Update strings
This commit is contained in:
68 changed files with 3511 additions and 1509 deletions
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Soek"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Vee Soek uit"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Geen soekresultate vir \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS-kontakte is nie op Desktop beskikbaar nie."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Geen resultate vir \"{searchTerm}\" in {conversationName} nie"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Kletse"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Kanselleer oordrag"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Kanselleer oordrag?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "U profiel kan nie bygewerk word nie. Probeer asb. weer."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Ongeldige karakters"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Een of meer karakters wat jy ingevoer het, kan nie gebruik word nie. Probeer weer."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Stuur ’n boodskap aan admin"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal ervaar tans tegniese probleme. Ons werk hard daaraan om diens so spoedig moontlik te herstel."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Opdatering benodig"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Klik <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> om 'n nuwe stem- of video-oproep te begin."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Soek"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtreer volgens gemis"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Onlangse oproepe sal hier verskyn."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Geen gemiste oproepe nie"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Gemiste oproepe sal hier verskyn."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Geen resultate vir \"{query}\" nie"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Skep 'n Oproepskakel"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Klein veranderings, foutregstellings en prestasieverbeterings. Dankie dat jy Signal gebruik!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Nou kan jy vinnig elke foto in 'n album aflaai wanneer jy 'n boodskap met veelvuldige aanhegsels ontvang. Dankie, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Danksy 'n paar klein optimiseer verminder hierdie opdatering die grootte van die toepassing effens met ongeveer 4 megagrepe."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Ons het ook 'n fout met die skermdeel-knoppie op Linux herstel."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Hierdie vrystelling stel ook 'n fout reg wat by die selektering van emoji's voorgekom het. Dankie, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "بحث"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "محو البحث"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "لم يعثر على نتائج حول \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "جهات اتصال الرسائل القصيرة ورسائل الوسائط المتعددة غير متاحة في هذا التطبيق."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "لم يعثر على نتائج حول \"{searchTerm}\" في {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "الدردشات"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "إلغاء التحويل"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "أترغبُ بإلغاء التحويل؟"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "لقد تعذر تحديث حسابك الشخصي. يُرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "رموز غير صالحة"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "رمز واحد أو أكثر من الرموز التي أدخلتها غير صالح. حاوِل مرّة أخرى."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "مراسلة مشرف على المجموعة"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "إنَّ سيجنال يواجِهُ صُعوبات تَقنية. نحنُ نعملُ بجد لاستعادة الخِدمة في أسرع وقت ممكن."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "يَجب تحديث التطبيق"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "انقر على <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> لبدء مُكالمة صوتية أو فيديو جديدة."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "بحث"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "الفلترة حسب المكالمات الفائتة"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "سَتظهر آخر المكالمات هنا."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "لا توجد مكالمات فائتة"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "سَتظهر المكالمات الفائتة هنا."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "لا توجد نتيجة لـ \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "إنشاء رابط المكالمة"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "تعديلات صغيرة، تصليح الأعطال، وتحسينات للأداء. شكرًا على استخدامكم سيجنال!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "يمكنك الآن تنزيل جميع الصور في الألبوم بسرعة عند تلقّي رسالة تحتوي على عدة ملفات مُرفَقة. ولكن إن كنت تهتمُّ باختيار الصور التي تفضِّل، فلا يزال بإمكانك حفظها بشكل فردي أيضًا. شكرًا، <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "يُخفض هذا التحديث حجم التطبيق بنسبة 4 ميغابايت تقريبًا."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "قُمنا أيضًا بإصلاح خطأ متعلقًا بزر مشاركة الشاشة على نظام Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "يعمل هذا التحديث على إصلاح خطأ يتعلَّق باختيار الرموز التعبيرية (الإيموجي). شكرًا، <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Axtar"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Axtarışı təmizlə"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" üçün nəticə yoxdur"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS əlaqələri Masaüstündə əlçatmazdır."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} danışığında \"{searchTerm}\" üçün nəticə yoxdur"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Çatlar"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Köçürməni ləğv et"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Köçürmə ləğv edilsin?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Profiliniz yenilənə bilmir. Zəhmət olmasa yenidən sınayın."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Səhv simvollar"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Daxil etdiyiniz bir və ya daha çox simvol istifadə oluna bilmir. Yenidən cəhd edin."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Bir adminə mesaj yazın"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal, hal-hazırda texniki çətinliklər yaşayır. Xidməti mümkün olan ən qısa vaxtda bərpa etmək üçün əlimizdən gələni edirik."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Yeniləmə tələb olunur"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Yeni bir audio və ya video zəng başlamaq üçün <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> üzərinə klikləyin."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Axtar"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Buraxılmışlara görə filtrlə"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Son zənglər burada görünəcək."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Buraxılmış zəng yoxdur"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Buraxılmış zənglər burada görünəcək."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” üçün heç bir nəticə yoxdur"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Zəng Keçidi yarat"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Kiçik spesifik tənzimləmələr, xəta düzəlişləri və məhsuldarlığın artırılması. Signal istifadə etdiyiniz üçün təşəkkürlər!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Çoxsaylı qoşması olan bir mesaj aldığınız zaman artıq bir albomdakı hər fotonu asanlıqla endirə bilərsiniz. Amma əvvəlki həyatınızda qüsursuzluğa əhəmiyyət verən bir qalereya kuratoru olmusunuzsa, onları tək-tək də endirə bilərsiniz. Təşəkkürlər, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Bəzi kimik optimallaşdırmalar sayəsində bu yeniləmə ilə tətbiqin həcmi təxminən 4 meqabayt qədər kiçilir. Bu sizə əlavə yaddaşa ehtiyac hiss etmədən təxminən 4 kitab həcminə bərabər mətn mesajı (və ya 2-3 hərəkətli GIF) göndərmək üçün kifayət qədər boş yer qazandırır."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Əgər Wayland sizin yazı tərtib etmək üzrə pəncərə menecerinizdirsə (və təkcə Beowulfdan qeyri-müəyyən xatırladığınız dəmirçinin adı deyilsə), bizim həm də Linux-da ekran paylaşma düyməsi ilə əlaqəli problemi də aradan qaldırdığımızı eşitdiyinizə sevinəcəksiniz."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Bu yeniləmə mətni seçərkən emojinin üzərinə sağla kliklədikdə müvafiq kontekst menyusunun görünməməsi ilə əlaqəli nasazlığı aradan qaldırır. Təşəkkürlər, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Търсене"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Изчисти търсенето"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Няма резултати за \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS контакти не са достъпни на Desktop"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Няма резултати за \"{searchTerm}\" в {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Чатове"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Отмяна на трансфера"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Отмяна на трансфера?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Грешка при обновяване на профила ви. Моля, опитайте пак."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Невалидни знаци"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Един или повече от въведените знаци не могат да бъдат използвани. Опитайте отново."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Пиши на администратор"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal изпитва технически проблеми. Работим здраво, за да възстановим нормална операция възможно най-бързо."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Необходима е актуализация"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Кликнете върху <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>, за да започнете ново гласово или видео обаждане."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Търсене"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Филтриране по пропуснати"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Последните повиквания ще се появяват тук."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Няма пропуснати повиквания"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Пропуснатите повиквания ще се появяват тук."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Не са открити резултати за „{query}“"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Създаване на линк за обаждането"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Дребни корекции, поправки на бъгове и подобрения на работата. Благодарим ви, че използвате Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Вече можете бързо да изтеглите всяка снимка в даден албум, когато получите съобщение с няколко прикачени файла. Благодарим, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Тази актуализация намалява размера на приложението с около 4 мегабайта."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Също така коригирахме грешка с бутона за споделяне на екрана в Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Тази версия коригира и грешка при избора на текст за емоджи. Мерси, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "অনুসন্ধান"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "অনুসন্ধান সাফ করুন"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" এর জন্য কোন ফলাফল নেই"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS কন্ট্যাক্ট ডেস্কটপে থাকে না।"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" এর জন্য {conversationName} মধ্যে কোন ফলাফল নেই"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "চ্যাট"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "স্থানান্তর বাতিল করুন"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "স্থানান্তর বাতিল করবেন?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "আপনার প্রোফাইলটি আপডেট করা যায়নি। অনুগ্রহ করে আবার চেষ্টা করুন।"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "অকার্যকর ক্যারেক্টার"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "আপনার প্রদত্ত এক বা একাধিক ক্যারেক্টার ব্যবহার করা যাচ্ছে না। আবার চেষ্টা করুন।"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "একজন অ্যাডমিনকে মেসেজ পাঠান"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal প্রযুক্তিগত অসুবিধাগুলি অনুভব করছে। আমরা যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব সেবা পুনরুদ্ধার করতে কঠোর পরিশ্রম করছি।"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "আপডেট করা প্রয়োজন"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "একটি নতুন ভয়েস বা ভিডিও কল শুরু করতে <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>এ ক্লিক করুন।"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "অনুসন্ধান"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "মিসড কলের উপর ভিত্তি করে ফিল্টার করুন"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "সাম্প্রতিক কল এখানে দেখানো হবে।"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "কোনো মিসড কল নেই"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "মিসড কল এখানে দেখানো হবে।"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}”-এর জন্য কোনো ফলাফল পাওয়া যায়নি"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "কলের একটি লিংক তৈরি করুন"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "ছোট ছোট কিছু পরিবর্তন, বাগ সংশোধন এবং পারফর্মেন্স সমৃদ্ধ করা হয়েছে। Signal ব্যবহার করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "এখন একাধিক সংযুক্তি সহ কোনো মেসেজ পেলে আপনি একটি অ্যালবামের প্রতিটি ছবি দ্রুত ডাউনলোড করতে পারবেন। ধন্যবাদ, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "এই আপডেটটি অ্যাপটির আকার প্রায় 4 মেগাবাইট কমিয়ে দেয়।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "আমরা Linux-এ স্ক্রিন শেয়ারিং বাটনসহ একটি বাগও সংশোধন করেছি।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "এই রিলিজটি ইমোজি টেক্সট নির্বাচনের সাথে সম্পৃক্ত একটি বাগও সংশোধন করে। ধন্যবাদ, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Traži"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Obriši pretraživanje"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Nema rezultata za \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS kontakti nisu dostupni na Desktopu."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Nema rezultata za \"{searchTerm}\" u razgovoru {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chatovi"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Otkaži transfer"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Otkazati transfer?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Ažuriranje vašeg profila nije uspjelo. Pokušajte ponovo."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Nevažeći znakovi"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Jedan ili više znakova koje ste unijeli se ne mogu koristiti. Pokušajte ponovo."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Pošalji poruku administratoru"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal ima tehničkih poteškoća. Trudimo se da što prije uslugu ponovo osposobimo."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Potrebno je ažuriranje"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Kliknite na <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> da pokrenete novi glasovni ili video poziv."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Traži"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtriraj prema propuštenom pozivu"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Ovdje će se pojaviti nedavni pozivi."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Nema propuštenih poziva"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Propušteni pozivi će se pojaviti ovdje."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Nema rezultata za “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Kreiranje poveznice za poziv"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Mala podešavanja, otklanjanje grešaka i poboljšanja performansi. Hvala vam što koristite Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Sada možete brzo preuzeti svaku fotografiju u albumu kada primite poruku s više privitaka. Hvala, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Zahvaljujući malim optimizacijama, ovo ažuriranje neznatno smanjuje veličinu aplikacije za otprilike 4 megabajta. To je dovoljno prostora da pošaljete tekstualne poruke u vrijednosti od otprilike 4 knjige (ili 2-3 animirana GIF-a) bez zauzimanja dodatnog prostora."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Također smo popravili grešku s gumbom za dijeljenje zaslona na Linuxu."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Ovo izdanje također ispravlja pogrešku s odabirom teksta emotikona. Hvala, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Cerca"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Neteja la cerca"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "No hi ha cap resultat per a \"{searchTerm}\"."
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Els contactes d'SMS / MMS no estan disponibles a la versió d'escriptori."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "No hi ha resultats per a \"{searchTerm}\" a {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Xats"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel·lar la transferència"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Cancel·lar la transferència?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "No s'ha pogut actualitzar el perfil. Torneu-ho a provar més tard."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Caràcters no vàlids"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Un o més caràcters que has introduït no es poden utilitzar. Torna a provar-ho."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Envia un missatge a un administrador"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "El Signal té problemes tècnics. Estem treballant per recuperar el servei tan ràpidament com sigui possible."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Actualització necessària"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Fes clic a <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> per iniciar una nova trucada de veu o vídeo."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Cerca"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrar per perdudes"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Les trucades recents apareixeran aquí."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "No hi ha trucades perdudes"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Les trucades perdudes apareixeran aquí."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "No s'ha trobat cap resultat per a «{query}»"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Crear un enllaç de trucada"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Petits ajustos, correccions d'errors i tasques de millora de rendiment. Gràcies per utilitzar Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Ara, quan rebis un missatge amb diversos fitxers adjunts, podràs descarregar ràpidament totes les fotos en un àlbum. Gràcies, <linkMajorMayer>@major -mayer!</linkMajorMayer>"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Aquesta actualització redueix la mida de l'aplicació en aproximadament 4 megabytes."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "També hem solucionat un error amb el botó de compartir pantalla a Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Aquesta actualització també corregeix un error a l'hora de seleccionar text amb emojis. Gràcies, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Hledat"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Vymazat hledání"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" nenalezeno"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS kontakty nejsou na Desktopu dostupné"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Žádné výsledky pro „{searchTerm}“ v {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chaty"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Zrušit přenos"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Zrušit přenos?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Váš profil se nepodařilo aktualizovat. Zkuste to prosím znovu."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Neplatné znaky"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Jeden nebo více zadaných znaků nelze použít. Zkuste to znovu."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Poslat zprávu správci"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal se potýká s technickými problémy. Usilovně pracujeme na co nejrychlejším obnovení služby."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Je vyžadována aktualizace"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Kliknutím na <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> začnete nový hovor nebo videohovor."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Hledat"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrovat podle zmeškaných hovorů"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Zde se objeví poslední hovory."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Žádné zmeškané hovory"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Zde se objeví zmeškané hovory."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Pro „{query}“ nebylo nic nalezeno"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Vytvořit odkaz na hovor"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Drobná vylepšení, opravy chyb a zvýšení výkonu. Děkujeme, že používáte Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Nyní můžete rychle stáhnout všechny fotografie v albu, když obdržíte zprávu s více přílohami. - Díky, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Tato aktualizace zmenšuje velikost aplikace přibližně o 4 megabajty."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Opravili jsme také chybu s tlačítkem pro sdílení obrazovky v Linuxu."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Toto vydání také opravuje chybu s emoji při výběru textu. Díky, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Søg"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Ryd søgning"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Ingen resultater for \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS-kontakter er ikke tilgængelige på Signal Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Ingen resultater på \"{searchTerm} efter {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chats"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Annuller overførsel"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Vil du annullere overførslen?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Din profil kunne ikke opdateres. Prøv venligst igen."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Ugyldige tegn"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Et eller flere tegn, du har angivet, må ikke bruges. Prøv igen."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Send en besked til en administrator"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal oplever tekniske vanskeligheder. Vi arbejder hårdt på at genoprette tjenesten så hurtigt som muligt!"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Opdatering påkrævet"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Klik <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> for at starte et nyt tale- eller videoopkald."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Søg"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrér efter ubesvaret"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "De seneste opkald vises her."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Ingen ubesvarede opkald"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Ubesvarede opkald vises her."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Ingen resultater for \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Opret et opkaldslink"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Små tweaks, rettelser og forbedringer af appens præstation. Tak fordi du bruger Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Nu kan du hurtigt downloade alle billeder i et album, når du modtager en besked med flere vedhæftede filer. Men hvis du var en gallerikurator med upåklagelig smag i et andet liv, kan du stadig også gemme dem individuelt. Tak, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Takket være nogle små optimeringer reducerer denne opdatering appens størrelse en smule med cirka 4 megabyte. Det er plads nok til, at du kan sende det, der svarer til omkring 4 bøger fyldt med tekstbeskeder (eller 2-3 animerede GIF'er) uden at optage ekstra plads."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Hvis Wayland er din vinduesbehandler (og ikke kun navnet på en smed, du vagt husker fra Beowulf), vil du blive glad for at høre, at vi også har rettet en fejl med skærmdelingsknappen på Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Denne opdatering retter en fejl, hvor den korrekte kontekstmenu ikke blev vist efter at have højreklikket på en emoji gennem tekstvalg. Tak, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
"messageformat": "Chat lösen"
"icu:pinnedConversationsFull": {
"messageformat": "Du kannst maximal 4 Chats anheften"
"messageformat": "Du kannst maximal 4 Chats anheften"
"icu:loadingMessages--other": {
"messageformat": "{daysAgo, plural, one {Nachrichten von vor 1 Tag werden geladen …} other {Nachrichten von vor {daysAgo,number} Tagen werden geladen …}}"
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
"messageformat": "Verifizierung entfernen"
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__hint": {
"messageformat": "Um die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung mit {name} zu verifizieren, vergleiche die Nummern mit seinem/ihrem Gerät. Er/sie kann deinen Code auch mit seinem/ihrem Gerät scannen."
"messageformat": "Um die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung mit {name} zu verifizieren, vergleiche die Nummern mit deren Gerät. Die Person kann deinen Code auch mit ihrem Gerät scannen."
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__learn_more": {
"messageformat": "Mehr erfahren"
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
"messageformat": "Du kannst dieser Nachricht keine weiteren Anhänge hinzufügen."
"icu:fileSizeWarning": {
"messageformat": "Entschuldigung, die ausgewählte Datei überschreitet die maximal erlaubte Nachrichtengröße. {limit,number} {units}"
"messageformat": "Die ausgewählte Datei überschreitet leider die maximal erlaubte Nachrichtengröße. "
"icu:unableToLoadAttachment": {
"messageformat": "Ausgewählter Anhang kann nicht geladen werden."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Suchen"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Suche zurücksetzen"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Keine Ergebnisse für »{searchTerm}«"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS-/MMS-Kontakte sind auf Signal Desktop nicht verfügbar."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Keine Ergebnisse für »{searchTerm}« in {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chats"
@ -1086,7 +1104,7 @@
"messageformat": "{obsoleteConversationTitle} und {conversationTitle} gehören zum selben Konto. Deinen Nachrichtenverlauf für beide Chats findest du hier."
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--with-e164": {
"messageformat": "Dein Nachrichtenverlauf mit {conversationTitle} und seiner:ihrer Nummer {obsoleteConversationNumber} wurde zusammengeführt."
"messageformat": "Dein Nachrichtenverlauf mit {conversationTitle} und der Nummer {obsoleteConversationNumber} wurde zusammengeführt."
"icu:ConversationMerge--notification--no-title": {
"messageformat": "Dein Nachrichtenverlauf mit {conversationTitle} und einem anderen Chat, der dazu gehört, wurde zusammengeführt."
@ -1095,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Mehr erfahren"
"icu:ConversationMerge--explainer-dialog--line-1": {
"messageformat": "Nach dem Nachrichtenaustausch mit {obsoleteConversationTitle} hast du erfahren, dass diese Nummer zu {conversationTitle} gehört. Deren Telefonnummer ist vertraulich."
"messageformat": "Nach dem Nachrichtenaustausch mit {obsoleteConversationTitle} hast du erfahren, dass diese Nummer zu {conversationTitle} gehört. Diese Telefonnummer ist privat."
"icu:ConversationMerge--explainer-dialog--line-2": {
"messageformat": "Dein Nachrichtenverlauf für beide Chats wurde hier zusammengeführt."
@ -2040,7 +2058,7 @@
"messageformat": "Danke für deine Unterstützung!"
"icu:modal--donation--description": {
"messageformat": "Du hast im Namen von {name} eine Spende an Signal getätigt. Sie erhalten die Möglichkeit, ihre Unterstützung in ihrem Profil zu zeigen."
"messageformat": "Du hast im Namen von {name} eine Spende an Signal getätigt. Die Person erhält die Möglichkeit, ihre Unterstützung in ihrem Profil zu zeigen."
"icu:stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"messageformat": "Sticker-Set konnte nicht installiert werden"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Übertragung abbrechen"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Übertragung abbrechen?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Dein Profil konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Bitte versuche es erneut."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Ungültige Zeichen"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Ein oder mehrere Zeichen, die du eingegeben hast, können nicht verwendet werden. Bitte erneut versuchen."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Schreib einem Admin"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal hat derzeit technische Schwierigkeiten. Wir arbeiten hart daran, den Betrieb so schnell wie möglich wiederherzustellen."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Update erforderlich"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Klicke auf <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>, um einen neuen Sprach- oder Videoanruf zu starten."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Suchen"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Verpasste Anrufe filtern"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Die letzten Anrufe werden hier angezeigt."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Keine verpassten Anrufe"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Verpasste Anrufe werden hier angezeigt."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Keine Ergebnisse für »{query}«"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Einen Anruflink erstellen"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Kleine Optimierungen, Fehlerbehebungen und Leistungsverbesserungen. Danke, dass du Signal nutzt!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Jetzt kannst du jedes Foto schnell in ein Album herunterladen, wenn du eine Nachricht mit mehreren Anhängen erhältst. Solltest du dich allerdings als Galerie-Kurator mit einem perfekten Sinn für Stil verstehen, kannst du sie natürlich auch weiterhin einzeln speichern. Vielen Dank, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Dank einiger kleiner Optimierungen reduziert dieses Update die Größe der App geringfügig um etwa 4 Megabyte. Damit kannst du immerhin Textnachrichten im Umfang von etwa 4 Büchern (oder 2–3 animierte GIFs) versenden, ohne zusätzlichen Speicherplatz zu beanspruchen."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Wenn sich dein Compositing-Window-Manager Wayland nennt (und das nicht nur der Name eines Schmieds aus Beowulf ist, an den du dich vage erinnerst), wirst du dich sicher darüber freuen, dass wir auch einen Fehler bezüglich der Schaltfläche zur Bildschirmfreigabe unter Linux behoben haben."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Dieses Update behebt einen Fehler, bei dem nicht das richtige Kontextmenü angezeigt wurde, wenn jemand beim Auswählen von Text mit der rechten Maustaste auf ein Emoji geklickt hat. Vielen Dank, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Αναζήτηση"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Εκκαθάριση αναζήτησης"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Δεν υπάρχουν αποτελέσματα για \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Οι επαφές SMS/MMS δεν είναι διαθέσιμες στο Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Δε βρέθηκαν αποτελέσματα για \"{searchTerm}\" στο {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Συνομιλίες"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Ακύρωση μεταφοράς"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Ακύρωση μεταφοράς;"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Το προφίλ σου δεν μπόρεσε να ανανεωθεί. Παρακαλώ προσπάθησε ξανά."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Μη έγκυροι χαρακτήρες"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Ένας ή περισσότεροι χαρακτήρες που έχεις εισαγάγει δεν μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν. Ξαναπροσπάθησε."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Μήνυμα σε διαχειριστή"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Το Signal αντιμετωπίζει τεχνικές δυσκολίες. Εργαζόμαστε σκληρά για να αποκαταστήσουμε την υπηρεσία το συντομότερο δυνατό."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Απαιτείται αναβάθμιση"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Πάτα <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> για να ξεκινήσεις μια νέα φωνητική κλήση ή μια βιντεοκλήση."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Αναζήτηση"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Φίλτρο ανά αναπάντητες"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Οι νέες κλήσεις θα εμφανίζονται εδώ."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Δεν υπάρχουν αναπάντητες κλήσεις"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Οι χαμένες κλήσεις θα εμφανίζονται εδώ."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Δεν βρέθηκαν αποτελέσματα για “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Δημιουργήστε σύνδεσμο κλήσης"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Μικρές τροποποιήσεις, επιδιορθώσεις σφαλμάτων και βελτιώσεις απόδοσης. Ευχαριστούμε που χρησιμοποιείς το Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Τώρα μπορείς να κατεβάσεις γρήγορα κάθε φωτογραφία σε ένα άλμπουμ όταν λαμβάνεις ένα μήνυμα με πολλά συνημμένα. Ευχαριστούμε τον χρήστη <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Χάρη σε ορισμένες μικρές βελτιστοποιήσεις, αυτή η ενημέρωση μειώνει το μέγεθος της εφαρμογής κατά περίπου 4 megabytes."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Διορθώσαμε επίσης ένα σφάλμα με το κουμπί κοινής χρήσης οθόνης στο Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Αυτή η έκδοση διορθώνει επίσης ένα σφάλμα στην επιλογή κειμένου emoji. Σε ευχαριστούμε, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -6011,14 +6011,6 @@
"messageformat": "Your profile could not be updated. Please try again.",
"description": "Error message when something goes wrong updating your profile."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Invalid characters",
"description": "(Deleted 2024/10/10) Title of the confirmation model for profile editor when about text contains invalid characters"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "One or more characters you’ve entered can’t be used. Try again.",
"description": "(Deleted 2024/10/10) Body of the confirmation model for profile editor when about text contains invalid characters"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Message an admin",
"description": "Modal title for the list of admins in a group"
@ -7678,7 +7670,7 @@
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!",
"description": "Release notes for version 7.33"
"description": "(Deleted 2024/11/13) Release notes for version 7.33"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say.",
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Buscar"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Borrar búsqueda"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "No se han encontrado resultados para \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Tus contactos con solo SMS/MMS no están disponibles en la aplicación de escritorio."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "No se encontró «{searchTerm}» en «{conversationName}»."
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chats"
@ -1998,7 +2016,7 @@
"messageformat": "Comprueba tu teléfono para ver tu donación"
"icu:message--donation--preview--unopened": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ha hecho una donación por ti"
"messageformat": "{sender} ha hecho una donación en tu nombre"
"icu:message--donation--preview--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Has canjeado una donación"
@ -2028,7 +2046,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ver más"
"icu:message--donation--redeemed": {
"messageformat": "Canjeado"
"messageformat": "Canjeada"
"icu:messageAccessibilityLabel--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Mensaje enviado por ti"
@ -2187,7 +2205,7 @@
"messageformat": "Mensaje"
"icu:MessageBody--read-more": {
"messageformat": "Más información"
"messageformat": "Leer más"
"icu:MessageBody--message-too-long": {
"messageformat": "El mensaje es demasiado largo para mostrar más."
@ -2466,7 +2484,7 @@
"messageformat": "Eliminar reacción"
"icu:Reactions--error": {
"messageformat": "Fallo al enviar la reacción. Inténtalo de nuevo."
"messageformat": "No se ha podido enviar la reacción. Inténtalo de nuevo."
"icu:Reactions--more": {
"messageformat": "Más"
@ -3156,13 +3174,13 @@
"messageformat": "Alguien ha añadido a {inviteeName} al grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other": {
"messageformat": "{inviteeName} ha aceptado la invitación de {inviterName} para participar en el grupo."
"messageformat": "{inviteeName} ha aceptado una invitación de {inviterName} para unirse al grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other-no-from": {
"messageformat": "{inviteeName} ha aceptado la invitación al grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you": {
"messageformat": "Has aceptado la invitación de {inviterName} para participar en el grupo."
"messageformat": "Has aceptado una invitación de {inviterName} para unirte al grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you-no-from": {
"messageformat": "Has aceptado la invitación al grupo."
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferencia"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "¿Cancelar transferencia?"
@ -4299,7 +4320,7 @@
"messageformat": "No se puede mostrar el mensaje. Haz clic para enviar un registro de depuración."
"icu:GroupDescription__read-more": {
"messageformat": "ver más"
"messageformat": "leer más"
"icu:EditConversationAttributesModal__description-warning": {
"messageformat": "La descripción del grupo será visible para los participantes del grupo y para las personas que han sido invitadas."
@ -4500,13 +4521,7 @@
"messageformat": "Alias"
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Fallo al actualizar tu perfil. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Caracteres no válidos"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Uno o más caracteres de los que has introducido no pueden utilizarse. Vuelve a intentarlo."
"messageformat": "No se ha podido actualizar tu perfil. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Enviar mensaje a un admin"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal está teniendo dificultades técnicas. Estamos trabajando para restablecer el servicio lo antes posible."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Actualización requerida"
@ -4767,7 +4791,7 @@
"messageformat": "Haz clic para reemplazar un emoji"
"icu:CustomizingPreferredReactions__had-save-error": {
"messageformat": "Ha ocurrido un error al guardar tus ajustes. Inténtalo de nuevo."
"messageformat": "No se han podido guardar tus ajustes. Inténtalo de nuevo."
"icu:MediaEditor__input-placeholder": {
"messageformat": "Mensaje"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Haz clic en <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> para iniciar una nueva llamada o videollamada."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Buscar"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrar por perdidas"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Aquí se mostrarán las llamadas recientes."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "No hay llamadas perdidas"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Aquí se mostrarán las llamadas perdidas."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "No se encontraron resultados para «{query}»"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Crear un enlace de llamada"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Hemos hecho algunos ajustes, correcciones de errores y mejoras en el rendimiento. ¡Gracias por usar Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Ahora, cuando recibas un mensaje con varios archivos adjuntos, podrás descargar rápidamente todas las fotos en un álbum. Pero si tu gusto y visión artística se viesen comprometidos, también podrás guardarlas de manera individual. ¡Gracias, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>, por ayudarnos a seguir mejorando Signal!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Gracias a algunos pequeños ajustes, en esta actualización la app es unos 4 megabytes más ligera. Esto significa que puedes enviar el equivalente a unos 4 libros en forma de mensajes (o 2-3 GIFs animados) sin ocupar espacio adicional."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Si usas Wayland como gestor de ventanas de composición, te alegrará saber que también hemos corregido un error con el botón de compartir pantalla en Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "En esta actualización hemos solucionado un error que impedía que el menú contextual adecuado se mostrara al hacer clic derecho en un emoji mientras seleccionabas texto. ¡Gracias, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>, por ayudarnos a seguir mejorando Signal!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Otsi"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Tühjenda otsing"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Tulemusi pole: \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS kontaktid pole Signal Desktopis saadaval."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Vestlusest {conversationName} ei leitud \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Vestlused"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Tühista edastus"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Kas tühistada edastus?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Sinu profiili uuendamine ei õnnestunud. Palun proovi uuesti."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Kehtetud tähemärgid"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Üks või rohkem tähemärke, mille sisestasid, ei ole kasutatavad. Proovi uuesti."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Sõnum administraatorile"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signalil on tehnilisi raskusi. Pingutame selle nimel, et teenus võimalikult kiiresti taastada."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Vajalik uuendus"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Uue hääl- või videokõne alustamiseks klõpsa <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Otsi"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtreeri vastamata kõnede alusel"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Hiljutised kõned ilmuvad siin."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Vastamata kõnesid ei ole"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Vastamata kõned kuvatakse siin."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "„{query}“ ei andnud otsingutulemusi"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Loo kõnelink"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Väikesed muudatused, vigade parandused ja jõudluse täiustused. Aitäh, et kasutad Signalit!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Nüüd saad mitme manusega sõnumi saamisel kiiresti alla laadida kõik albumis olevad fotod. Aitäh, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "See uuendus vähendab äpi suurust umbes 4 megabaidi võrra."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Samuti parandasime Linuxis esineva ekraanijagamise nupu vea."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Selle uuendusega parandatakse viga, mille tõttu teksti valides emojile paremklõpsates ei ilmunud õige kontekstimenüü. Aitäh, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Bilatu"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Garbitu Bilaketa"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Ez da topatu emaitzarik \"{searchTerm}\" bilaketarako"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS kontaktuak ez daude erabilgarri ordenagailurako bertsioan."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Ez da topatu emaitzarik \"{searchTerm}\" bilaketarako {conversationName} solasaldian"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Txatak"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Utzi transferentzia bertan behera"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Transferentzia bertan behera utzi nahi duzu?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Ezin izan da zure profila eguneratu. Saiatu berriro mesedez."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Karaktere baliogabeak"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Idatzitako karaktere bat edo gehiago ezin dira erabili. Saiatu berriro."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Mezua administratzailean"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal arazo teknikoak izaten ari da. Gogor ari gara lanean zerbitzua ahal bezain laster berriro martxan jartzeko."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Eguneratu behar da"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Egin klik hemen: <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> beste dei edo bideodei bat hasteko."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Bilatu"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Iragazi dei galduen arabera"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Azken deiak hemen agertuko dira."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Dei galdurik ez"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Dei galduak hemen agertuko dira."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Ez dago honen emaitzarik: \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Sortu dei-esteka bat"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Doikuntza txikiak, akats-konponketak eta errendimendu-hobekuntzak. Eskerrik asko Signal erabiltzeagatik!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Orain, hainbat eranskin dituzten mezuak jasotzean, albumetako argazki guztiak bizkor deskarga ditzakezu. Eskerrik asko, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Eguneratze honen bidez, aplikazioaren tamainari 4 bat megabyte kendu zaizkio."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Halaber, Linux-en pantaila partekatzeko botoiarekin lotutako akats bat konpondu dugu."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Eguneratze honen bidez, emoji-testuen hautapenarekin lotutako akats bat ere konpondu da. Aupa zu, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "جستجو"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "پاک کردن جستجو"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "هیچ نتیجه ای برای \"{searchTerm}\" یافت نشد"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "مخاطبین پیامک/پیام چندرسانهای در دسکتاپ در دسترس نیستند."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "هیچ نتیجه ای برای{searchTerm}در {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "گفتگوها"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "لغو انتقال"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "انتقال لغو شود؟"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "امکان بهروزرسانی پروفایل شما وجود نداشت. لطفاً دوباره امتحان کنید."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "نویسههای نامعتبر"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "یک یا چند نویسه که وارد کردهاید قابل استفاده نیست. دوباره امتحان کنید."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "به یک مدیر پیام دهید"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "سیگنال با مشکلات فنی روبروست. به سختی تلاش میکنیم تا سرویس را تا حد ممکن سریعا برگردانیم."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "بهروزرسانی لازم است"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "برای شروع تماس صوتی یا تصویری جدید، روی <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> کلیک کنید."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "جستجو"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "فیلتر کردن بر اساس «از دست رفته»"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "تماسهای اخیر در اینجا ظاهر میشود."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "تماس ازدسترفتهای وجود ندارد"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "تماسهای بی پاسخ در اینجا ظاهر میشود."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "نتیجهای برای «{query}» پیدا نشد"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "ایجاد یک پیوند تماس"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "تغییرات کوچک، رفع اشکالات و بهبود عملکرد. بابت استفاده از سیگنال سپاسگزاریم!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "اکنون میتوانید هنگام دریافت پیامی با چندین پیوست، بهسرعت همه عکسها را بهصورت آلبوم دانلود کنید. متشکریم، <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "این بهروزرسانی حجم برنامه را تقریباً ۴ مگابایت کاهش میدهد."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "همچنین اشکال مربوط به دکمه اشتراکگذاری صفحهنمایش در لینوکس را برطرف کردیم."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "در این نسخه جدید، اشکال مربوط به انتخاب متن شکلک را نیز برطرف کردهایم. با تشکر از <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Hae"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Tyhjennä haku"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Ei tuloksia haulle {searchTerm}"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Tekstiviesti- tai MMS-yhteystiedot eivät ole saatavilla työpöytäsovelluksessa."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Ei tuloksia haulle {searchTerm} keskustelussa {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Keskustelut"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Peruuta siirto"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Perutaanko siirto?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Profiiliasi ei voitu päivittää. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Virheellisiä merkkejä"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Yhtä tai useampaa syöttämääsi merkkiä ei voi käyttää. Yritä uudelleen."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Lähetä viesti ylläpitäjälle"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signalissa ilmenee tällä hetkellä teknisiä ongelmia. Työskentelemme parhaillaan palvelun palauttamiseksi."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Päivitys vaaditaan"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Napsauta <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> aloittaaksesi uuden ääni- tai videopuhelun."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Hae"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Suodata vastaamattomat puhelut"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Viimeisimmät puhelut näytetään tässä."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Ei vastaamattomia puheluita"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Vastaamattomat puhelut näytetään tässä."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Ei tuloksia haulle \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Luo puhelulinkki"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Pieniä säätöjä, virheenkorjauksia ja suorituskykyparannuksia. Kiitos, että käytät Signalia!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Nyt voit nopeasti ladata kaikki albumin valokuvat, kun saat viestin, jossa on useita liitteitä. Kiitos, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Päivitys pienentää sovelluksen kokoa noin 4 megatavun verran."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Korjasimme myös Linuxin näytön jakamispainikkeeseen liittyvän virheen."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Tämä päivitys korjaa myös virheen emoji-tekstiä valittaessa. Kiitos, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Rechercher"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Effacer la recherche"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Aucun résultat ne correspond à votre recherche : \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Les contacts de textos et de messages multimédias ne sont pas proposés sur Signal pour ordinateur."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Aucun résultat ne correspond à \"{searchTerm}\" dans \"{conversationName}\""
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Conversations"
@ -1839,7 +1857,7 @@
"messageformat": "Nom du groupe (champ obligatoire)"
"icu:setGroupMetadata__group-description-placeholder": {
"messageformat": "Description"
"messageformat": "Présentation"
"icu:setGroupMetadata__create-group": {
"messageformat": "Créer"
@ -3420,22 +3438,22 @@
"messageformat": "Le lien du groupe a été réinitialisé."
"icu:GroupV2--description--remove--you": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez effacé la description du groupe."
"messageformat": "Vous avez supprimé la présentation du groupe."
"icu:GroupV2--description--remove--other": {
"messageformat": "{memberName} a effacé la description du groupe."
"messageformat": "{memberName} a supprimé la présentation du groupe."
"icu:GroupV2--description--remove--unknown": {
"messageformat": "La description du groupe a été effacée."
"messageformat": "La présentation du groupe a été supprimée."
"icu:GroupV2--description--change--you": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez modifié la description du groupe."
"messageformat": "Vous avez modifié la présentation du groupe."
"icu:GroupV2--description--change--other": {
"messageformat": "{memberName} a modifié la description du groupe."
"messageformat": "{memberName} a modifié la présentation du groupe."
"icu:GroupV2--description--change--unknown": {
"messageformat": "La description du groupe a été changée."
"messageformat": "La présentation du groupe a été modifiée."
"icu:GroupV2--announcements--admin--you": {
"messageformat": "Vous avez modifié les paramètres du groupe : seuls les admins peuvent maintenant envoyer des messages."
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Annuler le transfert"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Annuler le transfert ?"
@ -3747,7 +3768,7 @@
"messageformat": "Qui peut modifier les informations du groupe"
"icu:ConversationDetails--group-info-info": {
"messageformat": "Choisissez qui peut modifier le nom, la photo et la description du groupe, ou encore le délai avant disparition des messages éphémères."
"messageformat": "Choisissez qui peut modifier le nom, la photo et la présentation du groupe, ou encore le délai avant disparition des messages éphémères."
"icu:ConversationDetails--add-members-label": {
"messageformat": "Qui peut ajouter des membres"
@ -4302,10 +4323,10 @@
"messageformat": "Lire la suite"
"icu:EditConversationAttributesModal__description-warning": {
"messageformat": "La description du groupe sera visible aux membres de ce groupe et aux personnes invitées."
"messageformat": "La présentation du groupe sera accessible aux membres de ce groupe et aux invités."
"icu:ConversationDetailsHeader--add-group-description": {
"messageformat": "Ajouter une description du groupe…"
"messageformat": "Présenter le groupe en quelques mots…"
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--button": {
"messageformat": "Sélectionner la qualité des médias"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Votre profil n’a pas pu être mis à jour. Veuillez réessayer."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Caractères non valides."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Au moins un des caractères saisis n'est pas autorisé. Veuillez réessayer."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Envoyer un message à un administrateur"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Petit souci technique... Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour restaurer le service le plus rapidement possible."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Mise à jour requise"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Cliquez sur <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> pour passer un appel vocal ou vidéo."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Rechercher"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrer par appels manqués"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Les appels récents s’afficheront ici."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Aucun appel manqué"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Les appels manqués s’afficheront ici."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Aucun résultat ne correspond à votre recherche : \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Créer un lien d'appel"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Petits ajustements, corrections de bugs et améliorations des performances. Nous vous remercions d’utiliser Signal !",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Lorsque vous recevez un message qui contient plusieurs photos, vous pouvez maintenant les télécharger simultanément et les enregistrer dans un album. Mais si vous avez la fibre artistique et que vous n'avez d'yeux que pour les photos dignes des grandes galeries d'art, vous pouvez aussi les télécharger séparément. Une fonctionnalité que l'on doit à un ingénieux contributeur qui se reconnaîtra. Merci !"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Au menu de cette mise à jour, quelques optimisations qui soumettent Signal à un petit régime. Résultat, l'appli perd non pas quelques kilos, mais quelques mégaoctets. Ce que ça change pour vous ? 4 mégaoctets, c'est à peu près l'équivalent de quatre romans : vous allez pouvoir raconter vos péripéties du week-end dans leurs moindres détails (ou envoyer 2-3 GIF animés) sans consommer plus d'espace de stockage."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Si vous utilisez le compositeur Wayland comme gestionnaire de fenêtres (pour ceux qui se demanderaient \" c'est qui, Wayland ? \", on parle ici d'un protocole de serveur d'affichage), vous serez ravi de savoir que le bouton de partage d'écran fonctionne maintenant correctement sous Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Lorsqu'on sélectionnait du texte contenant un émoji et qu'on effectuait un clic droit, le menu contextuel qui apparaissait semait un peu la confusion. Un bug dans la corbeille, ça redonne tout de suite le sourire ! :-) Merci, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite> !"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Cuardaigh"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Glan an Cuardach"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Níl aon torthaí ar \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Níl teagmhálaithe SMS/MMS ar fáil ar an Deasc."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Níl aon toradh ar \"{searchTerm}\" in {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Comhráite"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cuir an t-aistriú ar ceal"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Cuir an t-aistriú ar ceal?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Níorbh fhéidir do phróifíl a nuashonrú. Triail arís."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Carachtair neamhbhailí"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Ní féidir carachtar amháin nó níos mó a d'iontráil tú a úsáid. Triail arís."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Message an Admin"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Tá Signal buailte le deacrachtaí teicniúla faoi láthair. Táimid ag déanamh ár ndíchill an fhadhb a réiteach chomh luath agus is féidir."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Nuashonrú De Dhíth"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Cliceáil <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> le tosú ar ghuthghlao nó ar fhísghlao nua."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Cuardaigh"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Scag de réir caillte"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Taispeánfar glaonna le déanaí anseo."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Níl glaonna caillte ann"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Taispeánfar glaonna caillte anseo."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Níl aon torthaí ar “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Cruthaigh Nasc Glao"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Mionathruithe, paistí fabhtanna agus feabhsuithe ar fheidhmíocht. Go raibh maith agat as Signal a úsáid!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Anois is féidir leat gach grianghraf in albam a íoslódáil go tapa nuair a fhaigheann tú teachtaireacht ina bhfuil roinnt ceangaltán. GRMA, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Laghdaítear méid na haipe faoi thart ar 4 mheigibheart leis an nuashonrú seo."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Réitíomar fabht freisin leis an gcnaipe comhroinnte scáileáin ar Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Réitíonn an nuashonrú seo fabht a bhí ann le roghnú téacs emoji. GRMA, a <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Buscar"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Limpar a busca"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Sen resultados para «{searchTerm}»"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Os contactos de SMS/MMS non están dispoñibles no ordenador."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Sen resultados para «{searchTerm}» en {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Conversas"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferencia"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferencia?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Non se actualizou o teu perfil. Inténtao de novo."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Caracteres non válidos"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Un ou máis caracteres que empregaches non poden usarse. Téntao de novo."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Enviar mensaxe a un administrador"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal está experimentando problemas técnicos. Estamos a traballar arreo para restaurar o servizo o máis axiña posible."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Actualización necesaria"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Preme <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> para iniciar unha nova chamada de voz ou videochamada."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Buscar"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrar por perdidas"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "As chamadas recentes aparecerán aquí."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Sen chamadas perdidas"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "As chamadas perdidas aparecerán aquí."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Ningún resultado para «{query}»"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Crear unha ligazón de chamada"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Comprende pequenas modificacións e melloras no rendemento. Moitas grazas por empregar Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Agora podes descargar de forma rápida todas as fotos dun álbum cando recibes unha mensaxe con varios anexos. Grazas, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Esta actualización reduce o tamaño da aplicación en aproximadamente 4 megabytes."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Tamén solucionamos un erro co botón de compartir pantalla en Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Esta actualización soluciona un erro relacionado coa selección de texto con emojis. Grazas, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "શોધો"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "શોધ સાફ કરો"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" માટે કોઈ પરિણામો નથી"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "ડેસ્કટોપ પર SMS/MMS સંપર્કો ઉપલબ્ધ નથી."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} માં \"{searchTerm}\" માટે કોઈ પરિણામ નથી"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "ચેટ"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ટ્રાન્સફર રદ કરો"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "ટ્રાન્સફર રદ કરીએ?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "તમારી પ્રોફાઇલ અપડેટ કરી શકાઈ નથી. મેહરબાની કરીને ફરીથી પ્રયાસ કરો."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "અમાન્ય અક્ષરો"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "તમે દાખલ કરેલ એક કે વધુ અક્ષરોનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાતો નથી. ફરીથી પ્રયત્ન કરો."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "એડમિનને મેસેજ કરો"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal તકનીકી મુશ્કેલીઓ અનુભવી રહ્યું છે. અમે શક્ય તેટલી ઝડપથી સેવાને પુન:સ્થાપિત કરવા માટે સખત મહેનત કરી રહ્યા છીએ."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "અપડેટ કરવું જરૂરી છે"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "નવો વૉઇસ અથવા વીડિયો કૉલ શરૂ કરવા માટે <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ક્લિક કરો."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "શોધો"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "મિસ્ડ કૉલથી ફિલ્ટર કરો"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "તાજેતરના કૉલ અહીં દેખાશે."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "કોઈ મિસ્ડ કૉલ નથી"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "મિસ્ડ કૉલ અહીં દેખાશે."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” માટે કોઈ પરિણામ નથી"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "કૉલ લિંક બનાવો"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "નાના ફેરફારો, ભૂલ સુધારા અને પ્રદર્શનમાં વધારો. Signalનો ઉપયોગ કરવા બદલ આભાર!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "હવે જ્યારે તમને એકથી વધુ જોડાણો સાથેનો મેસેજ પ્રાપ્ત થાય ત્યારે તમે આલ્બમમાં દરેક ફોટો ઝડપથી ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકો છો. આભાર, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "આ અપડેટ ઍપની સાઇઝને આશરે 4 મેગાબાઇટ જેટલી ઘટાડે છે."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "અમે Linux પર સ્ક્રીન શેરિંગ સાથે આવતા એક બગને પણ ઠીક કર્યો છે."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "આ અપડેટ ઇમોજી ટેક્સ્ટ પસંદગી કરતી વખતે આવતા એક બગને પણ ઠીક કરે છે. આભાર, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "חיפוש"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "נקה חיפוש"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "אין תוצאות עבור \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "אנשי קשר של מסרונים/מסרוני MMS אינם זמינים בשולחן עבודה."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "אין תוצאות עבור \"{searchTerm}\" בשיחה {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "צ'אטים"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ביטול העברה"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "לבטל העברה?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "הפרופיל שלך לא היה יכול להתעדכן. אנא נסה שוב."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "תווים לא חוקיים"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "לא ניתן להשתמש בתו אחד או יותר שהזנת. יש לנסות שוב."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "שלח הודעה אל מנהלן"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal חווה קשיים טכניים. אנו עובדים קשות כדי לשחזר את השירות מהר ככל האפשר."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "נדרש עדכון"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "יש ללחוץ על <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> כדי להתחיל שיחה קולית או שיחת וידאו חדשה."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "חיפוש"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "סינון לפי שיחות שלא נענו"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "שיחות אחרונות יופיעו כאן."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "אין שיחות שלא נענו"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "שיחות שלא נענו יופיעו כאן."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "אין תוצאות עבור ״{query}״"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "יצירת לינק לשיחה"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "התאמות קטנות, תיקוני באגים ושיפורי ביצועים. תודה על השימוש ב-Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "עכשיו אפשר להוריד במהירות כל תמונה באלבום כשמתקבלת הודעה עם מספר קבצים מצורפים. תודה, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "העדכון הזה מפחית את נפח האפליקציה בכ–4 מגה בייט."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "תיקנו גם באג בכפתור שיתוף המסך ב–Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "העדכון הזה גם מתקן באג שקשור לבחירת טקסט שכולל אימוג׳י. תודה, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "सर्च"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "सर्च को साफ करें"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" के लिये कोई परिणाम नहीं मिले"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "डेस्कटॉप पर SMS/MMS संपर्क उपलब्ध नहीं हैं।"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} में \"{searchTerm}\" के कोई परिणाम नहीं मिले"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "चैट"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ट्रांसफ़र रद्द करें"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "ट्रांसफ़र रद्द करें?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "आपकी प्रोफ़ाइल को अपडेट नहीं किया जा सका। कृपया दोबारा प्रयास करें।"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "अमान्य वर्ण"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "आपके दर्ज किए गए एक या ज़्यादा वर्णों को इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जा सकता। फिर से कोशिश करें।"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "व्यवस्थापक को संदेश भेजें"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal तकनीकी कठिनाइयों का सामना कर रहा है। हम जितनी जल्दी हो सके सेवा बहाल करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत कर रहे हैं।"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "अपडेट आवश्यक है"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "नया वॉइस या वीडियो कॉल शुरू करने के लिए, <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> पर क्लिक करें।"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "सर्च"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "मिस्ड द्वारा फ़िल्टर करें"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "हाल ही के कॉल यहाँ दिखेंगे।"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "कोई मिस्ड कॉल नहीं"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "मिस्ड कॉल यहाँ दिखेंगे।"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” के लिए कोई परिणाम नहीं"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "कॉल लिंक बनाएं"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "छोटे-छोटे ट्वीक, बग फ़िक्स, और प्रदर्शन में सुधार। Signal इस्तेमाल करने के लिए धन्यवाद।",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "अब आप कई अटैचमेंट वाला कोई संदेश मिलने पर, किसी एल्बम की हर फ़ोटो को तुरंत डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। लेकिन अगर आप किसी जन्म में शानदार पसंद वाले गैलरी क्यूरेटर थे, तो आप अब भी उन्हें अलग-अलग सेव कर सकते हैं। शुक्रिया, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "कुछ छोटे ऑप्टिमाइज़ेशन की वजह से, यह अपडेट ऐप के आकार को लगभग 4 मेगाबाइट कम कर देता है। यह इतनी जगह है कि आप 4 किताबों (या 2-3 ऐनिमेटेड GIF) जितने टेक्स्ट संदेश भेज सकते हैं, वह भी बिना कोई अतिरिक्त स्पेस लिए।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "अगर Wayland आपका कंपोज़िटिंग विंडो मैनेजर है (और बस उस लोहार का नाम नहीं है जिसे आपने बियोवुल्फ़ में देखा था), तो आपको जानकर खुशी होगी कि हमने Linux पर स्क्रीन शेयर करने के बटन में गड़बड़ी भी ठीक कर दी है।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "इस अपडेट से वह गड़बड़ी ठीक होती है, जहाँ किसी टेक्स्ट को चुनते समय किसी इमोजी पर दायाँ क्लिक करने के बाद, संदर्भ मेनू दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था। शुक्रिया, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Pretraži"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Očisti pretragu"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Nema rezultata za \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS kontakti nisu dostupni na Desktopu."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Nema rezultata za \"{searchTerm}\" u {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Razgovori"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Prekini prijenos"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Želite li prekinuti prijenos?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Vaš profil nije moguće ažurirati. Molim vas pokušajte ponovno."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Nevažeći znakovi"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Jedan ili više znakova koje ste unijeli nije moguće koristiti. Pokušajte ponovno."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Pošaljite poruku administratoru"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal ima tehničkih poteškoća. Naporno radimo na što bržem vraćanju usluge."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Potrebno je ažuriranje"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Kliknite na <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> za početak novog glasovnog poziva ili videopoziva."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Pretraži"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtar: propušteni pozivi"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Ovdje će se pojaviti vaši nedavni pozivi."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Nema propuštenih poziva"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Ovdje će se pojaviti vaši propušteni pozivi."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Nema rezultata za \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Generiraj poveznicu na poziv"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Manja podešavanja, ispravci grešaka i poboljšanje rada aplikacije. Hvala vam što koristite Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Sada možete brzo preuzeti sve fotografije u albumu kada primite poruku s više privitaka. Hvala <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Ovo ažuriranje smanjuje veličinu aplikacije za približno 4MB."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Također smo ispravili pogrešku s gumbom za dijeljenje zaslona u sustavu Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Ovo ažuriranje ispravlja programsku pogrešku pri odabiru emojija u tekstu. Hvala ti, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Keresés"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Keresés törlése"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Nincs találat a \"{searchTerm}\" keresőkifejezése"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Az SMS/MMS kontaktok nem érhetőek el Desktopon."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Nem található \"{searchTerm}\" itt: {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Csevegések"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Átvitel törlése"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Átvitel törlése?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Nem sikerült frissíteni profilodat. Próbáld újra!"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Érvénytelen karakterek"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Egy vagy több beírt karakter nem használható. Próbáld újra."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Üzenet egy adminnak"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "A Signal technikai nehézségekkel küzd. Keményen dolgozunk a gyors helyreállásért."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Frissítés szükséges"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Kattints a <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> lehetőségre új hang- vagy videohívás indításához."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Keresés"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Szűrés nem fogadott hívás szerint"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Itt jelennek meg a legutóbbi hívások."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Nincs nem fogadott hívás"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Itt jelennek meg a nem fogadott hívások."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Nincs találat a következőre: „{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Híváshivatkozás létrehozása"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Apró finomítások, hibajavítások és teljesítménynövelések. Köszönjük, hogy a Signalt használod!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Mostantól gyorsan letöltheted az egy albumban lévő összes fotót, ha több mellékletet tartalmazó üzenetet kapsz.Köszönjük, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Ez a frissítés körülbelül 4 megabájttal csökkenti az alkalmazás méretét."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Kijavítottunk egy hibát is a képernyőmegosztó gombbal Linuxon."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Ez a kiadás a hangulatjelek szövegének kiválasztásával kapcsolatos hibát is javít. Köszönjük, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Cari"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Bersihkan Pencarian"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Tidak ada hasil untuk \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Kontak SMS/MMS tidak tersedia di Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Tidak ada hasil untuk \"{searchTerm}\" dalam {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Obrolan"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Batalkan transfer"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Batalkan transfer?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Profil Anda tidak dapat diperbarui. Mohon coba lagi."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Karakter tidak valid"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Satu atau beberapa karakter yang Anda masukkan tidak dapat digunakan. Coba lagi."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Kirimkan pesan ke admin"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal sedang mengalami kesulitan teknis. Kami bekerja keras untuk memulihkan layanan secepat mungkin."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Diperlukan Pembaruan"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Klik <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> untuk memulai panggilan suara atau panggilan video baru."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Cari"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter berdasarkan tidak terjawab"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Panggilan terbaru akan ditampilkan di sini."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Tidak ada panggilan tak terjawab"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Panggilan tak terjawab akan ditampilkan di sini."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Tidak ada hasil untuk “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Buat Tautan Panggilan"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Tambahan penyesuaian kecil, perbaikan bug, dan peningkatan performa. Terima kasih telah menggunakan Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Kini Anda bisa dengan cepat mengunduh setiap foto di album saat menerima pesan yang berisi beberapa lampiran. Terima kasih, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Pembaruan ini mengurangi ukuran aplikasi sekitar 4 megabyte."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Kami juga memperbaiki bug pada tombol berbagi layar di Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Rilis ini juga memperbaiki bug terkait pemilihan teks emoji. Terima kasih, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Cerca"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Cancella ricerca"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Nessun risultato per \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "I contatti SMS/MMS non sono disponibili su Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Nessun risultato per \"{searchTerm}\" in {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chat"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Annulla trasferimento"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Annullare il trasferimento?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Impossibile aggiornare il tuo profilo. Per favore riprova."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Caratteri non validi"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Uno o più caratteri che hai inserito non sono validi. Riprova."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Invia un messaggio a un amministratore"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal sta riscontrando problemi tecnici. Stiamo lavorando duramente per ripristinare il servizio al più presto."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Aggiornamento necessario"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Clicca <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> per iniziare una nuova chiamata vocale o videochiamata."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Cerca"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtra per chiamate perse"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Qui vedrai le tue chiamate più recenti."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Nessuna chiamata persa"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Qui vedrai le tue chiamate perse."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Nessun risultato per \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Crea un link per la chiamata"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Altre piccole modifiche e correzioni di bug per far funzionare l'app senza problemi. Grazie per usare Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Da ora puoi scaricare in un attimo ogni foto in un album quando ricevi un messaggio con più allegati. Ma se preferisci selezionarle una a una, noi non te lo impediremo! Grazie <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Grazie a tanti, piccoli miglioramenti, questo aggiornamento riduce le dimensioni dell'app di circa 4 megabyte: l'equivalente di 4 libri sotto forma di messaggi di testo (oltre a qualche GIF qua e là!)."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Se il protocollo Wayland è il tuo Window Manager (e no, con Wayland non intendiamo la cittadina americana nel Massachusetts), allora sarai felice di sapere che abbiamo risolto un bug relativo al pulsante per la condivisione schermo su Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Questo aggiornamento risolve un bug in cui il menu contestuale non appariva dopo il clic con tasto destro su un'emoji mentre si selezionava il testo. Grazie, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "検索"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "検索テキストを消去"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "「{searchTerm}」はありません"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMSの連絡先はデスクトップでは利用できません。"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} 内に「{searchTerm}」はありません"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "チャット"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "転送をキャンセルする"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "転送をキャンセルしますか?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "プロフィールを更新できませんでした。再度試してください。"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "無効な文字です"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "入力した文字のうち、または1文字以上が使用できません。もう一度入力してください。"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "管理者に連絡"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signalは技術的な問題を抱えています。私たちは、これをできるだけ早く解決するよう対応しています。"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "アップデートが必要です"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "<newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>をクリックして新しい音声通話またはビデオ通話を開始する。"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "検索"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "不在着信でフィルタリングする"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "最近の通話がここに表示されます。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "不在着信はありません"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "最近の不在着信がここに表示されます。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” の検索結果はありません"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "通話リンクを作成する"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "細かな微調整、バグ修正、パフォーマンスの向上。 Signalをご利用いただきありがとうございます。",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "複数の添付ファイルがあるメッセージを受信したときに、アルバム内のすべての写真を迅速にダウンロードできるようになりました。ギャラリーから厳選したい場合は、個別に保存することもできます。<linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>さん、ありがとうございました。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "このアップデートにより、アプリのサイズが約4メガバイト縮小されます。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "また、Linux上での画面共有ボタンのバグも修正しました。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "今回のリリースでは、絵文字テキストの選択に関するバグも修正されています。ありがとう、<linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "ძიება"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "ძიების გასუფთავება"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\"-ზე ვერაფერი მოიძებნა"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS კონტაქტები Desktop ვერსიაზე არაა ხელმისაწვდომი."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\"-ზე {conversationName}-ში ვერაფერი მოიძებნა"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "ჩატები"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "გადატანის გაუქმება"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "გსურს გადატანის გაუქმება?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "შენი პროფილის განახლება ვერ მოხერხდა. გთხოვთ კიდევ სცადო."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "არასწორი სიმბოლოები"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "შენ მიერ შეყვანილი ერთი ან მეტი სიმბოლოს გამოყენება შეუძლებელია. ახლიდან სცადე."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "ადმინისთვის მიწერა"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal-ი ტექნიკურ სირთულეებს განიცდის. ჩვენ ბევრს ვმუშაობთ სერვისის რაც შეიძლება სწრაფად აღდგენისთვის."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "საჭიროა განახლება"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "დააწკაპუნე <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ახალი ხმოვანი ან ვიდეო ზარის წამოსაწყებად."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "ძიება"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "გამოტოვებულის მიხედვით გაფილტვრა"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ბოლო ზარები აქ გამოჩნდება."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "გამოტოვებული ზარები ვერ მოიძებნა"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "გამოტოვებული ზარები აქ გამოჩნდება."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "„{query}“-ზე ვერაფერი მოიძებნა"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "ზარის ბმულის შექმნა"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "მცირე შესწორებები, ბაგების გამოსწორება და წარმადობის გაუმჯობესება. მადლობას გიხდით სიგნალის გამოყენებისთვის!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "უკვე შეგიძლია ალბომში ყველა ფოტო სწრაფაც ჩამოტვირთო, როცა რამდენიმე შეტყობინებას მიიღებ მიმაგრებული ფაილით. მაგრამ თუ სხვა ცხოვრებაში გამორჩეული გემოვნების მქონდე გალერეის კურატორი იყავი, მათ ინდივიდუალურად შენახვას ისევ შეძლებ. მადლობა, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "მცირე ოპტიმიზაციების წყალობით, ეს განახლება ოდნავ ამცირებს აპლიკაციის ზომას დაახლოებით 4 მეგაბაიტით. ეს საკმარისია იმისთვის, რომ დაახლოებით 4 წიგნისხელა ტექსტური შეტყობინებები გააგზავნო (ან 2-3 ანიმაციური GIF) ზედმეტი სივრცის დაკავების გარეშე."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "თუ შენი window manager არის Wayland, შენთვის სასიხარულო ამბავი გვაქვს - Linux-ზე ეკრანის გაზიარების ღილაკთან დაკავშირებული შეცდომა გამოვასწორეთ."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "ეს განახლება ასწორებს შეცდომას, რომლის გამოც ტექსტის არჩევისას emoji-ზე მარჯვენა ღილაკით დაწკაპუნებისას სწორი კონტექსტური მენიუ არ ჩანდა. მადლობა, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Іздеу"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Ізделген сөзді өшіру"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" үшін нәтиже жоқ"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Компьютерлік нұсқада SMS/MMS контактілері жоқ."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} сұхбатында \"{searchTerm}\" бойынша нәтиже жоқ"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Чаттар"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Тасымалдаудан бас тарту"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Тасымалдаудан бас тарту керек пе?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Профиліңізді жаңарту мүмкін емес. Қайталап көріңіз."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Таңбалар дұрыс емес"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Сіз енгізген бір немесе бірнеше таңбаны пайдалануға болмайды. Қайта енгізіп көріңіз."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Әкімшіге хат жазу"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal қолданбасында техникалық қиындықтар туындады. Қызметті мүмкіндігінше тезірек қалпына келтіру үшін аянбай жұмыс істеп жатырмыз."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Жаңарту керек"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Жаңа дауыстық немесе видеоқоңырау шалу үшін <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> түймесін басыңыз."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Іздеу"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Қабылданбаған қоңырауларды ғана көрсету"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Соңғы қоңыраулар осында көрінеді."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Өткізіп алған қоңыраулар жоқ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Өткізіп алған қоңыраулар осында көрінеді."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "\"{query}\" бойынша нәтижелер жоқ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Қоңырау сілтемесін жасау"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Кішігірім түзетпелер жасалды, ақаулар жөнделді және жұмысы жақсартылды. Signal-ды қолданғаныңыз үшін рақмет!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Енді бірнеше тіркемесі бар хабар алғанда, фотосуреттердің барлығын альбомға жылдам жүктеп алуыңызға болады. Ал егер фотосуреттерге галереяның талғампаз жетекшісіндей мән беретін болсаңыз, оларды жеке-жеке де сақтай аласыз. Рақмет, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Шамалы оңтайландыру жұмыстарының арқасында қолданбаның бұл жаңа нұсқасының көлемі шамамен 4 мегабайтқа азайды. Бұл орын сізге шамамен 4 кітап жазуға болатындай көлемдегі мәтіндік хабарлар (немесе 2-3 анимациялық GIF файлын) жіберуге жетеді."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Композитті терезе менеджеріңіздің аты Wayland па? \"Беовульф\" поэмасындағы ұстаның атына ұқсайды, иә? Онда сіз үшін қуанышты жаңалығымыз бар: Linux жүйесіндегі экранды бөлісу түймесіндегі ақауды да түзеттік."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Бұл жаңа нұсқада мәтінді таңдап жатып, эмоджиді тінтуірдің оң жақ түймесімен басқаннан кейін, дұрыс контекстік мәзір шықпай қалатын ақау түзетілді. Рақмет, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "ស្វែងរក"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "លុបការស្វែងរក"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "គ្មានលទ្ធផលសម្រាប់ \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "ឈ្មោះទំនាក់ទំនងសម្រាប់សារជាអក្សរ និងសារពហុមេឌៀមិនមាននៅលើកំព្យូទ័រលើតុទេ។"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "គ្មានលទ្ធផលសម្រាប់ \"{searchTerm}\" ក្នុង {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "ការជជែក"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "បោះបង់ការផ្ទេរ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "បោះបង់ការផ្ទេរឬ?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "ប្រូហ្វាល់របស់អ្នកមិនអាចធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពបានទេ។ សូមព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "តួអក្សរមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "តួអក្សរមួយ ឬច្រើនដែលអ្នកបានបញ្ចូលមិនអាចប្រើបានទេ។ ព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "ផ្ញើសារទៅអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រង"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal កំពុងជួបប្រទះបញ្ហាបច្ចេកទេស។ យើងកំពុងធ្វើការស្តារសេវាកម្មយ៉ាងរហ័សតាមដែលអាចធ្វើទៅបាន។"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "តម្រូវឲ្យដំឡើងកំណែ"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "ចុច <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ដើម្បីចាប់ផ្តើមការហៅជាសំឡេង ឬវីដេអូថ្មី។"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "ស្វែងរក"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "ច្រោះតាមការខកមិនបានទទួល"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ការហៅថ្មីៗនឹងបង្ហាញនៅទីនេះ។"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "មិនមានការហៅដែលខកខានទេ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ការហៅដែលខកខាននឹងបង្ហាញនៅទីនេះ។"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "គ្មានលទ្ធផលសម្រាប់ “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "បង្កើតតំណហៅទូរសព្ទ"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "ការកែប្រែបន្តិចបន្តួច ការដោះស្រាយបញ្ហា និងការបង្កើនប្រតិបត្តិការ។ សូមអរគុណចំពោះការប្រើប្រាស់ Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "ឥឡូវនេះ អ្នកអាចទាញយករាល់រូបថតនៅក្នុងអាល់ប៊ុមបានយ៉ាងលឿន នៅពេលដែលអ្នកទទួលបានសារដែលមានឯកសារភ្ជាប់ច្រើន។ ប៉ុន្តែអ្នកនៅតែអាចរក្សាទុកពួកវាម្តងមួយៗបានដែរ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកចង់ផ្តោតលើព័ត៌មានលម្អិត។ សូមអរគុណ <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "ដោយសារមានការបង្កើនប្រសិទ្ធភាពបន្តិចបន្តួចមួយចំនួន កំណែថ្មីនេះជួយកាត់បន្ថយទំហំកម្មវិធីបានប្រហែល 4 មេកាបៃ។ វាមានទំហំល្មមគ្រប់គ្រាន់សម្រាប់អ្នកក្នុងការផ្ញើសារជាអក្សរបានជាច្រើនដែលស្មើទៅនឹងសៀវភៅប្រហែល 4 ក្បាល (ឬ 2-3 រូបចលនា) ដោយមិនបាច់ត្រូវការទំហំផ្ទុកបន្ថែមទេ។"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "ប្រសិនបើ Wayland គឺជាកម្មវិធីគ្រប់គ្រងវីនដូរបស់អ្នក (ហើយមិនមែនគ្រាន់តែជាឈ្មោះរបស់ជាងដែកដែលអ្នកចាំមិនច្បាស់ពី Beowulf ទេ) អ្នកនឹងសប្បាយចិត្តដែលបានឮថាយើងក៏បានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាជាមួយនឹងប៊ូតុងចែករំលែកអេក្រង់នៅលើ Linux ផងដែរ។"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "កំណែថ្មីនេះកែបញ្ហាមួយដែលបានធ្វើឱ្យម៉ឺនុយបរិបទដែលត្រឹមត្រូវមិនបង្ហាញឡើង បន្ទាប់ពីចុចម៉ៅស្ដាំលើរូបអារម្មណ៍ ពេលកំពុងជ្រើសរើសអត្ថបទ។ អរគុណ <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "ಹುಡುಕಿ"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "ಶೋಧ ತೆರವುಗೊಳಿಸಿ"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" ಗೆ ಯಾವುದೇ ಹುಡುಕಾಟ ಇಲ್ಲ"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "ಡೆಸ್ಕ್ಟಾಪ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಎಸ್ಎಂಎಸ್/ಎಂಎಂಎಸ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName}ನಲ್ಲಿ \"{searchTerm}\" ಗೆ ಯಾವುದೇ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳಿಲ್ಲ"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "ಚಾಟ್ ಗಳು"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಿ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕೇ?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರೊಫೈಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "ಅಮಾನ್ಯ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳು"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "ನೀವು ನಮೂದಿಸಿದ ಒಂದು ಅಥವಾ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "ಅಡ್ಮಿನ್ಗೆ ಸಂದೇಶ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ತೊಂದರೆಗಳನ್ನು ಎದುರಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ. ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾದಷ್ಟು ಬೇಗ ಸೇವೆಯನ್ನು ಮರುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲು ನಾವು ಶ್ರಮಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೇವೆ."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಆಗಬೇಕಾಗಿದೆ"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "ಹೊಸ ಧ್ವನಿ ಅಥವಾ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಲು <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "ಹುಡುಕಿ"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "ತಪ್ಪಿ ಹೋದವುಗಳು ಎಂಬುದಾಗಿ ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಿ"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ಇತ್ತೀಚಿನ ಕರೆಗಳು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತವೆ."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "ಯಾವುದೇ ಮಿಸ್ಡ್ ಕಾಲ್ಗಳಿಲ್ಲ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ಮಿಸ್ಡ್ ಕಾಲ್ಗಳು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತವೆ."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "{query} ಗೆ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳು ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "ಒಂದು ಕರೆ ಲಿಂಕ್ ರಚಿಸಿ"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "ಸಣ್ಣ ಟ್ವೀಕ್ಗಳು, ಬಗ್ ಫಿಕ್ಸ್ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ಷಮತೆ ವರ್ಧನೆಗಳು. Signal ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿರುವುದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "ಹಲವು ಅಟ್ಯಾಚ್ ಮೆಂಟ್ ಗಳ ಜೊತೆ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಿದಾಗ ಈಗ ಆಲ್ಬಮ್ನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಪ್ರತಿ ಫೊಟೋವನ್ನು ನೀವು ತ್ವರಿತವಾಗಿ ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. ಆದರೆ ನೀವು ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಜೀವಿತದಲ್ಲಿ ಅತೀವ ಅಭಿರುಚಿ ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದ ಗ್ಯಾಲರಿ ಕ್ಯುರೇಟರ್ ಆಗಿದ್ದಿದ್ದರೆ, ನೀವು ಇನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕವಾಗಿ ಸೇವ್ ಮಾಡಿಟ್ಟುಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "ಕೆಲವು ಸಣ್ಣ ಆಪ್ಟಿಮೈಜೇಶನ್ಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು. ಈ ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಆಪ್ ಗಾತ್ರವನ್ನು ಸುಮಾರು 4 ಮೆಗಾಬೈಟ್ ಗಳಷ್ಟು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ. 4 ಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳಷ್ಟು ಗಾತ್ರದ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು (ಅಥವಾ 2-3 ಅನಿಮೇಟೆಡ್ GIF ಗಳನ್ನು) ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ಜಾಗ ಪಡೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳದೆಯೇ ಕಳಿಸಬಹುದಾದಷ್ಟು ಸ್ಥಳಾವಕಾಶ ಇದೆ."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ವಿಂಡೋ ಮ್ಯಾನೇಜರ್ Wayland ಆಗಿದ್ದರೆ (ಅದು ಎಷ್ಟೇ ಉದ್ದವಾದ, ಅಸ್ಪಷ್ಟ ಹೆಸರಾಗಿದ್ದರೂ) Linux ನಲ್ಲಿ ಕೇವಲ ಸ್ಕ್ರೀನ್ ಶೇರಿಂಗ್ ಬಟನ್ ಬಳಸಿ ಮಾಡಿ, ಆ ದೋಷವನ್ನೂ ನಾವು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ ಎಂದು ಕೇಳಿದರೆ ನೀವು ಸಂತೋಷಪಡುವಿರಿ."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "ಪಠ್ಯವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆಮಾಡುವಾಗ ಎಮೋಜಿಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಬಲ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿದ ನಂತರ ಸರಿಯಾದ ಸಂದರ್ಭ ಮೆನು ಕಾಣಿಸದಿರುವ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ಈ ಅಪ್ಡೇಟ್ ಸರಿಪಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "검색"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "검색 기록 삭제"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" 검색 결과 없음"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS 연락처는 데스크톱에서 사용할 수 없습니다."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName}에 {searchTerm}가 검색되지 않았습니다."
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "대화"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "전송 취소"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "전송을 취소하시겠어요?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "프로필을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하세요."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "잘못된 문자"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "입력한 문자 중 하나 이상을 사용할 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하세요."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "관리자에게 메시지 전송"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal에 기술적 문제가 발생했습니다. 문제를 최대한 신속하게 처리하겠습니다."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "업데이트 필요"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "새로운 음성 또는 영상 통화를 시작하려면 <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> 아이콘을 클릭하세요."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "검색"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "부재중으로 필터링"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "여기에 최근 통화가 표시됩니다."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "부재중 전화 없음"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "여기에 부재중 통화가 표시됩니다."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” 검색 결과 없음"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "통화 링크 만들기"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "사소한 변경 사항과 버그 수정 및 성능 개선. Signal을 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "이제 첨부 파일이 여러 개 있는 메시지를 받을 경우 앨범의 모든 사진을 빠르게 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 감사합니다, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer> 님!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "본 업데이트는 앱 크기를 대략 4메가바이트 감소합니다."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "또한 Linux의 화면 공유 버튼 버그를 수정했습니다."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "본 릴리스는 또한 이모지 텍스트 선택 버그를 수정합니다. 감사합니다, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite> 님!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Издөө"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Издөөнү тазалоо"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" боюнча жыйынтык жок"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS байланыштары Desktop'то жеткиликсиз."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} ичинде \"{searchTerm}\" боюнча жыйынтык жок"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Маектер"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Өткөрүүнү токтотуу"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Өткөрүүнү токтотосузбу?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Профилиңиз жаңыртылган жок. Кайра аракет кылыңыз."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Жараксыз символдор"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Бир же бир нече символ жарабайт. Кайталап көрүңүз."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Администраторго билдирүү жөнөтүү"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal техникалык кыйынчылыктарга дуушар болууда. Биз кызматты мүмкүн болушунча тез арада калыбына келтирүү үчүн көп аракет кылып жатабыз."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Колдонмону жаңыртуу керек"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Жаңы аудио же видео чалуу баштоо үчүн <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> дегенди басыңыз."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Издөө"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Жооп берилбегендер боюнча иргөө"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Соңку чалуулар ушул жерде көрүнөт."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Эч нерсе жок"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Жооп бербей калган чалуулар ушул жерде көрүнөт"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” боюнча эч нерсе табылган жок"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Чалуу шилтемесин түзүү"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Майда-барат өзгөрүүлөрдү киргизип, мүчүлүштүктөрдү оңдоп, колдонмонун иштешин жакшыртып жатабыз. Signal'ды колдонгонуңуз үчүн чоң рахмат!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Бир нече сүрөт тиркелген билдирүү алынганда, ар бир сүрөт альбомго автоматтык түрдө жүктөлөт. Бирок галереяны өзгөчө табит менен башкаргыңыз келсе, өзүңүзгө жаккандарын сактасаңыз болот. Чоң рахмат, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Бир катар чакан жакшыртуулар аркылуу бул версияда колдонмонун көлөмү болжол менен 4 мегабайтка кичирейди. Демек, кошумча орун ээлебестен, 4 китепке барабар болгон текст билдирүүлөрүн (же 2-3 анимацияланган GIFтерди) жөнөткөнгө орун жетет."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Мындан тышкары, Linux'тагы экранды бөлүшүү функциясындагы мүчүлүштүктү да жоюп койдук."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Бул жаңыртуу текстти тандап жатканда эмодзиди оң баскыч менен чыкылдаткандан кийин туура контексттик меню көрүнбөй калган мүчүлүштүктөрдү оңдойт. Рахмат, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Ieškoti"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Išvalyti paiešką"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "„{searchTerm}“ negrąžino jokių rezultatų"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS adresatai nėra prieinami Signal Desktop programoje."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Užklausa „{searchTerm}“, pokalbyje {conversationName}, negrąžino jokių rezultatų"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Pokalbiai"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Atšaukti perkėlimą"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Atšaukti perkėlimą?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Nepavyko atnaujinti jūsų profilio. Bandykite dar kartą."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Netinkami simboliai"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Vieno ar daugiau įvestų simbolių naudoti negalima. Bandykite dar kartą."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Rašyti žinutę administratoriui"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal patiria techninius nesklandumus. Mes sunkiai dirbame, kad kaip įmanoma greičiau atkurtume paslaugą."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Reikia atnaujinimo"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Spustelėkite <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> norėdami pradėti naują balso arba vaizdo skambutį."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Ieškoti"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtruoti pagal praleistus"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Čia bus rodomi naujausi skambučiai."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Nėra praleistų skambučių"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Čia bus rodomi praleisti skambučiai."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Paieška „{query}“ be rezultatų"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Sukurti skambučio nuorodą"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Smulkūs patobulinimai, klaidų pataisymai ir veikimo pagerinimas. Ačiū, kad naudoji „Signal“!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Gavę žinutę su keliais priedais dabar galite greitai atsisiųsti kiekvieną albume esančią nuotrauką. Ačiū, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Šis naujinys sumažina programėlės dydį maždaug 4 megabaitais."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Be to, ištaisėme ekrano bendrinimo mygtuko klaidą „Linux“."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Šiuo naujiniu taip pat ištaisoma klaida pasirenkant tekstą su jaustuku. Ačiū, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Meklēt"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Notīrīt meklēšanu"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Vaicājumam \"{searchTerm}\" nav rezultātu"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS kontaktpersonas nav pieejamas Desktop versijā."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Vaicājumam \"{searchTerm}\" nav rezultātu sadaļā {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Sarunas"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Atcelt pārsūtīšanu"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Vai atcelt pārsūtīšanu?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Jūsu profilu nevarēja atjaunināt. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Nederīgas rakstzīmes"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Vienu vai vairākas ievadītās rakstzīmes nevar izmantot. Mēģiniet vēlreiz."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Ziņot adminam"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal ir tehniskas grūtības. Tiek cītīgi strādāts, lai pēc iespējas ātrāk atjaunotu pakalpojumu."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Nepieciešams atjauninājums"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Noklikšķiniet uz <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>, lai sāktu jaunu balss vai video zvanu."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Meklēt"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrēt pēc neatbildētajiem"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Šeit būs redzami nesenākie zvani."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Nav neatbildētu zvanu"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Šeit būs redzami neatbildētie zvani."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Vaicājumam “{query}” nav rezultātu"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Izveidot audiozvana saiti"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Nelielas izmaiņas, kļūdu labojumi un darbības uzlabojumi. Paldies, ka lietojat Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Saņemot ziņu ar vairākiem pielikumiem, tagad varēsiet ērti lejupielādēt visus albuma attēlus vienlaikus. Ja jūs iepriekšējā dzīvē bijāt mākslas kurators ar izkoptu gaumi, tad paturiet prātā, ka joprojām iespējams saglabāt arī tikai atsevišķus attēlus. Paldies par padomu, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Šis atjauninājums samazina Signal lietotnes izmēru par aptuveni 4 megabaitiem. Ietaupītā vieta atbilst 4 grāmatām vai 2—3 jauniem GIF attēliem."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Mēs arī izlabojām ekrāna kopīgošanas pogas kļūdu Linux operētājsistēmu lietotājiem."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Šajā versijā ir izlabota kļūda saistībā ar emocijzīmju teksta atlasīšanu. Paldies, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Барај"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Исчисти пребарување"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Нема резултати за \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS контактите не се достапни на десктоп."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Нема резултати за \"{searchTerm}\" во {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Разговори"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Откажи пренос"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Да се откаже преносот?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Вашиот профил не можеше да се ажурира. Ве молиме обидете се повторно."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Неважечки знаци"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Еден или повеќе од знаците коишто ги внесовте не може да се користат. Обидете се повторно."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Испрати порака на админ"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal се соочува со технички потешкотии. Работиме напорно да ја вратиме услугата што е можно побрзо."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Потребно е ажурирање"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Кликнете на <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> за да започнете нов гласовен или видео повик."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Барај"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Филтрирај ги пропуштените повици"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Неодамнешните повици ќе се појават овде."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Нема пропуштени повици"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Пропуштените повици ќе се појават овде."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Не се пронајдени резултати за „{query}“"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Создајте линк за повикот"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Mали подобрувања, решени багови и подобрувања на перформансот. Ви благодариме што користите Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Сега можете брзо да ги преземете сите фотографии во еден албум кога ќе добиете порака со повеќе прилози. Благодариме, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Во оваа верзија големината на апликацијата е намалена приближно за 4 мегабајти."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Исто така решивме грешка поврзана со копчето за споделување на екран на Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Во оваа верзија е решена и грешка при селектирање на текст со емотикони. Благодариме, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "തിരയൽ"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "തിരച്ചിലുകൾ മായ്ക്കുക"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" എന്നതിന് ഫലങ്ങളില്ല"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "എസ്എംഎസ്/എംഎംഎസ് കോൺടാക്റ്റുകൾ ഡെസ്ക്ടോപ്പ്-ൽ ലഭ്യമല്ല."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} ല് \"{searchTerm}\" എന്നതിന് ഫലങ്ങളില്ല"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "ചാറ്റുകൾ"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "കൈമാറ്റം റദ്ദാക്കുക"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "കൈമാറ്റം റദ്ദാക്കണോ?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ പ്രൊഫൈൽ അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനായില്ല. ദയവായി വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "പ്രതീകങ്ങൾ അസാധുവാണ്"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങൾ നൽകിയ ഒന്നോ അതിലധികമോ പ്രതീകങ്ങൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല. വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "ഒരു അഡ്മിനു സന്ദേശം അയക്കുക"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal ചില സാങ്കേതിക പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ നേരിടുകയാണ്. കഴിയുന്നതും വേഗം സേവനം പുനസ്ഥാപിക്കാൻ ഞങ്ങൾ കഠിനപ്രയത്നം നടത്തുകയാണ്."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ആവശ്യമാണ്"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "ഒരു പുതിയ വോയ്സ് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ വീഡിയോ കോൾ ആരംഭിക്കാൻ <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "തിരയൽ"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "മിസ്ഡ് പ്രകാരം അടുക്കുക"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "സമീപകാല കോളുകൾ ഇവിടെ ദൃശ്യമാകും."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "മിസ്ഡ് കോളുകളൊന്നുമില്ല"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "മിസ്ഡ് കോളുകൾ ഇവിടെ ദൃശ്യമാകും."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "\"{query}\" എന്നതിന് ഫലങ്ങളൊന്നുമില്ല"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "കോൾ ലിങ്ക് സൃഷ്ടിക്കൂ"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "ചെറിയ മാറ്റങ്ങളും ബഗ് പരിഹരിക്കലുകളും പ്രകടന മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തലുകളും. Signal ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിന് നന്ദി!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "ഒന്നിലധികം അറ്റാച്ച്മെൻ്റുകളുള്ള ഒരു സന്ദേശം ലഭിക്കുമ്പോൾ, ഇപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ആൽബത്തിലെ എല്ലാ ഫോട്ടോകളും വേഗത്തിൽ ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാം. എന്നാൽ നിങ്ങൾ കുറ്റമറ്റ അഭിരുചിയുള്ള ഒരു ഗാലറി ക്യൂറേറ്റർ ആയിരുന്നെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇപ്പോഴും അവ വെവ്വേറെ സംരക്ഷിക്കാൻ കഴിയും. നന്ദി, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "ചില ചെറിയ ഒപ്റ്റിമൈസേഷനുകൾക്ക് നന്ദി, ഈ അപ്ഡേറ്റ് ആപ്പിൻ്റെ വലുപ്പം ഏകദേശം 4 മെഗാബൈറ്റുകൾ കുറയ്ക്കുന്നു. അധിക സ്ഥലമൊന്നും എടുക്കാതെ തന്നെ ഏകദേശം 4 പുസ്തകങ്ങളുടെ മൂല്യമുള്ള ടെക്സ്റ്റ് സന്ദേശങ്ങൾ (അല്ലെങ്കിൽ 2-3 ആനിമേറ്റഡ് GIF-കൾ) അയയ്ക്കാൻ ഇത് മതിയാകും."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Wayland നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പോസിറ്റിംഗ് വിൻഡോ മാനേജർ ആണെങ്കിൽ (ബിയോവുൾഫിൽ നിന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ അവ്യക്തമായി ഓർക്കുന്ന ഒരു ഇരുമ്പ് പണിക്കാരന്റെ പേര് മാത്രമല്ല) Linux-ലെ സ്ക്രീൻ പങ്കിടൽ ബട്ടണിലെ ഒരു ബഗ് ഞങ്ങൾ പരിഹരിച്ചെന്ന് കേൾക്കുമ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് സന്തോഷം തോന്നും."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "ടെക്സ്റ്റ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുമ്പോൾ ഒരു ഇമോജിയിൽ വലത് ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്തതിന് ശേഷം ശരിയായ കോണ്ടെക്സ്റ്റ് മെനു ദൃശ്യമാകാതെ വന്നിരുന്ന ഒരു ബഗ് ഈ അപ്ഡേറ്റ് പരിഹരിക്കുന്നു. നന്ദി, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "शोध"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "शोध साफ करा"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" करिता कुठलेही परिणाम नाहीत"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS संपर्क डेस्कटॉपवर उपलब्ध नाहीत."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} मध्ये \"{searchTerm}\" करिता कुठलेही परिणाम नाहीत"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "चॅट्स"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "हस्तांतरण रद्द करा"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "हस्तांतरण रद्द करायचे?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "आपली प्रोफाईल अद्यतनित केली जाऊ शकली नाही. कृपया पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "अवैध वर्ण"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "आपण प्रविष्ट केलेल्या एक किंवा अधिक वर्णांना वापरले जाऊ शकत नाही. पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "प्रशासकाला संदेश पाठवा"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal तांत्रिक समस्या अनुभवत आहे. आम्ही लवकरात लवकर सेवा पुनर्स्थित करण्यासाठी कठोर परिश्रम करत आहोत."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "अद्यतन आवश्यक आहे"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "नवीन व्हॉईस किंवा व्हिडिओ कॉल सुरू करण्यासाठी <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> क्लिक करा."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "शोध"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "मिस्ड झालेल्यानुसार फिल्टर करा"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "अलीकडील कॉल येथे दिसून येतील."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "कोणतेही मिस्ड कॉल नाहीत"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "मिस्ड कॉल येथे दिसून येतील."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” साठी कोणतेही परिणाम नाहीत"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "कॉल लिंक तयार करा"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "लहान ट्विक्स, दोष निवारण, आणि कामगिरी सुधारणा. Signal वापरल्याबद्दल आभारी आहोत!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "आता अनेक संलग्नके असलेला संदेश आला की आपण प्रत्येक फोटो एका अल्बममध्ये लगेच डाऊनलोड करू शकता. पण जर आपण दुसऱ्या जन्मात कलाभिज्ञ, रसिक दर्दी असाल, तर आपण त्यांना स्वतंत्रपणेही जतन करू शकता. धन्यवाद, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "काही छोट्या ऑप्टिमायझेशन्समुळे, हे अपडेट सुमारे ४ मेगाबाइट्सनी ॲपचा आकार जरासा कमी करते. कोणतीही अतिरिक्त जागा न घेता एवढी जागा आपल्याला ४ पुस्तकांत मावतील एवढे संदेश मजकूर (किंवा २-३ ॲनिमेटेड GIF) पाठवण्यासाठी पुरेशी आहे."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "जर Wayland हा आपला कंपोझिटिंग विंडो मॅनेजर असेल (आणि फक्त बेवूल्फमधल्या आपल्याला कशाबशा आठवणाऱ्या लोहाराचे नाव नसेल) तर आपल्याला हे ऐकून आनंद होईल की आम्ही लिनक्सवरील स्क्रीन शेअरिंग बटणाशी संबंधित एक बग दुरुस्त केला आहे."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "या अपडेटमध्ये एक बग दुरुस्त केले आहे ज्यामुळे मजकूर निवडताना इमोजीवर राईट क्लिक केल्यावर योग्य तो संदर्भ मेन्यू उघडत नव्हता. धन्यवाद, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Cari"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Kosongkan Hasil"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Tiada keputusan untuk \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Kenalan SMS/MMS tidak tersedia di Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Tiada keputusan untuk \"{searchTerm}\" dalam {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Sembang"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Batalkan pemindahan"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Batalkan pemindahan?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Profil anda tidak dapat dikemas kini. Sila cuba lagi."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Aksara tidak sah"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Satu atau lebih aksara yang anda masukkan tidak boleh digunakan. Cuba lagi."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Mesej pentadbir"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal sedang mengalami masalah teknikal. Kami sedang berusaha untuk memulihkan perkhidmatan dengan secepat mungkin."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Kemas Kini Diperlukan"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Klik <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> untuk memulakan panggilan suara atau video baharu."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Cari"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Tapis mengikut panggilan terlepas"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Panggilan terbaharu akan dipaparkan di sini."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Tiada panggilan terlepas"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Panggilan terlepas akan dipaparkan di sini."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Tiada hasil untuk “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Cipta Pautan Panggilan"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Sedikit pengubahsuaian, pembaikan pepijat dan peningkatan prestasi. Terima kasih kerana menggunakan Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Kini anda boleh memuat turun setiap foto dalam album dengan pantas apabila menerima mesej dengan berbilang lampiran. Terima kasih <linkMajorMayer> @major-mayer!</linkMajorMayer>"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Kemas kini ini mengurangkan saiz aplikasi kira-kira 4 megabait."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Kami juga membaiki pepijat dengan butang perkongsian skrin pada Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Keluaran ini juga membaiki pepijat dengan pemilihan teks emoji. Terima kasih <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "ရှာရန်"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "ရှာဖွေမှုကို ရှင်းရန်"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" အတွက် ရလဒ်များ မရှိပါ"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS အဆက်အသွယ်များကို Desktop တွင် မရရှိနိုင်ပါ။"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} တွင် \"{searchTerm}\" အတွက် ရလဒ်များ မရှိပါ"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "ချက်(တ်)များ"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "လွှဲပြောင်းမှုကို ပယ်ဖျက်မည်"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "လွှဲပြောင်းမှုကို ပယ်ဖျက်မလား။"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "သင်၏ ပရိုဖိုင်ကို အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်၍ မရနိုင်ပါ။ ထပ်ကြိုးစားကြည့်ပါ။"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "စာလုံးများ အကျုံးမဝင်ပါ"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "သင်ထည့်သွင်းထားသည့် တစ်ခု သို့မဟုတ် တစ်ခုထက်ပိုသောစာလုံးများအား အသုံးပြု၍မရပါ။ ထပ်မံကြိုးစားပါ။"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "အက်ဒ်မင်ထံ မက်ဆေ့ချ် ပို့ရန်"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal သည် နည်းပညာပိုင်းဆိုင်ရာ အခက်အခဲများ ကြုံတွေ့နေပါသည်။ ဝန်ဆောင်မှုများကို အမြန်ဆုံးပြန်လည်စတင်နိုင်ရန် ကျွနု်ပ်တို့ ကြိုးစားနေပါသည်။"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "အပ်ဒိတ် လိုအပ်ပါသည်"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "အသံ သို့မဟုတ် ဗီဒီယိုကောလ်ခေါ်ဆိုမှုအသစ်တစ်ခု စတင်ရန် <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ကို နှိပ်ပါ။"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "ရှာရန်"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "လွတ်သွားသည်များကို စစ်ထုတ်ရန်"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "လတ်တလောကောလ်များ ဤနေရာတွင် ပေါ်လာပါမည်။"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "လွတ်သွားသော ကောလ်များမရှိပါ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "လွတ်သွားသော ကောလ်များ ဤနေရာတွင် ပေါ်လာပါမည်။"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” အတွက် ရလဒ်မရှိပါ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "ကောလ်လင့်ခ်တစ်ခု ဖန်တီးရန်"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "အနေအထား ပြုပြင်မှုလေးများ၊ ချို့ယွင်းချက် ပြင်ဆင်မှုများနှင့် စွမ်းဆောင်ရည် မြှင့်တင်မှုများ။ Signal ကို သုံးသည့်အတွက် ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "ပူးတွဲဖိုင်များစွာပါသော မက်ဆေ့ချ်တစ်စောင်ကို သင်လက်ခံရရှိသောအခါ အယ်လ်ဘမ်တစ်ခုရှိ ဓာတ်ပုံတိုင်းကို လျင်မြန်စွာ ဒေါင်းလုဒ်လုပ်နိုင်ပါပြီ။ ကျေးဇူးပါ <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "ဤအပ်ဒိတ်သည် အက်ပ်၏အရွယ်အစားကို ခန့်မှန်းခြေ 4 megabytes လျှော့ချပေးသည်။"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Linux တွင် မျက်နှာပြင်မျှဝေခြင်းခလုတ်နှင့်ပတ်သက်သည့် ချွတ်ယွင်းချက်တစ်ခုကိုလည်း ပြင်ဆင်ထားသည်။"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "ဤအပ်ဒိတ်သည် အီမိုဂျီ စာသားကိုရွေးချယ်မှုနှင့်ပတ်သက်သည့် ချို့ယွင်းချက်ကိုလည်း ပြင်ဆင်ထားသည်။ ကျေးဇူးပါ <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Søk"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Fjern søk"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Ingen resultater for \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS-kontakter er ikke tilgjengelig på Desktop versjonen av Signal."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Ingen resultater for \"{searchTerm}\" i {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Samtaler"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Avbryt overføring"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Vil du avbryte overføringen?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Profilen din kunne ikke oppdateres. Prøv igjen."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Ugyldige tegn"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Teksten inneholder ugyldige tegn. Prøv på nytt."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Send melding til en administrator"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal opplever tekniske problemer. Vi jobber for å løse problemet."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Oppdatering kreves"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Trykk på <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> for å starte en ny lyd- eller videosamtale."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Søk"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Vis kun ubesvarte"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Nylige samtaler dukker opp her."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Ingen ubesvarte anrop"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Tapte anrop dukker opp her."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "«{query}» ga ingen resultater"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Opprett en samtalelenke"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Noen små justeringer, feilrettinger og ytelsesforbedringer. Takk for at du bruker Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Nå kan du raskt laste ned alle bildene som er vedlagt i en melding, med kun ett klikk. Takk, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Denne oppdateringen reduserer størrelsen på appen med cirka 4 megabytes."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Vi har også fikset et lite problem med skjermdelingsknappen i Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Denne oppdateringen fikser også et problem med tekstvalg for emojier. Takk, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Zoeken"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Wis zoekopdracht"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Geen resultaten voor ‘{searchTerm}’"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS-contacten zijn niet beschikbaar in Signal Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Geen resultaten voor ‘{searchTerm}’ in ‘{conversationName}’"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chats"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Overzetten annuleren"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Overzetten annuleren?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Je profiel kon niet worden bijgewerkt. Probeer het opnieuw."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Ongeldige karakters"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Een of meer karakters die je hebt ingevoerd, kunnen niet worden gebruikt. Probeer het opnieuw."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Bericht sturen naar een beheerder"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal ondervindt momenteel technische problemen. We zijn hard aan het werk om de service zo snel mogelijk te herstellen."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Update vereist"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Klik op <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> om een nieuwe spraak- of video-oproep te starten."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Zoeken"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filteren op gemist"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Recente oproepen verschijnen hier."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Geen gemiste oproepen"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Gemiste oproepen verschijnen hier."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Geen resultaten voor ‘{query}’"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Oproeplink maken"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Kleine aanpassingen, bugfixes en prestatieverbeteringen. Bedankt dat je Signal gebruikt!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Je kunt nu snel alle foto's uit een album downloaden wanneer je een bericht met meerdere bijlagen ontvangt. Maar als het gevoel van verzamelen je een kick geeft, mag je ze ook één voor één downloaden. Bedankt, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Dankzij enkele kleine optimalisaties is deze nieuwe versie van de app zo'n 4 megabyte kleiner. Dat is genoeg ruimte om het equivalent van ongeveer 4 boeken aan tekstberichten (of 2-3 bewegende GIF's) te versturen zonder dat dit extra ruimte in beslag neemt."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "We hebben ook een bug opgelost met de knop voor het delen van je scherm op Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Deze update lost een bug op waarbij het juiste contextmenu niet verscheen na het klikken met de rechtermuisknop op een emoji bij tekstselectie. Bedankt <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "ਖੋਜੋ"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "ਖੋਜ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਟਾਓ"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਨਤੀਜੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS ਸੰਪਰਕ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਉੱਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ।"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} ਵਿੱਚ \"{searchTerm}\" ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਨਤੀਜੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "ਚੈਟਾਂ"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "ਕੀ ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਪ੍ਰੋਫ਼ਾਈਲ ਨੂੰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "ਅਵੈਧ ਅੱਖਰ"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਦਾਖਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਜਾਂ ਵੱਧ ਅੱਖਰ ਵਰਤੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ। ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "ਕਿਸੇ ਐਡਮਿਨ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਭੇਜੋ"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal ਤਕਨੀਕੀ ਮੁਸ਼ਕਲਾਂ ਦਾ ਸਾਹਮਣਾ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਅਸੀਂ ਜਿੰਨੀ ਛੇਤੀ ਸੰਭਵ ਹੋ ਸਕੇ ਸੇਵਾ ਨੂੰ ਬਹਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸਖ਼ਤ ਮਿਹਨਤ ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹਾਂ"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "ਨਵੀਂ ਵੌਇਸ ਜਾਂ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ਉੱਤੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ।"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "ਖੋਜੋ"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "ਮਿਸਡ ਕਾਲਾਂ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਫਿਲਟਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ਹਾਲ ਹੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਕਾਲਾਂ ਇੱਥੇ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦੇਣਗੀਆਂ।"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "ਕੋਈ ਮਿਸ ਕਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਆਈ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ਮਿਸ ਕਾਲਾਂ ਇੱਥੇ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦੇਣਗੀਆਂ।"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” ਲਈ ਕੋਈ ਨਤੀਜੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲੇ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "ਕਾਲ ਦਾ ਲਿੰਕ ਬਣਾਓ"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "ਛੋਟੇ-ਮੋਟੇ ਸੁਧਾਰ, ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨ ਨੂੰ ਬਿਹਤਰ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। Signal ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "ਹੁਣ ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਕਈ ਅਟੈਚਮੈਂਟਾਂ ਵਾਲਾ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਐਲਬਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਰੇਕ ਫ਼ੋਟੋ ਨੂੰ ਤੁਰੰਤ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਧੰਨਵਾਦ, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "ਇਸ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਾਲ ਐਪ ਦਾ ਆਕਾਰ ਲਗਭਗ 4 ਮੈਗਾਬਾਈਟ ਤੱਕ ਘੱਟ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "ਅਸੀਂ Linux 'ਤੇ ਸਕ੍ਰੀਨ ਸ਼ੇਅਰਿੰਗ ਬਟਨ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜੀ ਇੱਕ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀ ਨੂੰ ਵੀ ਠੀਕ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "ਇਸ ਰਿਲੀਜ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਮੋਜੀ ਟੈਕਸਟ ਚੁਣਨ ਸੰਬੰਧੀ ਇੱਕ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਨੂੰ ਵੀ ਠੀਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। ਧੰਨਵਾਦ <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Szukaj"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Wyczyść wyszukiwanie"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Nie znaleziono \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Kontakty SMS/MMS nie są dostępne w aplikacji Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Nie znaleziono \"{searchTerm}\" w {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Czaty"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Anuluj przenoszenie"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Anulować przenoszenie?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Nie udało się zaktualizować Twojego profilu. Spróbuj później."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Nieprawidłowe znaki"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Co najmniej jeden wprowadzony znak nie może zostać użyty. Spróbuj ponownie."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Wyślij do administratora"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Usługa Signal ma problemy techniczne. Prosimy o cierpliwość w trakcie usuwania awarii."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Wymagana aktualizacja"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Kliknij <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>, aby rozpocząć nowe połączenie głosowe lub wideo."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Szukaj"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtruj według nieodebranych"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Tutaj będą wyświetlane ostatnie połączenia."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Brak nieodebranych połączeń"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Tutaj będą wyświetlane nieodebrane połączenia."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Brak wyników dla „{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Utwórz link do połączenia"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Małe ulepszenia, poprawki błędów i zwiększona funkcjonalność. Dzięki za korzystanie z Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Od teraz po otrzymaniu wiadomości z wieloma załącznikami możesz szybko pobrać wszystkie zdjęcia do jednego albumu. Chyba że jesteś kuratorem w galerii sztuki — wtedy możesz wystawiać je osobno. Dzięki, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Dzięki tej aktualizacji aplikacja będzie o 4 megabajty lżejsza. To równowartość jakichś czterech książek wiadomości tekstowych (lub 2–3 animowanych GIF-ów). Od zawsze marzysz o pisaniu książek? Teraz masz na to miejsce."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Jeśli używasz menedżera kompozycji okien o nazwie Wayland (albo nawet nie wiesz, że z niego korzystasz, ale nazwa brzmi jakoś znajomo), na pewno ucieszy Cię wiadomość, że naprawiliśmy przycisk udostępniania ekranu w systemie Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "W tej aktualizacji naprawiliśmy błąd, który powodował, że po zaznaczeniu tekstu i kliknięciu emoji prawym przyciskiem myszy nie pojawiało się właściwe menu kontekstowe. Dzięki, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Pesquisar"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Limpar os resultados da pesquisa"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Nenhum resultado para \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Contatos SMS/MMS não estão disponíveis no Signal para Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Nenhum resultado para \"{searchTerm}\" em {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chats"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferência"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferência?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Não foi possível atualizar o seu perfil. Por favor, tente novamente."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Caracteres inválidos"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Um ou mais caracteres que você digitou não podem ser usados. Tente novamente. "
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Envie uma mensagem para um admin"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "O Signal está com dificuldades técnicas. Estamos fazendo o possível para restaurar o serviço o quanto antes."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Update necessário"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Clique em <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> para iniciar uma nova chamada de voz ou de vídeo."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Pesquisar"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrar por chamadas perdidas"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "As chamadas recentes aparecerão aqui."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Nenhuma chamada perdida"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "As chamadas perdidas aparecerão aqui."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Nenhum resultado encontrado para “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Criar um link de chamada"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Pequenas alterações adicionais, correções de bugs e melhorias de desempenho. Agradecemos por usar o Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Agora você pode baixar rapidamente todas as fotos de um álbum ao receber uma mensagem com vários anexos. Mas se, em outra vida, você foi um curador de arte e acha beleza nos detalhes, vá em frente e salve as fotos individualmente. Valeu, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Com algumas otimizações, esta atualização reduziu o tamanho do aplicativo em cerca de 4 MB. Agora, há espaço suficiente para enviar o equivalente a 4 livros em mensagens de texto (ou 2-3 GIFs animados) sem ocupar memória extra."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Também corrigimos um bug com o botão de compartilhamento de tela no Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Esta atualização corrige um erro onde o menu de contexto errado aparecia ao clicar com o botão direito em um emoji durante a seleção do texto."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Procurar"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Limpar pesquisa"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Sem resultados para \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Contactos SMS/MMS não se encontram disponíveis para Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Sem resultados para \"{searchTerm}\" em {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chats"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferência"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferência?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Não foi possível atualizar o seu perfil. Por favor, tente novamente."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Caracteres inválidos"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Um ou mais caracteres que introduziu não podem ser utilizados. Tente novamente."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Envie uma mensagem para um administrador"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "O Signal está a ter alguns problemas técnicos. Estamos a trabalhar para restituir o serviço o mais rapidamente possível."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Atualização necessária"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Clique em <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> para iniciar uma nova chamada de voz ou videochamada."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Procurar"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrar por perdidas"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Chamadas recentes aparecerão aqui."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Sem chamadas perdidas"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Chamadas perdidas aparecerão aqui."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Nenhum resultado para “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Criar um link de chamada"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Pequenos ajustes adicionais, correções de bugs e melhorias de desempenho. Obrigado por usar o Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Agora pode transferir rapidamente todas as fotos num álbum ao receber uma mensagem com múltiplos anexos. Obrigado, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Esta atualização reduz o tamanho da app em aproximadamente 4 megabytes."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Também corrigimos um erro com botão da partilha de ecrã no Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Esta versão também corrige um erro com o menu de emojis ao selecionar texto. Obrigado, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Caută"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Șterge căutarea"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Nici un rezultat pentru \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Contactele SMS/MMS nu sunt disponibile pe Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Nici un rezultat pentru \"{searchTerm}\" în {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Conversații"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Anulează transferul"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Anulezi transferul?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Profilul tău nu a putut fi actualizat. Te rugăm să încerci din nou."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Caractere nevalide"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Unul sau mai multe caractere pe care le-ai introdus nu pot fi folosite. Încearcă din nou."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Trimite un mesaj unui administrator"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal întâmpină dificultăți tehnice. Muncim din greu pentru a restabili serviciul cât mai repede posibil."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Actualizare necesară"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Dă clic pe <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> pentru a începe un nou apel video sau vocal."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Caută"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrează după apeluri ratate"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Apelurile recente vor apărea aici."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Nu există apeluri pierdute"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Apelurile pierdute vor apărea aici."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Fără rezultate pentru „{query}“"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Creează un Link de Apel"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Mici ajustări, soluționări de bug-uri și îmbunătățiri ale performanței. Mersi că folosești Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Acum poți descărca rapid fiecare fotografie dintr-un album atunci când primești un mesaj cu mai multe atașamente. Dar dacă într-o altă viață ai fost curator de galerie cu un gust impecabil, le poți salva totuși și individual. Mulţumesc, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Mulțumită unor mici optimizări, această actualizare reduce mărimea aplicației cu aproximativ 4 megabiți. Este suficient spațiu pentru a trimite echivalentul a aproximativ 4 cărți pline cu mesaje text (sau 2-3 GIF-uri animate) fără a ocupa spațiu suplimentar."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Dacă Wayland este managerul tău de ferestre (și nu doar numele unui fierar de care îți amintești vag din Beowulf), te vei bucura să auzi că am remediat și o eroare cu butonul de partajare a ecranului pe Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Această actualizare remediază o eroare în care meniul context corect nu apărea după ce dădeai clic dreapta pe un emoji în timp ce selectai text. Mulțumesc, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Поиск"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Очистить поиск"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Нет результатов для «{searchTerm}»"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Контакты SMS/MMS недоступны в Signal Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Нет результатов для «{searchTerm}» в {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Чаты"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Отменить трансфер"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Отменить трансфер?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Не удалось обновить ваш профиль. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Недопустимые символы"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Один или несколько введённых символов не могут быть использованы. Попробуйте ещё раз."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Написать сообщение администратору"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "У Signal возникли технические неполадки. Мы прилагаем все усилия, чтобы как можно быстрее восстановить обслуживание."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Требуется обновление"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Нажмите <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>, чтобы начать новый аудио- или видеозвонок."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Поиск"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Отфильтровать по пропущенным"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Недавние звонки появятся здесь."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Нет пропущенных звонков"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Пропущенные звонки появятся здесь."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Нет результатов для «{query}»"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Создать ссылку для звонка"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Небольшие изменения, исправления ошибок и улучшения производительности. Спасибо за то, что пользуетесь Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Теперь, получив сообщение с несколькими вложениями, вы можете быстро загрузить все фото в альбоме. Но если в другой жизни вы были куратором галереи с безупречным вкусом, вы можете сохранить их и по отдельности. Спасибо, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Благодаря небольшой оптимизации это обновление уменьшает размер приложения примерно на 4 мегабайта. Вполне достаточно, чтобы вы могли отправить текстовые сообщения, размером с 4 книги (или 2-3 анимированных GIF-файла), не занимая при этом дополнительного места."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "А чтобы вы не путались в окнах, мы также исправили ошибку с кнопкой демонстрации экрана в Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "В этом обновлении исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при выделении текста правильное контекстное меню не появлялось после щелчка правой кнопкой мыши по эмодзи. Спасибо, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Hľadať"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Vyčistiť vyhľadávanie"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Žiadne výsledky pre \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Kontakty pre SMS/MMS nie sú k dispozícii na Signal Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Žiadne výsledky pre „{searchTerm}“ v {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Čety"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Zrušiť prenos"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Zrušiť prenos?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Váš profil sa nepodarilo aktualizovať. Prosím skúste to znova."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Neplatné znaky"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Jeden alebo viac znakov, ktoré ste zadali, nie je možné použiť. Skúste to znova."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Pošlite správu správcovi"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal má technické ťažkosti. Pracujeme na tom, aby sme čo najskôr obnovili našu službu."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Vyžaduje sa aktualizácia"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Kliknite na <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> a zahájte nový hlasový hovor alebo videohovor."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Hľadať"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrovať podľa zmeškaných"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Posledné hovory sa zobrazia tu."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Žiadne zmeškané hovory"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Zmeškané hovory sa zobrazia tu."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Žiadne výsledky pre „{query}“"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Vytvoriť odkaz na hovor"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Malé úpravy, opravy chýb a vylepšenia výkonu. Ďakujeme, že používate Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Teraz si môžete rýchlo stiahnuť každú fotografiu z albumu, keď dostanete správu s viacerými prílohami. Ďakujeme, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Táto aktualizácia znižuje veľkosť aplikácie približne o 4 megabajty."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Opravili sme tiež chybu tlačidla zdieľania obrazovky v systéme Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Toto vydanie tiež opravuje chybu s emoji pri výbere textu. Ďakujeme, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Iskanje"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Počisti iskalno polje"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Ni rezultata za \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Stiki SMS/MMS niso na voljo na Signalu Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Ni rezultatov za \"{searchTerm}\" v {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Klepeti"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Prekliči prenos"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Želite preklicati prenos?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Vaše ime ni moglo biti posodobljeno. Poskusite znova."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Neveljavni znaki"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Enega ali več vnesenih znakov ni mogoče uporabiti. Poskusite znova."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Sporočilo skrbniku_ci skupine"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Prihaja do tehničnih težav v omrežju Signal. Ekipa vzdrževalcev se trudi, da bodo čimprej odpravljene."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Potrebna je posodobitev"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Kliknite <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>, če želite začeti nov zvočni ali video klic."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Iskanje"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtriraj po zgrešenih"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Tu bodo prikazani nedavni klici."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Ni neodgovorjenih klicev"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Tu bodo prikazani neodgovorjeni klici."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Ni rezultatov za “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Ustvari povezavo do klica"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Majhne prilagoditve, popravki napak in izboljšave zmogljivosti. Hvala, da uporabljate Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Ko prejmete sporočilo z več priponkami, lahko zdaj hitro prenesete vse fotografije v albumu. Če pa ste bili v preteklem življenju kustos galerije z brezhibnim okusom, jih lahko shranite tudi posamezno. Hvala, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Ta posodobitev zmanjša velikost aplikacije za približno 4 megabajte. To je dovolj prostora za pošiljanje besedilnih sporočil v obsegu približno 4 knjig (ali 2–3 animiranih GIF-ov), ne da bi pri tem zasedli dodaten prostor."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Odpravili smo tudi napako z gumbom za skupno rabo zaslona v sistemu Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Ta posodobitev odpravlja tudi napako pri izbiri emojija med pisanjem. Hvala, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Kërko"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Spastro Kërkimin"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "S’ka përfundime për \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Kontaktet SMS/MMS s’janë të passhëm në Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "S’ka përfundime për \"{searchTerm}\" te {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Bisedat"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Anulo transferimin"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Të anulohet transferimi?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Profili juaj s’u përditësua dot. Ju lutemi, riprovoni."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Karaktere të pavlefshme"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Një ose më shumë karaktere që ke vendosur nuk mund të përdoren. Provo sërish."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Dërgojini mesazh një përgjegjësi"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal-i po kalon vështirësi teknike. Po punojmë fort të rikthejmë shërbimin sa më shpejt që të mundet."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Kërkohet përditësim"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Kliko <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> për të nisur një thirrje të re zanore ose me video."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Kërko"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtro sipas \"të humburat\""
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Thirrjet e fundit do të shfaqen këtu."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Asnjë thirrje e humbur"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Thirrjet e humbura do të shfaqen këtu."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Nuk ka rezultate për \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Krijo një lidhje thirrjeje"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Rregullme të vogla, riparime të gabimeve dhe përmirësime të mbarëvajtjes. Faleminderit që përdorni Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Tani mund të shkarkosh shpejt çdo foto në një album kur merr një mesazh me shumë bashkëngjitje. Por nëse në një jetë tjetër, ke qenë kurator galerie me shije të rafinuar, prapëseprapë mund t'i ruash ato individualisht. Faleminderit, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Falë disa optimizimeve të vogla, ky përditësim pakëson madhësinë e aplikacionit me afërsisht 4 megabajt. Kaq të mjafton të dërgosh mesazhe me tekst të barabartë me rreth 4 libra (ose 2-3 GIF të animuar) pa zënë hapësirë shtesë."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Nëse Wayland është menaxheri i kompozimit të dritares (dhe jo vetëm emri i farkëtarit që pak e kujton nga Beowulf), atëherë do të gëzohesh kur të dëgjosh se kemi rregulluar edhe gabimin me butonin e ndarjes së ekranit në Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Përditësimi rregullon edhe gabimin ku menyja e saktë e kontekstit nuk shfaqej kur klikon me të djathtën mbi një emoxhi gjatë zgjedhjes së tekstit. Faleminderit, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Претрага"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Поништи претрагу"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Нема резултата за „{searchTerm}“"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS контакти нису доступни на Desktop-у."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Нема резултата за „{searchTerm}“ у ћаскању {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Ћаскања"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Откажи пренос"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Желите ли да откажете пренос?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Ажурирање профила није успело. Пробајте поново."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Неважећи знакови"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Један или више знакова које сте унели се не могу користити. Пробајте поново."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Пошаљите поруку администратору"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal тренутно има техничких проблема. Трудимо се да што пре поново покренемо услугу."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Неопходно је ажурирање апликације"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Кликните на <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> да започнете нови гласовни или видео-позив."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Тражи"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Филтрирај према пропуштеним позивима"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Овде ће се појавити недавни позиви."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Нема пропуштених позива"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Овде ће се појавити пропуштени позиви."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Нема резултата за „{query}“"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Креирајте линк за позив"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Обавили смо мања фина прилагођавања, исправке грешака и побољшања перформанси. Хвала што користите Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Сада можете лако да преузмете сваку фотографију у албуму када примите поруку са више прилога. Захваљујемо се кориснику <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Ово ажурирање смањује величину апликације за око 4 мегабајта."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Такође смо исправили грешку са дугметом за дељење екрана у Linux-у."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "У овом ажурирању је исправљена и грешка са одабиром текстуалних емоџија. Хвала, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Sök"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Rensa sökning"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Inga resultat för \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS-kontakter är inte tillgängliga på Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Inga resultat för \"{searchTerm}\" i {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chattar"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Avbryt överföringen"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Vill du avbryta överföringen?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Din profil kunde inte uppdateras. Försök igen."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Ogiltiga tecken"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Ett eller flera tecken som du har angett kan inte användas. Försök igen."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Skicka ett meddelande till en administratör"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal har tekniska problem. Vi arbetar för fullt med att få igång tjänsten så snabbt vi kan."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Uppdatering krävs"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Klicka <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> för att starta ett nytt röst- eller videosamtal."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Sök"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filtrera efter missade"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "De senaste samtalen kommer att visas här."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Inga missade samtal"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Missade samtal kommer att visas här."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Inga resultat för ”{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Skapa en samtalslänk"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Små justeringer, buggfixar och prestandaförbättringar. Tack för att du använder Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Nu kan du snabbt ladda ner alla bilder i ett album när du får ett meddelande med flera bilagor. Tack <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Den här uppdateringen minskar storleken på appen med cirka 4 MB."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Vi har också åtgärdat en bugg med skärmdelningsknappen i Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Den här versionen åtgärdar också en bugg med val av emoji-text. Tack <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Tafuta"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Futa Utafutaji"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Hakuna matokeo ya \";{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Mawasiliano ya SMS/MMS hayapatikani kwenye toleo la Kompyuta."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Hakuna matokeo ya \";{searchTerm}\" kwenye {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Gumzo"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Ghairi uhamishaji"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Je, ghairi uhamishaji?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Wasifu wako haujasasishwa. Tafadhali jaribu tena."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Herufi batili"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Herufi moja au zaidi ulizoingiza haziwezi kutumika. Jaribu tena."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Mtumie msimamizi ujumbe"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal inakabiliwa na matatizo ya kiufundi. Tunajitahidi kurejesha huduma haraka iwezekanavyo."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Sasisho Linahitajika"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Bonyeza <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ili kupiga simu ya kawaida au ya video."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Tafuta"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Chuja kwa zilizokoswa"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Simu zilizopigwa hivi karibuni zitaonekana hapa."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Hakuna simu fifi"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Simu fifi zitaonekana hapa."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Hakuna matokeo ya \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Unda Kiungo cha Simu"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Mabadiliko madogo, marekebisho ya bugs na uboreshaji wa utendaji. Asante kwa kutumia Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Sasa unaweza kupakua haraka kila picha katika albamu unapopokea ujumbe wenye viambatisho vingi. Ila kama ungekuwa mratibu wa matunzo mwenye vionjo vya kipekee katika maisha mengine, bado ungeweza kuhifadhi picha moja moja. Asante, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Kutokana na uboreshaji mdogo, sasisho hili linapunguza kidogo ukubwa wa programu kwa takriban megabaiti 4. Hiyo ni nafasi ya kutosha kwako kutuma ujumbe wa maandishi unaolingana na takriban vitabu 4 (au GIFs 2-3 zilizohuishwa) bila kuchukua nafasi yoyote ya ziada."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Iwapo Wayland ndiye msimamizi wako wa vidirisha (na sio tu jina la mhunzi ambaye humkumbuki vizuri kutoka filamu ya Beowulf) utafurahi kusikia kwamba pia tulirekebisha hitilafu ya kitufe cha kushiriki skrini kwenye Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Sasisho hili hurekebisha hitilafu ambapo menyu sahihi ya muktadha haikuonekana baada ya kubofya emoji wakati wa kuchagua maandishi. Asante, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "தேடல்"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "தேடலை நீக்கு"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" க்கான முடிவுகள் எதுவும் இல்லை"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "எஸ் எம் எஸ்/எம் எம் எஸ் தொடர்புகள் கிடைக்கவில்லை டெஸ்க்டாப்."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} இல் \"{searchTerm}\" க்கான முடிவுகள் எதுவும் இல்லை"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "சாட்ஸ்"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "பரிமாற்றத்தை ரத்துசெய்க"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "பரிமாற்றத்தை ரத்து செய்ய வேண்டுமா?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "உங்கள் சுயவிவரத்தை புதுப்பிக்க முடியவில்லை. தயவு செய்து மீண்டும் முயற்சி செய்."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "தவறான எழுத்துக்கள்"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "நீங்கள் உள்ளிட்ட ஒன்று அல்லது அதற்கு மேற்பட்ட எழுத்துக்களைப் பயன்படுத்த முடியாது. மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "ஒரு நிர்வாகிக்கு செய்தி அனுப்புங்கள்"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal தொழில்நுட்ப சிக்கல்களை எதிர்கொள்கிறது. சேவையை விரைவாக மீட்டெடுக்க நாங்கள் விரைவாக வேலை செய்து வருகிறோம்."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "புதுப்பித்தல் தேவை"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "புதிய குரல் அல்லது வீடியோ அழைப்பை மேற்கொள்ள <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ஐக் க்ளிக் செய்யவும்."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "தேடல்"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "தவறவிட்டவை அடிப்படையில் வடிகட்டு"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "சமீபத்திய அழைப்புகள் இங்கே தோன்றும்."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "தவறிய அழைப்புகள் ஏதும் இல்லை"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "தவறிய அழைப்புகள் இங்கே தோன்றும்."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "''{query}' க்கான முடிவுகள் எதுவும் கிடைக்கவில்லை"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "அழைப்பு இணைப்பை உருவாக்கவும்"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "சிறு மாற்றங்கள், பிழை திருத்தங்கள் மற்றும் செயல்திறன் மேம்பாடுகள். சிக்னலைப் பயன்படுத்தியதற்கு நன்றி!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "இப்போது நீங்கள் பல இணைப்புகளுடன் ஒரு மெசேஜைப் பெறும்போது, ஆல்பத்தில் உள்ள ஒவ்வொரு புகைப்படத்தையும் விரைவாகப் பதிவிறக்கலாம். நன்றி, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "இந்தப் புதுப்பிப்பு செயலியின் அளவை தோராயமாக 4 மெகாபைட்கள் குறைக்கிறது."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Linux இல் திரைப் பகிர்வு பட்டனுடன் காணப்பட்ட ஒரு பிழையையும் சரிசெய்துள்ளோம்."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "இந்த வெளியீடு ஈமோஜி டெக்ஸ்ட் தேர்வில் உள்ள பிழையையும் சரி செய்கிறது. நன்றி, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "వెతకండి"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "శోధనను క్లియర్ చేయండి"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" కోసం ఫలితాలు లేవు"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS / MMS పరిచయాలు డెస్క్టాప్లో అందుబాటులో లేవు."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} లో {searchTerm} కోసం ఫలితాలు లేవు"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "చాట్స్"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "బదిలీని రద్దు చేయండి"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "బదిలీని రద్దు చేసేదా?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "మీ ప్రొఫైల్ని అప్డేట్ చేయలేం. దయచేసి మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "చెల్లని అక్షరాలు"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "మీరు ఎంటర్ చేసిన ఒకటి లేదా అంతకంటే ఎక్కువ అక్షరాలు ఉపయోగించబడవు. మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "నిర్వాహకుడికి సందేశం పంపండి"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal సాంకేతిక సమస్యలను ఎదుర్కొంటోంది. వీలైనంత త్వరగా సేవని పునరుద్ధరించడానికి మేము కృషి చేస్తున్నాము."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "అప్డేట్ అవసరం"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "కొత్త స్వర లేదా వీడియో కాల్ ప్రారంభించడానికి <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> క్లిక్ చేయండి."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "వెతకండి"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "మిస్ అయిన వాటి ఆధారంగా ఫిల్టర్ చేయండి"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ఇటీవలి కాల్లు ఇక్కడ కనిపిస్తాయి."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "మిస్డ్ కాల్స్ లేవు"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "మిస్డ్ కాల్స్ ఇక్కడ కనిపిస్తాయి."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "“{query}” కోసం ఫలితాలు లేవు"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "కాల్ లింక్ను సృష్టించండి"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "చిన్న ట్వీక్లు, బగ్ ఫిక్స్లు, మరియు పనితీరు మెరుగుదలలు. Signal ఉపయోగించినందుకు మీకు ధన్యవాదాలు!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "మీరు బహుళ అటాచ్మెంట్లతో సందేశాన్ని అందుకున్నప్పుడు ఆల్బమ్ లోని ప్రతి ఫోటోను ఇప్పుడు మీరు త్వరగా డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోవచ్చు. కానీ మీరు మరో జీవితంలో నిష్కళంకమైన అభిరుచి ఉన్ని గ్యాలరీ క్యురేటర్ అయితే అప్పడు కూడా మీరు వాటిని వ్యక్తిగతంగా సేవ్ చేసుకోవచ్చు. ధన్యవాదాలు, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "ఈ అప్డేట్ యాప్ యొక్క పరిమాణాన్ని దాదాపు 4 మెగాబైట్ల వరకు తగ్గిస్తుంది. ఎటువంటి అదనపు స్థలాన్ని తీసుకోకుండా దాదాపు 4 పుస్తకాల విలువైన టెక్స్ట్ సందేశాలకు సమానమైన వాటిని (లేదా 2-3 యానిమేటెడ్ GIFలు) పంపడానికి మీకు తగినంత స్థలం ఉంది."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Linux లో స్క్రీన్ షేరింగ్ బటన్తో ఒక బగ్ను కూడా మేము పరిష్కరించాము."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "ఈ విడుదల ఎమోజి టెక్స్ట్ ఎంపికతో ఉన్న బగ్ను కూడా పరిష్కరిస్తుంది. ధన్యవాదాలు, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "ค้นหา"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "ล้างการค้นหา"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "ไม่มีผลลัพธ์สำหรับ \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "ไม่มีผู้ติดต่อ SMS/MMS บนเดสก์ท็อป"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "ไม่มีผลลัพ์สำหรับ \"{searchTerm}\" ใน {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "แชท"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ยกเลิกการถ่ายโอน"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "ยกเลิกการถ่ายโอนใช่หรือไม่"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "โปรไฟล์ของคุณไม่สามารถปรับปรุงได้ โปรดลองอีกครั้ง"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "อักขระไม่ถูกต้อง"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "อักขระอย่างน้อยหนึ่งตัวที่คุณกรอกไม่สามารถใช้ได้ โปรดลองอีกครั้ง"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "ส่งข้อความถึงผู้ดูแล"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal กำลังพบกับอุปสรรคทางเทคนิค เรากำลังทำงานอย่างหนักเพื่อให้สามารถกลับมาให้บริการได้โดยเร็วที่สุดเท่าที่จะเป็นไปได้"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "จำเป็นต้องอัปเดต"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "คลิก <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> เพื่อเริ่มต้นการโทรด้วยเสียงหรือวิดีโอคอล"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "ค้นหา"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "กรองเฉพาะสายที่ไม่ได้รับ"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "การโทรล่าสุดจะปรากฏที่นี่"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "ไม่มีสายที่ไม่ได้รับ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "สายที่ไม่ได้รับจะปรากฏที่นี่"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "ไม่พบผลลัพธ์สำหรับ “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "สร้างลิงก์การโทร"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "มีการปรับเปลี่ยนเล็กน้อย พร้อมแก้ไขบั๊ก และการพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพให้ดียิ่งขึ้น ขอขอบคุณที่เลือกใช้ Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "สะดวกทุกทาง! เมื่อได้รับข้อความที่มีไฟล์แนบหลายไฟล์ คุณสามารถเลือกได้ตามใจว่าจะดาวน์โหลดรูปภาพทั้งหมดในอัลบั้มแบบทันที หรืออยากดาวน์โหลดแค่บางไฟล์ก็ไม่มีปัญหา ขอขอบคุณ <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "การอัปเดตครั้งนี้มาพร้อมการลดขนาดของแอปลงไปประมาณ 4 MB"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "เรายังจัดการแก้ไขบั๊กที่มักมาวุ่นวายตรงปุ่มแชร์หน้าจอบนเครื่อง Linux อีกด้วย"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "การอัปเดตครั้งนี้มาพร้อมการแก้ไขบั๊กเมื่อคลิกที่อีโมจิในข้อความ ขอขอบคุณ <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Maghanap"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Clear Search"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Walang results sa \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Ang SMS/MMS contacts ay hindi available sa Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Walang results for \"{searchTerm}\" sa {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Chats"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "I-cancel ang transfer"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Gusto mo bang i-cancel ang transfer?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Hindi ma-update ang iyong profile. Subukan ulit."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Invalid characters"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Hindi magamit ang isa o mahigit pang characters na nilagay mo. Subukan ulit."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "I-message ang admin"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Nakakaranas ng mga teknikal na problema ang Signal. Nagsisikap kaming ibalik ang serbisyo sa lalong madaling panahon."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "May Required na Update"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "I-click ang <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> para magsimula ng bagong voice o video call."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Maghanap"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Missed calls lang ang ipakita"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Makikita rito ang recent calls."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Walang missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Makikita rito ang missed calls."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Walang resulta para sa \"{query}\""
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Gumawa ng Call Link"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Dagdag na maliliit na pag-aayos, pag-alis ng bugs, at pagpapaganda ng takbo ng app. Maraming salamat sa paggamit ng Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Mabilis mo nang mado-download ang bawat photo sa isang album kapag nakatanggap ka ng message na may multiple attachments. Maraming salamat, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Babawasan ng update na ito ang size ng app nang mga 4 megabytes."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "May inayos rin kaming bug sa screen sharing button sa Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Inaayos rin ng release na ito ang bug sa emoji text selection. Maraming salamat, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Ara"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Aramayı Temizle"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" için arama sonucu yok"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS/MMS kişileri Desktop'ta mevcut değil."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} konuşması \"{searchTerm}\" için sonuç bulunamadı"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Sohbetler"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Transferi iptal et"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Transfer iptal edilsin mi?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Profiliniz güncellenemedi. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Geçersiz karakterler"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Girmiş olduğun bir veya daha fazla karakter kullanılamıyor. Tekrar dene."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Bir yöneticiye yazın"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal teknik sorunlar yaşıyor. Hizmeti olabildiğince çabuk düzeltmek için sıkı çalışıyoruz."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Güncelleme Gerekli"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Yeni bir sesli veya görüntülü arama başlatmak için <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> ögesine tıkla."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Ara"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Kaçırılana göre filtrele"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Son aramalar burada görünecektir."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Cevapsız arama yok"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Cevapsız aramalar burada görünecektir."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "\"{query}\" için sonuç yok"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Bir Arama Bağlantısı oluştur"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Küçük ince ayarlar, hata düzeltmeleri ve performans geliştirmeleri yaptık. Signal'i kullandığın için teşekkürler!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Bundan böyle çok sayıda eklenti içeren bir mesaj aldığında, bir albümdeki tüm fotoğrafları hızla indirebilirsin. İşleri uzatmaktan hoşlanıyorsan, fotoğrafları teker teker de indirebilirsin tabi. Teşekkürler, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Bu güncelleme, uygulamanın boyutunu yaklaşık 4 megabayt azaltmaktadır. Bu, ekstra yer kaplamadan yaklaşık 4 kitap değerinde kısa mesaj (veya 2-3 animasyonlu GIF) göndermen için yeterli alan demektir."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Linux'taki ekran paylaşımı düğmesiyle ilgili bir hatayı da düzelttik."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Bu sürümde, emoji metni seçimiyle ilgili bir hatayı düzelttik. Teşekkürler, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "ئىزدە"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "ئىزدەشنى تازىلاش"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "«{searchTerm}» ئۈچۈن ئىزدەش نەتىجىسى تېپىلمىدى"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "ئۈستەليۈزى نەشرىدە SMS/MMS ئالاقىداشلىرى ئىقتىدارىنى ئىشلەتكىلى بولمايدۇ."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "«{conversationName}» دە «{searchTerm}» ئۈچۈن ئىزدەش نەتىجىسى تېپىلمىدى"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "پاراڭ"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "يۆتكەشنى ئەمەلدىن قالدۇرۇڭ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "يۆتكەشنى ئەمەلدىن قالدۇرامسىز؟"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "ئارخىپىڭىزنى يېڭىلىغىلى بولمىدى. قايتا سىناڭ."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "ئىناۋەتسىز بەلگىلەر"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "سىز كىرگۈزگەن بىر ياكى بىر قانچە بەلگىلەرنى ئىشلىتىشكە بولمايدۇ. قايتا سىناڭ."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "باشقۇرغۇچىغا ئۇچۇر يوللاڭ"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal دا تېخنىكىلىق قىيىنچىلىق كۆرۈلدى. بىز ئامالنىڭ بارىچە تىرىشىپ ئىشلەپ مۇلازىمەتنى ئەڭ تېز سۈرئەتتە ئەسلىگە كەلتۈرىمىز."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "يېڭىلاش كېرەك"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "<newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>نى چېكىپ يېڭى ئاۋازلىق ياكى سىنلىق چاقىرىقنى باشلاڭ."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "ئىزدە"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "يوقالغانلار بىلەن سۈزۈش"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "يېقىنقى چاقىرىقلار بۇ يەردە كۆرۈنىدۇ."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "ئېلىنمىغان چاقىرىق يوق"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "ئېلىنمىغان چاقىرىقلار بۇ يەردە كۆرۈنىدۇ."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "{query} ئۈچۈن نەتىجە يوق"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "چاقىرىق ئۇلانمىسى قۇرۇش"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "كىچىك ئۆزگەرتىشلەر كىرگۈزۈلدى، كاشىلا ھەل قىلىندى ۋە ئىقتىدار ئەلالاشتۇرۇلدى. Signal نى ئىشلەتكەنلىكىڭىزگە رەھمەت!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "ھازىر سىز نۇرغۇن قوشۇمچە ھۆججەتلەر بىلەن ئۇچۇر تاپشۇرۇۋالغاندا ، ئالبۇمدىكى ھەر بىر رەسىمنى تېز چۈشۈرەلەيسىز. رەھمەت ، @major-mayer! ئەگەر سىز ئۆزىڭىزنى ئىلگىرىكى يارالمىشىڭىزدا نوچى بىر رەسىمخانا لايىھەلىگۈچىسىدەك ھېس قىلسىڭىز ، ئۇلارنى ئۆز خاھىشىڭىزچە ساقلىۋالسىڭىز تامامەن بولىدۇ. رەھمەت ،<linkMajorMayer>@ major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "بۇ يېڭىلانما ئەپنىڭ سىغىمىنى تەخمىنەن 4 مېگابايت كىچىكلىتىدۇ. بۇ سىزنىڭ ئارتۇقچە بوشلۇق ئالماي تۇرۇپ تەخمىنەن 4 كىتاب سىغىمىدىكى قىسقا ئۇچۇر(ياكى 2-3 كارتون GIF لار)غا باراۋەر يېتەرلىك بوشلۇق."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "بىز Linux نىڭ ئېكران ھەمبەھىرلەش كۇنۇپكىسىدىكى كەمتۈكلۈكنى تۈزەتتۇق."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "بۇ قېتىملىق يېڭىلانما emoji تېكىست تاللانمىسىدىكى كەمتۈكلۈكنىمۇ ئوڭشايدۇ. رەھمەت ،<linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Пошук"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Очистити пошук"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Немає результатів для «{searchTerm}»"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Контакти SMS/MMS недоступні в Signal Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Немає результатів для «{searchTerm}» у {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Чати"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Скасувати передачу даних"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Скасувати передачу даних?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Ваш профіль не вдалось оновити. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Недозволені символи"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Ви використали принаймні один недозволений символ. Відредагуйте текст."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Написати адміністратору"
@ -4707,7 +4722,16 @@
"messageformat": "Оновлення завантажено"
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "У Signal виникли технічні проблеми. Ми робимо все можливе, щоб якнайшвидше відновити роботу послуг."
"messageformat": "У Signal виникли технічні проблеми. Ми робимо все можливе, щоб якнайшвидше відновити роботу."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Необхідне оновлення"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Натисніть <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon>, щоб почати новий аудіо- чи відеовиклик."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Пошук"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Фільтр за пропущеними"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Тут будуть недавні виклики."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Пропущених викликів немає"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Тут будуть пропущені виклики."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Немає результатів за запитом «{query}»"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Створити посилання на виклик"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Дрібні поліпшення, виправлення помилок і покращення роботи застосунку. Дякуємо, що ви з Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Тепер можна швидко завантажити всі фото з альбому, якщо ви отримали кілька вкладень одним повідомленням. Та якщо в минулому житті ви були куратором художньої галереї з бездоганним смаком, для вас ми залишаємо можливість зберігати кожний файл окремо. Дякуємо, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Завдяки невеликій оптимізації в цьому оновленні ми зменшили розмір застосунку приблизно на 4 мегабайти. Цього достатньо, щоб написати повідомлень плюс-мінус на чотири книжки (або надіслати кілька анімованих гіфок), не використавши при цьому додаткової пам'яті."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Якщо серед усіх птахів вам особливо до вподоби пінгвіни, ця новина для вас: ми виправили помилку з кнопкою для демонстрації екрана в Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "У цьому оновленні ми виправили помилку, через яку вам іноді пропонувалося скопіювати зображення, хоч ви просто копіювали текст, у якому були емоджі. Дякуємо, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "تلا ش کر یں"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "تلاش صاف کریں"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "\"{searchTerm}\" کے لئے کوئی نتیجہ نہیں"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Desktop پر SMS / MMS رابطے دستیاب نہیں ہیں۔"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "{conversationName} میں \"{searchTerm}\" کے لئے کوئی نتیجہ نہیں"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "چیٹس"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "منتقل کرنے کو منسوخ کریں"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "منتقل کرنے کو منسوخ کریں؟"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "آپ کے پروفائل کو اپ ڈیٹ نہیں کیا جاسکا۔ دوبارہ کوشش کریں."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "غلط حروف"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "آپ نے جو ایک یا زیادہ حروف درج کیے ہیں انہیں استعمال نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔ دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "کسی ایڈمن کو پیغام دیں"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "signal تکنیکی مشکلات کا تجربہ کر رہا ہے۔جتنا جلدی ممکن ہو ہم سروس بحال کرنے کیلئے سخت محنت کر رہے ہیں۔"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "اپ ڈیٹ درکار ہے"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "نئی وائس یا ویڈیو کال شروع کرنے کے لیے <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> پر کلک کریں۔"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "تلا ش کر یں"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "بلحاظ مسڈ فلٹر کریں"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "حالیہ کالز یہاں ظاہر ہوں گی۔"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "کوئی مسڈ کالز نہیں"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "مسڈ کالز یہاں ظاہر ہوں گی۔"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "\"{query}\" کے لیے کوئی نتائج نہیں ہیں"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "کال لنک تخلیق کریں"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "معمولی تبدیلیاں کی گئیں، بگ ٹھیک کیے گئے، اور کارکردگی اور بھی بہتر بنائی گئی ہے۔ Signal استعمال کرنے کے لیے شکریہ!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "اب جب آپ کو متعدد منسلکات والا میسج ملتا ہے تو آپ جلدی سے البم میں ہر تصویر ڈاؤن لوڈ کر سکتے ہیں۔ شکریہ، <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "اس اپ ڈیٹ سے ایپ کا سائز تقریباً 4 میگا بائٹس تک کم ہو جاتا ہے۔"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "ہم نے Linux پر اسکرین شیئرنگ کے بٹن کے نقص کو بھی ٹھیک کیا ہے۔"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "اس ریلیز میں ایموجی ٹیکسٹ کو منتخب کرنے سے متعلقہ ایک نقص کو بھی ٹھیک کیا گیا ہے۔<linkKhuddite></linkKhuddite>"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "Tìm kiếm"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "Xoá Tìm kiếm"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "Không có kết quả cho \"{searchTerm}\""
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "Liên hệ SMS/MMS không có sẵn trên Desktop."
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "Không có kết quả cho \"{searchTerm}\" trong {conversationName}"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "Trò chuyện"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Hủy chuyển"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "Hủy chuyển?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "Hồ sơ của bạn không thể cập nhật. Vui lòng thử lại."
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "Ký tự không hợp lệ"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "Có một hoặc nhiều ký tự bạn nhập không hợp lệ. Thử lại."
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "Nhắn tin cho quản trị viên"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal đang gặp trục trặc kĩ thuật. Chúng thôi đang cố hết sức để khôi phục dịch vụ càng sớm càng tốt."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Yêu cầu Cập nhật"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "Bấm <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> để bắt đầu một cuộc gọi thoại hoặc cuộc gọi video mới."
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "Tìm kiếm"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "Lọc cuộc gọi nhỡ"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Các cuộc gọi gần nhất sẽ hiển thị ở đây."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "Không có cuộc gọi nhỡ"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "Các cuộc gọi nhỡ sẽ hiển thị ở đây."
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "Không có kết quả cho “{query}”"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "Tạo Đường dẫn Cuộc gọi"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "Các tinh chỉnh, sửa lỗi, và cải thiện hiệu năng. Cảm ơn bạn đã sử dụng Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "Giờ đây bạn có thể dễ dàng tải xuống mọi bức ảnh trong một album khi bạn nhận được tin nhắn có nhiều tập tin đính kèm. Cảm ơn, <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "Bản cập nhật này giảm 4MB dung lượng của ứng dụng."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "Chúng tôi cũng đã sửa lỗi liên quan đến nút chia sẻ màn hình trên Linux."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "Bản cập nhật sửa lỗi liên quan đến thao tác chọn emoji trong đoạn văn bản. Cảm ơn, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "搜尋"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "清除搜尋"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "搵唔到「{searchTerm}」"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "桌面版搵唔到短訊/多媒體短訊聯絡人。"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "喺 {conversationName} 搵唔到「{searchTerm}」"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "聊天"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "取消轉移"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "係咪要取消轉移?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "更新唔到你嘅個人檔案。請你再試過啦。"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "字元無效"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "一個或者多個你輸入嘅字元用唔到。再試多次。"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "傳個訊息俾管理員"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal 發生技術問題。我哋現正搶修,務求儘快回復服務。"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "需要更新"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "㩒一吓 <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> 開始新嘅語音或者視像通話。"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "搜尋"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "根據未接來電篩選"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "最近嘅通話會喺度顯示。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "冇未接來電"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "未接來電會喺度顯示。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "冇同「{query}」相關嘅搜尋結果"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "建立通話連結"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "我哋做咗啲調整、修復咗一啲錯誤,同埋加強咗程式功能。多謝你使用 Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "而家,當你收到有多過一個附件嘅訊息時,可以快速下載相簿入面嘅所有相。唔該晒,<linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "呢次更新做咗少少細微嘅優化,將 APP 大小稍為縮細咗大約 4 MB。呢啲空間夠你發送等於 4 本書咁多嘅文字訊息(或者 2-3 個 GIF 動畫)。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "另外,我哋仲修正咗一個 Linux 畫面分享掣嘅錯誤。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "呢次更新修正嘅錯誤就係,喺選取內文嗰陣指住表情符號㩒滑鼠右掣之後,出現唔啱嘅內容選單。唔該晒,<linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "搜索"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "清空搜索"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "没有找到 “{searchTerm}” 相关结果"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "短信/彩信联系人在 Desktop 上不可用。"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "在{conversationName}中没有找到“{searchTerm}”"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "聊天"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "取消转移"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "要取消转移吗?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "无法更新您的个人资料,请重试。"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "无效字符"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "您输入的一个或多个字符无法使用。请重试。"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "给管理人发消息"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal 遇到了一些技术故障。我们正努力使服务尽快恢复。"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "需要更新"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "点击 <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> 来开始发起一个新的语音或视频通话吧。"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "搜索"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "筛选未接通话"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "最近的通话将会在这里显示。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "无未接来电"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "未接通话将会在这里显示。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "没有找到“{query}”的相关结果"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "创建通话链接"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "我们进行了功能微调、漏洞修复和性能强化。感谢使用 Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "现在当您收到包含多个附件的消息时,您可以快速下载相册中的每张照片。对此我们要感谢 <linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "此更新将应用的大小减小了约 4 兆字节。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "此外我们还修复了 Linux 上屏幕共享按钮的一个漏洞。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "此版本还修复了表情符号在文本选择时出现的一个漏洞。对此我们由衷感谢 <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "搜尋"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "清除搜尋"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "無 \"{searchTerm}\" 的搜尋結果"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS / MMS聯絡人在電腦版上不可使用。"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "在{conversationName}找不到\"{searchTerm}\"的結果"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "聊天"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "取消轉移"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "要取消轉移嗎?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "無法更新你的個人資料。 請再試一次。"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "字元無效"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "輸入的部分字元無法使用。請再試一次。"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "給管理員留言"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal 出現技術問題。我們正努力搶修,儘快回復服務。"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "必須更新"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "點擊 <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> 以開始新的語音或視訊通話。"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "搜尋"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "依據未接通話篩選"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "最近的通話將顯示在此處。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "沒有未接來電"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "未接來電將顯示在此處。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "沒有符合「{query}」的結果"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "建立通話連結"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "細微的調整、問題修復和效能改善。感謝各位使用 Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "現在,當你收到包含多個附件的訊息時,你可以快速下載相簿中的每張相片。但是,如果你想謹慎一些,也可以個別儲存它們。謝謝,<linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "由於進行了些許優化,此更新將應用程式的大小稍微縮小了約 4 MB。這足以讓你傳送相當於 4 本書的文字訊息(或 2-3 個 GIF 動畫)。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "我們還修正了有關 Linux 畫面分享按鈕的錯誤。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "此更新修正了在選擇文字時右鍵單擊圖示後,沒有出現正確內容選單的錯誤。<linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>,謝謝你!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
@ -686,6 +686,9 @@
"icu:search": {
"messageformat": "搜尋"
"icu:searchUnreadChats": {
"messageformat": "Search unread chats"
"icu:clearSearch": {
"messageformat": "清除搜尋"
@ -695,12 +698,27 @@
"icu:noSearchResults": {
"messageformat": "無 \"{searchTerm}\" 的搜尋結果"
"icu:noSearchResultsWithUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No results for \"{searchTerm}\" in unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResultsOnlyUnreadFilter": {
"messageformat": "No unread chats"
"icu:noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"messageformat": "SMS / MMS聯絡人在電腦版上不可使用。"
"icu:noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"messageformat": "在{conversationName}找不到\"{searchTerm}\"的結果"
"icu:conversationsUnreadHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by unread"
"icu:filterByUnreadButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Filter by unread"
"icu:clearFilterButton": {
"messageformat": "Clear filter"
"icu:conversationsHeader": {
"messageformat": "聊天"
@ -3575,6 +3593,9 @@
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "取消轉移"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Messages and chat info are protected by end-to-end encryption, including the sync process. <learnMoreLink>Learn more</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__title": {
"messageformat": "要取消轉移嗎?"
@ -4502,12 +4523,6 @@
"icu:ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"messageformat": "無法更新你的個人資料。 請再試一次。"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__title": {
"messageformat": "字元無效"
"icu:ProfileEditor__invalid-about__body": {
"messageformat": "輸入的部分字元無法使用。請再試一次。"
"icu:AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"messageformat": "給管理員留言"
@ -4709,6 +4724,15 @@
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal 正面臨技術上的問題。我們正在盡力的盡快地恢復服務。"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__title": {
"messageformat": "Update Required"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__body": {
"messageformat": "To complete syncing your messages, update Signal desktop now."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--update-required__action-update": {
"messageformat": "Update"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "必須更新"
@ -5547,9 +5571,15 @@
"icu:CallsTab__EmptyStateText--with-icon-2": {
"messageformat": "點擊 <newCallButtonIcon></newCallButtonIcon> 以開始新的語音或視訊通話。"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder--missed-calls": {
"messageformat": "Search missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__SearchInputPlaceholder": {
"messageformat": "搜尋"
"icu:CallsList__FilteredByMissedHeader": {
"messageformat": "Filtered by missed"
"icu:CallsList__ToggleFilterByMissedLabel": {
"messageformat": "依據未接通話篩選"
@ -5562,15 +5592,15 @@
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "最近的通話將顯示在此處。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__title": {
"messageformat": "沒有未接來電"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--noQuery--missed__subtitle": {
"messageformat": "未接來電將顯示在此處。"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQuery": {
"messageformat": "沒有符合「{query}」的結果"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--hasQueryAndMissedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No results for “{query}” in missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__EmptyState--missedCalls": {
"messageformat": "No missed calls"
"icu:CallsList__CreateCallLink": {
"messageformat": "建立通話連結"
@ -5740,16 +5770,16 @@
"messageformat": "細微的調整、問題修復和效能改善。感謝各位使用 Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.31--0": {
"messageformat": "現在,當你收到包含多個附件的訊息時,你可以快速下載相簿中的每張相片。但是,如果你想謹慎一些,也可以個別儲存它們。謝謝,<linkMajorMayer>@major-mayer</linkMajorMayer>!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--0": {
"messageformat": "由於進行了些許優化,此更新將應用程式的大小稍微縮小了約 4 MB。這足以讓你傳送相當於 4 本書的文字訊息(或 2-3 個 GIF 動畫)。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.32--1": {
"messageformat": "我們還修正了有關 Linux 畫面分享按鈕的錯誤。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.33--0": {
"messageformat": "This update fixes a bug where the correct context menu wasn't appearing after right-clicking on an emoji while selecting text. Thanks, <linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>!"
"messageformat": "此更新修正了在選擇文字時右鍵單擊圖示後,沒有出現正確內容選單的錯誤。<linkKhuddite>@khuddite</linkKhuddite>,謝謝你!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--0": {
"messageformat": "The new filter icon next to the search box makes it easy to quickly find unread chats, but feel free to take your time deciding whether or not to leave them on read after seeing what they had to say."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--1": {
"messageformat": "This update introduces support for new processors on Windows like the Snapdragon X Elite, so you don't need to twist your ARM into emulating x86 anymore."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.34--2": {
"messageformat": "We also fixed a bug that broke the dark theme in Signal when your operating system settings were configured to use a light theme. Signal Desktop can now properly handle your thematically split personality."
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