2021-01-29 16:19:24 -05:00
// Copyright 2020 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import * as React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { boolean, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
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import { ConversationDetailsIcon, IconType } from './ConversationDetailsIcon';
2021-10-26 14:15:33 -05:00
import type { Props } from './PanelRow';
import { PanelRow } from './PanelRow';
2021-01-29 16:19:24 -05:00
const story = storiesOf(
const createProps = (overrideProps: Partial<Props> = {}): Props => ({
icon: boolean('with icon', overrideProps.icon !== undefined) ? (
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<ConversationDetailsIcon ariaLabel="timer" icon={IconType.timer} />
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) : null,
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label: text('label', (overrideProps.label as string) || ''),
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info: text('info', overrideProps.info || ''),
right: text('right', (overrideProps.right as string) || ''),
actions: boolean('with action', overrideProps.actions !== undefined) ? (
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2021-01-29 16:19:24 -05:00
onClick={action('action onClick')}
) : null,
onClick: boolean('clickable', overrideProps.onClick !== undefined)
? overrideProps.onClick || action('onClick')
: undefined,
story.add('Basic', () => {
const props = createProps({
label: 'this is a panel row',
return <PanelRow {...props} />;
story.add('Simple', () => {
const props = createProps({
label: 'this is a panel row',
icon: 'with icon',
right: 'side text',
return <PanelRow {...props} />;
story.add('Full', () => {
const props = createProps({
label: 'this is a panel row',
icon: 'with icon',
info: 'this is some info that exists below the main label',
right: 'side text',
actions: 'with action',
return <PanelRow {...props} />;
story.add('Button', () => {
const props = createProps({
label: 'this is a panel row',
icon: 'with icon',
right: 'side text',
onClick: action('onClick'),
return <PanelRow {...props} />;