Add mock-socket for testing socket stuff
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 1277 additions and 1 deletions
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
libtextsecuretest: {
src: [
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "~2.0.1",
"chai": "~1.9.2"
"chai": "~1.9.2",
"mock-socket": "~0.3.2"
"preen": {
"jquery": [
@ -107,6 +108,9 @@
"emojijs": [
"mock-socket": [
"concat": {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
// Starting point for browserify and throws important objects into the window object
var Service = require('./service');
var MockServer = require('./mock-server');
var MockSocket = require('./mock-socket');
var globalContext = require('./helpers/global-context');
globalContext.SocketService = Service;
globalContext.MockSocket = MockSocket;
globalContext.MockServer = MockServer;
var globalContext = require('./global-context');
* This delay allows the thread to finish assigning its on* methods
* before invoking the delay callback. This is purely a timing hack.
* @param {callback: function} the callback which will be invoked after the timeout
* @parma {context: object} the context in which to invoke the function
function delay(callback, context) {
globalContext.setTimeout(function(context) {
}, 4, context);
module.exports = delay;
(function (global){
* Determines the global context. This should be either window (in the)
* case where we are in a browser) or global (in the case where we are in
* node)
var globalContext;
if(typeof window === 'undefined') {
globalContext = global;
else {
globalContext = window;
if (!globalContext) {
throw new Error('Unable to set the global context to either window or global.');
module.exports = globalContext;
}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
* This is a mock websocket event message that is passed into the onopen,
* opmessage, etc functions.
* @param {name: string} The name of the event
* @param {data: *} The data to send.
* @param {origin: string} The url of the place where the event is originating.
function socketEventMessage(name, data, origin) {
var ports = null;
var source = null;
var bubbles = false;
var cancelable = false;
var lastEventId = '';
var targetPlacehold = null;
try {
var messageEvent = new MessageEvent(name);
messageEvent.initMessageEvent(name, bubbles, cancelable, data, origin, lastEventId);
Object.defineProperties(messageEvent, {
target: {
get: function() { return targetPlacehold; },
set: function(value) { targetPlacehold = value; }
srcElement: {
get: function() { return; }
currentTarget: {
get: function() { return; }
catch (e) {
// We are unable to create a MessageEvent Object. This should only be happening in PhantomJS.
var messageEvent = {
type : name,
bubbles : bubbles,
cancelable : cancelable,
data : data,
origin : origin,
lastEventId : lastEventId,
source : source,
ports : ports,
defaultPrevented : false,
returnValue : true,
clipboardData : undefined
Object.defineProperties(messageEvent, {
target: {
get: function() { return targetPlacehold; },
set: function(value) { targetPlacehold = value; }
srcElement: {
get: function() { return; }
currentTarget: {
get: function() { return; }
return messageEvent;
module.exports = socketEventMessage;
* The native websocket object will transform urls without a pathname to have just a /.
* As an example: ws://localhost:8080 would actually be ws://localhost:8080/ but ws:// would not
* change. This function does this transformation to stay inline with the native websocket implementation.
* @param {url: string} The url to transform.
function urlTransform(url) {
var urlPath = urlParse('path', url);
var urlQuery = urlParse('?', url);
urlQuery = (urlQuery) ? '?' + urlQuery : '';
if(urlPath === '') {
return url.split('?')[0] + '/' + urlQuery;
return url;
* The following functions (isNumeric & urlParse) was taken from
* which is shared via the MIT license with minimal modifications.
function isNumeric(arg) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(arg)) && isFinite(arg);
function urlParse(arg, url) {
var _ls = url || window.location.toString();
if (!arg) { return _ls; }
else { arg = arg.toString(); }
if (_ls.substring(0,2) === '//') { _ls = 'http:' + _ls; }
else if (_ls.split('://').length === 1) { _ls = 'http://' + _ls; }
url = _ls.split('/');
var _l = {auth:''}, host = url[2].split('@');
if (host.length === 1) { host = host[0].split(':'); }
else { _l.auth = host[0]; host = host[1].split(':'); }
_l.port=(host[1] || ((_l.protocol.split(':')[0].toLowerCase() === 'https') ? '443' : '80'));
_l.pathname=( (url.length > 3 ? '/' : '') + url.slice(3, url.length).join('/').split('?')[0].split('#')[0]);
var _p = _l.pathname;
if (_p.charAt(_p.length-1) === '/') { _p=_p.substring(0, _p.length-1); }
var _h = _l.hostname, _hs = _h.split('.'), _ps = _p.split('/');
if (arg === 'hostname') { return _h; }
else if (arg === 'domain') {
if (/^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$/.test(_h)) { return _h; }
return _hs.slice(-2).join('.');
//else if (arg === 'tld') { return _hs.slice(-1).join('.'); }
else if (arg === 'sub') { return _hs.slice(0, _hs.length - 2).join('.'); }
else if (arg === 'port') { return _l.port; }
else if (arg === 'protocol') { return _l.protocol.split(':')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'auth') { return _l.auth; }
else if (arg === 'user') { return _l.auth.split(':')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'pass') { return _l.auth.split(':')[1] || ''; }
else if (arg === 'path') { return _l.pathname; }
else if (arg.charAt(0) === '.') {
arg = arg.substring(1);
if(isNumeric(arg)) {arg = parseInt(arg, 10); return _hs[arg < 0 ? _hs.length + arg : arg-1] || ''; }
else if (isNumeric(arg)) { arg = parseInt(arg, 10); return _ps[arg < 0 ? _ps.length + arg : arg] || ''; }
else if (arg === 'file') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0]; }
else if (arg === 'filename') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0].split('.')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'fileext') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0].split('.')[1] || ''; }
else if (arg.charAt(0) === '?' || arg.charAt(0) === '#') {
var params = _ls, param = null;
if(arg.charAt(0) === '?') { params = (params.split('?')[1] || '').split('#')[0]; }
else if(arg.charAt(0) === '#') { params = (params.split('#')[1] || ''); }
if(!arg.charAt(1)) { return params; }
arg = arg.substring(1);
params = params.split('&');
for(var i=0,ii=params.length; i<ii; i++) {
param = params[i].split('=');
if(param[0] === arg) { return param[1] || ''; }
return null;
return '';
module.exports = urlTransform;
* This defines four methods: onopen, onmessage, onerror, and onclose. This is done this way instead of
* just placing the methods on the prototype because we need to capture the callback when it is defined like so:
* mockSocket.onopen = function() { // this is what we need to store };
* The only way is to capture the callback via the custom setter below and then place them into the correct
* namespace so they get invoked at the right time.
* @param {websocket: object} The websocket object which we want to define these properties onto
function webSocketProperties(websocket) {
var eventMessageSource = function(callback) {
return function(event) {
|||| = websocket;
callback.apply(websocket, arguments);
Object.defineProperties(websocket, {
onopen: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() { return this._onopen; },
set: function(callback) {
this._onopen = eventMessageSource(callback);
this.service.setCallbackObserver('clientOnOpen', this._onopen, websocket);
onmessage: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() { return this._onmessage; },
set: function(callback) {
this._onmessage = eventMessageSource(callback);
this.service.setCallbackObserver('clientOnMessage', this._onmessage, websocket);
onclose: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() { return this._onclose; },
set: function(callback) {
this._onclose = eventMessageSource(callback);
this.service.setCallbackObserver('clientOnclose', this._onclose, websocket);
onerror: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() { return this._onerror; },
set: function(callback) {
this._onerror = eventMessageSource(callback);
this.service.setCallbackObserver('clientOnError', this._onerror, websocket);
module.exports = webSocketProperties;
var Service = require('./service');
var delay = require('./helpers/delay');
var urlTransform = require('./helpers/url-transform');
var socketMessageEvent = require('./helpers/message-event');
var globalContext = require('./helpers/global-context');
function MockServer(url) {
var service = new Service();
this.url = urlTransform(url);
||||[this.url] = service;
this.service = service;
service.server = this;
MockServer.prototype = {
service: null,
* This is the main function for the mock server to subscribe to the on events.
* ie: mockServer.on('connection', function() { console.log('a mock client connected'); });
* @param {type: string}: The event key to subscribe to. Valid keys are: connection, message, and close.
* @param {callback: function}: The callback which should be called when a certain event is fired.
on: function(type, callback) {
var observerKey;
if(typeof callback !== 'function' || typeof type !== 'string') {
return false;
switch(type) {
case 'connection':
observerKey = 'clientHasJoined';
case 'message':
observerKey = 'clientHasSentMessage';
case 'close':
observerKey = 'clientHasLeft';
// Make sure that the observerKey is valid before observing on it.
if(typeof observerKey === 'string') {
this.service.setCallbackObserver(observerKey, callback, this);
* This send function will notify all mock clients via their onmessage callbacks that the server
* has a message for them.
* @param {data: *}: Any javascript object which will be crafted into a MessageObject.
send: function(data) {
delay(function() {
this.service.sendMessageToClients(socketMessageEvent('message', data, this.url));
}, this);
* Notifies all mock clients that the server is closing and their onclose callbacks should fire.
close: function() {
delay(function() {
this.service.closeConnectionFromServer(socketMessageEvent('close', null, this.url));
}, this);
module.exports = MockServer;
var delay = require('./helpers/delay');
var urlTransform = require('./helpers/url-transform');
var socketMessageEvent = require('./helpers/message-event');
var globalContext = require('./helpers/global-context');
var webSocketProperties = require('./helpers/websocket-properties');
function MockSocket(url) {
this.binaryType = 'blob';
this.url = urlTransform(url);
this.readyState = globalContext.MockSocket.CONNECTING;
this.service =[this.url];
delay(function() {
// Let the service know that we are both ready to change our ready state and that
// this client is connecting to the mock server.
this.service.clientIsConnecting(this, this._updateReadyState);
}, this);
MockSocket.CONNECTING = 0;
MockSocket.OPEN = 1;
MockSocket.CLOSING = 2;
MockSocket.LOADING = 3;
MockSocket.CLOSED = 4;
|||| = {};
MockSocket.prototype = {
* Holds the on*** callback functions. These are really just for the custom
* getters that are defined in the helpers/websocket-properties. Accessing these properties is not advised.
_onopen : null,
_onmessage : null,
_onerror : null,
_onclose : null,
* This holds reference to the service object. The service object is how we can
* communicate with the backend via the pub/sub model.
* The service has properties which we can use to observe or notifiy with.
* this.service.notify('foo') & this.service.observe('foo', callback, context)
service: null,
* This is a mock for the native send function found on the WebSocket object. It notifies the
* service that it has sent a message.
* @param {data: *}: Any javascript object which will be crafted into a MessageObject.
send: function(data) {
delay(function() {
this.service.sendMessageToServer(socketMessageEvent('message', data, this.url));
}, this);
* This is a mock for the native close function found on the WebSocket object. It notifies the
* service that it is closing the connection.
close: function() {
delay(function() {
this.service.closeConnectionFromClient(socketMessageEvent('close', null, this.url), this);
}, this);
* This is a private method that can be used to change the readyState. This is used
* like this: this.protocol.subject.observe('updateReadyState', this._updateReadyState, this);
* so that the service and the server can change the readyState simply be notifing a namespace.
* @param {newReadyState: number}: The new ready state. Must be 0-4
_updateReadyState: function(newReadyState) {
if(newReadyState >= 0 && newReadyState <= 4) {
this.readyState = newReadyState;
module.exports = MockSocket;
var socketMessageEvent = require('./helpers/message-event');
var globalContext = require('./helpers/global-context');
function SocketService() {
this.list = {};
SocketService.prototype = {
server: null,
* This notifies the mock server that a client is connecting and also sets up
* the ready state observer.
* @param {client: object} the context of the client
* @param {readyStateFunction: function} the function that will be invoked on a ready state change
clientIsConnecting: function(client, readyStateFunction) {
this.observe('updateReadyState', readyStateFunction, client);
// if the server has not been set then we notify the onclose method of this client
if(!this.server) {
this.notify(client, 'updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSED);
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'clientOnError');
return false;
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.OPEN);
this.notify('clientHasJoined', this.server);
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'clientOnOpen', socketMessageEvent('open', null, this.server.url));
* Closes a connection from the server's perspective. This should
* close all clients.
* @param {messageEvent: object} the mock message event.
closeConnectionFromServer: function(messageEvent) {
this.notify('updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSING);
this.notify('clientOnclose', messageEvent);
this.notify('updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSED);
* Closes a connection from the clients perspective. This
* should only close the client who initiated the close and not
* all of the other clients.
* @param {messageEvent: object} the mock message event.
* @param {client: object} the context of the client
closeConnectionFromClient: function(messageEvent, client) {
if(client.readyState === globalContext.MockSocket.OPEN) {
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSING);
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'clientOnclose', messageEvent);
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSED);
* Notifies the mock server that a client has sent a message.
* @param {messageEvent: object} the mock message event.
sendMessageToServer: function(messageEvent) {
this.notify('clientHasSentMessage',, messageEvent);
* Notifies all clients that the server has sent a message
* @param {messageEvent: object} the mock message event.
sendMessageToClients: function(messageEvent) {
this.notify('clientOnMessage', messageEvent);
* Setup the callback function observers for both the server and client.
* @param {observerKey: string} either: connection, message or close
* @param {callback: function} the callback to be invoked
* @param {server: object} the context of the server
setCallbackObserver: function(observerKey, callback, server) {
this.observe(observerKey, callback, server);
* Binds a callback to a namespace. If notify is called on a namespace all "observers" will be
* fired with the context that is passed in.
* @param {namespace: string}
* @param {callback: function}
* @param {context: object}
observe: function(namespace, callback, context) {
// Make sure the arguments are of the correct type
if( typeof namespace !== 'string' || typeof callback !== 'function' || (context && typeof context !== 'object')) {
return false;
// If a namespace has not been created before then we need to "initialize" the namespace
if(!this.list[namespace]) {
this.list[namespace] = [];
this.list[namespace].push({callback: callback, context: context});
* Remove all observers from a given namespace.
* @param {namespace: string} The namespace to clear.
clearAll: function(namespace) {
if(!this.verifyNamespaceArg(namespace)) {
return false;
this.list[namespace] = [];
* Notify all callbacks that have been bound to the given namespace.
* @param {namespace: string} The namespace to notify observers on.
* @param {namespace: url} The url to notify observers on.
notify: function(namespace) {
// This strips the namespace from the list of args as we dont want to pass that into the callback.
var argumentsForCallback =, 1);
if(!this.verifyNamespaceArg(namespace)) {
return false;
// Loop over all of the observers and fire the callback function with the context.
for(var i = 0, len = this.list[namespace].length; i < len; i++) {
this.list[namespace][i].callback.apply(this.list[namespace][i].context, argumentsForCallback);
* Notify only the callback of the given context and namespace.
* @param {context: object} the context to match against.
* @param {namespace: string} The namespace to notify observers on.
notifyOnlyFor: function(context, namespace) {
// This strips the namespace from the list of args as we dont want to pass that into the callback.
var argumentsForCallback =, 2);
if(!this.verifyNamespaceArg(namespace)) {
return false;
// Loop over all of the observers and fire the callback function with the context.
for(var i = 0, len = this.list[namespace].length; i < len; i++) {
if(this.list[namespace][i].context === context) {
this.list[namespace][i].callback.apply(this.list[namespace][i].context, argumentsForCallback);
* Verifies that the namespace is valid.
* @param {namespace: string} The namespace to verify.
verifyNamespaceArg: function(namespace) {
if(typeof namespace !== 'string' || !this.list[namespace]) {
return false;
return true;
module.exports = SocketService;
@ -1,3 +1,639 @@
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
// Starting point for browserify and throws important objects into the window object
var Service = require('./service');
var MockServer = require('./mock-server');
var MockSocket = require('./mock-socket');
var globalContext = require('./helpers/global-context');
globalContext.SocketService = Service;
globalContext.MockSocket = MockSocket;
globalContext.MockServer = MockServer;
var globalContext = require('./global-context');
* This delay allows the thread to finish assigning its on* methods
* before invoking the delay callback. This is purely a timing hack.
* @param {callback: function} the callback which will be invoked after the timeout
* @parma {context: object} the context in which to invoke the function
function delay(callback, context) {
globalContext.setTimeout(function(context) {
}, 4, context);
module.exports = delay;
(function (global){
* Determines the global context. This should be either window (in the)
* case where we are in a browser) or global (in the case where we are in
* node)
var globalContext;
if(typeof window === 'undefined') {
globalContext = global;
else {
globalContext = window;
if (!globalContext) {
throw new Error('Unable to set the global context to either window or global.');
module.exports = globalContext;
}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
* This is a mock websocket event message that is passed into the onopen,
* opmessage, etc functions.
* @param {name: string} The name of the event
* @param {data: *} The data to send.
* @param {origin: string} The url of the place where the event is originating.
function socketEventMessage(name, data, origin) {
var ports = null;
var source = null;
var bubbles = false;
var cancelable = false;
var lastEventId = '';
var targetPlacehold = null;
try {
var messageEvent = new MessageEvent(name);
messageEvent.initMessageEvent(name, bubbles, cancelable, data, origin, lastEventId);
Object.defineProperties(messageEvent, {
target: {
get: function() { return targetPlacehold; },
set: function(value) { targetPlacehold = value; }
srcElement: {
get: function() { return; }
currentTarget: {
get: function() { return; }
catch (e) {
// We are unable to create a MessageEvent Object. This should only be happening in PhantomJS.
var messageEvent = {
type : name,
bubbles : bubbles,
cancelable : cancelable,
data : data,
origin : origin,
lastEventId : lastEventId,
source : source,
ports : ports,
defaultPrevented : false,
returnValue : true,
clipboardData : undefined
Object.defineProperties(messageEvent, {
target: {
get: function() { return targetPlacehold; },
set: function(value) { targetPlacehold = value; }
srcElement: {
get: function() { return; }
currentTarget: {
get: function() { return; }
return messageEvent;
module.exports = socketEventMessage;
* The native websocket object will transform urls without a pathname to have just a /.
* As an example: ws://localhost:8080 would actually be ws://localhost:8080/ but ws:// would not
* change. This function does this transformation to stay inline with the native websocket implementation.
* @param {url: string} The url to transform.
function urlTransform(url) {
var urlPath = urlParse('path', url);
var urlQuery = urlParse('?', url);
urlQuery = (urlQuery) ? '?' + urlQuery : '';
if(urlPath === '') {
return url.split('?')[0] + '/' + urlQuery;
return url;
* The following functions (isNumeric & urlParse) was taken from
* which is shared via the MIT license with minimal modifications.
function isNumeric(arg) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(arg)) && isFinite(arg);
function urlParse(arg, url) {
var _ls = url || window.location.toString();
if (!arg) { return _ls; }
else { arg = arg.toString(); }
if (_ls.substring(0,2) === '//') { _ls = 'http:' + _ls; }
else if (_ls.split('://').length === 1) { _ls = 'http://' + _ls; }
url = _ls.split('/');
var _l = {auth:''}, host = url[2].split('@');
if (host.length === 1) { host = host[0].split(':'); }
else { _l.auth = host[0]; host = host[1].split(':'); }
_l.port=(host[1] || ((_l.protocol.split(':')[0].toLowerCase() === 'https') ? '443' : '80'));
_l.pathname=( (url.length > 3 ? '/' : '') + url.slice(3, url.length).join('/').split('?')[0].split('#')[0]);
var _p = _l.pathname;
if (_p.charAt(_p.length-1) === '/') { _p=_p.substring(0, _p.length-1); }
var _h = _l.hostname, _hs = _h.split('.'), _ps = _p.split('/');
if (arg === 'hostname') { return _h; }
else if (arg === 'domain') {
if (/^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$/.test(_h)) { return _h; }
return _hs.slice(-2).join('.');
//else if (arg === 'tld') { return _hs.slice(-1).join('.'); }
else if (arg === 'sub') { return _hs.slice(0, _hs.length - 2).join('.'); }
else if (arg === 'port') { return _l.port; }
else if (arg === 'protocol') { return _l.protocol.split(':')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'auth') { return _l.auth; }
else if (arg === 'user') { return _l.auth.split(':')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'pass') { return _l.auth.split(':')[1] || ''; }
else if (arg === 'path') { return _l.pathname; }
else if (arg.charAt(0) === '.') {
arg = arg.substring(1);
if(isNumeric(arg)) {arg = parseInt(arg, 10); return _hs[arg < 0 ? _hs.length + arg : arg-1] || ''; }
else if (isNumeric(arg)) { arg = parseInt(arg, 10); return _ps[arg < 0 ? _ps.length + arg : arg] || ''; }
else if (arg === 'file') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0]; }
else if (arg === 'filename') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0].split('.')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'fileext') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0].split('.')[1] || ''; }
else if (arg.charAt(0) === '?' || arg.charAt(0) === '#') {
var params = _ls, param = null;
if(arg.charAt(0) === '?') { params = (params.split('?')[1] || '').split('#')[0]; }
else if(arg.charAt(0) === '#') { params = (params.split('#')[1] || ''); }
if(!arg.charAt(1)) { return params; }
arg = arg.substring(1);
params = params.split('&');
for(var i=0,ii=params.length; i<ii; i++) {
param = params[i].split('=');
if(param[0] === arg) { return param[1] || ''; }
return null;
return '';
module.exports = urlTransform;
* This defines four methods: onopen, onmessage, onerror, and onclose. This is done this way instead of
* just placing the methods on the prototype because we need to capture the callback when it is defined like so:
* mockSocket.onopen = function() { // this is what we need to store };
* The only way is to capture the callback via the custom setter below and then place them into the correct
* namespace so they get invoked at the right time.
* @param {websocket: object} The websocket object which we want to define these properties onto
function webSocketProperties(websocket) {
var eventMessageSource = function(callback) {
return function(event) {
|||| = websocket;
callback.apply(websocket, arguments);
Object.defineProperties(websocket, {
onopen: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() { return this._onopen; },
set: function(callback) {
this._onopen = eventMessageSource(callback);
this.service.setCallbackObserver('clientOnOpen', this._onopen, websocket);
onmessage: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() { return this._onmessage; },
set: function(callback) {
this._onmessage = eventMessageSource(callback);
this.service.setCallbackObserver('clientOnMessage', this._onmessage, websocket);
onclose: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() { return this._onclose; },
set: function(callback) {
this._onclose = eventMessageSource(callback);
this.service.setCallbackObserver('clientOnclose', this._onclose, websocket);
onerror: {
enumerable: true,
get: function() { return this._onerror; },
set: function(callback) {
this._onerror = eventMessageSource(callback);
this.service.setCallbackObserver('clientOnError', this._onerror, websocket);
module.exports = webSocketProperties;
var Service = require('./service');
var delay = require('./helpers/delay');
var urlTransform = require('./helpers/url-transform');
var socketMessageEvent = require('./helpers/message-event');
var globalContext = require('./helpers/global-context');
function MockServer(url) {
var service = new Service();
this.url = urlTransform(url);
||||[this.url] = service;
this.service = service;
service.server = this;
MockServer.prototype = {
service: null,
* This is the main function for the mock server to subscribe to the on events.
* ie: mockServer.on('connection', function() { console.log('a mock client connected'); });
* @param {type: string}: The event key to subscribe to. Valid keys are: connection, message, and close.
* @param {callback: function}: The callback which should be called when a certain event is fired.
on: function(type, callback) {
var observerKey;
if(typeof callback !== 'function' || typeof type !== 'string') {
return false;
switch(type) {
case 'connection':
observerKey = 'clientHasJoined';
case 'message':
observerKey = 'clientHasSentMessage';
case 'close':
observerKey = 'clientHasLeft';
// Make sure that the observerKey is valid before observing on it.
if(typeof observerKey === 'string') {
this.service.setCallbackObserver(observerKey, callback, this);
* This send function will notify all mock clients via their onmessage callbacks that the server
* has a message for them.
* @param {data: *}: Any javascript object which will be crafted into a MessageObject.
send: function(data) {
delay(function() {
this.service.sendMessageToClients(socketMessageEvent('message', data, this.url));
}, this);
* Notifies all mock clients that the server is closing and their onclose callbacks should fire.
close: function() {
delay(function() {
this.service.closeConnectionFromServer(socketMessageEvent('close', null, this.url));
}, this);
module.exports = MockServer;
var delay = require('./helpers/delay');
var urlTransform = require('./helpers/url-transform');
var socketMessageEvent = require('./helpers/message-event');
var globalContext = require('./helpers/global-context');
var webSocketProperties = require('./helpers/websocket-properties');
function MockSocket(url) {
this.binaryType = 'blob';
this.url = urlTransform(url);
this.readyState = globalContext.MockSocket.CONNECTING;
this.service =[this.url];
delay(function() {
// Let the service know that we are both ready to change our ready state and that
// this client is connecting to the mock server.
this.service.clientIsConnecting(this, this._updateReadyState);
}, this);
MockSocket.CONNECTING = 0;
MockSocket.OPEN = 1;
MockSocket.CLOSING = 2;
MockSocket.LOADING = 3;
MockSocket.CLOSED = 4;
|||| = {};
MockSocket.prototype = {
* Holds the on*** callback functions. These are really just for the custom
* getters that are defined in the helpers/websocket-properties. Accessing these properties is not advised.
_onopen : null,
_onmessage : null,
_onerror : null,
_onclose : null,
* This holds reference to the service object. The service object is how we can
* communicate with the backend via the pub/sub model.
* The service has properties which we can use to observe or notifiy with.
* this.service.notify('foo') & this.service.observe('foo', callback, context)
service: null,
* This is a mock for the native send function found on the WebSocket object. It notifies the
* service that it has sent a message.
* @param {data: *}: Any javascript object which will be crafted into a MessageObject.
send: function(data) {
delay(function() {
this.service.sendMessageToServer(socketMessageEvent('message', data, this.url));
}, this);
* This is a mock for the native close function found on the WebSocket object. It notifies the
* service that it is closing the connection.
close: function() {
delay(function() {
this.service.closeConnectionFromClient(socketMessageEvent('close', null, this.url), this);
}, this);
* This is a private method that can be used to change the readyState. This is used
* like this: this.protocol.subject.observe('updateReadyState', this._updateReadyState, this);
* so that the service and the server can change the readyState simply be notifing a namespace.
* @param {newReadyState: number}: The new ready state. Must be 0-4
_updateReadyState: function(newReadyState) {
if(newReadyState >= 0 && newReadyState <= 4) {
this.readyState = newReadyState;
module.exports = MockSocket;
var socketMessageEvent = require('./helpers/message-event');
var globalContext = require('./helpers/global-context');
function SocketService() {
this.list = {};
SocketService.prototype = {
server: null,
* This notifies the mock server that a client is connecting and also sets up
* the ready state observer.
* @param {client: object} the context of the client
* @param {readyStateFunction: function} the function that will be invoked on a ready state change
clientIsConnecting: function(client, readyStateFunction) {
this.observe('updateReadyState', readyStateFunction, client);
// if the server has not been set then we notify the onclose method of this client
if(!this.server) {
this.notify(client, 'updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSED);
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'clientOnError');
return false;
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.OPEN);
this.notify('clientHasJoined', this.server);
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'clientOnOpen', socketMessageEvent('open', null, this.server.url));
* Closes a connection from the server's perspective. This should
* close all clients.
* @param {messageEvent: object} the mock message event.
closeConnectionFromServer: function(messageEvent) {
this.notify('updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSING);
this.notify('clientOnclose', messageEvent);
this.notify('updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSED);
* Closes a connection from the clients perspective. This
* should only close the client who initiated the close and not
* all of the other clients.
* @param {messageEvent: object} the mock message event.
* @param {client: object} the context of the client
closeConnectionFromClient: function(messageEvent, client) {
if(client.readyState === globalContext.MockSocket.OPEN) {
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSING);
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'clientOnclose', messageEvent);
this.notifyOnlyFor(client, 'updateReadyState', globalContext.MockSocket.CLOSED);
* Notifies the mock server that a client has sent a message.
* @param {messageEvent: object} the mock message event.
sendMessageToServer: function(messageEvent) {
this.notify('clientHasSentMessage',, messageEvent);
* Notifies all clients that the server has sent a message
* @param {messageEvent: object} the mock message event.
sendMessageToClients: function(messageEvent) {
this.notify('clientOnMessage', messageEvent);
* Setup the callback function observers for both the server and client.
* @param {observerKey: string} either: connection, message or close
* @param {callback: function} the callback to be invoked
* @param {server: object} the context of the server
setCallbackObserver: function(observerKey, callback, server) {
this.observe(observerKey, callback, server);
* Binds a callback to a namespace. If notify is called on a namespace all "observers" will be
* fired with the context that is passed in.
* @param {namespace: string}
* @param {callback: function}
* @param {context: object}
observe: function(namespace, callback, context) {
// Make sure the arguments are of the correct type
if( typeof namespace !== 'string' || typeof callback !== 'function' || (context && typeof context !== 'object')) {
return false;
// If a namespace has not been created before then we need to "initialize" the namespace
if(!this.list[namespace]) {
this.list[namespace] = [];
this.list[namespace].push({callback: callback, context: context});
* Remove all observers from a given namespace.
* @param {namespace: string} The namespace to clear.
clearAll: function(namespace) {
if(!this.verifyNamespaceArg(namespace)) {
return false;
this.list[namespace] = [];
* Notify all callbacks that have been bound to the given namespace.
* @param {namespace: string} The namespace to notify observers on.
* @param {namespace: url} The url to notify observers on.
notify: function(namespace) {
// This strips the namespace from the list of args as we dont want to pass that into the callback.
var argumentsForCallback =, 1);
if(!this.verifyNamespaceArg(namespace)) {
return false;
// Loop over all of the observers and fire the callback function with the context.
for(var i = 0, len = this.list[namespace].length; i < len; i++) {
this.list[namespace][i].callback.apply(this.list[namespace][i].context, argumentsForCallback);
* Notify only the callback of the given context and namespace.
* @param {context: object} the context to match against.
* @param {namespace: string} The namespace to notify observers on.
notifyOnlyFor: function(context, namespace) {
// This strips the namespace from the list of args as we dont want to pass that into the callback.
var argumentsForCallback =, 2);
if(!this.verifyNamespaceArg(namespace)) {
return false;
// Loop over all of the observers and fire the callback function with the context.
for(var i = 0, len = this.list[namespace].length; i < len; i++) {
if(this.list[namespace][i].context === context) {
this.list[namespace][i].callback.apply(this.list[namespace][i].context, argumentsForCallback);
* Verifies that the namespace is valid.
* @param {namespace: string} The namespace to verify.
verifyNamespaceArg: function(namespace) {
if(typeof namespace !== 'string' || !this.list[namespace]) {
return false;
return true;
module.exports = SocketService;
// CommonJS require()
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