Handle incoming identity key changes
This ended up turning into a rewrite/refactor of the background page. For best results, view this diff with `-w` to ignore whitespace. In order to support retrying message decryption, possibly at a much later time than the message is received, we now implement the following: Each message is saved before it is decrypted. This generates a unique message_id which is later used to update the database entry with the message contents, or with any errors generated during processing. When an IncomingIdentityKeyError occurs, we catch it and save it on the model, then update the front end as usual. When the user clicks to accept the new key, the error is replayed, which causes the message to be decrypted and then passed to the background page for normal processing.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 241 additions and 116 deletions
@ -16,28 +16,148 @@
;(function() {
'use strict';
var conversations = new Whisper.ConversationCollection();
var messages = new Whisper.MessageCollection();
if (!localStorage.getItem('first_install_ran')) {
localStorage.setItem('first_install_ran', 1);
if (textsecure.registration.isDone()) {
} else {
extension.on('registration_done', init);
function init() {
if (!localStorage.getItem('first_install_ran')) {
localStorage.setItem('first_install_ran', 1);
} else {
if (textsecure.registration.isDone()) {
var conversations = new Whisper.ConversationCollection();
textsecure.subscribeToPush(function(message) {
conversations.addIncomingMessage(message).then(function(message) {
extension.trigger('message', message);
console.log("Got message from " + message.pushMessage.source + "." + message.pushMessage.sourceDevice +
': "' + getString(message.message.body) + '"');
var newUnreadCount = textsecure.storage.getUnencrypted("unreadCount", 0) + 1;
textsecure.storage.putUnencrypted("unreadCount", newUnreadCount);
if (!textsecure.registration.isDone()) { return; }
// initialize the socket and start listening for messages
var socket = textsecure.api.getMessageWebsocket();
new WebSocketResource(socket, function(request) {
// TODO: handle different types of requests. for now we only expect
// PUT /messages <encrypted IncomingPushMessageSignal>
textsecure.protocol.decryptWebsocketMessage(request.body).then(function(plaintext) {
var proto = textsecure.protobuf.IncomingPushMessageSignal.decode(plaintext);
// After this point, decoding errors are not the server's
// fault, and we should handle them gracefully and tell the
// user they received an invalid message
request.respond(200, 'OK');
if (proto.type === textsecure.protobuf.IncomingPushMessageSignal.Type.RECEIPT) {
} else {
}).catch(function(e) {
console.log("Error handling incoming message:", e);
extension.trigger('error', e);
request.respond(500, 'Bad encrypted websocket message');
function onMessageReceived(pushMessage) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var timestamp = pushMessage.timestamp.toNumber();
var conversation = conversations.add({
id : pushMessage.source,
type : 'private'
}, { merge : true } );
var message = messages.add({
source : pushMessage.source,
sourceDevice : pushMessage.sourceDevice,
relay : pushMessage.relay,
sent_at : timestamp,
received_at : now,
conversationId : pushMessage.source,
type : 'incoming'
var newUnreadCount = textsecure.storage.getUnencrypted("unreadCount", 0) + 1;
textsecure.storage.putUnencrypted("unreadCount", newUnreadCount);
conversation.save().then(function() {
message.save().then(function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
function(pushMessageContent) {
handlePushMessageContent(pushMessageContent, message);
}).catch(function(e) {
if (e.name === 'IncomingIdentityKeyError') {
message.save({ errors : [e] }).then(function() {
extension.trigger('message', message); // notify frontend listeners
} else {
throw e;
extension.on('message:decrypted', function(options) {
var message = messages.add({id: options.message_id});
message.fetch().then(function() {
var pushMessageContent = handlePushMessageContent(
new textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent(options.data),
function handlePushMessageContent(pushMessageContent, message) {
// This function can be called from the background script on an
// incoming message or from the frontend after the user accepts an
// identity key change.
return textsecure.processDecrypted(pushMessageContent).then(function(pushMessageContent) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var source = message.get('source');
var conversationId = pushMessageContent.group ? pushMessageContent.group.id : source;
var conversation = conversations.add({id: conversationId}, {merge: true});
conversation.fetch().always(function() {
var attributes = { active_at: now };
if (pushMessageContent.group) {
attributes = {
groupId : pushMessageContent.group.id,
name : pushMessageContent.group.name,
type : 'group',
} else {
attributes = {
name : source,
type : 'private'
body : pushMessageContent.body,
conversationId : conversation.id,
attachments : pushMessageContent.attachments,
decrypted_at : now,
errors : []
conversation.save().then(function() {
message.save().then(function() {
extension.trigger('message', message); // notify frontend listeners
function onDeliveryReceipt(pushMessage) {
console.log('delivery receipt', pushMessage.source, timestamp);
extension.on('registration_done', init);
@ -126,115 +126,112 @@ window.textsecure.throwHumanError = function(error, type, humanError) {
throw e;
// message_callback({message: decryptedMessage, pushMessage: server-providedPushMessage})
window.textsecure.subscribeToPush = function(message_callback) {
var socket = textsecure.api.getMessageWebsocket();
var handleAttachment = function(attachment) {
function getAttachment() {
return textsecure.api.getAttachment(attachment.id.toString());
var resource = new WebSocketResource(socket, function(request) {
// TODO: handle different types of requests. for now we only receive
// PUT /messages <base64-encoded encrypted IncomingPushMessageSignal>
textsecure.protocol.decryptWebsocketMessage(request.body).then(function(plaintext) {
var proto = textsecure.protobuf.IncomingPushMessageSignal.decode(plaintext);
// After this point, a) decoding errors are not the server's fault, and
// b) we should handle them gracefully and tell the user they received an invalid message
request.respond(200, 'OK');
function decryptAttachment(encrypted) {
return textsecure.protocol.decryptAttachment(
return textsecure.protocol.handleIncomingPushMessageProto(proto).then(function(decrypted) {
// Delivery receipt
if (decrypted === null)
//TODO: Pass to UI
function updateAttachment(data) {
attachment.data = data;
// Now that its decrypted, validate the message and clean it up for consumer processing
// Note that messages may (generally) only perform one action and we ignore remaining fields
// after the first action.
return getAttachment().
if (decrypted.flags == null)
decrypted.flags = 0;
textsecure.processDecrypted = function(decrypted) {
if ((decrypted.flags & textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.Flags.END_SESSION)
== textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.Flags.END_SESSION)
if (decrypted.flags != 0)
throw new Error("Unknown flags in message");
// Now that its decrypted, validate the message and clean it up for consumer processing
// Note that messages may (generally) only perform one action and we ignore remaining fields
// after the first action.
var handleAttachment = function(attachment) {
return textsecure.api.getAttachment(attachment.id.toString()).then(function(encryptedBin) {
return textsecure.protocol.decryptAttachment(encryptedBin, attachment.key.toArrayBuffer()).then(function(decryptedBin) {
attachment.data = decryptedBin;
if (decrypted.flags == null)
decrypted.flags = 0;
var promises = [];
if ((decrypted.flags & textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.Flags.END_SESSION)
== textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.Flags.END_SESSION)
if (decrypted.flags != 0) {
throw new Error("Unknown flags in message");
if (decrypted.group !== null) {
decrypted.group.id = getString(decrypted.group.id);
var existingGroup = textsecure.storage.groups.getNumbers(decrypted.group.id);
if (existingGroup === undefined) {
if (decrypted.group.type != textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE)
throw new Error("Got message for unknown group");
textsecure.storage.groups.createNewGroup(decrypted.group.members, decrypted.group.id);
} else {
var fromIndex = existingGroup.indexOf(proto.source);
var promises = [];
if (fromIndex < 0) //TODO: This could be indication of a race...
throw new Error("Sender was not a member of the group they were sending from");
if (decrypted.group !== null) {
decrypted.group.id = getString(decrypted.group.id);
var existingGroup = textsecure.storage.groups.getNumbers(decrypted.group.id);
if (existingGroup === undefined) {
if (decrypted.group.type != textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE) {
throw new Error("Got message for unknown group");
textsecure.storage.groups.createNewGroup(decrypted.group.members, decrypted.group.id);
} else {
var fromIndex = existingGroup.indexOf(proto.source);
switch(decrypted.group.type) {
case textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE:
if (decrypted.group.avatar !== null)
if (fromIndex < 0) {
//TODO: This could be indication of a race...
throw new Error("Sender was not a member of the group they were sending from");
if (existingGroup.filter(function(number) { decrypted.group.members.indexOf(number) < 0 }).length != 0)
throw new Error("Attempted to remove numbers from group with an UPDATE");
decrypted.group.added = decrypted.group.members.filter(function(number) { return existingGroup.indexOf(number) < 0; });
switch(decrypted.group.type) {
case textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.GroupContext.Type.UPDATE:
if (decrypted.group.avatar !== null)
var newGroup = textsecure.storage.groups.addNumbers(decrypted.group.id, decrypted.group.added);
if (newGroup.length != decrypted.group.members.length ||
newGroup.filter(function(number) { return decrypted.group.members.indexOf(number) < 0; }).length != 0)
throw new Error("Error calculating group member difference");
if (existingGroup.filter(function(number) { decrypted.group.members.indexOf(number) < 0 }).length != 0) {
throw new Error("Attempted to remove numbers from group with an UPDATE");
decrypted.group.added = decrypted.group.members.filter(function(number) { return existingGroup.indexOf(number) < 0; });
//TODO: Also follow this path if avatar + name haven't changed (ie we should start storing those)
if (decrypted.group.avatar === null && decrypted.group.added.length == 0 && decrypted.group.name === null)
//TODO: Strictly verify all numbers (ie dont let verifyNumber do any user-magic tweaking)
decrypted.body = null;
decrypted.attachments = [];
case textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.GroupContext.Type.QUIT:
textsecure.storage.groups.removeNumber(decrypted.group.id, proto.source);
decrypted.body = null;
decrypted.attachments = [];
case textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.GroupContext.Type.DELIVER:
decrypted.group.name = null;
decrypted.group.members = [];
decrypted.group.avatar = null;
throw new Error("Unknown group message type");
var newGroup = textsecure.storage.groups.addNumbers(decrypted.group.id, decrypted.group.added);
if (newGroup.length != decrypted.group.members.length ||
newGroup.filter(function(number) { return decrypted.group.members.indexOf(number) < 0; }).length != 0) {
throw new Error("Error calculating group member difference");
for (var i in decrypted.attachments)
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
message_callback({pushMessage: proto, message: decrypted});
}).catch(function(e) {
// TODO: Show "Invalid message" messages?
console.log("Error handling incoming message: ");
//TODO: Also follow this path if avatar + name haven't changed (ie we should start storing those)
if (decrypted.group.avatar === null && decrypted.group.added.length == 0 && decrypted.group.name === null) {
//TODO: Strictly verify all numbers (ie dont let verifyNumber do any user-magic tweaking)
decrypted.body = null;
decrypted.attachments = [];
case textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.GroupContext.Type.QUIT:
textsecure.storage.groups.removeNumber(decrypted.group.id, proto.source);
decrypted.body = null;
decrypted.attachments = [];
case textsecure.protobuf.PushMessageContent.GroupContext.Type.DELIVER:
decrypted.group.name = null;
decrypted.group.members = [];
decrypted.group.avatar = null;
throw new Error("Unknown group message type");
for (var i in decrypted.attachments) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
return decrypted;
window.textsecure.registerSingleDevice = function(number, verificationCode, stepDone) {
var signalingKey = textsecure.crypto.getRandomBytes(32 + 20);
@ -362,9 +362,17 @@ window.textsecure.protocol = function() {
var wipeIdentityAndTryMessageAgain = function(from, encodedMessage) {
//TODO: Wipe identity key!
return handlePreKeyWhisperMessage(from, encodedMessage);
var wipeIdentityAndTryMessageAgain = function(from, encodedMessage, message_id) {
// Wipe identity key!
textsecure.storage.removeEncrypted("devices" + from.split('.')[0]);
return handlePreKeyWhisperMessage(from, encodedMessage).then(
function(pushMessageContent) {
extension.trigger('message:decrypted', {
message_id : message_id,
data : pushMessageContent
textsecure.replay.registerFunction(wipeIdentityAndTryMessageAgain, textsecure.replay.Type.INIT_SESSION);
Add table
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