2023-07-19 20:17:13 -04:00
// Copyright 2023 Signal Messenger, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { isEqual } from 'lodash';
import type { ConversationModel } from '../models/conversations';
import type { MessageModel } from '../models/messages';
import type { SendStateByConversationId } from '../messages/MessageSendState';
import * as Edits from '../messageModifiers/Edits';
import * as log from '../logging/log';
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import * as Deletes from '../messageModifiers/Deletes';
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import {
} from '../messageModifiers/MessageReceipts';
import { Reactions } from '../messageModifiers/Reactions';
import { ReadStatus } from '../messages/MessageReadStatus';
import { ReadSyncs } from '../messageModifiers/ReadSyncs';
import { SeenStatus } from '../MessageSeenStatus';
import { SendActionType, sendStateReducer } from '../messages/MessageSendState';
import { ViewOnceOpenSyncs } from '../messageModifiers/ViewOnceOpenSyncs';
import { ViewSyncs } from '../messageModifiers/ViewSyncs';
import { canConversationBeUnarchived } from './canConversationBeUnarchived';
import { deleteForEveryone } from './deleteForEveryone';
import { handleEditMessage } from './handleEditMessage';
import { isGroup } from './whatTypeOfConversation';
import { isStory, isTapToView } from '../state/selectors/message';
import { getOwn } from './getOwn';
import { getSourceUuid } from '../messages/helpers';
import { missingCaseError } from './missingCaseError';
import { reduce } from './iterables';
import { strictAssert } from './assert';
// This function is called twice - once from handleDataMessage, and then again from
// saveAndNotify, a function called at the end of handleDataMessage as a cleanup for
// any missed out-of-order events.
export async function modifyTargetMessage(
message: MessageModel,
conversation: ConversationModel,
options?: { isFirstRun: boolean; skipEdits: boolean }
): Promise<void> {
const { isFirstRun = false, skipEdits = false } = options ?? {};
const logId = `modifyTargetMessage/${message.idForLogging()}`;
const type = message.get('type');
let changed = false;
const ourUuid = window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid().toString();
const sourceUuid = getSourceUuid(message.attributes);
if (type === 'outgoing' || (type === 'story' && ourUuid === sourceUuid)) {
const sendActions = MessageReceipts.getSingleton()
.map(receipt => {
let sendActionType: SendActionType;
const receiptType = receipt.get('type');
switch (receiptType) {
case MessageReceiptType.Delivery:
sendActionType = SendActionType.GotDeliveryReceipt;
case MessageReceiptType.Read:
sendActionType = SendActionType.GotReadReceipt;
case MessageReceiptType.View:
sendActionType = SendActionType.GotViewedReceipt;
throw missingCaseError(receiptType);
return {
destinationConversationId: receipt.get('sourceConversationId'),
action: {
type: sendActionType,
updatedAt: receipt.get('receiptTimestamp'),
const oldSendStateByConversationId =
message.get('sendStateByConversationId') || {};
const newSendStateByConversationId = reduce(
result: SendStateByConversationId,
{ destinationConversationId, action }
) => {
const oldSendState = getOwn(result, destinationConversationId);
if (!oldSendState) {
`${logId}: Got a receipt for a conversation (${destinationConversationId}), but we have no record of sending to them`
return result;
const newSendState = sendStateReducer(oldSendState, action);
return {
[destinationConversationId]: newSendState,
if (!isEqual(oldSendStateByConversationId, newSendStateByConversationId)) {
message.set('sendStateByConversationId', newSendStateByConversationId);
changed = true;
if (type === 'incoming') {
// In a followup (see DESKTOP-2100), we want to make `ReadSyncs#forMessage` return
// an array, not an object. This array wrapping makes that future a bit easier.
const readSync = ReadSyncs.getSingleton().forMessage(message);
const readSyncs = readSync ? [readSync] : [];
const viewSyncs = ViewSyncs.getSingleton().forMessage(message);
const isGroupStoryReply =
isGroup(conversation.attributes) && message.get('storyId');
if (readSyncs.length !== 0 || viewSyncs.length !== 0) {
const markReadAt = Math.min(
...readSyncs.map(sync => sync.get('readAt')),
...viewSyncs.map(sync => sync.get('viewedAt'))
if (message.get('expireTimer')) {
const existingExpirationStartTimestamp = message.get(
Math.min(existingExpirationStartTimestamp ?? Date.now(), markReadAt)
changed = true;
let newReadStatus: ReadStatus.Read | ReadStatus.Viewed;
if (viewSyncs.length) {
newReadStatus = ReadStatus.Viewed;
} else {
readSyncs.length !== 0,
'Should have either view or read syncs'
newReadStatus = ReadStatus.Read;
readStatus: newReadStatus,
seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen,
changed = true;
Math.min(message.getPendingMarkRead() ?? Date.now(), markReadAt)
} else if (
isFirstRun &&
!isGroupStoryReply &&
) {
if (!isFirstRun && message.getPendingMarkRead()) {
const markReadAt = message.getPendingMarkRead();
// This is primarily to allow the conversation to mark all older
// messages as read, as is done when we receive a read sync for
// a message we already know about.
// We run message when `isFirstRun` is false so that it triggers when the
// message and the other ones accompanying it in the batch are fully in
// the database.
void message.getConversation()?.onReadMessage(message, markReadAt);
// Check for out-of-order view once open syncs
if (isTapToView(message.attributes)) {
const viewOnceOpenSync =
if (viewOnceOpenSync) {
await message.markViewOnceMessageViewed({ fromSync: true });
changed = true;
if (isStory(message.attributes)) {
const viewSyncs = ViewSyncs.getSingleton().forMessage(message);
if (viewSyncs.length !== 0) {
readStatus: ReadStatus.Viewed,
seenStatus: SeenStatus.Seen,
changed = true;
const markReadAt = Math.min(
...viewSyncs.map(sync => sync.get('viewedAt'))
Math.min(message.getPendingMarkRead() ?? Date.now(), markReadAt)
if (!message.get('expirationStartTimestamp')) {
log.info(`${logId}: setting story expiration`, {
expirationStartTimestamp: message.get('timestamp'),
expireTimer: message.get('expireTimer'),
message.set('expirationStartTimestamp', message.get('timestamp'));
changed = true;
// Does message message have any pending, previously-received associated reactions?
const reactions = Reactions.getSingleton().forMessage(message);
await Promise.all(
reactions.map(async reaction => {
if (isStory(message.attributes)) {
// We don't set changed = true here, because we don't modify the original story
const generatedMessage = reaction.get('storyReactionMessage');
'Story reactions must provide storyReactionMessage'
await generatedMessage.handleReaction(reaction, {
storyMessage: message.attributes,
} else {
changed = true;
await message.handleReaction(reaction, { shouldPersist: false });
// Does message message have any pending, previously-received associated
// delete for everyone messages?
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const deletes = Deletes.forMessage(message.attributes);
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await Promise.all(
deletes.map(async del => {
await deleteForEveryone(message, del, false);
changed = true;
// We want to make sure the message is saved first before applying any edits
if (!isFirstRun && !skipEdits) {
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const edits = Edits.forMessage(message.attributes);
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log.info(`${logId}: ${edits.length} edits in second run`);
await Promise.all(
edits.map(editAttributes =>
conversation.queueJob('modifyTargetMessage/edits', () =>
handleEditMessage(message.attributes, editAttributes)
if (changed && !isFirstRun) {
log.info(`${logId}: Changes in second run; saving.`);
await window.Signal.Data.saveMessage(message.attributes, {
ourUuid: window.textsecure.storage.user.getCheckedUuid().toString(),