Update translations
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 199 additions and 199 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description": ""
"installComputerName": {
"message": "Dieser Computer heißt",
"message": "Der Name dieses Computers lautet",
"description": "Text displayed before the input where the user can enter the name for this device."
"gotIt": {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"description": "Displayed for outgoing unsupported attachment"
"installGeneratingKeys": {
"message": "Schlüssel werden erstellt",
"message": "Schlüssel werden erzeugt",
"description": ""
"resetSession": {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"description": ""
"installConnecting": {
"message": "Verbinde...",
"message": "Verbindung wird hergestellt …",
"description": "Displayed when waiting for the QR Code"
"verifyContact": {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"installFollowUs": {
"message": "<a $a_params$>Folgen Sie uns</a> für Informationen über die Unterstützung mehrerer Geräte für iOS.",
"message": "<a $a_params$>Folgen Sie uns</a> für neue Informationen über die Unterstützung mehrerer Geräte für iOS.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -82,11 +82,11 @@
"yourIdentity": {
"message": "Ihre Identität (sie lesen):",
"message": "Ihr Identitätsschlüssel (Sie lesen vor):",
"description": ""
"installTooManyDevices": {
"message": "Entschuldigung, Sie haben bereits zu viele Geräte registriert. Versuchen Sie einige zu entfernen.",
"message": "Es sind bereits zu viele Geräte verknüpft. Versuchen Sie, mindestens eines zu entfernen.",
"description": ""
"installSyncingGroupsAndContacts": {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
"description": ""
"installTagline": {
"message": "Privatsphäre ist möglich. Signal macht es einfach.",
"message": "Privatsphäre ist möglich. Signal macht sie einfach.",
"description": "Tagline displayed under installWelcome on the install page"
"disconnected": {
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
"description": "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
"outgoingKeyConflict": {
"message": "Der Schlüssel dieser Kontaktidentität hat sich geändert. Hier anklicken, um fortzufahren und die Nachricht anzuzeigen.",
"message": "Der Identitätsschlüssel dieses Kontakts hat sich geändert. Hier anklicken, um fortzufahren und die Nachricht anzuzeigen.",
"description": ""
"fileSizeWarning": {
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
"description": ""
"installAndroidInstructions": {
"message": "Öffnen Sie Signal auf Ihrem Smartphone und gehen Sie zu Einstellungen > Geräte. Klicken Sie den Button zum Hinzufügen eines neuen Gerätes und scannen Sie dann den obigen Code.",
"message": "Öffnen Sie Signal auf Ihrem Smartphone und gehen Sie zu Einstellungen > Geräte. Tippen Sie die Schaltfläche zum Hinzufügen eines neuen Geräts an und scannen Sie dann den obigen Code ein.",
"description": ""
"installWelcome": {
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
"description": ""
"installSignalLink": {
"message": "Installieren Sie zuerst <a $a_params$>Signal</a> auf Ihrem Android Gerät.<br /> Ihre Geräte werden dann verbunden und Ihre Nachrichten synchronisiert.",
"message": "Installieren Sie zuerst <a $a_params$>Signal</a> auf Ihrem Android-Gerät.<br /> Ihre Geräte werden dann verknüpft und Ihre Nachrichten synchronisiert.",
"description": "Prompt the user to install Signal on Android before linking",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -156,15 +156,15 @@
"installLinkingWithNumber": {
"message": "Verknüpfe mit",
"message": "Verknüpfung wird durchgeführt mit",
"description": "Text displayed before the phone number that the user is in the process of linking with"
"theirIdentity": {
"message": "Seine/Ihre Identität (er/sie ließt):",
"message": "Identitätsschlüssel des Kontakts (Kontakt liest vor):",
"description": "They is used here as a gender-neutral third-person singular"
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "Sie haben bis jetzt noch keine Nachrichten mit diesem Kontakt ausgetauscht. Die Identität wird nach der ersten Nachricht verfügbar sein.",
"message": "Sie haben bisher noch keine Nachrichten mit diesem Kontakt ausgetauscht. Der Identitätsschlüssel des Kontakts wird nach der ersten Nachricht verfügbar sein.",
"description": ""
"submit": {
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Sesión segura terminado",
"message": "Reinicio de sesión segura",
"description": ""
"installGetStartedButton": {
@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
"unsupportedAttachment": {
"message": "Unsupported attachment type. Click to save.",
"message": "Nepodržana vrsta privitka. Pritisnite za spremanje.",
"description": "Displayed for incoming unsupported attachment"
"incomingKeyConflict": {
"message": "Received message with unknown identity key. Click to process and display.",
"message": "Primljena poruka s nepoznatim ključom identiteta. Pritisnite za obradu i prikaz.",
"description": ""
"installComputerName": {
"message": "This computer's name will be",
"message": "Ime ovog računala bit će",
"description": "Text displayed before the input where the user can enter the name for this device."
"gotIt": {
"message": "Got it!",
"message": "Shvatio!",
"description": ""
"unsupportedFileType": {
"message": "Unsupported file type",
"message": "Nepodržana vrsta datoteke",
"description": "Displayed for outgoing unsupported attachment"
"installGeneratingKeys": {
"message": "Generating Keys",
"message": "Stvaranje ključeva",
"description": ""
"resetSession": {
"message": "Reset Session",
"message": "Ponovno pokreni sjednicu",
"description": ""
"welcomeToSignal": {
"message": "Welcome to Signal",
"message": "Dobrodošli u Signal",
"description": ""
"members": {
"message": "Members",
"message": "Članovi",
"description": ""
"deleteMessages": {
"message": "Delete messages",
"message": "Obriši poruke",
"description": ""
"selectAContact": {
"message": "Select a contact or group to start chatting.",
"message": "Odaberite kontakt ili grupu za početak dopisivanja",
"description": ""
"installConnecting": {
"message": "Connecting...",
"message": "Povezivanje...",
"description": "Displayed when waiting for the QR Code"
"verifyContact": {
"message": "You may wish to <span class='verify'>verify</span> this contact.",
"message": "Možda biste htjeli <span class='verify'>provjeriti</span> ovaj kontakt.",
"description": ""
"sent": {
"message": "Sent",
"message": "Poslano",
"description": "Label for the time a message was sent"
"verifyIdentity": {
"message": "Verify Identity",
"message": "Provjeri identitet",
"description": ""
"from": {
"message": "From",
"message": "Od",
"description": "Label for the sender of a message"
"debugLogExplanation": {
"message": "This log will be posted publicly online for contributors to view. You may examine and edit it before submitting.",
"message": "Ovaj će zapis biti objavljen javno na internetu za doprinositelje. Možete ga provjeriti i urediti prije slanja.",
"description": ""
"searchForPeopleOrGroups": {
"message": "Search for people or groups",
"message": "Potraži ljude ili grupe",
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"installFollowUs": {
"message": "<a $a_params$>Follow us</a> for updates about multi-device support for iOS.",
"message": "<a $a_params$>Pratite nas</a> za novosti o podršci za više uređaja na iOS-u.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -82,71 +82,71 @@
"yourIdentity": {
"message": "Your identity (you read):",
"message": "Vaš identitet (vi čitate):",
"description": ""
"installTooManyDevices": {
"message": "Sorry, you have too many devices linked already. Try removing some.",
"message": "Žao nam je, imate već previše povezanih uređaja. Pokušajte ukloniti neke.",
"description": ""
"installSyncingGroupsAndContacts": {
"message": "Syncing groups and contacts",
"message": "Sinkroniziranje grupa i kontakata",
"description": ""
"installTagline": {
"message": "Privacy is possible. Signal makes it easy.",
"message": "Privatnost je moguća. Signal je čini lakom.",
"description": "Tagline displayed under installWelcome on the install page"
"disconnected": {
"message": "Disconnected",
"message": "Nepovezano",
"description": ""
"acceptNewKey": {
"message": "Accept new key",
"message": "Prihvati novi ključ",
"description": ""
"received": {
"message": "Received",
"message": "Primljeno",
"description": "Label for the time a message was received"
"sendMessage": {
"message": "Send a message",
"message": "Pošalji poruku",
"description": "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
"outgoingKeyConflict": {
"message": "This contact's identity key has changed. Click to process and display.",
"message": "Promijenio se ključ identiteta ove osobe. Pritisnite za obradu i prikaz.",
"description": ""
"fileSizeWarning": {
"message": "Sorry, the selected file exceeds message size restrictions.",
"message": "Žao nam je, odabrana datoteka nadmašuje ograničenja veličine poruke",
"description": ""
"installAndroidInstructions": {
"message": "Open Signal on your phone and navigate to Settings > Devices. Tap the button to add a new device, then scan the code above.",
"message": "Otvorite Signal na vašem mobilnom telefonu i otvorite Postavke > Uređaji. Pritisnite gumb za dodavanje novog uređaja, zatim skenirajte kôd iznad.",
"description": ""
"installWelcome": {
"message": "Welcome to Signal Desktop",
"message": "Dobrodošli u Signal Desktop",
"description": "Welcome title on the install page"
"cancel": {
"message": "Cancel",
"message": "Otkaži",
"description": ""
"installIHaveSignalButton": {
"message": "I have Signal for Android",
"message": "Imam Signal za Android",
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Secure session reset",
"message": "Ponovno pokretanje sigurne sjednice",
"description": ""
"installGetStartedButton": {
"message": "Get started",
"message": "Započnite",
"description": ""
"installSignalLink": {
"message": "First, install <a $a_params$>Signal</a> on your Android phone.<br /> We'll link your devices and keep your messages in sync.",
"message": "Prvo, instalirajte <a $a_params$>Signal</a> na Vaš Android mobilni telefon.<br /> Mi ćemo povezati Vaše uređaje i održati Vaše poruke sinkroniziranima.",
"description": "Prompt the user to install Signal on Android before linking",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -156,55 +156,55 @@
"installLinkingWithNumber": {
"message": "Linking with",
"message": "Povezivanje s",
"description": "Text displayed before the phone number that the user is in the process of linking with"
"theirIdentity": {
"message": "Their identity (they read):",
"message": "Njihov identitet (oni čitaju):",
"description": "They is used here as a gender-neutral third-person singular"
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "You haven't exchanged any messages with this contact yet. Their identity will be available after the first message.",
"message": "Niste još razmijenili poruke s ovim kontaktom. Njihov identitet bit će dostupan nakon prve poruke.",
"description": ""
"submit": {
"message": "Submit",
"message": "Pošalji",
"description": ""
"to": {
"message": "To",
"message": "Za",
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"installFinalButton": {
"message": "Looking good",
"message": "Izgleda dobro",
"description": "The final button for the install process, after the user has entered a name for their device"
"messageDetail": {
"message": "Message Detail",
"message": "Detalji poruke",
"description": ""
"verify": {
"message": "Verify",
"message": "Provjeri",
"description": ""
"failedToSend": {
"message": "Failed to send to some recipients.",
"message": "Neuspješno slanje nekim primateljima.",
"description": ""
"ok": {
"message": "OK",
"message": "U redu",
"description": ""
"submitDebugLog": {
"message": "Submit debug log",
"message": "Pošalji debug zapis",
"description": ""
"error": {
"message": "Error",
"message": "Greška",
"description": ""
"resend": {
"message": "Resend",
"message": "Ponovno pošalji",
"description": ""
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Beveiligde sessie beëindigd",
"message": "Beveiligde sessie gereset",
"description": ""
"installGetStartedButton": {
@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
"unsupportedAttachment": {
"message": "Unsupported attachment type. Click to save.",
"message": "Vedlegg er ikke støttet. Klikk for å lagre det.",
"description": "Displayed for incoming unsupported attachment"
"incomingKeyConflict": {
"message": "Received message with unknown identity key. Click to process and display.",
"message": "Melding mottatt med ukjent id-nøkkel. Klikk for å godta og vise.",
"description": ""
"installComputerName": {
"message": "This computer's name will be",
"message": "Jeg kaller denne datamaskinen for ",
"description": "Text displayed before the input where the user can enter the name for this device."
"gotIt": {
"message": "Got it!",
"message": "Perfekt!",
"description": ""
"unsupportedFileType": {
"message": "Unsupported file type",
"message": "Filtype er ikke støttet.",
"description": "Displayed for outgoing unsupported attachment"
"installGeneratingKeys": {
"message": "Generating Keys",
"message": "Genererer Nøkler",
"description": ""
"resetSession": {
"message": "Reset Session",
"message": "Start sesjon på nytt",
"description": ""
"welcomeToSignal": {
"message": "Welcome to Signal",
"message": "Velkommen til Signal!",
"description": ""
"members": {
"message": "Members",
"message": "Medlemmer",
"description": ""
"deleteMessages": {
"message": "Delete messages",
"message": "Slett meldinger",
"description": ""
"selectAContact": {
"message": "Select a contact or group to start chatting.",
"message": "Velg en kontakt eller gruppe for å chatte",
"description": ""
"installConnecting": {
"message": "Connecting...",
"message": "Kobler til....",
"description": "Displayed when waiting for the QR Code"
"verifyContact": {
"message": "You may wish to <span class='verify'>verify</span> this contact.",
"message": "Du ønsker kanskje å <span class='verify'>verifisere</span> denne kontakten.",
"description": ""
"sent": {
"message": "Sent",
"message": "Melding sendt",
"description": "Label for the time a message was sent"
"verifyIdentity": {
"message": "Verify Identity",
"message": "Verifiser identitet",
"description": ""
"from": {
"message": "From",
"message": "Fra",
"description": "Label for the sender of a message"
"debugLogExplanation": {
"message": "This log will be posted publicly online for contributors to view. You may examine and edit it before submitting.",
"message": "Denne logg-meldingen vil bli publisert på nettet for deltakere i prosjektet. Du kan se på og redigere den før du sender den inn.",
"description": ""
"searchForPeopleOrGroups": {
"message": "Search for people or groups",
"message": "Søk etter personer eller gruppper",
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"installFollowUs": {
"message": "<a $a_params$>Follow us</a> for updates about multi-device support for iOS.",
"message": "<a $a_params$>Følg oss</a> for å få oppdateringer om støtte for flere enheter på iOS.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -82,71 +82,71 @@
"yourIdentity": {
"message": "Your identity (you read):",
"message": "Din identitet (du leser):",
"description": ""
"installTooManyDevices": {
"message": "Sorry, you have too many devices linked already. Try removing some.",
"message": "Beklager. Du har for mange enheter tilkoblet. Prøv å fjern noen.",
"description": ""
"installSyncingGroupsAndContacts": {
"message": "Syncing groups and contacts",
"message": "Synkroniserer grupper og kontakter",
"description": ""
"installTagline": {
"message": "Privacy is possible. Signal makes it easy.",
"message": "Personvern er mulig. Signal gjør det enkelt.",
"description": "Tagline displayed under installWelcome on the install page"
"disconnected": {
"message": "Disconnected",
"message": "Tilkobling brutt.",
"description": ""
"acceptNewKey": {
"message": "Accept new key",
"message": "Aksepter ny nøkkel",
"description": ""
"received": {
"message": "Received",
"message": "Melding mottatt",
"description": "Label for the time a message was received"
"sendMessage": {
"message": "Send a message",
"message": "Send en melding",
"description": "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
"outgoingKeyConflict": {
"message": "This contact's identity key has changed. Click to process and display.",
"message": "ID-nøkkelen til denne kontakten har blitt endret. Klikk for å godta og vise den.",
"description": ""
"fileSizeWarning": {
"message": "Sorry, the selected file exceeds message size restrictions.",
"message": "Beklager. Valgt fil er for stor.",
"description": ""
"installAndroidInstructions": {
"message": "Open Signal on your phone and navigate to Settings > Devices. Tap the button to add a new device, then scan the code above.",
"message": "Start Signal på telefonen din, og naviger til Innstillinger > Enheter. Klikk på knappen for å legge til en ny enhet. Deretter må du scanne koden over.",
"description": ""
"installWelcome": {
"message": "Welcome to Signal Desktop",
"message": "Velkommen til Signal Desktop",
"description": "Welcome title on the install page"
"cancel": {
"message": "Cancel",
"message": "Avbryt",
"description": ""
"installIHaveSignalButton": {
"message": "I have Signal for Android",
"message": "Jeg har Signal for Android",
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Secure session reset",
"message": "Start sikker sesjon på nytt",
"description": ""
"installGetStartedButton": {
"message": "Get started",
"message": "Start her",
"description": ""
"installSignalLink": {
"message": "First, install <a $a_params$>Signal</a> on your Android phone.<br /> We'll link your devices and keep your messages in sync.",
"message": "Begynn med å installer <a $a_params$>Signal</a> på din Android-telefon.<br /> Vi kobler enhetene dine sammen og holder meldingene dine synkronisert.",
"description": "Prompt the user to install Signal on Android before linking",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -156,39 +156,39 @@
"installLinkingWithNumber": {
"message": "Linking with",
"message": "Lenker opp med",
"description": "Text displayed before the phone number that the user is in the process of linking with"
"theirIdentity": {
"message": "Their identity (they read):",
"message": "Hans/hennes identitet (leser):",
"description": "They is used here as a gender-neutral third-person singular"
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "You haven't exchanged any messages with this contact yet. Their identity will be available after the first message.",
"message": "Du har ikke vekslet meldinger med denne kontakten ennå. Deres identitet blir tilgjengelig etter første melding.",
"description": ""
"submit": {
"message": "Submit",
"message": "Send",
"description": ""
"to": {
"message": "To",
"message": "Til",
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"installFinalButton": {
"message": "Looking good",
"message": "Ser bra ut",
"description": "The final button for the install process, after the user has entered a name for their device"
"messageDetail": {
"message": "Message Detail",
"message": "Meldingsdetaljer",
"description": ""
"verify": {
"message": "Verify",
"message": "Verifiser",
"description": ""
"failedToSend": {
"message": "Failed to send to some recipients.",
"message": "Kunne ikke sende til noen kontakter",
"description": ""
"ok": {
@ -196,15 +196,15 @@
"description": ""
"submitDebugLog": {
"message": "Submit debug log",
"message": "Send logg for feilsøk.",
"description": ""
"error": {
"message": "Error",
"message": "Feil",
"description": ""
"resend": {
"message": "Resend",
"message": "Send på nytt",
"description": ""
@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
"unsupportedAttachment": {
"message": "Unsupported attachment type. Click to save.",
"message": "Nieobsługiwany typ załącznika. Kliknij aby zapisać.",
"description": "Displayed for incoming unsupported attachment"
"incomingKeyConflict": {
"message": "Received message with unknown identity key. Click to process and display.",
"message": "Odebrano wiadomość z nieznanym kluczem tożsamości. Kliknij aby procesować i pokazać.",
"description": ""
"installComputerName": {
"message": "This computer's name will be",
"message": "Nazwa tego komputera będzie",
"description": "Text displayed before the input where the user can enter the name for this device."
"gotIt": {
"message": "Got it!",
"message": "Rozumiem!",
"description": ""
"unsupportedFileType": {
"message": "Unsupported file type",
"message": "Nieobsługiwany typ pliku",
"description": "Displayed for outgoing unsupported attachment"
"installGeneratingKeys": {
"message": "Generating Keys",
"message": "Trwa generowanie kluczy",
"description": ""
"resetSession": {
"message": "Reset Session",
"message": "Reset sesji",
"description": ""
"welcomeToSignal": {
"message": "Welcome to Signal",
"message": "Witamy na Signal",
"description": ""
"members": {
"message": "Members",
"message": "Użytkownicy",
"description": ""
"deleteMessages": {
"message": "Delete messages",
"message": "Usuń wiadomości",
"description": ""
"selectAContact": {
"message": "Select a contact or group to start chatting.",
"message": "Wybierz kontakt lub grupę aby zacząć rozmowę.",
"description": ""
"installConnecting": {
"message": "Connecting...",
"message": "Trwa łączenie",
"description": "Displayed when waiting for the QR Code"
"verifyContact": {
"message": "You may wish to <span class='verify'>verify</span> this contact.",
"message": "Polecana <span class='verify'>weryfikacja</span> tego kontaktu",
"description": ""
"sent": {
"message": "Sent",
"message": "Wsłano",
"description": "Label for the time a message was sent"
"verifyIdentity": {
"message": "Verify Identity",
"message": "Weryfikuj tożsamość",
"description": ""
"from": {
"message": "From",
"message": "Od",
"description": "Label for the sender of a message"
"debugLogExplanation": {
"message": "This log will be posted publicly online for contributors to view. You may examine and edit it before submitting.",
"message": "Ten log będzie wysłany publicznie dla współpracowników. Możesz go sprawdzić i edytować przed wysłaniem",
"description": ""
"searchForPeopleOrGroups": {
"message": "Search for people or groups",
"message": "Szukaj ludzi lub grup",
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"installFollowUs": {
"message": "<a $a_params$>Follow us</a> for updates about multi-device support for iOS.",
"message": "<a $a_params$> Śledź nas </a> aktualizacje o wsparcie dla wielu urządzeń iOS.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -82,71 +82,71 @@
"yourIdentity": {
"message": "Your identity (you read):",
"message": "Twoja identyfikacja (ty widzisz)",
"description": ""
"installTooManyDevices": {
"message": "Sorry, you have too many devices linked already. Try removing some.",
"message": "Niestety, masz za dużo połączonych urządzeń. Spróbuj usunąć kilka.",
"description": ""
"installSyncingGroupsAndContacts": {
"message": "Syncing groups and contacts",
"message": "Trwa synchronizacja grup i kontaktów",
"description": ""
"installTagline": {
"message": "Privacy is possible. Signal makes it easy.",
"message": "Prywatność jest możliwa i łatwa dzięki Signal.",
"description": "Tagline displayed under installWelcome on the install page"
"disconnected": {
"message": "Disconnected",
"message": "Odłączony",
"description": ""
"acceptNewKey": {
"message": "Accept new key",
"message": "Zaakceptuj nowy klucz",
"description": ""
"received": {
"message": "Received",
"message": "Odebrano",
"description": "Label for the time a message was received"
"sendMessage": {
"message": "Send a message",
"message": "Wyślij wiadomość",
"description": "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
"outgoingKeyConflict": {
"message": "This contact's identity key has changed. Click to process and display.",
"message": "Tożsamość tego kontaktu się zmieniła. Kliknij aby procesować i pokazać.",
"description": ""
"fileSizeWarning": {
"message": "Sorry, the selected file exceeds message size restrictions.",
"message": "Wybrany plik przekracza ograniczenia rozmiaru wiadomości.",
"description": ""
"installAndroidInstructions": {
"message": "Open Signal on your phone and navigate to Settings > Devices. Tap the button to add a new device, then scan the code above.",
"message": "Otwórz Signal na twoim telefonie i przejdź do Ustawienia > Urządzenia. Dotknij guzik aby dodać nowe urządzenie i zeskanuj kod powyżej.",
"description": ""
"installWelcome": {
"message": "Welcome to Signal Desktop",
"message": "Witamy na Signal Desktop",
"description": "Welcome title on the install page"
"cancel": {
"message": "Cancel",
"message": "Anuluj",
"description": ""
"installIHaveSignalButton": {
"message": "I have Signal for Android",
"message": "Mam Signal for Android",
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Secure session reset",
"message": "Reset bezpiecznej sesji",
"description": ""
"installGetStartedButton": {
"message": "Get started",
"message": "Rozpocznij",
"description": ""
"installSignalLink": {
"message": "First, install <a $a_params$>Signal</a> on your Android phone.<br /> We'll link your devices and keep your messages in sync.",
"message": "Najpierw, zainstaluj <a $a_params$>Signal</a> na twoim Androidzie.<br />Połączymy twoje urządzenia i zsynchronizujemy wiadomości.",
"description": "Prompt the user to install Signal on Android before linking",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -156,39 +156,39 @@
"installLinkingWithNumber": {
"message": "Linking with",
"message": "Trwa łączenie z",
"description": "Text displayed before the phone number that the user is in the process of linking with"
"theirIdentity": {
"message": "Their identity (they read):",
"message": "Ich identyfikacja (oni widzą):",
"description": "They is used here as a gender-neutral third-person singular"
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "You haven't exchanged any messages with this contact yet. Their identity will be available after the first message.",
"message": "Jeszcze nie rozmawiałeś z tą osobą. Ich tożsamość będzie dostępna po pierwszej wiadomości.",
"description": ""
"submit": {
"message": "Submit",
"message": "Wyślij",
"description": ""
"to": {
"message": "To",
"message": "Do",
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"installFinalButton": {
"message": "Looking good",
"message": "Wygląda dobrze",
"description": "The final button for the install process, after the user has entered a name for their device"
"messageDetail": {
"message": "Message Detail",
"message": "Szczegóły Wiadomości",
"description": ""
"verify": {
"message": "Verify",
"message": "Weryfikuj",
"description": ""
"failedToSend": {
"message": "Failed to send to some recipients.",
"message": "Nie udało się wysłać do kilku odbiorców.",
"description": ""
"ok": {
@ -196,15 +196,15 @@
"description": ""
"submitDebugLog": {
"message": "Submit debug log",
"message": "Wyślij logi debugowania",
"description": ""
"error": {
"message": "Error",
"message": "Błąd",
"description": ""
"resend": {
"message": "Resend",
"message": "Wyślij ponownie",
"description": ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description": ""
"installComputerName": {
"message": "This computer's name will be",
"message": "O nome deste computador será",
"description": "Text displayed before the input where the user can enter the name for this device."
"gotIt": {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"description": "Displayed for outgoing unsupported attachment"
"installGeneratingKeys": {
"message": "Generating Keys",
"message": "Gerando chaves",
"description": ""
"resetSession": {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"description": ""
"installConnecting": {
"message": "Connecting...",
"message": "Conectando...",
"description": "Displayed when waiting for the QR Code"
"verifyContact": {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"installFollowUs": {
"message": "<a $a_params$>Follow us</a> for updates about multi-device support for iOS.",
"message": "<a $a_params$> Siga-nos </a> para atualizações sobre o suporte multi-dispositivo para o iOS.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -82,19 +82,19 @@
"yourIdentity": {
"message": "Your identity (you read):",
"message": "A sua identidade (você lê):",
"description": ""
"installTooManyDevices": {
"message": "Sorry, you have too many devices linked already. Try removing some.",
"message": "Desculpe, você tem muitos dispositivos já vinculado. Tente remover alguns.",
"description": ""
"installSyncingGroupsAndContacts": {
"message": "Syncing groups and contacts",
"message": "Sincronizando grupos e contatos",
"description": ""
"installTagline": {
"message": "Privacy is possible. Signal makes it easy.",
"message": "Privacidade é possível. Signal torna mais fácil.",
"description": "Tagline displayed under installWelcome on the install page"
"disconnected": {
@ -122,11 +122,11 @@
"description": ""
"installAndroidInstructions": {
"message": "Open Signal on your phone and navigate to Settings > Devices. Tap the button to add a new device, then scan the code above.",
"message": "Abra Signal no seu telefone e navegue para Configurações > Dispositivos. Toque no botão para adicionar um novo dispositivo, em seguida, digitalizar o código acima.",
"description": ""
"installWelcome": {
"message": "Welcome to Signal Desktop",
"message": "Bem vindo ao Signal Desktop",
"description": "Welcome title on the install page"
"cancel": {
@ -134,19 +134,19 @@
"description": ""
"installIHaveSignalButton": {
"message": "I have Signal for Android",
"message": "Eu tenho Signal para o Android.",
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Sessão segura terminou",
"message": "Sessão segura reiniciada",
"description": ""
"installGetStartedButton": {
"message": "Get started",
"message": "Começar",
"description": ""
"installSignalLink": {
"message": "First, install <a $a_params$>Signal</a> on your Android phone.<br /> We'll link your devices and keep your messages in sync.",
"message": "Primeiro, instale <a $a_params$> Signal </a> em seu telefone Android. <br /> Vamos vincular os seus dispositivos e manter suas mensagens em sincronia.",
"description": "Prompt the user to install Signal on Android before linking",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -156,15 +156,15 @@
"installLinkingWithNumber": {
"message": "Linking with",
"message": "Vinculação com",
"description": "Text displayed before the phone number that the user is in the process of linking with"
"theirIdentity": {
"message": "Their identity (they read):",
"message": "A identidade do destinatário (ele lê):",
"description": "They is used here as a gender-neutral third-person singular"
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "You haven't exchanged any messages with this contact yet. Their identity will be available after the first message.",
"message": "Você não trocou nenhuma mensagem com esse contato ainda. A sua identidade estará disponível após a primeira mensagem.",
"description": ""
"submit": {
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"installFinalButton": {
"message": "Looking good",
"message": "Tudo bem",
"description": "The final button for the install process, after the user has entered a name for their device"
"messageDetail": {
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Sesiunea securizată s-a încheiat",
"message": "Sesiune securizată resetată",
"description": ""
"installGetStartedButton": {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description": ""
"installComputerName": {
"message": "This computer's name will be",
"message": "Имя этого компьютера будет ",
"description": "Text displayed before the input where the user can enter the name for this device."
"gotIt": {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"description": "Displayed for outgoing unsupported attachment"
"installGeneratingKeys": {
"message": "Generating Keys",
"message": "Создание ключей",
"description": ""
"resetSession": {
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"description": ""
"members": {
"message": "Члены",
"message": "Участники",
"description": ""
"deleteMessages": {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"description": ""
"installConnecting": {
"message": "Connecting...",
"message": "Соединение...",
"description": "Displayed when waiting for the QR Code"
"verifyContact": {
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"description": ""
"from": {
"message": "From",
"message": "От",
"description": "Label for the sender of a message"
"debugLogExplanation": {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"installFollowUs": {
"message": "<a $a_params$>Follow us</a> for updates about multi-device support for iOS.",
"message": "<a $a_params$>Следите за информацией</a> об обновлениях с поддержкой iOS устройств.",
"description": "",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -82,19 +82,19 @@
"yourIdentity": {
"message": "Your identity (you read):",
"message": "Ваш идентификатор (вы читаете): ",
"description": ""
"installTooManyDevices": {
"message": "Sorry, you have too many devices linked already. Try removing some.",
"message": "Извините, вы уже подсоединили слишком много устройств. Попробуйте удалить неиспользуемые устройства.",
"description": ""
"installSyncingGroupsAndContacts": {
"message": "Syncing groups and contacts",
"message": "Синхронизация групп и контактов",
"description": ""
"installTagline": {
"message": "Privacy is possible. Signal makes it easy.",
"message": "Приватное общение возможно. Signal делает его легче.",
"description": "Tagline displayed under installWelcome on the install page"
"disconnected": {
@ -122,11 +122,11 @@
"description": ""
"installAndroidInstructions": {
"message": "Open Signal on your phone and navigate to Settings > Devices. Tap the button to add a new device, then scan the code above.",
"message": "Откройте Signal на вашем телефоне и перейдите в Настройки > Устройства. Нажмите на кноку добавления нового устройства и отсканируйте код, указанный выше.",
"description": ""
"installWelcome": {
"message": "Welcome to Signal Desktop",
"message": "Добро пожаловать в Signal Desktop",
"description": "Welcome title on the install page"
"cancel": {
@ -134,19 +134,19 @@
"description": ""
"installIHaveSignalButton": {
"message": "I have Signal for Android",
"message": "У меня установлен Signal для Android смартфона",
"description": "Button for the user to confirm that they have Signal for Android"
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "Безопасная сессия закончена",
"message": "Безопасная сессия перезапущена",
"description": ""
"installGetStartedButton": {
"message": "Get started",
"message": "Начать",
"description": ""
"installSignalLink": {
"message": "First, install <a $a_params$>Signal</a> on your Android phone.<br /> We'll link your devices and keep your messages in sync.",
"message": "Сначала установите <a $a_params$>Signal</a> на Android смартфоне.<br /> Мы свяжем ваши устройства и синхронизируем сообщения между ними.",
"description": "Prompt the user to install Signal on Android before linking",
"placeholders": {
"a_params": {
@ -156,15 +156,15 @@
"installLinkingWithNumber": {
"message": "Linking with",
"message": "Связать с ",
"description": "Text displayed before the phone number that the user is in the process of linking with"
"theirIdentity": {
"message": "Their identity (they read):",
"message": "Идентификатор собеседника (он читает): ",
"description": "They is used here as a gender-neutral third-person singular"
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "You haven't exchanged any messages with this contact yet. Their identity will be available after the first message.",
"message": "Вы еще не обменивались сообщениями с этим пользователем. Его идентификатор будет доступен после первого сообщения.",
"description": ""
"submit": {
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"installFinalButton": {
"message": "Looking good",
"message": "Отлично!",
"description": "The final button for the install process, after the user has entered a name for their device"
"messageDetail": {
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