2020-05-27 17:37:06 -04:00
import { get, throttle } from 'lodash';
import { WebAPIType } from './textsecure/WebAPI';
type ConfigKeyType = 'desktop.messageRequests';
type ConfigValueType = {
name: ConfigKeyType;
enabled: boolean;
enabledAt?: number;
type ConfigMapType = { [key: string]: ConfigValueType };
type ConfigListenerType = (value: ConfigValueType) => unknown;
type ConfigListenersMapType = {
[key: string]: Array<ConfigListenerType>;
function getServer(): WebAPIType {
const OLD_USERNAME = window.storage.get<string>('number_id');
const USERNAME = window.storage.get<string>('uuid_id');
const PASSWORD = window.storage.get<string>('password');
return window.WebAPI.connect({
username: (USERNAME || OLD_USERNAME) as string,
password: PASSWORD as string,
let config: ConfigMapType = {};
const listeners: ConfigListenersMapType = {};
export async function initRemoteConfig() {
config = window.storage.get('remoteConfig') || {};
await maybeRefreshRemoteConfig();
export function onChange(key: ConfigKeyType, fn: ConfigListenerType) {
const keyListeners: Array<ConfigListenerType> = get(listeners, key, []);
listeners[key] = keyListeners;
return () => {
listeners[key] = listeners[key].filter(l => l !== fn);
2020-08-06 17:50:54 -07:00
export const refreshRemoteConfig = async () => {
2020-05-27 17:37:06 -04:00
const now = Date.now();
const server = getServer();
const newConfig = await server.getConfig();
// Process new configuration in light of the old configuration
// The old configuration is not set as the initial value in reduce because
// flags may have been deleted
const oldConfig = config;
config = newConfig.reduce((previous, { name, enabled }) => {
const previouslyEnabled: boolean = get(oldConfig, [name, 'enabled'], false);
// If a flag was previously not enabled and is now enabled, record the time it was enabled
const enabledAt: number | undefined =
previouslyEnabled && enabled ? now : get(oldConfig, [name, 'enabledAt']);
const value = {
name: name as ConfigKeyType,
// If enablement changes at all, notify listeners
const currentListeners = listeners[name] || [];
if (previouslyEnabled !== enabled) {
currentListeners.forEach(listener => {
// Return new configuration object
return {
[name]: value,
}, {});
window.storage.put('remoteConfig', config);
export const maybeRefreshRemoteConfig = throttle(
// Only fetch remote configuration if the last fetch was more than two hours ago
2 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
{ trailing: false }
export function isEnabled(name: ConfigKeyType): boolean {
return get(config, [name, 'enabled'], false);