rapida. Multajn dankojn al $dennis$ por ties granda laboro pri tio!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Ĉu longa alvoko? Via sistemo ne plu endormiĝos dum via grava interparolo.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Estas ankaŭ kelkaj plibonaĵetoj kaj sencimigoj, por ke Signal plu bone funkcias, inkluzive de plibonigoj pri alvokoj.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Nova jaro, nova eka agordo-fenestro. Ni refaris la bonvenigajn fenestrojn ĵuse por 2022. ",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Nun, malpli da serĉoj pri la laŭt-tajpanto aŭ la bru-maĉanto! Dum alvoko, Signal Desktop nun aŭtomate malŝaltos la mikrofonon, se estas almenaŭ ok homoj en al alvoko. ",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Rulumu senfini tra viaj interparoloj, kaj sciu certe, kiam ili okazis.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6834,7 +6804,19 @@
"description": "Release notes for v5.32"
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"message": "Ĉu vi jam uzis Signal-on per malstabila konekto? Ne plu zorgu: kiam la konekto pliboniĝos, ĉio ne funkcianta estos reprovita.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Jen nova sistemo por ĝisdatigo: estos pli etaj ĝisdatigoj ekde la venonta ĝisdatigo.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Aplikaĵoj uzante aŭdvidajn klavojn ĝoju! Signal ne plu interagas kun ili.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Pli bona subteno pri japanlingvaj tiparoj.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "No se puede añadir a «$name$» al grupo porque usa una versión antigua de Signal. Podrás volver a invitarle al grupo después de actualizar Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Pon un nombre a este grupo",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Haz clic para descargar la actualización",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "No hemos podido podido actualizar Signal. Haz click para intentarlo de nuevo.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Pulsa en «Reiniciar Signal» para aplicar cambios.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Esta versión contiene un par de pequeñas mejoras para que Signal funcione sin problemas.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Cosas del pasado: Enviar fotos normales en Signal. Cosas del presente: Añade a tus fotos stickers de gatos, texto de color neón o dibuja árboles sonrientes antes de enviarlas por Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "¿Alguna vez has tenido la sensación de necesitar más píxeles en el panel de los mensajes? ¿Eres fan de avatares, y sólamente avatares? ¿Tienes una pegatina de \"Estás demasiado cerca, necesito espacio entre nosotr@s\" en la parte trasera de tu auto? Si has respondido sí o no a alguna de estas preguntas, te alegrará saber que la vista del panel con la lista de chats se puede reducir.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Ahora, Signal Desktop está optimizada para los procesadores M1 en los nuevos Mac de Apple. Si utilizas uno de esos Macs, Signal funciona de manera más ligera. Si no, dale la bienvenida a la gente que los usa. ¡Los agradecimientos son para $dennis$ por su duro trabajo!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "¿La llamada dura demasiado? Tu sistema permanecerá activo durante todo el tiempo que dure la llamada, en lugar de entrar en hibernación en medio de esa conversación tan importante.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "También hemos reparado un par de fallos para que Signal funcione mejor, sobre todo en las llamadas.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Año nuevo, nueva pantalla de configuración. Hemos rediseñado las pantallas de configuración a tiempo para 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "¡Ahora, con menos distracciones por teclados ruidosos o masticadores compulsiv@s! En la sala de espera, Desktop desactivará el audio automáticamente si hay ocho o más personas en la llamada.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Desplázate sin fin por tus chats sin problema de saber exactamente dónde y cuándo.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "¿Usas Signal con una conexión inestable? ¡No te preocupes más! Los cambios en la desaparición de mensajes y más detalles se enviarán cuando la conexión mejore.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Hemos introducido un nuevo sistema de actualización de Signal que permite actualizaciones más compactas.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "¡Las aplicaciones que usan teclas multimedia están de enhorabuena! Signal no se atragantará con ellas.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Signal incluye un mejor soporte para nuestras amistades en Japón",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" ei saa gruppi lisada, sest nad kasutavad Signali vana versiooni. Neid saab gruppi lisada pärast seda, kui nad on Signali uuendanud.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Lisa grupile nimi",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Klõpsa uuenduse allalaadimiseks",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Uuenduste paigaldamiseks vajuta \"Taaskäivita Signal\".",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "See versioon sisaldab paljusid väikseid parendusi, mis Signali sujuvalt käimas.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" cant be added to the group because theyre using an old version of Signal. You can add them to the group after theyve updated Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Eman izena talde honi",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Sakatu Berrabiarazi Signal egunerapenak egiteko.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "«$name$» نمی‌تواند به گروه اضافه شود زیرا آن‌ها دارند از یک نسخهٔ قدیمی سیگنال استفاده می‌کنند. شما می‌توانید پس از اینکه آن‌ها سیگنال را به‌روزرسانی کردند آن‌ها را به گروه اضافه کنید.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "نامی برای گروه انتخاب کنید",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "برای بارگیری به‌روزرسانی کلیک کنید",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "برای اعمال آپدیت ها سیگنال را ری استارت کنید.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "این نسخه شامل شماری از بهینه سازی های کوچک و رفع عیب برای تداوم اجرای راحت سیگنال می باشد",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "اگر از ارسال تصاویر ساده ویرایش نشده روی سیگنال خسته شده اید، میتوانید استیکر گربه، متن چراغانی، و نقاشی درختان شاد رو قبل از ارسال روی سیگنال اضافه بکنید",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "آیا تا به حال احساس کرده اید که در زندگی خود به پیکسل های بیشتری در صفحه سمت راست نیاز دارید؟ آیا شما طرفدار آواتارها هستید، اما فقط آواتارها و نه چیز دیگری؟ آیا برچسب \"کاکام ممد\" روی سپر ماشین خود دارید؟ اگر به هر یک از این سؤالات پاسخ مثبت یا خیر داده اید، این به روز رسانی برای شما یک صفحه جمع شونده سمت چپ دارد.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "اپ سیگنال دسکتاپ هم اکنون برای چیپست M1 اپل بهینه سازی شده است که در کامپیوترهای جدیدشان استفاده می شود. اگر شما هم یکی از آن دستگاه ها را دارید، اپ سیگنال باید بسیار سریع تر باشد. اگر هم نه، به کاربرانی که آن را دارند خوش آمد بگویید. با تشکر فراوان از $dennis$بابت کار هایی که اینجا کرد.",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "تماس طولانی دارید؟ سیستم شما بجای خوابیدن در زمانی که وسط یک مباحثه مهم هستید، باید در تمام مدت روشن باشد.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "همچنین شماری از بهینه سازی های کوچک و رفع عیب هایی برای حفظ اجرای راحت سیگنال وجود دارند، همانند: چندین بهینه سازی مرتبط با تماس ها.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "سال نو هست و تنظیمات صفحه رو جدید کن. ما تنظیمات صفحه اولیه رو برای سال 2022 بازطراحی کردیم",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "الان، انگار سروصدا زیاد هست. توی لابی تماس، اگر هشت نفر یا بیشتر توی تماس باشن، اپ دسکتاپ بصورت خودکار صدا را غیرفعال خواهد کرد.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "بی‌وقفه در میان گفتگوهای خود پیمایش کنید و مطمئن باشید که در هر کجای گفتگو که باشید می‌دانید چه زمانی است.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Käyttäjää $name$ ei voi lisätä ryhmään, sillä hän käyttää Signalin vanhaa versiota. Pyydä häntä päivittämään Signal-sovellus.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Nimeä tämä ryhmä",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Napsauta ladataksesi päivityksen",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signalin päivitys ei onnistunut. Napsauta yrittääksesi uudelleen.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Asenna päivitykset napsauttamalla Käynnistä Signal uudelleen.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Tämä versio sisältää useita pieniä parannuksia ja virhekorjauksia, jotka pitävät Signalin toiminnan sujuvana.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Väsynyt: Lähetä tavallisia, muokkaamattomia kuvia Signalissa. Virkeä: Lisää kissatarroja, neon-tekstiä ja piirtele iloisia puita kuviin ennen niiden lähetystä Signalilla.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Tuntuuko sinusta koskaan siltä, että haluaisit lisää pikseleitä elämäsi oikeaan sivupalkkiin? Oletko avatarien ja vain avatarien ystävä? Onko sinulla \"säästä näytöllä käytettyä tilaa\" -puskuritarra autossasi? Vastasitpa kyllä tai ei edellisiin kysymyksiin, tämä päivitys tuo sinulle vasemman sivupalkin pienentämismahdollisuuden.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop pyörii nyt natiivitilassa uusilla Applen M1 -tietokoneilla. Jos sinulla on tällainen tietokone, ohjelman pitäisi nyt toimia nopeammin. Jos ei ole, voit olla iloinen sellaisten ihmisten puolesta. Suuret kiitokset käyttäjälle $dennis$ hänen suuresta työpanoksestaan M1-tuen mahdollistamisessa!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Pitkä puhelu? Järjestelmäsi tulisi pysyä levon sijaan hereillä koko ajan, kun olet tärkeässä keskustelussa.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "On muutamia pieniä viilauksia ja korjauksia, joiden avulla Signal toimii sulavasti, mukaan lukien muutamia puheluaiheisia parannuksia.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Uusi vuosi, uusi ensiasetusten syöttönäkymä. Olemme uudistaneet ensiasetusten syöttönäkymän juuri ajoissa vuotta 2022 ajatellen.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Uutta: vähemmän näppäimistön hakkaajan tai äänekkään purukuminsyöjän jahtaamista! Signal Desktop mykistää nyt mikrofonisi automaattisesti, mikäli puhelussa on vähintään kahdeksan osallistujaa.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": " Vieritä keskustelujasi loputtomasti ja ole varma siitä, milloin mikäkin viesti on saapunut tai lähetetty.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Oletko koskaan käyttänyt Signalia epävakaalla verkkoyhteydellä? Enää ei ole tarvetta huoleen - katoavien viestien ajastin muuttuu ja jatkossa synkronoidaan enemmän, kun yhteytesi voi taas paremmin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Uusi päivitysjärjestelmä on otettu käyttöön ja jatkossa päivitysten pitäisi sujua huomaamattomammin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Signal ei enää estä erikoisnäppäinten (medianäppäimet) toimintaa.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Parempi fonttituki japanilaisille ystävillemme.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Il est impossible dajouter « $name$ » au groupe, car cette personne utilise une ancienne version de Signal. Vous pourrez l'ajouter au groupe une fois qu'elle aura mis Signal à jour.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Nommez ce groupe",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Cliquez pour télécharger la mise à jour",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal na pas pu être mis à jour. Cliquez pour réessayer.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Appuyez sur « Redémarrer Signal » pour appliquer les mises à jour.",
"description": ""
@ -3702,7 +3700,7 @@
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you declined an incoming video call"
"acceptedIncomingAudioCall": {
"message": "Appel vocal entrant",
"message": "Appel audio entrant",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you accepted an incoming audio call"
"acceptedIncomingVideoCall": {
@ -3710,7 +3708,7 @@
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you accepted an incoming video call"
"missedIncomingAudioCall": {
"message": "Appel vocal manqué",
"message": "Appel audio manqué",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you missed an incoming audio call"
"missedIncomingVideoCall": {
@ -3718,7 +3716,7 @@
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you missed an incoming video call"
"acceptedOutgoingAudioCall": {
"message": "Appel vocal sortant",
"message": "Appel audio sortant",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you made an outgoing audio call"
"acceptedOutgoingVideoCall": {
@ -3726,7 +3724,7 @@
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you made an outgoing video call"
"missedOrDeclinedOutgoingAudioCall": {
"message": "Appel vocal sans réponse",
"message": "Appel audio sans réponse",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when your audio call is missed or declined"
"missedOrDeclinedOutgoingVideoCall": {
@ -3734,7 +3732,7 @@
"description": "Shown in conversation history when your video call is missed or declined"
"incomingAudioCall": {
"message": "Appel vocal entrant…",
"message": "Appel audio entrant…",
"description": "Shown in both the incoming call bar and notification for an incoming audio call"
"incomingVideoCall": {
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Cette version contient un certain nombre de petits ajustements et de corrections de bogues pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Fatiguant : envoyer des images simples et non retouchées sur Signal. Excitant : ajouter des autocollants de chats, du texte fluo et dessiner des arbres heureux sur vos images avant de les envoyer sur Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Vous avez déjà eu limpression davoir besoin de plus de pixels sur le volet droit de votre vie ? Êtes-vous un fan des avatars, mais seulement des avatars et rien dautre ? Avez-vous un autocollant \"Défendez l'espace libre\" sur votre voiture ? Si vous avez répondu oui ou non à l'une de ces questions, cette mise à jour vous propose un volet gauche rétractable.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop pour ordinateur est désormais optimisé pour la puce M1 dApple qui est utilisée dans ses ordinateurs les plus récents. Si vous êtes sur lun de ces appareils dernier cri, lappli devrait être beaucoup plus rapide. Sinon, souhaitez chaleureusement la bienvenue aux utilisateurs qui le sont. Un grand merci à $dennis$ pour son travail acharné!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Dans un long appel ? Votre système devrait rester allumé tout du long, plutôt que de s'endormir au milieu d'une discussion importante.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Il y a aussi quelques petits ajustements et corrections de bugs pour que Signal tourne bien, y compris plusieurs améliorations sur les appels.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Nouvelle année, nouvel écran de configuration initiale. Nous avons redessiné les écrans de configuration initiale juste à temps pour 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Avec désormais moins de recherches effrénées pour ceux qui tapent bruyamment. Dans le salon daccueil de lappel, Signal pour ordinateur désactivera automatiquement le son si huit personnes ou plus sont déjà dans lappel.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Faites défiler vos conversations à l'infini et soyez sûr que de savoir, où que vous soyez dans la conversation, à quel moment vous vous trouvez.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Avez-vous déjà utilisé Signal avec une connexion instable? Ne vous inquiétez plus; les changements apportés à lexpiration des messages éphémères et dautres paramètres seront envoyés quand votre Wi-Fi se sentira mieux.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Un nouveau système de mise à jour a été mis en place donc les gens devraient voir des mises à jour plus petites à partir de la prochaine mise à jour",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Les applications qui utilisent des touches media peuvent se réjouir ! Signal ne les accapare plus.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Meilleur support des polices pour nos amis Japonais",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

_locales/gd/messages.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "ગ્રુપ માં \"$name$\" ઉમેરી શકાતું નથી કારણ કે તેઓ Signal નાં જૂના વર્ઝનનો ઉપયોગ કરી રહ્યાં છે. તમે તેમને Signal અપડેટ કર્યા પછી ગ્રુપમાં ઉમેરી શકો છો.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "આ ગ્રુપને નામ આપો",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "અપડેટ્સ લાગુ કરવા માટે રિસ્ટાર્ટ Signal દબાવો.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "המשתמש \"$name$\" לא יכול להתווסף אל הקבוצה מאחר שהוא משתמש בגרסה ישנה של Signal. אתה יכול להוסיף אותו אל הקבוצה לאחר שהוא יעדכן את Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "תן שם לקבוצה זו",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "לחץ כדי להוריד עדכון",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "לחץ על הפעל מחדש את Signal כדי להחיל את העדכונים.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "גרסה זו מכילה מספר של שפצורים קטנים ותיקוני תקלים כדי לשמור על Signal שירוץ באופן חלק.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "במקום לשלוח תמונות בלתי ערוכות ב־Signal, אתה יכול עכשיו להוסיף מדבקות, לכתוב טקסט ולצייר על תמונות לפני שליחתן ב־Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "החלונית השמאלית ניתנת לקיפול כדי להפוך את החלונית הימנית רחבה יותר.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop ממוטב עכשיו עבור שבב M1 של Apple שנמצא בשימוש במחשבים החדשים יותר שלה. אם אתה על אחד מהמחשבים החדשים האלו, היישום אמור להיות זריז הרבה יותר. תודה ענקית אל $dennis$ על עבודתו הקשה כאן!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "בשיחה ארוכה? המערכת אמורה להישאר ערה כל הזמן, במקום להיכנס למצב שינה בזמן שאתה באמצע דיון חשוב.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "ישנם גם מספר שפצורים ותיקוני תקלים כדי להשאיר את Signal רץ בצורה חלקה, כולל כמה שיפורים קשורי התקשרות.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "שנה חדשה, מסך הגדרה ראשונית חדש. עיצבנו מחדש את מסכי ההגדרה הראשונית בדיוק בזמן אל 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "במבואת השיחה, שולחן עבודה ישבית שמע באופן אוטומטי אם יש שמונה או יותר אנשים בשיחה.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "גלול באופן אין־סופי מבעד ההתכתבויות שלך והרגש בטוח שבכל מקום שאתה בשיחה תדע מתי.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" को समूह में नहीं जोड़ा जा सकता क्योंकि वे Signal के पुराने संस्करण का उपयोग कर रहे हैं। Signal अपडेट करने के बाद आप उन्हें समूह में जोड़ सकते हैं।",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "इस समूह को नाम दें",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "अपडेट डाउनलोड करने के लिए क्लिक करें",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "अपडेट लागू करने के लिये Signal फिर से शुरु करें",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "सिग्नल को सही रूप से चलाने के लिए इस वर्शन में कई छोटे बदलाव और बग फ़िक्स शामिल हैं.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "टायर्ड: Signal पर सादा अन-एडिटेड इमेज भेजकर.\nवायर्ड: Signal पर भेजने से पहले अपनी इमेज पर शामिल करें बिल्ली का स्टिकर, नियॉन टेक्स्ट, और ड्रॉ किए हुए ख़ुश पेड़.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "कभी ऐसा महसूस हुआ है कि आपको अपने जीवन में दाएं पेन पर ज़्यादा पिक्सेल की ज़रुरत है? क्या आप अवतारों के प्रशंसक हैं, लेकिन सिर्फ़ अवतार और कुछ नहीं? क्या आपकी कार पर \"सेव द स्क्रीन रियल एस्टेट\" बम्पर स्टिकर है? अगर आपने इनमें से किसी भी सवाल का जवाब हां या ना में दिया है, तो यह अपडेट आपके लिए कुछ संक्षिप्त करने योग्य बायां पेन लेकर आया है.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "एक लंबी कॉल पर हैं ? जब आप किसी महत्वपूर्ण चर्चा के बीच में हों तो आपका सिस्टम बंद जाने की जगह पर पूरे समय जागता रहना चाहिए। ",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Signal को सुचारू रूप से चलाने के लिए कई छोटे बदलाव और त्रुटि ठीक करी गई हैं, जिसमें कई कॉलिंग-संबंधी सुधार भी शामिल हैं।",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" ne može biti dodan u grupu jer korisi staru verziju Signala. Možete ih dodati u grupu nakon što ažuriraju Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Dodijelite naziv grupi",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Kliknite Ponovno pokreni Signal za primjenu ažuriranja.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" nem adható hozzá a csoporthoz, mert a Signal egy elavult verzióját használja. A Signal frissítését követően hozzáadhatod őt.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Csoport elnevezése",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Kattints a frissítés letöltéséhez!",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "A Signal frissítése nem sikerült. Kattints, hogy újra megpróbáljuk!",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Kattints a Signal újraindítására a frissítések alkalmazásához! ",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Ebbe a verzióba néhány kisebb újítás és hibajavítás került annak érdekében, hogy a Signal továbbra is gond nélkül fusson.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Unalmas: Szerkesztés nélkül képeket küldeni Signalon. Izgalmas: Feldobni a fotókat küldés előtt cicás matricákkal, neon szöveggel és boldog fákkal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Érezted úgy valaha, hogy több pixelre van szükséged a jobboldali panelben? Imádod a profilképeket, de csak a profilképeket? Autódon egy \"Még több képernyőterületet mindenkinek!\" matrica díszeleg? Ha ezek közül bármelyik kérdésre igennel vagy nemmel feleltél, akkor ennek a frissítésnek köszönhetően összecsukhatod a baloldali panelt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "A Signal Desktop mostantól natív támogatást nyújt az Apple új gépeiben használatos M1 processzorokhoz. Ha te is rendelkezel ilyennel, akkor az alkalmazás sokkal gyorsabbnak fog érződni. Ha te még nem, akkor küldd meleg üdvözletedet azoknak, akik már igen. Hatalmas köszönet $dennis$ részére áldozatos munkájáért!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Hosszú hívásban vagy? A rendszer most már végig ébren marad ahelyett, hogy aludni menne egy fontos beszélgetés közepén.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Néhány kisebb újítás és hibajavítás (például hívással kapcsolatos fejlesztések) annak érdekében, hogy a Signal továbbra is gond nélkül fusson.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Új év, új kezdőképernyő a kezdeti lépésekhez. Épphogy elkészültünk az új beállító-képernyőkkel 2022-re.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Megőrültél, míg megtaláltad, hogy ki gépel vagy épp eszik elviselhetetlen hangerővel? A hívásba lépés előtt mostantól az új résztvevők mikrofonjait automatikusan lenémítjuk 8 vagy több fős csoporthívások esetén.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Görgess végig beszélgetéseiden úgy, hogy közben mindig tudni fogod, merre jársz az időben.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Használtad már a Signalt ingadozó hálózati kapcsolat alatt? Többé nincs miért aggódni, az eltűnő üzenetek időzítésének átállítása és minden más változtatás azonnal felszinkronizálásra kerül, amint a kapcsolat helyreállt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Az új frissítési rendszer bevezetésével kisebb méretben érkeznek az újdonságok.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "A média billentyűkhöz kötött alkalmazások fellélegezhetnek. A Signal nem kapaszkodik beléjük mostantól.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Japán barátaink jobb betűtípus támogatást kaptak.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" tidak dapat ditambahkan ke dalam grup karena ia menggunakan Signal versi lama. Anda dapat menambahkannya ke dalam grup setelah mereka memperbarui Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Beri nama grup ini",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Klik untuk mengunduh pembaruan",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Tekan memulai awal Signal untuk mendapatkan versi terbaru.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Versi ini mengandung sejumlah perubahan kecil dan perbaikan bug agar Signal tetap berjalan lancar.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Usang: Mengirim gambar polos yang tidak diedit di Signal. Kekinian: Menambahkan stiker kucing, teks neon, dan menggambar pohon bahagia pada gambar Anda sebelum mengirimkannya di Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Pernah merasa seolah Anda membutuhkan lebih banyak piksel di panel kanan dalam hidup Anda? Apakah Anda penggemar avatar, tetapi hanya avatar dan bukan lainnya? Apakah di mobil Anda terpasang stiker bemper \"Hemat ruang layar monitor\"? Jika Anda menjawab ya ataupun tidak pada salah satu pertanyaan itu, maka pembaruan ini memberikan panel kiri yang dapat dilipat untuk Anda.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop sekarang dioptimalkan untuk chip M1 dari Apple yang digunakan pada komputer terbaru mereka. Jika Anda memakai perangkat buatan baru tersebut, Signal bekerja lebih cepat. Jika tidak, berikan sambutan hangat untuk penggunanya. Terima kasih banyak untuk $dennis$ untuk kerja kerasnya dalam hal ini!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Dalam panggilan panjang? Sistem Anda harus tetap menyala sepanjang waktu, dari pada mati ketika Anda sedang dalam diskusi yang penting.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Ada juga sejumlah perubahan kecil dan perbaikan bug untuk menjaga Signal berjalan dengan lancar, termasuk beberapa peningkatan terkait panggilan.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Tahun baru, layar pengaturan awal baru. Kami telah mendesain ulang layar pengaturan awal tepat pada tahun 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Sekarang, dengan lebih sedikit pencarian tergesa-gesa untuk pengetik yang lantang atau pengunyah kelas berat! Dalam lobi panggilan, Desktop akan secara otomatis menonaktifkan audio jika ada delapan orang atau lebih di dalam panggilan. ",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Gulir percakapan Anda tanpa henti dan merasa yakin lah bahwa di mana pun Anda berada dalam percakapan, Anda akan tahu kapan.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Pernah menggunakan Signal saat koneksi tidak stabil? Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi - penghitung waktu pesan menghilang dan lebih banyak lagi sekarang akan dikirim setelah Wi-Fi Anda bekerja lebih baik lagi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Ekki er hægt að bæta \"$name$\" í þennan hóp þar sem þeir eru að nota gamla útgáfu af Signal. Þú getur bætt þeim í hópinn eftir að þeir hafa uppfært Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Nefndu þennan hóp",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Smelltu til að sækja uppfærslu",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal gat ekki uppfærst. Smelltu til að reyna aftur.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Ýttu á 'Endurræsa Signal' til að setja inn uppfærslurnar.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Þessi útgáfa inniheldur nokkrar villuleiðréttingar og fínstillingar til að Signal keyri sem áreiðanlegast.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Þreytt: Senda venjulegar ómeðhöndlaðar myndir í Signal. Heitt: Bæta við kattamyndum, neontexta og hamingjusömum trjám á myndirnar áður en þær eru sendar með Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Einhverntíma fundist þrengt að þér í lífinu? Á hægri hliðinni? Ertu með áhuga á avatar-auðkennismyndum en engu öðru? Ertu með \"Spörum skjápláss\"-límmiða á stuðaranum? Ef þú hefur svarað með já eða nei við einhverjum þessara spurninga, áttu eftir að meta það að þessi uppfærsla kemur með samanfellanlegu hliðarspjaldi vinstra megin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop er núna bestað fyrir M1-örflöguna frá Apple sem er notuð í tölvunum þeirra. Ef þú ert með eitt af þessum nýkomnu tækjum, ætti forritið að vera með mun betri svörun. Ef svo er ekki, ættirðu að óska til hamingju þeim notendum sem þessa njóta. Gríðarlega góðar þakkir til $dennis$ fyrir vinnu hans við þetta!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Í löngu símtali? Kerfið þitt ætti að haldast vakandi allan tímann, í stað þess að blunda á meðan þú ert í miðju mikilvægu samtali.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Það er einnig fjöldi smábreytinga og lagfæringa á göllum sem hjálpa til við að keyra Signal óaðfinnanlega, þar með taldar lagfæringar sem tengjast símtölum.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Nýtt ár, nýr fyrsti uppsetningarskjár. Okkur tókst að endurhanna uppsetningarskjáinn í tæka tíð áður en árið 2022 gekk í garð.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Núna þarf að leita á færri stöðum að þessum sem hamast á lyklaborðinu eða tyggur hátt. Forritið slekkur núna sjálfvirkt á hljóðnemum ef það eru fleiri en átta manns í samtalinu.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Skrunaðu endalaust í gegnum samtölin þín en hafðu samt á tilfinninguni að þú sért nákvæmlega með á nótunum.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Einhverntíma reynt að nota Signal á óstöðugri tengingu? Nú þarftu ekki lengur að hafa áhyggjur - breytingar á niðurtalningu skilaboða sem hverfa og ýmsu fleiru verða núna sendar út um leið og Wi-Fi-netinu líður betur.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Nýtt uppfærslukerfi er komið til sögunnar, fólk ætti að sjá smærri uppfærslur á næstunni.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Forrit sem nota lykla fyrir gagnamiðla ættu að gleðjast - Signal heldur ekki lengur í þá.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Betri leturstuðningur fyrir japanska vini okkar.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" non può essere aggiunto al gruppo perché sta utilizzando una vecchia versione di Signal. Puoi aggiungerli al gruppo dopo che avranno aggiornato Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Dai un nome a questo gruppo",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Clicca per scaricare l'aggiornamento",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal non è riuscito ad aggiornarsi. Clicca per riprovare.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Premi \"Riavvia Signal\" per applicare gli aggiornamenti.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Questa versione contiene una serie di piccole modifiche e correzioni di bug per far funzionare Signal senza problemi.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Noioso: Inviare semplici immagini non modificate su Signal. Divertente: Aggiungere adesivi di gatti, testo al neon e disegnare alberi felici sulle tue immagini prima di inviarle su Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Vi siete mai sentiti come se aveste bisogno di più pixel sul pannello di destra nella vostra vita? Sei un fan degli avatar, ma solo degli avatar e nient'altro? Avete un adesivo \"Salva lo spazio su schermo\" sulla vostra auto? Se avete risposto sì o no a una qualsiasi di queste domande, allora questo aggiornamento ha del pannello sinistro pieghevole per voi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop è ora ottimizzato per il chip M1 di Apple, utilizzato nei loro nuovi computer. Se sei su uno di questi nuovi dispositivi, l'applicazione dovrebbe essere molto più veloce. Se non lo sei, dai un caldo benvenuto agli utenti che lo sono. Un enorme ringraziamento a $dennis$ per il suo duro lavoro!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "In una lunga telefonata? Il tuo sistema dovrebbe rimanere sveglio per tutto il tempo, invece di addormentarsi mentre sei nel mezzo di una discussione importante.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Ci sono anche una serie di piccole modifiche e correzioni di bug per mantenere Signal senza problemi, compresi diversi miglioramenti relativi alle chiamate.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Anno nuovo, nuova schermata di configurazione iniziale. Abbiamo ridisegnato le schermate di configurazione iniziale giusto in tempo per il 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Niente più ricerche frenetiche per il dattilografo rumoroso o il masticatore accanito! Nella lobby delle chiamate, Signal ora disabilita automaticamente l'audio se ci sono otto o più persone nella chiamata.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Scorri tra le tue conversazioni e sentiti sicuro che ovunque ti trovi nella conversazione saprai quando sono stati scritti i messaggi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Hai mai usato Signal con una connessione instabile? Puoi non preoccuparti più: le modifiche al timer di scomparsa dei messaggi e altro verranno inviati una volta che il tuo Wi-Fi si sentirà di nuovo meglio.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "È stato introdotto un nuovo sistema di aggiornamento e le persone dovrebbero iniziare a vedere aggiornamenti più piccoli con il prossimo aggiornamento.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Le applicazioni che usano i tasti multimediali si rallegrino! Signal non li blocca più.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Un miglior supporto dei caratteri per i nostri amici Giapponesi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -1878,7 +1878,7 @@
"description": "Header for general options on the settings screen"
"spellCheckDescription": {
"message": "メッセージ作成ボックスでスペルチェックを行います",
"message": "メッセージ作成ボックスでスペルチェックを行",
"description": "Description of the spell check setting"
"spellCheckWillBeEnabled": {
@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "$name$は、古いバージョンのSignalを使っているのでグループに追加できません。Signalをアップデートしてもらってからグループに追加してください。",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "このグループの名前",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "アップデートをダウンロードする",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signalのアップデートが失敗しました。クリックして再試行してください。",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "アップデートを適用するにはSignalを再起動してください。",
"description": ""
@ -3824,7 +3822,7 @@
"outgoingCallRinging": {
"message": "着信中…",
"message": "呼び出しています…",
"description": "Shown in the call screen when placing an outgoing call that is now ringing"
"makeOutgoingCall": {
@ -6196,7 +6194,7 @@
"description": "Option in the custom color bubble context menu"
"CustomColorEditor__solid": {
"message": "無地",
"message": "単色",
"description": "Tab label for selecting solid colors"
"CustomColorEditor__gradient": {
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Signalをスムーズに動作させるための微調整とバグ修正を行いました。",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Signalで画像を送信する前に、猫のステッカーやネオンの文字、ハッピーツリーを描くなどの編集ができるようになりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "チャット一覧の幅を変えられるようになりました。チャットの表示部分との境界を左右にドラッグすると、好きな幅に変えられます。幅を最小にすると、アイコンのみの表示となります。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop は、Apple M1 チップにネイティブ対応しました。Apple M1 チップを搭載した端末をお持ちの皆さん、お待たせしました。アプリの動作が高速になります!$dennis$ さんのおかげで実現しました。ありがとうございます。",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "通話中にシステムがスリーブしないようになりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "また、通話に関する修正を含めた、細かな変更とバグ修正を行いました。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "初期設定画面をリニューアルしました。2022年もSignalをよろしくお願いします。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "通話ロビーで8人以上が通話中の場合、自動的にマイクをミュートするようになりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "過去のチャットをスクロールして見るときに、常に画面上部に日付が出るようになりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Wi-Fi接続が不安定な状態でSignalを使用しても、接続が回復した際に消えるメッセージのタイマーを更新し、メッセージを送信するようになりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "新しいアップデートシステムが導入され、これからは細かいアップデートが行われるようになります。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "メディアキーを使用するアプリケーションが、Signalに支配されることがなくなりました。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "日本語フォントへの対応を改善しました。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" cant be added to the group because theyre using an old version of Signal. You can add them to the group after theyve updated Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "ដាក់ឈ្មោះក្រុមនេះ",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "ចុច បើក Signalឡើងវិញ ដើម្បីដំណើការបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព។",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" ಅವರನ್ನು ಗ್ರೂಪ್‌ಗೆ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗದು. ಯಾಕೆಂದರೆ ಅವರು Signal ನ ಹಳೆಯ ಅವೃತ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಅವರು Signal ಅನ್ನು ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಿದ ನಂತರ ಅವರನ್ನು ನೀವು ಸೇರಿಸಬಹುದು.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "ಈ ಗುಂಪಿಗೆ ಹೆಸರಿಡಿ",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಅನ್ವಯಿಸಲು Signal ರಿಸ್ಟಾರ್ಟ್‌ ಒತ್ತಿ",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "'$name$' 님은 이전 버전의 Signal을 사용하고 있기 때문에 그룹에 추가할 수 없습니다. Signal을 업데이트한 후 그룹에 추가할 수 있습니다.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "그룹 이름 입력",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Signal을 다시 시작하여 업데이트를 적용하세요.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" cant be added to the group because theyre using an old version of Signal. You can add them to the group after theyve updated Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Vê komê bi nav bike",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Press Restart Signal to apply the updates.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" cant be added to the group because theyre using an old version of Signal. You can add them to the group after theyve updated Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Name this group",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "ກົດປິດເປີດ ການຕອບຮັບ ສີກຫນໍ ເພືອການອັບແດັດ.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Naudotojas „$name$“ negali būti pridėtas į grupę, nes jis naudoja seną Signal versija. Šį naudotoją galėsite pridėti po to, kai jis atnaujins Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Suteikti šiai grupei pavadinimą",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Spustelėkite, norėdami atsisiųsti atnaujinimą",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Programai Signal nepavyko atsinaujinti. Spustelėkite norėdami bandyti dar kartą.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Norėdami pritaikyti atnaujinimus, paspauskite \"Paleisti Signal iš naujo\".",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Šioje versijoje yra daug smulkių patobulinimų ir klaidų ištaisymų, kurie padės Signal sklandžiai veikti.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Nuo šiol, prieš išsiųsdami paveikslus, galite ant jų piešti, klijuoti lipdukus ar pridėti įvairaus stiliaus tekstą.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Nuo šiol kairįjį skydelį galima mažinti taip, kad daugiau vietos būtų skirta pokalbiams.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Dabar, Signal Desktop yra optimizuota naudoti su „Apple“ M1 lustais, kurie yra naudojami jų naujesniuose kompiuteriuose. Jei turite kurį nors iš tų naujų įrenginių, programa juose veiks žymiai sklandžiau. Jei tokiais įrenginiais nesinaudojate, pasveikinkite naudotojus, kurie jais naudojasi. Didelis ačiū $dennis$ už šį sudėtingą darbą!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Dalyvaujate ilgame skambutyje? Visą šį laiką, kol dalyvaujate svarbioje diskusijoje, jūsų sistema turėtų išlikti aktyvi ir nepereiti į miego režimą.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Be to, yra daug smulkių patobulinimų ir klaidų ištaisymų, įskaitant su skambučiais susijusius pagerinimus, kurie padės Signal sklandžiai veikti.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Naujieji metai, naujas pradinės sąrankos langas. Prasidedant 2022-siems, perprojektavome pradinės sąrankos langus.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Dabar, nebereikia ieškoti, kas garsiai rašo klaviatūra ar čepsi! Programa automatiškai išjungs garsą laukimo salėje, jei skambutyje dalyvaus aštuoni ar daugiau kaip aštuoni žmonės.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Slinkite pokalbyje be galo ir būkite užtikrinti, kad kur besustotumėte, tiksliai žinosite laikotarpį, ties kuriuo sustojote.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Esate naudojęsi Signal prisijungę prie nestabilaus interneto ryšio? Galite daugiau nebesirūpinti išnykstančių žinučių laikmačio pakeitimai ir kita dabar bus išsiunčiama, kai tik jūsų belaidis (Wi-Fi) ryšys vėl pasijus geriau.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Pristatyta nauja atnaujinimų sistema ir visi bičiuliai nuo kito atnaujinimo turėtų pradėti matyti smulkesnius atnaujinimus.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Medijos klavišus naudojančios programos džiūgaukite! Signal daugiau jų nebeblokuoja.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Geresnis šrifto palaikymas mūsų draugams japonams.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" nevar pievienot grupai, jo šis cilvēks izmanto veco Signal versiju. Pēc Signal atjaunināšanas varat šo cilvēku pievienot grupai.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Izveidojiet grupas nosaukumu",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Nospiediet Restartēt Signal, lai lietotu atjauninājumus.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" не може да бидат додадени на групата затоа што тие користат стара верзија на Signal. Може да ги додадете во групата откако ќе го ажурираат Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Именувајте ја оваа група",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Притиснете на „Рестартирај го Signal“ за да ја примените надградбата.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Signal-ന്റെ പഴയ പതിപ്പ് അവർ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിനാൽ ഗ്രൂപ്പിൽ *$name$* ചേർക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല. അവർ Signal അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്ത ശേഷം നിങ്ങൾക്ക് അവരെ ഗ്രൂപ്പിൽ ചേർക്കാവുന്നതാണ്.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "ഈ ഗ്രൂപ്പിന് പേര് നൽകുക",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "അപ്‌ഡേറ്റുകൾ ബാധകമാക്കുന്നതിന് Signal പുന:ആരംഭിക്കുക അമർത്തുക.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" गटात जोडले जाऊ शकत नाही कारण ते Signal ची जुनी आवृत्ती वापरत आहेत. त्यांनी Signal अद्यतनित केल्यावर आपण त्यांना गटात जोडू शकता.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "या गटाला नाव द्या",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "अपडेट करण्यासाठी डाऊनलोड क्लिक करा",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "अद्यतन लागू करण्यासाठी Signal पुन्हा सुरू करा दाबा. ",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Signal निर्विघ्नपणे चालत ठेवण्यासाठी या आवृत्तीत अनेक लहान समन्वय आणि त्रुटी दुरुस्त्या समाविष्ट आहेत",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "टायर्ड Signal वर साध्या संपादित न केलेल्या इमेज पाठवणे.\nवायर्ड : Signal वरून आपल्या इमेज पाठवण्यापूर्वी त्यात स्टिकर्स, निऑन मजकूर समाविष्ट करणे आणि आनंदी झाडांची चित्रे काढणे.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "तुम्हाला तुमच्या आयुष्यात उजव्या बाजूस अधिक पिक्सेल हवे आहेत, असे वाटते? तुम्ही अवतारांचे चाहते आहात, पण फक्त अवतारांचे आणि इतर कशाचे नाही? तुमच्या कारवर \"सेव्ह द स्क्रीन रिअल इस्टेट\" बंपर स्टिकर आहे का? तुम्ही यापैकी कोणत्याही प्रश्नाचे उत्तर होय किंवा नाही असे दिले असल्यास, या अपडेटमध्ये तुमच्यासाठी काही संकुचित करण्यायोग्य डावी बाजू आहे.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" tidak dapat ditambah ke kumpulan kerana mereka menggunakan Signal versi lama. Anda boleh menambah mereka ke kumpulan selepas mereka mengemas kini Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Namakan kumpulan ini",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Klik untuk memuat turun kemas kini",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Tekan Mula Semula Signal untuk gunakan kemas kini.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Versi ini mengandungi sedikit tweak kecil dan pembetulan pepijat untuk memastikan Signal berjalan dengan lancar.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Berperingkat: Menghantar imej biasa yang tidak diedit di Signal. Berwayar: Menambah stiker kucing, teks warna neon dan melukis pokok gembira pada imej anda sebelum menghantarnya di Signal. ",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Pernahkah anda rasa yang anda memerlukan lebih banyak piksel di tetingkap kanan dalam hidup anda? Adakah anda peminat avatar, tetapi hanya avatar dan tiada apa yang lain? Adakah anda mempunyai pelekat bampar \"Simpan skrin hartanah\" pada kereta anda? Jika anda menjawab ya atau tidak kepada mana-mana soalan tersebut, maka kemas kini ini memberikan anda beberapa tetingkap kiri yang boleh dilipat untuk anda.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "«$name$» kan ikke legges til gruppen fordi de bruker en gammel versjon av Signal. Du kan legge dem til gruppen etter at de har oppdatert Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Navngi denne gruppen",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Trykk «Start Signal på nytt» for å fullføre oppdateringen.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "$name$ kan niet aan de groep worden toegevoegd omdat hij of zij een oude versie van Signal gebruikt. Je kunt hem of haar aan de groep toevoegen nadat hij of zij Signal heeft bijgewerkt.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Geef dit groepsgesprek een naam ",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Klik hier om de nieuwe versie te downloaden",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal kon niet worden bijgewerkt. Klik hier om het opnieuw te proberen.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Klik op Signal herstarten om de updates toe te passen.",
"description": ""
@ -3474,7 +3472,7 @@
"MessageRequests--block-direct-confirm-body": {
"message": "Geblokkeerde personen kunnen jou nog steeds bellen of berichten sturen en weten dus niet dat ze geblokkeerd zijn, maar je zult die oproepen en berichten niet zien.",
"message": "Geblokkeerde personen kunnen niet zien dat ze geblokkeerd zijn: het lijkt voor hen alsof je telefoon over gaat en alsof berichten worden afgeleverd.\nJe huidige profielnaam en -foto blijven voor geblokkeerde personen zichtbaar maar worden ze niet bijgewerkt als je een nieuwe foto of naam instelt.\nIn groepen zullen jouw berichten niet zichtbaar zijn voor personen die je hebt geblokkeerd.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for blocking a private message request"
"MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-title": {
@ -6406,7 +6404,7 @@
"description": "Shown in dialog button if user has saved an empty string to delete their username"
"ProfileEditor--about-placeholder": {
"message": "Schrijf een paar woorden over jezelf ...",
"message": "Schrijf iets over jezelf",
"description": "Placeholder text for about input field"
"ProfileEditor--first-name": {
@ -6436,7 +6434,7 @@
"description": "Text that links to a support article"
"Bio--speak-freely": {
"message": "Spreek vrijuit",
"message": "Voel je vrij om een berichtje te sturen",
"description": "A default bio option"
"Bio--encrypted": {
@ -6444,7 +6442,7 @@
"description": "A default bio option"
"Bio--free-to-chat": {
"message": "Beschikbaar om te spreken",
"message": "Beschikbaar om te praten",
"description": "A default bio option"
"Bio--coffee-lover": {
@ -6452,7 +6450,7 @@
"description": "A default bio option"
"Bio--taking-break": {
"message": "Ik neem even een pauze",
"message": "Ik wil even offline zijn",
"description": "A default bio option"
"ProfileEditorModal--profile": {
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Deze versie bevat een aantal kleine foutoplossingen waardoor Signal voor nog meer mensen goed werkt.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Je kunt vanaf nu eventueel tekenen over afbeeldingen en stickers en tekst in allerlei stijlen toevoegen aan afbeeldingen voor je ze verzendt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Het linker paneel kan vanaf nu worden verkleint om gesprekken breder weer te geven.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal-Desktop is nu geoptimaliseerd voor Apples M1-chip die in hun nieuwere computers wordt gebruikt. Als je een van deze nieuwe apparaten gebruikt, zou de Signal-app vanaf nu veel sneller moeten zijn. Veel dank aan $dennis$ voor zijn harde werk aan deze verbetering!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Je apparaat gaat niet langer automatisch over naar slaapstand wanneer je nog aan een oproep deelneemt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Er zijn ook een aantal kleine verbeteringen en foutoplossingen om er onder andere tijdens het bellen voor te zorgen dat Signal goed blijft werken.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Het startscherm voor gebruikers die Signal-Desktop voor het eerst aan hun telefoon koppelen is opnieuw ontworpen.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Als er in een groepsoproep acht of meer deelnemers zijn dan worden microfoons vanaf nu automatisch gedempt om te voorkomen dat iedereen steeds op zoek moet gaan naar die ene persoon die zo luid typt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Verbeterde weergave van datums als je omhoog scrolt in je gespreksgeschiedenis.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Heb je wel eens last van een onbetrouwbare internetverbinding? Geen zorgen. De instelling voor verlopende berichten en andere dingen worden vanaf nu alsnog verzonden wanneer je internetverbinding het weer doet.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Het systeem om Signal bij te werken is vernieuwd, daardoor zouden updates vanaf nu kleiner moeten zijn.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Als je een toetsenbord met mediatoetsen gebruikt dan is het fijn dat Signal niet langer blokkeert dat je die toetsen voor andere applicaties gebruikt.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Verbeterd lettertype voor Japans.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" cant be added to the group because theyre using an old version of Signal. You can add them to the group after theyve updated Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Døyp gruppa",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Klikk for å lasta ned oppdatering",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Trykk «Start Signal på nytt» for å fullføra oppgraderinga.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" cant be added to the group because theyre using an old version of Signal. You can add them to the group after theyve updated Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Name this group",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Trykk Restart Signal for å fullføre oppgraderingen.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" ਨੂੰ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਹੀਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਉਹ Signal ਦਾ ਕੋਈ ਪੁਰਾਣਾ ਸੰਸਕਰਣ ਵਰਤ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ। ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੁਆਰਾ Signal ਨੂੰ ਅਪਡੇਟ ਕਰ ਲੈਣ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "ਇਸ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਨੂੰ ਨਾਂ ਦਿਓ",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਲਾਗੂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ Signal ਮੁੜ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ ਨੂੰ ਦਬਾਓ।",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" nie może zostać dodany(a) do grupy, gdyż używa starej wersji Signal. Możesz dodać ten kontakt do grupy, gdy zaktualizuje Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Nazwij grupę",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Kliknij, aby pobrać aktualizację",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Nie udało się zaktualizować Signal. Kliknij, aby spróbować ponownie.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Naciśnij \"Uruchom ponownie\", aby zakończyć aktualizację.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Ta wersja zawiera wiele drobnych ulepszeń i poprawek błędów, zapewniających płynne działanie aplikacji Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Zmęczyło Cię wysyłanie zwyczajnych, niewyedytowanych zdjęć w Signal? Teraz w Signal możesz dodawać naklejki z kotami, neonowy tekst i rysować drzewka, zanim wyślesz zdjęcie.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Czujesz, że w Twoim życiu potrzeba więcej pikseli na prawym panelu? Jesteś fanem awatarów i niczego więcej? Masz na zderzaku nalepkę \"Oszczędzaj przestrzeń ekranową\"? Niezależnie, czy odpowiedziałeś tak, czy nie na powyższe pytania, ta aktualizacja ma dla Ciebie możliwość zmniejszenia lewego panelu.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Aplikacja Signal Desktop jest teraz zoptymalizowana do działania z procesorem Apple M1, używanym w nowszych komputerach tej firmy. Jeśli posiadasz jedno z tych nowych urządzeń, aplikacja powinna działać bardziej płynnie. Jeśli nie, ciesz się szczęściem tych użytkowników, którzy je mają. Ogromne dzięki za Twoją, ciężką pracę, $dennis$!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Prowadzisz długie rozmowy? Twój system powinien pozostać czujny przez cały czas, zamiast przechodzić w tryb uśpienia, gdy jesteś w środku ważnej dyskusji.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Ta wersja zawiera również wiele drobnych ulepszeń i poprawek błędów, zapewniających płynne działanie aplikacji Signal, włącznie z kilkoma poprawkami połączeń.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Nowy rok i nowy ekran konfiguracji. Przeprojektowaliśmy ekrany początkowej konfiguracji, w sam raz na początek roku 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Teraz nie będziesz tak często szukać głośnych stukaczy w klawiaturę i jeszcze głośniejszych przeżuwaczy! Aplikacja Desktop automatycznie wyłączy audio w lobby, jeśli w rozmowie uczestniczy osiem lub więcej osób.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Przewijaj konwersację, mając pewność, że wiesz, kiedy się ona odbywała.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Używasz Signal, korzystając z niestabilnego połączenia z internetem? Nie musisz się już martwić - zmiany czasu znikania wiadomości i inne, zostaną teraz wysłane, gdy tylko Twoja sieć Wi-Fi znów poczuje się lepiej.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Wprowadziliśmy nowy system aktualizacji. Od następnej wersji powinieneś zauważyć, że pliki aktualizacji są mniejsze.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Święto dla aplikacji korzystających z klawiszy multimedialnych! Signal już ich nie kontroluje.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Lepsza obsługa czcionek dla naszych, japońskich przyjaciół.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" دغه ګروپ ته نشي اضافه کېدای ځکه چې هغوی د Signal زړه نسخه کاروي. تاسې کولای شئ هغوی ګروپ ته اضافه کړئ که چیرته هغوی خپل Signal اپډیټ کړ.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "دغه ګروپ ته نوم ورکړئ",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "د اپډیټ د راښکته کولو لپاره کلیک وکړئ",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "د همدې اپډیټونو د عملي کولو لپاره د Signal بیا پرانیستل کېکاږئ.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "دغه نسخه یو شمېر واړه کارونه او د بوګ جوړونې لري تر څو Signal په روانه توګه سره کار ورکړي.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" não pode ser adicionado ao grupo porque está usando uma versão antiga do Signal. Você pode adicionar essa pessoa ao grupo depois que ela atualize o Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Escolha um nome para este grupo",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Clique para baixar a atualização",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Clique em Reiniciar Signal para aplicar as atualizações.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Essa versão contém pequenos retoques e consertos no Signal para ele continuar funcionando confortavelmente.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "A partir de agora, você pode desenhar, adicionar figurinhas ou escrever texto em imagens, antes de enviá-las.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "A partir de agora, a largura da lista de conversas se ajusta de acordo com o tamanho da janela, para facilitar a leitura de uma conversa.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "A partir de agora, Signal Desktop está otimizado para o chip M1, que é usado em computadores mais novos da Apple. Se você fizer uso de um desses computadores, o aplicativo do Signal funcionará confortavelmente, como ocorre em outros sistemas. Se este não for o chip do seu computador, também trouxemos mais potência para você. Um grande obrigado ao $dennis$ por seu trabalho árduo aqui!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Você tem honrado suas amizades com ligações prolongadas? A partir de agora, pedimos ao sistema do computador para ficar acordado o tempo todo, em vez de se suspender ou dormir no meio da sua discussão importante.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Essa versão contém pequenos retoques e consertos no Signal para ele continuar funcionando confortavelmente. Melhoramos especialmente as chamadas de voz e de vídeo.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Redesenhamos as telas introdutórias, bem a tempo para o ano de 2022. Ano novo, nova tela de acesso.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "A partir de agora, Signal desliga automaticamente o seu microfone quando você adentra em uma chamada que já reúne oito ou mais pessoas.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "A partir de agora, você alcançará mensagens anteriores com confiança, porque com nossa ajuda está mais fácil identificar a data das mensagens. Role sem parar nas suas conversas.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Melhoramos a interação entre seu aplicativo e nossos servidores. O tamanho das atualizações será menor a partir de agora.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Melhoramos a interação entre o Signal e as teclas do teclado que retomam músicas em pausa e aumentam o volume.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Melhoramos o contorno de caracteres japoneses para facilitar a sua leitura.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" não pode ser adicionado ao grupo porque está a utilizar uma versão antiga do Signal. Você poderá adicioná-lo ao grupo após ele(a) atualizar o Signal. ",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Nomeie este grupo",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Clique para descarregar a atualização",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "O Signal não consegue atualizar. Clique para tentar de novo.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Pressione 'Reiniciar o Signal' para aplicar as atualizações.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Esta versão contém um número de pequenas funcionalidades e correções de erros de forma a manter o Signal a correr suavemente.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Cansado: Enviar imagens simples não editadas no Signal. Com energia: Adicionar autocolantes de gatos, texto em néon e desenhar árvores felizes nas suas imagens antes de as enviar no Signal. ",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Você já sentiu que precisa de mais pixels no painel direito na sua vida? Você é fã de avatares, mas apenas de avatares e nada mais? Você tem um autocolante \"Poupe o espaço do ecrã\" no seu carro? Se respondeu sim ou não a alguma dessas perguntas, então esta atualização tem um painel esquerdo recolhível para si.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "A partir de agora, o Signal Desktop encontra-se otimizado para o chip M1, que é usado em computadores mais recentes da Apple. Se estiver a utilizar um desses computadores, a aplicação Signal funcionará confortavelmente, como ocorre noutros sistemas. Se este não for o chip do seu computador, também trouxemos mais potência para si. Um grande obrigado ao $dennis$ por seu trabalho árduo aqui!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Tem honrado as suas amizades com chamadas prolongadas? A partir de agora, pedimos ao sistema do computador para ficar acordado o tempo todo, em vez de se suspender ou hibernar no meio da sua conversa importante.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Essa versão contém pequenos retoques e correções no Signal para ele continuar a funcionar confortavelmente. Melhoramos especialmente as chamadas de voz e de vídeo.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Redesenhamos os écrans de configuração, bem a tempo para o ano de 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Agora, com menos pesquisas frenéticas pelo digitador barulhento ou mastigador pesado! Durante as chamadas, o Desktop desativará automaticamente o áudio se existirem oito ou mais pessoas na chamada. ",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Percorra as suas conversas sem parar e sinta-se confiante de que, onde quer que esteja na conversa, você saberá quando e onde está.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Alguma vez utilizou o Signal com uma ligação instável? Pode deixar de se preocupar, acabaram as alterações no temporizador da destruição de mensagens e agora, será mais enviado quando a sua ligação Wi-Fi estiver novamente boa.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Foi introduzida uma nova atualização do sistema e as pessoas deverão começar a ver pequenas atualizações com a próxima atualização..",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Aplicações que utilizam teclas multimédia alegrem-se! O Signal deixou de ter controlo sobre elas.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Melhor suporte de letras para os seus amigos Japoneses.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Utilizatorul \"$name$\" nu a putut fi adăugat acestui grup, deoarece folosește o versiune veche de Signal. Poți să-l adaugi la grup după ce își actualizează Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Numește acest grup",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Apasă pentru a descărca actualizarea",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal nu a putut fi actualizat. Apasă pentru a încerca din nou.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Apasă pe Repornire Signal pentru a aplica actualizările.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Această versiune conține o serie de mici modificări și remedieri ale unor erori pentru ca Signal să funcționeze fără probleme.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Te-ai plictisit să trimiți imagini simple, needitate cu Signal? Acum poți adăuga autocolante, text neon, sau poți desena copaci fericiți pe imaginile tale înainte de a le trimite cu Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ai simțit vreodată că ai nevoie de mai mulți pixeli pe panoul din dreapta? Ești un fan al avatarelor, dar numai al avatarelor și nimic altceva? Ai un autocolant pe mașină cu mesajul \"Salvează spațiul pe ecran\"? Dacă ai răspuns da sau nu la oricare dintre aceste întrebări, atunci această actualizare are un panou stâng pliabil pentru tine.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop este acum optimizat pentru cipul M1 de la Apple, care este utilizat în noile computere. Dacă folosești unul dintre aceste dispozitive nou-nouțe, aplicația ar trebui să fie mult mai rapidă. Dacă nu, urează-le bun venit utilizatorilor care sunt. Mulțumiri imense lui $dennis$ pentru munca depusă aici!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Într-un apel lung? Sistemul tău ar trebui să rămână activ tot timpul, în loc să intre în repaus în mijlocul unei discuții importante.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Am făcut, de asemenea, o serie de mici ajustări și am reparat câteva erori pentru ca Signal să funcționeze fără probleme, acestea includ și unele îmbunătățiri legate de apelare.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Un an nou, un ecran nou de configurare. Am schimbat designul ecranului inițial de configurare odată cu trecerea în 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "De acum, nu vei mai fi nevoit să-l cauți în grabă pe cel ce tastează sau mestecă zgomotos, Desktop v-a opri automat microfonul dacă sunt opt sau mai multe persoane în apel.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Derulează la nesfârșit prin conversațiile tale și fii sigur că oriunde te-ai afla în conversație vei știi și data acesteia.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ai folosit vreodată Signal cu o conexiune instabilă? Nu trebuie să-ți mai faci griji, modificări ale timpului de dispariție mesaje cât și alte modificări vor fi trimise o dată ce Wi-Fi-ul se simte mai bine.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Am introdus un nou sistem de actualizare, utilizatorii vor vedea dimensiuni mai mici pentru actualizări o dată cu următoarea actualizare.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Aplicațiile ce folosesc testele media se vor bucura! Signal nu va mai ține aceste taste blocate.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Suport mai bun pentru fonturi pentru prietenii noștri Japonezi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "«$name$» не может быть добавлен(-а) в группу, так как он(-а) использует старую версию Signal. Вы сможете добавить этого человека в группу после того, как он обновит Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Придумайте имя для группы",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Нажмите, чтобы скачать обновление",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal не удалось обновиться. Нажмите, чтобы попробовать ещё раз.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Для применения обновлений нажмите «Перезапустить Signal».",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Эта версия содержит несколько небольших изменений и исправлений ошибок.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Вы устали отправлять неотредактированные изображения через Signal? Теперь вы можете добавлять стикеры котов и неоновый текст к изображениям и рисовать счастливые деревья на них перед отправкой.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Теперь вы можете изменять размер левой панели.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop теперь оптимизирован для процессора Apple M1, который используется в новых компьютерах Apple. Если вы используете одно из таких новоиспечённых устройств, приложение должно работать намного оперативнее. Если нет, тепло поприветствуйте тех пользователей, которые используют такой компьютер. Огромное спасибо $dennis$ за его усердную работу в этой области!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Находитесь в долгом звонке? Ваша система теперь должна бодрствовать всё время, вместо того чтобы засыпать, когда вы в середине важного обсуждения.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Также эта версия содержит несколько небольших изменений и исправлений, чтобы Signal продолжал работать плавно, включая несколько улучшений, связанных со звонками.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Новый год, новый экран начальной настройки. Мы обновили экраны начальной настройки как раз вовремя для 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Теперь с меньшим количеством поисков того, кто громко печатает! В лобби звонка Signal Desktop теперь автоматически отключит аудио, если в звонке 8 человек или больше.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Бесконечно прокручивайте свои разговоры и будьте уверены, что, где бы вы ни были в разговоре, вы будете знать, когда.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Когда-либо использовали Signal при нестабильном соединении? Теперь вы можете не волноваться — такие действия, как изменение таймера исчезающих сообщений, теперь будут отправлены, как только ваш Wi-Fi станет лучше себя чувствовать.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Была представлена новая система обновлений: вы можете заметить меньшие по размеру обновления, начиная со следующего.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Приложения, которые используют медиа-клавиши, возрадуйтесь! Signal больше не удерживает их.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Улучшенная поддержка шрифтов для наших японских друзей.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" nemôže byť pridaný/á to tejto skupiny, pretože používa starú verziu aplikácie Signal. Do skupiny ho/ju môžete pridať, keď si aktualizuje Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Pomenujte túto skupinu",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Kliknutím stiahnete aktualizáciu",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal sa nepodarilo aktualizovať. Kliknutím to skúste znova.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Reštartujte Signal pre dokončenie aktualizácie.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Táto verzia obsahuje množstvo drobných vylepšení a opráv chýb, ktoré zaisťujú bezproblémový chod systému Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Unavený: Posielanie obyčajných neupravených obrázkov cez Signal. Káblové: Pridanie nálepiek s mačkami, neónového textu a kreslenie šťastných stromov na vaše obrázky pred ich odoslaním na Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Mali ste niekedy pocit, že vo svojom živote potrebujete viac pixelov na správnom paneli? Ste fanúšikom avatarov, ale iba avatarov a ničoho iného? Máte na svojom aute nálepku na nárazníku „Šetriť úžitkovou plochou“? Ak ste na niektorú z týchto otázok odpovedali áno alebo nie, táto aktualizácia má pre vás skladací ľavý panel.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop je teraz optimalizovaný pre čip Apple M1, ktorý sa používa v novších počítačoch Apple. Ak používate jedno z týchto nových zariadení, aplikácia by mala byť oveľa šikovnejšia. Ak nie ste, srdečne privítajte používateľov, ktorí sú. Veľká vďaka $dennis$ za jeho tvrdú prácu!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Pri dlhom hovore? Váš systém by mal zostať celý čas bdelý, namiesto toho, aby ste zaspávali, keď ste uprostred dôležitej diskusie.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Existuje tiež množstvo malých vylepšení a opráv chýb, aby Signal fungoval hladko, vrátane niekoľkých vylepšení súvisiacich s volaním.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Nový rok, nová obrazovka úvodného nastavenia. Prepracovali sme obrazovky úvodného nastavenia práve na rok 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Teraz s menším počtom zúfalých zvukov klepania do klávesnice, alebo silného dýchania! Desktop teraz automaticky vypne zvuk, ak sa hovoru zúčastní osem alebo viac ľudí.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Nekonečne listujte svojimi konverzáciami a buďte si istí, že kdekoľvek sa v konverzácii nachádzate, budete vedieť kedy to bolo.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Použili ste niekedy Signal pri nestabilnom pripojení? Už si nemusíte robiť starosti časovač miznutia správ sa zmení a ďalšie sa budú odosielať, keď bude vaša Wi-Fi na tom lepšie.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Bol predstavený nový aktualizačný systém a ľudia by mali začať vidieť menšie aktualizácie s ďalšou aktualizáciou.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Aplikácie, ktoré používajú mediálne klávesy, sa radujú! Signal už na nich nemá vplyv.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Lepšia podpora písma pre našich japonských priateľov.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "Uporabnik/ca \"$name$\" ne more biti dodan/a v skupino, ker uporablja staro različico aplikacije Signal. Lahko ga/jo dodate šele, ko bo posodobil/a Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Poimenuj skupino",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Kliknite za prenos posodobitve",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal se ni mogel posodobiti. Kliknite za ponoven poskus.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Za uveljavitev nadgradenj pritisnite tipko Ponovno zaženi Signal",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "“$name$” smund të shtohet te grupi, ngaqë përdor një version të vjetër të Signal-it. Mund ta shtoni te grupi pasi të kenë përditësuar Signal-in.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Emërtojeni këtë grup",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Klikoni që të shkarkohet përditësimi",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal-i su përditësua dot. Klikoni që të riprovohet.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Shtypni Rinise Signal-in që të zbatohen përditësimet.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Ky version përmban një numër përimtimesh të vockla dhe ndreqje të metash për ta mbajtur të rrjedhshme punën e Signal-it.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Të lodhur: Nga dërgim figurash të thjeshta, të papërpunuara, në Signal. Të ngazëllyer: Shtim ngjitësish me mace, tekst neon dhe vizatim pemësh të lumtura në figurat tuaja, përpara dërgimit të tyre në Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Keni ndjerë ndonjëherë se ju duhen më tepër piksela në kuadratin e djathtë, gjatë jetës tuaj? Jeni tifoz avatarësh, por vetëm avatarësh dhe asgjëje tjetër? Keni një makinën tuaj një ngjitës “Save the screen real estate”? Nëse u përgjigjët po ose jo për cilëndo nga këto pyetje, atëherë ky përditësim sjell për ju një kuadrat majtas që mund të paloset.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal-i për Desktop tani është i optimizuar për procesorin M1 të Apple-it që përdoret në kompjuterat e tyre më të rinj. Nëse keni një nga këto pajisje të reja, aplikacioni do të jetë shumë më i zhdërvjellët. Nëse jo, urojuni mirëseardhjen atyre që i kanë. Falënderime pa masë për $dennis$ për punën e tij të palodhur për këtë aspekt!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Telefonatë e gjatë? Sistemi duhet të jetë zgjuar për gjithë kohën, në vend se të dremitë teksa jeni në mes të një diskutimi të rëndësishëm.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Ka gjithashtu një numër përimtimesh të vogla dhe ndreqje të metash, për ta mbajtur Signal-in të xhirojë rrjedhshëm, përfshi disa përmirësime të lidhura me thirrjet.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Vit i ri, skenë e re ujdisjeje fillestare. I kemi rihartuar skenat e ujdisjes fillestare tamam në kohë për 2022-shin.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Tani, me më pak kërkime të ethshme për ata që shkruajnë shpejt ose që janë energjikë! Te holli i thirrjeve, tani e tutje Desktopi do të çaktivizojë automatikisht audion, nëse në thirrje ka tetë ose më tepër persona.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Rrëshqitni pambarimisht nëpër bisedat tuaja dhe jini i bindur se kudo që gjendeni te biseda, do ta dini se kur.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "E keni përdorur ndonjëherë Signal-in me një lidhje të paqëndrueshme? Mos u shqetësoni më - tanimë ndryshimet te kohëmatësi i asgjësimit së mesazheve, etj, do të dërgohen sapo sapo Wi-Fi të ndihet prapë mirë.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Është sjellë për herë të parë një sistem i ri përditësimesh dhe njerëzit do të duhet të shohin përditësime më të vockla me përditësimin pasues.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Le të gëzohen aplikacionet që përdorin taste për media! Signal-i ska më punë me to.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Mbulim më i mirë shshkronjash për miqtë tanë japonezë.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" не може се додати групи јер користе стару верзију Signal-а. Можете их додати у групу након што ажурирају Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Дајте назив групи",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Кликнути за преузимање ажурирања",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Притисните Рестарт Signal да примените исправке.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" kan inte läggas till i gruppen eftersom de använder en gammal version av Signal. Du kan lägga till dem i gruppen efter att de har uppdaterat Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Namnge den här gruppen",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Klicka för att hämta uppdateringen",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal kunde inte uppdateras. Klicka för att försöka igen.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Vänligen starta om Signal för att uppdatera",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Den här versionen innehåller ett antal små justeringar och felrättningar för att Signal ska fungera smidigt.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Har du någonsin känt att du behöver fler pixlar på den högra rutan i ditt liv? Är du ett fan av avatarer, men bara avatarer och inget annat? Har du en \"Save the screen real estate\"-dekal på din bil? Om du svarade ja eller nej på någon av dessa frågor, så har den här uppdateringen en hopfällbar vänstra ruta för dig.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop är nu optimerat för Apples M1-chip som används i deras nyare datorer. Om du använder en av dessa nymodiga enheter borde appen vara mycket snabbare. Om inte, hälsa användarna som gör det varmt välkomna. Stort tack till $dennis$ för hans hårda arbete här!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "I ett långt samtal? Ditt system bör vara vaken hela tiden, istället för att somna medan du är mitt i en viktig diskussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Det finns också ett antal små justeringar och felrättningar för att hålla Signal igång smidigt, inklusive flera samtalsrelaterade förbättringar.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Nytt år, ny inledande inställningsskärm. Vi har gjort om de första inställningsskärmarna lagom till 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Nu, med färre frenetiska sökningar efter den högljudda maskinskrivaren eller tungtuggaren! I samtalslobbyn kommer Desktop nu automatiskt att inaktivera ljudet om det finns åtta eller fler personer i samtalet.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Bättre teckensnittsstöd för våra japanska vänner.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" haiwezi kuongezwa kwenye kikundi kwa sababu anatumia toleo la awali la Signal. Unaweza kumwongeza kwenye kikundi atakaposisha Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Kipe kikundi hiki jina",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Tafadhali Washa Upya Signal ili kutekeleza sasisho.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" இல் சேர்க்க முடியாது குழு ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் பழைய பதிப்பைப் பயன்படுத்துகிறார்கள் Signal. உன்னால் முடியும்கூட்டு அவர்களுக்கு குழு அவை புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்ட பிறகு Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "இந்த குழுவிற்கு பெயரிடுங்கள்",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "புதுப்பிப்புகளைப் பயன்படுத்த மறுதொடக்கம் Signal லை அழுத்தவும்.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" సమూహానికి జోడించబడదు ఎందుకంటే వారు Signal యొక్క పాత సంస్కరణను ఉపయోగిస్తున్నారు. వారు Signal ను నవీకరించిన తర్వాత మీరు వారిని సమూహానికి చేర్చవచ్చు.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "ఈ గుంపుకు పేరు పెట్టండి",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "నవీకరణలను వర్తింపచేయడానికి పున Sign ప్రారంభించు Signal నొక్కండి.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "ไม่สามารถเพิ่ม \"$name$\" เข้ากลุ่มได้ เนื่องจากเธอกําลังใช้ Signal รุ่นเก่า คุณสามารถเพิ่มเธอเข้ากลุ่มได้หลังจากที่เธอปรับรุ่น Signal แล้ว",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "ตั้งชื่อกลุ่มนี้",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "กด เริ่ม Signal ใหม่ เพื่อเริ่มการปรับปรุง",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
"description": "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message"
"safetyNumberChangeDialog__pending-messages": {
"message": "Send pending messages",
"message": "Bekleyen iletileri gönder",
"description": "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message in the outbox"
"identityKeyErrorOnSend": {
@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@
"description": "Shown in a button when a conversation is unmuted and can be muted"
"cannotUpdateDetail": {
"message": "Signal couldn't update. $retry$ or visit $url$ to install it manually. Then, $support$ about this problem",
"message": "Signal güncellenemedi. $retry$ veya el ile kurmak için $url$. Sonra, bu sorun hakkında $support$",
"description": "Shown if a general error happened while trying to install update package",
"placeholders": {
"retry": {
@ -2116,11 +2116,11 @@
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
"message": "[Today] LT",
"message": "[Bugün] LT",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__yesterday": {
"message": "[Yesterday] LT",
"message": "[Dün] LT",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"messageBodyTooLong": {
@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" Signal'in eski bir sürümünü kullandığı için gruba eklenemez. Signal'i güncelledikten sonra gruba ekleyebilirsiniz.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Bu grubu adlandır",
@ -2492,11 +2486,11 @@
"description": ""
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Retry update",
"message": "Güncellemeyi yeniden dene",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateContactSupport": {
"message": "contact support",
"message": "destek ile iletişime geç",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": {
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Güncellemeyi indirmek için tıklayın",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal güncellenemedi. Tekrar denemek için tıklayın.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Güncellemeleri uygulamak için 'Signal'i Yeniden Başlat'a basınız.",
"description": ""
@ -6674,7 +6672,7 @@
"description": "A title of the dialog displayed when starting an application after a recent crash"
"CrashReportDialog__body": {
"message": "Signal restarted after a crash. You can submit a crash report to help Signal investigate the issue.",
"message": "Signal bir hata sonrası yeniden başlatıldı. Bir hata raporu göndererek Signal'in sorunu incelemesine yardımcı olabilirsin.",
"description": "The body of the dialog displayed when starting an application after a recent crash"
"CrashReportDialog__submit": {
@ -6789,52 +6787,36 @@
"message": "Bu sürüm Signal'in sorunsuz çalışması için gereken bir takım küçük düzeltme ve hata gidermelerini içerir.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Eski: Signal'da düz, editlenmemiş resimler gönderme.\nYeni: Signal'da resim göndermeden önce onlara kedili çıkartmalar, ışıklı yazılar ekleme ve mutlu ağaçlar çizme.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Hayatında hiç sağ bölmede daha fazla piksele ihtiyacın var gibi hissettin mi? Avatarları, ama sadece avatarları sever misin? Arabanda \"Ekran alanından tasarruf et\" yazılı tampon etiketi mi var? Bu sorulardan herhangi birine evet veya hayır dediysen, bu güncelleme sana açılır kapanır sol bölme sunuyor.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop artık Apple'ın yeni bilgisayarlarında kullandığı M1 çipine optimize edildi. Eğer bu son-model cihazların birinde isen uygulama çok daha pratik olmalı. Eğer ki öyle değilse de, öyle olan kullanıcılara sıcak bir hoş geldin diyebilirsin. $dennis$'e sıkı çalışmalarından ötürü büyük teşekkürler sunuyoruz!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Uzun bir görüşmede misin? Sisteminin önemli bir konuşma sırasında uyku moduna geçmekten ziyade hep açık kalması gerekli.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Ayrıca bazı ufak yamalar ve hata düzeltmeleri Signal'in birkaç arama ile ilgili geliştirmeler de dahil, düzgün çalışmasını devam ettirmek için yapıldı.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Yeni yıl, yeni ilk kurulum ekranı. İlk kurulum ekranımızı 2022 için tam zamanında yeniden dizayn ettik.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Artık, gürültülü klavye kullananlara veya ağzını şapırdatan insanlara daha az maruz kalın! Görüşme lobisinde eğer sekiz veya daha fazla kişi mevcutsa, masaüstü otomatik olarak sesi kapatacak.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"message": "Konuşmalarınız arasında durmadan gezinin ve sohbetin neresinde olursanız olun, ne zaman olduğunu bileceğinizden emin olun.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--2": {
"message": "Shuffled around the spacing in the left pane header and search area and now there is so much room for activities!",
"message": "Sol bölme başlığında ve arama alanındaki boşluklar karıştırıldı ve şimdi etkinlikler için çok fazla yer var!",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
"WhatsNew__v5.32--1": {
"message": "Easily track down that errant loud typist or heavy chewer in group calls - we've introduced a new animated speaking indicator!",
"message": "Grup aramalarında hatalı yüksek sesli daktiloyu veya ağır çiğnemeciyi kolayca takip edin - yeni bir hareketli konuşma göstergesi ekledik!",
"description": "Release notes for v5.32"
"WhatsNew__v5.32--2": {
"message": "The list of supported languages has expanded. We sincerely appreciate the volunteer translators whose efforts made this possible.",
"message": "Desteklenen dillerin listesi genişletildi. Çabaları ile bunu mümkün kılan gönüllü çevirmenlere içtenlikle teşekkür ederiz.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.32"
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"message": "Kararsız bir bağlantıdayken hiç Signal kullandınız mı? Artık endişelenmenize gerek yok - kaybolan ileti zamanlayıcı değişiklikleri ve artık Wi-Fi'niz tekrar daha iyi hissettiğinde daha fazlası gönderilecek.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Yeni bir güncelleme sistemi tanıtıldı ve insanlar bir sonraki güncellemeyle daha küçük güncellemeler görmeye başlamalı.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "İçerik tuşlarını kullanan uygulamalar sevilir! Signal artık onları tutmuyor.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Japon arkadaşlarımız için daha iyi yazı tipi desteği.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "«$name$» نى گۇرۇپپىغا قوشالمىدى چۈنكى ئۇلار كونا نەشرىدىكى Signal ئىشلىتىۋاتىدۇ. ئۇلارنىڭ ھەممىسى Signal يېڭى نەشرىگە يېڭىلىغاندىن كېيىن ئاندىن سىز ئۇلارنى گۇرۇپپىغا قوشالايسىز.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "بۇ گۇرۇپپىىڭ ئاتى",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "«Signal نى قايتا قوزغات» نى چېكىپ يېڭىلاشنى ئورنىتىڭ.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"description": "The label that is used for the Help menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuSettings": {
"message": "Налаштування",
"message": "Налаштування...",
"description": "The label that is used for the Preferences menu in the program main menu. This should be consistent with the standard naming for Preferences on the operating system."
"appMenuServices": {
@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" не може бути доданий (-а) в групу, так як він (-а) використовує стару версію Signal. Ви зможете додати цю людину в групу після того, як він оновить Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Дати ім'я групі",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Натисніть для завантаження оновлення",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal не вдалось оновити. Клацніть, щоб спробувати ще раз.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Натисніть Перезапустити Signal, щоб застосувати зміни.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Ця версія містить ряд невеликих налаштувань і виправлень помилок для забезпечення безперебійної роботи Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Втомились: надсилайте прості невідредаговані зображення на Signal. Збадьорились: додавайте стікери з кицьками, неоновий текст та малюйте щасливі дерева на ваших зображеннях, перш ніж надсилати їх на Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ви коли-небудь відчували, що вам потрібно більше пікселів на правій панелі у вашому житті? Ви любите аватари, але тільки аватари і нічого іншого? У вас є наклейка на бампер \"Зберегти нерухомість екрана\" на вашому автомобілі? Якщо ви відповіли так чи ні на будь-яке з цих запитань, це оновлення має для вас ліву панель, що згортається.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop відтепер оптимізовано для чипів Apple M1, що використовуються у їхніх нових комп'ютерах. Якщо ви один з володільців цих новітніх пристроїв, застосунок працюватиме ще хутчіше. Якщо ні — тепло зустрічаймо тих, хто вже так. Величезна подяка $dennis$ за його важку працю над цим!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Знаходитесь у тривалому виклику? Система залишатиметься пробудженою увесь час, та не засне посередині важливого обговорення.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Також є певна кількість маленьких доопрацювань та виправлень помилок, зокрема декілька покращень, пов'язаних з викликами, що дозволить Signal працювати плавніше.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Новий Рік — нове вікно початкового налаштування. Ми вчасно оновили вигляд вікна початкового налаштування до 2022 року.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Відтепер можна не розпочинати шалений пошук того, хто гучно друкує на клавіатурі, чи голосно плямкає прямо у мікрофон! У лобі виклику застосунок автоматично блокуватиме мікрофон, якщо у виклику присутні вісім чи більше осіб.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Нескінченно гортайте свої бесіди та почувайтесь впевнено, бо завжди знатимете, де ви у бесіді та коли.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Довелось використовувати Signal на нестабільному з'єднанні? Хвилюватись більше не доведеться — зміни до таймера повідомлень, що зникають, та інша інформація відтепер надсилатиметься щойно Wi-Fi почуватиметься краще.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "Впроваджено нову систему оновлень, отже з наступного оновлення ви бачитимете менші оновлення.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Застосунки, які використовують ключі медіа, радійте! Signal більше вас не тримає.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Краща підтримка шрифту для наших японських друзів.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" کو گروپ میں شامل نہیں کیا جاسکتا ہے کیونکہ وہ Signal کا پرانا ورژن استعمال کررہے ہیں۔ Signal کو اپ ڈیٹ کرنے کے بعد آپ انہیں گروپ میں شامل کرسکتے ہیں۔",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "اس گروپ کو نام دیں",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "اپ ڈیٹ کو لاگو کرنے کے لئے دوبارہ اسٹارٹ Signal دبائیں۔",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "\"$name$\" không thể được thêm vào nhóm vì họ đang dùng một phiên bản cũ của Signal. Bạn có thể thêm họ vào nhóm sau khi họ đã cập nhật Signal.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "Đặt tên nhóm này",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Nhấp để tải bản cập nhật",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "Nhấn Khởi động lại Signal để áp dụng bản cập nhật.",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "Phiên bản này có một số chỉnh sửa nhỏ và sửa lỗi để giữ cho Signal hoạt động mượt mà.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Mệt mỏi: Đang gửi hình ảnh đơn giản chưa được chỉnh sửa trên Signal. Có dây: Thêm hình dán mèo, văn bản neon và vẽ cây hạnh phúc trên hình ảnh của bạn trước khi gửi chúng trên Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Đã bao giờ bạn cảm thấy như bạn cần nhiều pixel hơn trên khung bên phải trong cuộc sống của mình? Bạn có phải là người yêu thích ảnh đại diện, nhưng chỉ có ảnh đại diện và không có gì khác? Bạn có miếng dán cản \"Save the screen real Estate\" trên ô tô của mình không? Nếu bạn trả lời có hoặc không cho bất kỳ câu hỏi nào trong số đó, thì bản cập nhật này có một số ngăn bên trái có thể thu gọn cho bạn.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop hiện hỗ trợ nguyên bản chip M1 của Apple được sử dụng trong các máy tính mới của họ. Nếu bạn đang sử dụng một trong những thiết bị mới này, ứng dụng sẽ nhanh hơn nhiều. Nếu bạn không, hãy chào đón nồng nhiệt những người dùng đó. Rất cảm ơn $dennis$ vì sự chăm chỉ của anh ấy ở phần này!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "Có một cuộc gọi dài? Hệ thống của bạn nên thức suốt thời gian, thay vì chìm vào giấc ngủ khi bạn đang thảo luận quan trọng.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "Ngoài ra còn có một số chỉnh sửa nhỏ và sửa lỗi để giữ cho Signal hoạt động mượt mà, bao gồm một số cải tiến liên quan đến tính năng gọi điện.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "Đón năm mới, giao diện cài đặt mới. Chúng tôi đã thiết kế lại giao diện cài đặt để kịp đón năm mới 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Giờ đây, để đỡ phải lọc âm cho những người gõ máy tính nhiều và sử dụng bàn phím cơ gây tiếng ồn khó chịu! Trong danh sạch gọi nhóm, máy tính sẽ từ động tắt tiếng khi có nhiều hơn tám người tham gia cuộc gọi.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "无法将“$name$”添加至群组,因为他们使用的 Signal 是旧版本。他们升级 Signal 之后,您可将其添加至群组。",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "命名该群组",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "Click to download update",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "点击“重启 Signal”来安装更新。",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "This version contains a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "Tired: Sending plain un-edited images on Signal. Wired: Adding cat stickers, neon text, and drawing happy trees on your images before sending them on Signal.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "Ever feel like you need more pixels on the right pane in your life? Are you a fan of avatars, but only avatars and nothing else? Do you have a \"Save the screen real estate\" bumper sticker on your car? If you answered yes or no to any of those questions, then this update has got some collapsible left pane for you.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal Desktop is now optimized for Apple's M1 chip which is used in their newer computers. If you're on one of those new-fangled devices, the app should be much snappier. If you're not, give a warm welcome to the users that are. Huge thanks to $dennis$ for his hard work here!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "On a long call? Your system should stay awake the whole time, instead of falling asleep while you're in the middle of an important discussion.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "There are also a number of small tweaks and bug fixes to keep Signal running smoothly, including several calling-related improvements.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "New year, new initial setup screen. We've redesigned the initial setup screens just in time for 2022.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "Now, with fewer frantic searches for the loud typist or heavy chewer! In the call lobby, Desktop will now automatically disable audio if there are eight or more people in the call.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "Endlessly scroll through your conversations and feel confident that wherever you are in the conversation you will know when.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "Ever used Signal while on an unstable connection? You can worry no more - disappearing message timer changes and more will now be sent out once your Wi-Fi feels better again.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "A new update system has been introduced and folks should start seeing smaller updates with the next update.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "Applications that use media keys rejoice! Signal no longer has a hold on them.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "Better font support for our Japanese friends.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"

View file

@ -2419,13 +2419,7 @@
"chooseGroupMembers__cant-add-member__body": {
"message": "無法將“$name$”新增到該群組因為他們使用的是舊版Signal。你可以在Signal更新後將他們新增到群組中。",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group",
"placeholders": {
"max": {
"content": "$1",
"example": "Jane Doe"
"description": "Shown in the alert when you try to add someone who can't be added to a group"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "為群組取一個名稱",
@ -2507,6 +2501,10 @@
"message": "點擊下載更新",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal 無法更新。請點擊以重試。",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "點選重啟 Signal 來套用更新。",
"description": ""
@ -6789,34 +6787,6 @@
"message": "此版本包含許多小調整和錯誤修復,以維持 Signal 穩定運作。",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--1": {
"message": "累了:在 Signal 上傳送未經編輯的普通圖片。 有線:在將圖片傳送到 Signal 之前,增加貓貼紙、霓虹燈文字並在圖片上繪製快樂的樹。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__v5.26--2": {
"message": "是否曾經覺得你的生活中需要在右側窗格中新增更多像素? 你是頭像的粉絲,但只有頭像而沒有別的嗎? 你的汽車上是否貼有“節省螢幕使用面積”的保險槓貼紙? 如果你對這些問題中的任何一個回答是或否,那麼此更新為你提供了一些可收放的左邊窗格。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.26"
"WhatsNew__macos-m1": {
"message": "Signal 電腦版 現在針對 Apple 的 M1 晶片進行了優化,該晶片用於它們較新的電腦。 如果你使用的是這些新裝置之一,那麼該應用程式應該會更加快速。 如果你不是,會喜愛的是那些用戶。 非常感謝 $dennis$ 在這樣的加速運作!",
"description": "Release note for the macOS M1 release"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--1": {
"message": "長時間通話? 你的系統應該始終保持開啟,而不是在你進行重要討論時進入睡眠。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.27--2": {
"message": "還有一些小的調整和錯誤修復,以維持 Signal 穩定執行,包括一些與通話相關的改進。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.27"
"WhatsNew__v5.28--1": {
"message": "新的一年,新的初始設定螢幕。 我們為 2022 年及時重新設計了初始設定螢幕。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.28"
"WhatsNew__v5.29--1": {
"message": "現在,對很吵的打字聲或常咒罵的瘋狂搜索減少了! 在通話大廳中,如果通話中有 8 人或更多人,電腦版現在將自動停用音效。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.29"
"WhatsNew__v5.31--1": {
"message": "不斷的捲動瀏覽你的對話,並確信無論你身在何處,你都會知道何時可以進行對話。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.31"
@ -6836,5 +6806,17 @@
"WhatsNew__v5.34--1": {
"message": "曾經在不穩定的網路上使用過 Signal你無須再擔心 - 將銷毀訊息計時器更改時間,一旦你的 Wi-Fi 再次感覺順暢,就可傳送更多訊息。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.34"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--1": {
"message": "已經引入了一個新的更新系統,人們應該在下一次更新中開始看到較小的更新。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--2": {
"message": "使用媒體密鑰的應用程式應該很開心! Signal 不再控制它們。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"
"WhatsNew__v5.35--3": {
"message": "為我們的日本朋友提供更好的字體支援。",
"description": "Release notes for v5.35"