Update strings
This commit is contained in:
68 changed files with 482 additions and 482 deletions
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofoon aangeskakel"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Laat sak jou hand?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Laat sak"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Lui aangeskakel"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Berei tans voor om af te laai…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Dit kan 'n paar minute neem, na gelang van die grootte van jou boodskapgeskiedenis"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Kanselleer"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Boodskappe en kletsinligting word deur end-tot-end-enkriptering beskerm, wat insluit die sinchroniseringsprosesse. <learnMoreLink>Vind meer uit</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Kanselleer oordrag?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Jou boodskappe en media is nog nie klaar herstel nie. As jy kies om te kanselleer, sal jou toestel sonder jou boodskapgeskiedenis gekoppel word."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Gaan voort met oordrag"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Nou kan jy maklik die vordering van die aflaai van aanhegsels sien. Jy kan ook aflaaie wat aan die gang is, stop en herbegin. As 'n oorplasing dus vertraag word omdat jy op reis is (in vlugmodus?) of 'n swak Wi-Fi-sein gaan wegraak, kan jy daarmee wag totdat meer bandwydte beskikbaar is."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Ons het 'n fout met @-vermeldings reggestel wat soms jou eie rekening verkeerdelik by die outovoltooi-voorstellys ingesluit het."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "الميكروفون مفعل"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "هل تريد خفض يدك؟"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "خفض اليد"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "تم تفعيل الرنين"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "جارٍ الإعداد للتنزيل..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "قد يستغرق الأمر بضع دقائق حسب حجم سِجل رسائلك"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "إلغاء"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "معلومات الرسائل والدردشات محمية من خلال التشفير من طرف لِطرف، بما في ذلك عملية المزامنة. <learnMoreLink>اعرف المزيد</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "أترغبُ بإلغاء التحويل؟"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "لم تكتمل استعادة رسائلك ووسائطك. إذا اخترت الإلغاء، سَيتمُّ ربط جهازك دون سِجل رسائلك."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "مواصلة التحويل"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "يُمكنك الآن رؤية تقدّم تنزيل الملفات المُرفَقة بسهولة. يُمكنك أيضًا توقيف التنزيلات الجارية وإعادة بدئها من جديد."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "أصلحنا خطأ يتعلق بالإشارات إلى الأفراد @ التي كانت في بعض الأحيان تُضيف حسابك الخاص في قائمة اقتراحات الإكمال التلقائي."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon açıqdır"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Əl endirilsin?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Əlini endir"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Zəng aktivdir"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Endirməyə hazırlaşır..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Mesaj tarixçəsinin həcmindən asılı olaraq bu, bir neçə dəqiqə çəkə bilər"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Ləğv et"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Mesajlar və çat məlumatı sinxronlaşdırma prosesi daxil, tam şifrələmə ilə qorunur. <learnMoreLink>Daha ətraflı</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Köçürmə ləğv edilsin?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Mesajlarınız və media faylınızın bərpası tamamlanmayıb. Prosesi ləğv etməyi seçsəniz, cihazınız mesaj tarixçəsi olmadan qoşulacaq."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Köçürməni davam et"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Artıq endirilən qoşmanın gedişatını asanlıqla görə bilərsiniz. Siz həm də davam edən endirimləri dayandıra və təkrar başlada bilərsiniz. Yolda olduğunuz üçün (təyyarə rejimində?) köçürmə ləngiyirsə və ya adi bir otel WiFi-ı yükləməyə tab gətirmirsə, daha müvafiq bir internetiniz olanadək gözləyin."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Bəzən səhvən şəxsi hesabınızın avtomatik tamamlanan təklif siyahısına daxil edilməsinə səbəb olan @ işarəli etiketlərlə bağlı xətanı aradan qaldırdıq. Bu xətanı gözdən qaçırsanız, qrup çatlarında özünüzdən üçüncü şəxs kimi bəhs edə bilərsiniz."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Микрофонът е включен"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Свалете ръка?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Сваляне"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Звъненето е включено"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Подготвяне за изтегляне…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Това може да отнеме няколко минути в зависимост от размера на вашата история на съобщенията"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Отказ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Съобщенията и информацията за чатовете са защитени чрез криптиране от край до край, включително процеса за синхронизиране. <learnMoreLink>Научете повече</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Отмяна на трансфера?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Възстановяването на съобщенията и мултимедията ви не е приключило. Ако решите да отмените, устройството ви ще бъде свързано без вашата история на съобщенията."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Продължаване на трансфера"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Вече можете лесно да виждате напредъка по изтегляне на прикачени файлове. Можете също така да спирате и рестартирате изтегляния в процес на извършване."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Отстранихме грешка със споменаванията чрез @, при която в списъка с автоматични предложения понякога неправилно беше включен собствения ви акаунт."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "মাইক চালু করুন"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "হাত নামবেন?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "নামান"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "রিং চালু করুন"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "ডাউনলোড করার জন্য প্রস্তুতি নিচ্ছে..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "আপনার মেসেজের ইতিহাসের আকারের উপর নির্ভর করে এতে কয়েক মিনিট সময় নিতে পারে"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "বাতিল করুন"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "সিঙ্ক প্রক্রিয়া সহ মেসেজ এবং চ্যাটের তথ্য এন্ড-টু-এন্ড এনক্রিপশন দ্বারা সুরক্ষিত। <learnMoreLink>আরো জানুন</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "স্থানান্তর বাতিল করবেন?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "আপনার মেসেজ এবং মিডিয়া পুনর্বহাল সম্পন্ন হয়নি। আপনি যদি বাতিল করতে চান, তবে আপনার মেসেজের ইতিহাস ছাড়াই আপনার ডিভাইস লিংক করা হবে।"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "স্থানান্তর চালিয়ে যান"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "এখন আপনি সহজেই সংযুক্তি ডাউনলোডের অগ্রগতি দেখতে পারবেন। এছাড়াও আপনি চলমান ডাউনলোডগুলো বন্ধ করে পুনরায় চালু করতে পারবেন।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "আমরা @ উল্লেখ সহ একটি বাগ সংশোধন করেছি যা কখনো কখনো ভুলভাবে স্বয়ংক্রিয় পরামর্শ তালিকায় আপনার নিজের অ্যাকাউন্ট অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে।"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon je uključen"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Spustiti ruku?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Spusti"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Zvono je uključeno"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Priprema za preuzimanje..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Ovo može potrajati nekoliko minuta u zavisnosti od veličine vaše historije poruka"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Otkaži"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Poruke i informacije o chatu zaštićene su sveobuhvatnim šifriranjem, uključujući postupak sinhronizacije. <learnMoreLink>Saznajte više</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Otkazati transfer?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Vraćanje vaših poruka i medija nije završeno. Ako odaberete otkazivanje, vaš uređaj će biti povezan bez vaše historije poruka."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Nastavi transfer"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Sada možete jednostavno vidjeti napredak preuzimanja privitaka. Također možete zaustaviti i ponovno pokrenuti preuzimanja koja su u tijeku."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Ispravili smo pogrešku sa @ spominjanjima koja su ponekad uključivala vaš vlastiti račun na popis prijedloga za automatsko dovršavanje."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Micròfon encès"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Baixar la mà?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Baixar"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "So activat"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Preparant per descarregar…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "En funció de la mida del teu historial dels missatges, això pot trigar uns quants minuts."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Cancel·la"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Els missatges i la informació del xat estan protegits mitjançant una codificació d'extrem a extrem, inclòs el procés de sincronització. <learnMoreLink>Més informació</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Cancel·lar la transferència?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "No s'ha completat la restauració dels teus missatges i arxius multimèdia. Si decideixes cancel·lar-la, s'enllaçarà el teu dispositiu sense el teu historial dels missatges."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Continuar la transferència"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Ara, quan descarreguis fitxers adjunts, podràs veure'n fàcilment el progrés. També podràs aturar i reiniciar les descàrregues en curs."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Hem corregit un error amb les mencions amb @ que feia que de vegades aparegués el teu propi compte a la llista de suggeriments per autocompletar."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon zapnutý"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Dát ruku dolů?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Dát ruku dolů"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Vyzvánění zapnuto"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Příprava ke stažení…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "To může trvat několik minut v závislosti na velikosti historie zpráv"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Zrušit"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Zprávy a informace o chatech jsou chráněny koncovým šifrováním, včetně procesu synchronizace. <learnMoreLink>Zjistit více</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Zrušit přenos?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Obnovení vašich zpráv a médií nebylo dokončeno. Pokud jste se jej rozhodli zrušit, bude vaše zařízení propojeno bez historie zpráv."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Pokračovat v přenosu"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Nyní můžete snadno sledovat průběh stahování příloh. Probíhající stahování můžete také zastavit a znovu spustit."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Opravili jsme chybu s @ zmínkami, která občas přidávala váš vlastní účet do seznamu automaticky dokončovaných návrhů."
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} ulæst besked} other {{count,number} ulæste beskeder}}"
"icu:messageHistoryUnsynced": {
"messageformat": "For din sikkerheds skyld, overføres chathistorik ikke til nye forbundne enheder."
"messageformat": "For din sikkerheds skyld overføres chathistorik ikke til nye forbundne enheder."
"icu:youMarkedAsVerified": {
"messageformat": "Du markerede dit sikkerhedsnummer med {name} som bekræftet"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon slået til"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Tag hånden ned?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Tag ned"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Opringning slået til"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Forbereder download..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Det kan tage et par minutter afhængigt af størrelsen på din beskedhistorik"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Annullér"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Beskeder og chatoplysninger er beskyttet af end-to-end-kryptering, herunder også under synkroniseringen. <learnMoreLink>Få mere at vide</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Vil du annullere overførslen?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Dine beskeder og medier er ikke gendannet endnu. Hvis du vælger at annullere, bliver din enhed tilknyttet uden din beskedhistorik."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Fortsæt overførsel"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Nu kan du nemt se udviklingen af vedhæftede filer. Du kan også stoppe og genstarte igangværende downloads. Så hvis en overførsel bliver langsommere, fordi du er på farten (i flytilstand?), og hvis det middelmådige hotelnetværk er ved at implodere, kan du vente med at genindlæse, når mere tilgængelig båndbredde er tildelt."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Vi har rettet en fejl med @-omtaler, der nogle gange forkert inkluderede din egen konto på forslagslisten i autofyld. Som en narcissistisk løsning kan du stadig bruge tredjepersonsfortælling til at tale om dig selv i dine gruppechat, hvis du nogensinde savner denne fejl."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon an"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Deine Hand senken?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Hand senken"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Klingelton an"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Herunterladen wird vorbereitet..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Das kann, abhängig von der Größe deines Nachrichtenverlaufs, ein paar Minuten dauern."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Abbrechen"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Nachrichten und Chat-Infos sowie der Synchronisierungsvorgang sind durch eine Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung geschützt. <learnMoreLink>Mehr erfahren</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Übertragung abbrechen?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Die Wiederherstellung deiner Nachrichten und Medien ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Wenn du den Vorgang abbrichst, wird dein Gerät ohne deinen Nachrichtenverlauf gekoppelt."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Übertragung fortsetzen"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Jetzt kannst du den Fortschritt des Herunterladens von Anhängen ganz einfach verfolgen. Du kannst auch laufende Downloads stoppen und neu starten. Wenn eine Übertragung verlangsamt wird, weil du unterwegs (im Flugmodus?) bist oder das mittelmäßige WLAN im Hotel kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch steht, kannst du mit dem Neuladen warten, bis du mehr Bandbreite hast."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Wir haben einen Bug behoben, durch den manchmal dein eigenes Konto in der Liste der automatischen Vorschläge auftauchte, wenn du eine @-Erwähnung einfügst. Dir fehlt dieser Bug? Dann haben wir eine narzisstische Lösung für dich: Du kannst in deinen Gruppenchats immer noch in der dritten Person von dir sprechen, wenn dir danach ist."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Μικρόφωνο ενεργό"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Θες να κατεβάσεις το χέρι σου;"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Κατέβασέ το"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Κουδούνισμα ενεργό"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Προετοιμασία για λήψη..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Μπορεί να διαρκέσει μερικά λεπτά, ανάλογα με το μέγεθος του ιστορικού μηνυμάτων σου"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Ακύρωση"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Τα μηνύματα και οι πληροφορίες συνομιλίας προστατεύονται με κρυπτογράφηση από άκρο σε άκρο, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της διαδικασίας συγχρονισμού. <learnMoreLink>Μάθε περισσότερα</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ακύρωση μεταφοράς;"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Η επαναφορά των μηνυμάτων και των πολυμέσων σου δεν έχει ολοκληρωθεί. Εάν επιλέξεις να την ακυρώσεις, η συσκευή σου θα συνδεθεί χωρίς το ιστορικό μηνυμάτων σου."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Συνέχεια μεταφοράς"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Τώρα μπορείς εύκολα να δεις την πρόοδο των λήψεων των συνημμένων. Μπορείς επίσης να σταματήσεις και να επανεκκινήσεις τις λήψεις σε εξέλιξη. Εάν μια μεταφορά αργεί επειδή το δίκτυο είναι αργό, μπορείς να περιμένεις μέχρι να υπάρχει μεγαλύτερο διαθέσιμο εύρος ζώνης."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Διορθώσαμε ένα σφάλμα με τις αναφορές @ που μερικές φορές συμπεριλάμβανε τον δικό σου λογαριασμό στη λίστα προτάσεων αυτόματης συμπλήρωσης."
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
"messageformat": "Alternar pantalla completa"
"icu:viewMenuToggleDevTools": {
"messageformat": "Activar herramientas para desarrolladores"
"messageformat": "Mostrar u ocultar herramientas para desarrolladores"
"icu:viewMenuOpenCallingDevTools": {
"messageformat": "Abrir herramientas para desarrolladores de llamadas"
@ -531,13 +531,13 @@
"messageformat": "Error al procesar el mensaje recibido"
"icu:media": {
"messageformat": "Archivos multimedia"
"messageformat": "Multimedia"
"icu:mediaEmptyState": {
"messageformat": "No hay ningún archivo multimedia en este chat"
"icu:allMedia": {
"messageformat": "Todos los archivos multimedia"
"messageformat": "Todos los archivos"
"icu:documents": {
"messageformat": "Documentos"
@ -972,7 +972,7 @@
"messageformat": "Nota"
"icu:allMediaMenuItem": {
"messageformat": "Todos los archivos multimedia"
"messageformat": "Todos los archivos"
"icu:back": {
"messageformat": "Atrás"
@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@
"messageformat": "Se te ha eliminado de la llamada"
"icu:CallingLobby__CallLinkNotice": {
"messageformat": "Cualquier persona que se una a esta llamada usando el enlace podrá ver tu nombre y foto."
"messageformat": "Cualquier persona que se una a esta llamada usando el enlace podrá ver tu nombre y foto de perfil."
"icu:CallingLobby__CallLinkNotice--phone-sharing": {
"messageformat": "Cualquier persona que se una a esta llamada usando el enlace podrá ver tu nombre, foto y número de teléfono."
@ -1980,7 +1980,7 @@
"messageformat": "{emoji} {text}"
"icu:message--getDescription--unsupported-message": {
"messageformat": "Mensaje incompatible"
"messageformat": "Mensaje no compatible"
"icu:message--getDescription--disappearing-media": {
"messageformat": "Archivo de visualización única"
@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@
"messageformat": "Stickers recibidos"
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--ReceivedPacks--Empty": {
"messageformat": "Los stickers que recibas en mensajes aparecerán aquí"
"messageformat": "Los stickers de tus mensajes recibidos aparecerán aquí"
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Install": {
"messageformat": "Instalar"
@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@
"messageformat": "No se han encontrado stickers"
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--Hint": {
"messageformat": "Hay nuevos paquetes de stickers disponibles en tus mensajes listos para instalar"
"messageformat": "Hay nuevos paquetes de stickers de tus mensajes disponibles para instalar"
"icu:stickers--StickerPicker--NoPacks": {
"messageformat": "No se han encontrado paquetes de stickers"
@ -2319,10 +2319,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ver detalles del mensaje seleccionado"
"icu:Keyboard--toggle-reply": {
"messageformat": "Mostrar responder al mensaje seleccionado"
"messageformat": "Activar o desactivar respuesta al mensaje seleccionado"
"icu:Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"messageformat": "Activar selector de stickers para reaccionar al mensaje seleccionado"
"messageformat": "Activar o desactivar selector de reacciones con stickers para el mensaje seleccionado"
"icu:Keyboard--save-attachment": {
"messageformat": "Guardar archivo adjunto del mensaje seleccionado"
@ -2334,7 +2334,7 @@
"messageformat": "Reenviar mensajes seleccionados"
"icu:Keyboard--add-newline": {
"messageformat": "Añadir nueva línea al mensaje"
"messageformat": "Añadir una nueva línea al mensaje"
"icu:Keyboard--expand-composer": {
"messageformat": "Expandir campo de escritura"
@ -2442,10 +2442,10 @@
"messageformat": "Activar o desactivar vídeo"
"icu:Keyboard--accept-video-call": {
"messageformat": "Responder llamada con vídeo (solo videollamadas)"
"messageformat": "Atender llamada con vídeo (solo videollamadas)"
"icu:Keyboard--accept-call-without-video": {
"messageformat": "Responder llamada sin vídeo"
"messageformat": "Atender llamada sin vídeo"
"icu:Keyboard--start-audio-call": {
"messageformat": "Iniciar llamada"
@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@
"messageformat": "Eliminar archivo adjunto"
"icu:backToInbox": {
"messageformat": "Devolver al buzón de entrada"
"messageformat": "Volver al buzón de entrada"
"icu:conversationArchived": {
"messageformat": "Chat archivado"
@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@
"messageformat": "¿Permitir que {name} te envíe mensajes y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con esta persona? No sabrá que has visto sus mensajes hasta que aceptes."
"icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-hidden": {
"messageformat": "¿Compartir tu nombre y foto con {name} y permitir que te envíe mensajes? Has eliminado a esta persona anteriormente."
"messageformat": "¿Compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con {name} y permitir que te envíe mensajes? Has eliminado a esta persona anteriormente."
"icu:MessageRequests--message-direct-blocked": {
"messageformat": "¿Permitir que {name} te envíe mensajes y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con esta persona? No recibirás ningún mensaje hasta que la desbloquees."
@ -2553,7 +2553,7 @@
"messageformat": "¿Unirte a este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con sus participantes? No sabrán que has visto sus mensajes hasta que aceptes."
"icu:MessageRequests--message-group-blocked": {
"messageformat": "¿Desbloquear este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto con sus participantes? No recibirás ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que lo desbloquees."
"messageformat": "¿Desbloquear este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con sus participantes? No recibirás ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que lo desbloquees."
"icu:MessageRequests--block": {
"messageformat": "Bloquear"
@ -2640,10 +2640,10 @@
"messageformat": "Continuar"
"icu:MessageRequests--profile-sharing--group--link": {
"messageformat": "¿Seguir chateando con este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto con sus participantes? <learnMoreLink>Más información.</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "¿Seguir chateando con este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con sus participantes? <learnMoreLink>Más información.</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:MessageRequests--profile-sharing--direct--link": {
"messageformat": "¿Seguir chateando con {firstName} y compartir tu nombre y foto con esta persona? <learnMoreLink>Más información</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "¿Seguir chateando con {firstName} y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con esta persona? <learnMoreLink>Más información</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:ConversationHero--members": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {1 participante} other {{count,number} participantes}}"
@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@
"messageformat": "Atender llamada"
"icu:acceptCallWithoutVideo": {
"messageformat": "Responder llamada sin vídeo"
"messageformat": "Atender llamada sin vídeo"
"icu:declineCall": {
"messageformat": "Rechazar"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Micrófono activado"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "¿Bajar la mano?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Bajar"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Sonido activado"
@ -2880,10 +2880,10 @@
"messageformat": "Abandonar llamada"
"icu:calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--title": {
"messageformat": "Compartir tu pantalla"
"messageformat": "Comparte tu pantalla"
"icu:calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--confirm": {
"messageformat": "Comenzar a compartir"
"messageformat": "Empezar a compartir"
"icu:calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--entireScreen": {
"messageformat": "Pantalla completa"
@ -2994,7 +2994,7 @@
"messageformat": "{max, plural, one {Solo se puede hacer {max,number} cambio en este mensaje de texto.} other {Solo se pueden hacer {max,number} cambios en este mensaje de texto.}}"
"icu:unknown-sgnl-link": {
"messageformat": "Lo sentimos. Ese enlace sgnl:// no es válido."
"messageformat": "El enlace sgnl:// no es válido."
"icu:GroupV2--cannot-send": {
"messageformat": "No puedes enviar mensajes en ese grupo."
@ -3006,10 +3006,10 @@
"messageformat": "Enlace no válido"
"icu:GroupV2--join--invalid-link": {
"messageformat": "El enlace a este grupo no es válido. Asegúrate de que el enlace esté intacto y sea correcto antes de intentar unirte."
"messageformat": "El enlace a este grupo no es válido. Asegúrate de que el enlace esté completo y sea correcto antes de intentar unirte."
"icu:GroupV2--join--prompt": {
"messageformat": "¿Quieres unirte a este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto con sus participantes?"
"messageformat": "¿Quieres unirte a este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto de perfil con sus participantes?"
"icu:GroupV2--join--already-in-group": {
"messageformat": "Ya formas parte del grupo."
@ -3021,28 +3021,28 @@
"messageformat": "Versión de enlace desconocida"
"icu:GroupV2--join--unknown-link-version": {
"messageformat": "Este enlace no es compatible con esta versión de Signal Desktop."
"messageformat": "Este enlace no es compatible con esta versión de Signal Desktop."
"icu:GroupV2--join--link-revoked--title": {
"messageformat": "No has podido unirte al grupo"
"messageformat": "No es posible unirse al grupo"
"icu:GroupV2--join--link-revoked": {
"messageformat": "El enlace a este grupo ya no es válido."
"icu:GroupV2--join--link-forbidden--title": {
"messageformat": "No has podido unirte al grupo"
"messageformat": "No es posible unirse al grupo"
"icu:GroupV2--join--link-forbidden": {
"messageformat": "No puedes volver a unirte a este grupo mediante enlace porque un admin te ha eliminado."
"messageformat": "No puedes volver a unirte a este grupo usando el enlace porque un admin te ha eliminado."
"icu:GroupV2--join--prompt-with-approval": {
"messageformat": "Alguien que sea admin de este grupo debe aprobar tu solicitud antes de poder unirte. Al solicitar unirte al grupo, tu nombre y foto se compartirán con sus participantes."
"messageformat": "Alguien que sea admin de este grupo debe aprobar tu solicitud antes de poder unirte. Al solicitar unirte al grupo, tu nombre y foto de perfil se compartirán con sus participantes."
"icu:GroupV2--join--join-button": {
"messageformat": "Unirse"
"icu:GroupV2--join--request-to-join-button": {
"messageformat": "Solicitar unirte"
"messageformat": "Solicitar unirse"
"icu:GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar solicitud"
@ -3162,7 +3162,7 @@
"messageformat": "Un admin ha actualizado quién puede editar la lista de participantes del grupo a \"cualquiera\"."
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--you": {
"messageformat": "Has desactivado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace."
"messageformat": "Has desactivado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace."
"icu:GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} ha desactivado la aprobación de admin para unirse al grupo mediante enlace."
@ -3522,13 +3522,13 @@
"messageformat": "Deberás aceptar una invitación para volver a unirte a este grupo y no recibirás ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que lo hagas."
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--many": {
"messageformat": "Estas personas deben aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo y no recibirán ningún mensaje en el grupo hasta que lo hagan:"
"messageformat": "Estas personas deben aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo y no recibirán ningún mensaje en el grupo hasta que la acepten:"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--one": {
"messageformat": "Esta persona debe aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo y no recibirá ningún mensaje en el grupo hasta que lo haga:"
"messageformat": "Esta persona debe aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo y no recibirá ningún mensaje en el grupo hasta que la acepte:"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--count": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona tiene que aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo de nuevo y no recibirá ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que acepte.} other {{count,number} personas tienen que aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo de nuevo y no recibirán ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que acepten.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona tiene que aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo de nuevo y no recibirá ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que la acepte.} other {{count,number} personas tienen que aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo de nuevo y no recibirán ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que la acepten.}}"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--before--many": {
"messageformat": "Estas personas no pueden unirse a los grupos nuevos y se las eliminará del grupo:"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Preparando la descarga…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Dependiendo del tamaño de tu historial de mensajes, esto puede llevar algunos minutos"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Cancelar"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Los mensajes y los chats, al igual que el proceso de sincronización, están protegidos con cifrado de extremo a extremo. <learnMoreLink>Más información</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "¿Cancelar transferencia?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "No se ha completado la restauración de tus mensajes y archivos multimedia. Si decides cancelar la transferencia, se vinculará tu dispositivo sin tu historial de mensajes."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Continuar transferencia"
@ -3642,7 +3642,7 @@
"messageformat": "¿Omitir la transferencia de mensajes?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__skip-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Si decides omitir este paso, no tendrás acceso a ninguno de tus mensajes ni archivos multimedia en este dispositivo. Puedes iniciar una nueva transferencia después de seleccionar Omitir desde Ajustes > Chats > Transferencia."
"messageformat": "Si decides omitir este paso, no tendrás acceso a ninguno de tus mensajes ni archivos multimedia en este dispositivo. Puedes iniciar una nueva transferencia después de seleccionar Omitir en Ajustes > Chats > Transferencia."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__skip-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancelar"
@ -3681,7 +3681,7 @@
"messageformat": "¿Cancelar transferencia de archivos?"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadCancelConfirmation__description": {
"messageformat": "No se ha completado la restauración de tus mensajes y archivos multimedia. Si decides cancelar, puedes volver a transferirlos desde Ajustes."
"messageformat": "No se ha completado la restauración de tus mensajes y archivos multimedia. Si decides cancelar la transferencia, puedes volver a transferirlos en Ajustes."
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadCancelConfirmation__button-continue": {
"messageformat": "Continuar transferencia"
@ -4044,7 +4044,7 @@
"messageformat": "No puedes añadir a estas personas a este grupo automáticamente."
"icu:NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--info-paragraph": {
"messageformat": "Se les ha invitado a unirse y no verán ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que acepten la invitación."
"messageformat": "Se les ha enviado una invitación para unirse y no verán ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que la acepten."
"icu:NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Más información"
@ -4062,10 +4062,10 @@
"messageformat": "¿Añadir {count,number} participantes a \"{group}\"?"
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-button--one": {
"messageformat": "Añadir participante"
"messageformat": "Añadir"
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-button--many": {
"messageformat": "Añadir participantes"
"messageformat": "Añadir"
"icu:createNewGroupButton": {
"messageformat": "Nuevo grupo"
@ -4167,10 +4167,10 @@
"messageformat": "Revisar participantes"
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__description": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} participante del grupo usa el mismo nombre. Revisa la siguiente lista de participantes y selecciona la opción que desees.} other {{count,number} participantes del grupo usan el mismo nombre. Revisa la siguiente lista de participantes y selecciona la opción que desees.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} participante del grupo usa el mismo nombre. Revisa la lista de participantes a continuación y selecciona la opción que desees.} other {{count,number} participantes del grupo usan el mismo nombre. Revisa la lista de participantes a continuación y selecciona la opción que desees.}}"
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__multiple-conflicts__description": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Se encontró {count,number} conflicto de nombre en este grupo. Revisa los participantes más abajo o elige tomar medidas.} other {Se encontraron {count,number} conflictos de nombre en este grupo. Revisa los participantes más abajo o elige tomar medidas.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Hemos encontrado {count,number} conflicto de nombre en este grupo. Revisa la lista de participantes a continuación y selecciona la opción que desees.} other {Hemos encontrado {count,number} conflictos de nombre en este grupo. Revisa la lista de participantes a continuación y selecciona la opción que desees.}}"
"icu:ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__members__no-shared-groups": {
"messageformat": "No tienes otros grupos en común"
@ -4425,7 +4425,7 @@
"messageformat": "El alias no puede comenzar por un número."
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--check-character-min-plural": {
"messageformat": "{min, plural, one {Los alias deben contener al menos {min,number} carácter.} other {Los alias debe contener al menos {min,number} caracteres.}}"
"messageformat": "{min, plural, one {Los alias deben contener al menos {min,number} carácter.} other {Los alias deben contener al menos {min,number} caracteres.}}"
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--check-character-max-plural": {
"messageformat": "{max, plural, one {Los alias deben contener como máximo {max,number} carácter.} other {Los alias deben contener como máximo {max,number} caracteres.}}"
@ -4665,10 +4665,10 @@
"messageformat": "Nadie"
"icu:Preferences__pnp__discoverability__nobody__confirmModal__title": {
"messageformat": "¿Seguro que quieres continuar?"
"messageformat": "¿Seguro que quieres hacer esto?"
"icu:Preferences__pnp__discoverability__nobody__confirmModal__description": {
"messageformat": "Si cambias \"{settingTitle}\" a \"{nobodyLabel}\", será más difícil que las personas te encuentren en Signal."
"messageformat": "Si cambias el ajuste \"{settingTitle}\" a \"{nobodyLabel}\", será más difícil que las personas te encuentren en Signal."
"icu:Preferences--messaging": {
"messageformat": "Mensajería"
@ -4764,7 +4764,7 @@
"messageformat": "Reinicia Signal para instalar la actualización."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--cannot-update__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop no se ha actualizado, pero hay una nueva versión disponible. Ve a {downloadUrl} e instala la nueva versión manualmente. Luego, ponte en contacto con el equipo de asistencia o envía un informe sobre este problema."
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop no se ha actualizado, pero hay una nueva versión disponible. Ve a {downloadUrl} e instala la nueva versión manualmente. Luego, puedes contactar con el equipo de asistencia o enviar un informe sobre este problema."
"icu:NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"messageformat": "No se puede cerrar Signal.",
@ -4980,13 +4980,13 @@
"messageformat": "Están en tus contactos del sistema."
"icu:SignalConnectionsModal__footer": {
"messageformat": "Tus contactos pueden ver tu nombre y foto, así como las historias que subas, a menos que decidas ocultarlas para personas específicas."
"messageformat": "Tus contactos pueden ver tu nombre y foto de perfil, así como las historias que subas, a menos que decidas ocultarlas para personas específicas."
"icu:LocalDeleteWarningModal__header": {
"messageformat": "La eliminación de mensajes se sincroniza en todos tus dispositivos"
"icu:LocalDeleteWarningModal__description": {
"messageformat": "Cuando elimines mensajes o chats, se eliminarán de todos los dispositivos vinculados."
"messageformat": "Cuando elimines mensajes o chats, se eliminarán de todos tus dispositivos vinculados."
"icu:LocalDeleteWarningModal__confirm": {
"messageformat": "Entendido"
@ -5247,7 +5247,7 @@
"messageformat": "Enviado parcialmente. Haz clic para reintentar."
"icu:StoryDetailsModal__sent-time": {
"messageformat": "Enviada · {time}"
"messageformat": "Enviada {time}"
"icu:StoryDetailsModal__file-size": {
"messageformat": "Tamaño del archivo {size}"
@ -5442,7 +5442,7 @@
"messageformat": "Continuar"
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__recover-confirmation": {
"messageformat": "Si recuperas tu alias, se restablecerán tu código QR y tu enlace. ¿Quieres hacerlo de todos modos?"
"messageformat": "Si recuperas tu alias, se restablecerán tu código QR y tu enlace. ¿Quieres hacerlo de todos modos?"
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__username-recovered__text": {
"messageformat": "Tu código QR y enlace se han restablecido y tu alias es {username}"
@ -5473,19 +5473,19 @@
"messageformat": "Color del enlace del alias, {index,number} de {total,number}"
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__reset__confirm": {
"messageformat": "Si cambias tu código QR y tu enlace, tu código QR y tu enlace actuales dejarán de funcionar."
"messageformat": "Si cambias tu código QR y tu enlace, tu código QR y tu enlace actuales dejarán de funcionar."
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__resetting-link": {
"messageformat": "Restableciendo enlace…"
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__error__text": {
"messageformat": "Hubo un problema con tu código QR y enlace; ya no son válidos. Intenta restablecerlos para crear un código QR y enlace nuevos."
"messageformat": "Se ha producido un error con tu código QR y enlace, por lo que ya no son válidos. Intenta restablecerlos para crear un código QR y enlace nuevos."
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__error__fix-now": {
"messageformat": "Corregir ahora"
"icu:UsernameLinkModalBody__recovered__text": {
"messageformat": "Se han restablecido tu código QR y tu enlace, y se han creado un código QR y un enlace nuevos."
"messageformat": "Se han restablecido tu código QR y tu enlace, y se han creado un código QR y un enlace nuevos."
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__title": {
"messageformat": "Nuevas formas de conectarte"
@ -5506,7 +5506,7 @@
"messageformat": "Códigos QR y enlaces"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__qr__body": {
"messageformat": "Los alias tienen un código QR único que puedes compartir con otras personas para que inicien un chat contigo."
"messageformat": "Los alias tienen un código QR único que puedes compartir con otras personas para que inicien un chat contigo."
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__continue": {
"messageformat": "Crear alias"
@ -5518,7 +5518,7 @@
"messageformat": "Nuevas formas de conectarte"
"icu:UsernameMegaphone__body": {
"messageformat": "Presentamos la privacidad del número de teléfono, los alias opcionales y los enlaces."
"messageformat": "Protege la privacidad de tu número de teléfono, elige un alias opcional y descubre los enlaces de Signal."
"icu:UsernameMegaphone__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Más información"
@ -5527,13 +5527,13 @@
"messageformat": "Ignorar"
"icu:UnsupportedOSWarningDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop pronto dejará de ser compatible con la versión del {OS} de tu equipo.Para seguir usando Signal, actualiza el sistema operativo de tu equipo antes del {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Más información</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop pronto dejará de ser compatible con la versión del {OS} de tu equipo de escritorio. Para seguir usando Signal, actualiza el sistema operativo de tu equipo antes del {expirationDate}. <learnMoreLink>Más información</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ya no funciona en este dispositivo. Para volver a usar Signal en tu equipo de escritorio, actualiza la versión del {OS}.<learnMoreLink>Más información</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ya no funciona en este dispositivo. Para volver a usar Signal Desktop, actualiza la versión del {OS} de tu equipo de escritorio. <learnMoreLink>Más información</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:UnsupportedOSErrorToast": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ya no funciona en este dispositivo. Para volver a usar Signal en tu equipo de escritorio, actualiza la versión del {OS}."
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ya no funciona en este dispositivo. Para volver a usar Signal Desktop, actualiza la versión del {OS} de tu equipo de escritorio."
"icu:MessageMetadata__edited": {
"messageformat": "Editado"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Ahora es más fácil que nunca ver el progreso de las descargas de tus archivos adjuntos, y también puedes detenerlas o reiniciarlas cuando quieras. Así que, si una descarga va a paso de tortuga porque estás viajando (¿quizá con el modo avión activado?) o porque el Wi-Fi de tu hotel está saturado, no pasa nada: espera y vuelve a intentarlo cuando el internet decida cooperar."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Cuando querías mencionar a alguien con @, a veces aparecía tu propia cuenta en la lista de sugerencias. ¡Eso ya es cosa del pasado! Pero no te preocupes: podrás seguir dando rienda suelta a tu <em>main character energy</em> hablando de ti en tercera persona en tus chats de grupo."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon sees"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Kas soovid käe langetada?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Langeta"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Helin sees"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Allalaadimise ettevalmistamine …"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Olenevalt sinu sõnumiajaloo suurusest võib see mõne minuti aega võtta"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Loobu"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Sõnumid ja vestluste info on kaitstud kõigis seadmetes otspunktkrüpteeringuga, sh sünkroniseerimisprotsess. <learnMoreLink>Rohkem teavet</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Kas tühistada edastus?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Sinu sõnumite ja meedia taastamine ei ole lõppenud. Kui valid tühistamise, seotakse sinu seade ilma su sõnumiajaloota."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Jätka edastust"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Nüüd on lihtne näha manuste allalaadimise edenemist. Samuti saad pooleliolevaid allalaadimisi peatada ja uuesti alustada. Nüüd on lihtne näha manuste allalaadimise edenemist. Samuti saad pooleliolevaid allalaadimisi peatada ja uuesti alustada."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Parandasime @ mainimiste vea, mis mõnikord kaasas automaatselt täidetavate soovituste loendisse ekslikult sinu enda konto."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofonoa aktibatuta"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Eskua jaitsi nahi duzu?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Jaitsi"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Dei-tonua aktibatuta"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Deskargatzeko prestatzen…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Agian minutu batzuk beharko dira, mezu-historiaren tamainaren arabera"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Utzi"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Mezuak eta txatari buruzko informazioa muturretik muturrerako enkriptatzearen bidez daude babestuta (sinkronizazio-prozesua barne). <learnMoreLink>Informazio gehiago</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Transferentzia bertan behera utzi nahi duzu?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Oraindik ez dira leheneratu mezuak eta multimedia-fitxategiak. Bertan behera uztea aukeratzen baduzu, mezu-historia gabe lotuko da gailua."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Jarraitu transferitzen"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Orain, erraz ikus dezakezu eranskinen deskargaren aurrerapena. Halaber, abian diren deskargak geldiarazi eta berrabiaraz ditzakezu."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "@Aipamenak automatikoki osatzeko iradokizun-zerrendan batzuetan zeure kontua agerrarazten zuen akats bat konpondu dugu."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "میکروفون روشن است"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "دستتان را پایین میآورید؟"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "پایین آوردن"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "زنگ روشن است"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "در حال آمادهسازی برای دانلود..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "بسته به اندازه تاریخچه پیامتان، این عملیات ممکن است چند دقیقه طول بکشد"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "لغو"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "پیامها و اطلاعات گفتگو با رمزگذاری سرتاسری، ازجمله فرایند همگامسازی، محافظت میشوند. <learnMoreLink>اطلاعات بیشتر</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "انتقال لغو شود؟"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "پیامها و رسانه شما کامل بازیابی نشده است. اگر لغو را انتخاب کنید، دستگاه شما بدون تاریخچه پیامتان متصل خواهد شد."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ادامه انتقال"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "اکنون میتوانید پیشرفت دانلود پیوستها را بهراحتی ببینید. همچنین میتوانید دانلودهای در حال انجام را متوقف کنید. و دوباره از سر بگیرید."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "اشکال مربوط به @ اشارهها را برطرف کردیم که گاهی بهاشتباه حساب خودتان را هم در فهرست پیشنهادی تکمیل خودکار قرار میداد."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofoni päällä"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Laske käsi?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Laske"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Soittoääni päällä"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Valmistellaan latausta..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Tämä voi kestää muutamia minuutteja viestihistoriasi koosta riippuen"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Peruuta"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Viestit ja keskustelujen tiedot on suojattu päästä päähän -salauksella, myös synkronoinnin aikana. <learnMoreLink>Lue lisää</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Perutaanko siirto?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Viestejä ja mediaa ei ole vielä kokonaan palautettu. Jos peruutat nyt, laite yhdistetään ilman viestihistoriaa."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Jatka siirtoa"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Nyt voit helposti nähdä liitteiden latauksen edistymisen. Voit myös pysäyttää ja käynnistää uudelleen käynnissä olevat lataukset."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Korjasimme @-mainintoja koskevan virheen, joka saattoi virheellisesti liittää tilisi automaattisen täydennyksen ehdotuslistaan."
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"messageformat": "Rechercher"
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__toast--user-added-to-group": {
"messageformat": "{contact} a été ajouté à {group}"
"messageformat": "Vous avez ajouté {contact} à \"{group}\""
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__toast--adding-user-to-group": {
"messageformat": "Ajout de {contact}…"
@ -891,7 +891,7 @@
"messageformat": "OK"
"icu:update": {
"messageformat": "Mise à jour"
"messageformat": "Mettre à jour"
"icu:next2": {
"messageformat": "Suivant"
@ -1560,13 +1560,13 @@
"messageformat": "Réduire dans la zone de notification"
"icu:SystemTraySetting__minimize-to-and-start-in-system-tray": {
"messageformat": "Lancer l’appli réduite dans la zone de notification"
"messageformat": "Lancer l'appli réduite dans la zone de notification"
"icu:autoLaunchDescription": {
"messageformat": "Lancer à l’ouverture de l'ordinateur"
"messageformat": "Lancer au démarrage de l'ordinateur"
"icu:clearDataHeader": {
"messageformat": "Supprimer les données de l’application"
"messageformat": "Supprimer les données de l'application"
"icu:clearDataExplanation": {
"messageformat": "Pour supprimer l'ensemble des données disponibles dans l'application – y compris tous les messages et toutes les informations enregistrées dans le compte."
@ -1653,7 +1653,7 @@
"messageformat": "Échec d’importation. Assurez-vous que votre ordinateur et votre téléphone sont connectés à Internet."
"icu:timestamp_s": {
"messageformat": "maintenant"
"messageformat": "à l'instant"
"icu:timestamp_m": {
"messageformat": "1 min"
@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@
"messageformat": "{minutes,number} min"
"icu:justNow": {
"messageformat": "À l’instant"
"messageformat": "À l'instant"
"icu:timestampFormat__long--today": {
"messageformat": "Aujourd’hui {time}"
@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@
"messageformat": "Voyage"
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--object": {
"messageformat": "Objet"
"messageformat": "Objets"
"icu:EmojiPicker__button--symbol": {
"messageformat": "Symbole"
@ -2304,7 +2304,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ouvrir la vue Tous les médias"
"icu:Keyboard--open-emoji-chooser": {
"messageformat": "Ouvrir le sélecteur d’émojis"
"messageformat": "Ouvrir le sélecteur d'émojis"
"icu:Keyboard--open-sticker-chooser": {
"messageformat": "Ouvrir le sélecteur de stickers"
@ -2709,10 +2709,10 @@
"messageformat": "Appel vidéo sans réponse"
"icu:minimizeToTrayNotification--title": {
"messageformat": "Signal fonctionne toujours"
"messageformat": "Signal est en cours d'exécution"
"icu:minimizeToTrayNotification--body": {
"messageformat": "Les notifications Signal continueront de fonctionner. Rendez-vous dans les Paramètres pour modifier les notifications."
"messageformat": "Signal continue de s'exécuter dans la zone de notification. Vous pouvez modifier ce comportement dans les paramètres Signal."
"icu:incomingAudioCall": {
"messageformat": "Appel vocal entrant"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Micro activé"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Baisser la main ?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Baisser la main"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Sonnerie activée"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Préparation du téléchargement…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Selon la taille des messages, cela peut prendre quelques minutes."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Annuler"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Avec son protocole de chiffrement de bout en bout, Signal protège systématiquement vos messages et vos conversations. Même pendant la synchronisation. <learnMoreLink>En savoir plus</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Annuler le transfert ?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Signal n'a pas terminé de restaurer vos messages et médias. Si vous décidez d'annuler le transfert, votre appareil sera associé, mais vos messages ne seront pas restaurés."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Poursuivre le transfert"
@ -4053,7 +4053,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ajouter des membres"
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--continue-to-confirm": {
"messageformat": "Mise à jour"
"messageformat": "Mettre à jour"
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-title--one": {
"messageformat": "Ajouter {person} à \"{group}\" ?"
@ -4062,10 +4062,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ajouter {count,number} membres à \"{group}\" ?"
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-button--one": {
"messageformat": "Ajouter un membre"
"messageformat": "Ajouter"
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-button--many": {
"messageformat": "Ajouter des membres"
"messageformat": "Ajouter"
"icu:createNewGroupButton": {
"messageformat": "Nouveau groupe"
@ -4479,7 +4479,7 @@
"messageformat": "Supprimer"
"icu:ProfileEditor--about-placeholder": {
"messageformat": "Écrivez quelques mots à votre sujet…"
"messageformat": "Présentez-vous en quelques mots…"
"icu:ProfileEditor--first-name": {
"messageformat": "Prénom (champ obligatoire)"
@ -4752,7 +4752,7 @@
"messageformat": "Mettre à jour"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Mise à jour requise"
"messageformat": "Une petite mise à jour est nécessaire"
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--auto-update__body": {
"messageformat": "Pour continuer à utiliser Signal, veuillez installer la dernière version de l'appli."
@ -4775,15 +4775,15 @@
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:NSIS__appRunning": {
"messageformat": "{appName} est en cours d'exécution.\nAppuyez sur OK pour le fermer.\nEn cas d'échec, essayez manuellement.",
"messageformat": "{appName} est en cours d'exécution.\nCliquez sur \"OK\" pour fermer l'application.\nSi cela ne fonctionne pas, fermez l'application manuellement.",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:NSIS__decompressionFailed": {
"messageformat": "Échec de décompression des fichiers. Veuillez réessayer d’exécuter l'installeur.",
"messageformat": "Impossible de décompresser les fichiers. Veuillez exécuter l'assistant d'installation de nouveau.",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:NSIS__uninstallFailed": {
"messageformat": "Échec de désinstallation des anciens fichiers d'application. Veuillez réessayer d’exécuter l'installeur.",
"messageformat": "Impossible de désinstaller les anciens fichiers d'application. Veuillez exécuter l'assistant d'installation de nouveau.",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:NSIS__semver-downgrade": {
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Avec cette nouvelle version, vous pouvez suivre la progression de vos téléchargements lorsque vous recevez des pièces jointes. Mieux encore : vous pouvez suspendre les téléchargements en cours et les reprendre plus tard. Dans le TGV ou à l'hôtel ? La connexion Internet ou le Wi-Fi n'arrivent pas à suivre le rythme ? Il vous suffit de reprendre le téléchargement là où vous l'aviez mis en pause."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Lorsque vous saisissiez @ pour mentionner un ami, il arrivait que votre propre nom s'affiche dans la liste des suggestions. Un bug en moins pour 2025 ! Si vous êtes un adepte du <em>self-love</em> et que ce bug vous manque, vous pouvez toujours parler de vous à la troisième personne dans vos conversations de groupe. Ça nous arrive aussi."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Micreafón air"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Ísligh do lámh?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Ísligh"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Glaoch air"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Íoslódáil á hullmhú..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Seans go dtógfaidh sé seo cúpla nóiméad ag brath ar mhéid do staire teachtaireachtaí"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Cuir ar ceal"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Déantar teachtaireachtaí agus faisnéis comhráite a chosaint le criptiú ó cheann ceann, an próiseas sioncronaithe san áireamh. <learnMoreLink>Tuilleadh faisnéise</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Cuir an t-aistriú ar ceal?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Ní dhearnadh aischur do chuid teachtaireachtaí agus meán a chur i gcrích go hiomlán. Má roghnaíonn tú é a chur ar ceal, nascfar do ghléas gan stair do theachtaireachtaí."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Lean leis an aistriú"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Anois is féidir leat dul chun cinn íoslódáil na gceangaltán a fheiceáil go héasca. Is féidir leat íoslódálacha atá ar siúl a stopadh agus a atosú freisin."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Réitíomar fabht le tráchtanna @, rud a chuir do chuntas féin sa liosta moltaí uathlíonta."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Micro activado"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Queres baixar a man?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Baixar"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Son da chamada activado"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Preparando a descarga…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Dependendo do tamaño do teu historial de mensaxes, pode tardar uns minutos"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Cancelar"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "As mensaxes e a información das conversas están protexidas por unha encriptación de extremo a extremo, incluído o proceso de sincronización. <learnMoreLink>Saber máis</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferencia?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Non se completou a recuperación das túas mensaxes e arquivos multimedia. Se cancelas o proceso, vincularase o teu dispositivo sen o historial de mensaxes."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Continuar a transferencia"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Agora podes visualizar facilmente o progreso da descarga dos anexos. Tamén podes parar e reiniciar as descargas en curso."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Corriximos un erro coas mencións @ que ás veces incluía a túa conta na listaxe de suxestións."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "માઇક ચાલુ"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "તમારો હાથ નીચો કરવો છે?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "નીચે કરો"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "રિંગ ચાલુ"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "ડાઉનલોડ કરવાની તૈયારી કરી ચાલુ છે..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "તમારી મેસેજ હિસ્ટ્રીની સાઇઝના આધારે આમાં થોડો સમય લાગી શકે છે"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "રદ કરો"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "મેસેજ અને ચેટની માહિતી સિંક પ્રક્રિયા સહિત એન્ડ-ટૂ-એન્ડ એન્ક્રિપ્શન દ્વારા સુરક્ષિત છે. <learnMoreLink>વધુ જાણો</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "ટ્રાન્સફર રદ કરીએ?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "તમારા મેસેજ અને મીડિયા રિસ્ટોર કરવાનું પૂર્ણ થયું નથી. જો તમે રદ કરવાનું પસંદ કરો છો, તો તમારું ડિવાઇસ તમારી મેસેજ હિસ્ટ્રી વિના જ લિંક કરવામાં આવશે."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ટ્રાન્સફર ચાલુ રાખો"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "હવે તમે અટેચમેન્ટ ડાઉનલોડની પ્રગતિ સરળતાથી જોઈ શકો છો. તમે પ્રગતિ ચાલુ હોય તેવા ડાઉનલોડને રોકી અને ફરીથી શરૂ પણ કરી શકો છો."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "અમે @ ઉલ્લેખ સાથેના એક બગને ઠીક કર્યો છે જે કેટલીકવાર આપમેળે પૂર્ણ કરતી સુઝાવ સૂચિમાં તમારા પોતાના એકાઉન્ટને ખોટી રીતે સામેલ કરી દેતો હતો."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "מיקרופון מופעל"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "להוריד את היד?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "הורדה"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "צלצול מופעל"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "מתכוננים להורדה…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "זה עשוי לקחת מספר דקות בהתאם לגודל היסטוריית ההודעות שלך"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "ביטול"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "הודעות ופרטי צ׳אט מוגנים באמצעות הצפנה מקצה לקצה, כולל תהליך הסנכרון. <learnMoreLink>למידע נוסף</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "לבטל העברה?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "שחזור ההודעות והמדיה שלך לא הושלם. אם תבחר/י לבטל, המכשיר שלך יקושר ללא היסטוריית ההודעות שלך."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "המשך העברה"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "עכשיו אפשר לראות בקלות את התקדמות ההורדה של קבצים מצורפים. אפשר גם לעצור ולהתחיל מחדש הורדות שכבר החלו את התהליך."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "תיקנו באג עם אזכורי @ שלפעמים כללו את החשבון שלך ברשימת הצעות ההשלמה האוטומטית."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "माइक चालू"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "अपना हाथ नीचे करें?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "नीचे करें"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "रिंगिंग चालू"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "डाउनलोड करने के लिए तैयार किया जा रहा है..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "आपके संदेश इतिहास के आकार के आधार पर, इसमें कुछ मिनट लग सकते हैं"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "रद्द करें"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "संदेश और चैट जानकारी शुरू से अंत तक एनक्रिप्शन से सुरक्षित है, जिसमें सिंक करने की प्रोसेस शामिल है। <learnMoreLink>ज़्यादा जानें</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "ट्रांसफ़र रद्द करें?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "आपके संदेश और मीडिया पूरी तरह रीस्टोर नहीं हुए हैं। अगर आप रद्द करना चुनते हैं, तो आपका डिवाइस आपके संदेश इतिहास के बिना लिंक हो जाएगा।"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ट्रांसफ़र जारी रखें"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "अब आप आसानी से अटैचमेंट के डाउनलोड की प्रगति देख सकते हैं। आप चल रहे डाउनलोड को रोककर रीस्टार्ट भी कर सकते हैं। तो अगर आपके रास्ते में होने (एयरप्लेन मोड में) या खराब वाई-फ़ाई वाले किसी औसत होटल में होने की वजह से, कोई ट्रांसफ़र धीमा हो, तो आप ज़्यादा बैंडविड्थ उपलब्ध होने पर रीलोड का इंतज़ार कर सकते हैं।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "हमने @ मेंशन वाली गड़बड़ी को ठीक कर दिया है, जिसकी वजह से कभी-कभी आपका अपना अकाउंट अपने-आप पूरा करने के लिए सुझावों की सूची में शामिल हो जाता था। अगर आप खुद को शामिल करना चाहें, तो इस गड़बड़ी की याद आने पर, आप अब भी अपने बारे में बात करने के लिए ग्रुप चैट में तीसरे-पक्ष के कथन का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon uključen"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Želite spustiti ruku?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Spusti"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Zvono uključeno"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Pripremamo datoteke za preuzimanje…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Ovo može potrajati nekoliko minuta. Brzina preuzimanja ovisi o veličini vaše povijesti poruka."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Odustani"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Poruke, podaci o razgovorima i cijeli proces sinkronizacije zaštićeni su sveobuhvatnim šifriranjem. <learnMoreLink>Saznaj više</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Želite li prekinuti prijenos?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Vraćanje vaših poruka i medijskih zapisa nije dovršeno. Ako prekinete prijenos, uređaj će se povezati bez vaše povijesti poruka."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Nastavi prijenos"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Sada možete pratiti napredak preuzimanja privitaka te otkazati i ponovno pokrenuti preuzimanja dok su još u tijeku."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Ispravili smo pogrešku sa @ spominjanjima koja su ponekad greškom uključivala vaš račun na popisu prijedloga za automatsko popunjavanje."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon be"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Leteszed a kezed?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Letétel"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Csengés be"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Felkészülés a letöltésre..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Ez az üzenet-előzmények méretétől függően eltarthat néhány percig"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Mégse"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Az üzeneteket és a csevegési információkat végpontok közötti titkosítás védi, beleértve a szinkronizálási folyamatot is. <learnMoreLink>Tudj meg többet!</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Átvitel törlése?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Az üzenetek és a médiafájl helyreállítása nem fejeződött be. Ha a törlés mellett döntesz, az eszköz az üzenet-előzmények nélkül lesz összekapcsolva."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Átvitel folytatása"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Mostantól egyszerűbben láthatod a mellékletek letöltésének folyamatát. Leállíthatod és újraindíthatod a folyamatban lévő letöltéseket is."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Kijavítottunk egy hibát a @ jellel való említésekkel kapcsolatban, amelyek néha a saját fiókodat is tartalmazták az automatikus kiegészítési javaslatok listáján."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mik nyala"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Turunkan tangan?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Turunkan"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Dering aktif"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Bersiap mengunduh …"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Perlu waktu beberapa menit, tergantung ukuran riwayat pesan Anda"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Batal"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Pesan dan info obrolan dilindungi enkripsi menyeluruh, termasuk proses sinkronisasi. <learnMoreLink>Pelajari selengkapnya</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Batalkan transfer?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Pemulihan pesan dan media Anda belum selesai. Jika membatalkan prosesnya, perangkat Anda akan dihubungkan tanpa riwayat pesan."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Lanjutkan transfer"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Kini Anda dapat dengan mudah melihat progres pengunduhan lampiran. Anda juga bisa menghentikan dan memulai ulang pengunduhan yang sedang berlangsung."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Kami memperbaiki bug dengan @ penyebutan/mention yang kadang menyertakan akun Anda sendiri pada daftar saran akun yang dapat ditambahkan secara otomatis."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Microfono attivato"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Vuoi abbassare la mano?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Abbassa la mano"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Squillo chiamata attivato"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Preparazione del download…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Questo processo potrebbe richiedere qualche minuto a seconda della dimensione della cronologia messaggi"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Annulla"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "I messaggi e le informazioni delle chat sono protetti da una crittografia end-to-end (incluso il processo di sincronizzazione). <learnMoreLink>Scopri di più</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Annullare il trasferimento?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Il ripristino dei messaggi e dei media non è stato ancora completato. Se lo annulli, il dispositivo verrà collegato senza la tua cronologia messaggi."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Continua con il trasferimento"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Da ora puoi vedere facilmente il progresso dei download degli allegati. Puoi anche bloccare e riavviare i download in corso. Così se stai per salire su un aereo o se la connessione del tuo hotel è lenta puoi sempre riprovare in un secondo momento."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Abbiamo risolto un bug legato alle menzioni con la @ che a volte mostravano il nome del tuo account come suggerimento. Auto-menzionarsi è un po' strano, anche se sappiamo quanto faccia piacere ricevere attenzioni."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "マイクオン"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "手をおろしますか?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "手を降ろす"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "呼び出し音が鳴っています"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "ダウンロード中..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "メッセージ履歴のサイズによっては、数分かかる場合があります"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "キャンセル"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "同期のプロセスも含め、メッセージ情報とチャット情報はエンドツーエンドの暗号化で保護されています。<learnMoreLink>さらに詳しく</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "転送をキャンセルしますか?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "メッセージとメディアの復元が完了していません。キャンセルを選択した場合、端末はメッセージ履歴なしの状態でリンクされます。"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "転送を続行する"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "添付ファイルのダウンロードの進捗状況を簡単に確認できるようになりました。また、進行中のダウンロードを停止したり再開したりすることもできます。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "ご自身のアカウントがオートコンプリートの候補リストに含まれるバグが時々発生していましたので、@メンションに関するこのバグを修正しました。"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "მიკროფონი ჩართულია"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "გსურს, ხელი ჩამოწიო?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "ჩაწევა"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "ზარის ხმა ჩართულია"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "მზადება ჩამოსატვირთად..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "შეიძლება, ამას შენი მიმოწერის ისტორიის ზომიდან გამომდინარე რამდენიმე წუთი დასჭირდეს"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "გაუქმება"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "შეტყობინებები და ჩატის ინფორმაცია, სინქრონიზაციის პროცესის ჩათვლით, ბოლომდეა დაშიფრული. <learnMoreLink>გაიგე მეტი</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "გსურს გადატანის გაუქმება?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "შენი შეტყობინებების და მედია ფაილების აღდგენა არ დასრულებულა. თუ გაუქმებას აირჩევ, მოწყობილობა შენი მიმოწერის ისტორიის გარეშე მიებმება."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "გადატანის გაგრძელება"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "ახლა უკვე შეგიძლია, დანართების ჩამოტვირთვის პროგრესი მარტივად ნახო. ასევე შეგიძლია, შეაჩერო და გადატვირთო მიმდინარე ჩამოტვირთვები. თუ გზაში ხარ და მონაცემების გადაცემა შენელებულია (მაგალითად თვითმფრინავის რეჟიმი თუ გაქვს ჩართული) ან სასტუმროს ინტერნეტი არ ვარგა, შეგიძლია ინტერნეტის გაუმჯობესებას და ახლიდან ჩატვირთვას დაელოდო."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "ჩვენ გამოვასწორეთ @ მონიშვნების შეცდომა, რომელიც ზოგჯერ შენს ანგარიშს ავტომატური შევსების შეთავაზებების სიაში არასწორად ათავსებდა. თუ ეს ბაგი მოგენატრება, მაინც შეძლებ, ჯგუფის ჩატებში შენს თავზე მესამე პირში ილაპარაკო."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Микрофон қосулы"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Қолыңызды түсіресіз бе?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Түсіру"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Қоңырау дауысы қосылды"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Жүктеп алуға дайындалып жатыр..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Хабарлар тарихының көлеміне қарай ол бірнеше минутқа созылуы мүмкін."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Бас тарту"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Хабарлар мен чат туралы ақпарат тура шифрлау әдісімен, соның ішінде синхрондау процесімен қорғалған. <learnMoreLink>Толық ақпарат</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Тасымалдаудан бас тарту керек пе?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Хабарларыңыз бен мультимедиаңызды қалпына келтіру процесі аяқталған жоқ. Бас тарту опциясын таңдасаңыз, құрылғыңыз хабарлар тарихынсыз байланыстырылады."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Тасымалдауды жалғастыру"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Енді тіркемені жүктеп алу процесін оңай бақылай аласыз. Сонымен қатар жүктеп алу процесін тоқтатуға және қайта бастауға болады. Жолда болғандықтан (мысалы, ұшақ режимі) немесе қонақүйде WiFi дұрыс таралмағандықтан, тасымалдау процесі баяулап жатса, қайта жүктеуді желі жұмысы жақсарғанда бастауға болады."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Біреуді @ белгісі арқылы атап өтетін кезде автоматты түрде толтырылатын ұсыныстар тізімінде өз аккаунтыңыз қате қосылып кететін ақау түзетілді. Енді топтық чаттарда өзіңіз туралы сөз қозғағанда, өз аккаунтыңызды атап өтпейтін боласыз."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "បានបើកមីក្រូហ្វូន"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "ដាក់ដៃរបស់អ្នកចុះឬ?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "ដាក់ដៃចុះ"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "បានបើកសំឡេងរោទ៍"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "កំពុងរៀបចំទាញយក…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "វាអាចនឹងចំណាយពេលពីរបីនាទី អាស្រ័យលើទំហំនៃប្រវត្តិសាររបស់អ្នក"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "បោះបង់"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "សារ និងព័ត៌មានជជែកត្រូវបានការពារដោយការអ៊ីនគ្រីបទាំងសងខាង រាប់បញ្ចូលទាំងដំណើរការធ្វើសមកាលកម្មផងដែរ។ <learnMoreLink>ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែម</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "បោះបង់ការផ្ទេរឬ?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "សារ និងមេឌៀរបស់អ្នកមិនទាន់បញ្ចប់ការស្ដារទេ។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកជ្រើសរើសបោះបង់ ឧបករណ៍របស់អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់ដោយគ្មានប្រវត្តិសាររបស់អ្នក។"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "បន្តផ្ទេរ"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "ឥឡូវនេះ អ្នកអាចមើលឃើញដំណើរការនៃការទាញយកឯកសារភ្ជាប់យ៉ាងងាយស្រួល។ អ្នកក៏អាចបញ្ឈប់ និងចាប់ផ្តើមឡើងវិញនូវការទាញយកដែលកំពុងដំណើរការបានផងដែរ។ ដូច្នេះ ប្រសិនបើការផ្ទេរមានល្បឿនយឺត ដោយសារអ្នកកំពុងធ្វើដំណើរតាមផ្លូវ (នៅក្នុងមុខងារនៅលើយន្តហោះ?) ឬ WiFi របស់សណ្ឋាគារដំណើរការមិនស្រួល អ្នកអាចរង់ចាំឱ្យវាផ្ទុកឡើងវិញនៅពេលមានកម្រិតបញ្ជូនខ្លាំងជាងមុន។"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "យើងបានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាមួយជាមួយ @ mentions ដែលពេលខ្លះវាបានរាប់បញ្ចូលទាំងគណនីផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នកដោយមិនត្រឹមត្រូវនៅក្នុងបញ្ជីណែនាំដែលបំពេញដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ។ អ្នកនៅតែអាចប្រើការរៀបរាប់ពីមនុស្សទីបី ដើម្បីនិយាយអំពីខ្លួនអ្នកនៅក្នុងការជជែកជាក្រុម ប្រសិនបើអ្នកមិនបានជួបបញ្ហានេះទេ។"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "ಮೈಕ್ ಆನ್ ಆಗಿದೆ"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕೈಯನ್ನು ಕೆಳಗಿಳಿಸಬೇಕೇ?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "ಕೆಳಗಿಳಿಸಿ"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "ರಿಂಗಿಂಗ್ ಆನ್ ಆಗಿದೆ"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಿದ್ಧವಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂದೇಶ ಇತಿಹಾಸದ ಗಾತ್ರವನ್ನು ಅವಲಂಬಿಸಿ ಇದು ಕೆಲವು ನಿಮಿಷಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "ರದ್ದುಮಾಡಿ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "ಮೆಸೇಜ್ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಸಿಂಕ್ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆ ಸೇರಿದಂತೆ ಎಂಡ್-ಟು-ಎಂಡ್ ಎನ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್ ಮೂಲಕ ರಕ್ಷಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. <learnMoreLink>ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ತಿಳಿಯಿರಿ</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕೇ?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮೀಡಿಯಾ ರೀಸ್ಟೋರ್ ಆಗುವುದನ್ನು ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸಿಲ್ಲ. ನೀವು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆಮಾಡಿದರೆ, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂದೇಶ ಇತಿಹಾಸವಿಲ್ಲದೆಯೇ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಾಧನವನ್ನು ಲಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ಮುಂದುವರಿಸಿ"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "ಈಗ ನೀವು ಲಗತ್ತು ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ಗಳ ಪ್ರಗತಿಯನ್ನು ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ನೋಡಬಹುದು. ನೀವು ಪ್ರಗತಿಯಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಡೌನ್ಲೋಡ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಸಹ ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸಬಹುದು ಮತ್ತು ಮರುಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಬಹುದು. ನೀವು ರಸ್ತೆಯಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಕಾರಣ (ಏರ್ಪ್ಲೇನ್ ಮೋಡ್ನಲ್ಲಿ?) ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ ನಿಧಾನಗೊಂಡರೆ ಅಥವಾ ಸಾಧಾರಣ ಹೋಟೆಲ್ WiFi ಸ್ಥಗಿತವಾದರೆ, ಮರುಲೋಡ್ಗಾಗಿ ನೀವು ಅಧಿಕ ಬ್ಯಾಂಡ್ವಿಡ್ತ್ ದೊರೆಯುವ ತನಕ ಕಾಯಬಹುದು."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "ಸ್ವಯಂಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸುವ ಸಲಹೆಯ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವಂತ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಕೆಲವೊಮ್ಮೆ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿ ಒಳಗೊಂಡಿರುವ @ ಉಲ್ಲೇಖಗಳೊಂದಿಗೆ ನಾವು ದೋಷವನ್ನು ಪರಿಹರಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ. ನೀವು ಎಂದಾದರೂ ಈ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ತಪ್ಪಿಸಿಕೊಂಡರೆ ನಾರ್ಸಿಸಿಸ್ಟಿಕ್ ಪರಿಹಾರವಾಗಿ, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗುಂಪು ಚಾಟ್ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾತನಾಡಲು ಮೂರನೇ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯ ನಿರೂಪಣೆಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಈಗಲೂ ಬಳಸಬಹುದು."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "마이크 켜짐"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "손을 내릴까요?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "손 내리기"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "통화 켜짐"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "다운로드를 준비하는 중..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "메시지 기록 용량에 따라 몇 분이 소요될 수 있습니다"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "취소"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "동기화 프로세스를 비롯하여 메시지와 대화 정보는 엔드투엔드 암호화로 보호됩니다. <learnMoreLink>자세히 알아보기</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "전송을 취소하시겠어요?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "메시지와 미디어에서 복원을 완료하지 않았습니다. 취소를 선택할 경우 기기가 메시지 기록 없이 연결됩니다."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "전송 계속"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "이제 첨부 파일 다운로드 진행 상황을 쉽게 확인할 수 있습니다. 진행 중인 다운로드를 중지했다가 다시 시작할 수도 있습니다."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "자동 완성 목록에 사용자의 계정을 포함하는 @멘션 버그를 수정했습니다."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Микрофон күйүк"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Колуңузду түшүрөсүзбү?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Түшүрүү"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Чалып жатасыз"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Жүктөлүп алынганы жатат..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Бул билдирүүлөр таржымалынын көлөмүнө жараша бир нече мүнөткө созулушу мүмкүн"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Жок"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Билдирүүлөр жана маектеги нерселер, ошондой эле шайкештирүү процесси баштан аяк шифрленип корголот. <learnMoreLink>Кененирээк маалымат</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Өткөрүүнү токтотосузбу?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Билдирүүлөрүңүз менен медиа файлдарыңыз толук калыбына келген жок. Эгер жокко чыгарууну тандасаңыз, түзмөгүңүз билдирүүлөр таржымалы жок байланыштырылат."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Жок"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Тиркемелердин жүктөлүп жатканын оңой эле көрө аласыз. Жүктөп алуу процессин токтотуп, кайра уланта аласыз. Жолдо жүргөндүктөн (же учак режиминде болгондуктан) же орточо мейманканада Wi-Fi жай иштегендиктен жай өтүп жатса, Интернет ылдамыраак иштегенде жүктөй аласыз."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Автотолтуруунун сунуштар тизмесине өз аккаунтуңузду кээде туура эмес киргизген @ эскертмелериндеги мүчүлүштүктөрдү оңдодук. Бир аз нарциссисттик чечим катары, эгер бул мүчүлүштүктү өткөрүп жиберсеңиз, топтук маектериңизде дагы эле үчүнчү жактан өзүңүз жөнүндө айта аласыз."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofonas įjungtas"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Nuleisti ranką?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Nuleisti"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Skambėjimas įjungtas"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ruošiamasi atsisiųsti..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Tai gali užtrukti kelias minutes, priklausomai nuo žinučių istorijos dydžio"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Atšaukti"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Žinutės ir pokalbių informacija yra visiškai užšifruoti, įskaitant ir sinchronizavimo procesą. <learnMoreLink>Sužinoti daugiau</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Atšaukti perkėlimą?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Jūsų žinučių ir įrašų atkūrimas nebaigtas. Jei nuspręsite atšaukti, jūsų įrenginys bus susietas be žinučių istorijos."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Tęsti perkėlimą"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Dabar galite lengvai matyti priedų atsisiuntimo eigą. Taip pat galite sustabdyti ir iš naujo paleisti vykdomus atsisiuntimus."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Ištaisėme klaidą su @ paminėjimais, kurie kartais neteisingai įtraukdavo jūsų pačių paskyrą į automatinio užbaigimo pasiūlymų sąrašą."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofons ieslēgts"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Nolaist roku?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Nolaist"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Zvana signāls ieslēgts"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Gatavo lejupielādi…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Šis process var aizņemt dažas minūtes atkarībā no ziņu vēstures apjoma"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Atcelt"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Ziņas un sarunu informāciju aizsargā pilnīga šifrēšana, tostarp sinhronizēšanas process. <learnMoreLink>Uzzināt vairāk</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Vai atcelt pārsūtīšanu?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Ziņu un multivides atjaunošana nav pabeigta. Ja izvēlēsieties atcelt, ierīce tiks piesaistīta, bet ziņu vēsture netiks atjaunota."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Turpināt pārsūtīšanu"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Tagad varat ērti apskatīt pielikumu lejupielādēs progresu, kā arī apturēt lejupielādes un tās atsākt. Ja failu pārsūtīšanas ātrums samazinās, jo atrodaties ceļā (piemēram, lidmašīnā) vai jums hotelī pieejams tikai lēns Wi-Fi tīkls, tagad varat atsākt failu lejupielādi, kolīdz tiekat pie ātrāka interneta savienojuma."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Mēs atrisinājām kļūdu, kas lika arī jūsu kontam parādīties @ pieminējumu automātiskās pabeigšanas ieteikumu sarakstā. Ja jums šī kļūda kādreiz pietrūkst, iesakām šādos gadījumos grupu sarunās atsaukties uz sevi trešajā personā."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Микрофонот е вклучен"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Сакате да ја спуштите раката?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Спуштете"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Ѕвонењето е овозможено"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Се подготвува за преземање…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Ова може да потрае неколку минути, во зависност од големината на историјата на вашите пораки"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Откажи"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Пораките и информациите за разговорите се заштитени со целосно шифрирање, вклучувајќи го и процесот на синхронизација. <learnMoreLink>Дознајте повеќе</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Да се откаже преносот?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Не е завршено враќањето на вашите пораки и медиумски датотеки. Ако одлучите да откажете, вашиот уред ќе се поврзе без историјата на пораки."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Продолжи со пренос"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Сега лесно можете да го видите прогресот на преземање прилози. Исто така можете да стопирате и рестартирате преземања кои се во тек."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Решивме грешка при која вашата корисничка сметка се појавуваше на листата со предлози во @ спомнувања."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "മൈക്ക് ഓണാണ്"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "കൈ താഴ്ത്തണോ?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "താഴ്ത്തുക"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "റിംഗിംഗ് ഓണാണ്"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ തയ്യാറെടുക്കുന്നു..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശ ചരിത്രത്തിൻ്റെ വലുപ്പം അനുസരിച്ച് ഇതിന് കുറച്ച് മിനിറ്റുകൾ എടുത്തേക്കാം"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "റദ്ദാക്കുക"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "സമന്വയ പ്രക്രിയ ഉൾപ്പെടെ, സന്ദേശങ്ങളും ചാറ്റ് വിവരങ്ങളും എൻഡ്-ടു-എൻഡ് എൻക്രിപ്ഷൻ മുഖേന പരിരക്ഷിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു. <learnMoreLink>കൂടുതലറിയുക</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "കൈമാറ്റം റദ്ദാക്കണോ?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശങ്ങളും മീഡിയയും പുനഃസ്ഥാപിക്കൽ പൂർത്തിയാക്കിയിട്ടില്ല. നിങ്ങൾ റദ്ദാക്കാൻ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശ ചരിത്രമില്ലാതെ ഉപകരണം ലിങ്ക് ചെയ്യപ്പെടും."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "കൈമാറ്റം തുടരുക"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "ഇപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് അറ്റാച്ച്മെൻ്റ് ഡൗൺലോഡുകളുടെ പുരോഗതി എളുപ്പത്തിൽ കാണാൻ കഴിയും. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് പുരോഗതിയിലുള്ള ഡൗൺലോഡുകൾ നിർത്താനും പുനരാരംഭിക്കാനും കഴിയും. നിങ്ങൾ യാത്രയിലായതിനാലോ (എയർപ്ലെയിൻ മോഡിൽ?) നിങ്ങളുടെ ഹോട്ടൽ WiFi മന്ദഗതിയിൽ ആയതിനാലോ കൈമാറ്റം പതുക്കെ ആയാൽ, കൂടുതൽ ബാൻഡ്വിഡ്ത്ത് ലഭ്യമാകുമ്പോൾ റീലോഡ് ആകുന്നതുവരെ കാത്തിരിക്കാം."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "ചിലപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്വന്തം അക്കൗണ്ട്, സ്വയമേവ പൂർത്തിയാക്കൽ നിർദ്ദേശ പട്ടികയിൽ തെറ്റായി ഉൾപ്പെടുത്തിയിരുന്ന @ പരാമർശങ്ങളുള്ള ഒരു ബഗ് ഞങ്ങൾ പരിഹരിച്ചു. ഒരു നാർസിസിസ്റ്റിക് പരിഹാരമെന്ന നിലയിൽ, ഈ ബഗ് എപ്പോഴെങ്കിലും നിങ്ങൾക്ക് മിസ്സാകുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ചാറ്റുകളിൽ നിങ്ങളെക്കുറിച്ച് സംസാരിക്കാൻ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് തുടർന്നും മൂന്നാം-വ്യക്തി വിവരണം ഉപയോഗിക്കാം."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "माईक चालू आहे"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "आपल्याला हात खाली करायचा आहे?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "खाली घ्या"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "रिंग होणे सुरू झाले"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "डाउनलोड करण्याची तयारी करत आहे..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "आपल्या संदेश इतिहासाच्या प्रमाणानुसार याला काही मिनिटे लागू शकतात"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "रद्द करा"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "संदेश आणि चॅट्ची माहिती एन्ड-टू-एन्ड एन्क्रिप्शनने संरक्षित आहेत, अगदी सिंकची प्रक्रियासुद्धा. <learnMoreLink>अधिक जाणून घ्या</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "हस्तांतरण रद्द करायचे?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "आपले ,संदेश आणि मिडीया यांचे पुनर्संचयन पूर्ण झालेले नाहीत. आपण रद्द करायचे ठरवले, तर तुमचा डिव्हाइस तुमच्या संदेश इतिहासाशिवाय लिंक होईल."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "हस्तांतरण सुरू ठेवा"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "आपण आता सहज अटॅचमेंट डाऊनलोड्सची प्रगती पाहू शकता. आपण चालू असणारे डाऊनलोडसुद्धा थांबवून पुन्हा सुरु करू शकता. आपण प्रवासात (एअरप्लेन मोडमध्ये?) असाल, किंवा जिथले WiFi कधीही बंद पडू शकते अशा एखाद्या सुमार हॉटेलमध्ये असाल, आणि म्हणून हस्तांतरणाचा वेग मंदावला असेल, तर आपण थांबून जास्त बँडविड्थ मिळाल्यावर रीलोड करू शकता."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "आम्ही @ उल्लेखांमधील एक बग दुरुस्त केला जो कधीकधी चुकून ऑटोकम्प्लीट शिफारस यादीमध्ये तुमच्या स्वत:च्या अकाऊंटचाही समावेश करायचा. पण तुम्ही अगदीच स्वत:च्या प्रेमात असाल, आणि या बगची तुम्हाला फार आठवण येत असेल, तर ग्रूप चॅट्समध्ये स्वत:चा तृतीय पुरुषी उल्लेख करत जा."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon dihidupkan"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Turunkan tangan anda?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Turun Tangan"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Deringan dihidupkan"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Bersedia untuk memuat turun..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Ini mungkin mengambil masa beberapa minit bergantung pada saiz sejarah mesej anda"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Batal"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Mesej dan maklumat sembang dilindungi oleh penyulitan hujung ke hujung termasuk proses penyegerakan. <learnMoreLink>Ketahui lebih lanjut</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Batalkan pemindahan?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Mesej dan media anda belum selesai dipulihkan. Jika anda memilih untuk membatalkan, peranti anda akan dipautkan tanpa sejarah mesej anda."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Teruskan pemindahan"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Kini anda boleh melihat kemajuan muat turun lampiran dengan mudah. Anda juga boleh menghentikan dan memulakan semula muat turun yang sedang berjalan. Jika pemindahan menjadi perlahan kerana anda sedang dalam perjalanan (dalam mod kapal terbang?) atau WiFi hotel yang lemah hampir terputus, anda boleh menunggu untuk memuat semula apabila jalur lebar yang lebih baik tersedia."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Kami membetulkan pepijat pada @ sebutan yang kadangkala memasukkan akaun anda sendiri dalam senarai cadangan autolengkap."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "မိုက် ဖွင့်ထားသည်"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "လက်ပြန်ချမည်လား။"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "လက်ပြန်ချမည်"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "ဖုန်းမြည်သံ ဖွင့်ထားသည်"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "ဒေါင်းလုဒ်လုပ်ရန် ပြင်ဆင်နေသည်..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "သင့် မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှတ်တမ်း အရွယ်အစားပေါ်မူတည်၍ မိနစ်အနည်းငယ် ကြာနိုင်ပါသည်"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "မလုပ်တော့ပါ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "ချိန်ကိုက်မှု လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်အပါအဝင် မက်ဆေ့ချ်များနှင့် ချက်(တ်)အချက်အလက်ကို ဟိုဘက်သည်ဘက် ကုဒ်ပြောင်းဝှက်ခြင်းဖြင့် ကာကွယ်ထားသည်။ <learnMoreLink>ပိုမိုလေ့လာရန်</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "လွှဲပြောင်းမှုကို ပယ်ဖျက်မလား။"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "သင့် မက်ဆေ့ချ်များနှင့် မီဒီယာများကို ပြန်လည်ရယူခြင်း မပြီးပြတ်သေးပါ။ ပယ်ဖျက်ရန်ကို ရွေးချယ်ပါက သင့်စက်သည် မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှတ်တမ်းမပါဘဲ ချိတ်ဆက်သွားမည်။"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ဆက်လက်လွှဲပြောင်းမည်"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "ပူးတွဲဖိုင် ဒေါင်းလုဒ်များ၏ တိုးတက်မှုကို ယခုအခါ အလွယ်တကူ ကြည့်နိုင်ပါပြီ။ လက်ရှိဒေါင်းလုဒ်များကိုလည်း ရပ်ပြီး ပြန်လည်စတင်နိုင်သည်။"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "တစ်ခါတစ်ရံတွင် သင့်ကိုယ်ပိုင်အကောင့်ကို အလိုအလျောက်ဖြည့်စွက်မှု အကြံပြုချက်စာရင်းတွင် @ မန်းရှင်းထည့်သွင်းသည့် ချွတ်ယွင်းချက်တစ်ခုကို ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ ပြင်ဆင်ထားပါသည်။"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon på"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Vil du ta ned hånden?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Ta ned"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Ringing på"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Gjør klart for nedlasting …"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Dette kan ta et par minutter avhengig av størrelsen på meldingsloggen"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Avbryt"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Meldinger og samtaleinnhold beskyttes av ende-til-ende-kryptering. Dette inkluderer også synkroniseringen. <learnMoreLink>Les mer</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Vil du avbryte overføringen?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Meldingene og mediefilene har ikke blitt gjenopprettet. Dersom du avbryter overføringen, vil enheten kobles til uten meldingsloggen din."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Fortsett overføring"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Nå kan du se hvor langt nedlastingen har kommet når du laster ned et vedlegg. Du kan også sette nedlastinger på pause."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Vi har fikset en feil som førte til at ditt eget navn dukket opp i listen over foreslåtte tagger når du skriver meldinger."
@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@
"messageformat": "Apparaatnaam"
"icu:chooseDeviceName": {
"messageformat": "Kies de naam van dit apparaat"
"messageformat": "Kies een naam voor dit apparaat"
"icu:finishLinkingPhone": {
"messageformat": "Koppelen van telefoon voltooien"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Microfoon aan"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Hand omlaag doen?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Omlaag doen"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Bellen aan"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Download voorbereiden..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Dit kan enkele minuten duren, afhankelijk van de grootte van je chatgeschiedenis"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Annuleren"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Berichten en chatgegevens worden beschermd door end-to-end-versleuteling, ook tijdens het synchronisatieproces. <learnMoreLink>Meer informatie</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Overzetten annuleren?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Het herstellen van je berichten en media is nog niet voltooid. Als je ervoor kiest om te annuleren, wordt je apparaat gekoppeld zonder je chatgeschiedenis."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Doorgaan met overzetten"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Je kunt nu eenvoudig de voortgang van het downloaden van bijlagen zien. Je kunt lopende downloads nu ook stoppen en opnieuw starten. Dus als een transfer traag gaat omdat je onderweg bent (in vliegtuigmodus?) of door de matige wifi van het hotel… Wacht dan op een snellere verbinding en upload het bestand gewoon verder."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "We hebben een bug met @-vermeldingen opgelost waardoor soms je eigen account verscheen in de lijst met suggesties voor automatisch invullen. Je kunt natuurlijk altijd nog in derde persoon over jezelf praten, mocht je deze bug heel erg missen."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "ਮਾਈਕ ਚਾਲੂ ਹੈ"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "ਕੀ ਹੱਥ ਨੀਚੇ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "ਨੀਚੇ ਕਰੋ"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "ਰਿੰਗ ਚਾਲੂ ਹੈ"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਤਿਆਰੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਆਕਾਰ 'ਤੇ ਨਿਰਭਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋਏ ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਝ ਮਿੰਟ ਲੱਗ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "ਸਿੰਕ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਕਿਰਿਆ ਸਮੇਤ, ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਅਤੇ ਚੈਟ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਸਿਰੇ-ਤੋਂ-ਸਿਰੇ ਤੱਕ ਇਨਕ੍ਰਿਪਸ਼ਨ ਨਾਲ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਹੈ। <learnMoreLink>ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣੋ</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "ਕੀ ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਨੂੰ ਰੀਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਦਾ ਕਾਰਜ ਪੂਰਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋਇਆ। ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਡਿਵਾਈਸ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਲਿੰਕ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੋ"
@ -3681,7 +3681,7 @@
"messageformat": "ਮੀਡੀਆ ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਨੂੰ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ?"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadCancelConfirmation__description": {
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਨੂੰ ਰੀਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਦਾ ਕਾਰਜ ਪੂਰਾ ਹੋਇਆ। ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।"
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਮੀਡੀਆ ਨੂੰ ਰੀਸਟੋਰ ਕਰਨ ਦਾ ਕਾਰਜ ਪੂਰਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋਇਆ। ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।"
"icu:BackupMediaDownloadCancelConfirmation__button-continue": {
"messageformat": "ਟ੍ਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੋ"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "ਹੁਣ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਜਾ ਰਹੀਆਂ ਅਟੈਚਮੈਂਟ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਗਤੀ ਨੂੰ ਆਸਾਨੀ ਨਾਲ ਦੇਖ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਚੱਲ ਰਹੇ ਡਾਉਨਲੋਡ ਨੂੰ ਰੋਕ ਵੀ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਅਤੇ ਮੁੜ-ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਵੀ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "ਅਸੀਂ @ ਜ਼ਿਕਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਿਤ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਕਈ ਵਾਰ ਗਲਤ ਢੰਗ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਨੂੰ ਸਵੈ-ਸੰਪੂਰਨ ਸੁਝਾਅ ਸੂਚੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਸੀ।"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon wł."
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Opuścić rękę?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Opuść"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Dzwonek wł."
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Przygotowywanie do pobrania…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "W zależności od rozmiaru historii wiadomości może to zająć kilka minut"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Anuluj"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Wiadomości i informacje o czacie są szyfrowane metodą end-to-end. Dotyczy to także synchronizacji. <learnMoreLink>Dowiedz się więcej</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Anulować przenoszenie?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Przywracanie wiadomości i multimediów nie zostało zakończone. Jeśli anulujesz ten proces, na połączonym urządzeniu nie będzie Twojej historii wiadomości."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Kontynuuj przenoszenie"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Od teraz możesz z łatwością śledzić postęp pobierania załączników. Możesz też wstrzymywać i wznawiać już rozpoczęte pobieranie. Jesteś w trasie i zrywa Ci połączenie? Hotelowe Wi-Fi odmawia współpracy? Żaden problem – pobierz załączniki później, kiedy złapiesz lepsze łącze."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Naprawiliśmy błąd związany z funkcją @wzmianek, przez który na liście proponowanych użytkowników pojawiało się czasem Twoje własne konto. Jeśli jednak błąd wcale Ci nie przeszkadzał, bo lubisz opowiadać o sobie, nic straconego – zawsze możesz pisać na swój temat w formie trzecioosobowej. My nie oceniamy!"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Microfone ligado"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Quer abaixar a mão?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Abaixar"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Toque ligado"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Preparando para download…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Isso pode demorar alguns minutos, dependendo do tamanho do seu histórico de mensagens"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Cancelar"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "As mensagens e informações das conversas são protegidas por criptografia de ponta a ponta, incluindo o processo de sincronização. <learnMoreLink>Saiba mais</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferência?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Suas mensagens e arquivos de mídia não foram totalmente restaurados. Se você cancelar, seu dispositivo será vinculado sem o histórico de mensagens."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Continuar transferência"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Agora você pode ver facilmente o progresso dos downloads de anexos. Também é possível pausar e reiniciar downloads em andamento."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Corrigimos um erro nas @menções que, em alguns casos, incluíam indevidamente sua própria conta na lista de sugestões de preenchimento automático."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Microfone ligado"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Baixar a mão?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Baixar"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Toque ligado"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "A preparar para descarregar…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Isto pode demorar alguns minutos, dependendo do tamanho do seu histórico de mensagens"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Cancelar"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "As informações das mensagens e chats são protegidas por encriptação de ponta a ponta, incluindo o processo de sincronização. <learnMoreLink>Saiba mais</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Cancelar transferência?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "As suas mensagens e ficheiros multimédia ainda não foram restaurados. Se optar por cancelar, o seu dispositivo será vinculado sem o seu histórico de mensagens."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Continuar a transferir"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Agora pode ver facilmente o progresso de descarregamento de anexos. Também pode parar e reiniciar descarregamentos em curso."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Corrigimos um erro em que as menções @ às vezes incluíam a sua própria conta na lista de sugestões do preenchimento automático."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Microfon activat"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Lași mâna jos?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Coboară"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Sunet de apel activat"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Se pregătește descărcarea..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Poate dura câteva minute, în funcție de dimensiunea istoricului mesajelor"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Anulează"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Mesajele și informațiile legate de conversații sunt protejate prin criptare end-to-end, inclusiv prin procesul de sincronizare. <learnMoreLink>Află mai multe</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Anulezi transferul?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Nu s-a finalizat restabilirea mesajelor și a fișierelor. Dacă alegi să anulezi, dispozitivul tău va fi asociat fără istoricul mesajelor."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Continuă transferul"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Acum poți vedea cu ușurință progresul descărcărilor de atașamente. De asemenea, poți opri și reporni și descărcările în curs. Așadar, dacă un transfer e lent pentru că ești pe drum sau WiFi-ul este slab, poți aștepta să reîncarci când există mai multă lățime de bandă."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Am remediat o eroare cu mențiunile @ care, uneori, includeau incorect propriul tău cont în lista de sugestii de completare automată. Dacă ai un ego puternic, poți folosi în continuare vorbirea la persoana a treia pentru a spune ceva despre tine în conversațiile de grup, dacă îți scapă vreodată această eroare."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Микрофон включён"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Опустить руку?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Опустить"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Звонки включены"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Готовимся к загрузке..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Это может занять несколько минут в зависимости от размера вашей истории сообщений"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Отменить"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Сообщения и информация о чате защищены сквозным шифрованием, включая процесс синхронизации. <learnMoreLink>Узнать больше</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Отменить трансфер?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Восстановление сообщений и медиафайлов не завершено. Если вы решите отменить восстановление, ваше устройство будет привязано без истории сообщений."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Продолжить трансфер"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Теперь вы можете наглядно видеть прогресс загрузки вложений. Вы также можете останавливать и перезапускать текущие загрузки. Если передача данных замедлилась, так как вы в дороге (в авиарежиме?) или пользуетесь слабым WiFi в отеле, вы можете выполнить загрузку позже, когда будет более быстрое интернет-соединение."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Мы исправили ошибку с упоминаниями @, из-за которой ваша учётная запись иногда включалась в список предложений для автозаполнения. Для самовлюбленных по-прежнему есть возможность поговорить о себе от третьего лица, пропустив эту ошибку."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofón zapnutý"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Znížiť ruku?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Znížiť"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Zvonenie zapnuté"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Pripravuje sa sťahovanie…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "V závislosti od veľkosti histórie správ to môže trvať niekoľko minút"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Zrušiť"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Správy a informácie o četoch sú chránené end-to-end šifrovaním vrátane procesu synchronizácie. <learnMoreLink>Zistiť viac</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Zrušiť prenos?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Obnovenie vašich správ a médií sa nedokončilo. Ak sa rozhodnete prenos zrušiť, vaše zariadenie bude prepojené bez histórie správ."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Pokračovať v prenose"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Teraz môžete jednoducho sledovať priebeh sťahovania príloh. Prebiehajúce sťahovanie môžete tiež zastaviť a reštartovať."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Opravili sme chybu súvisiacu so @ zmienkami, ktorá niekedy spôsobovala zahrnutie vášho účtu do zoznamu návrhov automatického dopĺňania."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon je vključen"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Želite spustiti roko?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Nižje"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Zvonjenje je vključeno"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Priprava na prenos ..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "To lahko traja nekaj minut, odvisno od velikosti vaše zgodovine sporočil"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Prekliči"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Sporočila in informacije o klepetu so zaščitene s šifriranjem od konca do konca, vključno s postopkom sinhronizacije. <learnMoreLink>Več o tem</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Želite preklicati prenos?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Vaša sporočila in mediji se še niso obnovili. Če se odločite za preklic, bo vaša naprava povezana brez zgodovine sporočil."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Nadaljuj prenos"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Zdaj si lahko preprosto ogledate potek prenosa priponk. Prav tako lahko ustavite in ponovno zaženete prenose, ki potekajo. Če je prenos upočasnjen, ker ste na poti (v letalskem načinu?) ali če povprečen hotelski WiFi ne deluje, lahko nadaljujete s ponovnim nalaganjem, ko boste imeli boljšo internetno povezavo."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Odpravili smo napako pri @ omembah, ki je včasih napačno vključevala vaš račun na seznamu predlogov za samodejno dokončanje. Če kdaj spregledate to napako, lahko v skupinskih klepetalnicah še vedno uporabljate tretjeosebno pripovedovanje, da govorite o sebi."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofoni i ndezur"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Ul dorën?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Ul"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Po bie zilja"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Po përgatitet për t'u shkarkuar..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Kjo mund të zgjasë disa minuta në varësi të madhësisë së historikut të mesazheve"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Anulo"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Mesazhet dhe informacionet e bisedës mbrohen nga kodimi skaji në skaj, duke përfshirë procesin e sinkronizimit. <learnMoreLink>Mëso më shumë</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Të anulohet transferimi?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Rikthimi i mesazheve dhe i medias nuk ka përfunduar. Nëse zgjedh ta anulosh, pajisja do të lidhet pa historikun e mesazheve."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Vazhdo transferimin"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Tani mund ta shohësh lehtësisht ecurinë e shkarkimeve të bashkëngjitjeve. Po ashtu, mund t'i ndalosh dhe t'i rinisësh shkarkimet që janë në proces e sipër. Pra, nëse një transferim ngadalësohet pasi je në rrugë (ose në modalitet avioni?) ose sepse WiFi-ja e hotelit është gati të japë shpirt, mund të presësh ta rifillosh ngarkimin kur të kesh më shumë gjerësi bande në dispozicion."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Ne rregulluam gabimin me përmendjet @ që ndonjëherë përfshinte gabimisht vetë llogarinë tënde në listën e sugjerimeve të plotësimit automatik. Nëse ndonjëherë të ndodh ta humbësh këtë problem, si zgjidhje narcisiste, mund ta përdorësh sërish rrëfimin në vetë të tretë për të folur për veten në bisedat në grup."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Микрофон је укључен"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Желите ли да спустите руку?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Спусти"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Звоно је укључено"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Припрема за преузимање…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "То може потрајати неколико минута у зависности од величине ваше историје порука"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Откажи"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Поруке и информације о ћаскањима заштићене су потпуним шифровањем, укључујући процес синхронизације. <learnMoreLink>Сазнајте више</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Желите ли да откажете пренос?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Није завршено враћање ваших порука и медија. Ако одлучите да откажете, уређај ће вам бити повезан без историје порука."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Настави пренос"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Сада можете лако видети напредак преузимања прилога. Такође можете зауставити и поново покренути преузимања која су у току."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Исправили смо грешку са @ помињањима у којима је понекад у листу предлога за аутоматско попуњавање грешком био укључен и сопствени налог."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon på"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Ta ner handen?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Ta ner"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Ringsignal på"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Förbereder nedladdning …"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Detta kan ta några minuter beroende på storleken på din meddelandehistorik"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Avbryt"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Meddelanden och chattinformation skyddas av totalstreckskryptering, inklusive synkroniseringsprocessen. <learnMoreLink>Läs mer</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Vill du avbryta överföringen?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Återställningen av dina meddelanden och media har inte slutförts. Om du väljer att avbryta kommer din enhet att länkas utan din meddelandehistorik."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Fortsätt överföringen"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Nu kan du enkelt se statusen för nedladdningen av bilagor. Du kan också stoppa och starta om pågående nedladdningar."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Vi har åtgärdat en bugg med @-omnämnanden som ibland inkluderade ditt eget konto i den förslagslista som fylldes i automatiskt."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Washa mic"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Je ushushe mkono wako?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Shusha"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Sauti ya kuitana imewashwa"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Inajiandaa kupakua..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Mchakato huu huenda ukachukua dakika chache kulingana na ukubwa wa historia yako ya ujumbe"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Ghairi"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Maelezo ya ujumbe na gumzo yanalindwa na kusimbwa fiche, ikiwemo mchakato wa ku-sync. <learnMoreLink>Jifunze zaidi</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Je, ghairi uhamishaji?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Jumbe na picha na video zako hazijakamilika kurejeshwa. Ikiwa utachagua kusitisha, kifaa chako kitaunganishwa bila historia ya ujumbe wako."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Endelea na uhamishaji"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Sasa unaweza kuona kwa urahisi maendeleo ya upakuaji wa viambatisho. Unaweza pia kusimamisha na kuanzisha upya vipakuliwa vinavyoendelea. Endapo uhamishaji upo taratibu kwa sababu upo barabarani (au kwenye airplane mode?) au WiFi ya hoteli inakaribia kuzima, unaweza kusubiri ili upakie tena pale nguvu ya mtandao inapokuwa vizuri."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Tulirekebisha hitilafu katika @ mentions ambazo wakati mwingine hujumuishwa kwa akaunti yako kwa orodha ya mapendekezo ya kukamilishwa kiotomataki. Bado unaweza kutumia simulizi ya mtu wa tatu kukuhusu kwenye gumzo za kikundi ukikosa hitilafu hii."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "மைக் ஆன்"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "உங்கள் கையைத் தாழ்த்துகிறீர்களா?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "தாழ்த்தவும்"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "ரிங்கிங் ஆன்"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "பதிவிறக்கத் தயாராகிறது..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "உங்கள் மெசேஜ் வரலாற்றின் அளவைப் பொறுத்து இதற்குச் சில நிமிடங்கள் ஆகலாம்"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "ரத்துசெய்"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "ஒத்திசைவு செயல்முறை உட்பட, மெசேஜ்கள் மற்றும் சாட் தகவல் ஆகியவை எண்டு-டு-எண்டு குறியாக்கத்தால் பாதுகாக்கப்படுகின்றன. <learnMoreLink>மேலும் அறிக</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "பரிமாற்றத்தை ரத்து செய்ய வேண்டுமா?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "உங்கள் மெசேஜ்களும் ஊடகமும் முழுமையாக மீட்டமைக்கப்படவில்லை. ரத்துசெய்ய நீங்கள் தேர்வுசெய்தால், மெசேஜ் வரலாறு இல்லாமல் உங்கள் சாதனம் இணைக்கப்படும்."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "பரிமாற்றத்தைத் தொடர்க"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "இணைப்புப் பதிவிறக்கங்களின் செயலாக்கத்தை இப்போது நீங்கள் எளிதாகக் காணலாம். நீங்கள் செயலில் உள்ள பதிவிறக்கங்களையும் நிறுத்தி மறுதொடக்கம் செய்யலாம். நீங்கள் பயணிக்கும் போது (விமானப் பயன்முறையில் இருக்கிறீர்களா?) இடமாற்றம் மெதுவாக இருந்தால் அல்லது ஹோட்டல் வைஃபை வேலை செய்யாவிட்டால், அதிக அலைவரிசை வரும் வரை காத்திருக்கவும்."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "சில சமயங்களில் உங்கள் சொந்தக் கணக்கைத் தானியங்கு நிரப்புப் பரிந்துரைப் பட்டியலில் தவறாகச் சேர்க்கும் @ குறிப்புகள் கொண்ட பிழையை நாங்கள் சரிசெய்துள்ளோம். ஒரு நாசீசிஸ்டிக் தீர்வாக, இந்தப் பிழையை நீங்கள் எப்போதாவது தவறவிட்டால், உங்கள் குழு சாட்ஸில் உங்களைப் பற்றி பேச மூன்றாம் நபர் விவரிப்பு அம்சத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம்."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "మైక్ ఆన్లో ఉంది"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "మీ చేతిని దించేదా?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "కిందకి దించండి"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "రింగ్ ఆన్లో ఉంది"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "డౌన్లోడ్ చేయడానికి సిద్ధమవుతోంది..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "మీ సందేశ చరిత్ర పరిమాణం ఆధారంగా దీనికి కొన్ని నిమిషాలు పట్టవచ్చు"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "రద్దు చేయండి"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "సమకాలీకరణ ప్రక్రియతో సహా ఎండ్-టు-ఎండ్ గుప్తీకరణ ద్వారా సందేశాలు మరియు చాట్ సమాచారం సంరక్షించబడతాయి. <learnMoreLink>మరింత తెలుసుకోండి</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "బదిలీని రద్దు చేసేదా?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "మీ సందేశాలు మరియు మీడియా పునరుద్ధరణ పూర్తి కాలేదు. ఒకవేళ మీరు రద్దు చేయాలని ఎంచుకుంటే, మీ సందేశ చరిత్ర లేకుండానే మీ పరికరం లింక్ చేయబడుతుంది."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "బదిలీని కొనసాగించండి"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "ఇప్పుడు మీరు అటాచ్మెంట్ డౌన్లోడ్ల పురోగతిని సులభంగా చూడవచ్చు. మీరు పురోగతిలో ఉన్న డౌన్లోడ్లను కూడా ఆపివేయవచ్చు మరియు పునఃప్రారంభించవచ్చు. కాబట్టి మీరు రోడ్డుపై ఉన్నందున (విమాన మోడ్లో?) ఒకవేళ బదిలీ నెమ్మదించినట్లయితే లేదా మధ్యస్థమైన హోటల్ వైఫై విచ్ఛిన్నం కాబోతున్నట్లయితే, మరింత అందుబాటులో ఉన్న బ్యాండ్విడ్త్ ఇవ్వబడినప్పుడు మీరు తిరిగి లోడ్ చేయడానికి వేచి ఉండవచ్చు."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "మేము @ ప్రస్తావనలతో ఒక బగ్ను పరిష్కరించాము, ఇది కొన్నిసార్లు మీ స్వంత ఖాతాను స్వయంపూర్తి సలహా జాబితాలో చేర్చింది. నార్సిసిస్టిక్ పరిష్కారంగాా, మీరు ఎప్పుడైనా ఈ బగ్ను తప్పిపోతే మీ గ్రూప్ చాట్లలో మీ గురించి మాట్లాడుకోవడానికి మీరు ఇప్పటికీ మూడవ వ్యక్తి కథనాన్ని ఉపయోగించవచ్చు."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "ไมค์เปิดอยู่"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "เอามือลงหรือไม่"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "เอามือลง"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "การส่งเสียงเรียกสายเปิดอยู่"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "กำลังเตรียมการดาวน์โหลด..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "ขั้นตอนนี้อาจใช้เวลาสักครู่ โดยขึ้นอยู่กับขนาดประวัติการส่งข้อความของคุณ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "ยกเลิก"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "ปกป้องข้อความและข้อมูลการแชทด้วยการเข้ารหัสตั้งแต่ต้นทางถึงปลายทาง รวมถึงในขั้นตอนการซิงค์ <learnMoreLink>เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "ยกเลิกการถ่ายโอนใช่หรือไม่"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "ยังกู้คืนข้อความและไฟล์สื่อของคุณไม่เสร็จสมบูรณ์ หากยกเลิก อุปกรณ์ของคุณจะได้รับการเชื่อมโยงโดยไม่มีการถ่ายโอนประวัติการส่งข้อความ"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "ถ่ายโอนต่อ"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "พัฒนาให้คุณมองเห็นความคืบหน้าของไฟล์แนบที่กำลังดาวน์โหลดอยู่ได้ทันที ทั้งยังสามารถหยุดและรีสตาร์ทการดาวน์โหลดที่ยังไม่เสร็จสิ้นได้ทุกเมื่ออีกด้วย"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "เราแก้ไขบั๊กในฟีเจอร์ @การกล่าวถึง ที่เคยรวมบัญชีของคุณไว้ในรายชื่อที่แนะนำด้วย"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Naka-on ang mic"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Gusto mo bang ibaba ang iyong kamay?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Ibaba"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Naka-on ang pag-ring"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Naghahandang mag-download..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Maaaring itong tumagal nang ilang minuto depende sa laki ng message history mo"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "I-cancel"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Protektado ng end-to-end encryption ang messages at chat info, kasama ang proseso ng pag-sync. <learnMoreLink>Matuto pa</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Gusto mo bang i-cancel ang transfer?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Hindi natapos ang pag-restore ng messages at media mo. Kapag pinili mong mag-cancel, mali-link ang device mo nang hindi kasama ang iyong message history."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Ituloy ang pag-transfer"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Madali mo nang makikita ang progress ng attachment downloads. Pwede mo na ring ihinto at simulan ulit ang in-progress download."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "May inayos kaming bug sa @ mentions kung saan sinasama nito minsan ang account mo sa autocomplete suggestion list."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mikrofon açık"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Elin insin mi?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "İndir"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Zil açık"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "İndirmeye hazırlanıyor..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Mesaj geçmişinin boyutuna bağlı olarak birkaç dakika sürebilir"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "İptal"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Mesajlar ve sohbet bilgileri, senkronizasyon süreci de dahil olmak üzere uçtan uca şifreleme ile korunmaktadır. <learnMoreLink>Dahasını öğren</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Transfer iptal edilsin mi?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Mesajlarının ve medyanın geri yüklenmesi tamamlanmadı. İptal etmeyi seçersen cihazın mesaj geçmişin olmadan bağlanacaktır."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Transfere devam et"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Artık eklenti indirmelerinin ilerleyişini kolayca görebilirsin. Ayrıca devam eden indirmeleri de durdurabilir ve yeniden başlatabilirsin. Böylece yoldayken aktarım yavaşlarsa, yeterli bant genişliği sağlandığında yeniden yükleme yapabilirsin."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Otomatik tamamlama öneri listesine bazen yanlışlıkla kendi hesabını dahil eden @ bahsetmeler ile ilgili bir hatayı düzelttik. Bu sayede grup sohbetlerinde kendini gereksiz yere görmene gerek kalmayacak."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "مىكروفون ئوچۇق"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "قولىڭىزنى چۈشۈرەمسىز؟"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "چۈشۈرۈش"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "قوڭغۇراق ئوچۇق"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "چۈشۈرۈشكە تەييارلىق قىلىۋاتىدۇ..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "ئۇچۇر تارىخىڭىزنىڭ چوڭ-كىچىكلىكىگە ئاساسەن بىر قانچە مىنۇت ۋاقىت كېتىشى مۇمكىن"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "بىكار قىلىش"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "ئۇچۇر ۋە پاراڭ مەزمۇنلىرى ماس قەدەملىك جەرياننى ئۆز ئىچىگە ئالغان ئاخىرىغىچە شىفىرلىق مەخپىيلەشتۈرۈش ئارقىلىق قوغدىلىدۇ. <learnMoreLink>تەپسىلاتى</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "يۆتكەشنى ئەمەلدىن قالدۇرامسىز؟"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "ئۇچۇرلىرىڭىز ۋە مېدىيالىرىڭىز ئەسلىگە كەلتۈرۈشنى تاماملىمىدى. بىكار قىلىشنى تاللىسىڭىز ، ئۈسكۈنىڭىز ئۇچۇرلىشىش تارىخىڭىزسىز ئۇلىنىدۇ."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "يۆتكەشنى داۋاملاشتۇرۇڭ"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "ھازىر سىز قوشۇمچە ھۆججەتلەرنىڭ چۈشۈش ئەھۋالىنى ئاسانلا كۆرەلەيسىز. سىز ھەمدە داۋاملىق چۈشۈۋاتقانلارنى توختىتالايسىز ۋە قايتا قوزغىتالايسىز. ئەگەر يولدا (ئايروپىلان ھالىتىدە؟)بولسىڭىز ياكى مېھمانخانىدىكى WiFi تازا تارتمىسا ، تېخىمۇ ياخشى كەڭ بەلۋاغ تورى بار بولغاندا قايتا يۈكلسىڭىز بولىدۇ."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "بىز بەزىدە ھېساباتىڭىزنى ئاپتوماتىك تاماملاش مەسلىھەت تىزىملىكىگە كىرگۈزۈپ قويىدىغان ، @ ئشلىتىلگەن بىر خاتالىقنى تۈزەتتۇق. بىز بەزىدە ھېساباتىڭىزنى ئاپتوماتىك تاماملاش مەسلىھەت تىزىملىكىگە كىرگۈزۈپ قويىدىغان ، @ ئشلىتىلگەن بىر خاتالىقنى تۈزەتتۇق."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Мікрофон увімкнено"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Опустити руку?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Опустити"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Дзвінок увімкнено"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Підготовка до завантаження…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Це може зайняти кілька хвилин — швидкість залежить від розміру історії повідомлень"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Закрити"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Повідомлення й інформацію про чати, а також сам процес синхронізації захищено наскрізним шифруванням. <learnMoreLink>Докладніше</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Скасувати передачу даних?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Відновлення повідомлень і медіафайлів не завершено. У разі скасування ваш пристрій буде зв'язано без перенесення історії повідомлень."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Продовжити передачу"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Тепер ви можете бачити прогрес завантаження вкладень, а також зупиняти й відновлювати завантаження. Тож якщо інтернет повільний, бо ви в дорозі (чи просто в режимі польоту) або слабенький готельний Wi-Fi не справляється, можна зупинити завантаження й спокійно дочекатися швидшого інтернету."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Ми виправили помилку зі @ згадками, через яку серед автоматичних пропозицій міг з'являтися ваш власний акаунт. Якщо вам подобалася така додаткова увага, то ніхто не забороняє вам, наприклад, говорити про себе в групових чатах у третій особі."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "مائیک آن"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "اپنا ہاتھ نیچے کریں؟"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "نیچے کریں"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "رنگنگ آن"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "ڈاؤن لوڈ کرنے کے لیے تیار کیا جا رہا ہے..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "یہ آپ کی میسج ہسٹری کے سائز پر منحصر ہے اور اس میں چند منٹ لگ سکتے ہیں"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "منسوخ کریں"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "میسجز اور چیٹس کی معلومات اینڈ ٹو اینڈ انکرپشن کے ذریعے محفوظ شدہ ہیں، بشمول سنک کا عمل۔ <learnMoreLink>مزید جانیں</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "منتقل کرنے کو منسوخ کریں؟"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "آپ کے میسجز اور میڈیا کی بحالی مکمل نہیں ہوئی۔ اگر آپ منسوخ کرنے کو منتخب کرتے ہیں، تو آپ کی ڈیوائس کو میسج ہسٹری کے بغیر منسلک کر دیا جائے گا۔"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "منتقل کرنا جاری رکھیں"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "اب آپ اٹیچمنٹ کی ڈاؤن لوڈز کی پیشرفت آسانی سے دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔ آپ جاری ڈاؤن لوڈز کو روک سکتے ہیں اور ری اسٹارٹ بھی کر سکتے ہیں۔ تو اگر آپ روڈ پر ہیں (ایئر پلین موڈ میں؟) اور ٹرانسفر آہستہ ہو گیا ہے یا ہوٹل کے ہلکے وائی فائی کی بس ہونے والی ہے تو زیادہ بینڈ واڈتھ ملنے پر آپ ری لوڈ کرنے کا انتظار کر سکتے ہیں۔"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "ہم نے @ کے ساتھ ایک نقص کی درستگی کی ہے جو بعض اوقات آپ کے اپنے اکاؤنٹ کو خود کار طور پر تکمیل کی تجویز کی فہرست میں شامل کرتا تھا۔"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "Bật micro"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "Bạn muốn hạ tay?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "Hạ Tay"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "Đổ chuông đang bật"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "Đang chuẩn bị tải xuống..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "Quá trình này có thể mất vài phút tùy vào dung lượng của lịch sử tin nhắn của bạn"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "Hủy"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "Thông tin tin nhắn và cuộc trò chuyện được bảo vệ bằng hình thức mã hóa đầu cuối, bao gồm cả quá trình đồng bộ. <learnMoreLink>Tìm hiểu thêm</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "Hủy chuyển?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "Tin nhắn và tập tin đa phương tiện của bạn chưa được hoàn tất khôi phục. Nếu bạn chọn hủy, thiết bị của bạn sẽ được liên kết mà không có lịch sử tin nhắn."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Tiếp tục chuyển"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "Giờ đây bạn có thể dễ dàng xem tiến trình tải tập tin. Bạn cũng có thể dừng và chạy lại quá trình tải giữa chừng."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "Chúng tôi đã sửa lỗi tính năng đề cập @ thỉnh thoảng bao gồm cả tài khoản của bạn trong danh sách đề xuất tự động hoàn thành."
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "開咗咪"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "係咪想放低手?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "放低"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "鈴聲開咗"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "準備緊下載..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "視乎你嘅訊息紀錄多寡,過程可能需要幾分鐘"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "取消"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "訊息同聊天資料都受到端對端加密保護,包括同步過程。<learnMoreLink>了解詳情</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "係咪要取消轉移?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "你嘅訊息同媒體仲未還原晒喎。如果你揀取消,連結你部機之後就會冇訊息紀錄。"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "繼續轉移"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "你而家可以好方便咁睇到附件嘅下載進度,仲可以㩒停進行緊嘅下載,或者重新開始。所以,就算你坐緊車 (或者開咗飛行模式),又或者酒店 WiFi 唔係好掂,都可以等一等,等到網路順暢時先至重新載入。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "我哋修正咗一個 @ 提及嘅錯誤,就係有時會錯誤咁將你自己嘅帳戶納入自動完成建議清單度。如果你真係咁自戀嘅,更新完之後你都可以繼續喺群組聊天度用第三人稱稱呼自己。"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "麦克风开启"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "要放下吗?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "放下"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "铃声开启"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "正在准备下载…"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "这可能需要几分钟时间,视您的消息记录大小而定"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "取消"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "消息和聊天信息受端对端加密保护,包括同步过程。<learnMoreLink>了解更多</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "要取消转移吗?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "您的消息和媒体未完成恢复。如果您选择取消,您的设备将会被链接,但不包含消息记录。"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "继续转移"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "现在用户可以轻松查看附件下载的进度,还可以停止和重启正在进行的下载。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "我们修复了 @ 提及功能的一个漏洞,该漏洞有时会将您自己的账户也包含在推荐列表中。"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "開啟麥克風"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "要放下手?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "放下"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "開啟響鈴"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "下載準備中..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "可能需時幾分鐘,視你的訊息紀錄大小而定"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "取消"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "訊息和聊天資訊均受端對端加密的保護,包括同步過程。<learnMoreLink>了解更多</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "要取消轉移嗎?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "你的訊息和媒體還原尚未完成。如果你選擇取消,你的裝置將會在沒有訊息紀錄的情況下連結。"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "繼續轉移"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "現在,你可以輕鬆查看附件下載的進度。你也可以停止並重新開始進行中的下載。因此,就算你正在路上(或開啟了飛行模式),又或者飯店 WiFi 不順時,都可以稍等一下,等到寬頻網路更順暢時才重新上傳。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "我們修正了一個 @ 提及的錯誤,就是有時會誤將你自己的帳戶納入自動完成建議清單中。"
@ -2790,10 +2790,10 @@
"messageformat": "開啟麥克風"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast": {
"messageformat": "Lower your hand?"
"messageformat": "要放下手?"
"icu:CallControls__LowerHandSuggestionToast--button": {
"messageformat": "Lower"
"messageformat": "放下"
"icu:CallControls__RingingToast--ringing-on": {
"messageformat": "開啟響鈴"
@ -3603,10 +3603,10 @@
"messageformat": "下載準備中..."
"icu:BackupImportScreen__description": {
"messageformat": "This may take a few minutes depending on the size of your message history"
"messageformat": "可能需時幾分鐘,視你的訊息紀錄大小而定"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel": {
"messageformat": "Cancel"
"messageformat": "取消"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__security-description": {
"messageformat": "訊息和聊天資訊均受端對端加密的保護,包括同步過程。<learnMoreLink>了解更多</learnMoreLink>"
@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@
"messageformat": "要取消轉移嗎?"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__body": {
"messageformat": "Your messages and media have not completed restoring. If you choose to cancel, your device will be linked without your message history."
"messageformat": "你的訊息和媒體還原尚未完成。如果你選擇取消,你的裝置將會在沒有訊息紀錄的情況下連結。"
"icu:BackupImportScreen__cancel-confirmation__cancel": {
"messageformat": "繼續轉移"
@ -5792,6 +5792,6 @@
"messageformat": "現在,你可以輕鬆查看附件下載的進度。你也可以停止並重新開始進行中的下載。因此,就算你正在路上(或開啟了飛行模式),又或者飯店 WiFi 不順時,都可以稍等一下,等到寬頻網路更順暢時才重新上傳。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.38--0": {
"messageformat": "We fixed a bug with @ mentions that sometimes incorrectly included your own account in the autocomplete suggestion list. As a narcissistic workaround, you can still use third-person narration to talk about yourself in your group chats if you ever miss this bug."
"messageformat": "我們修正了一個 @ 提及的錯誤,就是有時會誤將你自己的帳戶納入自動完成建議清單中。"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ LangString signalMinAppVersionErr 1031 "Eine neuere Version von Signal ist berei
LangString signalMinWinVersionErr 1036 "La version Desktop de Signal ne fonctionne plus sur cet ordinateur. Pour continuer d’utiliser la version Desktop de Signal, veuillez mettre à jour la version Windows de votre ordinateur."
LangString signalMinAppVersionErr 1036 "Une nouvelle version de Signal est déjà installée. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?"
# es_ES
LangString signalMinWinVersionErr 3082 "Signal Desktop ya no funciona en este dispositivo. Para volver a usar Signal en tu equipo de escritorio, actualiza la versión del Windows."
LangString signalMinWinVersionErr 3082 "Signal Desktop ya no funciona en este dispositivo. Para volver a usar Signal Desktop, actualiza la versión del Windows de tu equipo de escritorio."
LangString signalMinAppVersionErr 3082 "Ya está instalada una versión más reciente de Signal. ¿Continuar de todos modos?"
# zh_CN
LangString signalMinWinVersionErr 2052 "Signal desktop 无法在此电脑上运行。如您希望再次使用 Signal desktop,请更新您电脑的 Windows 版本。"
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