Update strings

This commit is contained in:
trevor-signal 2024-07-25 11:19:45 -04:00
parent 667fbd01f1
commit 06a1a43daa
69 changed files with 1727 additions and 923 deletions

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Die weergawe van jou databasis pas nie by hierdie weergawe van Signal nie. Maak seker dat jy die jongste weergawe van Signal op jou rekenaar oopmaak."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "'n Databasisfout het voorgekom. Jy kan die fout kopieer en Signal-steundiens kontak om die probleem te help oplos. As jy Signal dadelik moet gebruik, kan jy jou data probeer herwin.\n\nKontak die steundiens deur te gaan na: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Herwin data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Lêer"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kon nie bywerking doen nie. {retry} of besoek {url} om dit met die hand te installeer. {support} dan oor hierdie probleem."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kon nie bywerking doen nie. Besoek {url} om dit met die hand te installeer. {support} dan oor hierdie probleem."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop is waarskynlik in 'n macOS-kwarantyn en sal nie outomaties kan opdateer nie. Probeer {app} na {folder} te skuif met Vindfunksie."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Gekoppelde toestelle"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Koppel nuwe toestel"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Vind meer uit"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Instellings"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Tik op {plusButton} (Android) of {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Die QR-kode kon nie gelaai word nie. Kontroleer jou internetverbinding en probeer weer. <retry>Probeer weer</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Jy het {name} versper"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} is versper"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} is versper"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Julle sal nie mekaar se oudio of video ontvang nie."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Kan nie oudio en video van {name} ontvang nie"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Klein veranderings, foutregstellings en prestasieverbeterings. Dankie dat jy Signal gebruik!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Ons het 'n fout reggemaak wat verhoed het dat die knoppie verskyn wat 'n oproep minimaliseer terwyl daardie oproep herkonnekteer word."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Ons het 'n fout herstel wat Signal soms verhoed het om die plakkerkyker oop te maak wanneer jy probeer het om 'n plakkerpak-skakel oop te maak terwyl die toepassing toe was."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "لا يتطابق إصدار قاعدة بياناتك مع إصدار سيجنال هذا. تأكد من فتح أحدث إصدار لِسيجنال على حاسوبك."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "حدث خطأ في قاعدة البيانات. يُمكنك نسخ الخطأ والاتصال بدعم سيجنال لمُساعدتك على حل المشكلة. إذا كنت في حاجة إلى استخدام سيجنال في الحين، يُمكنك محاولة استرداد بياناتك.\n\nاتصل بالدعم عبر زيارة: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "استرداد البيانات"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ملف"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "‫لقد تعذر تحديث سيجنال. {retry} أو يكفي زيارة {url} لتثبيته يدويا. بعدها، {support} حول هذا المشكل"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "لقد تعذر تحديث سيجنال. يُرجى زيارة {url} لتثبيته يدويا. ثم {support} حول هذه المشكلة"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "من المحتمل أن يكون سيجنال Desktop في وحدة عزل نظام اشتغال ماك، لذا لن يكون قادرا على التحديث التلقائي. يُرجى محاولة نقل {app} إلى {folder} باستخدام برنامج « فايندر » (مدير الملفات)."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "الأجهزة المرتبطة"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "ربط جهاز جديد"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "لمعرفة المزيد"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "الإعدادات"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "‫يُرجى لمس {plusButton} (أندرويد) أو {linkNewDevice} (آيفون)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "لقد تعذر تحميل رمز الاستجابة السريعة. يُرجى التحقق من اتصالك بالأنترنت ثم المحاولة مرة أخرى. <retry>إعادة المُحاولة</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "لقد حظرت {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "تم حَظر {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "تم حَظر {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "أنت لن تتلقى الصوت أو الفيديو الخاص بهم ونفس الأمر ينطبق عليهم."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "لا يُمكن تلقي الصوت والصورة من {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "تعديلات صغيرة، تصليح الأعطال، وتحسينات للأداء. شكرًا على استخدامكم سيجنال!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "لقد أصلحنا خللًا كان يمنع ظهور زر تصغير المُكالمة أثناء إعادة اتصال المكالمة. وهكذا لن تنقطع عن الدردشات السابقة، حتى لو كان الإنترنت مقطوعًا."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "أصلحنا الخطأ الذي كان يمنع سيجنال في بعض الأحيان من تشغيل عارض الملصقات عند فتح رابط حزمة الملصقات أثناء إغلاق التطبيق."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Məlumat bazanızın versiyası Signal-ın bu versiyasına uyğun gəlmir. Kompüterinizdə Signal-ın ən son versiyasını açdığınızdan əmin olun."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Məlumat bazası ilə əlaqəli xəta baş verdi. Xətanın surətini köçürüb, problemin həlli üçün Signal dəstək xidməti ilə əlaqə saxlaya bilərsiniz. Signal-dan dərhal indi istifadə etməlisinizsə verilənlərinizin bərpasına cəhd edə bilərsiniz.\n\n{link} keçidinə daxil olaraq dəstək xidməti ilə əlaqə saxlayın."
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Verilənləri bərpa et"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fayl"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal yenilənə bilmədi. {retry} və ya əllə quraşdırmaq üçün {url} ünvanını ziyarət edin. Daha sonra bu problem barədə {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal yenilənə bilmədi. Əllə quraşdırmaq üçün {url} ünvanını ziyarət edin. Daha sonra bu problem barədə {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Masaüstü, böyük ehtimalla macOS karantinindədir və avtomatik yenilənə bilməyəcək. Zəhmət olmasa Finder ilə {app} tətbiqini {folder} qovluğuna köçürün."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Əlaqə yaradılmış cihazlar"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Yeni cihazla əlaqə yarat"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Daha ətraflı"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Tənzimləmələr"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Android üçün {plusButton}, iPhone üçün {linkNewDevice} düyməsinə toxunun"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR kodunu yükləmək mümkün olmadı. İnternet bağlantınızı yoxlayıb, yenidən cəhd edin. <retry>Yenidən cəhd et</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "{name} adlı istifadəçini blokladınız"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} bloklandı"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} bloklandı"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Onların göndərdiyi səs və ya görüntünü almayacaqsınız və onlar da sizin göndərdiklərinizi almayacaq."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} əlaqəsindən səs və ya görüntü alına bilmir"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Kiçik spesifik tənzimləmələr, xəta düzəlişləri və məhsuldarlığın artırılması. Signal istifadə etdiyiniz üçün təşəkkürlər!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Zəngin yenidən qoşulması zamanı həmin zəng görünüşünü piktoqram şəklində kiçiltmə düyməsinin qarşısını alan xətanı aradan qaldırdıq. Artıq internet bağlantınız kəsilsə belə əvvəlki çatlarla bağlantını kəsməli olmayacaqsınız."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Stikerlərə klikləyən hər kəs üçün işləri daha da asanlaşdırmaq məqsədilə tətbiq bağlı ikən stiker paketi keçidini açmağa cəhd etdiyiniz zaman, bəzi hallarda Signal-ın stikerə baxışı aktivləşdirməsinə mane olması ilə bağlı səhvi aradan qaldırdıq."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Версията на вашата база данни не съответства на тази версия на Signal. Уверете се, че отваряте най-новата версия на Signal на компютъра си."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Възникна грешка с базата данни. Можете да копирате грешката и да се свържете с поддръжката на Signal, за да ви помогнат с отстраняването на проблема. Ако се налага да използвате Signal веднага, можете да се опитате да възстановите данните си.\n\nСвържете се с поддръжката, като посетите: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Възстановяване на данни"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Файл"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal не можа да се актуализира. {retry} или посетете {url}, за да го инсталирате ръчно. След това {support} за този проблем"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal не можа да се актуализира. Посетете {url}, за да го инсталирате ръчно. След това {support} за този проблем"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Вероятно Signal Desktop е в macOS устройство с права за четене и няма да може да се самообновява. Опитайте се да преместите {app} към {folder} с помощта на Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Свързани устройства"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Свържи ново устройство"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Научете повече"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Настройки"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Докоснете {plusButton} (Android) или {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR кодът не успя да се зареди. Проверете интернет връзката си и опитайте отново. <retry>Опитай отново</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Блокирахте {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Потребителят {name} е блокиран"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Потребителят {name} е блокиран"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Няма да получавате аудио или видео от тях и те няма да получават от вас."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Не може да приемате аудио и видео от {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Дребни корекции, поправки на бъгове и подобрения на работата. Благодарим ви, че използвате Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Коригирахме грешка, която не позволяваше на бутона за минимизиране на разговор да се показва, докато разговорът се свързва повторно."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Коригирахме грешка, която понякога пречеше на Signal да отвори четеца за стикери, ако се опитвате да отворите линк за пакет стикери, докато приложението е затворено."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "আপনার ডাটাবেজের সংস্করণ Signal-এর এই সংস্করণের সাথে মিলে না। নিশ্চিত করুন যে আপনি আপনার কম্পিউটারে Signal-এর নতুন সংস্করণ খুলছেন।"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ডাটাবেজ সংক্রান্ত একটি ত্রুটি দেখা দিয়েছে। আপনি ত্রুটিটি কপি করতে পারেন এবং সমস্যাটি সমাধানে সাহায্য করতে Signal সাপোর্টের সাথে যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন। আপনার যদি সাথে সাথেই Signal ব্যবহার করার প্রয়োজন হয় তাহলে আপনার ডেটা পুনরুদ্ধারের চেষ্টা করে দেখতে পারেন।\n\nএখানে ভিজিট করার মাধ্যমে সাপোর্টের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "ডেটা পুনরুদ্ধার করুন"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ফাইল"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal আপডেট করা যায়নি। {retry} অথবা ম্যানুয়ালি ইন্সটল করতে ভিজিট করুন {url}। তারপর, এই সমস্যা সম্পর্কে {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal আপডেট করা যায়নি। ম্যানুয়ালি ইন্সটল করতে ভিজিট করুন {url}। তারপর, এই সমস্যা সম্পর্কে {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal ডেস্কটপ সম্ভবত macOS কোয়ারেন্টিনে আছে এবং স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে আপডেট হবে না। অনুগ্রহ করে Finder-এর সাহায্যে {app}-কে {folder}-এ সরানোর চেষ্টা করুন।"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "সংযুক্ত ডিভাইসগুলি"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "নতুন ডিভাইস যুক্ত করুন"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "আরও জানুন"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "সেটিংস"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "ট্যাপ করুন {plusButton} (Android) অথবা {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "কিউআর কোড লোড করা যায়নি। আপনার ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ ঠিক আছে কি না দেখুন এবং আবার চেষ্টা করুন। <retry>পুনরায় চেষ্টা করুন</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "আপনি {name}-কে ব্লক করেছেন"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name}-কে ব্লক করা হয়েছে"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name}-কে ব্লক করা হয়েছে"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "আপনি তাদের অডিও ও ভিডিও পাবেন না, তারাও আপনারটা পাবেন না।"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name}-এর কাছ থেকে অডিও ও ভিডিও গ্রহণ করা যাবে না"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "ছোট ছোট কিছু পরিবর্তন, বাগ সংশোধন এবং পারফর্মেন্স সমৃদ্ধ করা হয়েছে। Signal ব্যবহার করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "আমরা একটি বাগ সংশোধন করেছি যা একটি কল পুনরায় সংযোগ করার সময় ভেসে উঠতে থাকা কলটিকে মিনিমাইজ করতে বাটনটিকে বাধা দেয়।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "আমরা স্টিকার ক্লিকারদের জন্য জিনিসগুলি আরও সহজ এবং দ্রুত করতে চেয়েছি, তাই আমরা একটি বাগ ঠিক করেছি যার কারণে মাঝেমধ্যে অ্যাপ বন্ধ থাকাকালীন আপনি কোনও স্টিকার প্যাক লিঙ্ক খোলার চেষ্টা করলে Signal-এর স্টিকার ভিউয়ার চালু হত না।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Verzija vaše baze podataka ne odgovara ovoj verziji Signala. Provjerite otvarate li najnoviju verziju Signala na svom računaru."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Došlo je do greške u bazi podataka. Možete kopirati grešku i kontaktirati podršku za Signal kako biste riješili problem. Ako trebate odmah koristiti Signal, možete pokušati vratiti svoje podatke.\n\nKontaktirajte podršku tako što ćete posjetiti: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Vrati podatke"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Datoteka"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal se nije mogao ažurirati. {retry} ili posjetite {url} da ga ručno instalirate. Zatim {support} u vezi s ovim problemom"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal se nije mogao ažurirati. Posjetite {url} da ga ručno instalirate. Zatim,{support} u vezi s ovim problemom"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop je vjerovatno u macOS karanteni i neće se moći automatski ažurirati. Pokušajte premjestiti {app} u {folder}pomoću Istraživača."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Uvezani uređaji"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Uveži novi uređaj"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saznajte više"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Podešavanja"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Dodirnite {plusButton} (Android) ili {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Učitavanje QR koda nije uspjelo. Provjerite internet vezu i pokušajte ponovo. <retry>Pokušaj</retry>"
@ -1404,10 +1416,10 @@
"messageformat": "Blokirali ste korisnika {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} je blokiran/a"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} je blokiran/a"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mala podešavanja, otklanjanje grešaka i poboljšanja performansi. Hvala vam što koristite Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Ispravili smo grešku koja je sprečavala da dugme minimizira pojavljivanje poziva dok se taj poziv ponovo povezuje."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Ispravili smo bug koji je ponekad sprječavao Signal da pokrene preglednik naljepnica ako ste pokušali otvoriti poveznicu na paket naljepnica dok je aplikacija bila zatvorena."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "La versió de la teva base de dades no coincideix amb aquesta versió de Signal. Assegura't d'estar obrint la versió més recent de Signal al teu ordinador."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "S'ha produït un error de la base de dades. Pots copiar l'error i posar-te en contacte amb el servei d'assistència de Signal per ajudar-te a solucionar el problema. Si necessites fer servir Signal immediatament, pots intentar recuperar la teva informació.\n\nPosa't en contacte amb el servei d'assistència a través de: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Recuperar informació"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fitxer"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "El Signal Desktop no es pot actualitzar. {retry} o visiteu {url} per a instal·lar la versió nova manualment. Després, {support} sobre aquest problema."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "El Signal no s'ha pogut actualitzar. Visiteu {url} per instal·lar-lo manualment. Aleshores, {support} sobre aquest problema."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "El Signal Desktop es troba probablement en una quarentena de macOS i no es podrà actualitzar automàticament. Proveu de moure {app} a {folder} amb el Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Dispositius enllaçats"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Enllaça un dispositiu nou"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Més informació"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Configuració"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Toqueu {plusButton} (Android) o {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "No s'ha pogut carregar el codi QR. Comprova la connexió a Internet i torna-ho a provar. <retry>Tornar a provar-ho</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Has bloquejat a {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} està bloquejat."
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} està bloquejat."
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "No en rebreu àudio ni vídeo ni rebran el vostre."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "No es pot rebre ni àudio ni vídeo de {name}."
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Petits ajustos, correccions d'errors i tasques de millora de rendiment. Gràcies per utilitzar Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Hem corregit un error que impedia que el botó per minimitzar una trucada aparegués mentre aquesta es tornava a connectar."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Hem corregit un error que de vegades impedia que Signal iniciés el visualitzador d'stickers si intentaves obrir un enllaç a un paquet d'stickers amb l'app tancada."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Verze vaší databáze neodpovídá této verzi aplikace Signal. Ujistěte se, že v počítači otevíráte nejnovější verzi aplikace Signal."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Vyskytla se chyba databáze. Chybu si můžete zkopírovat a obrátit se na podporu Signal, aby vám ji pomohla opravit. Jestliže potřebujete používat aplikaci Signal ihned, můžete se pokusit obnovit svá data.\n\nPodporu kontaktujte na adrese: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Obnovit data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Soubor"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal se nepodařilo aktualizavoat. {retry} nebo navštivte {url} pro manuální instalaci. A pak o svém problému napište na {support}."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal se nepodařilo aktualizovat. Navštivte {url} pro manuální instalaci. A pak o problému napište na {support}."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop je pravděpodobně v karanténě macOS a nebude schopen se sám aktualizovat. Zkuste přesunout {app} do {folder} pomocí aplikace Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Propojená zařízení"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Připojit nové zařízení"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Zjistit více"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Nastavení"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Klepněte na {plusButton} (Android), nebo na {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR kód se nepodařilo načíst. Zkontrolujte své připojení k internetu a zkuste to znovu. <retry>Zkusit znovu</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Uživatele {name} jste zablokovali"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Uživatel {name} je zablokován"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Uživatel {name} je zablokován"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Nebudete přijímat jejich audio ani video a oni nebudou přijímat vaše."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Nemohu přijmout audio ani video od {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Drobná vylepšení, opravy chyb a zvýšení výkonu. Děkujeme, že používáte Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Opravili jsme chybu, která během opětovného připojování hovoru znemožňovala zobrazení tlačítka pro minimalizaci hovoru."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Opravili jsme chybu, která občas bránila aplikaci Signal spustit prohlížeč nálepek, když jste se pokusili otevřít odkaz na balíček s nálepkami, zatímco byla aplikace zavřená."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Din version af databasen stemmer ikke overens med denne version af Signal. Sørg for, at du åbner den nyeste version af Signal på din computer."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Der opstod en databasefejl. Du kan kopiere fejlen og kontakte Signals support for at få hjælp til at løse problemet. Hvis du skal bruge Signal med det samme, kan du forsøge at gendanne dine data.\n\nKontakt support ved at gå til: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Gendan data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fil"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kunne ikke opdatere. {retry} eller besøg {url} for at installere det manuelt. Dernæst, {support} om dette problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kunne ikke opdatere. Besøg {url} for at installere den manuelt. Dernæst, {support} om dette problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop findes sandsynligvis i en macOS-karantæne og vil ikke være i stand til automatisk at opdatere. Prøv at flytte {app} til {folder} med Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Forbundne enheder"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Forbind ny enhed"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Læs mere"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Indstillinger"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Tryk på {plusButton} (Android) eller {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR-koden kunne ikke indlæses. Tjek din internetforbindelse, og prøv igen. <retry>Prøv igen</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Du har blokeret {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} er blokeret"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} er blokeret"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Du vil ikke modtage deres lyd og billede og de vil ikke modtage dine."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Der modtages ikke lyd og video fra {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Små tweaks, rettelser og forbedringer af appens præstation. Tak fordi du bruger Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Vi har rettet en fejl, der forhindrede knappen i at minimere et opkald fra at blive vist, mens opkaldet blev genoptaget. Nu behøver du ikke føle dig afbrudt fra tidligere chats, selvom internettet føles afbrudt."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Vi ville gerne have, at tingene skulle være nemmere og hurtigere for klistermærkeklikkere, så vi rettede en fejl, der forhindrede Signal i at starte klistermærkevisningen, hvis du forsøgte at åbne et klistermærkepakkelink, mens appen var lukket."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Die Version in deiner Datenbank stimmt nicht mit dieser Version von Signal überein. Überprüfe, ob du die neueste Version von Signal auf deinem Computer geöffnet hast."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Ein Datenbank-Fehler ist aufgetreten. Du kannst den Fehler kopieren und den Signal-Support kontaktieren, um dabei zu helfen, dieses Problem zu beheben. Wenn du Signal sofort verwenden möchtest, kannst du versuchen, deine Daten wiederherzustellen.\n\nKontaktiere den Support unter: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Daten wiederherstellen"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Datei"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. {retry} oder besuche {url}, um Signal manuell zu installieren. Kontaktiere danach {support} hinsichtlich dieses Problems."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal konnte nicht aktualisiert werden. Rufe {url} auf, um Signal manuell zu installieren. Kontaktiere danach {support} hinsichtlich dieses Problems."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "macOS hat Signal Desktop vermutlich unter Dateiquarantäne gestellt und Signal kann daher nicht automatisch aktualisiert werden. Bitte versuche mit Finder, {app} in den Ordner {folder} zu verschieben."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Gekoppelte Geräte"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Neues Gerät koppeln"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Mehr erfahren"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Einstellungen"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Tippe auf {plusButton} (Android) oder {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Der QR-Code konnte nicht geladen werden. Überprüfe deine Internetverbindung und versuche es erneut. <retry>Erneut versuchen</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Du hast {name} blockiert"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ist blockiert"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ist blockiert"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Weder du noch dieser Teilnehmer werden gegenseitig Audio- oder Videodaten empfangen."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Audio- und Videodaten von {name} können nicht empfangen werden"
@ -1878,7 +1890,7 @@
"messageformat": "{name} ist der Gruppe beigetreten."
"icu:multipleJoinedTheGroup": {
"messageformat": "{names} ist der Gruppe beigetreten."
"messageformat": "{names} sind der Gruppe beigetreten."
"icu:ConversationList__aria-label": {
"messageformat": "{unreadCount, plural, one {Chat mit {title}, {unreadCount,number} neue Nachricht, letzte Nachricht: {lastMessage}.} other {Chat mit {title}, {unreadCount,number} neue Nachrichten, letzte Nachricht: {lastMessage}.}}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Kleine Optimierungen, Fehlerbehebungen und Leistungsverbesserungen. Danke, dass du Signal nutzt!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Wir haben einen Fehler behoben, aufgrund dessen die Schaltfläche zum Minimieren eines Anrufs beim Wiederherstellen der Verbindung nicht angezeigt wurde. Jetzt brauchst du nicht mehr das Gefühl zu haben, von früheren Chats getrennt zu sein, selbst wenn das Internet getrennt ist."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Wir wollten es für Sticker-Klicker einfacher und schneller machen. Also haben wir einen Fehler behoben, der Signal manchmal daran hinderte, den Sticker-Viewer zu starten, wenn du bei geschlossener App versucht hast, den Link zu einem Sticker-Set zu öffnen."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Η έκδοση της βάσης δεδομένων σου δεν ταιριάζει με αυτή την έκδοση του Signal. Βεβαιώσου ότι ανοίγεις την πιο πρόσφατη έκδοση του Signal στον υπολογιστή σου."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Προέκυψε σφάλμα βάσης δεδομένων. Μπορείς να αντιγράψεις το σφάλμα και να επικοινωνήσεις με την υποστήριξη Signal για να επιλυθεί το πρόβλημα. Εάν πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσεις το Signal αμέσως, μπορείς να προσπαθήσεις να ανακτήσεις τα δεδομένα σου.\n\nΕπικοινώνησε με την υποστήριξη: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Επαναφορά δεδομένων"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Αρχείο"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Το Signal δεν μπόρεσε να αναβαθμιστεί. {retry} ή επισκέψου το {url} για να το εγκαταστήσεις χειροκίνητα. Μετά, {support} σχετικά με αυτό το πρόβλημα."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Το Signal δεν μπόρεσε να ενημερωθεί. Πήγαινε στο {url} για να το εγκαταστήσεις χειροκίνητα. Έπειτα,{support} γι' αυτό το πρόβλημα."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Το Signal Desktop μάλλον βρίσκεται σε καραντίνα του macOS, και δεν θα μπορέσει να αναβαθμιστεί αυτόματα. Παρακαλώ προσπάθησε να μετακινήσεις το {app} στο {folder} με το Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Συνδεμένες συσκευές"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Σύνδεση νέας συσκεύης"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Μάθε περισσότερα"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ρυθμίσεις"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Πάτα το {plusButton} (Android) ή το {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η φόρτωση του κωδικού QR. Έλεγξε τη σύνδεσή σου στο διαδίκτυο και προσπάθησε ξανά. <retry>Επανάληψη</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Έχεις αποκλείσει τον/την {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Ο/Η {name} έχει αποκλειστεί"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Ο/Η {name} έχει αποκλειστεί"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Δεν θα λαμβάνεις τον ήχο ή την εικόνα του/της και δεν θα λαμβάνει τα δικά σου."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Αδυναμία λήψης ήχου και εικόνας από τον/την {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Μικρές τροποποιήσεις, επιδιορθώσεις σφαλμάτων και βελτιώσεις απόδοσης. Ευχαριστούμε που χρησιμοποιείς το Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Διορθώσαμε ένα σφάλμα που εμπόδιζε την εμφάνιση του κουμπιού ελαχιστοποίησης μιας κλήσης ενώ γινόταν επανασύνδεση της κλήσης."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Διορθώσαμε ένα σφάλμα που μερικές φορές εμπόδιζε το Signal να εκκινήσει το πρόγραμμα προβολής αυτοκόλλητων αν προσπαθούσες να ανοίξεις έναν σύνδεσμο πακέτου αυτοκόλλητων ενώ η εφαρμογή ήταν κλειστή."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -7382,7 +7382,7 @@
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed.",
"description": "Release notes for version 7.17"
"description": "(Deleted 2024/07/25) Release notes for version 7.17"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads.",

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"messageformat": "Añadir"
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__confirm-message": {
"messageformat": "Añadir a «{contact}» al grupo «{group}»"
"messageformat": "Añadir a {contact} al grupo «{group}»"
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__search-placeholder": {
"messageformat": "Buscar"
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"messageformat": "Calidad de envío de archivos multimedia"
"icu:sentMediaQualityStandard": {
"messageformat": "Normal"
"messageformat": "Estándar"
"icu:sentMediaQualityHigh": {
"messageformat": "Alta"
@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "La versión de tu base de datos no coincide con esta versión de Signal. Asegúrate de abrir la versión más reciente de Signal en tu ordenador."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Se ha producido un error en la base de datos. Puedes copiar el error y ponerte en contacto con el equipo de asistencia de Signal para que te ayude a solucionar el problema. Si necesitas usar Signal de inmediato, puedes intentar recuperar tu información.\n\nContacta con el equipo de asistencia en {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Recuperar información"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Archivo"
@ -237,13 +243,13 @@
"messageformat": "Buscar por alias"
"icu:LeftPane__compose__findByPhoneNumber": {
"messageformat": "Buscar por núm. de teléfono"
"messageformat": "Buscar por número de teléfono"
"icu:LeftPaneFindByHelper__title--findByUsername": {
"messageformat": "Buscar por alias"
"icu:LeftPaneFindByHelper__title--findByPhoneNumber": {
"messageformat": "Buscar por núm. de teléfono"
"messageformat": "Buscar por número de teléfono"
"icu:LeftPaneFindByHelper__placeholder--findByUsername": {
"messageformat": "Alias"
@ -435,7 +441,7 @@
"messageformat": "Se han revisado todos los contactos. Haz clic en Enviar para continuar."
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__confirm-remove-all": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {¿Seguro que quieres eliminar 1 destinatario de tu historia «{story}»?} other {¿Seguro que quieres eliminar {count,number} destinatarios de tu historia «{story}»?}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {¿Seguro que quieres eliminar a {count,number} persona de «{story}»?} other {¿Seguro que quieres eliminar a {count,number} personas de «{story}»?}}"
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__remove-all": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar todos"
@ -507,13 +513,13 @@
"messageformat": "Para verificar el cifrado con {name}, compara las cifras de arriba con las del dispositivo de esa persona. También puede escanear tu código con su dispositivo."
"icu:SafetyNumberViewer__learn_more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:SafetyNumberNotReady__body": {
"messageformat": "Se creará un número de seguridad con esta persona una vez que se intercambien mensajes."
"icu:SafetyNumberNotReady__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:verified": {
"messageformat": "Persona verificada"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "No se ha podido actualizar Signal. {retry} o ve a {url} para instalar la aplicación manualmente. Luego, {support} para solucionar el problema."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "No se ha podido actualizar Signal. Ve a {url} para instalar la aplicación manualmente. Luego, {support} para solucionar el problema."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop probablemente se encuentra en aislamiento en macOS y no se podrá actualizar automáticamente. Intenta transferir {app} a {folder} con Finder."
@ -873,7 +885,7 @@
"messageformat": "Este mensaje se eliminará de este dispositivo."
"icu:deleteForEveryoneWarning": {
"messageformat": "Este mensaje se eliminará para todxs en el chat si usan una versión reciente de Signal. En el chat se mostrará que lo has eliminado."
"messageformat": "Este mensaje se eliminará para todas las personas en el chat si usan una versión reciente de Signal. Podrán ver que has eliminado un mensaje."
"icu:from": {
"messageformat": "De"
@ -915,7 +927,7 @@
"messageformat": "{nickname} <muted>({titleNoNickname})</muted>"
"icu:AboutContactModal__TitleWithoutNickname__Tooltip": {
"messageformat": "\"{title}\" es el nombre de perfil que esta persona ha elegido en Signal."
"messageformat": "«{title}» es el nombre de perfil que esta persona ha elegido en Signal."
"icu:AboutContactModal__verified": {
"messageformat": "Persona verificada"
@ -1062,7 +1074,7 @@
"messageformat": "Tu historial de mensajes con {conversationTitle} y con otro chat con la misma persona se han fusionado."
"icu:ConversationMerge--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:ConversationMerge--explainer-dialog--line-1": {
"messageformat": "Después de enviar un mensaje a {obsoleteConversationTitle}, supiste que este número pertenece a {conversationTitle}. Su número de teléfono es privado."
@ -1101,10 +1113,10 @@
"messageformat": "Dispositivos vinculados"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Vincular nuevo dispositivo"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:Install__scan-this-code": {
"messageformat": "Escanea este código con la aplicación de Signal en tu teléfono"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ajustes"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Toca en «{plusButton}» (Android) o «{linkNewDevice}» (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Fallo al cargar el código QR. Comprueba tu conexión e inténtalo de nuevo. <retry>Reintentar</retry>"
@ -1149,7 +1161,7 @@
"messageformat": "Computadora/ordenador"
"icu:Preferences--phone-number": {
"messageformat": "Núm. de teléfono"
"messageformat": "Número de teléfono"
"icu:Preferences--device-name": {
"messageformat": "Nombre del dispositivo"
@ -1236,10 +1248,10 @@
"messageformat": "Solicitud para unirse denegada"
"icu:calling__removed-from-call": {
"messageformat": "Alguien te ha expulsado de la llamada."
"messageformat": "Alguien te ha eliminado de la llamada."
"icu:calling__removed-from-call-title": {
"messageformat": "Expulsado de la llamada"
"messageformat": "Se ha eliminado de la llamada"
"icu:CallingLobby__CallLinkNotice": {
"messageformat": "Cualquier persona que se una a esta llamada a través del enlace podrá ver tu nombre y tu foto."
@ -1323,10 +1335,10 @@
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {¿Denegar {count,number} solicitud?} other {¿Denegar {count,number} solicitudes?}}"
"icu:CallingPendingParticipants__ConfirmDialogBody--ApproveAll": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona se añadirá a la llamada.} other {{count,number} personas se añadirán a la llamada.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Se añadirá {count,number} persona a la llamada.} other {Se añadirán {count,number} personas a la llamada.}}"
"icu:CallingPendingParticipants__ConfirmDialogBody--DenyAll": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona no se añadirá a la llamada.} other {{count,number} personas no se añadirán a la llamada.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {No se añadirá {count,number} persona a la llamada.} other {No se añadirán {count,number} personas a la llamada.}}"
"icu:CallingPendingParticipants__RequestsToJoin": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} solicitud para unirse a esta llamada} other {{count,number} solicitudes para unirse a esta llamada}}"
@ -1368,7 +1380,7 @@
"messageformat": "{first}, {second} y {third} participan en esta llamada"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--many-people-in-call": {
"messageformat": "{others, plural, one {{first}, {second} y {others,number} persona más participan en esta llamada} other {{first}, {second} y {others,number} personas más participan en esta llamada}}"
"messageformat": "{others, plural, one {{first}, {second} y {others,number} más están en esta llamada} other {{first}, {second} y {others,number} más están en esta llamada}}"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-1": {
"messageformat": "Signal llamará a {person}"
@ -1380,19 +1392,19 @@
"messageformat": "Signal llamará a {first}, {second} y {third}"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-many": {
"messageformat": "{others, plural, one {Signal llamará a {first}, {second} y {others,number} persona más} other {Signal llamará a {first}, {second} y {others,number} personas más}}"
"messageformat": "{others, plural, one {Signal llamará a {first}, {second} y {others,number} más} other {Signal llamará a {first}, {second} y {others,number} más}}"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-1": {
"messageformat": "{person} recibirá una notificación"
"messageformat": "Se notificará a {person}"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-2": {
"messageformat": "{first} y {second} recibirán una notificación"
"messageformat": "Se notificará a {first} y {second}"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-3": {
"messageformat": "{first}, {second} y {third} recibirán una notificación"
"messageformat": "Se notificará a {first}, {second} y {third}"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-many": {
"messageformat": "{others, plural, one {{first}, {second} y {others,number} persona más recibirán una notificación} other {{first}, {second} y {others,number} personas más recibirán una notificación}}"
"messageformat": "{others, plural, one {Se notificará a {first}, {second} y {others,number} más} other {Se notificará a {first}, {second} y {others,number} más}}"
"icu:calling__in-this-call--zero": {
"messageformat": "No hay nadie más"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Has bloqueado a {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Se ha bloqueado a {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Se ha bloqueado a {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "No recibirás el audio ni el vídeo de esta persona y ella no recibirá los tuyos."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "No se puede recibir ni audio ni vídeo de {name}"
@ -1551,10 +1563,10 @@
"messageformat": "{sender} en «{group}»"
"icu:notificationReaction": {
"messageformat": "{sender} reaccionó con \"{emoji}\" a tu mensaje"
"messageformat": "{sender} reaccionó con {emoji} a tu mensaje"
"icu:notificationReactionMessage": {
"messageformat": "{sender} reaccionó con \"{emoji}\" a: {message}"
"messageformat": "{sender} reaccionó con {emoji} a: {message}"
"icu:sendFailed": {
"messageformat": "Fallo al enviar"
@ -1632,34 +1644,34 @@
"messageformat": "Desbloquea este grupo para enviar mensajes."
"icu:youChangedTheTimer": {
"messageformat": "Has fijado la desaparición de mensajes en {time}."
"messageformat": "Has establecido la duración de los mensajes temporales en {time}."
"icu:timerSetOnSync": {
"messageformat": "Se ha fijado la desaparición de mensajes en {time}."
"messageformat": "Se ha actualizado la duración de los mensajes temporales a {time}."
"icu:timerSetByMember": {
"messageformat": "Alguien ha fijado la desaparición de mensajes en {time}."
"messageformat": "Alguien ha establecido la duración de los mensajes temporales en {time}."
"icu:theyChangedTheTimer": {
"messageformat": "{name} ha fijado la desaparición de mensajes en {time}."
"messageformat": "{name} ha establecido la duración de los mensajes temporales en {time}."
"icu:disappearingMessages__off": {
"messageformat": "desactivado"
"icu:disappearingMessages": {
"messageformat": "Desaparición de mensajes"
"messageformat": "Mensajes temporales"
"icu:disappearingMessagesDisabled": {
"messageformat": "Desaparición de mensajes desactivada"
"messageformat": "Mensajes temporales desactivados"
"icu:disappearingMessagesDisabledByMember": {
"messageformat": "Alguien ha desactivado la desaparición de mensajes."
"messageformat": "Alguien ha desactivado los mensajes temporales."
"icu:disabledDisappearingMessages": {
"messageformat": "{name} ha desactivado la desaparición de mensajes."
"messageformat": "{name} ha desactivado los mensajes temporales."
"icu:youDisabledDisappearingMessages": {
"messageformat": "Has desactivado la desaparición de mensajes."
"messageformat": "Has desactivado los mensajes temporales."
"icu:timerSetTo": {
"messageformat": "Caducidad de mensajes fijada en {time}"
@ -1764,7 +1776,7 @@
"messageformat": "Solo pueden hacerse cambios hasta 24 horas después del momento en que enviaste este mensaje."
"icu:startConversation--username-not-found": {
"messageformat": "{atUsername} no utiliza Signal. Asegúrate de introducir el alias correcto."
"messageformat": "{atUsername} no usa Signal. Asegúrate de haber introducido el alias completo."
"icu:startConversation--phone-number-not-found": {
"messageformat": "Alias no encontrado. {phoneNumber} no utiliza Signal."
@ -1956,7 +1968,7 @@
"messageformat": "Abre este mensaje en tu dispositivo móvil para verlo"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--outgoing": {
"messageformat": "Pulsa sobre este mensaje desde tu teléfono para ver tu donación"
"messageformat": "Toca este mensaje desde tu teléfono para ver tu donación"
"icu:message--donation--unopened--label": {
"messageformat": "{sender} ha donado a Signal en tu nombre"
@ -2046,10 +2058,10 @@
"messageformat": "No podrás reinstalar este paquete de stickers si no conservas el mensaje en el que se recibió."
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Image": {
"messageformat": "¡Los stickers han llegado!"
"messageformat": "¡Los stickers han llegado a Signal!"
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Title": {
"messageformat": "Presentamos los stickers"
"messageformat": "¡Los stickers han llegado a Signal!"
"icu:stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Body": {
"messageformat": "¿Por qué usar palabras si puedes usar stickers?"
@ -2157,7 +2169,7 @@
"messageformat": "Mensaje"
"icu:MessageBody--read-more": {
"messageformat": "Leer más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:MessageBody--message-too-long": {
"messageformat": "Mensaje demasiado largo para mostrar más"
@ -2460,7 +2472,7 @@
"messageformat": "Mensajes confusos o irrelevantes"
"icu:SafetyTipsModal__TipDescription--Vague": {
"messageformat": "Los spammers a menudo comienzan con un mensaje simple, como \"Hola\", para atraer tu atención. Si respondes, es posible que te involucren más."
"messageformat": "Los spammers a menudo comienzan con un mensaje simple, como «Hola» para captar tu atención. Si respondes, es posible que interactúen más."
"icu:SafetyTipsModal__TipTitle--Links": {
"messageformat": "Mensajes con enlaces"
@ -2538,13 +2550,13 @@
"messageformat": "¿Denunciar como spam?"
"icu:MessageRequests--ReportAndMaybeBlockModal-body--direct": {
"messageformat": "Signal será notificado de que esta persona puede estar enviando spam. Signal no puede ver el contenido de ningún chat."
"messageformat": "Se notificará a Signal que esta persona puede estar enviando spam. Signal no puede ver el contenido de ningún chat."
"icu:MessageRequests--ReportAndMaybeBlockModal-body--group--unknown-contact": {
"messageformat": "Signal será notificado de que la persona que te invitó a este grupo puede estar enviando spam. Signal no puede ver el contenido de ningún chat."
"messageformat": "Se notificará a Signal que la persona que te invitó a este grupo puede estar enviando spam. Signal no puede ver el contenido de ningún chat."
"icu:MessageRequests--ReportAndMaybeBlockModal-body--group": {
"messageformat": "Signal será notificado de que {name}, la persona que te invitó a este grupo, puede estar enviando spam. Signal no puede ver el contenido de ningún chat."
"messageformat": "Se notificará a Signal que {name}, la persona que te invitó a este grupo, puede estar enviando spam. Signal no puede ver el contenido de ningún chat."
"icu:MessageRequests--ReportAndMaybeBlockModal-report": {
"messageformat": "Denunciar spam"
@ -2586,10 +2598,10 @@
"messageformat": "Adelante"
"icu:MessageRequests--profile-sharing--group--link": {
"messageformat": "¿Deseas seguir chateando con este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto con sus participantes? <learnMoreLink>Saber más.</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "¿Seguir chateando con este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto con sus participantes? <learnMoreLink>Más información.</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:MessageRequests--profile-sharing--direct--link": {
"messageformat": "¿Deseas seguir chateando con {firstName} y compartir tu nombre y foto con esta persona? <learnMoreLink>Saber más</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "¿Seguir chateando con {firstName} y compartir tu nombre y foto con esta persona? <learnMoreLink>Más información</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:ConversationHero--members": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {1 participante} other {{count,number} participantes}}"
@ -2685,7 +2697,7 @@
"messageformat": "Llamada de {ringer} con {first}, {second} y alguien más"
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-many": {
"messageformat": "{remaining, plural, one {Llamada de {ringer} con {first}, {second} y {remaining,number} persona más} other {Llamada de {ringer} con {first}, {second} y {remaining,number} personas más}}"
"messageformat": "{remaining, plural, one {Llamada de {ringer} con {first}, {second} y {remaining,number} más} other {Llamada de {ringer} con {first}, {second} y {remaining,number} más}}"
"icu:outgoingCallRinging": {
"messageformat": "Sonando…"
@ -2739,10 +2751,10 @@
"messageformat": "Has levantado la mano."
"icu:CallControls__RaiseHandsToast--you-and-one": {
"messageformat": "Tú y {otherName} levantaron la mano."
"messageformat": "Tú y {otherName} han levantado la mano."
"icu:CallControls__RaiseHandsToast--you-and-more": {
"messageformat": "{overflowCount, plural, one {Tú, {otherName} y {overflowCount,number} persona más levantaron la mano.} other {Tú, {otherName} y {overflowCount,number} personas más levantaron la mano.}}"
"messageformat": "{overflowCount, plural, one {Tú, {otherName} y {overflowCount,number} más han levantado la mano.} other {Tú, {otherName} y {overflowCount,number} más han levantado la mano.}}"
"icu:CallControls__RaiseHandsToast--one": {
"messageformat": "{name} ha levantado la mano."
@ -2772,16 +2784,16 @@
"messageformat": "{people, plural, one {{people,number} en la llamada} other {{people,number} en la llamada}}"
"icu:calling__call-notification__ended": {
"messageformat": "La llamada en grupo ha terminado"
"messageformat": "La llamada grupal ha terminado"
"icu:calling__call-notification__started-by-someone": {
"messageformat": "Se inició una llamada en grupo"
"messageformat": "Se inició una llamada grupal"
"icu:calling__call-notification__started-by-you": {
"messageformat": "Has iniciado una llamada en grupo"
"messageformat": "Has iniciado una llamada grupal"
"icu:calling__call-notification__started": {
"messageformat": "{name} ha iniciado una llamada en grupo"
"messageformat": "{name} ha iniciado una llamada grupal"
"icu:calling__in-another-call-tooltip": {
"messageformat": "Ya participas en una llamada"
@ -2940,7 +2952,7 @@
"messageformat": "Enlace no válido"
"icu:GroupV2--join--invalid-link": {
"messageformat": "El enlace a este grupo no es válido. Asegúrate de que el enlace es correcto antes de intentar unirte."
"messageformat": "El enlace a este grupo no es válido. Asegúrate de que el enlace esté intacto y sea correcto antes de intentar unirte."
"icu:GroupV2--join--prompt": {
"messageformat": "¿Deseas unirte a este grupo y compartir tu nombre y foto con sus participantes?"
@ -3177,25 +3189,25 @@
"messageformat": "Se ha aprobado la solicitud de {joinerName} para unirse al grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} ha expulsado a {memberName}."
"messageformat": "{adminName} ha eliminado a {memberName}."
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--self": {
"messageformat": "{memberName} ha abandonado el grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--you": {
"messageformat": "Has expulsado a {memberName}."
"messageformat": "Has eliminado a {memberName}."
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--other--unknown": {
"messageformat": "Alguien ha expulsado a {memberName}."
"messageformat": "Alguien ha eliminado a {memberName}."
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} te ha expulsado del grupo."
"messageformat": "{adminName} te ha eliminado del grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--you": {
"messageformat": "Has abandonado el grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-remove--you--unknown": {
"messageformat": "Te han expulsado del grupo."
"messageformat": "Te han eliminado del grupo."
"icu:GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} ha promovido a {memberName} a admin."
@ -3429,13 +3441,13 @@
"messageformat": "Los miembros o la configuración de este grupo han cambiado."
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--disabled--link": {
"messageformat": "Actualiza este grupo para activar funciones como @menciones y admins. Aquellxs participantes que aún no compartan su nombre y foto de perfil con este grupo recibirán una invitación. <learnMoreLink>Saber más.</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "Actualiza este grupo para activar funciones como @menciones y admins. Las personas que aún no compartan su nombre y foto de perfil con este grupo recibirán una invitación. <learnMoreLink>Más información.</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--was-upgraded": {
"messageformat": "Este grupo se ha actualizado al nuevo sistema de grupos."
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--migrate": {
"messageformat": "Actualizar"
@ -3468,22 +3480,22 @@
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona tiene que aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo de nuevo y no recibirá ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que acepte.} other {{count,number} personas tienen que aceptar la invitación para unirse al grupo de nuevo y no recibirán ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que acepten.}}"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--before--many": {
"messageformat": "Estxs participantes no pueden unirse a nuevos grupos y se les expulsará del grupo:"
"messageformat": "Estas personas no pueden unirse a los grupos nuevos y se las eliminará del grupo:"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--before--one": {
"messageformat": "Estx participante no puede unirse a nuevos grupos y se le expulsará del grupo:"
"messageformat": "Esta persona no puede unirse a los grupos nuevos y se la eliminará del grupo:"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--before--count": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona no puede unirse a nuevos grupos y se la expulsará del grupo.} other {{count,number} personas no pueden unirse a nuevos grupos y se las expulsará del grupo.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona no puede unirse a los grupos nuevos y se la eliminará del grupo.} other {{count,number} personas no pueden unirse a los grupos nuevos y se las eliminará del grupo.}}"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--after--many": {
"messageformat": "Estxs participantes no pueden unirse a nuevos grupos y se les expulsará del grupo:"
"messageformat": "Estas personas no se han podido unir a los grupos nuevos y se las ha eliminado del grupo."
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--after--one": {
"messageformat": "Estx participante no puede unirse a nuevos grupos y se le expulsará del grupo:"
"messageformat": "Esta persona no se ha podido unir a los grupos nuevos y se la ha eliminado del grupo."
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--after--count": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona no pudo unirse a nuevos grupos y se la expulsará del grupo.} other {{count,number} personas no pudo unirse a nuevos grupos y se les expulsará del grupo.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} persona no ha podido unirse a los grupos nuevos y se la eliminará del grupo.} other {{count,number} personas no han podido unirse a los grupos nuevos y se las eliminará del grupo.}}"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--invited--you": {
"messageformat": "No te han podido añadir al nuevo grupo pero te han invitado a unirte."
@ -3495,10 +3507,10 @@
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {No se ha podido añadir a 1 participante al nuevo grupo pero ha recibido una invitación para unirse.} other {No se ha podido añadir a {count,number} participantes al nuevo grupo pero han recibido una invitación para unirse.}}"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--removed--one": {
"messageformat": "Se ha expulsado a {contact} del grupo."
"messageformat": "Se ha eliminado a {contact} del grupo."
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--removed--many": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Se ha expulsado del grupo a {count,number} participante.} other {Se ha expulsado del grupo a {count,number} participantes.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Se ha eliminado del grupo a {count,number} participante.} other {Se ha eliminado del grupo a {count,number} participantes.}}"
"icu:close": {
"messageformat": "Cerrar"
@ -3525,7 +3537,7 @@
"messageformat": "Toca sobre tu foto de perfil en la parte superior izquierda para abrir los ajustes"
"icu:BadgeSustainerInstructions__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Toca sobre \"Hacer donación a Signal\" para suscribirte"
"messageformat": "Toca «Donar a Signal» para suscribirte"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Expandir"
@ -3573,7 +3585,7 @@
"messageformat": "Añadir a otro grupo"
"icu:ContactModal--remove-from-group": {
"messageformat": "Expulsar del grupo"
"messageformat": "Eliminar del grupo"
"icu:ContactModal--already-in-call": {
"messageformat": "Ya participas en una llamada"
@ -3594,7 +3606,7 @@
"messageformat": "Enlace al grupo"
"icu:ConversationDetails--disappearing-messages-label": {
"messageformat": "Desaparición de mensajes"
"messageformat": "Mensajes temporales"
"icu:ConversationDetails--disappearing-messages-info--group": {
"messageformat": "Si esta opción está activa, los mensajes enviados y recibidos en este grupo desaparecerán tras ser vistos."
@ -3624,7 +3636,7 @@
"messageformat": "Quién puede modificar detalles del grupo"
"icu:ConversationDetails--group-info-info": {
"messageformat": "Selecciona quién puede modificar el nombre, descripción e imagen del grupo y la desaparición de mensajes."
"messageformat": "Elige quién puede modificar el nombre, descripción e imagen del grupo y la duración de los mensajes temporales."
"icu:ConversationDetails--add-members-label": {
"messageformat": "Quién puede añadir participantes"
@ -3849,13 +3861,13 @@
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Se eliminará este mensaje de todos tus dispositivos.} other {Se eliminarán estos mensajes de todos tus dispositivos.}}"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteForMe": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar solo para mí"
"messageformat": "Eliminar para mí"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteFromThisDevice": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar de este dispositivo"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteForEveryone": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar del chat"
"messageformat": "Eliminar para todos"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteFromAllDevices": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar de todos los dispositivos"
@ -3864,7 +3876,7 @@
"messageformat": "Eliminar"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal__toast--TooManyMessagesToDeleteForEveryone": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Solo puedes seleccionar hasta {count,number} mensaje para eliminar para todxs} other {Solo puedes seleccionar hasta {count,number} mensajes para eliminar para todxs}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Solo puedes seleccionar {count,number} mensaje para eliminar para todos} other {Solo puedes seleccionar hasta {count,number} mensajes para eliminar para todos}}"
"icu:SelectModeActions__toast--TooManyMessagesToForward": {
"messageformat": "Solo puedes reenviar un máximo de 30 mensajes"
@ -3885,7 +3897,7 @@
"messageformat": "Se les ha invitado a participar. No verán ningún mensaje del grupo hasta que acepten."
"icu:NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:AddGroupMembersModal--title": {
"messageformat": "Añadir participantes"
@ -3969,7 +3981,7 @@
"messageformat": "Usa este enlace para unirte a una llamada de Signal: {url}"
"icu:MessageRequestWarning__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:MessageRequestWarning__safety-tips": {
"messageformat": "Consejos de seguridad"
@ -4020,10 +4032,10 @@
"messageformat": "Ha cambiado su nombre de perfil recientemente de {oldName} a {newName}"
"icu:RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__remove-button": {
"messageformat": "Expulsar del grupo"
"messageformat": "Eliminar del grupo"
"icu:RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__description": {
"messageformat": "¿Expulsar a {name} del grupo?"
"messageformat": "¿Eliminar a {name} del grupo?"
"icu:RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__description__with-link": {
"messageformat": "¿Vetar a {name} del grupo? No podrá volver a unirse al grupo vía enlace."
@ -4062,25 +4074,25 @@
"messageformat": "{num, plural, one {Este color personalizado se está usando en {num,number} chat. ¿Deseas eliminarlo?} other {Este color personalizado se está usando en {num,number} chats. ¿Deseas eliminarlo para todos los chats?}}"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__menu-title": {
"messageformat": "Color de chat"
"messageformat": "Color del chat"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__reset": {
"messageformat": "Restaurar color de chat"
"messageformat": "Restablecer color del chat"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__resetDefault": {
"messageformat": "Restaurar colores de chat"
"messageformat": "Restablecer colores del chat"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__resetAll": {
"messageformat": "Restaurar colores de chat"
"messageformat": "Restablecer todos los colores"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset-default": {
"messageformat": "Restaurar color por defecto"
"messageformat": "Restablecer color predeterminado"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset": {
"messageformat": "Reiniciar"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset-message": {
"messageformat": "¿Deseas restaurar los colores de todos tus chats?"
"messageformat": "¿Deseas cambiar los colores de todos tus chats?"
"icu:ChatColorPicker__custom-color--label": {
"messageformat": "Mostrar el editor de colores"
@ -4140,7 +4152,7 @@
"messageformat": "Tiempo personalizado"
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__body": {
"messageformat": "Selecciona un tiempo personalizado para la desaparición de mensajes."
"messageformat": "Elige una duración personalizada para los mensajes temporales."
"icu:DisappearingTimeDialog__set": {
"messageformat": "Fijar"
@ -4161,13 +4173,13 @@
"messageformat": "Semanas"
"icu:settings__DisappearingMessages__footer": {
"messageformat": "Fija la desaparición de mensajes para nuevos chats iniciados por ti."
"messageformat": "Establece una duración predeterminada de los mensajes temporales para todos los chats nuevos que inicies."
"icu:settings__DisappearingMessages__timer__label": {
"messageformat": "Tiempo de desaparición de mensajes por defecto en nuevos chats"
"messageformat": "Duración predeterminada en chats nuevos"
"icu:UniversalTimerNotification__text": {
"messageformat": "El tiempo de desaparición de mensajes se fijará en {timeValue} cuando inicies un chat con alguien."
"messageformat": "La duración de los mensajes temporales será de {timeValue} cuando inicies un chat con alguien."
"icu:ContactRemovedNotification__text": {
"messageformat": "Has eliminado a esta persona, envíale un mensaje de nuevo y se la volverá a agregar a tu lista."
@ -4191,16 +4203,16 @@
"messageformat": "Calidad de fotos/vídeos"
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--standard-quality-title": {
"messageformat": "Normal"
"messageformat": "Estándar"
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--standard-quality-description": {
"messageformat": "Rápida, menos datos"
"messageformat": "Más rápido, menos datos"
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--high-quality-title": {
"messageformat": "Alta"
"icu:MediaQualitySelector--high-quality-description": {
"messageformat": "Lenta, más datos"
"messageformat": "Más lento, más datos"
"icu:MessageDetailsHeader--Failed": {
"messageformat": "No enviado"
@ -4224,7 +4236,7 @@
"messageformat": "Desaparece en"
"icu:MessageDetail__view-edits": {
"messageformat": "Ver historial de ediciones"
"messageformat": "Ver historial de cambios"
"icu:ProfileEditor--about": {
"messageformat": "Biografía"
@ -4302,7 +4314,7 @@
"messageformat": "Eliminando alias"
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--confirm-delete-body-2": {
"messageformat": "Esto eliminará tu alias y deshabilitará tu código QR y tu enlace. \"{username}\" estará disponible para que otras personas lo usen. ¿Seguro que quieres hacer esto?"
"messageformat": "Esto eliminará tu alias y deshabilitará tu código QR y tu enlace. «{username}»estará disponible para que otras personas lo usen. ¿Seguro que quieres hacer esto?"
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--confirm-delete-button": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar"
@ -4398,7 +4410,7 @@
"messageformat": "Avatar del grupo"
"icu:Preferences__message-audio-title": {
"messageformat": "Sonidos de mensaje en el chat"
"messageformat": "Sonidos de los mensajes en el chat"
"icu:Preferences__message-audio-description": {
"messageformat": "Escuchar un sonido de notificación para mensajes enviados y recibidos mientras estás en el chat."
@ -4458,7 +4470,7 @@
"messageformat": "Para modificar estas opciones, abre Signal en tu móvil y ve a Ajustes > Privacidad"
"icu:Preferences__pnp__row--title": {
"messageformat": "Núm. de teléfono"
"messageformat": "Número de teléfono"
"icu:Preferences__pnp__row--body": {
"messageformat": "Elige quién puede ver tu número de teléfono y quién puede contactarte en Signal con él."
@ -4479,7 +4491,7 @@
"messageformat": "Tu número de teléfono ya no es visible para nadie."
"icu:Preferences__pnp--page-title": {
"messageformat": "Núm. de teléfono"
"messageformat": "Número de teléfono"
"icu:Preferences__pnp__sharing__everyone": {
"messageformat": "Cualquiera"
@ -4506,7 +4518,7 @@
"messageformat": "¿Seguro que quieres hacer esto?"
"icu:Preferences__pnp__discoverability__nobody__confirmModal__description": {
"messageformat": "Si cambias \"{settingTitle}\" a \"{nobodyLabel}\", será más difícil que la gente pueda encontrarte en Signal."
"messageformat": "Si cambias «{settingTitle}» a «{nobodyLabel}», será más difícil que las personas puedan encontrarte en Signal."
"icu:Preferences--messaging": {
"messageformat": "Mensajería"
@ -4539,7 +4551,7 @@
"messageformat": "Desactivar"
"icu:Preferences__turn-stories-off--body": {
"messageformat": "Ya no podrás compartir o ver historias. Las historias que hayas compartido recientemente también serán eliminadas."
"messageformat": "Ya no podrás compartir ni ver historias. También se eliminarán las historias que hayas compartido recientemente."
"icu:Preferences__Language__Label": {
"messageformat": "Idioma"
@ -4578,7 +4590,7 @@
"messageformat": "Actualización descargada"
"icu:DialogNetworkStatus__outage": {
"messageformat": "Signal tiene problemas técnicos. Estamos trabajando para restaurar el servicio lo antes posible."
"messageformat": "Signal está teniendo dificultades técnicas. Estamos trabajando para restablecer el servicio lo antes posible."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--unsupported-os__title": {
"messageformat": "Actualización requerida"
@ -4616,7 +4628,7 @@
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:NSIS__semver-downgrade": {
"messageformat": "Ya está instalada una versión más reciente de Signal. ¿Segurx que quieres continuar?",
"messageformat": "Ya está instalada una versión más reciente de Signal. ¿Continuar de todos modos?",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:CrashReportDialog__title": {
@ -4791,7 +4803,7 @@
"messageformat": "Opciones"
"icu:MessageRequestResponseNotification__Button--LearnMore": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:SignalConnectionsModal__title": {
"messageformat": "Contactos de Signal"
@ -4875,7 +4887,7 @@
"messageformat": "Privacidad de la historia"
"icu:StoriesSettings__description": {
"messageformat": "Las historias desaparecerán automáticamente después de 24 horas. Elige quién puede ver tu historia o crea nuevas historias con espectadores o grupos específicos."
"messageformat": "Las historias desaparecerán automáticamente después de 24 horas. Elige quién puede ver tu historia o crea nuevas historias para personas o grupos específicos."
"icu:StoriesSettings__my_stories": {
"messageformat": "Mis historias"
@ -4920,10 +4932,10 @@
"messageformat": "Eliminar historia personalizada"
"icu:StoriesSettings__delete-list--confirm": {
"messageformat": "¿Seguro que quieres borrar \"{name}\"? También se eliminaran las actualizaciones compartidas en esta historia."
"messageformat": "¿Seguro que quieres borrar «{name}»? También se eliminarán las actualizaciones compartidas en esta historia."
"icu:StoriesSettings__choose-viewers": {
"messageformat": "Elegir espectadores"
"messageformat": "Quién puede verla"
"icu:StoriesSettings__name-story": {
"messageformat": "Ponle un título"
@ -4935,22 +4947,22 @@
"messageformat": "Ocultar historia para"
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__all--label": {
"messageformat": "Todos los contactos de Signal"
"messageformat": "Mis contactos de Signal"
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__exclude--label": {
"messageformat": "Todxs excepto…"
"messageformat": "Mis contactos excepto…"
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__only--label": {
"messageformat": "Compartir solo con…"
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__disclaimer--link": {
"messageformat": "Elige quién puede ver tu historia. Los cambios no afectarán a las historias que ya hayas enviado. <learnMoreLink>Saber más.</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "Elige quién puede ver tu historia. Los cambios no afectarán a las historias que ya hayas enviado. <learnMoreLink>Más información.</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:StoriesSettings__context-menu": {
"messageformat": "Privacidad de la historia"
"icu:StoriesSettings__view-receipts--label": {
"messageformat": "Ver justificantes"
"messageformat": "Confirmaciones de visualización"
"icu:StoriesSettings__view-receipts--description": {
"messageformat": "Para modificar esta opción, abre Signal en tu móvil y ve a Ajustes > Historias"
@ -4959,13 +4971,13 @@
"messageformat": "Quién puede ver esta historia"
"icu:GroupStorySettingsModal__members_help": {
"messageformat": "Las personas que estén en el chat de grupo \"{groupTitle}\" podrán ver y responder a esta historia. Puedes actualizar quién está en este chat en el grupo."
"messageformat": "Las personas que estén en el chat del grupo «{groupTitle}» podrán ver y responder a esta historia. Puedes actualizar quién está en este chat en el grupo."
"icu:GroupStorySettingsModal__remove_group": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar historia de grupo"
"icu:StoriesSettings__remove_group--confirm": {
"messageformat": "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar \"{groupTitle}\"?"
"messageformat": "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar «{groupTitle}»?"
"icu:SendStoryModal__choose-who-can-view": {
"messageformat": "Elige quién puede ver tu historia"
@ -5028,7 +5040,7 @@
"messageformat": "Compartir y ver historias"
"icu:Stories__settings-toggle--description": {
"messageformat": "Si decides desactivar las historias, ya no podrás compartir ni visualizar historias."
"messageformat": "Si desactivas las historias, ya no podrás compartir ni ver historias."
"icu:Stories__settings-toggle--button": {
"messageformat": "Desactivar historias"
@ -5082,7 +5094,7 @@
"messageformat": "Descargar archivo adjunto"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__read-receipts-off": {
"messageformat": "Habilita las confirmaciones de vista para ver quién ha visto tus historias. Abre la app de Signal en tu dispositivo móvil y ve a Ajustes > Historias."
"messageformat": "Habilita las confirmaciones de visualización para ver quién ha visto tus historias. Abre la aplicación Signal en tu dispositivo móvil y ve a Ajustes > Historias."
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__no-replies": {
"messageformat": "Sin respuestas por ahora"
@ -5103,10 +5115,10 @@
"messageformat": "No puedes responder a esta historia porque ya no formas parte de este grupo."
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__delete-reply": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar solo para mí"
"messageformat": "Eliminar para mí"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__delete-reply-for-everyone": {
"messageformat": "Eliminar del chat"
"messageformat": "Eliminar para todos"
"icu:StoryViewsNRepliesModal__copy-reply-timestamp": {
"messageformat": "Copiar timestamp"
@ -5130,7 +5142,7 @@
"messageformat": "Detalles"
"icu:StoryListItem__hide-modal--body": {
"messageformat": "¿Ocultar historia? Las nuevas historias de {name} ya no aparecerán al principio de la lista."
"messageformat": "¿Ocultar historia? Las nuevas historias de {name} ya no se mostrarán al principio de tu lista de historias."
"icu:StoryListItem__hide-modal--confirm": {
"messageformat": "Ocultar"
@ -5244,7 +5256,7 @@
"messageformat": "Los alias siempre están emparejados con un conjunto de números."
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:EditUsernameModalBody__learn-more__title": {
"messageformat": "¿Qué es este número?"
@ -5311,7 +5323,7 @@
"messageformat": "Privacidad del número de teléfono"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__number__body": {
"messageformat": "Tu número de teléfono ya no es visible en los chats. Incluso aunque tu amigx tenga tu número guardado en sus contactos, no le aparecerá."
"messageformat": "Tu número de teléfono ya no se muestra en los chats. Si alguien tiene tu número guardado en sus contactos, sí podrá verlo."
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__username__title": {
"messageformat": "Alias"
@ -5323,7 +5335,7 @@
"messageformat": "Códigos QR y enlaces"
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__row__qr__body": {
"messageformat": "Los alias tienen un código QR único que puedes compartir con tus amigxs para que inicien un chat contigo."
"messageformat": "Los alias tienen un código QR único que puedes compartir con otras personas para que inicien un chat contigo."
"icu:UsernameOnboardingModalBody__continue": {
"messageformat": "Configurar alias"
@ -5338,7 +5350,7 @@
"messageformat": "Presentamos la privacidad del número de teléfono, los alias opcionales y los enlaces."
"icu:UsernameMegaphone__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber más"
"messageformat": "Más información"
"icu:UsernameMegaphone__dismiss": {
"messageformat": "Ignorar"
@ -5425,7 +5437,7 @@
"messageformat": "Perdida"
"icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--GroupCall": {
"messageformat": "Llamada en grupo"
"messageformat": "Llamada grupal"
"icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--CallLink": {
"messageformat": "Enlace de llamada"
@ -5455,16 +5467,16 @@
"messageformat": "Debes abandonar la llamada actual antes de unirte a una llamada nueva"
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Default": {
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {{direction, select, Outgoing {Llamada realizada} other {Llamada entrante}}} Video {{direction, select, Outgoing {Videollamada realizada} other {Videollamada entrante}}} Group {{direction, select, Outgoing {Llamada grupal realizada} other {Llamada grupal entrante}}} other {{direction, select, Outgoing {Realizando llamada} other {Recibiendo llamada}}}}"
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {{direction, select, Outgoing {Llamada realizada} other {Llamada entrante}}} Video {{direction, select, Outgoing {Videollamada realizada} other {Videollamada entrante}}} Group {{direction, select, Outgoing {Llamada grupal saliente} other {Llamada grupal entrante}}} other {{direction, select, Outgoing {Realizando llamada} other {Recibiendo llamada}}}}"
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Missed": {
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {Llamada perdida} Video {Videollamada perdida} Group {Llamada grupal perdida} other {Llamada perdida}}"
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Unanswered": {
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {Llamada no atendida} Video {Videollamada no atendida} Group {Llamada de grupo no atendida} other {Llamada no atendida}}"
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {Llamada no atendida} Video {Videollamada no atendida} Group {Llamada grupal no atendida} other {Llamada no atendida}}"
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Declined": {
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {Llamada de voz rechazada} Video {Videollamada rechazada} Group {Llamada de grupo rechazada} other {Llamada rechazada}}"
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {Llamada de voz rechazada} Video {Videollamada rechazada} Group {Llamada grupal rechazada} other {Llamada rechazada}}"
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Adhoc": {
"messageformat": "Enlace de llamada"
@ -5509,7 +5521,7 @@
"messageformat": "Experimental WebSocket Transport is seeing too many errors. Please submit a debug log"
"icu:WhoCanFindMeReadOnlyToast": {
"messageformat": "Para cambiar esto, selecciona \"Nadie\" en el ajuste \"Quién puede ver mi número\"."
"messageformat": "Para cambiar este ajuste, selecciona la opción «Nadie» en «Quién puede ver mi número»."
"icu:WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"messageformat": "Novedades"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Pequeños ajustes, soluciones a errores y mejoras al desempeño. ¡Gracias por usar Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Hemos corregido un error que impedía que apareciera el botón para minimizar una llamada mientras esa llamada se volvía a conectar. Ahora podrás seguir accediendo a los mensajes anteriores, incluso si Internet se siente con ganas de tomar un descanso y no tienes acceso."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "¡Buenas noticias para los fanáticos de los stickers! Hemos corregido un error que a veces impedía que Signal iniciara el visor de stickers si intentabas abrir un enlace a un paquete de stickers sin tener la app abierta. Pero eso ya es cosa del pasado, como los DVD."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Sinu andmebaasi versioon ei klapi selle Signali versiooniga. Veendu, et avasid oma arvutis uusima Signali versiooni."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Tekkis andmebaasi viga. Saad vea kopeerida ja Signali toega ühendust võtta, et probleem lahendada. Kui sul on vaja kohe Signalit kasutada, saad proovida andmeid taastada.\n\nToega saad ühendust võtta aadressil {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Taasta andmed"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fail"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signali uuendamine nurjus. {retry} või külasta lehte {url}, et see käsitsi paigaldada. Seejärel {support} seoses selle probleemiga"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signali uuendamine nurjus. Külasta lehte {url}, et see käsitsi paigaldada. Seejärel {support} seoses selle probleemiga"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop on tõenäoliselt macOS-i karantiinis ja seda pole võimalik automaatselt uuendada. Palun teisalda {app} kausta {folder} Finderi abil."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ühendatud seadmed"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Ühenda uus seade"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Rohkem infot"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Sätted"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Toksa {plusButton} (Android) või {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR-koodi ei saanud laadida. Kontrolli oma internetiühendust ja proovi uuesti. <retry>Proovi uuesti</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Sa blokeerisid kasutaja {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} on blokeeritud"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} on blokeeritud"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Sina ei saa nende heli või videot ja nemad ei saa sinu oma."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Kasutajalt {name} heli ja video saamine ei õnnestu"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Väikesed muudatused, vigade parandused ja jõudluse täiustused. Aitäh, et kasutad Signalit!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Parandasime vea, mis ei lasknud kõne taasühendamise ajal kuvada kõne minimeerimise nuppu."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Parandasime vea, mille tõttu Signal ei saanud mõnikord kleebiste kuvajat avada, kui proovisid avada kleebiste komplekti ajal, mil rakendus oli suletud."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Zure datu-basearen bertsioa ez dator bat Signal-en bertsio honekin. Ziurtatu Signal-en bertsio berriena erabiltzen ari zarela ordenagailuan."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Datu-baseko errore bat gertatu da. Errorea kopiatu, eta Signal-en laguntza-zerbitzuarekin harremanetan jar zaitezke, arazoa konpontzen lagun diezazuten. Signal oraintxe bertan erabili behar baduzu, datuak berreskuratzen saia zaitezke.\n\nJarri harremanetan laguntza-zerbitzuarekin hemen: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Berreskuratu datuak"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fitxategia"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Ezin izan da eguneratu Signal. {retry} edo bisitatu {url} eskuz instalatzeko. Ondoren, {support} arazo honi buruz."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Ezin izan da eguneratu Signal. Bisitatu {url} eskuz instalatzeko. Ondoren, {support} arazo honi buruz."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ziur aski macOS koarentena batean dago eta ezingo da automatikoki eguneratu. Mesedez, Finder erabiliz saia zaitez mugitzen {app} aplikazioa {folder} karpetara."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Lotutako Gailuak"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Gailu berria lotu"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Gehiago jakin"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ezarpenak"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Sakatu {plusButton} (Android-en) edo {linkNewDevice} (iPhone-etan)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Ezin izan da kargatu QR kodea. Egiaztatu Internetera konektatuta zaudela eta saiatu berriro. <retry>Saiatu berriro</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "{name} blokeatu duzu"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} blokeatuta dago"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} blokeatuta dago"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Ez duzu bere audio edo bideorik jasoko eta ez dute zurerik jasoko."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Ezin da {name} erabiltzailearen audio eta bideorik jaso."
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Doikuntza txikiak, akats-konponketak eta errendimendu-hobekuntzak. Eskerrik asko Signal erabiltzeagatik!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Deira berriro konektatu bitartean deia minimizatzeko botoia agertzea eragozten zuen akats bat konpondu dugu."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Aplikazioa itxita zegoen bitartean eranskailu-pakete bat irekitzen saiatzean batzuetan Signal-ek eranskailuen ikuspegia abiaraztea eragozten zuen akats bat konpondu dugu."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "نسخه پایگاه داده شما با این نسخه سیگنال مطابقت ندارد. مطمئن شوید که جدیدترین نسخه سیگنال را در رایانه‌تان باز می‌کنید."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "خطای پایگاه داده رخ داد. می‌توانید خطا را کپی کنید و برای کمک به رفع مشکل با پشتیبانی سیگنال تماس بگیرید. اگر بلافاصله نیاز به استفاده از سیگنال دارید، می‌توانید سعی کنید داده‌هایتان را بازیابی کنید.\n\nتماس با پشتیبانی با مراجعه به: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "بازیابی داده‌ها"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&فایل"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "سیگنال به‌روزرسانی نمی‌تواند بشود. {retry} یا برای نصب دستی به {url} مراحعه کنید. سپس، {support} در مورد این مشکل"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "سیگنال به‌روزرسانی نشد. برای نصب دستی به {url} مراجعه کنید. سپس در مورد این مشکل{support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "سیگنال دسکتاپ احتمالا در قرنطینه macOS می باشد، و قادر به به‌روزرسانی خودکار نیست. لطفاً محل {app} را با استفاده از Finder به {folder} تغییر دهید."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "دستگاه های متصل شده"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "لینک کردن دستگاه جدید"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "بیشتر یاد بگیرید"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "تنظیمات"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "روی {plusButton} (اندروید) یا {linkNewDevice}(آیفون) کلیک کنید."
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "کد QR بارگیری نشد. اینترنت خود را بررسی کنید و دوباره امتحان کنید. <retry>تلاش مجدد</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "شما {name} را مسدود کرده‌اید"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} مسدود شده است"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} مسدود شده است"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "شما صدا و تصویر آ‌ن‌ها را دریافت نمی‌کنید و آن‌ها هم صدا و تصویر شما را دریافت نخواهند کرد."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "دریافت صدا و تصویر از {name} ممکن نیست"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "تغییرات کوچک، رفع اشکالات و بهبود عملکرد. بابت استفاده از سیگنال سپاسگزاریم!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "اشکالی را رفع کردیم که اجازه نمی‌داد وقتی تماس در حال اتصال مجدد است، دکمه کوچک‌سازی تماس ظاهر شود."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "اشکالی را برطرف کردیم که وقتی حین بسته بودن برنامه سعی در باز کردن بسته استیکر داشتید، مانع راه‌اندازی نمایشگر استیکر در سیگنال می‌شد."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Tietokantasi versio ei vastaa tätä Signal-versiota. Varmista, että avaat Signalin uusimman version tietokoneellasi."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Tapahtui tietokantavirhe. Voit kopioida virheen tiedot ja ottaa yhteyttä Signal-tukeen ongelman korjaamiseksi. Jos sinun on käytettävä Signalia heti, voit yrittää tietojen palauttamista.\n\nOta yhteyttä tukeen osoitteessa: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Palauta tiedot"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Tiedosto"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Päivitys ei onnistunut. {retry} tai asenna päivitys käsin osoitteesta {url}. Sitten {support} ongelmasta."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Päivitys ei onnistunut. Asenna päivitys käsin osoitteesta {url}. Sitten {support} ongelmasta."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop on todennäköisesti macOS-karanteenissa, eikä sitä voi päivittää automaattisesti. Yritä siirtää {app} -sovellus {folder} -kansioon Finderin avulla."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Yhdistetyt laitteet"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Yhdistä uusi laite"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Lue lisää"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Asetukset"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Napauta {plusButton} (Android) tai {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR-koodin lataaminen epäonnistui. Tarkista internetyhteys ja yritä uudelleen. <retry>Yritä uudelleen</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Olet estänyt käyttäjän {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} on estetty"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} on estetty"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Et voi enää käydä ääni- tai videoviestinvaihtoa tämän käyttäjän kanssa."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Ääni- ja videoviestin vastaanottaminen käyttäjältä {name} epäonnistui"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Pieniä säätöjä, virheenkorjauksia ja suorituskykyparannuksia. Kiitos, että käytät Signalia!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Korjasimme virheen, joka esti puhelun pienentävän painikkeen näkymisen puhelun yhdistämisen aikana."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Korjasimme virheen, joka esti Signalia joskus käynnistämästä tarrankatseluohjelmaa, jos yritit avata tarrapakkauksen linkkiä sovelluksen ollessa suljettuna."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "La version de votre base de données ne peut pas supporter cette version de Signal. Assurez-vous douvrir la dernière version de Signal sur votre ordinateur."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Une erreur de base de données sest produite. Pour nous aider à résoudre le problème, vous pouvez copier lerreur via le bouton ci-dessous et la transmettre à lassistance Signal. Si vous devez utiliser Signal immédiatement, vous pouvez aussi tenter de récupérer vos données.\n\nPour contacter léquipe dassistance, rendez-vous sur {link}."
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Récupérer les données"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fichier"
@ -822,10 +828,16 @@
"messageformat": "Sourdine"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal na pas pu être mise à jour. {retry} ou visitez {url} pour linstaller manuellement. Puis, {support} au sujet de ce problème"
"messageformat": "Impossible de mettre à jour Signal. {retry} ou visitez {url} pour installer la mise à jour manuellement. Nous vous invitons ensuite à signaler le problème à l{support}."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal na pas pu être mise à jour. Visitez {url} pour linstaller manuellement. Puis, {support} au sujet de ce problème"
"messageformat": "Impossible de mettre à jour Signal. Visitez {url} pour installer la mise à jour manuellement. Nous vous invitons ensuite à signaler le problème à l{support}."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop pour ordinateur a probablement été mise en quarantaine par macOS et ne pourra pas se mettre automatiquement à jour. Avec Finder, essayez de déplacer {app} dans {folder}."
@ -963,7 +975,7 @@
"messageformat": "Renvoyer"
"icu:retryDeleteForEveryone": {
"messageformat": "Réessayer Supprimer pour tout le monde"
"messageformat": "Réessayer de supprimer pour tout le monde"
"icu:forwardMessage": {
"messageformat": "Transférer le message"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Appareils associés"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Associer un nouvel appareil"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "En savoir plus"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Paramètres"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Touchez {plusButton} (Android) ou {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Impossible de charger le code QR. Veuillez vérifier votre connexion Internet et réessayer. <retry>Réessayer</retry>"
@ -1197,7 +1209,7 @@
"messageformat": "Rappeler"
"icu:calling__join": {
"messageformat": "Me joindre à lappel"
"messageformat": "Rejoindre lappel"
"icu:calling__return": {
"messageformat": "Revenir à lappel"
@ -1368,7 +1380,7 @@
"messageformat": "{first}, {second} et {third} font partie de cet appel"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--many-people-in-call": {
"messageformat": "{others, plural, one {{first}, {second} et {others,number} autre personne font partie de cet appel} other {{first}, {second} et {others,number} autres personnes font partie de cet appel}}"
"messageformat": "{others, plural, one {{first}, {second} et {others,number} autre personne participent à lappel} other {{first}, {second} et {others,number} autres personnes participent à lappel}}"
"icu:calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-1": {
"messageformat": "Signal sonnera chez {person}"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Vous avez bloqué {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} est bloqué"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} est bloqué"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Vous ne recevez ni laudio, ni la vidéo de cet utilisateur et il ne reçoit pas les vôtres."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Impossible de recevoir laudio et la vidéo de {name}"
@ -1821,7 +1833,7 @@
"messageformat": "Modifier le groupe"
"icu:updateGroupAttributes__error-message": {
"messageformat": "Échec de mise à jour du groupe. Vérifiez votre connexion et réessayez."
"messageformat": "Échec de la mise à jour du groupe. Vérifiez votre connexion et réessayez."
"icu:unlinkedWarning": {
"messageformat": "Cliquez pour relier Signal Desktop pour ordinateur à votre appareil mobile et continuer à communiquer."
@ -1833,7 +1845,7 @@
"messageformat": "Une mise à jour est disponible"
"icu:autoUpdateRetry": {
"messageformat": "Retenter la mise à jour"
"messageformat": "Réessayer"
"icu:autoUpdateContactSupport": {
"messageformat": "contactez lassistance"
@ -1845,7 +1857,7 @@
"messageformat": "Cliquez pour télécharger la mise à jour"
"icu:downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"messageformat": "Signal na pas pu être mise à jour. Cliquez pour réessayer."
"messageformat": "Impossible de mettre à jour Signal. Cliquez pour réessayer."
"icu:autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"messageformat": "Redémarrer Signal"
@ -1875,10 +1887,10 @@
"messageformat": "Vous vous êtes joint au groupe."
"icu:joinedTheGroup": {
"messageformat": "{name} se sont joints au groupe."
"messageformat": "{name} a rejoint le groupe."
"icu:multipleJoinedTheGroup": {
"messageformat": "{names} se sont joints au groupe."
"messageformat": "{names} ont rejoint le groupe."
"icu:ConversationList__aria-label": {
"messageformat": "{unreadCount, plural, one {Conversation avec {title}, {unreadCount,number} nouveau message, dernier message : {lastMessage}.} other {Conversation avec {title}, {unreadCount,number} nouveaux messages, dernier message : {lastMessage}.}}"
@ -2742,7 +2754,7 @@
"messageformat": "Vous et {otherName} avez levé la main."
"icu:CallControls__RaiseHandsToast--you-and-more": {
"messageformat": "{overflowCount, plural, one {Vous et {otherName} avez levé la main, ainsi qu{overflowCount,number} autre personne.} other {Vous et {otherName} avez levé la main, ainsi que {overflowCount,number} autres personnes.}}"
"messageformat": "{overflowCount, plural, one {Vous, {otherName} et {overflowCount,number} personne avez levé la main.} other {Vous, {otherName} et {overflowCount,number} personnes avez levé la main.}}"
"icu:CallControls__RaiseHandsToast--one": {
"messageformat": "{name} a levé la main."
@ -2751,7 +2763,7 @@
"messageformat": "{name} et {otherName} ont levé la main."
"icu:CallControls__RaiseHandsToast--more": {
"messageformat": "{overflowCount, plural, one {{name}, {otherName} et {overflowCount,number} autre personne ont levé la main.} other {{name}, {otherName} et {overflowCount,number} autres personnes ont levé la main.}}"
"messageformat": "{overflowCount, plural, one {{name}, {otherName} et {overflowCount,number} personne ont levé la main.} other {{name}, {otherName} et {overflowCount,number} personnes ont levé la main.}}"
"icu:CallControls__RaiseHands--open-queue": {
"messageformat": "Ouvrir la file d'attente"
@ -3159,7 +3171,7 @@
"messageformat": "Vous vous êtes joint au groupe grâce au lien du groupe."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-link--other": {
"messageformat": "{memberName} sest joint au groupe grâce au lien du groupe."
"messageformat": "{memberName} a rejoint le groupe via le lien du groupe."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--you--other": {
"messageformat": "{adminName} a approuvé votre demande de vous joindre au groupe."
@ -3855,7 +3867,7 @@
"messageformat": "Supprimer de cet appareil"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteForEveryone": {
"messageformat": "Supprimer pour tous"
"messageformat": "Supprimer pour tout le monde"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal--deleteFromAllDevices": {
"messageformat": "Supprimer de tous les appareils"
@ -3864,7 +3876,7 @@
"messageformat": "Supprimer"
"icu:DeleteMessagesModal__toast--TooManyMessagesToDeleteForEveryone": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Vous ne pouvez sélectionner quun maximum de {count,number} message à supprimer pour tous.} other {Vous ne pouvez sélectionner quun maximum de {count,number} messages à supprimer pour tous.}}"
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Vous ne pouvez sélectionner que {count,number} message à supprimer pour tout le monde.} other {Vous ne pouvez sélectionner quun maximum de {count,number} messages à supprimer pour tout le monde.}}"
"icu:SelectModeActions__toast--TooManyMessagesToForward": {
"messageformat": "Vous pouvez transférer jusquà 30 messages à la fois"
@ -4251,7 +4263,7 @@
"messageformat": "Partagez votre nom d'utilisatuer"
"icu:ProfileEditor__username-link__tooltip__body": {
"messageformat": "Proposez de converser avec d'autres personnes en leur partageant votre code QR ou un lien unique."
"messageformat": "Invitez vos amis à discuter avec vous via un lien ou un code QR uniques."
"icu:ProfileEditor--username--title": {
"messageformat": "Choisissez votre nom dutilisateur"
@ -4569,10 +4581,10 @@
"messageformat": "Redémarrer"
"icu:DialogUpdate--version-available": {
"messageformat": "Une mise à jour vers la version {version} est proposée"
"messageformat": "Une mise à jour vers la version {version} est disponible"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloading": {
"messageformat": "Téléchargement de la mise à jour en cours…"
"messageformat": "Téléchargement de la mise à jour…"
"icu:DialogUpdate__downloaded": {
"messageformat": "Mise à jour téléchargée"
@ -4593,7 +4605,7 @@
"messageformat": "Redémarrez Signal pour installer la nouvelle version."
"icu:InstallScreenUpdateDialog--cannot-update__body": {
"messageformat": "La mise à jour de Signal Desktop a échoué mais une nouvelle version est disponible. Rendez-vous sur {downloadUrl} et installez la nouvelle version manuellement. Contactez ensuite lassistance ou envoyez un rapport concernant le problème que vous avez rencontré."
"messageformat": "La mise à jour de Signal Desktop a échoué, mais une nouvelle version est disponible. Rendez-vous sur {downloadUrl} et installez la nouvelle version manuellement. Contactez ensuite lassistance ou envoyez un rapport pour signaler le problème."
"icu:NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"messageformat": "Signal ne peut pas être fermé.",
@ -5232,7 +5244,7 @@
"messageformat": "Vous avez réagi par {emoji} à une story"
"icu:Quote__story-unavailable": {
"messageformat": "Nest plus proposée"
"messageformat": "Cette story nest plus disponible"
"icu:ContextMenu--button": {
"messageformat": "Menu contextuel"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Petits ajustements, corrections de bugs et améliorations des performances. Nous vous remercions dutiliser Signal !",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "On dit adieu à un autre bug : quand on tentait de se reconnecter à un appel, le bouton permettant de réduire la fenêtre dappel ne saffichait pas. Le problème est réglé. Désormais, vous ne perdez plus de vue vos conversations, même en cas de perte de connexion."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Bonne nouvelle pour les fans de stickers : lorsque lappli était fermée, la visionneuse de stickers ne saffichait pas toujours quand vous vouliez ouvrir un pack de stickers. Mais tout ça, cest du passé !"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Ní hionann an leagan bunachair shonraí atá agat agus an leagan seo de Signal. Cinntigh go bhfuil an leagan is nuaí de Signal á oscailt agat ar do ríomhaire."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Tharla earráid leis an mbunachar sonraí. Is féidir leat an earráid a chóipeáil agus teagmháil a dhéanamh le foireann tacaíochta Signal le cuidiú leis an bhfadhb a réiteach. Más gá duit Signal a úsáid díreach anois, is féidir leat iarracht a dhéanamh do shonraí a aisghabháil.\n\nNasc leis an bhfoireann tacaíochta: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Aisghabh sonraí"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Comhad"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Níorbh fhéidir le Signal nuashonrú. {retry} nó téigh chuig {url} lena shuiteáil de láimh. Ina dhiaidh sin, {support} faoin fhadhb sin"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Níorbh fhéidir le Signal nuashonrú. Téigh chuig {url} lena shuiteáil de láimh. Ina dhiaidh sin, {support} faoin fhadhb sin"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Is cosúil go bhfuil Deasc Signal i gcoraintín macOS, agus ní bheidh sé in ann uath-nuashonrú a dhéanamh. Triail {app} a bhogadh chuig {folder} le hAimsitheoir."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Gléasanna Nasctha"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Nasc Gléas Nua"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Foghlaim tuilleadh"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Socruithe"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Tapáil {plusButton} (Android) nó {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Níorbh fhéidir an cód QR a lódáil. Seiceáil d'Idirlíon agus triail arís. <retry>Triail arís</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Chuir tú bac ar {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Bac curtha ar {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Bac curtha ar {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Ní bhfaighidh an duine sin d'fhuaim ná d'fhíseán agus a mhalairt de chás."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Can't receive audio and video from {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mionathruithe, paistí fabhtanna agus feabhsuithe ar fheidhmíocht. Go raibh maith agat as Signal a úsáid!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Réitíomar fabht a chuir cosc ar an gcnaipe taispeáint glao a íoslaghdú le linn don nglao sin a athnascadh. Anois ní gá duit a bhrath go bhfuil tú dínasctha ó chomhráite roimhe seo fiú más rud é go sílfeá go raibh an t-idirlíon dínasctha."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Réitíomar fabht a chuir bac ar Signal uaireanta an t-amharcóir greamán a lainseáil má rinne tú iarracht nasc le beart greamán a oscailt nuair a bhí an aip dúnta."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"messageformat": "Buscar"
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__toast--user-added-to-group": {
"messageformat": "{contact} was added to {group}"
"messageformat": "{contact} engadiuse ao grupo {group}"
"icu:AddUserToAnotherGroupModal__toast--adding-user-to-group": {
"messageformat": "Engadindo {contact}…"
@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "A versión da túa base de datos non coincide con esta versión de Signal. Asegúrate de abrir a última versión de Signal no teu ordenador."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Ocorreu un erro na base de datos. Podes copiar o erro e contactar co Centro de axuda de Signal para solucionar o problema. Se tes que empregar Signal canto antes, podes tentar recuperar os teus datos.\n\nPara contactar co Centro de axuda visita: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Recuperar datos"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Ficheiro"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Erro ao actualizar Signal. {retry} ou visita {url} para instalala de maneira manual. Logo, contacta co {support} sobre este problema"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Erro ao actualizar Signal. Visita {url} para instalala de maneira manual. Logo, contacta co {support} sobre este problema"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "É probable que Signal Desktop se encontre en corentena macOS e non se poida actualizar automaticamente. Intenta mover {app} a {folder} con Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Dispositivos vinculados"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Vincula un novo dispositivo"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber máis"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Configuración"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Preme {plusButton} (Android) ou {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Erro ao cargar o código QR. Comproba a túa conexión a Internet e inténtao de novo. <retry>Tentar de novo</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Bloqueaches a {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} está bloqueado"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} está bloqueado"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Non recibirás as súas mensaxes de son ou vídeos nin eles os teus."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Non se pode recibir o audio e vídeo de {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Comprende pequenas modificacións e melloras no rendemento. Moitas grazas por empregar Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Corriximos un erro que impedía que o botón para minimizar unha chamada aparecese mentres a chamada se reconectaba."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Arranxamos un erro que ás veces impedía que Signal puidese iniciar o visor de stickers se tentabas abrir un enlace dun paquete de sticker mentres a aplicación estaba pechada."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "તમારા ડેટાબેઝનું વર્ઝન Signalના આ વર્ઝન સાથે મેચ થતું નથી. ખાતરી કરો કે તમે તમારા કમ્પ્યૂટર પર Signalનું લેટેસ્ટ વર્ઝન ખોલી રહ્યાં છો."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ડેટાબેઝ એરર આવી. તમે એરરને કૉપિ કરી અને સમસ્યાને ઉકેલવામાં મદદ માટે Signal સપોર્ટનો સંપર્ક કરી શકો છો. જો તમારે અત્યારે જ Signalનો ઉપયોગ કરવાની જરૂર હોય, તો તમે તમારા ડેટાને રિકવર કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરી શકો છો.\n\nઆ લિંક પર જઈને સપોર્ટનો સંપર્ક કરો: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "ડેટા રિકવર કરો"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ફાઇલ"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal અપડેટ ન થઈ શક્યું. {retry} અથવા તેને જાતે ઇન્સ્ટોલ કરવા {url}ની મુલાકાત લો. પછી, આ સમસ્યા વિશે {support}."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal અપડેટ ન થઈ શક્યું. તેને જાતે ઇન્સ્ટોલ કરવા {url}ની મુલાકાત લો. પછી, આ સમસ્યા વિશે {support}."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal ડેસ્કટપ સંભવત મેકોસ ક્વોરેન્ટાઇનમાં છે, અને તે સ્વત અપડેટ કરી શકશે નહીં. કૃપા કરીને ફાઇન્ડર સાથે {app} ને {folder} માં ખસેડવાનો પ્રયાસ કરો."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "લિંક થયેલ ડિવાઇસ"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "નવું ડિવાઇસ લિંક કરો"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "વધુ શીખો"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "સેટિંગ્સ"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} પર (Android) અથવા {linkNewDevice} પર (iPhone) ટૅપ કરો"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR કોડ લોડ ન થઈ શક્યો. તમારું ઇન્ટરનેટ તપાસો અને ફરી પ્રયાસ કરો. <retry>ફરી પ્રયાસ કરો</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "તમે {name}ને બ્લૉક કર્યા છે"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name}ને બ્લૉક કરેલ છે"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name}ને બ્લૉક કરેલ છે"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "તમને તેમનો ઓડિયો અથવા વિડિયો નહીં મળે અને તેઓ તમારો ઓડિયો પ્રાપ્ત કરશે નહીં."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} તરફથી ઓડિયો અને વિડિયો પ્રાપ્ત કરી શકતા નથી"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "નાના ફેરફારો, ભૂલ સુધારા અને પ્રદર્શનમાં વધારો. Signalનો ઉપયોગ કરવા બદલ આભાર!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "અમે એ બગને ઠીક કર્યો છે જે કૉલ ફરીથી કનેક્ટ થઈ રહ્યો હોય તે દરમિયાન તે કૉલને દેખાવાથી મિનિમાઇઝ કરવા માટેના બટનને અટકાવતો હતો."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "અમે એક એવા બગને ઠીક કર્યો જે તમે ઍપ બંધ હોય ત્યારે સ્ટીકર પેક લિંક ખોલવાનો પ્રયાસ કર્યો હોય ત્યારે કેટલીકવાર Signalને સ્ટીકર વ્યૂઅરને લોંચ કરવાથી અટકાવતો હતો."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "הגרסה של מסד הנתונים שלך לא תואמת לגרסה זו של Signal. יש לוודא שפתחת את הגרסה החדשה ביותר של Signal במחשב שלך."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "אירעה שגיאת מסד נתונים. אפשר להעתיק את תוכן השגיאה וליצור קשר עם התמיכה של Signal כדי לעזור לפתור את הבעיה. אם יש לך צורך מידי להשתמש בSignal, יש לך אפשרות לנסות לשחזר את הנתונים שלך.\n\nאפשר ליצור קשר עם התמיכה כאן: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "שחזור נתונים"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&קובץ"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal לא היה יכול להתעדכן. {retry} או בקר בכתובת {url} כדי להתקין אותו באופן ידני. לאחר מכן, {support} לגבי הבעיה הזאת"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal לא היה יכול להתעדכן. בקר בכתובת {url} כדי להתקין אותו באופן ידני. לאחר מכן, {support} לגבי הבעיה הזאת"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ככל הנראה בהסגר macOS, ולא יוכל להתעדכן באופן אוטומטי. אנא נסה להעביר את {app} אל {folder} עם Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "מכשירים מקושרים"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "קשר מכשיר חדש"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "למד עוד"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "הגדרות"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "הקש על {plusButton} (Android) או {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "קוד הQR לא הצליח להיטען. כדאי לבדוק את חיבור האינטרנט ולנסות שוב. <retry>ניסיון חוזר</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "חסמת את {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "חסמת את {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "חסמת את {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "לא תקבל שמע או וידאו והצד השני לא יקבל את שלך."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "לא ניתן לקבל שמע ווידאו מאת {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "התאמות קטנות, תיקוני באגים ושיפורי ביצועים. תודה על השימוש ב-Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "תיקנו באג שלא אפשר לכפתור מזעור השיחה להופיע בזמן שהשיחה מתחברת מחדש."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "תיקנו באג שלפעמים גרם לכך שSignal לא פותחת את מציג הסטיקרים אם ניסית לפתוח לינק לחבילת סטיקרים בזמן שהאפליקציה סגורה."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "आपके डेटाबेस का वर्ज़न सिग्नल के इस वर्ज़न से मेल नहीं खाता है। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप अपने कंप्यूटर पर सिग्नल का सबसे नया वर्ज़न खोल रहे हैं।"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "कोई डेटाबेस त्रुटि हुई है। आप त्रुटि को कॉपी कर सकते हैं और समस्या को ठीक करने में मदद के लिए Signal समर्थन्ट से संपर्क कर सकते हैं। यदि आपको बिल्कुल अभी सिग्नल का उपयोग करने की जरूरत है, तो आप अपना डेटा पुनर्प्राप्त करने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं।\n\nयहां जाकर सपोर्ट से संपर्क करें: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "डेटा पुनर्प्राप्त करें"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&File"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal अपडेट नहीं हो सका। {retry} या उसे मैनुअल तरीके से इंस्टॉल करने के लिए {url} पर विज़िट करें। फिर इस समस्या के बारे में {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal अपडेट नहीं हो सका। उसे मैनुअल तरीके से इंस्टॉल करने के लिए {url} पर विज़िट करें। फिर इस समस्या के बारे में {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop संभव रूप से macOS क्वारंटाइन में है, और ऑटो-अपडेट होने के योग्य नहीं है। कृपया फाइंडर के साथ को {app}से {folder} में मूव करने का प्रयास करें।"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "लिंक की गईं डिवाइसें"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "नया डिवाइस लिंक करें"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "अधिक जानें"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "सेटिंग्स"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (ऐंड्रॉयड) या {linkNewDevice} (iPhone) पर टैप करें"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR कोड लोड नहीं हो सका। अपना इंटरनेट जाँचें और फिर से कोशिश करें। दोबारा कोशिश करें"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "आपने {name} को ब्लॉक कर दिया है"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ब्लॉक किया गया है"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ब्लॉक किया गया है"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "आपको उनके ऑडियो या वीडियो प्राप्त नहीं होंगे और उन्हें आपके नहीं।"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} से ऑडियो और वीडियो नहीं प्राप्त की जा सकती"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "छोटे-छोटे ट्वीक, बग फ़िक्स, और प्रदर्शन में सुधार। Signal इस्तेमाल करने के लिए धन्यवाद।",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "हमने एक बग को ठीक कर दिया है जो कॉल को पुनः कनेक्ट करते समय कॉल को छोटा करने वाले बटन को प्रदर्शित होने से रोकता था। अब आपको पिछली चैट से डिस्कनेक्ट महसूस करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, भले ही इंटरनेट डिस्कनेक्ट महसूस हो रहा हो।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "हम चाहते थे कि स्टिकर क्लिकर्स के लिए चीज़ें आसान और तेज़ हों, इसलिए हमने एक बग ठीक किया, जो कभी-कभी सिग्नल को स्टिकर व्यूअर लॉन्च करने से रोकता था, जब आप ऐप बंद होने के दौरान स्टिकर पैक लिंक खोलने की कोशिश करते थे।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Verzija vaše baze podataka ne odgovara ovoj verziji Signala. Provjerite jeste li pokrenuli najnoviju verziju Signala na svom računalu."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Došlo je do pogreške u bazi podataka. Kopirajte informacije o pogreški i kontaktirajte korisničku podršku Signala kako bi vam pomogli riješiti problem. Ako vam je odmah potreban pristup Signalu, možete pokušati oporaviti svoje podatke.\n\nKontaktirajte korisničku podršku putem ove poveznice: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Oporavi podatke"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Datoteka"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Ažuriranje Signala nije uspjelo. {retry} ili posjetite {url} da biste ga ručno instalirali. Zatim {support} u vezi s ovim problemom"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Ažuriranje Signala nije uspjelo. Posjetite {url} da biste ga ručno instalirali. Zatim {support} u vezi s ovim problemom"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop je vjerojatno u macOS karanteni i neće se moći automatski ažurirati. Pokušajte premjestiti {app} u {folder} pomoću programa Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Povezani uređaji"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Poveži novi uređaj"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saznajte više"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Postavke"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Dodirnite {plusButton} (Android) ili {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Učitavanje QR koda nije uspjelo. Provjerite svoju internetsku vezu i pokušajte ponovno. <retry>Pokušajte ponovno</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Blokirali ste korisnika {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Korisnik {name} je blokiran"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Korisnik {name} je blokiran"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Nećete ga moći čuti ni vidjeti, a ni on vas."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Ne možete primiti audio i video od {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Manja podešavanja, ispravci grešaka i poboljšanje rada aplikacije. Hvala vam što koristite Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Ispravili smo programsku pogrešku zbog koje bi gumb za minimiziranje nestao prilikom ponovnog povezivanja poziva."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Ispravili smo pogrešku koja je ponekad Signalu sprječavala pokretanje preglednika naljepnica kada biste pokušali otvoriti poveznicu na paket naljepnica dok je aplikacija bila zatvorena."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Az adatbázisod verziója nem egyezik a Signal ezen verziójával. Győződj meg róla, hogy a Signal legújabb verzióját nyitod meg a számítógépeden."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Adatbázishiba történt. Kimásolhatod a hibát, és kapcsolatba léphetsz a Signal ügyfélszolgálatával a probléma megoldásához. Ha azonnal használnod kell a Signalt, megpróbálhatod helyreállítani az adataid.\n\nLépj kapcsolatba az ügyfélszolgálattal a következő címen: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Adatok helyreállítása"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fájl"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "A Signal Desktop frissítése nem sikerült. {retry} vagy látogass el a {url} címre és telepítsd az új verziót kézzel, majd lépj kapcsolatba velünk a tapasztalt problémával kapcsolatban: {support}."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "A Signal frissítése nem sikerült. Telepítsd az új verziót manuálisan a {url} weboldalról, majd lépj kapcsolatba velünk, és oszd meg tapasztalataidat: {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "A Signal Desktop valószínűleg macOS karanténban fut, és emiatt nem fog tudni automatikusan frissíteni. Próbáld meg áthelyezni a {app} fájlt a {folder} mappába a Finder segítségével!"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Párosított eszközök"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Új eszköz párosítása"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Tudj meg többet!"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Beállítások"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Kattints a {plusButton} (Android) vagy {linkNewDevice} (iPhone) gombra"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Nem sikerült betölteni a QR-kódot. Ellenőrizd a hálózati kapcsolatot, és próbáld újra. <retry>Újra</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Letiltottad {name} nevű felhasználót"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} letiltva"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} letiltva"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Nem fogod hallani és látni őket, illetve ők sem téged."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} hang és kép adása nem megjeleníthető"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Apró finomítások, hibajavítások és teljesítménynövelések. Köszönjük, hogy a Signalt használod!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Kijavítottunk egy hibát, amely megakadályozta, hogy a hívást minimalizáló gomb megjelenjen a hívás újracsatlakozása közben."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Kijavítottunk egy hibát, ami néha megakadályozta, hogy a Signal elindítsa a matricanézegetőt, amikor megpróbáltad megnyitni a matricacsomag hivatkozását, miközben az alkalmazás be volt zárva."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Versi basis data Anda tidak cocok dengan versi Signal ini. Pastikan Anda membuka Signal versi terbaru di komputer Anda."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Terjadi kesalahan pada basis data. Anda dapat menyalin kode kesalahan dan menghubungi dukungan Signal untuk meminta bantuan terkait masalah ini. Jika ingin langsung menggunakan Signal, Anda dapat mencoba memulihkan data Anda.\n\nHubungi dukungan dengan membuka: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Pulihkan data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Berkas"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal tidak dapat diperbarui. {retry} atau kunjungi {url} untuk memasangnya secara manual. Lalu, {support} mengenai masalah ini."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal tidak dapat melakukan pembaruan. Buka {url} untuk menginstal secara manual. Lalu, {support} terkait masalah ini"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop tampak dalam karantina macOS dan tidak dapat melakukan pembaruan otomatis. Coba pindahkan {app} ke {folder} melalui Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Perangkat Terhubung"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Sambungkan Perangkat Baru"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Pelajari lebih lanjut"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Pengaturan"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Ketuk {plusButton} (Android) atau {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Kode QR tidak dapat dimuat. Periksa internet Anda dan coba lagi. <retry>Coba lagi</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Anda telah memblokir {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} diblokir"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} diblokir"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Anda tidak akan menerima audio atau video dari mereka, dan mereka tidak akan menerima audio atau video yang Anda kirimkan."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Tidak dapat menerima audio dan video dari {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Tambahan penyesuaian kecil, perbaikan bug, dan peningkatan performa. Terima kasih telah menggunakan Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Kami memperbaiki bug penyebab tombol perkecil layar panggilan tidak muncul saat panggilan sedang dihubungkan ulang."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Kami memperbaiki bug yang terkadang membuat Signal tidak bisa membuka penampil stiker jika Anda mencoba membuka tautan paket stiker saat aplikasi tertutup."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "La versione del tuo database non combacia con questa versione di Signal. Accertati di stare usando la versione più recente di Signal sul tuo computer."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Si è verificato un errore nel database. Puoi copiare il codice dell'errore e contattare l'assistenza di Signal per risolvere il problema. Se hai bisogno di usare subito Signal, puoi sempre provare a recuperare i tuoi dati.\n\nContatta la nostra assistenza al seguente link: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Recupera dati"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&File"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal non può essere aggiornato. {retry} o visita {url} per installarlo manualmente. Poi {support} riguardo a questo problema"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal non può essere aggiornato. Visita {url} per installarlo manualmente. Poi {support} riguardo a questo problema"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop è probabilmente nella quarantena di macOS e non sarà in grado di aggiornarsi automaticamente. Sposta {app} in {folder} con Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Dispositivi collegati"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Collega un nuovo dispositivo"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Scopri di più"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Impostazioni"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Clicca {plusButton} (Android) o {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Impossibile caricare il codice QR. Controlla la tua connessione Internet e riprova. <retry>Riprova</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Hai bloccato {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "L'utente {name} è bloccato"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "L'utente {name} è bloccato"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Non avrai accesso al suo audio/video e viceversa."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Non è possibile ricevere audio e video da {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Altre piccole modifiche e correzioni di bug per far funzionare l'app senza problemi. Grazie per usare Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Abbiamo risolto un bug che impediva al tasto per rimpicciolire la chiamata di apparire su schermo quando la chiamata era in fase di riconnessione. D'ora in poi ogni tanto potrai anche avere una connessione instabile… ma sicuramente non questo bug!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Abbiamo risolto un bug che rendeva impossibile l'apertura della schermata per vedere gli sticker quando si provava ad aprire il link di un pacchetto di sticker mentre l'app di Signal era chiusa. Da ora non potrai più perderti un singolo sticker!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "データベースのバージョンと、開いたSignalのバージョンが一致しません。 ご利用のコンピューターで、最新バージョンのSignalを開いているかをお確かめください。"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "データベースエラーが発生しました。エラーをコピーしてSignalサポートへ連絡すると、問題の解決に役立てることができます。すぐにSignalを使用する必要がある場合は、データの復旧を試みることができます。\n\nサポートへのお問い合わせは{link}までお願いします。"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "データを復旧する"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "ファイル (&F)"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signalをアップデートできませんでした。{retry} か {url} から手動でインストールしてください。{support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signalをアップデートできませんでした。{url}から手動でインストールしてください。またこの問題を、{support}までお知らせください。"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop が macOS の検疫にかかっていて自動更新できないようです。{app}を Finder で{folder}へ移動してください。"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "リンク済み端末"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "新しい端末をリンク"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "さらに詳しく"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "設定"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Androidでは {plusButton} を、iPhoneでは {linkNewDevice} をタップしてください"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR コードを読み込めませんでした。インターネット接続を確認して再度お試しください。<retry>再試行</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "{name} はブロックしています"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} はブロックされました"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} はブロックされました"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "音声や映像の送受信を行いません。"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} からの音声と映像を受信できません"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "細かな微調整、バグ修正、パフォーマンスの向上。 Signalをご利用いただきありがとうございます。",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "再接続中に、通話を最小化するボタンが表示されないバグを修正しました。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "アプリが閉じている状態でステッカーパックのリンクを開こうとすると、Signal がステッカービューアーを起動できないことがある不具合を修正しました。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "შენი მონაცემთა ბაზის ვერსია Signal-ის ამ ვერსიას არ ემთხვევა. დარწმუნდი, რომ შენს კომპიუტერში Signal-ის უახლეს ვერსიას ხსნი."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "მონაცემთა ბაზის ხარვეზს გადავაწყდით. შეგიძლია შეცდომა დააკოპირო და Signal-ის მხარდაჭერის გუნდს დაუკავშირდე, რათა პრობლემის მოგვარებაში დაგეხმაროთ. თუ Signal-ის გამოყენება ახლავე გჭირდება, შეგიძლია შენი მონაცემების აღდგენა სცადო.\n\nდაუკავშირდი მხარდაჭერის გუნდს აქ: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "მონაცემების აღდგენა"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ფაილი"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal-ი ვერ განახლდა. {retry} ან ხელით დასაყენებლად გადადი {url}. შემდეგ კი {support}-ს ამ პრობლემის თაობაზე"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal-ი ვერ განახლდა. ხელით დასაყენებლად გადადი {url}. შემდეგ კი {support}-ს ამ პრობლემის თაობაზე"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "როგორც ჩანს, Signal Desktop-ი macOS კარანტინშია და ავტომატურ განახლებას ვერ შეძლებს. გთხოვთ, {app} Finder-ით {folder}-ში გადატანა სცადო."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "დაკავშირებული მოწყობილობები"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "ახალი მოწყობილობის დაკავშირება"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "გაიგე მეტი"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Settings"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "დააჭირე {plusButton}-ს (Android-ზე) ან {linkNewDevice}-ს (iPhone-ზე)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR კოდის ჩატვირთვა ვერ მოხერხდა. შეამოწმე შენი ინტერნეტი და თავიდან სცადე. <retry>თავიდან ცდა</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "შენ დაბლოკე {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} დაბლოკილია"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} დაბლოკილია"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "მათ აუდიოს ან ვიდეოს არ მიიღებ და არც ისინი მიიღებენ შენსას."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "აუდიოსა და ვიდეოს მიღება {name}-სგან შეუძლებელია"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "მცირე შესწორებები, ბაგების გამოსწორება და წარმადობის გაუმჯობესება. მადლობას გიხდით სიგნალის გამოყენებისთვის!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "ჩვენ გამოვასწორეთ შეცდომა, რომელიც ზარის თავიდან დაკავშირებისას ზარის ფანჯრის დაპატარავების ღილაკს ფარავდა. ახლა წინა ჩატებისგან გამოთიშული აღარ იქნები, მაშინაც კი, თუ ინტერნეტი გათიშულია."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "ჩვენ გამოვასწორეთ ხარვეზი, რომელიც ზოგჯერ ხელს უშლიდა Signal-ს სტიკერების დამთვალიერებლის გახსნას, როცა სტიკერების ნაკრების ბმულზე გადასვლას დახურული აპისას ცდილობდი."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Дерекқордың нұсқасы Signal-дың бұл нұсқасына сәйкес келмейді. Компьютеріңізде Signal-дың соңғы нұсқасын ашып отырғаныңзға көз жеткізіңіз."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Дерекқорда қате шықты. Ақауды түзету үшін қатені көшіріп, Signal қолдау көрсету қызметіне хабарласа аласыз. Егер Signal-ды дереу қолдану керек болса, деректерді жойып, оны өшіріп, қайта қосыңыз. \n\nҚолдау көрсету орталығына хабарласыңыз: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Деректерді қалпына келтіру"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Файл"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal жаңартылмады. {retry} немесе {url} бетіне кіріп, оны қолмен орнатыңыз. Содан кейін осы мәселе туралы {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal-ды жаңарту мүмкін болмады. {url} бетіне кіріп, оны қолмен орнатыңыз. Содан кейін осы мәселе туралы {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal-дың компьютерлік нұсқасы macOS карантинінде сияқты, сондықтан автоматты түрде жаңартылмайды. Finder арқылы {app} қолданбасын {folder} қалтасына ауыстырып көріңіз."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Байланыстырылған құрылғылар"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Жаңа құрылғыны байланыстыру"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Толық ақпарат"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Параметрлер"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} түймесін (Android) немесе {linkNewDevice} түймесін (iPhone) басыңыз"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR коды жүктелмеді. Интернетті тексеріп, қайталап көріңіз. <retry>Қайталап көру</retry>"
@ -1404,10 +1416,10 @@
"messageformat": "{name} деген кісіні блоктадыңыз"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} блокталды"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} блокталды"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Кішігірім түзетпелер жасалды, ақаулар жөнделді және жұмысы жақсартылды. Signal-ды қолданғаныңыз үшін рақмет!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Қоңырау қайта қосылып жатқанда қоңыраудың пайда болуын барынша азайтуға кедергі келтірген ақауды түзеттік. Интернет ажырап тұрса да, алдыңғы чаттардан ажырамайтын боласыз."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Қолданба жабық тұрып, стикерлер жинағы сілтемесін ашқыңыз келгенде, ақау шығып, Signal стикерлерді көрсету құралын аша алмай қалатын. Стикерді пайдаланатын адамдар үшін ыңғайлы әрі жылдам болуы үшін, бұл ақауды түзеттік."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "កំណែនៃមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នកមិនត្រូវគ្នានឹងកំណែរបស់ Signal នេះទេ។ ត្រូវប្រាកដថាអ្នកកំពុងបើកកំណែថ្មីបំផុតនៃ Signal នៅលើកុំព្យូទ័ររបស់អ្នក។"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "បញ្ហាមូលដ្ឋានទិន្នន័យបានកើតឡើង។ អ្នកអាចចម្លងបញ្ហានេះ ហើយទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយរបស់ Signal ឱ្យជួយដោះស្រាយ។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកត្រូវការប្រើ Signal ភ្លាមៗ អ្នកអាចព្យាយាមស្តារទិន្នន័យរបស់អ្នក។\n\nទាក់ទងផ្នែកជំនួយដោយចូលទៅកាន់៖ {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "ស្តារទិន្នន័យ"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ឯកសារ"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal មិនអាចដំឡើងកំណែបានទេ។ {retry} ឬចូលទៅកាន់ {url} ដើម្បីដំឡើងវាដោយផ្ទាល់។ បន្ទាប់មក {support} អំពីបញ្ហានេះ"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal មិនអាចដំឡើងកំណែបានទេ។ ចូលទៅកាន់ {url}ដើម្បីដំឡើងវាដោយផ្ទាល់។ បន្ទាប់មក {support} អំពីបញ្ហានេះ"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ហាក់ដូចជាត្រូវបានដាក់ដាច់គេនៅ macOS និងមិនអាចធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិបានទេ។​ សូមសាកល្បងផ្លាស់ប្តូរ {app} ទៅ {folder} ជាមួយ Finder។"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "ឧបករណ៍បានតភ្ជាប់"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "តភ្ជាប់ឧបករណ៍ថ្មី"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "សិក្សាបន្ថែម"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "ការកំណត់"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "ចុច {plusButton} (Android) ឬ {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "កូដ QR មិនអាចផ្ទុកបានទេ។ សូមមើលសេវាអ៊ីនធឺណិតរបស់អ្នក រួចព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត។ <retry>ព្យាយាមម្តងទៀត</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "អ្នកបានទប់ស្កាត់ {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ត្រូវបានទប់ស្កាត់"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ត្រូវបានទប់ស្កាត់"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "អ្នកនឹងមិនទទួលបានសំឡេង ឬវីដេអូរបស់ពួកគេទេ ហើយពួកគេក៏មិនទទួលបានរបស់អ្នកដែរ។"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "មិនអាចទទួលសំឡេងនិងវីដេអូពី {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "ការកែប្រែបន្តិចបន្តួច ការដោះស្រាយបញ្ហា និងការបង្កើនប្រតិបត្តិការ។ សូមអរគុណចំពោះការប្រើប្រាស់ Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "ចំពោះបញ្ហាដែលធ្វើឱ្យប៊ូតុងបង្រួមការហៅ មិនឃើញបង្ហាញឡើង ពេលដែលការហៅនោះកំពុងភ្ជាប់ឡើងវិញនោះ យើងបានដោះស្រាយហើយ។ ឥឡូវនេះ អ្នកលែងមានអារម្មណ៍ថាត្រូវបានផ្តាច់ចេញពីការជជែកមុនៗហើយ ទោះបីជាមានអារម្មណ៍ថាដាច់អ៊ីនធឺណិតក៏ដោយ។"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "យើងចង់ឱ្យអ្វីៗកាន់តែរលូន និងលឿនជាងមុនសម្រាប់អ្នកចុចស្ទីកគ័រ ដូច្នេះយើងបានដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាមួយដែលជួនកាលធ្វើឱ្យ Signal មិនអាចបើកដំណើរការមុខងារមើលស្ទីកគ័របាន ប្រសិនបើអ្នកព្យាយាមបើកតំណកញ្ចប់ស្ទីកគ័រពេលដែលកម្មវិធីបិទទៅហើយ។"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್‌ನ ಈ ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯು Signal ನ ಈ ಆವೃತ್ತಿಗೆ ಹೊಂದಿಕೆಯಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕಂಪ್ಯೂಟರ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ Signal ನ ಹೊಚ್ಚಹೊಸ ಆವೃತ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯುತ್ತಿರುವುದನ್ನು ಖಾತ್ರಿಗೊಳಿಸಿ."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ಡೇಟಾಬೇಸ್ ದೋಷ ಸಂಭವಿಸಿದೆ. ನೀವು ದೋಷವನ್ನು ನಕಲಿಸಬಹುದು ಮತ್ತು ಈ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಸಹಾಯವಾಗಲು Signal ಬೆಂಬಲವನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಬಹುದು. ನೀವು ಈಗಲೇ Signal ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿದ್ದರೆ, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಡೇಟಾವನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ಪಡೆಯಲು ನೀವು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಬಹುದು.\n\nಇಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡುವ ಮೂಲಕ ಬೆಂಬಲವನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "ಡೇಟಾವನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ಪಡೆಯಿರಿ"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ಫೈಲ್"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್ ಆಗಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಅದನ್ನು ಮ್ಯಾನುವಲ್ ಆಗಿ ಇನ್‌ಸ್ಟಾಲ್ ಮಾಡಲು {retry} ಅಥವಾ {url} ಗೆ ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡಿ. ಬಳಿಕ, ಈ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯ ಬಗ್ಗೆ {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್ ಆಗಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಅದನ್ನು ಮ್ಯಾನುವಲ್ ಆಗಿ ಇನ್‌ಸ್ಟಾಲ್ ಮಾಡಲು {url} ಗೆ ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡಿ. ಬಳಿಕ, ಈ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯ ಬಗ್ಗೆ {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ಬಹುಶಃ macOS ಕ್ವಾರಂಟೈನ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಇದು ಸ್ವಯಂ ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್ ಆಗದಿರಬಹುದು. ಫೈಂಡರ್ ಬಳಸಿ {app} ಅನ್ನು {folder} ಗೆ ಸಾಗಿಸಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "ಲಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಸಾಧನಗಳು"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "ಹೊಸ ಸಾಧನವನ್ನು ಲಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ತಿಳಿಯಿರಿ"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್‌ಗಳು"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "ಟ್ಯಾಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ {plusButton} (ಆಂಡ್ರಾಯ್ಡ್) ಅಥವಾ {linkNewDevice} (ಐಫೋನ್)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "ಕ್ಯೂಆರ್ ಕೋಡ್ ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಇಂಟರ್ನೆಟ್ ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ ಹಾಗೂ ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ. <retry>ಮರುಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "ನೀವು {name} ಅವರನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಿದ್ದೀರಿ"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ಅವರನ್ನು ಬ್ಲಾಕ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ಅವರನ್ನು ಬ್ಲಾಕ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "ಅವರ ಆಡಿಯೋ ಅಥವಾ ವಿಡಿಯೋ ಅನ್ನು ನೀವು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ ಮತ್ತು ಅವರು ನಿಮ್ಮದ್ದನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} ರಿಂದ ಆಡಿಯೊ ಹಾಗೂ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "ಸಣ್ಣ ಟ್ವೀಕ್‌ಗಳು, ಬಗ್ ಫಿಕ್ಸ್‌ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ಷಮತೆ ವರ್ಧನೆಗಳು. Signal ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿರುವುದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ರೀಕನೆಕ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡುವಾಗ ಆ ಕರೆ ಕಾಣಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಮಿನಿಮೈಜ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಇರುವ ಬಟನ್ ನನ್ನು ತಡೆಯುವ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ನಾವು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ. ಡಿಸ್‌ಕನೆಕ್ಟ್ ಆಗಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಇಂಟರ್‌ನೆಟ್ ಭಾವಿಸಿದರೂ ಈಗ ನೀವು ಹಿಂದಿನ ಚಾಟ್‌ಗಳಿಂದ ಡಿಸ್‌ಕನೆಕ್ಟ್ ಆಗಿದ್ದೇವೆ ಎಂದು ಭಾವಿಸುವ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್ ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡುವವರಿಗೆ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳು ನಾಜೂಕಾಗಿ ಮತ್ತು ವೇಗವಾಗಿರಬೇಕೆಂದು ನಾವು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೇವೆ, ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ ಆ್ಯಪ್ ಮುಚ್ಚಿರುವಾಗ ನೀವು ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್ ಪ್ಯಾಕ್ ಲಿಂಕ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿದರೆ ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ಕರ್ ವೀಕ್ಷಕವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸದಿರುವಂತೆ ಕೆಲವೊಮ್ಮೆ Signal ಅನ್ನು ತಡೆಯುವ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ನಾವು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಿದ್ದೇವೆ."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "데이터베이스 버전이 이 버전의 Signal과 일치하지 않습니다. 컴퓨터에서 최신 버전 Signal을 열었는지 확인하세요."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "데이터베이스 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류를 복사하여 Signal 지원팀에 문제 해결을 요청할 수 있습니다. Signal을 바로 사용해야 하는 경우 데이터 복원을 시도할 수 있습니다.\n\n{link}을(를) 방문하여 지원팀에 문의하세요."
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "데이터 복원"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "파일 (&F)"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. {retry} 또는 {url}을(를) 방문하여 수동으로 설치하세요. 그다음 {support}에 이 문제에 관해 문의하세요."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. {url}을(를) 방문하여 수동으로 설치하세요. 그다음 {support}에 이 문제에 관해 문의하세요."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop이 macOS 검역에 걸렸을 가능성이 크며 자동 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 탐색기를 사용하여 {app} 앱을 {folder} 폴더로 이동하세요."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "연결된 기기"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "새 기기 연결"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "더 알아보기"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "설정"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Android는 {plusButton}, iPhone은 {linkNewDevice}을(를) 탭하세요."
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR 코드를 로드할 수 없습니다. 인터넷 연결을 확인하고 다시 시도하세요. <retry>다시 시도하기</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "{name} 님을 차단했습니다."
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} 님을 차단함"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} 님을 차단함"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "음성 또는 영상 통화를 더 이상 수신하지 않으며 차단된 사람도 나의 통화를 수신할 수 없습니다."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} 님의 음성 및 영상 통화를 수신할 수 없습니다."
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "사소한 변경 사항과 버그 수정 및 성능 개선. Signal을 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "통화를 다시 연결하는 동안 해당 통화를 최소화하는 버튼이 나타나지 않는 버그를 수정했습니다."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "앱이 종료된 상태에서 스티커 팩 링크를 열려고 할 때 간혹 Signal에서 스티커 뷰어를 시작하지 못하는 버그를 수정했습니다."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Маалыматтар базасынын версиясы Signal'дын версиясына туура келбейт. Компьютериңизде Signal'дын эң акыркы версиясын ачыңыз."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Маалыматтар базасында ката кетти. Катаны көчүрүп, маселени чечүү үчүн Signal'дын кардарларды тейлөөчү кызматына кайрылыңыз. Signal азыр керек болуп жатса, маалыматтарыңызды калыбына келтирип көрүңүз.\n\nКардарларды тейлеген кызматка өтүңүз: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Маалыматтарды калыбына келтирүү"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Файл"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal жаңыртылган жок. {retry} же кол менен орнотуу үчүн {url} дарегине баш багыңыз. Андан кийин, бул көйгөй жөнүндө {support} кызматына билдириңиз"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal жаңыртылган жок. Кол менен орнотуу үчүн {url} дарегине баш багыңыз. Андан кийин, бул көйгөй жөнүндө {support} кызматына билдириңиз"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop, macOS карантининде болушу мүмкүн жана автоматтык түрдө жаңыртыла албайт. Сураныч, {app} колдонмосун Finder аркылуу {folder} папкасына жылдырып көрүңүз."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Байланышкан түзмөктөр"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Жаңы түзмөктү байланыштыруу"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Кененирээк маалымат"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Тууралоо"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (Android) же {linkNewDevice} (iPhone) басыңыз"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR код жүктөлгөн жок. Интернетти текшерип, кайталап көрүңүз. <retry>Кайталап көрүү</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Бул байланышты бөгөттөдүңүз: {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} бөгөттөлгөн"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} бөгөттөлгөн"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Бири-бириңердин аудио жана видео билдирүүлөрүңөрдү албай каласыңар."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Бул адамдын ({name}) аудио жана видео билдирүүлөрүн ала албайсыз"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Майда-барат өзгөрүүлөрдү киргизип, мүчүлүштүктөрдү оңдоп, колдонмонун иштешин жакшыртып жатабыз. Signal'ды колдонгонуңуз үчүн чоң рахмат!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Чалууга кайра туташып жатканда чалуунун кичирейишине жол бербей жаткан мүчүлүштүк оңдолду. Интернет жоголуп кетсе да, буга чейинки маектерге туташкан бойдон кала бересиз."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Signal'га стикерлерге көз чаптыруучу функцияны иштеткенге тоскоол болгон катаны оңдоп койдук. Эми стикерлерди тез ачып, тез көрөсүз."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Tavo duomenų bazės versija neatitinka šios „Signal“ versijos. Įsitikink, kad savo kompiuteryje bandai atidaryti naujausią „Signal“ versiją."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Aptikta duomenų bazės klaida. Klaidą galite nukopijuoti ir kreiptis pagalbos į „Signal“ klientų aptarnavimo komandą. Jei pasinaudoti „Signal“ jums reikia skubiai, galite bandyti duomenis atkurti.\n\nSusisiekite su klientų aptarnavimo komanda apsilankydami čia: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Atkurti duomenis"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Failas"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal programai nepavyko atsinaujinti. {retry} arba apsilankykite adresu {url} ir įdiekite ją rankiniu būdu. Tuomet, {support} dėl šios problemos"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal nepavyko atsinaujinti. Apsilankykite adresu {url}, kad įdiegtumėte programą rankiniu būdu. Tuomet, {support} dėl šios problemos"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Tikriausiai, Signal Desktop yra macOS karantine ir negalės būti automatiškai atnaujinta. Pabandykite, naudodami Finder, perkelti {app} į {folder}."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Susieti įrenginiai"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Susieti naują įrenginį"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Sužinoti daugiau"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Nustatymai"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Bakstelėkite ant {plusButton} („Android“ įrenginiuose) arba ant {linkNewDevice} („iPhone“ įrenginiuose)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Nepavyko įkelti QR kodo. Patikrink interneto ryšį ir bandyk dar kartą. <retry>Bandyti dar kartą</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Tu užblokavai naudotoją {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Naudotojas {name} užblokuotas"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Naudotojas {name} užblokuotas"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Jūs nematysite ir negirdėsite naudotojo, o jis nematys ir negirdės jūsų."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Negalima gauti garso ir vaizdo iš {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Smulkūs patobulinimai, klaidų pataisymai ir veikimo pagerinimas. Ačiū, kad naudoji „Signal“!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Ištaisėme klaidą, dėl kurios nebuvo parodomas skambučio suskleidimo mygtukas, kol tas skambutis buvo jungiamas iš naujo."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Ištaisėme klaidą, dėl kurios „Signal“ kartais neleisdavo paleisti lipdukų paketo peržiūros priemonės, jei lipdukų paketo nuorodą bandydavote paleisti, kai programa uždaryta."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Jūsu datubāzes versija neatbilst šai Signal versijai. Pārliecinieties, vai datorā atvērta jaunākā Signal versija."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Radusies datubāzes kļūda. Varat nokopēt kļūdas aprakstu un sazināties ar Signal atbalsta dienestu, lai novērstu problēmu. Ja jums nepieciešams izmantot Signal nekavējoties, varat mēģināt atgūt savus datus.\n\nSazinieties ar atbalsta dienestu, apmeklējot vietni: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Atgūt datus"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fails"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal nevarēja atjaunināt. {retry} vai apmeklējiet{url}, lai instalētu atjauninājumu manuāli. Pēc tam {support} par šo problēmu"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal nevarēja atjaunināt. Apmeklējiet {url}, lai instalētu atjauninājumu manuāli. Pēc tam {support} informējiet par šo problēmu"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop, visticamāk, atrodas macOS karantīnā, un šo lietotnes versiju nevarēs automātiski atjaunināt. Pārvietojiet {app}uz {folder}, izmantojot meklētāju."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Saistītās ierīces"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Pievienot jaunu ierīci"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Lasīt vairāk"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Iestatījumi"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Pieskarieties {plusButton} (Android) vai {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR kodu nevarēja ielādēt. Pārbaudiet interneta savienojumu un mēģiniet vēlreiz. Mēģināt vēlreiz"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Jūs bloķējāt {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ir bloķēts"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ir bloķēts"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Jūs nesaņemsiet dalībnieku audio vai video zvanu, un viņi nesaņems jūsu zvanus."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Nevar saņemt audio un video no {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Nelielas izmaiņas, kļūdu labojumi un darbības uzlabojumi. Paldies, ka lietojat Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Mēs izlabojām kļūdu, kuras dēļ zvana savienojuma atkārtotas izveides laikā nebija redzama loga samazināšanas poga. Tagad nezaudēsiet saikni ar iepriekšējām sarunām pat tad, kad interneta savienojums būs neomā."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Mēs izlabojām kļūdu, kuras dēļ Signal reizēm nevarēja atvērt uzlīmju skatītāju, ja mēģinājāt atvērt uzlīmju komplekta saiti, kamēr lietotne ir aizvērta."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Верзијата од вашата база на податоци не се совпаѓа со оваа верзија на Signal. Проверете дали ја отворате најновата верзија на Signal на вашиот компјутер."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Настана грешка со базата на податоци. Можете да ја копирате грешката и да го контактирате тимот за поддршка на Signal за да ви помогне во решавање на проблемот. Ако веднаш имате потреба од Signal, можете да се обидете да ги вратите вашите податоци .\n\nКонтактирајте го тимот за поддршка преку: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Враќање на податоците"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Датотека"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal не можеше да се ажурира. {retry}или посетете ја {url}за рачна инсталација. Потоа, {support} за проблемот"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal не можеше да се ажурира. Посетете ја {url} за рачна инсталација. Потоа, {support}за проблемот"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop е најверојатно во macOS карантин, и нема да може автоматски да се ажурира. Ве молиме преместете го {app} во {folder} со помош на Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Поврзани уреди"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Поврзете нов уред"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Дознајте повеќе"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Поставувања"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Допрете на {plusButton}(Android) или {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR кодот не можеше да се вчита. Проверете ја интернет врската и обидете се повторно. <retry>Обидете се повторно</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Го блокиравте корисникот {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Контактот {name} е блокиран"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Контактот {name} е блокиран"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Нема да добивате аудио и видео и тие нема да го добиваат Вашето аудио и видео."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Не можам да примам аудио и видео од {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mали подобрувања, решени багови и подобрувања на перформансот. Ви благодариме што користите Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Решивме грешка која спречуваше да се појавува копчето за минимизирање на прозорецот при повик додека тој повик се поврзуваше одново."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Решивме грешка што понекогаш спречуваше Signal да го отвори прегледот на налепници доколку се обидевте да отворите линк за пакет налепници додека апликацијата е затворена."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഡാറ്റാബേസിന്റെ പതിപ്പ് നിങ്ങളുടെ Signal പതിപ്പുമായി പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുന്നില്ല. നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിൽ Signal-ന്റെ ഏറ്റവും പുതിയ പതിപ്പാണ് തുറക്കുന്നതെന്ന് ഉറപ്പാക്കുക."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ഡാറ്റാബേസ് പിശകുണ്ടായി. പിശക് പകർത്തിയതിന് ശേഷം Signal പിന്തുണയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് പ്രശ്‌നം പരിഹരിക്കാം. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഉടൻ തന്നെ Signal ഉപയോഗിക്കണമെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങളുടെ ഡാറ്റ വീണ്ടെടുക്കാൻ ശ്രമിക്കാവുന്നതാണ്.\n\nഈ ലിങ്ക് സന്ദർശിച്ച് പിന്തുണയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെടുക: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "ഡാറ്റ വീണ്ടെടുക്കുക"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ഫയൽ"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal അപ്‌ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനായില്ല. {retry}അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അത് മാനുവലായി ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾ ചെയ്യാൻ, {url} സന്ദർശിക്കൂ. തുടർന്ന്, ഈ പ്രശ്‌നത്തെ കുറിച്ച് {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal അപ്‌ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാനായില്ല. അത് മാനുവലായി ഇൻസ്റ്റാൾ ചെയ്യാൻ, {url} സന്ദർശിക്കൂ. തുടർന്ന്, ഈ പ്രശ്‌നത്തെ കുറിച്ച് {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ഒരു മാക് ഒഎസ് ക്വാറന്റൈനിലാണ്, അതിനാൽ സ്വയം അപ്‌ഡേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയില്ല. ഫൈൻഡർ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് {app}- യെ {folder}- ലേക്ക് നീക്കാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുക."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "ലിങ്ക് ചെയ്തിട്ടുള്ള ഡിവൈസുകൾ"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "പുതിയ ഡിവൈസ് ലിങ്ക് ചെയ്യുക"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "കൂടുതൽ അറിയുക"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "ക്രമീകരണങ്ങൾ"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (Android) അല്ലെങ്കിൽ {linkNewDevice}(iPhone) ടാപ്പ് ചെയ്യുക"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR കോഡ് ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇന്റർനെറ്റ് പരിശോധിച്ച ശേഷം വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക. വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങൾ {name} എന്നയാളെ ബ്ലോക്ക് ചെയ്തു"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} എന്നയാളെ ബ്ലോക്ക് ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നു"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} എന്നയാളെ ബ്ലോക്ക് ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നു"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "നിങ്ങൾക്ക് അവരുടെയോ, അവർക്ക് നിങ്ങളുടെയോ, ഓഡിയോ, വീഡിയോ എന്നിവ ലഭിക്കില്ല."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} നിന്ന് ഓഡിയോയും വീഡിയോയും സ്വീകരിക്കാൻ കഴിയുന്നില്ല "
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "ചെറിയ മാറ്റങ്ങളും ബഗ് പരിഹരിക്കലുകളും പ്രകടന മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തലുകളും. Signal ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിന് നന്ദി!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "കോൾ വീണ്ടും കണക്‌റ്റുചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ ഒരു കോൾ ദൃശ്യമാകുന്നത് മിനിമൈസ് ചെയ്യുന്നതിന് ബട്ടണിനെ തടയുന്ന ഒരു ബഗ് ഞങ്ങൾ പരിഹരിച്ചു. ഇൻ്റർനെറ്റ് വിച്ഛേദിക്കപ്പെട്ടതായി അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്നുണ്ടെങ്കിലും മുമ്പത്തെ ചാറ്റുകളിൽ നിന്ന് വിച്ഛേദിക്കപ്പെട്ടതായി നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇപ്പോൾ തോന്നേണ്ടതില്ല."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "സ്റ്റിക്കർ ക്ലിക്കറുകൾക്ക് കാര്യങ്ങൾ കൂടുതൽ ഫലപ്രദവും വേഗത്തിലും ആയിരിക്കണമെന്ന് ഞങ്ങൾ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചു, അതിനാൽ ആപ്പ് അടച്ചിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു സ്റ്റിക്കർ പായ്ക്ക് ലിങ്ക് തുറക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചാൽ, ചിലപ്പോൾ സ്റ്റിക്കർ വ്യൂവർ ലോഞ്ച് ചെയ്യുന്നതിൽ നിന്ന് Signal-നെ തടയുന്ന ഒരു ബഗ് ഞങ്ങൾ പരിഹരിച്ചു."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "आपल्या डेटाबेसची आवृत्ती या Signal च्या आवृत्ती बरोबर जुळत नाही. आपण आपल्या संगणकावर Signal ची नवीनतम आवृत्ती उघडत असल्याची खात्री करा."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "डेटाबेस त्रुटी उद्भवली. आपण त्रुटी कॉपी करू आणि समस्येचे निराकरण करण्यासाठी Signal सपोर्टशी मदतीसाठी संपर्क करू शकता. आपणाला जर लगेचच Signal वापरण्याची गरज असल्यास, आपण डेटा पुनर्प्राप्त करण्याचा प्रयत्न करू शकता.\n\n{link} :ला भेट देऊन सपोर्टशी संपर्क साधा"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "डेटा पुनर्प्राप्त करा"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "फाईल"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal अद्यतनित होऊ शकत नाही. हस्तचलित पद्धतीने त्याला स्थापित करण्यासाठी {retry} किंवा t {url} ला भेट द्या. नंतर, या समस्येबद्दल {support} भेट द्या"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal अद्यतनित होऊ शकत नाही. त्याला हस्तचलित पद्धतीने स्थापित करण्यास {url}ला भेट द्या. नंतर या समस्येबद्दल, {support} ला"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop हे कदाचित macOS क्वॉरंटाईन मध्ये आहे, आणि स्वयं-अद्यतन करू शकणार नाही. कृपया{folder}यासोबत फाईंडरने {app}वर हलविण्याचा प्रयत्न करा."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "लिंक केलेले डिव्हाईस"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "नवीन डिव्हाईस जोडा"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "अधिक जाणा"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "सेटिंग"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (अॅऩ्ड्राई़ड ) किंवा {linkNewDevice} (iPhone) वर टॅप करा"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR कोड लोड केला जाऊ शकत नाही. आपले इंटरनेट कनेक्शन तपासा आणि पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा. <retry>पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "आपण {name} ला ब्लॉक केले"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} अवरोधित केलेले आहे"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} अवरोधित केलेले आहे"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "आपल्याला त्यांचे ऑडिओ किंवा व्हिडिओ प्राप्त होणार नाहीत आणि त्यांना तुमचे प्राप्त होणार नाहीत."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} कडून ऑडिओ आणि व्हिडिओ प्राप्त करू शकत नाही"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "लहान ट्विक्स, दोष निवारण, आणि कामगिरी सुधारणा. Signal वापरल्याबद्दल आभारी आहोत!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "आम्ही त्या दोषाचे निराकरण केले आहे जो त्या कॉलला पुन्हा कनेक्ट केले जात असताना दिसण्यापासून छोटे करण्यास प्रतिबंधित करणाऱ्या बटणाला रोखत होते. आता इंटरनेट डिस्कनेक्ट झाल्यासारखे वाटत असले तरीही आपणाला मागील चॅट्स पासून डिस्कनेक्ट झाल्यासारखे वाटण्याची गरज नाही."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "स्टिकर क्लिकर्ससाठी गोष्टी अधिक चपळ आणि जलद व्हाव्यात अशी आमची इच्छा होती, म्हणून आम्ही आपण ॲप बंद असताना स्टिकर पॅक लिंक उघडण्याचा प्रयत्न केल्यास सिग्नलला स्टिकर दर्शक लॉन्च करण्यापासून प्रतिबंधित करते अशा दोषाचे निराकरण केले आहे."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Versi pangkalan data anda tidak sepadan dengan versi Signal ini. Pastikan anda membuka versi terbaru Signal pada komputer anda."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Ralat pangkalan data telah berlaku. Anda boleh menyalin ralat dan menghubungi sokongan Signal untuk membantu menyelesaikan isu tersebut. Jika anda perlu menggunakan Signal dengan segera, anda boleh cuba memulihkan data anda.\n\nHubungi sokongan dengan melayari: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Pulihkan data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fail"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal tidak dapat dikemas kini. {retry} atau layari {url} untuk memasangnya secara manual. Kemudian, {support} tentang masalah ini"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal tidak dapat dikemas kini. Layari {url} untuk memasangnya secara manual. Kemudian, {support} tentang masalah ini"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop kemungkinan berada dalam kuarantin macOS dan tidak dapat mengemas kini secara automatik. Sila cuba mengalihkan {app} ke {folder} dengan Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Peranti Dipautkan"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Pautkan Peranti Baru"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Ketahui lebih lanjut"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Tetapan"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Ketik {plusButton} (Android) atau {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Kod QR tidak boleh dimuatkan. Periksa internet anda dan cuba lagi. <retry>Cuba Semula</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Anda telah menyekat {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} telah disekat"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} telah disekat"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Anda tidak akan menerima audio atau video mereka dan mereka tidak akan menerima audio atau video anda."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Tidak dapat menerima audio dan video daripada {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Sedikit pengubahsuaian, pembaikan pepijat dan peningkatan prestasi. Terima kasih kerana menggunakan Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Kami membetulkan pepijat yang menghalang butang untuk meminimumkan panggilan daripada muncul semasa panggilan itu disambungkan semula."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Kami membetulkan pepijat yang kadangkala menghalang Signal daripada melancarkan pemapar pelekat jika anda cuba membuka pautan pek pelekat semasa aplikasi ditutup."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "သင်၏ ဒေတာဘေ့စ်ဗားရှင်းသည် ဤ Signal ဗားရှင်းနှင့် မကိုက်ညီပါ။ သင့်ကွန်ပျူတာတွင် Signal နောက်ဆုံးထွက်ဗားရှင်းကို ဖွင့်ထားခြင်းဖြစ်ကြောင်း သေချာအောင်လုပ်ပါ။"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ဒေတာဘေ့စ် ချို့ယွင်းချက်တစ်ခု ဖြစ်နေပါသည်။ ချို့ယွင်းချက်ကို ကူးယူပြီးနောက် ဤပြဿနာကို ဖြေရှင်းရန်အတွက် အကူအညီရယူရန် Signal ပံ့ပိုးရေးသို့ ဆက်သွယ်နိုင်ပါသည်။ Signal ကိုချက်ချင်းအသုံးပြုရန်လိုအပ်ပါက၊ သင်သည်သင်၏ဒေတာကိုပြန်လည်ရယူရန်ကြိုးစားနိုင်သည်။\n\nဤလင့်ခ်ကို ဝင်ရောက်ခြင်းဖြင့် ပံ့ပိုးရေးသို့ ဆက်သွယ်ပါ- {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "ဒေတာပြန်ယူပါ"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ဖိုင်"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်၍ မရပါ။ {retry} သို့မဟုတ် ကိုယ်တိုင် ထည့်သွင်းရန် {url} သို့ သွားပါ။ ထို့နောက် ဤပြဿနာနှင့်ပတ်သက်၍ {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်၍ မရပါ။ ကိုယ်တိုင် ထည့်သွင်းရန်{url} သို့ သွားပါ။ ထို့နောက် ဤပြဿနာနှင့်ပတ်သက်၍ {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop သည် macOS Quarantine တွင် ရှိပုံပေါ်ပါသည်၊ အော်တိုအပ်ဒိတ် လုပ်နိုင်မည် မဟုတ်ပါ။ Finder ဖြင့် {app} အား {folder} သို့ ရွှေ့ကြည့်ပါ။"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "ချိတ်ဆက်ထားသော ဖုန်းများ"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "ဖုန်းအသစ်ကို ချိတ်ရန်"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "ထပ်မံလေ့လာရန်"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "အပြင်အဆင်များ"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (Android) သို့မဟုတ် {linkNewDevice} (iPhone) ကို နှိပ်ပါ"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR ကုဒ်ကို ဖွင့်၍မရပါ။ သင့်အင်တာနက်ကို စစ်ဆေးပြီး ထပ်ကြိုးစားကြည့်ပါ။ <retry>ထပ်ကြိုးစားရန်</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "သင်သည် {name} ကို ဘလော့ခ်ထားပါသည်"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ကို ဘလော့ခ်ထားသည်"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ကို ဘလော့ခ်ထားသည်"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "သင်ရော ၎င်းတို့ပါသည် အော်ဒီယို သို့မဟုတ် ဗီဒီယိုများကို အပြန်အလှန် လက်ခံရရှိလိမ့်မည် မဟုတ်ပါ။"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} မှ အသံနှင့် ဗီဒီယို မရရှိနိုင်ပါ"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "အနေအထား ပြုပြင်မှုလေးများ၊ ချို့ယွင်းချက် ပြင်ဆင်မှုများနှင့် စွမ်းဆောင်ရည် မြှင့်တင်မှုများ။ Signal ကို သုံးသည့်အတွက် ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "ခေါ်ဆိုမှု ပြန်လည်ချိတ်ဆက်နေချိန်တွင် ထိုခေါ်ဆိုမှုကို ချုံ့သည့် ခလုတ်ကို တားဆီးထားသည့် ချွတ်ယွင်းချက်တစ်ခုကို ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ပြင်ဆင်ထားပါသည်။"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "အက်ပ်ကိုပိတ်နေစဉ် စတစ်ကာတွဲလင့်ခ်တစ်ခုကို ဖွင့်ရန်ကြိုးစားပါက တစ်ခါတစ်ရံတွင် Signal ကို စတစ်ကာ ဖွင့်မရစေရန် တားဆီးထားသည့် ချွတ်ယွင်းချက်တစ်ခုကို ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ပြင်ဆင်ထားပါသည်။"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Versjonen av databasen passer ikke sammen med denne versjonen av Signal. Sørg for at du bruker den nyeste versjonen av Signal på datamaskinen din."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Det oppsto en feil med databasen. Du kan kopiere feilen og ta kontakt med Signals brukerstøtte for å få hjelp. Hvis du trenger tilgang til Signal umiddelbart, kan du forsøke å gjenopprette dataene.\n\nTa kontakt med brukerstøtten via {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Gjenopprett data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fil"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kunne ikke oppdateres. {retry}, eller gå inn på {url} for å installere oppdateringen manuelt. Deretter kan du {support} om problemet."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kunne ikke oppdateres. Gå inn på {url} for å installere oppdateringen manuelt. Deretter kan du {support} om problemet."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop er sannsynligvis i en macOS-karantene, og vil derfor ikke kunne oppdatere seg automatisk. Prøv å flytte {app} til {folder} ved bruk av Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Koblede enheter"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Koble Til En Ny Enhet"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Lær mer"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Innstillinger"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Trykk på {plusButton} (Android) eller {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR-koden kunne ikke lastes inn. Sjekk internettilkoblingen og prøv igjen. <retry>Prøv på nytt</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Du har blokkert {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} er blokkert"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} er blokkert"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Du mottar ikke deres lyd eller bilde og de mottar ikke din lyd eller ditt bilde."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Kan ikke motta lyd og bilde fra {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Noen små justeringer, feilrettinger og ytelsesforbedringer. Takk for at du bruker Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Vi har fikset en feil som førte til at «Minimer»-knappen forsvant i samtalevinduer når appen forsøkte å koble til en samtale på nytt."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Vi har fikset en feil som førte til at det ikke gikk an å åpne klistremerkepakker hvis man trykket på lenken når appen var lukket."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "De versie van je database komt niet overeen met deze versie van Signal. Zorg ervoor dat je de nieuwste versie van Signal op je computer opent."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Er is een databasefout opgetreden. Je kunt de foutmelding kopiëren en contact opnemen met Signal Support om het probleem op te lossen. Als je Signal meteen wilt gebruiken, kun je proberen je gegevens te herstellen.\n\nGa naar {link} voor contact met support."
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Gegevens herstellen"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Bestand"
@ -420,7 +426,7 @@
"messageformat": "Het veiligheidsnummer dat je wilt verifiëren is veranderd. Controleer je nieuwe veiligheidsnummer met {name1}. Dit kan betekenen dat iemand je communicatie probeert te onderscheppen, of gewoon dat {name2} Signal opnieuw heeft geïnstalleerd."
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__message": {
"messageformat": "De volgende personen hebben Signal mogelijk opnieuw geïnstalleerd of kunnen van toestel zijn veranderd. Tik op een ontvanger om het nieuwe veiligheidsnummer te bevestigen. Dit is optioneel"
"messageformat": "De volgende personen hebben Signal mogelijk opnieuw geïnstalleerd of kunnen van toestel zijn veranderd. Tik op een ontvanger om het nieuwe veiligheidsnummer te bevestigen. Dit is optioneel."
"icu:safetyNumberChangeDialog__pending-messages": {
"messageformat": "Berichten in afwachting verzenden"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kon niet worden bijgewerkt. {retry} of bezoek {url} om Signal handmatig te installeren. Neem vervolgens {support} over dit probleem zodat we het in de toekomst kunnen voorkomen."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kan niet worden bijgewerkt. Bezoek {url} om handmatig een nieuwere versie te installeren. Neem vervolgens over dit probleem {support}."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop bevindt zich waarschijnlijk in een MacOS quarantaine, waardoor het niet automatisch kan bijwerken. Probeer de directory {app} met Finder naar {folder} te verplaatsen."
@ -1011,7 +1023,7 @@
"messageformat": "Verlaten"
"icu:ConversationHeader__CannotLeaveGroupBecauseYouAreLastAdminAlert__description": {
"messageformat": "Voordat je de groep verlaat, moet je ten minste één beheerder aanwijzen voor deze groep."
"messageformat": "Voordat je de groep verlaat moet je ten minste één beheerder aanwijzen voor deze groep."
"icu:sessionEnded": {
"messageformat": "Beveiligde sessie opnieuw ingesteld"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Gekoppelde apparaten"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Nieuw apparaat koppelen"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Meer informatie"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Instellingen"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Tik op {plusButton} (Android) of {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "De QR-code kon niet worden geladen. Controleer je internetverbinding en probeer het opnieuw. <retry>Opnieuw proberen</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Je hebt {name} geblokkeerd"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} is geblokkeerd"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} is geblokkeerd"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Je kunt hen niet zien of horen en zij kunnen jou niet zien of horen."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Kan geen audio en video van {name} ontvangen"
@ -1836,7 +1848,7 @@
"messageformat": "Probeer Signal opnieuw bij te werken"
"icu:autoUpdateContactSupport": {
"messageformat": "contact opnemen met ondersteuning"
"messageformat": "contact op met ondersteuning"
"icu:autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": {
"messageformat": "Klik hier om Signal opnieuw te starten"
@ -2430,7 +2442,7 @@
"messageformat": "Chat gemarkeerd als ongelezen"
"icu:ArtCreator--Authentication--error": {
"messageformat": "Je moet eerst Signal in gebruik nemen op je telefoon en op je desktop voor je de stickermaker kunt gebruiken"
"messageformat": "Je moet eerst Signal in gebruik nemen op je telefoon en op je desktop voordat je de stickermaker kunt gebruiken"
"icu:Reactions--remove": {
"messageformat": "Reactie verwijderen"
@ -3114,13 +3126,13 @@
"messageformat": "Beheerdersgoedkeuring van nieuwe leden is ingeschakeld voor de groepslink."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--you": {
"messageformat": "Je hebt uitgenodigd persoon {inviteeName} aan de groep toegevoegd."
"messageformat": "Je hebt uitgenodigd persoon {inviteeName} toegevoegd."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--other": {
"messageformat": "{memberName} heeft uitgenodigd persoon {inviteeName} aan de groep toegevoegd."
"messageformat": "{memberName} heeft uitgenodigd persoon {inviteeName} toegevoegd."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--invited--unknown": {
"messageformat": "Een lid van de groep heeft uitgenodigd persoon {inviteeName} aan de groep toegevoegd."
"messageformat": "Een lid van de groep heeft uitgenodigd persoon {inviteeName} toegevoegd."
"icu:GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other": {
"messageformat": "{inviteeName} heeft de groepsuitnodiging van {inviterName} geaccepteerd."
@ -3429,7 +3441,7 @@
"messageformat": "De leden of instellingen van deze groep zijn gewijzigd."
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--disabled--link": {
"messageformat": "Upgrade deze groep om nieuwe functies zoals @vermeldingen en beheerders te activeren. Leden die hun naam of foto niet in deze groep hebben gedeeld, worden uitgenodigd om lid te worden. <learnMoreLink>Meer informatie.</learnMoreLink>"
"messageformat": "Werk deze groep bij om nieuwe functies zoals @vermeldingen en beheerders te activeren. Leden die hun naam of profielfoto niet in deze groep hebben gedeeld, worden uitgenodigd om lid te worden. <learnMoreLink>Meer informatie.</learnMoreLink>"
"icu:GroupV1--Migration--was-upgraded": {
"messageformat": "Deze groep is omgezet in een nieuwe-stijl groep."
@ -3651,7 +3663,7 @@
"messageformat": "Groep deblokkeren"
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-must-choose-new-admin": {
"messageformat": "Voor je de groep verlaat moet je ten minste één beheerder aanwijzen voor deze groep."
"messageformat": "Voordat je de groep verlaat moet je ten minste één beheerder aanwijzen voor deze groep."
"icu:ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-modal-title": {
"messageformat": "Wil je de groep echt verlaten?"
@ -4932,7 +4944,7 @@
"messageformat": "Verhaalnaam (vereist)"
"icu:StoriesSettings__hide-story": {
"messageformat": "Verberg dit verhaal van"
"messageformat": "Verberg dit verhaal voor"
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__all--label": {
"messageformat": "Alle Signal-contacten"
@ -5214,7 +5226,7 @@
"messageformat": "Verhaal"
"icu:Quote__story-reaction": {
"messageformat": "Reageerde op het verhaal van {name}"
"messageformat": "Reageerde op een verhaal van {name}"
"icu:Quote__story-reaction--you": {
"messageformat": "Reageerde op je verhaal"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Kleine aanpassingen, bugfixes en prestatieverbeteringen. Bedankt dat je Signal gebruikt!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "We hebben een bug opgelost waardoor de knop waarmee je een oproep minimaliseert niet verscheen als een oproep opnieuw werd verbonden. Zo blijf je verbonden met eerdere chats, zelfs als het internet dat niet is."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "We wilden stickergebruik gemakkelijker maken. Daarom hebben we een bug gefixt waardoor je soms het stickerpakket niet te zien kreeg als je probeerde een link naar een stickerpakket te openen terwijl de app gesloten was."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਡਾਟਾਬੇਸ ਦਾ ਵਰਜ਼ਨ Signal ਦੇ ਇਸ ਵਰਜ਼ਨ ਨਾਲ ਮੇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਖਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ। ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਓ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ 'ਤੇ Signal ਦਾ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਨਵਾਂ ਵਰਜ਼ਨ ਖੋਲ੍ਹ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ।"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ਡਾਟਾਬੇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਗੜਬੜ ਆ ਗਈ ਹੈ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਗੜਬੜ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਕਾਪੀ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਅਤੇ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਨੂੰ ਹੱਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ Signal ਸਹਾਇਤਾ ਟੀਮ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਤੁਰੰਤ Signal ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣਾ ਡਾਟਾ ਰਿਕਵਰ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।\n\nਇੱਥੇੇ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਸਹਾਇਤਾ ਟੀਮ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰੋ: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "ਡਾਟਾ ਰਿਕਵਰ ਕਰੋ"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "ਫਾਇਲ(&F)"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal ਨੂੰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕੇ। {retry} ਜਾਂ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਖੁਦ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ {url} 'ਤੇ ਜਾਓ। ਫਿਰ, ਇਸ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਦੇ ਲਈ {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal ਨੂੰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕੇ। ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਖੁਦ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ {url} 'ਤੇ ਜਾਓ। ਫਿਰ, ਇਸ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਦੇ ਲਈ {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ਸੰਭਾਵਤ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ macOS ਕੁਆਰੰਟੀਨ ਹੈ, ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕੇਗਾ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਫ਼ਾਈਂਡਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ {app} ਨੂੰ {folder} ਵਿੱਚ ਲਿਜਾਉਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "ਲਿੰਕ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ ਡਿਵਾਈਸਾਂ"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "ਨਵੀਂ ਡਿਵਾਈਸ ਨੂੰ ਲਿੰਕ ਕਰੋ"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣੋ"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (Android) ਜਾਂ {linkNewDevice} (iPhone) 'ਤੇ ਟੈਪ ਕਰੋ"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR ਕੋਡ ਲੋਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਿਆ। ਆਪਣੇ ਇੰਟਰਨੈੱਟ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਮੁੜ-ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ। ਮੁੜ-ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "ਤੁਸੀਂ {name} ਉੱਤੇ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਗਾ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਹੈ"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ਉੱਤੇ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਗਾਈ ਗਈ ਹੈ"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ਉੱਤੇ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਗਾਈ ਗਈ ਹੈ"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਆਡੀਓ ਜਾਂ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਆਵੇਗੀ ਅਤੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਡੀਓ ਜਾਂ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕੋਗੇ।"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} ਤੋਂ ਆਡੀਓ ਤੇ ਵੀਡੀਓ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "ਛੋਟੇ-ਮੋਟੇ ਸੁਧਾਰ, ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਅਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨ ਨੂੰ ਬਿਹਤਰ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। Signal ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਖ਼ਰਾਬੀ ਨੂੰ ਦਰੁਸਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਇੱਕ ਕਾਲ ਨੂੰ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਕਨੈਕਟ ਕਰਨ ਵੇਲੇ ਕਾਲ ਸਕ੍ਰੀਨ ਨੂੰ ਛੋਟਾ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਬਟਨ ਨੂੰ ਦਿਖਣ ਤੋਂ ਰੋਕਦਾ ਸੀ।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "ਜਦੋਂ ਐਪ ਦੇ ਬੰਦ ਹੋਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸਟਿੱਕਰ ਪੈਕ ਦਾ ਲਿੰਕ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਦੇ ਸੀ ਤਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਬੱਗ ਕਈ ਵਾਰ Signal ਨੂੰ ਸਟਿੱਕਰ ਵਿਊਅਰ ਨੂੰ ਲਾਂਚ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਰੋਕਦਾ ਸੀ, ਅਸੀਂ ਉਹ ਬੱਗ ਠੀਕ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ।"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Wersja Twojej bazy danych jest niezgodna z tą wersją aplikacji Signal. Upewnij się, że otwierasz najnowszą wersję Signal na swoim komputerze."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Wystąpił błąd bazy danych. Aby uzyskać pomoc w jego naprawieniu, możesz skopiować błąd i skontaktować się z działem wsparcia Signal. Jeśli musisz skorzystać z aplikacji Signal już teraz, możesz podjąć próbę odzyskania danych.\n\nSkontaktuj się z działem wsparcia, przechodząc pod adres: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Chcę odzyskać dane"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Plik"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Aktualizacja Signal nie powiodła się. {retry} lub odwiedź {url}, aby zainstalować ręcznie. Następnie, {support} w sprawie tego problemu"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Aktualizacja Signal nie powiodła się. Odwiedź {url}, aby zainstalować aplikację ręcznie. Następnie, {support} w sprawie tego problemu"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop prawdopodobnie znajduje się w kwarantannie systemu MacOS i nie będzie można dokonać automatycznej aktualizacji. Spróbuj przenieść {app} do {folder} za pomocą Findera."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Połączone urządzenia"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Połącz nowe urządzenie"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Dowiedz się więcej"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ustawienia"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Stuknij {plusButton} (Android) lub {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Nie udało się załadować kodu QR. Sprawdź swoje połączenie z internetem i spróbuj ponownie. <retry>Ponów</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Zablokowano: {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} jest zablokowany(-a)"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} jest zablokowany(-a)"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Nie odbierzesz audio i wideo od tej osoby, a ona nie odbierze Twojego."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Nie można odebrać audio i wideo od {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Małe ulepszenia, poprawki błędów i zwiększona funkcjonalność. Dzięki za korzystanie z Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Naprawiliśmy błąd, który uniemożliwiał pojawienie się przycisku minimalizowania połączenia w trakcie ponownego łączenia. Od teraz nie będziesz już rozłączony(-a) z poprzednimi czatami, nawet jeśli sam internet postanowi się rozłączyć."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Naprawiliśmy błąd, który czasem pojawiał się po kliknięciu w link do pakietu naklejek przy zamkniętej aplikacji i uniemożliwiał uruchomienie przeglądarki naklejek. Od teraz otwieranie naklejek jest tak proste, że nie sposób się od nich odkleić!"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "A versão da sua base de dados não corresponde a esta versão do Signal. Confira se está abrindo a versão mais recente do Signal no seu computador."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Ocorreu um erro no banco de dados. Copie a mensagem de erro e entre em contato com o suporte do Signal para resolver o problema. Se precisar usar o Signal imediatamente, tente recuperar seus dados.\n\nEntre em contato com o suporte aqui: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Recuperar dados"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Arquivo"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal não foi atualizado. {retry} ou visite {url} para você instalar a atualização. Em seguida, {support} sobre esse problema"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal não foi atualizado. Visite {url} para instalá-lo manualmente. Em seguida, {support} sobre esse problema"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "O Signal Desktop possivelmente está na quarentena do macOS, portanto não será capaz de atualizar-se automaticamente, Por favor, tente mover {app} para {folder} usando o Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Aparelhos vinculados"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Vincular novo aparelho"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saiba mais"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Configurações"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Toque em {plusButton} (Android) ou em {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Não foi possível carregar o QR code. Verifique a sua conexão de internet e tente novamente. <retry>Tente novamente</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Você bloqueou {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Você bloqueou {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Você bloqueou {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Ao bloquear contatos, você não receberá mais o áudio ou o vídeo deles, e eles também não receberão os seus."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Não é possível receber áudio e vídeo de {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Pequenas alterações adicionais, correções de bugs e melhorias de desempenho. Agradecemos por usar o Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Corrigimos um erro que impedia o botão de minimizar a chamada de aparecer durante a reconexão da chamada. Agora você não perde a conexão com as conversas anteriores, mesmo quando a internet estiver meio \"fora do ar\"."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Corrigimos um erro que às vezes impedia o Signal de abrir o visualizador de figurinhas ao tentar abrir um link de pacote de figurinhas com o app fechado."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "A versão da sua base de dados não corresponde a esta versão do Signal. Certifique-se de que está a abrir a versão mais recente do Signal no computador."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Ocorreu um erro na base de dados. Pode copiar o erro e entrar em contacto com o suporte do Signal para ajudar a corrigir o problema. Se precisar de usar o Signal imediatamente, pode tentar recuperrar os seus dados.\n\nEntre em contacto com o suporte visitando: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Recuperar dados"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Ficheiro"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "O Signal não conseguiu atualizar. {retry} ou visite {url} para o instalar manualmente. Depois, {support} acerca deste problema"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal não foi atualizado. Visite {url} para instalá-lo manualmente. De seguida, {support} acerca deste problema"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Provavelmente o Signal Desktop encontra-se na quarentena do macOS e como tal não será possível atualizar automaticamente. Por favor, tente mover {app} para {folder} com o Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Dispositivos associados"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Associar um novo dispositivo"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Saber mais"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Definições"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Toque em {plusButton} (Android) ou em {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Não foi possível carregar o código QR. Verifique a sua internet e tente novamente. <retry>Tentar novamente</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Bloqueou {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "O utilizador {name} está bloqueado"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "O utilizador {name} está bloqueado"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Não irá receber os áudios e vídeos deles e eles não receberão os seus."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Não pode receber áudio e vídeo de {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Pequenos ajustes adicionais, correções de bugs e melhorias de desempenho. Obrigado por usar o Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Corrigimos um erro que impedia que o botão para minimizar uma chamada aparecesse enquanto essa chamada estava a ser restabelecida."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Corrigimos um erro que impedia o Signal de inicializar o visualizador de autocolantes caso tentasse abrir um link de pacote de autocolantes sem ter a app aberta."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Versiunea bazei de date nu se potrivește cu această versiune de Signal. Asigură-te că deschizi cea mai nouă versiune de Signal pe computer."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "A apărut o eroare la baza de date. Poți copia eroarea și contacta serviciul de asistență Signal, pentru a ajuta la remedierea problemei. Dacă trebuie să utilizezi Signal imediat, poți încerca să îți recuperezi datele.\n\nContactează serviciul de asistență vizitând: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Recuperează datele"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Fișier"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal nu a putut fi actualizat. {retry} sau mergi la {url} pentru a o instala manual. Apoi, {support} în legătură cu această problemă"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal nu a putut fi actualizat. Mergi la {url} pentru a instala manual. Apoi, {support} în legătură cu această problemă"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop se află probabil în carantină macOS, și nu va putea fi actualizat automat. Te rugăm să încearci să muți {app} în {folder} folosind Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Dispozitive asociate"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Asociază dispozitiv nou"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Află mai multe"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Setări"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Atinge {plusButton} (Android) sau {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Codul QR nu a putut fi încărcat. Verifică internetul și încearcă din nou. <retry>Încearcă din nou</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Ai blocat pe {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} este blocat"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} este blocat"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Nu-i vei auzi sau vedea pe interlocutorii tăi iar ei nu te vor auzi sau vedea pe tine."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Nu pot primi semnal voce și semnal video de la {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mici ajustări, soluționări de bug-uri și îmbunătățiri ale performanței. Mersi că folosești Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Am remediat o eroare care împiedica să apară butonul pentru minimizarea apelului, când apelul se reconecta. Acum nu trebuie să te simți deconectat/ă de la conversațiile precedente, chiar dacă uneori așa se întâmplă pe internet."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Am vrut ca lucrurile să fie mai simple și mai rapide pentru cei care dau clic pe stickere, așa că, am remediat o eroare care uneori împiedica Signal să lanseze vizualizatorul de stickere dacă încercai să deschizi un link pentru un pachet de stickere în timp ce aplicația era închisă."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Ваша версия базы данных не соответствует этой версии Signal. Убедитесь, что на вашем компьютере установлена самая последняя версия Signal."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Произошла ошибка базы данных. Вы можете создать копию ошибки и обратиться в службу поддержки Signal для решения проблемы. Если вы хотите использовать Signal прямо сейчас, вы можете попытаться восстановить свои данные.\n\nСвязаться с поддержкой можно по адресу: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Восстановить данные"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Файл"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal не удалось обновиться. {retry} или посетите {url}, чтобы установить обновление вручную. Затем {support} об этой проблеме"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal не удалось обновиться. Посетите {url}, чтобы установить обновление вручную. Затем {support} об этой проблеме"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Скорее всего, Signal Desktop находится в карантине macOS и не сможет обновляться автоматически. Пожалуйста, попробуйте переместить {app} в {folder} при помощи Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Привязанные устройства"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Привязать новое устройство"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Узнать больше"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Настройки"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Нажмите {plusButton} (Android) или {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Не удалось загрузить QR-код. Проверьте подключение к интернету и попробуйте снова. <retry>Повторить попытку</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Вы заблокировали {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} заблокирован(-а)"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} заблокирован(-а)"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Вы не будете получать аудио и видео этого участника, и он не будет получать ваши."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Невозможно получать аудио и видео от {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Небольшие изменения, исправления ошибок и улучшения производительности. Спасибо за то, что пользуетесь Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой кнопка сворачивания звонка не появлялась при повторном подключении. Теперь вы не будете чувствовать себя оторванными от предыдущих чатов, даже если интернет вроде бы отключился."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Мы хотели, чтобы кликеры по стикерам кликали по стикерам максимально быстро, поэтому исправили ошибку, из-за которой Signal иногда не мог запустить просмотр стикеров, если вы пытались открыть ссылку на набор стикеров, когда приложения было закрыто."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Verzia vašej databázy sa nezhoduje s touto verziou Signalu. Uistite sa, že na počítači otvárate najnovšiu verziu aplikácie Signal."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Vyskytla sa chyba databázy. Môžete skopírovať chybu a kontaktovať podporu Signal, aby vám pomohla problém vyriešiť. Ak potrebujete Signal použiť hneď teraz, môžete sa pokúsiť obnoviť svoje údaje.\n\nKontaktujte podporu na: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Obnoviť údaje"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Súbor"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal sa nepodarilo aktualizovať. {retry} alebo navštívte {url} a nainštalujte ho manuálne. Potom {support} s týmto problémom"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal sa nepodarilo aktualizovať. Navštívte {url} a nainštalujte ho manuálne. Potom kontaktujte {support} o tomto probléme"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop je pravdepodobne v karanténe macOS a preto sa nedokáže automaticky aktualizovať. Prosím skúste premiestniť {app} do {folder} pomocou programu Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Pripojené zariadenia"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Pripojiť Nové Zariadenie"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Dozvedieť sa viac"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Nastavenia"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Klepnite {plusButton} (Android) or {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR kód sa nepodarilo načítať. Skontrolujte internetové pripojenie a skúste to znova. <retry>Skúsiť znova</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Zablokovali ste používateľa {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Používateľ {name} je blokovaný"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Používateľ {name} je blokovaný"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Od tohto používateľa neprijmete audio ani video a oni ich zas neprijmú od vás."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Nie je možné prijať audio a video od používateľa {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Malé úpravy, opravy chýb a vylepšenia výkonu. Ďakujeme, že používate Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Opravili sme chybu, ktorá bránila zobrazeniu tlačidla na minimalizáciu hovoru pri opätovnom pripájaní hovoru."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Opravili sme chybu, ktorá niekedy zabránila Signalu spustiť prehliadač nálepiek, ak ste sa pokúsili otvoriť odkaz na balíček nálepiek, keď bola aplikácia zatvorená."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Različica vaše zbirke podatkov se ne ujema s to različico Signala. Prepričajte se, da v računalniku odpirate najnovejšo različico Signala."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Prišlo je do napake v zbirki podatkov. Napako lahko kopirate in se obrnete na podporo za Signal, da vam pomaga odpraviti težavo. Če morate Signal uporabiti takoj, lahko poskusite obnoviti podatke.\n\nObrnite se na podporo tako, da obiščete: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Obnovitev podatkov"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Datoteka"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal se ni mogel posodobiti. {retry} ali obiščite {url} za ročno namestitev. Nato, {support} o tem problemu"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal se ni uspel posodobiti. Za ročno namestitev obiščite {url}. Nato {support} o tem problemu."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Aplikacija Signal Desktop je najverjetneje v karanteni sistema macOS in se zato ne more samo-nadgraditi. Poskusite premakniti datoteko {app} v {folder} z orodjem Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Povezane naprave"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Poveži novo napravo"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Preberite več"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Nastavitve"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Tapnite {plusButton} (Android) ali {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Kode QR ni bilo mogoče naložiti. Preverite svojo internetno povezavo in poskusite znova. <retry>Poskusi znova</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Blokirali ste uporabnika_co {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} je blokiran_a"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} je blokiran_a"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Ne boste prejemali njihovega zvoka ali videa, oni pa ne vašega."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Ne morete prejemati zvoka in videa od uporabnika_ce {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Majhne prilagoditve, popravki napak in izboljšave zmogljivosti. Hvala, da uporabljate Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Odpravili smo napako, ki je preprečevala, da bi se gumb za minimizacijo klica prikazal, ko se je klic ponovno povezoval. Zdaj se vam ni treba počutiti nepovezanega/-o s prejšnjimi klepeti, tudi če je internet nepovezan."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Želeli smo, da bi bile stvari za tiste, ki klikajo na nalepke, brezhibne in hitrejše, zato smo odpravili napako, zaradi katere Signal včasih ni mogel zagnati pregledovalnika nalepk, če ste poskušali odpreti povezavo do paketa nalepk, ko je bila aplikacija zaprta."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Versioni i bazës së të dhënave nuk përputhet me këtë version të Signal. Sigurohu që po hap versionin më të ri të Signal në kompjuterin tënd."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Gabim në bazën e të dhënave. Mund ta kopjosh gabimin dhe të kontaktosh ndihmën nga Signal që të të ndihmojë ta rregullosh problemin. Nëse të duhet ta përdorësh Signal menjëherë, mund të provosh të rikthesh të dhënat e tua.\n\nKontakto ekipin e ndihmës në: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Rikthe të dhënat"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Kartelë"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal-i su përditësua dot. {retry}, ose vizitoni {url} që ta instaloni dorazi. Mandej, {support} rreth këtij problemi"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal-i su përditësua dot. Vizitoni {url}, që ta instaloni dorazi. Mandej, {support} rreth këtij problemi"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal-i për Desktop gjendet në një si punë karantine nga macOS-i, dhe sdo të jetë në gjendje të vetëpërditësohet. Ju lutemi, provoni të kaloni {app} te {folder} me Finder-in."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Pajisje të Lidhura"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Lidhini Pajisje të Re"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Mësoni më tepër"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Parametrat"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Prekni {plusButton} (Android) ose {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Kodi QR nuk mundi të ngarkohej. Kontrollo internetin dhe provo sërish. <retry>Riprovo</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Ke bllokuar {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} është bllokuar"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} është bllokuar"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Sdo ta merrni audion ose videon e tyre dhe as ata tuajat."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "S\\mund të merret audio dhe video prej {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Rregullme të vogla, riparime të gabimeve dhe përmirësime të mbarëvajtjes. Faleminderit që përdorni Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Defekti që pengonte shfaqjen e butonit për të minimizuar një telefonatë gjatë rilidhjes së saj u rregullua. Tani nuk ke nevojë të ndihesh i shkëputur nga bisedat e mëparshme edhe nëse interneti duket sikur shkëputet."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Ne donim që gjërat të ishin më të shkëlqyeshme dhe më të shpejta për klikuesit e ngjitëseve, ndaj rregulluam një defekt që ndonjëherë e pengonte Signal të hapte shikuesin e ngjitëseve nëse përpiqeshe të hapje një lidhje të paketës së ngjitëseve ndërsa aplikacioni ishte i mbyllur."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Верзија ваше базе података не одговара овој верзији Signal-а. Проверите да ли сте отворили најновију верзију Signal-а на рачунару."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Десила се грешка са базом података. Можете да копирате грешку и обратите се подршци за Signal да допринесете решавању проблема. Ако желите одмах да користите Signal, можете да пробате да вратите податке.\n\nОбратите се подршци тако што ћете посетити: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Врати податке"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Фајл"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal није успео да се ажурира. {retry} или идите на {url} да бисте ручно инсталирали. Затим, {support} у вези са проблемом"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal није успео да се ажурира. Идите на {url} да бисте ручно инсталирали. Затим, {support} у вези са проблемом"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop је вероватно у карантину macOS-а и неће моћи да се аутоматски ажурира. Пробајте да померите {app} у {folder} помоћу Finder-а."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Повезани уређаји"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Повежи нови уређај"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Сазнај више"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Подешавања"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Додирните {plusButton} (Android) или {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR код не може да се учита. Проверите да ли сте повезани на интернет и пробајте поново. <retry>Пробајте поново</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Блокирали сте корисника {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} је блокиран(а)"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} је блокиран(а)"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Нећете примати њихов аудио или видео, а ни они ваш."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Није могуће примити аудио и видео од корисника {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Обавили смо мања фина прилагођавања, исправке грешака и побољшања перформанси. Хвала што користите Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Исправили смо грешку која је спречавала да се дугме за минимизирање позива појави док се позив поново повезује."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Исправили смо грешку која је понекад онемогућавала Signal-у да покрене прегледач налепница када покушате да отворите линк пакета налепница док је апликација затворена."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Versionen av din databas matchar inte den här versionen av Signal. Se till att du öppnar den senaste versionen av Signal på din dator."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Ett databasfel inträffade. Du kan kopiera felet och kontakta Signal-supporten för att hjälpa till att åtgärda problemet. Om du behöver använda Signal på en gång kan du försöka återställa dina data.\n\nKontakta supporten genom att besöka: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Återställ data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Arkiv"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Det gick inte att uppdatera Signal. {retry} eller besök {url} för att installera det manuellt. Därefter, {support} om detta problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal kunde inte uppdateras. Besök {url} för att installera det manuellt. Sedan, {support} om det här problemet"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop är sannolikt i en MacOS-karantän och kan inte uppdateras automatiskt. Försök att flytta {app} till {folder} med Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Länkade enheter"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Länka ny enhet"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Läs mer"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Inställningar"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Tryck på {plusButton} (Android) eller {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR-koden kunde inte läsas in. Kontrollera ditt internet och försök igen. <retry>Försök igen</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Du har blockerat {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} är blockerad"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} är blockerad"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Du kommer inte att ta emot deras ljud eller video och de kommer inte att ta emot dina."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Kan inte ta emot ljud och video från {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Små justeringer, buggfixar och prestandaförbättringar. Tack för att du använder Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Vi har åtgärdat en bugg som gjorde att knappen för att minimera ett samtal inte visades medan samtalet återanslöts. Release-anteckningar för version 7.16"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Vi har åtgärdat en bugg som ibland hindrade Signal från att starta visaren för klistermärken om du försökte öppna en länk till ett klistermärkespaket medan appen var stängd."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Toleo hili la kanzidata halilingani na toleo la Signal. Hakikisha unafungua toleo jipya zaidi la Signal kwenye kompyuta yako."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Hitilafu ya kanzidata imetokea. Unaweza kunakili hitilafu kisha uwasiliane na msaada wa Signal ili usaidiwe kurekebisha tatizo. Ikiwa utahitaji kutumia Signal muda huo huo, unaweza kujaribu kurejesha data yako.\n\nWasiliana na watoa huduma kwa kutembelea: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Rejesha data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Faili"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal haingeweza kusasishwa. {retry} au tembelea {url} ili kusanikisha mwenyewe. Kisha, {support} kuhusu tatizo hili"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal haingeweza kusasishwa. Tembelea {url} kusanikisha mwenyewe. Kisha, {support} kuhusu tatizo hili"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Huenda Signal Desktop ipo katika karantini ya macOS, na haitaweza kusasisha kiotomatiki. Tafadhali jaribu kuhamishia {app} kwenye {folder} kwa kutumia Kitafutaji."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Vifaa Vilivyounganishwa"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Unganisha Kifaa Kipya"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Jifunze zaidi"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Mipangilio"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Bonyeza {plusButton} (Android) au {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Msimbo wa QR umeshindwa kupakia. Angalia mtandao wako na ujaribu tena. <retry>Jaribu Upya</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Umemzuia {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} amezuiliwa"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} amezuiliwa"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Hutapokea sauti au video yake na hatapokea yako."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Huwezi kupokea sauti na video kutoka kwa {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Mabadiliko madogo, marekebisho ya bugs na uboreshaji wa utendaji. Asante kwa kutumia Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Tumerekebisha hitilafu ambayo ilikuwa inazuia kitufe cha kushusha upau wa simu kisionekane wakati simu inaunganisha upya. Sasa huna haja ya kujihisi hujaunganishwa na magumzo yaliyopita hata kama muunganisho wa mtandao hauko vizuri."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Tulitaka kufanya mambo yawe mepesi kwenye vibofya vibandiko, hivyo tukarekebisha hitilafu ambayo wakati mwingine ilizuia Signal isiwashe kipengele cha kitazama vibandiko kama ukijaribu kufungua kiungo cha pakiti ya vibandiko wakati programu imefungwa."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "உங்கள் தரவுத்தளத்தின் பதிப்பு Signal இன் இந்தப் பதிப்போடு பொருந்தவில்லை. உங்கள் கணினியில் Signal இன் புதிய பதிப்பைத் திறக்கிறீர்கள் என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்தவும்."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ஒரு தரவுத்தளப் பிழை ஏற்பட்டது. நீங்கள் பிழையை நகலெடுத்து, சிக்கலைச் சரிசெய்ய சிக்னல் ஆதரவைத் தொடர்புகொள்ளலாம். நீங்கள் உடனடியாக சிக்னலைப் பயன்படுத்த வேண்டும் என்றால், உங்கள் தரவை மீட்டெடுக்க முயற்சி செய்ய முயற்சிக்கலாம்.\n\nபின்வரும் இணைப்பைப் பார்வையிடுவதன் மூலம் ஆதரவைத் தொடர்புகொள்ளவும்: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "தரவை மீட்டெடு"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&கோப்பு"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "சிக்னலைப் புதுப்பிக்க முடியவில்லை. அதை கைமுறையாக நிறுவ{retry} அல்லது {url}-ஐ பார்வையிடவும். பின்னர், இந்த பிரச்சனை பற்றி {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "சிக்னலைப் புதுப்பிக்க முடியவில்லை. அதை கைமுறையாக நிறுவ {url}-ஐ பார்வையிடவும். பின்னர், இந்த பிரச்சனை பற்றி {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop டெஸ்க்டாப் ஒரு macOS தனிமைப்படுத்தலில் இருக்கலாம், அதனால் தானாக புதுப்பிக்க முடியாது. {app} பயன்பாட்டை {folder} கோப்புறையில் Finder மூலம் நகர்த்த முயற்சிக்கவும்."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "இணைக்கப்பட்ட சாதனங்கள்"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "புதிய சாதனத்தை இணைக்கவும்"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "மேலும் அறிக"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "அமைப்புகள்"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (ஆண்ட்ராய்டு) அல்லது {linkNewDevice} (ஐ ஃபோன்)-ஐத் தட்டவும்"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR குறியீட்டை ஏற்ற முடியவில்லை. உங்கள் இணையத்தைச் சரிபார்த்து மீண்டும் முயலவும். <retry>மீண்டும் முயல்க</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "{name} ஐத் தடைசெய்துள்ளீர்கள்"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} தடுக்கப்பட்டார்"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} தடுக்கப்பட்டார்"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "நீங்கள் அவற்றைப் பெற மாட்டீர்கள் ஆடியோ அல்லது வீடியோ அவர்கள் உங்களுடையதைப் பெற மாட்டார்கள்."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name}இலிருந்து ஆடியோ மற்றும் வீடியோவைப் பெற முடியவில்லை"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "சிறு மாற்றங்கள், பிழை திருத்தங்கள் மற்றும் செயல்திறன் மேம்பாடுகள். சிக்னலைப் பயன்படுத்தியதற்கு நன்றி!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "அந்த அழைப்பை மீண்டும் இணைக்கும் போது, அழைப்புத்திரை தோன்றுவதைக் சிறிதாக்கும் பொத்தானைத் தடுக்கும் ஒரு பிழையைச் சரிசெய்துள்ளோம்."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "செயலி மூடப்பட்டிருக்கும் போது ஸ்டிக்கர் பேக் இணைப்பைத் திறக்க முயற்சி செய்யும்போது, சில சமயங்களில் சிக்னல் ஸ்டிக்கர் வியூவரைத் தொடங்குவதைத் தடுக்கும் பிழையை நாங்கள் சரிசெய்துள்ளோம்."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "మీ డేటాబేస్ యొక్క వెర్షన్ Signal యొక్క ఈ వెర్షన్‌తో సరిపోలడం లేదు. మీరు మీ కంప్యూటరులో Signal యొక్క తాజా వెర్షన్‌ను తెరుస్తున్నారని నిర్ధారించుకోండి."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "డేటాబేస్ లోపం ఏర్పడింది. మీరు లోపం కాపీ చేసి, సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడంలో సహాయపడటానికి Signal మద్దతును సంప్రదించవచ్చు. ఒకవేళ మీరు Signal ను ఇప్పుడే ఉపయోగించాల్సిన అవసరం ఉంటే, మీరు మీ డేటాను రికవర్ చేయడానికి ప్రయత్నించవచ్చు.\n\nదీనిని సందర్శించడం ద్వారా మద్దతును సంప్రదించండి: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "డేటాను రికవర్ చేయండి"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&పంక్తి"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signalని అప్‌డేట్ చేయలేం. దీనిని మాన్యువల్‌గా ఇన్‌స్టాల్ చేయడానికి {retry} లేదా {url}ని సందర్శించండి. తరువాత, ఈ సమస్య గురించి {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal ని అప్‌డేట్ చేయలేం. దీనిని మాన్యువల్‌గా ఇన్‌స్టాల్ చేయడానికి {url}ని సందర్శించండి. తరువాత, ఈ సమస్య గురించి {support}ని సంప్రదించండి."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop macOS నిర్బంధంలో ఉండవచ్చు మరియు స్వయంచాలకంగా నవీకరించబడదు. ఫైండర్‌తో {app} నుండి {folder} వరకు తరలించడానికి ప్రయత్నించండి."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "పరికరాలు అనుసంధానించు"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "కొత్త పరికరాన్ని అనుసంధానించు"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "ఇంకా నేర్చుకో"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "అమరికలు"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (Android) లేదా {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)ని తట్టండి"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR కోడ్ లోడ్ కాలేకపోయింది. మీ ఇంటర్నెట్‌ను తనిఖీ చేయండి మరియు మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి. <retry>మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "మీరు {name}ను బ్లాక్ చేశారు"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} బ్లాక్ చేయబడ్డారు"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} బ్లాక్ చేయబడ్డారు"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "మీరు వారి ఆడియో లేదా వీడియోను స్వీకరించరు మరియు వారు మీది స్వీకరించరు."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} నుండి ఆడియో మరియు వీడియోను స్వీకరించలేరు"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "చిన్న ట్వీక్‌లు, బగ్ ఫిక్స్‌లు, మరియు పనితీరు మెరుగుదలలు. Signal ఉపయోగించినందుకు మీకు ధన్యవాదాలు!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "కాల్ మళ్లీ కనెక్ట్ అవుతున్నప్పుడు కాల్ కనిపించకుండా మినిమైజ్ చేసే బటన్‌ను నిరోధించే బగ్‌ను మేము పరిష్కరించాము. ఒకవేళ ఇంటర్నెట్ డిస్‌కనెక్ట్ అయినట్లు భావించినప్పటికీ మునుపటి చాట్‌ల నుండి డిస్‌కనెక్ట్ అయినట్లు ఇప్పుడు మీరు భావించాల్సిన అవసరం లేదు."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "యాప్ మూసివేయబడినప్పుడు ఒకవేళ మీరు స్టిక్కర్ ప్యాక్ లింక్‌ను తెరవడానికి ప్రయత్నించినట్లయితే స్టిక్కర్ వ్యూయర్‌ను ప్రారంభించకుండా కొన్నిసార్లు సిగ్నల్‌ను నిరోధించే బగ్‌ను మేము పరిష్కరించాము."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "เวอร์ชันฐานข้อมูลของคุณไม่ตรงกับ Signal เวอร์ชันนี้ ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่า Signal ที่คุณเปิดอยู่บนคอมพิวเตอร์เป็นเวอร์ชันล่าสุด"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดด้านฐานข้อมูล คุณสามารถคัดลอกข้อมูลความผิดพลาดนี้แล้วติดต่อฝ่ายสนับสนุนของ Signal ให้ช่วยแก้ไขปัญหาดังกล่าว ในกรณีที่คุณต้องการใช้ Signal ทันที คุณสามารถพยายามกู้คืนข้อมูลของคุณได้\n\nติดต่อฝ่ายสนับสนุนโดยไปที่: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "กู้คืนข้อมูล"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "แ&ฟ้ม"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "ไม่สามารถปรับรุ่น Signal ได้ กรุณา {retry} หรือไปที่ {url} เพื่อติดตั้งด้วยตัวเอง จากนั้น {support} ปัญหานี้"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "ไม่สามารถปรับรุ่น Signal ได้ ไปที่ {url} เพื่อติดตั้งด้วยตัวเอง จากนั้น {support} ปัญหานี้"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "ดูเหมือนว่า Signal Desktop จะถูก macOS กักบริเวณและไม่สามารถปรับปรุงตัวเองได้อัตโนมัติ ลองย้าย {app} ไปที่ {folder} ด้วย Finder"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "อุปกรณ์ที่เชื่อมโยง"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "เชื่อมโยงอุปกรณ์ใหม่"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "การตั้งค่า"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "แตะ {plusButton} (Android) หรือ {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "ไม่สามารถโหลดคิวอาร์โค้ดได้ ตรวจสอบอินเทอร์เน็ตแล้วลองอีกครั้ง <retry>ลองอีกครั้ง</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "คุณบล็อก {name} แล้ว"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ถูกบล็อกอยู่"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} ถูกบล็อกอยู่"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "คุณจะไม่ได้รับเสียงหรือวิดีโอของพวกเขา และพวกเขาจะไม่ได้รับเสียงและวิดีโอของคุณ"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "ไม่สามารถเสียงและวิดีโอจาก {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "มีการปรับเปลี่ยนเล็กน้อย พร้อมแก้ไขบั๊ก และการพัฒนาประสิทธิภาพให้ดียิ่งขึ้น ขอขอบคุณที่เลือกใช้ Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "เราแก้ไขบั๊กที่ทำให้ปุ่มย่อหน้าต่างการโทรหายไปในระหว่างที่ระบบกำลังเชื่อมต่อสายนั้นใหม่"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "เราแก้ไขบั๊กที่อาจเคยทำให้ Signal ไม่สามารถเปิดหน้าสติกเกอร์ในกรณีที่คุณพยายามเปิดลิงก์ของชุดสติกเกอร์ขณะที่แอปปิดอยู่"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Hindi magka-match ang version ng database mo at ang version na ito ng Signal. Siguraduhing buksan ang pinakabagong version ng Signal sa computer mo."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Nagkaroon ng database error. Pwede mong kopyahin ang error at kontakin ang Signal support para matulungan kang ayusin ang isyung ito. Kung kailangan mong magamit agad ang Signal, maaari mong subukang i-recover ang iyong data.\n\nKontakin ang support sa pamamagitan ng pagpunta sa: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "I-recover ang data"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&File"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Hindi ma-update ang Signal. {retry} o i-visit ang {url} para ma-install ito manually. Pagkatapos, {support} tungkol sa problem na ito."
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Hindi ma-update ang Signal. I-visit ang {url} para ma-install ito manually. Pagkatapos, {support} tungkol sa problem na ito."
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Ang Signal Desktop ay maaaring nasa macOS quarantine, at hindi pwedeng mag-auto update. Subukang i-move ang {app} sa {folder} with Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Mga naka-link na device"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Mag-link ng bagong device"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Matuto pa"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Settings"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "I-tap ang {plusButton} (Android) o {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Hindi ma-load ang QR code. I-check ang iyong internet at subukan ulit. <retry>Subukan ulit</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Binlock mo si {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Naka-block si {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Naka-block si {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Hindi ninyo matatanggap ang audio o video ng isa't-isa."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Hindi ma-receive ang audio at video galing kay {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Dagdag na maliliit na pag-aayos, pag-alis ng bugs, at pagpapaganda ng takbo ng app. Maraming salamat sa paggamit ng Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "May inayos kaming bug na pinipigilang lumabas ang button para sa pag-minimize ng call habang nagre-reconnect ang call na iyon."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "May inayos kaming bug na pumipigil sa Signal na i-launch ang sticker viewer kapag sinubukan mong magbukas ng sticker pack link habang nakasara ang app."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Veri tabanının sürümü Signal'in bu sürümüyle eşleşmiyor. Bilgisayarında Signal'in en son sürümünü açtığından emin ol."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Bir veri tabanı hatası oluştu. Hatayı kopyalayıp sorunun giderilmesine yardımcı olmak için Signal destekle iletişime geçebilirsin. Signal'i hemen kullanman gerekiyorsa verilerini kurtarmaya çalışabilirsin.\n\nŞu adresi ziyaret ederek destekle iletişime geçebilirsin: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Verileri kurtar"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Dosya"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal güncellenemedi. {retry} veya el ile kurmak için {url}. Sonra, bu sorun hakkında {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal güncellenemedi. El ile kurmak için {url} adresini ziyaret edin. Sonra, bu sorun hakkında {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop muhtemelen macOS karantinasında ve otomatik güncellenemeyecek. Lütfen Bulucu ile {app} uygulamasını {folder} klasörüne taşıyın."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Bağlı cihazlar"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Yeni Cihaz Bağla"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Dahasını öğrenin"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ayarlar"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton}'ya (Android) ya da {linkNewDevice}'a (iOS) tıklayın"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR kod yüklenemedi. İnternet bağlantını kontrol et ve tekrar dene. <retry>Tekrar dene</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "{name} kişisini engelledin"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} engellendi"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} engellendi"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Birbirinizin sesini veya görüntüsünü alamayacaksınız."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} kişisinden ses ve görüntü alınamıyor"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Küçük ince ayarlar, hata düzeltmeleri ve performans geliştirmeleri yaptık. Signal'i kullandığın için teşekkürler!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Arama yeniden bağlanırken, aramayı simge durumuna küçültme düğmesinin görünmesini engelleyen bir hatayı düzelttik. Artık internet bağlantısı kopuyor da olsa, önceki sohbetlerden kopuk hissetmene gerek yok."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Uygulama kapalıyken bir çıkartma paketi bağlantısını açmaya çalıştığında Signal'in bazen çıkartma görüntüleyiciyi başlatmasını engelleyen bir hatayı düzelttik."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "سىزنىڭ ساندانىڭىزنىڭ نەشرى Signalنىڭ بۇ نەشرىگە ماس كەلمەيدۇ. كومپيۇتېرىڭىزدا Signalنىڭ ئەڭ يېڭى نەشىرىنى ئېچىۋاتقانلىقىڭىزنى جەزملەشتۈرۈڭ."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ئۇچۇر ئامبىرىدا بىرتال خاتالىق كۆرۈلدى. خاتالىقنى كۆچۈرىۋېلىپ ئۇنى ئوڭشاش ئۈچۈن سىگنال ياردەم مەركىزى بىلەن ئالاقىلىشىڭ. سىگنالنى دەرھال ئىشلەتمەكچى بولسىڭىز، سانلىق مەلۇماتلىرىڭىزنى ئەسلىگە كەلتۈرۈشنى سىناپ بېقىڭ.\n\nياردەم تەلەپ قىلىش ئۇلانمىسى: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "سانلىق مەلۇماتنى ئەسلىگە كەلتۈرۈش"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&ھۆججەت"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal يېڭىلانمىدى. {retry} ياكى «{url}» نى زىيارەت قىلىپ ئۇنى قولدا قاچىلاڭ. ئاندىن {support} بىلەن بۇ مەسىلە ھەققىدە ئالاقىلىشىڭ"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal يېڭىلانمىدى. «{url}» نى زىيارەت قىلىپ ئۇنى قولدا قاچىلاڭ. ئاندىن {support} بىلەن بۇ مەسىلە ھەققىدە ئالاقىلىشىڭ"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal ئۈستەليۈزى نەشرى macOS نىڭ ئايرىۋېتىلگەن رايونىدا بولۇشى مۇمكىن، ئاپتوماتىك يېڭىلىغىلى بولمايدۇ. «{app}» نى Finder دا «{folder}» گە يۆتكەڭ."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "باغلانغان ئۈسكۈنىلەر"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "يېڭى ئۈسكۈنىگە باغلان"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "كۆپرەك ئۆگىنىش"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "تەڭشەكلەر"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "«{plusButton}» نى (Android) ياكى «{linkNewDevice}» (iPhone) نى چېكىڭ"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR كودىنى يۈكلىيەلمىدى. تور ئۇلىنىشىڭىزنى تەكشۈرۈپ قايتا سىناڭ. <retry>قايتا سىناش</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "{name} نى چەكلىدىڭىز"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} چەكلەندى"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} چەكلەندى"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "سىز ئۇلارنىڭ ئۈن ۋە سىنلىرىنى تاپشۇرۇۋالمايسىز، ئۇلارمۇ سىزنىڭكىنى تاپشۇرۇۋالمايدۇ."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} دىن ئۈن ۋە سىن تاپشۇرۇۋالالمايدۇ"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "كىچىك ئۆزگەرتىشلەر كىرگۈزۈلدى، كاشىلا ھەل قىلىندى ۋە ئىقتىدار ئەلالاشتۇرۇلدى. Signal نى ئىشلەتكەنلىكىڭىزگە رەھمەت!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "بىز تېلېفون قايتا ئۇلىنىۋاتقاندا تېلېفوننىڭ كۆرۈنۈشنىڭ كىچىكلەپ كېتىلىشىنىڭ ئالدىنى ئالىدىغان كەمتۈكلىكنى تۈزىدۇق. ھازىر تور ئۈزۈلۈپ قالغاندەك ھېس قىلسىڭىزمۇ ئىلگىرىكى پاراڭلاردىن ئۈزۈلۈپ قالغاندەك ھېس قىلمايسىز."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "بىز چاپلاق چېكىشنىڭ سىلىق ھەم تېز بولۇشىنى ئۈمىد قىلىپ ئەپ تاقالغاندا چاپلاق بولىقى ئۇلانمىسىنى ئاچماقچى بولسىڭىز سىگنالنىڭ چاپلاق كۆرگۈچنى قوزغىتىشتىن توسىدىغان كەمتۈكلۈكنى تۈزىدۇق."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Версія вашої бази даних не відповідає цій версії Signal. Переконайтеся, що відкриваєте на комп'ютері останню версію Signal."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Сталася помилка бази даних. Ви можете скопіювати помилку та зв'язатися зі службою підтримки Signal, щоб допомогти нам вирішити цю проблему. Якщо вам потрібно використати Signal просто зараз, спробуйте відновити дані.\n\nЗвернутися до служби підтримки можна тут: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Відновити дані"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Файл"
@ -597,7 +603,7 @@
"messageformat": "Від'єднано"
"icu:connecting": {
"messageformat": "Підключення…"
"messageformat": "Триває з'єднання…"
"icu:connect": {
"messageformat": "Натисніть для повторного підключення."
@ -798,7 +804,7 @@
"messageformat": "Щоб здійснювати виклики, необхідно надати Signal Desktop доступ до вашого мікрофона."
"icu:videoCallingPermissionNeeded": {
"messageformat": "Щоб здійснювати відео дзвінки, ви повинні дозволити Signal Desktop отримати доступ до вашої камери."
"messageformat": "Щоб здійснювати відеовиклики, необхідно надати Signal Desktop доступ до вашої камери."
"icu:allowAccess": {
"messageformat": "Надати доступ"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Не вдалось оновити Signal. {retry} чи перейдіть на {url} для встановлення оновлення вручну. А потім {support} про цю проблему"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Не вдалось оновити Signal. Перейдіть до {url} для встановлення вручну. А потім {support} про цю проблему"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Швидше за все, Signal Desktop знаходиться в карантині macOS і не зможе автоматично оновлюватись. Будь ласка, спробуйте перемістити {app} в {folder} за допомогою Finder."
@ -933,7 +945,7 @@
"messageformat": "Контакт Signal"
"icu:AboutContactModal__system-contact": {
"messageformat": "{name} є в контактах вашого пристрою"
"messageformat": "{name} є в контактах пристрою"
"icu:NotePreviewModal__Title": {
"messageformat": "Примітка"
@ -1098,10 +1110,10 @@
"messageformat": "Скинути"
"icu:linkedDevices": {
"messageformat": "Під’єднані пристрої"
"messageformat": "Зв'язані пристрої"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Зв'язати новий пристрій"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Дізнатися більше"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Налаштування"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Торкніться {plusButton} (Android) / {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Не вдалося завантажити QR-код. Перевірте з'єднання з інтернетом і спробуйте ще раз. <retry>Повторити</retry>"
@ -1143,7 +1155,7 @@
"messageformat": "Потрібна допомога?"
"icu:Install__choose-device-name__description": {
"messageformat": "Ви побачите цю назву в списку «Зв'язаних пристроїв» на телефоні"
"messageformat": "Ви побачите цю назву у «Зв'язаних пристроях» на телефоні"
"icu:Install__choose-device-name__placeholder": {
"messageformat": "Мій комп'ютер"
@ -1158,7 +1170,7 @@
"messageformat": "Обрати назву пристрою"
"icu:finishLinkingPhone": {
"messageformat": "Завершити прив'язку пристрою"
"messageformat": "Завершити зв'язування з телефоном"
"icu:initialSync": {
"messageformat": "Синхронізування контактів та груп"
@ -1296,7 +1308,7 @@
"messageformat": "Група завелика для дзвінків її учасникам."
"icu:CallingButton__ring-off": {
"messageformat": "Вимкнути повідомлення"
"messageformat": "Вимкнути дзвінок"
"icu:CallingButton--ring-on": {
"messageformat": "Увімкнути дзвінок"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Ви заблокували користувача {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Користувача {name} заблоковано"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "Користувача {name} заблоковано"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Ви не зможете чути й бачити цього користувача, а користувач не зможе чути й бачити вас."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Неможливо отримати аудіо та відео від {name}"
@ -1431,7 +1443,7 @@
"messageformat": "Коли захочете зупинити демонстрацію, натисніть тут. Ви повернетеся до виклику."
"icu:calling__presenting--reconnecting--notification-title": {
"messageformat": "Повторне з'єднання…"
"messageformat": "Відновлення з'єднання…"
"icu:calling__presenting--reconnecting--notification-body": {
"messageformat": "З'єднання було втрачено. Триває відновлення."
@ -1440,7 +1452,7 @@
"messageformat": "Signal обмінюється {window}."
"icu:calling__presenting--reconnecting": {
"messageformat": "Повторне з'єднання…"
"messageformat": "Триває відновлення з'єднання…"
"icu:calling__presenting--stop": {
"messageformat": "Припинити обмін"
@ -1527,7 +1539,7 @@
"messageformat": "Видалити всі дані й повідомлення з цієї версії Signal Desktop? Ви завжди зможете повторно зв'язати цей ПК, але можливості відновити повідомлення не буде. Ваш акаунт Signal і дані на телефоні й інших зв'язаних пристроях не буде видалено."
"icu:deleteAllDataProgress": {
"messageformat": "Відключається і видаляє всі дані"
"messageformat": "Триває від'єднання й видалення всіх даних"
"icu:deleteOldIndexedDBData": {
"messageformat": "З попереднього встановлення Signal Desktop на комп'ютері залишились застарілі дані. Якщо ви продовжите, їх буде видалено та ви почнете з самого початку."
@ -2673,25 +2685,25 @@
"messageformat": "Вихідний відеовиклик"
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-you": {
"messageformat": "{ringer} телефонує вам"
"messageformat": "Вам дзвонить {ringer}"
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-1-other": {
"messageformat": "{ringer} телефонує вам та {otherMember}"
"messageformat": "Вам і користувачу {otherMember} дзвонить {ringer}"
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-2-others": {
"messageformat": "{ringer} дзвонить вам і користувачам {first} і {second}"
"messageformat": "Вам і користувачам {first} і {second} дзвонить {ringer}"
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-3-others": {
"messageformat": "{ringer} дзвонить вам, користувачам {first} і {second} і ще 1 користувачу"
"messageformat": "Вам, користувачам {first} і {second} і ще 1 користувачу дзвонить {ringer}"
"icu:incomingGroupCall__ringing-many": {
"messageformat": "{remaining, plural, one {Вам, користувачам {first}, {second} і ще {remaining,number} користувачу дзвонить {ringer}} few {Вам, користувачам {first}, {second} і ще {remaining,number} користувачам дзвонить {ringer}} many {Вам, користувачам {first}, {second} і ще {remaining,number} користувачам дзвонить {ringer}} other {Вам, користувачам {first}, {second} і ще {remaining,number} користувача дзвонить {ringer}}}"
"icu:outgoingCallRinging": {
"messageformat": "Чекаємо на відповідь…"
"messageformat": "Лунає дзвінок…"
"icu:makeOutgoingCall": {
"messageformat": "Почати дзвінок"
"messageformat": "Почати виклик"
"icu:makeOutgoingVideoCall": {
"messageformat": "Почати відеовиклик"
@ -2703,7 +2715,7 @@
"messageformat": "{title} отримає запит з повідомленням від вас. Ви зможете подзвонити коли ваше повідомлення запиту приймуть."
"icu:callReconnecting": {
"messageformat": "Повторне з’єднання…"
"messageformat": "Триває відновлення з'єднання…"
"icu:CallControls__InfoDisplay--participants": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {{count,number} учасник} few {{count,number} учасники} many {{count,number} учасників} other {{count,number} учасника}}"
@ -2772,13 +2784,13 @@
"messageformat": "{people, plural, one {У виклику {people,number}} few {У виклику {people,number}} many {У виклику {people,number}} other {У виклику {people,number}}}"
"icu:calling__call-notification__ended": {
"messageformat": "Груповий дзвінок завершено"
"messageformat": "Груповий виклик завершено"
"icu:calling__call-notification__started-by-someone": {
"messageformat": "Розпочато груповий дзвінок"
"icu:calling__call-notification__started-by-you": {
"messageformat": "Ви розпочали груповий дзвінок"
"messageformat": "Ви почали груповий виклик"
"icu:calling__call-notification__started": {
"messageformat": "Користувач {name} почав груповий виклик"
@ -2934,7 +2946,7 @@
"messageformat": "Ви не можете відправляти повідомлення в цю групу."
"icu:GroupV2--cannot-start-group-call": {
"messageformat": "Лише адміністратори цієї групи можуть почати дзвінок."
"messageformat": "Починати виклики можуть тільки адміністратори цієї групи."
"icu:GroupV2--join--invalid-link--title": {
"messageformat": "Хибне посилання"
@ -3525,7 +3537,7 @@
"messageformat": "Натисніть фото свого профілю в лівому верхньому кутку, щоб відкрити Настройки"
"icu:BadgeSustainerInstructions__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Натисніть на «Підтримати Signal» і активуйте передплату"
"messageformat": "Натисніть на «Підтримати Signal» і оформте підписку"
"icu:CompositionArea--expand": {
"messageformat": "Розкрити"
@ -4941,7 +4953,7 @@
"messageformat": "Усі, крім…"
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__only--label": {
"messageformat": "Ділитися тільки з…"
"messageformat": "Обрані глядачі"
"icu:StoriesSettings__mine__disclaimer--link": {
"messageformat": "Виберіть, хто зможе переглядати вашу історію. Зміни не вплинуть на вже надіслані історії. <learnMoreLink>Докладніше.</learnMoreLink>"
@ -4983,7 +4995,7 @@
"messageformat": "Групова історія"
"icu:SendStoryModal__only-share-with": {
"messageformat": "Ділитися тільки з"
"messageformat": "Обрані глядачі"
"icu:SendStoryModal__excluded": {
"messageformat": "{count, plural, one {Вилучено {count,number}} few {Вилучено {count,number}} many {Вилучено {count,number}} other {Вилучено {count,number}}}"
@ -5022,7 +5034,7 @@
"messageformat": "Вилучити історію? Історію буде вилучено з вашого переліку. Ви й надалі зможете переглядати історії цієї групи."
"icu:SendStoryModal__announcements-only": {
"messageformat": "Лише адміністратори можуть надсилати історії в цю групу."
"messageformat": "Надсилати історії в цій групі можуть тільки адміністратори."
"icu:Stories__settings-toggle--title": {
"messageformat": "Публікування й перегляд історій"
@ -5356,7 +5368,7 @@
"messageformat": "Змінено"
"icu:EditHistoryMessagesModal__title": {
"messageformat": равки"
"messageformat": опередній текст"
"icu:ResendMessageEdit__body": {
"messageformat": "Зміну не вдалося надіслати. Перевірте підключення до мережі і спробуйте знову"
@ -5425,7 +5437,7 @@
"messageformat": "Пропущений"
"icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--GroupCall": {
"messageformat": "Груповий дзвінок"
"messageformat": "Груповий виклик"
"icu:CallsList__ItemCallInfo--CallLink": {
"messageformat": "Посилання на виклик"
@ -5455,10 +5467,10 @@
"messageformat": "Щоб приєднатися до іншого виклику, потрібно спочатку вийти з поточного"
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Default": {
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {{direction, select, Outgoing {Вихідний аудіовиклик} other {Вхідний аудіовиклик}}} Video {{direction, select, Outgoing {Вихідний відеовиклик} other {Вхідний відеовиклик}}} Group {{direction, select, Outgoing {Вихідний груповий дзвінок} other {Вхідний груповий дзвінок}}} other {{direction, select, Outgoing {Вихідний виклик} other {Вхідний виклик}}}}"
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {{direction, select, Outgoing {Вихідний аудіовиклик} other {Вхідний аудіовиклик}}} Video {{direction, select, Outgoing {Вихідний відеовиклик} other {Вхідний відеовиклик}}} Group {{direction, select, Outgoing {Вихідний груповий виклик} other {Вхідний груповий виклик}}} other {{direction, select, Outgoing {Вихідний виклик} other {Вхідний виклик}}}}"
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Missed": {
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {Пропущений аудіовиклик} Video {Пропущений відеовиклик} Group {Пропущений груповий дзвінок} other {Пропущений виклик}}"
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {Пропущений аудіовиклик} Video {Пропущений відеовиклик} Group {Пропущений груповий виклик} other {Пропущений виклик}}"
"icu:CallHistory__Description--Unanswered": {
"messageformat": "{type, select, Audio {Аудіовиклик без відповіді} Video {Відеовиклик без відповіді} Group {Груповий виклик без відповіді} other {Виклик без відповіді}}"
@ -5527,7 +5539,7 @@
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes--3": {
"messageformat": "Поліпшення, виправлення помилок і покращення роботи застосунку. Спілкуйтеся через повідомлення, дзвінки і відеовиклики без обмежень.",
"messageformat": "Поліпшення, виправлення помилок і покращення роботи застосунку. Продовжуйте спілкуватися в чатах і під час аудіо- та відеовикликів, як і завжди.",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__bugfixes--4": {
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Дрібні поліпшення, виправлення помилок і покращення роботи застосунку. Дякуємо, що ви з Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Втрата з'єднання, але не часу: ми виправили помилку, через яку кнопка згортання виклику зникала під час втрати з'єднання. Тепер у такій ситуації ви зможете згорнути виклик і заглянути в інший чат."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Закритий застосунок не стане на заваді відкритим стікерам. Ми виправили помилку, через яку Signal іноді не показував стікери в наборі, якщо ви відкривали його за посиланням, коли застосунок було закрито."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "آپ کے ڈیٹا بیس کا ورژن Signal کے اس ورژن سے ملتا نہیں ہے۔ اس بات کو یقینی بنائیں کہ آپ اپنے کمپیوٹر پر Signal کا تازہ ترین ورژن کھول رہے ہیں۔"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "ڈیٹا بیس میں خرابی واقع ہوئی ہے۔ آپ خرابی کو کاپی کر سکتے ہیں اور Signal سپورٹ سے اس مسئلے کو حل کرنے میں مدد کے لیے رابطہ کر سکتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ کو Signal کو فوراً استعمال کرنے کی ضرورت ہے، تو آپ اپنے ڈیٹا کو بحال کرنے کی کوشش کر سکتے ہیں۔\n\nاسے ملاحظہ کر کے سپورٹ سے رابطہ کریں:{link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "ڈیٹا بحال کریں"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "اور فائل"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal اپ ڈیٹ نہیں ہو سکی۔ دستی طور پر اسے دوبارہ انسٹال کرنے کے لیے {retry} یا {url} ملاحظہ کریں۔ پھر، اس مسئلے کے متعلق {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal اپ ڈیٹ نہیں ہو سکی۔ دستی طور پر اسے انسٹال کرنے کے لیے {url} پر جائیں۔ پھر، اس مسئلے کے متعلق {support}"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop ممکنہ طور پر macOS کے quarantine میں ہے ، اور خودبخود تازہ کاری کرنے کے قابل نہیں ہوگا۔ برائے مہربانی فائنڈر کے ساتھ {app} کو {folder} میں منتقل کرنے کی کوشش کریں۔"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "ڈیوائس منسلک ہو چکی"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "نئی ڈیوائس منسلک کریں"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "مزید پڑھیں"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "ترتیبات"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "{plusButton} (Android) یا {linkNewDevice} (iPhone) پر ٹیپ کریں"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "QR کوڈ لوڈ نہیں ہو سکا۔ اپنا انٹرنیٹ چیک کریں اور دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔ <retry>دوبارہ کوشش کریں</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "آپ نے {name} کو بلاک کر دیا ہے"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} بلاک ہے"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} بلاک ہے"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "آپ کو ان کا آڈیو یا ویڈیو موصول نہیں ہوگا اور وہ آپ کو وصول نہیں کریں گے۔"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "{name} سے آڈیو اور ویڈیو موصول نہیں ہوسکتی ہے"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "معمولی تبدیلیاں کی گئیں، بگ ٹھیک کیے گئے، اور کارکردگی اور بھی بہتر بنائی گئی ہے۔ Signal استعمال کرنے کے لیے شکریہ!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "ہم نے ایک بگ کی درستگی کی جو کال کے ظاہر ہونے پر بٹن کو مینیمائز کرنے میں رکاوٹ کا باعث بن رہا تھا جب کہ وہ کال ری کنیکٹ کی جا رہی تھی۔"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "ہم نے اس نقص کو درست کیا جو بعض اوقات Signal کو اسٹکر ویور کو لانچ کرنے سے روکتا تھا جب آپ ایپ بند ہونے کے باوجود اسٹیکر پیک کھولنے کی کوشش کرتے تھے۔"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "Phiên bản cơ sở dữ liệu của bạn không khớp với phiên bản Signal này. Đảm bảo bạn đang sử dụng phiên bản Signal mới nhất trên máy tính của mình."
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "Đã xảy ra lỗi cơ sở dữ liệu. Bạn có thể sao chép lỗi và liên hệ bộ phận hỗ trợ của Signal để được hỗ trợ khắc phục vấn đề. Nếu cần sử dụng Signal ngay, bạn có thể thử khôi phục dữ liệu của mình.\n\nLiên hệ với bộ phận hỗ trợ bằng cách truy cập: {link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "Khôi phục dữ liệu"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&Tập tin"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal không thể cập nhật. {retry} hoặc truy cập {url} để cài thủ công. Sau đó, {support} về vấn đề này"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal không thể cập nhật. Truy cập {url} để cài thủ công. Sau đó, {support} về vấn đề này"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop đang trong tình trạng cách ly trên macOS, và sẽ không thể tự-cập nhật được. Xin hãy dời {app} đến {folder} với ứng dụng Finder."
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "Các thiết bị Được liên kết"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "Liên kết Thiết bị Mới"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "Tìm hiểu thêm"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "Cài đặt"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "Nhấn {plusButton}(Android) hoặc {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "Không thể tải mã QR. Kiểm tra đường truyền internet của bạn và thử lại. Thử lại"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "Bạn đã chặn {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} đã bị chặn"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} đã bị chặn"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "Bạn sẽ không nhận được âm thanh hoặc video của họ và họ sẽ không nhận được của bạn."
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "Không thể nhận được âm thanh và video từ {name}"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "Các tinh chỉnh, sửa lỗi, và cải thiện hiệu năng. Cảm ơn bạn đã sử dụng Signal!",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "Chúng tôi đã sửa lỗi nút bấm thu nhỏ cuộc gọi không hiển thị khi cuộc gọi đó đang được kết nối lại."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "Chúng tôi đã sửa lỗi đôi khi ngăn không cho Signal mở trình xem nhãn dán trong trường hợp bạn mở một đường dẫn đến gói nhãn dán khi ứng dụng đã đóng."
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "你嘅資料庫版本同呢個 Signal 版本唔相符。請確定你喺電腦用緊嘅係最新版本嘅 Signal。"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "資料庫發生錯誤。你可以複製錯誤,然後聯絡 Signal 支援團隊幫手解決問題。如果你需要即刻用 Signal可以試吓恢復資料。\n\n要聯絡支援團隊請去呢度{link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "恢復資料"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "&File"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "更新唔到 Signal。你可以{retry},或者前往 {url} 手動安裝,然後{support}呢個問題"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "更新唔到 Signal。你可以前往 {url} 手動安裝,然後{support}呢個問題"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版似乎喺 macOS 隔離區,而且冇辦法自動更新。請你嘗試用 Finder 將 {app} 移去 {folder}。"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "連結咗嘅裝置"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "連結新裝置"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "了解多啲"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "設定"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "㩒一吓 {plusButton} (Android) 或者 {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "載入唔到 QR code。請檢查你嘅互聯網然後再試一次。<retry>再試一次</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "你已經封鎖咗 {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "已經封鎖咗 {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "已經封鎖咗 {name}"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "你唔會收到對方嘅語音或者畫面,對方亦都唔會收到你嘅。"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "收唔到 {name} 嘅聲同畫"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "我哋做咗啲調整、修復咗一啲錯誤,同埋加強咗程式功能。多謝你使用 Signal",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "我哋修復咗一個錯誤,以後通話重新連線時,將通話最小化嗰個制就唔會再唔見咗喇。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "我哋修復咗一個錯誤,以後當你嘗試喺 Signal APP 閂咗嘅時候打開貼圖包連結,就唔會再開唔到貼圖檢視器喇。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "您的数据库版本与此版本的 Signal 不匹配。请确保您在电脑上打开的是最新版本的 Signal。"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "出现了一个数据库错误。您可以复制错误信息并联系 Signal 支持团队协助处理该问题。如果您需要立即使用 Signal您可以尝试恢复数据。\n\n请访问此网址联系支持团队{link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "恢复数据"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "文件(&F)"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal 无法更新。请{retry}或访问{url}手动安装应用,然后{support}此问题"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal 无法更新。请访问{url}手动安装应用,然后{support}此问题"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal Desktop 可能在 macOS 隔离区,无法自动升级。请用 Finder 移动{app}应用至{folder}。"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "已关联的设备"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "关联新设备"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "了解更多"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "设置"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "点击{plusButton}Android或{linkNewDevice} iPhone"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "无法加载此二维码。请检查您的网络并重试。<retry>重试</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "您已屏蔽{name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name}已被屏蔽"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name}已被屏蔽"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "您与他们之间将无法收到对方的音频或视频。"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "无法接收来自 {name} 的音频和视频"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "我们进行了功能微调、漏洞修复和性能强化。感谢使用 Signal",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "我们修复了一个漏洞,该漏洞会在通话重新连接时导致“通话最小化”按钮无法显示。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "我们修复了一个漏洞,如果您在应用关闭时尝试打开贴纸包链接,该漏洞有时会导致 Signal 无法启动贴纸查看器。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "你的資料庫版本與此 Signal 的版本不匹配。請確定你在電腦上開啟了最新版本的 Signal。"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "發生資料庫錯誤。你可以複製錯誤並聯絡 Signal 支援來幫助解決問題。如果你需要立即使用 Signal可以嘗試恢復你的資料。\n\n要聯絡支援團隊請前往{link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "恢復資料"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "檔案 (&F)"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal無法更新。 {retry} 或瀏覽 {url} 以手動安裝。 然後,{support} 關於這個問題"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal無法更新。 瀏覽 {url} 以手動安裝。 然後,{support} 關於這個問題"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版可能在 macOS 隔離區中,將無法自動更新。 請嘗試使用Finder 移動 {app}到 {folder}。"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "已連結的裝置"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "連結新裝置"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "了解更多"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "設定"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "點擊 {plusButton} (Android) 或 {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "無法載入 QR Code。請檢查你的網路然後再試一次。<retry>重試</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "你已經封鎖了 {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} 已被封鎖"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} 已被封鎖"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "您與他們將不會收到對方的音訊或影片。"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "無法接收 {name} 的音訊和影片"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "細微的調整、問題修復和效能改善。感謝各位使用 Signal",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "我們修復了一個錯誤,該錯誤導致在通話重新連線時,最小化通話的按鈕無法顯示。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "我們希望貼圖點擊器的操作更順暢也更快速,因此我們修復了一個錯誤,如果你在應用程式關閉時嘗試打開貼圖包連結,該錯誤有時會阻止 Signal 啟動貼圖檢視器。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
"messageformat": "你的資料庫版本與此 Signal 的版本不匹配。請確定你在電腦上開啟了最新版本的 Signal。"
"icu:databaseError__recover__detail": {
"messageformat": "A database error occurred. You can copy the error and contact Signal support to help fix the issue. If you need to use Signal right away, you can attempt to recover your data.\n\nContact support by visiting: {link}"
"messageformat": "發生資料庫錯誤。你可以複製錯誤並聯絡 Signal 支援來幫助解決問題。如果你需要立即使用 Signal可以嘗試恢復你的資料。\n\n要聯絡支援團隊請前往{link}"
"icu:databaseError__recover__button": {
"messageformat": "Recover data"
"messageformat": "恢復資料"
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChange": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment."
"icu:databaseError__safeStorageBackendChangeWithPreviousFlag": {
"messageformat": "Unable to access the database encryption key because the OS encryption keyring backend has changed from {previousBackend} to {currentBackend}. This can occur if the desktop environment changes, for example between GNOME and KDE.\n\nPlease switch to the previous desktop environment or try to run signal with the command line flag --password-store=\"{previousBackendFlag}\""
"icu:mainMenuFile": {
"messageformat": "檔案 (&F)"
@ -824,9 +830,15 @@
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal無法更新。 {retry} 或瀏覽 {url} 以手動安裝。 然後,{support} 關於這個問題"
"icu:cannotUpdateDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. <retryUpdateButton>Retry update</retryUpdateButton> or visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"messageformat": "Signal無法更新。 瀏覽 {url} 以手動安裝。 然後,{support} 關於這個問題"
"icu:cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail-v2": {
"messageformat": "Signal couldn't update. Visit {url} to install it manually. Then, <contactSupportLink>contact support</contactSupportLink> about this problem"
"icu:readOnlyVolume": {
"messageformat": "Signal 桌面版可能在 macOS 隔離區中,將無法自動更新。 請嘗試使用Finder 移動 {app}到 {folder}。"
@ -1101,7 +1113,7 @@
"messageformat": "已連結的裝置"
"icu:linkNewDevice": {
"messageformat": "連結新裝置"
"messageformat": "Link a New Device"
"icu:Install__learn-more": {
"messageformat": "了解更多"
@ -1119,7 +1131,7 @@
"messageformat": "設定"
"icu:Install__instructions__3": {
"messageformat": "點擊 {plusButton} (Android) 或 {linkNewDevice} (iPhone)"
"messageformat": "Tap {linkNewDevice}"
"icu:Install__qr-failed-load": {
"messageformat": "無法載入 QR Code。請檢查你的網路然後再試一次。<retry>重試</retry>"
@ -1404,13 +1416,13 @@
"messageformat": "你已經封鎖了 {name}"
"icu:calling__blocked-participant": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} 被封鎖了"
"icu:calling__block-info-title": {
"messageformat": "{name} is blocked"
"messageformat": "{name} 被封鎖了"
"icu:calling__block-info": {
"messageformat": "You wont receive their audio or video and they wont receive yours."
"messageformat": "你不會收到他們的聲音或視訊,他們也不會收到你的聲音或視訊。"
"icu:calling__missing-media-keys": {
"messageformat": "無法從{name}接收聲音和視訊"
@ -5542,10 +5554,10 @@
"messageformat": "細微的調整、問題修復和效能改善。感謝各位使用 Signal",
"ignoreUnused": true
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.16--0": {
"messageformat": "我們修復了一個錯誤,該錯誤導致在通話重新連線時,最小化通話的按鈕無法顯示。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.17--0": {
"messageformat": "We wanted things to be slicker and quicker for sticker clickers, so we fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Signal from launching the sticker viewer if you tried to open a sticker pack link while the app was closed."
"messageformat": "我們希望貼圖點擊器的操作更順暢也更快速,因此我們修復了一個錯誤,如果你在應用程式關閉時嘗試打開貼圖包連結,該錯誤有時會阻止 Signal 啟動貼圖檢視器。"
"icu:WhatsNew__v7.18--0": {
"messageformat": "A quick goodbye is sometimes easier than a slow farewell, so we sped up the process of deleting large message threads."

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ LangString signalMinWinVersionErr 1036 "La version Desktop de Signal ne fonction
LangString signalMinAppVersionErr 1036 "Une nouvelle version de Signal est déjà installée. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?"
# es_ES
LangString signalMinWinVersionErr 3082 "Signal Desktop ya no funciona en este ordenador. Para volver a usar Signal en tu scritorio, actualiza la versión de Windows de tu ordenador."
LangString signalMinAppVersionErr 3082 "Ya está instalada una versión más reciente de Signal. ¿Segurx que quieres continuar?"
LangString signalMinAppVersionErr 3082 "Ya está instalada una versión más reciente de Signal. ¿Continuar de todos modos?"
# zh_CN
LangString signalMinWinVersionErr 2052 "Signal desktop 无法在此电脑上运行。如您希望再次使用 Signal desktop请更新您电脑的 Windows 版本。"
LangString signalMinAppVersionErr 2052 "更新版 Signal 已安装完毕。您确定要继续吗?"