Update strings
This commit is contained in:
67 changed files with 257 additions and 257 deletions
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Dit kan 'n paar minute neem, na gelang van die grootte van jou rugsteun"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Besig om media te herstel"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} van {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Vou uit"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Ons het ook 'n handvol foute reggemaak, met inbegrip van een wat soms veroorsaak het dat \"Onbekende kontak het 'n video-oproep begin\" in die kletslys-opsomming verskyn nadat jy die oproep begin het."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Hierdie opdatering maak 'n fout reg waar die bekyk van 'n gemiste oproep op een toestel nie outomaties die aanduiding van daardie gemiste oproep op jou ander toestelle sou uitvee nie."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "قد يستغرق هذا بضع دقائق حسب حجم نسختك الاحتياطية"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "جارٍ استرجاع الوسائط"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} من {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "عرض المزيد"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "لقد أصلحنا عددًا من الأخطاء، بما في ذلك خطأ كان يتسبب في ظهور رسالة \"جهة اتصال غير معروفة بدأت مكالمة بالفيديو\" في مُلخص قائمة الدردشة بعد بدء المكالمة."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "يُصلِح هذا التحديث ذلك الخطأ التقني المُتمثِّل في عدم مَسح علامة المُكالمة الفائتة تلقائيًا على أجهزتك الأخرى على الرغم من استعراضك لها سلفًا على أحد أجهزتك، وذلك بحد ذاته يُمثِّل لقائمة المكالمات الفائتة لديك فرصة فائتة للتعايش مع بعضها بشكٍل أفضل."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ehtiyat nüsxənizin həcmindən asılı olaraq bu, bir qədər çəkə bilər"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Media faylı bərpa olunur"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} / {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Genişləndir"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Bundan başqa, siz zəng etdikdən sonra çat siyahısı xülasəsində bəzən \"Naməlum kontakt video zəng etdi\" ifadəsinin görünməsinə səbəb olan bir neçə səhvi də aradan qaldırdıq. Zənn edirik ki, özünü hələ tam tanımayan kontaktlar belə \"naməlum kontakt\" kimi təqdim olunmamalıdır."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Bu yeniləmə buraxılmış zəngə bir cihazda baxmaqla digər cihazlarınızda həmin buraxılmış zəng göstəricisinin avtomatik silinməməsi ilə bağlı xətanı aradan qaldırır (bu, buraxılmış zənglər siyahısının daha yaxşı bir yerdə görünməsinə imkan vermirdi)."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Това може да отнеме няколко минути в зависимост от размера на резервното копие"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Възстановяване на мултимедия"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} от {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Разшири"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Отстранихме и няколко грешки, включително и тази, която понякога караше \"Неизвестен контакт започна видеоразговор\" да се появи в обобщението на списъка с чатове, след като сте започнали разговора."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "С тази актуализация се отстранява грешка, при която прегледът на пропуснато повикване на едно устройство не изчистваше автоматично индикатора за това пропуснато повикване на другите ви устройства."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "আপনার ব্যাকআপের আকারের উপর নির্ভর করে এতে কয়েক মিনিট সময় নিতে পারে"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "মিডিয়া পুনরুদ্ধার করা হচ্ছে"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} এর {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "প্রসারিত করুন"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "আমরা আরো কিছু বাগও সংশোধন করেছি, যার মধ্যে একটি হলো - কখনো কখনো \"অচেনা কন্টাক্ট একটি ভিডিও কল শুরু করেছে\" নোটিফিকেশনটি আপনি কল শুরু করার পরে চ্যাট তালিকার সারাংশে দেখা যেতো।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "এই আপডেটটি এমন একটি বাগ সংশোধন করেছে, যে বাগের ফলে আপনার একটি ডিভাইসে কোনো মিসড কল দেখার পর সেই মিসড কলের নোটিফিকেশনটি আপনার অন্য ডিভাইসগুলো থেকে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে মুছে ফেলে না।"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ovo može potrajati nekoliko minuta ovisno o veličini vaše sigurnosne kopije"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Obnova medijskih sadržaja"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} od {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Proširi"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Također smo popravili pregršt grešaka, uključujući onu koja je ponekad uzrokovala pojavljivanje \"Nepoznati kontakt započeo je videopoziv\" u sažetku popisa za razgovor nakon što ste započeli poziv."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Ovo ažuriranje popravlja grešku u kojoj gledanje propuštenog poziva na jednom uređaju ne bi automatski očistilo indikator za taj propušteni poziv na drugim uređajima."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "En funció de la mida de la teva còpia de seguretat, això pot trigar uns quants minuts."
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Restaurant els arxius"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} de {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Expandeix"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "També hem corregit una sèrie d'errors, inclòs un que de vegades provocava que, un cop iniciada una trucada, aparegués \"Contacte desconegut ha iniciat una videotrucada\" al llistat de xats."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Aquesta actualització corregeix un error que feia que un cop s'obria en un dispositiu una notificació de trucada perduda, aquesta no s'esborrés automàticament de la resta de dispositius vinculats."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Může trvat několik minut v závislosti na velikosti vaší zálohy"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Obnovování médií"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} z {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Rozbalit"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Také jsme opravili několik chyb včetně té, která způsobovala, že se v přehledu chatu po zahájení hovoru objevilo sdělení „Videohovor zahájil neznámý kontakt“."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Tato aktualizace opravuje chybu, kdy se při zobrazení zmeškaného hovoru na jednom zařízení automaticky neodstranilo upozornění na tento zmeškaný hovor na jiném zařízení."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Det kan tage et par minutter afhængigt af sikkerhedskopiens størrelse"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Gendanner medier"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} af {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Udvid"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Vi har også rettet en håndfuld fejl, herunder en, der nogle gange forårsagede, at \"Ukendt kontakt startede et videoopkald\" til at blive vist i chatlisteoversigten, efter du startede opkaldet. Selvom du stadig er på en selvopdagelsesrejse, er du aldrig helt ukendt for dig selv."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Denne opdatering retter en fejl, hvor visning af et ubesvaret opkald på én enhed ikke automatisk ville rydde indikatoren for det ubesvarede opkald på dine andre enheder, hvilket var en mistet mulighed for, at din liste med ubesvarede opkald bedre kunne eksistere side om side."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Das kann, abhängig von der Größe deiner Datensicherung, ein paar Minuten dauern."
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Medien werden wiederhergestellt"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} von {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Erweitern"
@ -3585,7 +3585,7 @@
"messageformat": "Du nimmst bereits an einem Anruf teil"
"icu:showChatColorEditor": {
"messageformat": "Chatfarbe"
"messageformat": "Chat-Farbe"
"icu:showConversationDetails": {
"messageformat": "Gruppeneinstellungen"
@ -3855,13 +3855,13 @@
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Diese Nachricht wird von all deinen Geräten gelöscht.} other {Diese Nachrichten werden von all deinen Geräten gelöscht.}}"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteForMe": {
"messageformat": "Löschen für mich"
"messageformat": "Für mich löschen"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteFromThisDevice": {
"messageformat": "Von diesem Gerät löschen"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteForEveryone": {
"messageformat": "Löschen für alle"
"messageformat": "Für alle löschen"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteFromAllDevices": {
"messageformat": "Von allen Geräten löschen"
@ -4068,16 +4068,16 @@
"messageformat": "{num, plural, one {Diese personalisierte Farbe wird in {num,number} Chat verwendet. Möchtest du sie für alle Chats löschen?} other {Diese personalisierte Farbe wird in {num,number} Chats verwendet. Möchtest du sie für alle Chats löschen?}}"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__menu-title": {
"messageformat": "Chatfarbe"
"messageformat": "Chat-Farbe"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__reset": {
"messageformat": "Chatfarbe zurücksetzen"
"messageformat": "Chat-Farbe zurücksetzen"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__resetDefault": {
"messageformat": "Chatfarben zurücksetzen"
"messageformat": "Chat-Farben zurücksetzen"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__resetAll": {
"messageformat": "Alle Chatfarben zurücksetzen"
"messageformat": "Alle Chat-Farben zurücksetzen"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset-default": {
"messageformat": "Standard zurücksetzen"
@ -4086,13 +4086,13 @@
"messageformat": "Zurücksetzen"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset-message": {
"messageformat": "Möchtest du alle Chatfarben zurücksetzen?"
"messageformat": "Möchtest du alle Chat-Farben zurücksetzen?"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__custom-color--label": {
"messageformat": "Farbeditor anzeigen"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__sampleBubble1": {
"messageformat": "Hier ist eine Vorschau der Chatfarbe."
"messageformat": "Hier ist eine Vorschau der Chat-Farbe."
"icu:ChatColorPicker__sampleBubble2": {
"messageformat": "Eine andere Nachricht."
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Wir haben auch eine Handvoll Fehler behoben, darunter einen, der manchmal dazu führte, dass in der Zusammenfassung der Chatliste »Unbekannter Kontakt hat einen Videoanruf gestartet« erschien, nachdem du den Anruf gestartet hast. Auch wenn du noch dabei bist, dich selbst zu finden, bist du für dich selbst doch nie komplett unbekannt."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Dieses Update behebt einen Fehler, bei dem das Anzeigen eines verpassten Anrufs auf einem Gerät nicht automatisch die Anzeige für diesen verpassten Anruf auf anderen Geräten löschte – sozusagen eine verpasste Gelegenheit für die perfekte Koexistenz deiner Liste verpasster Anrufe auf verschiedenen Geräten."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Μπορεί να διαρκέσει μερικά λεπτά, ανάλογα με το μέγεθος του αντιγράφου ασφαλείας σου"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Επαναφορά πολυμέσων"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} από {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Ανάπτυξη"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Διορθώσαμε επίσης ορισμένα σφάλματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου ενός που μερικές φορές προκαλούσε την εμφάνιση της ειδοποίησης «Άγνωστη επαφή ξεκίνησε βιντεοκλήση» στη σύνοψη της λίστας συνομιλιών μετά την έναρξη της κλήσης."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Αυτή η ενημέρωση διορθώνει ένα σφάλμα κατά το οποίο η προβολή μιας αναπάντητης κλήσης σε μια συσκευή δεν εκκαθάριζε αυτόματα την ένδειξη για την εν λόγω αναπάντητη κλήση στις άλλες συσκευές σου."
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
"messageformat": "Enviar"
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__markAsVerified": {
"messageformat": "Marcar persona como verificada"
"messageformat": "Verificar identidad"
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__clearVerification": {
"messageformat": "Retirar marca de verificación"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Dependiendo del tamaño de tu copia de seguridad, esto puede llevar algunos minutos."
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Restaurando archivos multimedia"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} de {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Expandir"
@ -5277,7 +5277,7 @@
"messageformat": "Estos dígitos te ayudarán a mantener tu alias en privado para así evitar que recibas mensajes no deseados. Comparte tu alias solo con aquellas personas y grupos con los que quieras charlar. Si cambias tu alias, recibirás una nueva serie de dígitos."
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__change-confirmation": {
"messageformat": "Si cambias tu alias, se restablecerán tu código QR y tu enlace.¿Quieres cambiarlo de todos modos?"
"messageformat": "Si cambias tu alias, se restablecerán tu código QR y tu enlace actuales. ¿Quieres cambiarlo de todos modos?"
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__change-confirmation__continue": {
"messageformat": "Adelante"
@ -5615,9 +5615,9 @@
"messageformat": "Ahora, los chats se abren más rápido que nunca gracias a nuevas mejoras en el rendimiento de la app. ¡Se acabó el hacer clic y esperar para enterarte de las últimas novedades en tus chats!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.23--1": {
"messageformat": "También hemos corregido una serie de errores, incluido uno que a veces hacía que apareciese \"Contacto desconocido ha iniciado una videollamada\" en la lista de chats una vez iniciabas una llamada. Incluso si estás en pleno proceso de autodescubrimiento, eso no significa que no tengas idea de quién eres."
"messageformat": "También hemos corregido una serie de errores, incluido uno que a veces hacía que apareciese \"Contacto desconocido ha iniciado una videollamada\" en el resumen de chats una vez iniciabas una llamada. Incluso si estás en pleno proceso de autodescubrimiento, eso no significa que no tengas idea de quién eres."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Esta actualización corrige un error que hacía que cuando veías una llamada perdida en un dispositivo no se borrase automáticamente la notificación de esa llamada en tus otros dispositivos vinculados (lo que era una oportunidad perdida para aligerar tu lista de llamadas perdidas)."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Olenevalt sinu varukoopia suurusest võib see mõne minuti aega võtta"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Meedia taastamine"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} kogumahust {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Laienda"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Parandasime ka mõned vead, sh selle, mis andis mõnikord pärast kõne alustamist vestluste loendi kokkuvõttes teate „Tundmatu kontakt alustas videokõnet“"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Selle uuendusega parandati viga, mille tõttu ühes seadmes vastamata kõne vaatamine ei kõrvaldanud teistes seadmetes vastamata kõne teadet."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Zure babeskopiaren tamainaren arabera, baliteke minutu batzuk behar izatea"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Multimedia-edukia leheneratzen"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} / {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Zabaldu"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Akats batzuk ere konpondu ditugu, tartean deia hasi eta gero \"Kontaktu ezezagunak bideo-deia hasi du\" txat-zerrendaren laburpenean agertzea eragiten zuena. Oraindik auto-aurkikuntzarako bidaian bazabiltza ere, inoiz ez zara guztiz ezezaguna zeure buruarentzat."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Eguneratze honen bidez, gailu batean dei galdu bat ikusteak beste gailuetan dei galdu horren adierazlea automatikoki desagertzea galarazten zuen akats bat konpondu da."
@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@
"messageformat": "تصویر ارسالشده در گفتگو"
"icu:imageCaptionIconAlt": {
"messageformat": "آیکون نشان میدهد که این تصویر دارای یک عنوان است"
"messageformat": "آیکون نشان میدهد که این تصویر دارای یک متن است"
"icu:save": {
"messageformat": "ذخیره"
@ -2091,13 +2091,13 @@
"messageformat": "خطا در باز کردن بستهی استیکر. ارتباط اینترنت خود را بررسی کنید و دوباره تلاش کنید."
"icu:EmojiPicker--empty": {
"messageformat": "شکلکی پیدا نشد"
"messageformat": "ایموجی پیدا نشد"
"icu:EmojiPicker--search-close": {
"messageformat": "بستن جستجوی ایموجی"
"icu:EmojiPicker--search-placeholder": {
"messageformat": "جستجوی شکلک"
"messageformat": "جستجوی ایموجی"
"icu:EmojiPicker--skin-tone": {
"messageformat": "رنگ پوست {tone}"
@ -2106,7 +2106,7 @@
"messageformat": "موارد اخیر"
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--emoji": {
"messageformat": "شکلک"
"messageformat": "ایموجی"
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--animal": {
"messageformat": "حیوان"
@ -2898,7 +2898,7 @@
"messageformat": "بیصدا تا {duration}"
"icu:EmojiButton__label": {
"messageformat": "شکلک"
"messageformat": "ایموجی"
"icu:ErrorModal--title": {
"messageformat": "خطایی رخ داد!"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "بسته به حجم نسخۀ پشتیبان شما، این پردازش ممکن است چند دقیقه طول بکشد"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "در حال بازیابی رسانه"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} از {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "گسترش"
@ -4443,7 +4443,7 @@
"messageformat": "برای تغییر این تنظیم، برنامهٔ سیگنال را روی دستگاه تلفن همراه باز کنید و به تنظیمات > گفتگوها بروید"
"icu:Preferences__auto-convert-emoji--title": {
"messageformat": "تبدیل شکلکهای تایپی به ایموجی"
"messageformat": "تبدیل ایموجیهای تایپی به ایموجی"
"icu:Preferences__auto-convert-emoji--description": {
"messageformat": "مثلاً :-) به <emojify>🙂</emojify> تبدیل خواهد شد"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "همچنین تعدادی از اشکالات را برطرف کردیم، از جمله اشکالی که گاهی باعث میشد پیام «مخاطب ناشناس یک تماس تصویری شروع کرد» پس از شروع تماس در خلاصه فهرست گفتگوها ظاهر شود."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "این بهروزرسانی اشکالی را برطرف میکند که اجازه نمیداد هنگام مشاهده تماس بیپاسخ در یک دستگاه، نشانگر آن تماس از دسترفته بهطور خودکار در دستگاههای دیگر شما پاک شود."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Tämä voi kestää muutamia minuutteja varmuuskopion koosta riippuen"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Palautetaan mediaa"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize}/{totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Laajenna"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Korjasimme myös muutaman virheen, mukaan lukien sellaisen, joka saattoi aiheuttaa ilmoituksen ”Tuntematon yhteystieto aloitti videopuhelun” keskusteluluettelon yhteenvedossa puhelun aloittamisen jälkeen."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Päivitys korjaa virheen, jossa vastaamatta jääneen puhelun tarkasteleminen yhdellä laitteella ei nollannut vastaamattoman puhelun ilmaisinta muissa laitteissasi automaattisesti."
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@
"messageformat": "Transférer"
"icu:MessageContextMenu__info": {
"messageformat": "Info"
"messageformat": "Infos"
"icu:deleteMessagesInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Supprimer les messages"
@ -2250,7 +2250,7 @@
"messageformat": "Action par défaut pour le message sélectionné"
"icu:Keyboard--view-details-for-selected-message": {
"messageformat": "Visualiser les détails du message sélectionné"
"messageformat": "Afficher les informations associées au message sélectionné"
"icu:Keyboard--toggle-reply": {
"messageformat": "Ouvrir ou fermer la réponse au message sélectionné"
@ -3048,40 +3048,40 @@
"messageformat": "Un membre a retiré l’avatar du groupe."
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} a changé qui peut modifier les informations du groupe en « Les administrateurs »."
"messageformat": "{adminName} a défini l'autorisation de modifier les informations du groupe sur \"Les administrateurs\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--you": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez défini l'autorisation de modifier les informations du groupe sur \"Les administrateurs\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--unknown": {
"messageformat": "Un administrateur a changé qui peut modifier les informations du groupe en « Les administrateurs »."
"messageformat": "Un administrateur a défini l'autorisation de modifier les informations du groupe sur \"Les administrateurs\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} a changé qui peut modifier les informations du groupe en « Tous les membres »."
"messageformat": "{adminName} a défini l'autorisation de modifier les informations du groupe sur \"Tous les membres\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--you": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez défini l'autorisation de modifier les informations du groupe sur \"Tous les membres\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-attributes--all--unknown": {
"messageformat": "Un administrateur a changé qui peut modifier les informations du groupe en « Tous les membres »."
"messageformat": "Un administrateur a défini l'autorisation de modifier les informations du groupe sur \"Tous les membres\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} a changé qui peut modifier les membres du groupe en « Les administrateurs »."
"messageformat": "{adminName} a défini l'autorisation d'ajouter des membres sur \"Les administrateurs\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--you": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez défini l'autorisation d'ajouter des membres sur \"Les administrateurs\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--admins--unknown": {
"messageformat": "Un administrateur a changé qui peut modifier les membres du groupe en « Les administrateurs »."
"messageformat": "Un administrateur a défini l'autorisation d'ajouter des membres sur \"Les administrateurs\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} a changé qui peut modifier les membres du groupe en « Tous les membres »."
"messageformat": "{adminName} a défini l'autorisation d'ajouter des membres sur \"Tous les membres\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--you": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez défini l'autorisation d'ajouter des membres sur \"Tous les membres\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-members--all--unknown": {
"messageformat": "Un administrateur a changé qui peut modifier les membres du groupe en « Tous les membres »."
"messageformat": "Un administrateur a défini l'autorisation d'ajouter des membres sur \"Tous les membres\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--you": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez désactivé l’approbation d’un administrateur pour le lien du groupe."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Cela peut prendre quelques minutes en fonction de la taille de votre sauvegarde."
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Restauration des médias en cours"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} sur {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Étendre"
@ -3672,7 +3672,7 @@
"messageformat": "Débloquer le groupe « {groupName} » ?"
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--block-group-modal-title": {
"messageformat": "Bloquer le groupe « {groupName} » et le quitter ?"
"messageformat": "Bloquer et quitter le groupe \"{groupName}\" ?"
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--block-group-modal-content": {
"messageformat": "Vous ne recevrez plus ni messages ni mises à jour de ce groupe."
@ -4173,7 +4173,7 @@
"messageformat": "Délai avant disparition"
"icu:UniversalTimerNotification__text": {
"messageformat": "Lorsque vous enverrez des messages à ce contact, le délai avant disparition des messages éphémères sera défini sur {timeValue}."
"messageformat": "Lorsque vous enverrez des messages à ce contact, le délai avant disparition des messages éphémères sera défini sur {timeValue}."
"icu:ContactRemovedNotification__text": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez supprimé ce contact. Si vous écrivez de nouveau à ce contact, il apparaîtra sur votre liste."
@ -4449,7 +4449,7 @@
"messageformat": "Par exemple, :-) deviendra <emojify>🙂</emojify>"
"icu:Preferences--advanced": {
"messageformat": "Avancés"
"messageformat": "Paramètres avancés"
"icu:Preferences--notification-content": {
"messageformat": "Contenu des notifications"
@ -5151,7 +5151,7 @@
"messageformat": "Supprimer"
"icu:StoryListItem__info": {
"messageformat": "Info"
"messageformat": "Infos"
"icu:StoryListItem__hide-modal--body": {
"messageformat": "Masquer la story ? Les nouveaux contenus postés dans la story de {name} ne s’afficheront plus en haut de la liste des stories."
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Et ce n'est pas tout : le message \" Contact inconnu a lancé un appel vidéo \" ne s’affiche plus dans le résumé des conversations lorsque vous avez lancé l'appel. Parce que même si vous apprenez encore à vous connaître, ça ne veut pas dire que vous ne savez pas du tout qui vous êtes."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Jusqu'ici, lorsque vous affichiez un appel manqué sur un appareil, l'indicateur qui signalait cet appel manqué ne disparaissait pas automatiquement de tous vos appareils. Voilà un bug qui ne va pas vous manquer. "
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Seans go dtógfaidh sé seo cúpla nóiméad ag brath ar mhéid do chúltaca"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Meáin á n-aischur"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} as {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Fairsingigh"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Réitíomar dornán fabhtanna freisin, ina measc, ceann a bhí ina chúis uaireanta le \"Thosaigh teagmhálaí anaithnid ar fhísghlao\" a bheith ar taispeáint in achoimre an liosta comhráite tar éis duit féin tús a chur leis an nglao."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Réitíonn an nuashonrú seo fabht nach nglantar táscaire ar ghlao caillte ar do ghléasanna eile nuair a fhéachann tú ar ghlao chaillte ar ghléas amháin."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Dependendo do tamaño da túa copia, pode tardar uns minutos"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Restaurando arquivos multimedia"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} de {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Expandir"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Ademais, corriximos uns cantos erros, como un que, ás veces, mostraba a mensaxe «Contacto descoñecido iniciou unha videochamada» no resumo da lista de conversas despois de que ti iniciaras a chamada."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Esta actualización soluciona un erro no que, ao visualizar unha chamada perdida nun dispositivo non se eliminaba automaticamente o indicador desa chamada perdida nos teus outros dispositivos."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "તમારા બેકઅપની સાઇઝના આધારે આમાં થોડો સમય લાગી શકે છે"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "મીડિયા રિસ્ટોર થાય છે"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} માંથી {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "વિસ્તૃત કરો"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "અમે થોડા એવા બગને પણ ઠીક કર્યા છે, જેમાં એક બગ એવો શામેલ હતો જેના કારણે તમે કૉલ શરૂ કર્યા પછી ચેટ સૂચિ સારાંશમાં ક્યારેક \"અજાણ્યા સંપર્કે વીડિયો કૉલ શરૂ કર્યો\" એવું દેખાતું હતું."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "આ અપડેટ એક એવા બગને ઠીક કરે છે જ્યાં એક ડિવાઇસ પર મિસ્ડ કૉલ જોવાથી તમારા અન્ય ડિવાઇસ પર તે મિસ્ડ કૉલ માટેનું સૂચક આપમેળે દૂર થતું ન હતું."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "זה עשוי לקחת מספר דקות בהתאם לגודל הגיבוי שלך"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "מדיה בשחזור"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} מתוך {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "הרחב"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "תיקנו גם כמה באגים, כולל אחד שגרם לפעמים לכיתוב ״איש קשר לא ידוע התחיל שיחת וידאו״ להופיע בסיכום הצ׳אט לאחר שהתחלת שיחה."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "העדכון הזה מתקן באג שמנע ממחוון שיחה שלא נענתה להיעלם אוטומטית במכשירים האחרים שלך לאחר צפייה בשיחה במכשיר אחד."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "आपके बैकअप के आकार के आधार पर, इसमें कुछ मिनट लग सकते हैं"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "मीडिया रीस्टोर किया जा रहा है"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} में से {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "बड़ा करें"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "हमने कुछ गड़बड़ियाँ भी ठीक की हैं, जिनमें वह गड़बड़ी शामिल है जिसकी वजह से कभी-कभी आपके कोई कॉल शुरू करने के बाद, चैट सूची के सारांश में \"अज्ञात संपर्क ने वीडियो कॉल शुरू किया\" दिखाई देता था। चाहे आप खुद को खोजने के सफ़र पर हों, फिर भी आप अपने लिए पूरी तरह से अनजान नहीं हैं।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "यह अपडेट उस गड़बड़ी को ठीक करता है जिसकी वजह से एक डिवाइस पर मिस्ड कॉल देखने से आपके दूसरे डिवाइस पर उस मिस्ड कॉल का इंडिकेटर अपने-आप नहीं हटता था, जिससे आपकी मिस्ड कॉल वाली लिस्ट सभी डिवाइस पर एक जैसी नहीं दिख पाती थी।"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ovo može potrajati nekoliko minuta. Brzina preuzimanja ovisi o veličini vaše sigurnosne kopije."
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Vraćanje medijskih zapisa"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} od {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Proširi"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Ispravili smo i nekoliko programskih pogrešaka, uključujući onu zbog koje se u popisu razgovora pojavljivala poruka: \"Nepoznati kontakt je započeo videopoziv\" nakon što biste započeli poziv."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Ovo ažuriranje ispravlja pogrešku zbog koje pregledavanje propuštenog poziva na jednom uređaju ne bi automatski uklonilo indikator istog propuštenog poziva s vaših drugih uređaja."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ez a biztonsági másolat méretétől függően eltarthat néhány percig"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Médiafájl visszaállítása"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize}/{totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Bővítés"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Kijavítottunk néhány olyan hibát is, amely miatt a hívás indítása után néha az „Ismeretlen névjegy indított videohívást” üzenet jelent meg a csevegőlista összefoglalójában."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Ez a frissítés kijavítja azt a hibát, amely miatt egy nem fogadott hívás megtekintése az egyik eszközön nem törli automatikusan a nem fogadott hívás jelzését a többi eszközödön."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Butuh waktu beberapa menit tergantung ukuran cadangan Anda"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Memulihkan media"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} dari {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Lebarkan"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Kami juga memperbaiki beberapa bug, termasuk bug penyebab munculnya pesan \"Kontak tidak dikenal memulai panggilan video\" di ringkasan daftar obrolan setelah Anda memulai panggilan."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Pembaruan ini memperbaiki bug yang tidak otomatis menghapus indikator panggilan tak terjawab di perangkat lain ketika Anda sudah melihat panggilan tak terjawab tersebut di satu perangkat."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Questo processo potrebbe richiedere qualche minuto a seconda della dimensione del tuo backup"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Ripristino dei media in corso"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} di {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Espandi"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Abbiamo anche risolto una serie di bug, tra cui uno che poteva causare la comparsa della scritta \"Un contatto sconosciuto ha iniziato una videochiamata\" nel riepilogo di una chat dopo aver iniziato la chiamata. D'altronde, meglio fare una chiamata con persone conosciute, no?"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Questo aggiornamento risolve un bug molto fastidioso: quando vedevi una chiamata persa su un dispositivo, a volte l'indicatore con il numero di chiamate perse non veniva aggiornato sugli altri dispositivi… avremo perso qualche chiamata ma non l'opportunità di risolvere il bug!"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "バックアップのサイズによっては、数分かかる場合があります"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "メディアを復元中"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} のうち{currentSize}({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "大きく"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "通話開始後に、チャットリストの概要に「不明な連絡先がビデオ通話を開始しました」と表示されることがあったいくつかのバグなども修正しました。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "このアップデートでは、ある端末で不在着信を表示しても、他の端末でその不在着信のお知らせが自動的にクリアされないというバグが修正されました。"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "ამას შეიძლება რამდენიმე წუთი დასჭირდეს იმის მიხედვით, თუ რა ზომაა შენი სათადარიგო ასლი"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "მედია ფაილების აღდგენა"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize}-დან {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "გაფართოება"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "ასევე გამოვასწორეთ რამდენიმე ხარვეზი, მათ შორის ის, ზოგჯერ ზარის დაწყების შემდეგ ჩატის სიის შეჯამებაში რომ გიწერდა, „უცნობმა კონტაქტმა ვიდეო ზარი წამოიწყოო“. მაშინაც კი, თუ შენი თავის აღმოჩენის გზაზე ხარ, საკუთარი თავისთვის უცნობი არასდროს იქნები."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "ახალ ვერსიაში გამოსწორებულია ბაგი, რომლის გამოც შენს ერთ მოწყობილობაზე გამოტოვებული ზარის ნახვისას, მეორე მოწყობილობაზე ავტომატურად არ ქრებოდა გამოტოვებული ზარის მაჩვენებელი. ამიერიდან შენი გამოტოვებული ზარების მაჩვენებლები სრულ ჰარმონიაში იქნება."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Сақтық көшірменің көлеміне қарай ол бірнеше минутқа созылуы мүмкін."
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Мультимедианы қалпына келтіру"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize}/{totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Кеңейту"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Сондай-ақ бірнеше қатені түзеттік, соның ішінде сіз қоңырау шала бастағанда, кейде чатта \"Белгісіз контакт видеоқоңырауды бастады\" деп шығатын қате түзетілді. Өмірде өзін-өзі тану жолында жүрсеңіз де, өзіңізге мәлім тұстардың әрқашан болатыны анық."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Бұл жаңа нұсқада қабылданбаған қоңыраулар тізіміне қатысты ақау түзетілді. Енді бір құрылғыда қабылданбаған қоңырауды көргенде, басқа құрылғылардағы қабылданбаған қоңырау белгісі автоматты түрде өшірілетін болады."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "វាអាចចំណាយពេលពីរបីនាទី អាស្រ័យលើទំហំនៃការបម្រុងទុករបស់អ្នក"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "កំពុងស្ដារមេឌៀឡើងវិញ"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} នៃ {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "ពង្រីក"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "យើងក៏បានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាមួយចំនួនផងដែរ រួមទាំងបញ្ហាមួយដែលជួនកាលធ្វើឱ្យ \"ទំនាក់ទំនងមិនស្គាល់បានចាប់ផ្តើមការហៅជាវីដេអូ\" បង្ហាញនៅក្នុងសេចក្តីសង្ខេបនៃបញ្ជីជជែក បន្ទាប់ពីអ្នកចាប់ផ្តើមការហៅទូរសព្ទ។ ទោះបីជាអ្នកកំពុងស្ថិតនៅក្នុងដំណើរស្វែងរកខ្លួនឯងក៏ដោយ ក៏អ្នកមិនប្រាកដថាមិនស្គាល់ខ្លួនឯងសោះដែរ។"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "កំណែថ្មីនេះបានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាមួយដែលទោះបីជាអ្នកមើលការហៅដែលខកមិនបានទទួលនៅលើឧបករណ៍មួយក៏ដោយ ក៏វាមិនអាចលុបដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិបាននូវសញ្ញាបង្ហាញការហៅដែលខកមិនបានទទួលនោះនៅលើឧបករណ៍ផ្សេងទៀតរបស់អ្នកដែរ ដែលបានធ្វើឱ្យខកខានឱកាសក្នុងការបង្ហាញព្រមគ្នានូវបញ្ជីនៃការហៅដែលខកមិនបានទទួលរបស់អ្នក ឱ្យកាន់តែប្រសើរឡើង។"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್ನ ಗಾತ್ರವನ್ನು ಆಧರಿಸಿ ಇದು ಕೆಲವು ನಿಮಿಷಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "ಮೀಡಿಯಾ ರಿಸ್ಟೋರ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} ರಲ್ಲಿ {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "ವಿಸ್ತರಿಸಿ"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "ನೀವು ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಿದ ನಂತರ ಚಾಟ್ ಲಿಸ್ಟ್ನ ಸಾರಾಂಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಕೆಲವೊಮ್ಮೆ \"ಅಪರಿಚಿತ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಿದೆ\" ಎಂಬುದನ್ನೂ ಒಳಗೊಂಡಂತೆ ನಾವು ಕೆಲವು ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ. ನೀವು ಇನ್ನೂ ಸ್ವಯಂ ಅನ್ವೇಷಣೆಯ ಪ್ರಯಾಣದಲ್ಲಿದ್ದರೂ, ನೀವು ಎಂದಿಗೂ ನಿಮಗೆ ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣವಾಗಿ ಅಪರಿಚಿತರಲ್ಲ."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "ಒಂದು ಸಾಧನದಲ್ಲಿ ಮಿಸ್ಡ್ ಕಾಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸುವುದರಿಂದ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಇತರ ಸಾಧನಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ಮಿಸ್ಡ್ ಕಾಲ್ನ ಸೂಚಕವನ್ನು ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ತೆರವುಗೊಳಿಸದಿರುವ ಕಡೆ ಈ ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ಅದು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮಿಸ್ಡ್ ಕಾಲ್ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯು ಏಕಕಾಲಕ್ಕೆ ಉತ್ತಮವಾಗಿ ಸಮನ್ವಯ ಸಾಧಿಸಲು ತಪ್ಪಿಹೋದ ಅವಕಾಶವಾಗಿದೆ."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "백업 크기에 따라 다소 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다."
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "미디어 복원 중"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize}/{totalSize}({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "확장"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "또한 때로 내가 통화를 시작한 경우 '알 수 없는 연락처가 영상 통화를 시작함'이 표시되는 버그를 비롯해 몇몇 오류도 수정했습니다."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "해당 업데이트는 기기에서 부재중 통화 확인 시 다른 기기에서 해당 부재중 통화에 대한 표시가 자동으로 사라지지 않는 문제를 해결합니다."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Камдык көчүрмөңүздүн көлөмүнө жараша бир нече мүнөт кетиши мүмкүн"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Медиа файлдарыңыз калыбына келүүдө"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} ичинен {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Кеңейтүү"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Мындан тышкары, бир катар каталарды оңдоп койдук. Эми маектер тизмесинде \"Белгисиз байланыш видео режиминде чалып баштады\" деген нерсе көрүнбөйт. Өзүңүздү түшүнгөнгө канчалык аракет кылбаңыз, баары бир көп жагыңыз сыр бойдон кала берет."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Бул жаңыртууда жооп бербей калган чалууну караганыңызда, башка түзмөктөрдөгү жооп берилбей калган чалуулар индикатору көрүнбөй калат."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Tai gali užtrukti kelias minutes, priklausomai nuo atsarginės kopijos dydžio"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Įrašai atkuriami"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} iš {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Išskleisti"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Taip pat ištaisėme keletą klaidų, įskaitant tą, dėl kurios, pradėjus skambutį, pokalbių sąrašo suvestinėje kartais būdavo rodomas pranešimas „Nežinomas kontaktas pradėjo vaizdo skambutį“."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Šiuo naujinimu ištaisoma klaida, kai peržiūrėjus praleistą skambutį viename įrenginyje to praleisto skambučio indikatorius automatiškai neišvalomas kituose įrenginiuose."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Process var aizņemt dažas minūtes atkarībā no rezerves kopijas izmēra"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Multivide tiek atjaunota"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} no {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Izvērst"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Tāpat novērsām saujiņu kļūdu, tostarp vienu, kuras dēļ pēc zvana uzsākšanas sarunas saraksta kopsavilkumā reizēm parādījās paziņojums \"Nezināma kontaktpersona uzsāka video zvanu\". Pat tad ja joprojām esat sevis iepazīšanas procesā, vismaz video zvanu ietvaros jums šādu jautājumu vairs nebūs."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Šajā atjauninājumā ir novērsta kļūda, kuras dēļ, apskatot neatbildētu zvanu vienā ierīcē, neatbildētā zvana indikators netika automātiski notīrīts citās ierīcēs. Tagad jūsu neatbildēto zvanu saraksti darbosies unisonā."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ова може да потрае неколку минути, во зависност од големината на вашата резервна копија"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Враќање на медиумски датотеки"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} од {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Прошири"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Исто така решивме и грст багови, вклучувајќи и еден што понекогаш предизвикуваше да се појави „Непознат контакт започна видео повик“ во прегледот на разговори откако сте започнале повик."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Во оваа верзија е решена грешката при која, кога ќе се прегледаше пропуштен повик на еден уред, индикаторот за тој пропуштен повик не се отстрануваше автоматски на другите ваши уреди."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ ബാക്കപ്പിൻ്റെ വലുപ്പം അനുസരിച്ച് ഇതിന് കുറച്ച് മിനിറ്റുകൾ എടുത്തേക്കാം"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "മീഡിയ പുനഃസ്ഥാപിക്കുന്നു"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} / {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "വികസിപ്പിക്കുക"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങൾ കോൾ ആരംഭിച്ചതിന് ശേഷം ചാറ്റ് ലിസ്റ്റ് സംഗ്രഹത്തിൽ ചിലപ്പോൾ \"അജ്ഞാത കോൺടാക്റ്റ് ഒരു വീഡിയോ കോൾ ആരംഭിച്ചു\" എന്നതിന് കാരണമായത് ഉൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള ഒരുപിടി ബഗുകളും ഞങ്ങൾ പരിഹരിച്ചു. നിങ്ങൾ ഇപ്പോഴും സ്വയം കണ്ടെത്താനുള്ള ഒരു യാത്രയിലാണെങ്കിലും, നിങ്ങൾ ഒരിക്കലും നിങ്ങൾക്ക് പൂർണ്ണമായും അജ്ഞാതനല്ല."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "ഒരു ഉപകരണത്തിൽ മിസ്ഡ് കോൾ കാണുന്നത് നിങ്ങളുടെ മറ്റ് ഉപകരണങ്ങളിൽ ആ മിസ്ഡ് കോളിന്റെ സൂചന ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിയ്ക്കായി മായ്ക്കാത്ത ഒരു ബഗ് ഈ അപ്ഡേറ്റ് പരിഹരിക്കുന്നു, ഇത് നിങ്ങളുടെ മിസ്ഡ് കോൾ ലിസ്റ്റിന്റെ നിലവിലെ അവസ്ഥയെ എല്ലാ ഉപകരണങ്ങളിലും ഒരുപോലെ ശരിയായ രീതിയിൽ കാണിക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കുന്നു."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "आपल्या बॅकअप आकारावर अवलंबून याला काही मिनिटे लागू शकतात"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "मिडीया पुर्नस्थापित करत आहे"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent}) पैकी {currentSize}"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "विस्तारित करा"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "आपण कॉलला सुरूवात केल्यानंतर चॅट सूचीच्या सारांशात \"अज्ञात संपर्काने एक व्हिडिओ कॉल सुरू केला\" असे दिसण्यास कारणीभूत होतो त्याच्या समावेशासह, आम्ही आणखी काही दोषांचे निराकरण केलेले आहे. आपण जर अद्याप स्वतःच्या शोधण्याच्या प्रवासात असल्यास, आपण स्वतःला कधीही पूर्णपणे अनोळखी नसाल."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "हे अद्यतन एका डिव्हाइसवर मिस्ड कॉल पाहिल्याने आपल्या इतर डिव्हाइसवरील त्या मिस्ड कॉलचा निदर्शक आपोआप साफ होत नाही या बगचे निराकरण करते, जी आपल्या मिस्ड कॉल सूचीसाठी चांगल्या प्रकारे एकत्र आणण्याची चुकलेली संधी होती."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ini mungkin mengambil masa beberapa minit bergantung pada saiz sandaran anda"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Memulihkan media"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} daripada {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Kembangkan"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Kami juga membaiki beberapa pepijat, termasuk yang kadangkala menyebabkan \"Kenalan tidak diketahui memulakan panggilan video\" untuk muncul dalam ringkasan senarai sembang selepas memulakan panggilan."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Kemas kini ini membaiki pepijat di mana melihat panggilan tidak dijawab pada satu peranti tidak akan secara automatik menghapuskan penunjuk untuk panggilan tidak dijawab tersebut pada peranti anda yang lain."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "သင့် ဘက်ခ်အပ်အရွယ်အစားပေါ်မူတည်၍ မိနစ်အနည်းငယ် ကြာနိုင်ပါသည်"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "မီဒီယာကို ပြန်လည်ရယူနေသည်"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} မှ {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "ဖြန့်ရန်"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "တစ်ခါတစ်ရံ သင်ခေါ်ဆိုမှုစတင်ပြီးနောက် ချက်(တ်)စာရင်းအကျဉ်းချုပ်တွင် \"အမည်မသိအဆက်အသွယ်မှ ဗီဒီယိုကောလ်ခေါ်ဆိုမှုတစ်ခု စတင်ခဲ့သည်\" ဟုပေါ်လာစေသည့် အရာအပါအဝင် ချွတ်ယွင်းချက်အချို့ကိုလည်း ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ ပြင်ဆင်ထားပါသည်။"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "ဤအပ်ဒိတ်သည် လွတ်သွားသောခေါ်ဆိုမှုကို စက်တစ်ခုတွင် ကြည့်ပြီးဖြစ်သော်လည်း သင့်အခြားစက်များတွင် ထိုခေါ်ဆိုမှုအတွက် ညွှန်ပြချက်အား အလိုအလျောက် မဖယ်ရှားသည့် ချွတ်ယွင်းချက်ကို ပြင်ဆင်ထားသည်။"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Dette kan ta et par minutter, avhengig av størrelsen på sikkerhetskopien"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Gjenoppretter mediefiler"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} av {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Ekspander"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Vi har også rettet opp i et par feil, blant annet et problem som fører til at meldingen «ukjent kontakt startet en videosamtale» dukker opp i videosamtaler — selv når det er du selv som starter dem."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Fra nå av, hvis du åpner et varsel om et tapt anrop på en av enhetene dine, forsvinner varslene om det samme anropet automatisk fra alle de andre enhetene dine."
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
"messageformat": "Kan {title} niet verwijderen"
"icu:ContactListItem__remove-system--body": {
"messageformat": "Deze persoon is opgeslagen in de contactenlijst van je apparaat. Verwijder hem of haar uit je Contacten op je mobiele apparaat en probeer het opnieuw."
"messageformat": "Deze persoon is opgeslagen in de contactenlijst van je apparaat. Verwijder deze persoon uit Contacten op je telefoon en probeer het opnieuw."
"icu:moveConversationToInbox": {
"messageformat": "Dearchiveren"
@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@
"messageformat": "Je chatgeschiedenis met {conversationTitle} en het nummer {obsoleteConversationNumber} zijn samengevoegd."
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Je chatgeschiedenis met {conversationTitle} en een andere chat met hem of haar zijn samengevoegd."
"messageformat": "Je chatgeschiedenis met {conversationTitle} en een andere chat met deze persoon zijn samengevoegd."
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Meer lezen"
@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@
"messageformat": "Deelnemen"
"icu:CallingLobbyJoinButton--start": {
"messageformat": "Beginnen"
"messageformat": "Oproep beginnen"
"icu:CallingLobbyJoinButton--call-full": {
"messageformat": "Oproep vol"
@ -1617,10 +1617,10 @@
"messageformat": "Berichtinhoud is te lang"
"icu:unblockToSend": {
"messageformat": "Deblokkeer dit contact om een bericht te versturen."
"messageformat": "Deblokkeer dit contact om een bericht te sturen."
"icu:unblockGroupToSend": {
"messageformat": "Deblokkeer deze groep om een bericht te versturen."
"messageformat": "Deblokkeer deze groep om een bericht te sturen."
"icu:youChangedTheTimer": {
"messageformat": "Je hebt de timer voor verdwijnende berichten op {time} ingesteld."
@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@
"messageformat": "Veiligheidsnummer weergeven"
"icu:cannotGenerateSafetyNumber": {
"messageformat": "Deze persoon kan niet geverifieerd worden zolang je nog geen berichten met hem of haar hebt uitgewisseld."
"messageformat": "Deze persoon kan niet geverifieerd worden zolang je nog geen berichten hebt uitgewisseld."
"icu:themeLight": {
"messageformat": "Licht"
@ -1839,7 +1839,7 @@
"messageformat": "Signal herstarten"
"icu:autoUpdateIgnoreButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Nieuwe versie negeren"
"messageformat": "Update negeren"
"icu:leftTheGroup": {
"messageformat": "{name} heeft de groep verlaten."
@ -2388,7 +2388,7 @@
"messageformat": "Video-oproep beginnen"
"icu:Keyboard--decline-call": {
"messageformat": "Oproep afwijzen"
"messageformat": "Oproep weigeren"
"icu:Keyboard--hang-up": {
"messageformat": "Oproep beëindigen"
@ -2475,19 +2475,19 @@
"messageformat": "Klaar"
"icu:MessageRequests--message-direct": {
"messageformat": "Wil je berichten van {name} ontvangen, en sta je toe dat diegene je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving kan zien? Personen weten niet dat je hun berichten hebt gezien totdat je het gespreksverzoek hebt geaccepteerd."
"messageformat": "Wil je berichten van {name} ontvangen en je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving met diegene delen? Personen weten niet dat je hun berichten hebt gezien totdat je het gespreksverzoek hebt geaccepteerd."
"icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-hidden": {
"messageformat": "Wil je berichten van {name} ontvangen, en sta je toe dat diegene je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving kan zien? Je hebt deze persoon in het verleden verwijderd."
"messageformat": "Wil je berichten van {name} ontvangen en je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving met diegene delen? Je hebt deze persoon in het verleden verwijderd."
"icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-blocked": {
"messageformat": "Wil je berichten van {name} ontvangen, en sta je toe dat diegene je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving kan zien? Totdat je deze persoon hebt gedeblokkeerd, zul je geen berichten ontvangen."
"messageformat": "Wil je berichten van {name} ontvangen en je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving met diegene delen? Totdat je deze persoon hebt gedeblokkeerd, zul je geen berichten ontvangen."
"icu:MessageRequests--message-group": {
"messageformat": "Wil je lid worden van deze groep, en sta je toe dat alle leden van de groep je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving kunnen zien? Leden van de groep weten niet dat je hun berichten hebt gezien totdat je het gespreksverzoek hebt geaccepteerd."
"messageformat": "Wil je lid worden van deze groep en je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving met de andere leden delen? Leden van de groep weten niet dat je hun berichten hebt gezien totdat je het gespreksverzoek hebt geaccepteerd."
"icu:MessageRequests--message-group-blocked": {
"messageformat": "Wil je weer berichten van deze groep ontvangen en sta je toe dat alle leden van de groep je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving kunnen zien? Totdat je de groep hebt gedeblokkeerd, zul je geen berichten of oproepen ontvangen en kunnen leden van deze groep veranderingen van je profiel niet zien."
"messageformat": "Wil je deze groep deblokkeren en je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving met de leden delen? Totdat je de groep hebt gedeblokkeerd, zul je geen berichten ontvangen."
"icu:MessageRequests--block": {
"messageformat": "Blokkeren"
@ -2574,7 +2574,7 @@
"messageformat": "Doorgaan"
"icu:MessageRequests--profile-sharing--group--link": {
"messageformat": "Wil je je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving voor deze groep zichtbaar maken om je chat met de groep voort te kunnen zetten? <learnMoreLink>Meer informatie.</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "Wil je je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving met de andere leden delen om je chat met de groep voort te kunnen zetten? <learnMoreLink>Meer informatie.</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:MessageRequests--profile-sharing--direct--link": {
"messageformat": "Doorgaan met deze chat met {firstName} en je naam en profielfoto met hen delen? <learnMoreLink>Meer informatie</learnMoreLink>"
@ -2607,7 +2607,7 @@
"messageformat": "Oproep beantwoorden"
"icu:acceptCallWithoutVideo": {
"messageformat": "Beantwoord oproep zonder video"
"messageformat": "Oproep beantwoorden zonder video"
"icu:declineCall": {
"messageformat": "Weigeren"
@ -2688,7 +2688,7 @@
"messageformat": "Aan oproep deelnemen"
"icu:callNeedPermission": {
"messageformat": "{title} zal van jou een gespreksverzoek ontvangen. Je kunt bellen zodra je gespreksverzoek door hem of haar is geaccepteerd."
"messageformat": "{title} zal van jou een gespreksverzoek ontvangen. Je kunt bellen vanaf het moment dat je gespreksverzoek is geaccepteerd."
"icu:callReconnecting": {
"messageformat": "Opnieuw aan het verbinden…"
@ -2928,10 +2928,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ongeldige link"
"icu:GroupV2--join--invalid-link": {
"messageformat": "Dit is geen geldige groepslink. Ga na dat je de volledige link gebruikt met de juiste karakters voordat je probeert lid te worden van de groep."
"messageformat": "Dit is geen geldige groepslink. Zorg dat je de volledige link gebruikt met de juiste karakters voordat je probeert lid te worden van de groep."
"icu:GroupV2--join--prompt": {
"messageformat": "Wil je lid worden van deze groep en je naam en profielfoto met de andere leden delen?"
"messageformat": "Wil je lid worden van deze groep en je profielnaam, -foto en -omschrijving met de andere leden delen?"
"icu:GroupV2--join--already-in-group": {
"messageformat": "Je bent al lid van deze groep."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Dit kan enkele minuten duren, afhankelijk van de grootte van je back-up"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Media aan het herstellen"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} van {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Vergroten"
@ -3642,7 +3642,7 @@
"messageformat": "Berichten verzenden & oproepen beginnen"
"icu:ConversationDetails--announcement-info": {
"messageformat": "Kies wie berichten aan de groep mogen verzenden en oproepen mogen beginnen."
"messageformat": "Kies wie in deze groep berichten mogen verzenden en oproepen mogen beginnen."
"icu:ConversationDetails--requests-and-invites": {
"messageformat": "Verzoeken & uitnodigingen"
@ -3747,10 +3747,10 @@
"messageformat": "Meldingen ontvangen wanneer je wordt vermeld in een gedempte chat"
"icu:ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__select__always-notify": {
"messageformat": "Altijd een melding bij vermeldingen"
"messageformat": "Geef me altijd een melding"
"icu:ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__select__dont-notify-for-mentions-if-muted": {
"messageformat": "Geef me geen melding als gedempt"
"messageformat": "Geen meldingen als gedempt"
"icu:GroupLinkManagement--clipboard": {
"messageformat": "Groepslink gekopieerd."
@ -3801,7 +3801,7 @@
"messageformat": "Groepsuitnodiging voor ‘{name}’ intrekken?"
"icu:PendingInvites--revoke-from": {
"messageformat": "{number, plural, one {{number,number} uitnodiging die door {name} is verstuurd intrekken?} other {{number,number} uitnodigingen die door {name} zijn verstuurd intrekken?}}"
"messageformat": "{number, plural, one {Wil je de uitnodiging die door {name} is verstuurd intrekken?} other {Wil je {number,number} uitnodigingen die door {name} zijn verstuurd intrekken?}}"
"icu:PendingInvites--revoke": {
"messageformat": "Uitnodiging intrekken"
@ -4176,7 +4176,7 @@
"messageformat": "Zodra je een bericht verzendt zal de timer voor verdwijnende berichten op {timeValue} worden ingesteld."
"icu:ContactRemovedNotification__text": {
"messageformat": "Je hebt deze persoon verwijderd. Als je hem of haar opnieuw een bericht stuurt, wordt diegene weer aan je lijst toegevoegd."
"messageformat": "Je hebt deze persoon verwijderd. Als je opnieuw een bericht stuurt, wordt diegene weer aan je lijst toegevoegd."
"icu:ErrorBoundaryNotification__text": {
"messageformat": "Dit bericht kan niet worden weergegeven. Klik hier om een foutopsporingslog te uploaden."
@ -4599,7 +4599,7 @@
"messageformat": "Start Signal opnieuw om de update te installeren."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--cannot-update__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop kon niet worden geüpdatet, maar er is een nieuwe versie beschikbaar. Ga naar {downloadUrl}, installeer de nieuwe versie handmatig en neem vervolgens contact op met ondersteuning of dien een bug in over dit probleem."
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop kon niet worden bijgewerkt, maar er is een nieuwe versie beschikbaar. Ga naar {downloadUrl} en installeer de nieuwe versie handmatig. Neem vervolgens contact op met ondersteuning of dien een foutrapport in over dit probleem."
"icu:NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"messageformat": "Signal kan niet automatisch worden afgesloten.",
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "We hebben ook een aantal bugs opgelost, waaronder een bug die er soms voor zorgde dat ‘Onbekend contact is een video-oproep gestart’ werd weergegeven in de chatlijst terwijl je zelf de oproep was gestart.Zelfs als je jezelf nog aan het ontdekken bent, ben je nooit helemaal een onbekende voor jezelf."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "In deze update is een fout opgelost, waardoor de indicator van een gemiste oproep nu weer automatisch op andere apparaten wordt gewist zodra je de gemiste oproep op één apparaat hebt gezien. Maar als je deze fout hebt gemist, dan heb je niks gemist."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਬੈਕਅੱਪ ਦੇ ਆਕਾਰ 'ਤੇ ਨਿਰਭਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋਏ ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਝ ਮਿੰਟ ਲੱਗ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "ਮੀਡੀਆ ਰੀਸਟੋਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} ਵਿੱਚੋਂ {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "ਫੈਲਾਓ"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "ਅਸੀਂ ਕੁਝ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਈ ਵਾਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਕਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਚੈਟ ਸੂਚੀ ਦੇ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਵਿੱਚ \"ਅਣਜਾਣ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਨੇ ਇੱਕ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕੀਤੀ\" ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਸੀ।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਡਿਵਾਈਸ 'ਤੇ ਮਿਸਡ ਕਾਲ ਦੀ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਦੇਖਣ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਦੂਜੇ ਡਿਵਾਈਸਾਂ 'ਤੇ ਮਿਸਡ ਕਾਲ ਦੀ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਆਪਣੇ-ਆਪ ਕਲੀਅਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਸੀ, ਇਹ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਉਸ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀ ਨੂੰ ਠੀਕ ਕਰਦੀ ਹੈ।"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "W zależności od wielkości kopii zapasowej może to potrwać kilka minut"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Przywracanie multimediów"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} z {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Powiększ"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Naprawiliśmy także parę błędów, w tym jeden, który niekiedy powodował wyświetlanie komunikatu „Nieznany kontakt rozpoczął połączenie wideo” w podsumowaniu listy czatów po rozpoczęciu połączenia. Nawet jeśli wciąż jesteś w trakcie podróży ku samopoznaniu, zawsze znasz siebie choć odrobinę."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Ta aktualizacja naprawia błąd, który powodował, że wyczyszczenie powiadomienia o nieodebranym połączeniu na jednym urządzeniu nie czyściło tego powiadomienia na innych urządzeniach, przez co odebrane Ci zostało poczucie bezstresowego nieodbierania połączeń."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Isso pode demorar alguns minutos, dependendo do tamanho do seu backup"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Restaurando arquivos de mídia"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} de {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Expandir"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Também resolvemos alguns problemas, incluindo um que, em algumas ocasiões, exibia “Contato desconhecido iniciou uma chamada de vídeo” no resumo da lista de conversas após você ter iniciado a chamada."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Essa atualização corrige um erro de visualização de chamadas perdidas. Antes, você via o indicador dessa chamada em todos os dispositivos. Agora, ao visualizar em um, o indicador desaparece em todos."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Isto pode demorar alguns minutos, dependendo do tamanho da sua cópia de segurança"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "A restaurar os ficheiros"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} de {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Expandir"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Também corrigimos uma série de erros, incluindo um que fazia aparecer \"Contacto desconhecido iniciou uma videochamada\" no resumo da lista do chat após iniciar uma chamada de voz."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Esta atualização corrige um erro em que ver uma chamada perdida num dispositivo não apagava automaticamente o indicador dessa chamada perdida nos seus outros dispositivos."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Poate dura câteva minute, în funcție de dimensiunea backup-ului"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Se restaurează fișierele"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} de {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Extinde"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Am remediat câteva erori, inclusiv una care făcea ca uneori să apară „Un contact necunoscut a început un apel video” în rezumatul listei de conversații, după ce ai început apelul. Chiar dacă încă ești într-o călătorie de descoperire de sine, nu ești niciodată complet necunoscut ție însuți."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Această actualizare remediază o eroare prin care dacă vizualizai un apel pierdut pe un dispozitiv nu se ștergea automat indicatorul de apel pierdut pe alte dispozitive, ceea ce împiedica buna conviețuire a listelor de apeluri pierdute."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Это может занять несколько минут в зависимости от размера резервной копии"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Восстановление медиафайлов"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} из {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Развернуть"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Мы также разобрались с немногочисленными ошибками, в том числе с той, из-за которой сообщение «Неизвестный контакт начал видеозвонок» иногда появлялось в сводке чатов после того, как вы начали звонок. Даже если вы всё еще находитесь на пути к самопознанию, вы уже что-то о себе да знаете."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "В этом обновлении исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при просмотре пропущенного звонка на одном устройстве индикатор этого пропущенного звонка не удалялся автоматически на других устройствах, что приводило к путанице в списках пропущенных вызовов."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "V závislosti od veľkosti zálohy to môže trvať niekoľko minút"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Obnovujú sa médiá"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} z {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Rozbaliť"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Opravili sme tiež niekoľko chýb vrátane tej, ktorá občas spôsobovala, že sa po začatí hovoru v zozname četov objavil text „Neznámy kontakt zahájil videohovor“."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Táto aktualizácia opravuje chybu, ktorá spôsobovala, že sa pri zobrazení zmeškaného hovoru na jednom zariadení automaticky nevymazal indikátor toho istého zmeškaného hovoru na ostatných zariadeniach."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "To lahko traja nekaj minut, odvisno od velikosti varnostne kopije"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Obnovitev medijev"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} od {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Razširi"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Odpravili smo tudi nekaj hroščev, med drugim tistega, ki je včasih povzročil, da se je napis \"Neznani stik je začel video klic\" pojavil v povzetku seznama klepeta po tem, ko ste začeli klic. Čeprav ste še vedno na poti samospoznavanja, si nikoli niste povsem neznani."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Ta posodobitev odpravlja napako, zaradi katere se ob ogledu neodgovorjenega klica v eni napravi kazalnik neodgovorjenega klica ni samodejno izbrisal v drugih napravah."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Kjo mund të zgjasë disa minuta në varësi të madhësisë së kopjeruajtjes"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Duke rikthyer median"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} nga {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Zgjeroje"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Rregulluam edhe disa defekte, duke përfshirë atë, i cili ndonjëherë shkaktonte shfaqjen e mesazhit \"Kontakti i panjohur filloi një telefonatë video\" në përmbledhjen e listës së bisedave pasi të kesh filluar thirrjen. Edhe nëse je ende në udhëtim vetë-zbulues, nuk je kurrë plotësisht i panjohur për veten."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Përditësimi rregullon defektin ku hapja e njoftimit të një telefonate të humbur në një pajisje nuk do të fshinte automatikisht njoftimin e asaj telefonate të humbur në pajisje të tjera, gjë që ishte një mundësi e humbur për bashkëjetesën e mirë të listës së telefonatave të humbura."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "То може потрајати неколико минута у зависности од величине ваше резервне копије"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Враћање медија"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} од {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Прошири"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Такође смо поправили неколико грешака, укључујући и ону која је понекад узроковала да се обавештење: „Непознати контакт је започео видео позив“, појави у резимеу листе за ћаскање након што сте започели позив."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "У овом ажурирању је исправљена грешка у којој се, када видите пропуштени позив на једном уређају, индикатор за тај пропуштени позив не очисти аутоматски на другим уређајима."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Detta kan ta några minuter beroende på storleken på din säkerhetskopia"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Återställer media"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} av {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Fäll ut"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Vi har också åtgärdat en handfull buggar, bland annat en som ibland gjorde att ”Okänd kontakt startade ett videosamtal” visades i sammanfattningen av chattlistan efter att du hade startat samtalet."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Den här uppdateringen åtgärdar en bugg där visning av ett missat samtal på en enhet inte automatiskt rensade indikatorn för det missade samtalet på dina andra enheter."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Hii inaweza kuchukua sekunde kadhaa kulingana na ukubwa wa mchakato wako wa uhifadhi nakala"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Inarejesha video na picha"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} ya {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Panua"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Pia tumerekebisha hitilafu kadhaa, ikiwemo moja ambayo wakati mwingine husababisha \"Mwasiliani asiyejulikana amepiga simu ya video\" kuonekana kwenye mhtasari wa orodha ya gumzo baada ya simu kupigwa. Hata kama bado upo kwenye safari ya kujitambua, ila sio kwamba haujitambui kabisa."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Sasisho hili hurekebisha hitilafu ambapo kutazama simu ambayo hukujibiwa kwenye kifaa kimoja hakutafuta kiotomatiki kiashirio cha simu ambayo haikujibiwa kwenye vifaa vyako vingine, ambayo ilikuwa fursa iliyokosekana katika orodha yako ya simu ambazo hukujibu kufanya kazi vyema kwa pamoja."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "உங்கள் காப்புப்பிரதியின் அளவைப் பொறுத்து இதற்குச் சில நிமிடங்கள் ஆகலாம்"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "மீடியாவை மீட்டமைக்கிறது"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} இல் {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "விரிவாக்கு"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "நீங்கள் அழைப்பைத் தொடங்கிய பிறகு, சில சமயங்களில் சாட் பட்டியலின் சுருக்கத்தில் தெரியப்படும் \"அறியப்படாத தொடர்பு வீடியோ அழைப்பைத் தொடங்கினார்\" உட்பட சில பிழைகளை நாங்கள் சரிசெய்துள்ளோம்."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "இந்தப் புதுப்பிப்பு ஒரு சாதனத்தில் தவறவிட்ட அழைப்பைப் பார்ப்பதன் மூலம், அதே தவறவிட்ட அழைப்புகளை மற்ற சாதனங்களில் தானாக அழிக்காமல் காண்பிக்கும் பிழையைச் சரிசெய்கிறது."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "మీ బ్యాకప్ పరిమాణాన్ని బట్టి దీనికి ఇంకాస్త సమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "మీడియాను పునరుద్ధరిస్తోంది"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})లో {currentSize}"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "విస్తరించండి"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "మీరు కాల్ని ప్రారంభించిన తర్వాత చాట్ జాబితా సారాంశంలో కొన్నిసార్లు \"తెలియని పరిచయం వీడియో కాల్ను ప్రారంభించింది\" అని కనిపించడానికి కారణం అయిన దానితో సహా మేము మరి కొన్ని బగ్లను కూడా పరిష్కరించాము. ఇంకా మీరు మిమ్మల్ని కనుగొనే పయనంలో ఉన్నప్పటికీ, మీకు మీరేమి పూర్తిగా అపరిచితులు కాదు."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "ఈ అప్డేట్, మీరు మిస్డ్ కాల్ వివరాలు ఒక పరికరంలో చూసినప్పుడు, మీ ఇతర పరికరాలలో ఆ మిస్డ్ కాల్ కోసం దాని ఇండికేటర్ ఆటోమేటిక్గా క్లియర్ అవ్వడానికి కారణం అయిన బగ్ను పరిష్కరిస్తుంది."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "ขั้นตอนนี้อาจใช้เวลาสักครู่ โดยขึ้นอยู่กับขนาดข้อมูลสำรองของคุณ"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "กำลังกู้คืนไฟล์สื่อ"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} จาก {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "ขยาย"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "เรายังจัดการแก้ไขบั๊กหลายตัว รวมถึงบั๊กที่เคยทำให้หน้ารายการแชทขึ้นสถานะว่า \"ผู้ติดต่อที่ไม่รู้จักเริ่มวิดีโอคอล\" เมื่อคุณเป็นคนเริ่มต้นการโทรนั้น"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "การอัปเดตครั้งนี้มาพร้อมการแก้ไขบั๊กเพื่อการใช้งานที่ไม่สะดุด โดยเมื่อคุณเปิดดูสายที่ไม่ได้รับบนอุปกรณ์เครื่องหนึ่ง ระบบจะซิงค์ให้สถานะบนอุปกรณ์อีกเครื่องเปลี่ยนตามแบบอัตโนมัติ"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Maaaring tumagal ito nang ilang minuto depende sa laki ng iyong backup"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Nire-restore ang media"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} ng {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "I-expand"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "May inayos din kaming ilang bugs, kasama ang isang nagiging sanhi minsan ng paglabas ng message na \"Unknown contact started a video call\" sa chat list summary pagkatapos mong magsimula ng call."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Inaayos ng update na ito ang bug kung saan hindi automatically nawawala ang missed call indicator sa ibang devices mo kahit na na-view mo na ang missed call na ito sa isang device."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Yedeklemenin boyutuna bağlı olarak birkaç dakika sürebilir"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Medya geri yükleniyor"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} / {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Genişlet"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Aramayı başlattıktan sonra bazen sohbet listesi özetinde \"Bilinmeyen bir kişi görüntülü arama başlattı\" hatasının görünmesine neden olan bir hata da dahil olmak üzere birkaç hatayı düzelttik. Böylece kafan karışmadan, rahatça görüşmelerini yapabileceksin."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Bu güncellemede, cevapsız bir aramanın bir cihazda görüntülenmesinin, diğer cihazlarındaki cevapsız arama göstergesini otomatik olarak silmemesine neden olan bir hatayı düzelttik."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "بۇنىڭغا زاپاسلاشنىڭ چوڭ-كىچىكلىكىگە ئاساسەن بىر قانچە مىنۇت ۋاقىت كېتىشى مۇمكىن"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "مېدىيانى ئەسلىگە كەلتۈرىۋاتىدۇ"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} نىڭ {currentSize} چۈشۈپ بولدى (ئومۇمىي {fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "كېڭەيتىش"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "بىز يەنە بىر قانچە كەمتۈكلۈكنى ئوڭشىدۇق ، بۇلارنىڭ ئىچىدە بەزىدە تېلېفوننى باشلىغاندىن كېيىن پاراڭلىشىش تىزىملىكى خۇلاسىسىدە كۆرۈنىدىغان «نامەلۇم ئالاقىلاشقۇچى بىر سىنلىق چاقىرىقنى باشلىدى» نى كەلتۈرۈپ چىقىرىدىغان كەمتۈكلۈكمۇ بار. سىز ھازىرغىچە ئۆزىڭىزنى بايقاش سەپىرىدە بولسىڭىزمۇ ، ئەمما سىزئۆز- ئۆزىڭىزگە پۈتۈنلەي نامەلۇم ئەمەس."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "بۇ يېڭىلانما بىر ئۈسكۈنىدە ئېلىنمىغان تېلېفوننى كۆرۈپ بولغاندىن كىيىنمۇ باشقا ئۈسكۈنىدىكى ئوخشاش كۆرسەتكۈچنى ئاپتوماتىك ئۆچۈرەلمەيدىغان كەمتۈكلۈكنى ئوڭشايدۇ ھەمدە ھەممىسىنىڭ ماس قەدەمدە بىللە مەۋجۇد بولۇپ تۇرۇشىنى ئلگىرى سۈرىدۇ."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Воно може зайняти кілька хвилин — швидкість залежить від розміру резервної копії"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Відновлення медіафайлів"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} з {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Розкрити"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Ми також виправили кілька помилок. Наприклад, почавши виклик, тепер ви не побачите оповістки «Користувач Невідомий контакт почав відеовиклик» на панелі зі списком чатів. Ми згодні, що пошук себе може тривати все життя, та все ж для самої себе людина не буває геть невідома."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "У цьому оновленні ми виправили помилку, через яку індикатор пропущеного виклику не зникав з усіх пристроїв, коли ви переглядали сповіщення на якомусь з них. Іноді таємниці доречні, але ваш акаунт Signal точно має ділитися подробицями з усіма зв’язаними пристроями."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "اس پر چند منٹ لگ سکتے ہیں جس کا انحصار آپ کے کنکشن پر ہے"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "میڈیا بحال ہو رہا ہے"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{totalSize} کا {currentSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "پھیلائیں"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "ہم نے آپ کی جانب سے کال شروع کرنے کے بعد چیٹ لسٹ کے خلاصے میں ظاہر ہونے والے چند ایک نقائص کو بھی صحیح کیا ہے، بشمول اس کی جو بعض اوقات \"نامعلوم رابطہ کی جانب سے ویڈیو کال شروع کی گئی\" کا سبب ہوتا تھا۔"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "یہ اپ ڈیٹ اس بگ کو ٹھیک کرتی ہے جہاں ایک ڈیوائس پر مسڈ کال دیکھنے سی بھی آپ کی دوسری ڈیوائسز پر اس مسڈ کال کا انڈیکیٹر خودکار طور پر ختم نہیں ہوتا تھا۔"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "Quá trình này có thể mất vài phút tùy vào dung lượng của bản sao lưu"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "Đang khôi phục tập tin đa phương tiện"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} của tổng số {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Mở rộng"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "Chúng tôi cũng đã sửa xong nhiều lỗi, trong đó có lỗi xuất hiện \"Liên hệ không rõ đã bắt đầu một cuộc gọi video\" trong danh sách cuộc trò chuyện sau khi bạn bắt đầu cuộc gọi."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "Bản cập nhật này sửa lỗi thông báo cuộc gọi nhỡ không mất đi trên một thiết bị khi bạn đã xem thông báo đó trên các thiết bị khác."
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "視乎你嘅備份大小,過程可能需時幾分鐘"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "還原緊媒體"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize} / {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "展開"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "我哋仲修正咗其他錯誤,包括有時會喺你發起通話之後,喺聊天清單摘要度出現「不明聯絡人開始咗視像通話」嘅問題。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "今次更新修正咗一個錯誤,以後當你喺其中一部機度睇咗啲未接來電之後,其他裝置嘅未接來電標記就會自動清除,唔會再卡住喺度。"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "这可能需要几分钟时间,视您的备份大小而定"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "正在恢复媒体"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "{currentSize}/{totalSize}({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "扩展"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "我们还修复了一些错误,包括一个有时会导致“未知联系人发起了一个视频通话”在您开始通话后出现在聊天列表摘要中的错误。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "此次更新修复了一个漏洞:当用户在一台设备上查看未接来电时,该操作不会自动清除其他设备上的未接来电提示。"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "可能需時幾分鐘,視你的備份大小而定"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "正在還原媒體"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "共 {totalSize} 中的 {currentSize} ( {fractionComplete,number,percent} )"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "擴充"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "我們還修正了一些錯誤,包括有時會在發起通話後,聊天清單摘要中出現「未知聯絡人開始視訊通話」的問題。從此你不會對自己感到「陌生」了。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "此更新修正了一個錯誤,即在某個裝置上查看未接來電時,不會自動清除其他裝置上的未接來電標記。"
@ -3528,10 +3528,10 @@
"messageformat": "可能需時幾分鐘,視你的備份大小而定"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__title": {
"messageformat": "Restoring media"
"messageformat": "正在還原媒體"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadProgress__progressbar-hint": {
"messageformat": "{currentSize} of {totalSize} ({fractionComplete,number,percent})"
"messageformat": "共 {totalSize} 中的 {currentSize} ( {fractionComplete,number,percent} )"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "擴充"
@ -5618,6 +5618,6 @@
"messageformat": "我們還修正了一些錯誤,包括有時會在發起通話後,聊天清單摘要中出現「未知聯絡人開始視訊通話」的問題。從此你不會對自己感到「陌生」了。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.24--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where viewing a missed call on one device wouldn't automatically clear the indicator for that missed call on your other devices, which was a missed opportunity for your missed call list to better coexist."
"messageformat": "此更新修正了一個錯誤,即在某個裝置上查看未接來電時,不會自動清除其他裝置上的未接來電標記。"
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