
5811 lines
275 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-10-14 21:14:10 -04:00
"softwareAcknowledgments": {
"message": "د سافټ ویر تصدیق",
"description": "Shown in the about box for the link to software acknowledgments"
"privacyPolicy": {
"message": "شرایط او د محرمیت تګلاره",
"description": "Shown in the about box for the link to"
"appleSilicon": {
"message": "Apple silicon",
"description": "Shown in the about box for Apple silicon product name"
"copyErrorAndQuit": {
"message": "د کاپي تیروتنه او بندول",
"description": "Shown in the top-level error popup, allowing user to copy the error text and close the app"
"unknownContact": {
"message": "ناپیژانده مخاطب",
"description": "Shown as the name of a contact if we don't have any displayable information about them"
"unknownGroup": {
"message": "ناپیژانده ګروپ",
"description": "Shown as the name of a group if we don't have any information about it"
"databaseError": {
"message": "د ډیتابیز تیروتنه",
"description": "Shown in a popup if the database cannot start up properly"
"deleteAndRestart": {
"message": "ټوله ډیټا پاکه کړئ او له سره یې پیل کړئ",
"description": "Shown in a popup if the database cannot start up properly; allows user to delete database and restart"
"mainMenuFile": {
"message": "&فایل",
"description": "The label that is used for the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuCreateStickers": {
"message": "د سټېکر د کڅوړې جوړول/پورته کول",
"description": "The label that is used for the Create/upload sticker pack option in the File menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuEdit": {
"message": "&تصحیح",
"description": "The label that is used for the Edit menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuView": {
"message": "&ليدل",
"description": "The label that is used for the View menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuWindow": {
"message": "&کړکۍ",
"description": "The label that is used for the Window menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuHelp": {
"message": "&مرسته",
"description": "The label that is used for the Help menu in the program main menu. The '&' indicates that the following letter will be used as the keyboard 'shortcut letter' for accessing the menu with the Alt-<letter> combination."
"mainMenuSettings": {
"message": "ترجیحات...",
"description": "The label that is used for the Preferences menu in the program main menu. This should be consistent with the standard naming for Preferences on the operating system."
"appMenuServices": {
"message": "خدمات",
"description": "Application menu item for macOS 'Services'"
"appMenuHide": {
"message": "پټول",
"description": "Application menu command to hide the window"
"appMenuHideOthers": {
"message": "نور پټ کړئ",
"description": "Application menu command to hide all other windows"
"appMenuUnhide": {
"message": "ټول وښیئ",
"description": "Application menu command to show all application windows"
"appMenuQuit": {
"message": "Signal بند کړئ",
"description": "Application menu command to close the application"
"editMenuUndo": {
"message": "بیرته پاک کول",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove recently-typed text"
"editMenuRedo": {
"message": "بیرته راوستل",
"description": "Edit menu command to restore previously undone typed text"
"editMenuCut": {
"message": "کټ کول",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove selected text and add it to clipboard"
"editMenuCopy": {
"message": "کاپي کول",
"description": "Edit menu command to add selected text to clipboard"
"editMenuPaste": {
"message": "پیسټ کول",
"description": "Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location"
"editMenuPasteAndMatchStyle": {
"message": "پیسټ کول او لیکلو ته سر ورکول",
"description": "Edit menu command to insert text from clipboard at cursor location, taking only text and not style information"
"editMenuDelete": {
"message": "پاکول",
"description": "Edit menu command to remove the selected text"
"editMenuSelectAll": {
"message": "ټول ټاکل",
"description": "Edit menu command to select all of the text in selected text box"
"editMenuStartSpeaking": {
"message": "د خبرو پیلول",
"description": "Edit menu item under 'speech' to start dictation"
"editMenuStopSpeaking": {
"message": "د خبرو بندول",
"description": "Edit menu item under 'speech' to stop dictation"
"windowMenuClose": {
"message": "کړکۍ بندول",
"description": "Window menu command to close the current window"
"windowMenuMinimize": {
"message": "ووړول",
"description": "Window menu command to minimize the current window"
"windowMenuZoom": {
"message": "لويول",
"description": "Window menu command to make the current window the size of the whole screen"
"windowMenuBringAllToFront": {
"message": "ټول مخته راوستل",
"description": "Window menu command to bring all windows of current application to front"
"viewMenuResetZoom": {
"message": "اصلي اندازه",
"description": "View menu command to go back to the default zoom"
"viewMenuZoomIn": {
"message": "لویول",
"description": "View menu command to make everything bigger"
"viewMenuZoomOut": {
"message": "کوچنی کول ",
"description": "View menu command to make everything smaller"
"viewMenuToggleFullScreen": {
"message": "فول سکرین راوستل",
"description": "View menu command to enter or leave Full Screen mode"
"viewMenuToggleDevTools": {
"message": "د پراختیا د ابزارو ښودل",
"description": "View menu command to show or hide the developer tools"
"menuSetupAsNewDevice": {
"message": "د یوې نوې وسیلې په توګه تنظیمول",
"description": "When the application is not yet set up, menu option to start up the set up as fresh device"
"menuSetupAsStandalone": {
"message": "د یوې خپلواکې سرچینې په توګه ښودل",
"description": "Only available on development modes, menu option to open up the standalone device setup sequence"
"messageContextMenuButton": {
"message": "نورې کړنې",
"description": "Label for context button next to each message"
"contextMenuCopyLink": {
"message": "لینک کاپي کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the context menu for a link to indicate that the user can copy the link"
"contextMenuCopyImage": {
"message": "انځور کاپي کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the context menu for an image to indicate that the user can copy the image"
"contextMenuNoSuggestions": {
"message": "وړانديزونه نشته",
"description": "Shown in the context menu for a misspelled word to indicate that there are no suggestions to replace the misspelled word"
"avatarMenuViewArchive": {
"message": "ارشیف لیدل",
"description": "One of the menu options available in the Avatar popup menu"
"avatarMenuChatColors": {
"message": "د چټ رنګ",
"description": "One of the menu options available in the Avatar popup menu"
"avatarMenuUpdateAvailable": {
"message": "د Signal اپډیټ کول",
"description": "One of the menu options available in the Avatar popup menu"
"loading": {
"message": "را ښکته کېږي...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen before we've loaded any messages"
"optimizingApplication": {
"message": "اپلیکیشن ګټور کېږي...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen while we are doing application optimizations"
"migratingToSQLCipher": {
"message": "پیغامونه ګټور کېږي.... $status$ بشپړ شو.",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen while we are doing application optimizations"
"archivedConversations": {
"message": "ارشیف شوې محاورې",
"description": "Shown in place of the search box when showing archived conversation list"
"LeftPane--pinned": {
"message": "سنجاق شوی",
"description": "Shown as a header for pinned conversations in the left pane"
"LeftPane--chats": {
"message": "چټونه",
"description": "Shown as a header for non-pinned conversations in the left pane"
"archiveHelperText": {
"message": "دغه محاورې ارشیف شوي دي او یوازې هغه مهال به د لیدلو وړ وي کله چې نوي پیغامونه ورته راشي.",
"description": "Shown at the top of the archived conversations list in the left pane"
"noArchivedConversations": {
"message": "No archived conversations.",
"description": "Shown at the top of the archived conversations list in the left pane if there is no any archived conversation"
"archiveConversation": {
"message": "ارشیف",
"description": "Shown in menu for conversation, and moves conversation out of main conversation list"
"markUnread": {
"message": "د نه لوستل شوي په توګه یې نښاني کړئ",
"description": "Shown in menu for conversation, and marks conversation as unread"
"moveConversationToInbox": {
"message": "له ارشیف څخه ایستل",
"description": "Undoes Archive Conversation action, and moves archived conversation back to the main conversation list"
"pinConversation": {
"message": "محاوره سنجاق کړئ",
"description": "Shown in menu for conversation, and pins the conversation to the top of the conversation list"
"unpinConversation": {
"message": "محاوره له سنجاق وباسئ",
"description": "Undoes Archive Conversation action, and unpins the conversation from the top of the conversation list"
"pinnedConversationsFull": {
"message": "تاسې کولای شئ تر 4 پورې چټونه سنجاق کړئ",
"description": "Shown in a toast when a user attempts to pin more than the maximum number of chats"
"chooseDirectory": {
"message": "فولډر وټاکئ",
"description": "Button to allow the user to find a folder on disk"
"chooseFile": {
"message": "فایل وټاکئ",
"description": "Button to allow the user to find a file on disk"
"loadDataHeader": {
"message": "خپله ډیټا راښکته کړئ",
"description": "Header shown on the first screen in the data import process"
"loadDataDescription": {
"message": "تاسې د استخراج بهیر بشپړ کړ او ستاسې مخاطبین او پیغامونه تاسې ته په کمپیوټر کې بې صبرانه په تمه دي. هغه فولډر وټاکئ کوم چې ستاسې د Signal ثبت شوې ډیټا پکې خوندې ده.",
"description": "Introduction to the process of importing messages and contacts from disk"
"importChooserTitle": {
"message": "د استخراج شوې ډیټا لپاره ډایریکټوري وټاکئ",
"description": "Title of the popup window used to select data previously exported"
"importErrorHeader": {
"message": "کوم شی سم کار نه ورکوي!",
"description": "Header of the error screen after a failed import"
"importingHeader": {
"message": "مخاطبین او پیغامونه راښکته کېږي",
"description": "Header of screen shown as data is import"
"importErrorFirst": {
"message": "ډاډ تر لاسه کړئ چې تاسې هغه سهي ډایریکټوري ټاکلي کوم چې ستاسې د Signal ثبت شوې ډيټا له ځانه سره لري. د هغه نوم باید د 'Singal استخراج' سره پیل شوی وي. همداشان تاسې کولای شئ چې د خپلې ډیټا یوه نوې کاپي د کروم له اپلیکیشن څخه ثبت کړئ.",
"description": "Message shown if the import went wrong; first paragraph"
"importErrorSecond": {
"message": "که چیرته تاسې دا کار ونشو کړای، نو بیا د مهرباني له مخې د ستونزې د هواري رپوټ تسلیم کړئ (لیدل->د ستونزې د هواري رپوټ) تر څو موږ وکولای شو چې تاسې سره په دې برخه کې مرسته وکړای شو!",
"description": "Message shown if the import went wrong; second paragraph"
"importAgain": {
"message": "فولډر وټاکئ او بیا هڅه وکړئ",
"description": "Button shown if the user runs into an error during import, allowing them to start over"
"importCompleteHeader": {
"message": "بريا!",
"description": "Header shown on the screen at the end of a successful import process"
"importCompleteStartButton": {
"message": "د ډیسکټاپ Signal پر کارولو پیل وکړئ",
"description": "Button shown at end of successful import process, nothing left but a restart"
"importCompleteLinkButton": {
"message": "وسیله له خپل موبایل سره ونښلوئ",
"description": "Button shown at end of successful 'light' import process, so the standard linking process still needs to happen"
"selectedLocation": {
"message": "ستاسې ټاکل شوی موقعیت",
"description": "Message shown as the export location if we didn't capture the target directory"
"upgradingDatabase": {
"message": "ډیټابیز اپګریډ کېږي. دا ښايي چې یو څه وخت ونيسي...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen when we're changing database structure on first run of a new version"
"loadingMessages": {
"message": "پیغامونه راښکته کېږي. $count$ تر اوسه پورې...",
"description": "Message shown on the loading screen when we're catching up on the backlog of messages"
"view": {
"message": "ليدل",
"description": "Used as a label on a button allowing user to see more information"
"youLeftTheGroup": {
"message": "تاسې نور د دې ګروپ غړي نه یاست.",
"description": "Displayed when a user can't send a message because they have left the group"
"invalidConversation": {
"message": "دغه ګروپ ناسم دی. مهرباني وکړئ یو بل ګروپ جوړ کړئ.",
"description": "Displayed when a user can't send a message because something has gone wrong in the conversation."
"scrollDown": {
"message": "د محاورې پای ته ورشئ",
"description": "Alt text for button to take user down to bottom of conversation, shown when user scrolls up"
"messagesBelow": {
"message": "نوي پیغامونه لاندې دي",
"description": "Alt text for button to take user down to bottom of conversation with more than one message out of screen"
"unreadMessage": {
"message": "1 نالوستی پیغام",
"description": "Text for unread message separator, just one message"
"unreadMessages": {
"message": "$count$ نالوستي پیغامونه",
"description": "Text for unread message separator, with count"
"messageHistoryUnsynced": {
"message": "ستاسې د امنیت په خاطر، د محاورې تاریخچه نويو لینک شویو وسیلو ته نه ده لیږدول شوې.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when a user links a new device to explain what is not supported."
"youMarkedAsVerified": {
"message": "تاسې خپل د خوندیتوب شمېره له $name$ سره د تایید شوي په توګه په نښه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as verified."
"youMarkedAsNotVerified": {
"message": "تاسې خپل د خوندیتوب شمېره له $name$ سره د نا تایید شوي په توګه په نښه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when the user marks a contact as not verified, whether on the Safety Number screen or by dismissing a banner or dialog."
"youMarkedAsVerifiedOtherDevice": {
"message": "تاسې خپله د خونديتوب شمېره له $name$ سره له يوې بلې وسیلې څخه د تایید شوي په توګه په نښه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when we discover that the user marked a contact as verified on another device."
"youMarkedAsNotVerifiedOtherDevice": {
"message": "تاسې خپله د خونديتوب شمېره له $name$ سره له يوې بلې وسیلې څخه د نا تایید شوي په توګه په نښه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when we discover that the user marked a contact as not verified on another device."
"membersNeedingVerification": {
"message": "ستاسې د خونديتوب شمېرې د ګروپ له دغو غړو سره، ستاسې د وروستي ځل تایید نه وروسته، بدلې شوې دي. د ګروپ پر یوه غړي باندې کلیک وکړئ تر څو له هغه سره خپله نوې د خونديتوب شمېره ووینئ.",
"description": "When there are multiple previously-verified group members with safety number changes, a banner will be shown. The list of contacts with safety number changes is shown, and this text introduces that list."
"changedRightAfterVerify": {
"message": "کومه د خونديتوب شمېره چې تاسې غواړئ هغه تایید کړئ، بدله شوې ده. مهرباني وکړئ له $name1$ سره مو خپله د خونديتوب شمېره بیا وګورئ. په یاد ولرئ، د دې بدلون دا مانا کېدای شي چې یو څوک غواړي ستاسې مکالمې واوري او یا دا چې $name2$ Signal له سره انسټال کړی ده.",
"description": "Shown on the safety number screen when the user has selected to verify/unverify a contact's safety number, and we immediately discover a safety number change"
"changedVerificationWarning": {
"message": "لاندې کسانو ښایي بیرته له سره انسټال کړی وي یا هم وسیلې یې بدلې کړي وي. له هغوی سره خپل د خوندیتوب شمېره تایید کړه تر څو له محرمیت څخه ډاډ تر لاسه شي.",
"description": "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message"
"safetyNumberChangeDialog__pending-messages": {
"message": "Send pending messages",
"description": "Shown on confirmation dialog when user attempts to send a message in the outbox"
"identityKeyErrorOnSend": {
"message": "ستاسې خوندي شمېره له $name1$ سره بدله شوې ده. دا په دې معنی چې یا کوم کس غواړي چې ستاسې مکالمه اخلال کړي، یا هم دا چې $name2$ یوازې Signal بیرته له سره انسټال کړئ. تاسې کولای شئ چې له دغه مخاطب سره خپل د خوندیتوب شمېره تایید کړئ.",
"description": "Shown when user clicks on a failed recipient in the message detail view after an identity key change"
"sendAnyway": {
"message": "په هر ډول چې وي ویې لیږه",
"description": "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to send the message."
"callAnyway": {
"message": "په هر ډول چې وي اړیکه ونیسه",
"description": "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to call the conversation."
"continueCall": {
"message": "ټلیفوني اړیکې ته ادامه ورکړه",
"description": "Used on a warning dialog to make it clear that it might be risky to continue the group call."
"noLongerVerified": {
"message": "ستاسې د خونديتوب شمېره د $name$ سره بدله شوې ده او نوره باوري نه ده پاتې. د ښوولو لپاره ټکوهئ.",
"description": "Shown in conversation banner when user's safety number has changed, but they were previously verified."
"multipleNoLongerVerified": {
"message": "ستاسې د خونديتوب شمېرې د دې ډلې د ګڼو غړو سره بدلې شوې دي او نورې باوري نه دي پاتې. د ښوولو لپاره ټک ووهئ.",
"description": "Shown in conversation banner when more than one group member's safety number has changed, but they were previously verified."
"debugLogExplanation": {
"message": "When you click Submit, your log will be posted online for 30 days at a unique, unpublished URL. You may Save it locally first.",
"description": "Description of what will happen with your debug log"
"debugLogError": {
"message": "په پورته کولو کې کوم شي سم کار نه دی ورکړی! د مهرباني له مخې ته ایمیل وکړئ او خپل رپوت د متني فایل په توګه ضمیمه کړئ.",
"description": "Error message a recommendations if debug log upload fails"
"debugLogSuccess": {
"message": "د ستونزې د هواري رپوټ تسلیم شو",
"description": "Title of the success page for submitting a debug log"
"debugLogSuccessNextSteps": {
"message": "Debug log uploaded. When you contact support, copy the URL below and attach it along with a description of the problem you saw and steps to reproduce it.",
"description": "Explanation of next steps to take when submitting debug log"
"debugLogLogIsIncomplete": {
"message": "... to see the full log, click Save",
"description": "Shown as the text for the copy button on the debug log screen"
"debugLogCopy": {
"message": "لینک کاپي کړئ",
"description": "Shown as the text for the copy button on the debug log screen"
"debugLogSave": {
"message": "ثبت",
"description": "Shown as the text for the download button on the debug log screen"
"debugLogLinkCopied": {
"message": "لینک ستاسې کلیپبورډ ته کاپي شو.",
"description": "Shown in a toast to let the user know that the link to the debug log has been copied to their clipboard"
"reportIssue": {
"message": "مرستې سره اړیکه ونیسئ",
"description": "Link to open the issue tracker"
"gotIt": {
"message": "پوه شوئ!",
"description": "Label for a button that dismisses a dialog. The user clicks it to confirm that they understand the message in the dialog."
"submit": {
"message": "تسلیمول",
"description": ""
"acceptNewKey": {
"message": "منل",
"description": "Label for a button to accept a new safety number"
"verify": {
"message": "د تایید شوي په توګه په نښه کول",
"description": ""
"unverify": {
"message": "د نا تایید شوي په توګه په نښه کول",
"description": ""
"isVerified": {
"message": "تاسې خپله د خونديتوب شمېره د $name$ سره تایید کړې.",
"description": "Summary state shown at top of the safety number screen if user has verified contact."
"isNotVerified": {
"message": "تاسې خپله د خونديتوب شمېره د $name$ سره نه ده تایید کړې.",
"description": "Summary state shown at top of the safety number screen if user has not verified contact."
"verified": {
"message": "تایید شوی",
"description": ""
"newIdentity": {
"message": "نوې خونديتوب شمېره",
"description": "Header for a key change dialog"
"identityChanged": {
"message": "له دغه مخاطب سره ستاسې د خوندیتوب شمېره بدله شوې ده. دا په دې معنی چې یا کوم کس غواړي چې ستاسې مکالمه اخلال کړي، یا هم دا چې دغه مخاطب یوازې Signal بیرته له سره انسټال کړئ. تاسې کولای شئ چې له دغه مخاطب سره خپل د خوندیتوب شمېره تایید کړئ.",
"description": ""
"incomingError": {
"message": "د راغلو پیغامونو په مدیریت کې تیروتنه.",
"description": ""
"media": {
"message": "میډیا",
"description": "Header of the default pane in the media gallery, showing images and videos"
"mediaEmptyState": {
"message": "تاسې په دې محاوره کې کومه رسنۍ نه لری",
"description": "Message shown to user in the media gallery when there are no messages with media attachments (images or video)"
"allMedia": {
"message": "ټوله میډیا",
"description": "Header for the media gallery"
"documents": {
"message": "اسناد",
"description": "Header of the secondary pane in the media gallery, showing every non-media attachment"
"documentsEmptyState": {
"message": "تاسې په دې محاوره کې کومه اسناد نه لرئ",
"description": "Message shown to user in the media gallery when there are no messages with document attachments (anything other than images or video)"
"today": {
"message": "نن",
"description": "The string \"today\""
"yesterday": {
"message": "پرون",
"description": "The string \"yesterday\""
"thisWeek": {
"message": "دا اوونۍ",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"thisMonth": {
"message": "دا میاشت",
"description": "Section header in the media gallery"
"unsupportedAttachment": {
"message": "د نه ملاتړ کېدونکې ډول ضمیمه. د ثبت لپاره کلیک وکړئ.",
"description": "Displayed for incoming unsupported attachment"
"clickToSave": {
"message": "د ثبت لپاره کلیک وکړئ",
"description": "Hover text for attachment filenames"
"unnamedFile": {
"message": " بې نومه فایل",
"description": "Hover text for attachment filenames"
"voiceMessage": {
"message": "غږیز پیغام",
"description": "Name for a voice message attachment"
"dangerousFileType": {
"message": "د ضمیمې ډول ته د امنیتي دلایلو له کبله اجازه نه ده ورکړل شوې",
"description": "Shown in toast when user attempts to send .exe file, for example"
"loadingPreview": {
"message": "مخکتنه راښکته کېږي...",
"description": "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area"
"stagedPreviewThumbnail": {
"message": "د $domain$ لپاره د thumbnail د لینک د مخکتنې مخلیکنه",
"description": "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area"
"previewThumbnail": {
"message": "د $domain$ لپاره د thumbnail د لینک مخکتنه",
"description": "Shown while Signal Desktop is fetching metadata for a url in composition area"
"stagedImageAttachment": {
"message": "د انځور د ضمیمې مخلیکنه: $path$",
"description": "Alt text for staged attachments"
"decryptionErrorToast": {
"message": "Desktop ran into a decryption error from $name$, device $deviceId$",
"description": "An error popup when we haven't added an in-timeline error for decryption error, only for beta/internal users."
"decryptionErrorToastAction": {
"message": "د رپوټ تسلیمول",
"description": "Label for the decryption error toast button"
"oneNonImageAtATimeToast": {
"message": "کله چې یوه بې انځوره ضمیمه پکې شاملوئ، نو هر پیغام یوازې یوه ضمیمه حق لري.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"cannotMixImageAndNonImageAttachments": {
"message": "تاسې نشئ کولای چې په یوه پیغام کې غیرانځوریز او انځوریزې ضمیمې سره ګډې کړئ.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"maximumAttachments": {
"message": "تاسې نشئ کولای چې په دغه پیغام کې نورې ضمیمې اضافه کړئ.",
"description": "An error popup when the user has attempted to add an attachment"
"fileSizeWarning": {
"message": "وبښئ، ټاکل شوی فایل د پیغام د اندازې له حدودو څخه زیات دی.",
"description": ""
"unableToLoadAttachment": {
"message": "ټاکل شوي ضمیمې نشي را ښکته کولای.",
"description": ""
"disconnected": {
"message": "اتصال یې پرې شوی",
"description": "Displayed when the desktop client cannot connect to the server."
"connecting": {
"message": "نښلول کېږي...",
"description": "Displayed when the desktop client is currently connecting to the server."
"connect": {
"message": "د بیا وصل کېدو لپاره کلیک وکړئ.",
"description": "Shown to allow the user to manually attempt a reconnect."
"connectingHangOn": {
"message": "نه باید اوږد وي",
"description": "Subtext description for when the client is connecting to the server."
"offline": {
"message": "افلاین",
"description": "Displayed when the desktop client has no network connection."
"checkNetworkConnection": {
"message": "د خپل نیټورک اتصال وګورئ.",
"description": "Obvious instructions for when a user's computer loses its network connection"
"submitDebugLog": {
"message": "د ستونزې د هواري رپوټ",
"description": "Menu item and header text for debug log modal (sentence case)"
"debugLog": {
"message": "د ستونزې د هواري رپوټ",
"description": "View menu item to open the debug log (title case)"
"forceUpdate": {
"message": "په زوره اپډیټ کول",
"description": "View menu item to force the app to update download and install"
"helpMenuShowKeyboardShortcuts": {
"message": "د کېبورډ د شارټ کټونو ښودل",
"description": "Item under the help menu, pops up a screen showing the application's keyboard shortcuts"
"contactUs": {
"message": "موږ سره اړیکه ونیسئ",
"description": "Item under the help menu, takes you to the contact us support page"
"goToReleaseNotes": {
"message": "د ریلیز یاددښتونو ته ولاړ شئ",
"description": "Item under the help menu, takes you to GitHub page for release notes"
"goToForums": {
"message": "فورمونو ته ولاړ شئ",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the forums"
"goToSupportPage": {
"message": "ملاتړیزې پاڼې ته ولاړ شئ",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to the support page"
"joinTheBeta": {
"message": "بیټا سره یو ځای شئ",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, takes you to an article describing how to install the beta release of Signal Desktop"
"signalDesktopPreferences": {
"message": "د Signal د ډیسکټاب ترجیحات",
"description": "Title of the window that pops up with Signal Desktop preferences in it"
"signalDesktopStickerCreator": {
"message": "د سټیکر د کڅوړې جوړونکی",
"description": "Title of the window that pops up with Signal Desktop preferences in it"
"aboutSignalDesktop": {
"message": "د سېګنل ډېسکټاپ په اړه",
"description": "Item under the Help menu, which opens a small about window"
"screenShareWindow": {
"message": "د سکرین شریکول",
"description": "Title for screen sharing window"
"speech": {
"message": "خبرې",
"description": "Item under the Edit menu, with 'start/stop speaking' items below it"
"show": {
"message": "ښودل",
"description": "Command under Window menu, to show the window"
"hide": {
"message": "پټول",
"description": "Command in the tray icon menu, to hide the window"
"quit": {
"message": "بندول",
"description": "Command in the tray icon menu, to quit the application"
"signalDesktop": {
"message": "د Signal ډیسکټاپ",
"description": "Tooltip for the tray icon"
"search": {
"message": "پلټنه",
"description": "Placeholder text in the search input"
"clearSearch": {
"message": "د پلټنې پاکول",
"description": "Aria label for clear search button"
"searchIn": {
"message": "Search chat",
"description": "Shown in the search box before text is entered when searching in a specific conversation"
"noSearchResults": {
"message": "د \"$searchTerm$\" هېڅ پایله نشته",
"description": "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found"
"noSearchResults--sms-only": {
"message": "د SMS/MMS هېڅ مخاطبین په ډیسکټاپ کې نشته.",
"description": "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found and primary device has SMS/MMS handling enabled"
"noSearchResultsInConversation": {
"message": "په $conversationName$ کې د \"$searchTerm$\" هېڅ پایله نشته",
"description": "Shown in the search left pane when no results were found"
"conversationsHeader": {
"message": "محاورې",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"contactsHeader": {
"message": "مخاطبین",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"groupsHeader": {
"message": "ګروپونه ",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"messagesHeader": {
"message": "پیغامونه",
"description": "Shown to separate the types of search results"
"findByUsernameHeader": {
"message": "Find by username",
"description": "Shown when search could be a valid username, with one sub-item that will kick off the search"
"findByPhoneNumberHeader": {
"message": "Find by phone number",
"description": "Shown when search could be a valid phone number, with one sub-item that will kick off the search"
"at-username": {
"message": "@$username$",
"description": "@ added to username to signify it as a username. Should it be on the right in your language?"
"welcomeToSignal": {
"message": "Signal ته ښه راغلاست",
"description": ""
"whatsNew": {
"message": "په دې اپډیټ کې $whatsNew$ ووینئ",
"description": "Shown in the main window"
"viewReleaseNotes": {
"message": "څه شی نوي دي",
"description": "Clickable link that displays the latest release notes"
"typingAlt": {
"message": "د همدې محاورې لپاره د انیمیشن ټايپ کول",
"description": "Used as the 'title' attribute for the typing animation"
"contactInAddressBook": {
"message": "دا کس ستاسې په مخاطبینو کې ده.",
"description": "Description of icon denoting that contact is from your address book"
"contactAvatarAlt": {
"message": "$name$ مخاطب لپاره اواتار",
"description": "Used in the alt tag for the image avatar of a contact"
"sendMessageToContact": {
"message": "پیغام لیږل",
"description": "Shown when you are sent a contact and that contact has a signal account"
"home": {
"message": "کور",
"description": "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for an address/phone/email"
"work": {
"message": "کار",
"description": "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for an address/phone/email"
"mobile": {
"message": "موبایل",
"description": "Shown on contact detail screen as a label for a phone or email"
"email": {
"message": "برېښنالیک",
"description": "Generic label shown if contact email has custom type but no label"
"phone": {
"message": "ټلیفون",
"description": "Generic label shown if contact phone has custom type but no label"
"address": {
"message": "پته",
"description": "Generic label shown if contact address has custom type but no label"
"poBox": {
"message": "پستي بکس",
"description": "When rendering an address, used to provide context to a post office box"
"downloading": {
"message": "د راښکته کېدو په حال کې",
"description": "Shown in the message bubble while a long message attachment is being downloaded"
"downloadFullMessage": {
"message": "Download Full Message",
"description": "Shown in the message bubble while a long message attachment is not downloaded"
"downloadAttachment": {
"message": "ضمیمه راښکته کړئ",
"description": "Shown in a message's triple-dot menu if there isn't room for a dedicated download button"
"reactToMessage": {
"message": "پیغام ته غبرګون ښودل",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to react to the associated message"
"replyToMessage": {
"message": "پیغام ته ځواب ورکول",
"description": "Shown in triple-dot menu next to message to allow user to start crafting a message with a quotation"
"originalMessageNotFound": {
"message": "اصلي پیغام و نه موندل شو",
"description": "Shown in quote if reference message was not found as message was initially downloaded and processed"
"originalMessageNotAvailable": {
"message": "اصلي پیغام نور د لاسرسي وړ نه دی",
"description": "Shown in toast if user clicks on quote that references message no longer in database"
"messageFoundButNotLoaded": {
"message": "اصلي پیغام وموندل شو، خو راښکته نشو. سکرول پورته ووهئ چې راښکته شي.",
"description": "Shown in toast if user clicks on quote references messages not loaded in view, but in database"
"voiceRecording--start": {
"message": "د غږیز پیغام ثبتول پیل کړئ",
"description": "Tooltip for microphone button to start voice message"
"voiceRecording--complete": {
"message": "غږیز پیغام بشپړ کړئ او ویې لیږئ",
"description": "Tooltip for green complete voice message and send"
"voiceRecording--cancel": {
"message": "غږیز پیغام لغوه کړئ",
"description": "Tooltip for red button to cancel voice message"
"voiceRecordingInterruptedMax": {
"message": "د غږیز پیغام ثبتول ودرول شو ځکه چې ټاکل شوی وخت یې پوره شو.",
"description": "Confirmation dialog message for when the voice recording is interrupted due to max time limit"
"voiceRecordingInterruptedBlur": {
"message": "د غږیز پیغام ثبتول ودرول شو ځکه چې تاسې بل اپلیکیشن ته ولاړئ.",
"description": "Confirmation dialog message for when the voice recording is interrupted due to app losing focus"
"voiceNoteLimit": {
"message": "Voice messages are limited to one hour. Recording will stop if you switch to another app.",
"description": "Shown in toast to warn user about limited time and that window must be in focus"
"voiceNoteMustBeOnlyAttachment": {
"message": "غږیز پیغام باید یوازې یوه ضمیمه ولري.",
"description": "Shown in toast if tries to record a voice note with any staged attachments"
"voiceNoteError": {
"message": "په غږ ثبتوونکي کې یوه تیروتنه رامنځته شوې وه.",
"description": "Shown in a dialog to inform user that we experienced an unrecoverable error"
"attachmentSaved": {
"message": "ضمیمه ثبت شوې ده.",
"description": "Shown after user selects to save to downloads"
"attachmentSavedShow": {
"message": "په فولډر کې یې وښیئ",
"description": "Button label for showing the attachment in your file system"
"you": {
"message": "تاسې",
"description": "Shown when the user represented is the current user."
"replyingTo": {
"message": "$name$ ته ځواب ورکول",
"description": "Shown in iOS theme when you or someone quotes to a message which is not from you"
"audioPermissionNeeded": {
"message": "د دې لپاره چې غږیز پیغامونه ولیږئ، نو د ډیسکټاپ Signal ته اجازه ورکړئ تر څو ستاسې مایکروفون ته لاسرسی ولري.",
"description": "Shown if the user attempts to send an audio message without audio permissions turned on"
"audioCallingPermissionNeeded": {
"message": "د اړیکې نیولو لپاره، د ډیسکټاپ Signal ته اجازه ورکړئ تر څو ستاسې مایکروفون ته لاسرسی ولري.",
"description": "Shown if the user attempts access the microphone for calling without audio permissions turned on"
"videoCallingPermissionNeeded": {
"message": "د ویډیويي اړیکې نیولو لپاره، د ډیسکټاپ Signal ته اجازه ورکړئ تر څو ستاسې کیمرې ته لاسرسی ولري.",
"description": "Shown if the user attempts access the camera for video calling without video permissions turned on"
"allowAccess": {
"message": "لاسرسی ورکړئ",
"description": "Button shown in popup asking to enable microphone/video permissions to send audio messages"
"showSettings": {
"message": "تنظیمات وښیئ",
"description": "A button shown in dialog requesting the user to turn on audio permissions"
"audio": {
"message": "اډیو",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing an audio attachment if no text was originally provided with that attachment"
"video": {
"message": "ویډیو",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing a video if no text was originally provided with that video"
"photo": {
"message": "انځور",
"description": "Shown in a quotation of a message containing a photo if no text was originally provided with that image"
"text": {
"message": "متن ",
"description": "Label for the word 'text'"
"cannotUpdate": {
"message": "اپډیټ کېدای نشي",
"description": "Shown as the title of our update error dialogs on windows"
"muted": {
"message": "صامت شوی",
"description": "Shown in a button when a conversation is muted"
"mute": {
"message": "صامت",
"description": "Shown in a button when a conversation is unmuted and can be muted"
"cannotUpdateDetail": {
"message": "Signal couldn't update. $retry$ or visit $url$ to install it manually. Then, $support$ about this problem",
"description": "Shown if a general error happened while trying to install update package"
"cannotUpdateRequireManualDetail": {
"message": "Signal couldn't update. Visit $url$ to install it manually. Then, $support$ about this problem",
"description": "Shown if a general error happened while trying to install update package and manual update is required"
"readOnlyVolume": {
"message": "د ډیسکټاپ Signal ښايي د macOS په قرنطین کې وي او له همدې کبله ښايي د اتومات اپډیټ جوګه نه وي. د مهرباني له مخې هڅه وکړئ تر څو $app$ سرله فاینډر $folder$ ته ولیږدوئ.",
"description": "Shown on MacOS if running on a read-only volume and we cannot update"
"ok": {
"message": "هوکې",
"description": ""
"cancel": {
"message": "فسخه کول",
"description": ""
"discard": {
"message": "لغوه یې کړئ",
"description": ""
"failedToSend": {
"message": "ځینو تر لاسه کوونکو ته لیږل تر سره نشو. خپل د انټرنېټ اتصال وګورئ.",
"description": ""
"error": {
"message": "تېروتنه",
"description": ""
"messageDetail": {
"message": "د پیغام جزئیات",
"description": ""
"delete": {
"message": "پاکول",
"description": ""
"accept": {
"message": "منل",
"description": ""
"forward": {
"message": "فاروارډ",
"description": ""
"done": {
"message": "تر سره شو",
"description": "Label for done"
"update": {
"message": "اپډیټ کول",
"description": ""
"next2": {
"message": "بل",
"description": ""
"on": {
"message": "روښانه ",
"description": "Label for when something is turned on"
"off": {
"message": "خاموشه",
"description": "Label for when something is turned off"
"deleteWarning": {
"message": "دغه پیغام به له وسیلې څخه پاک شي.",
"description": "Text shown in the confirmation dialog for deleting a message locally"
"deleteForEveryoneWarning": {
"message": "دا پیغام به په محاوره کې د هر چا لپاره پاک شي که چیرته هغوی د Signal وروستۍ نسخه کاروي. هغوی به وکولای شي وویني چې تاسې یو پیغام پاک کړ.",
"description": "Text shown in the confirmation dialog for deleting a message for everyone"
"from": {
"message": "له",
"description": "Label for the sender of a message"
"to": {
"message": "ته",
"description": "Label for the receiver of a message"
"toJoiner": {
"message": "ته",
"description": "Joiner for message search results - like 'Jon' to 'Friends Group'"
"sent": {
"message": "لیږل شوی",
"description": "Label for the time a message was sent"
"received": {
"message": "تر لاسه شو",
"description": "Label for the time a message was received"
"sendMessage": {
"message": "پیغام",
"description": "Placeholder text in the message entry field"
"groupMembers": {
"message": "د ګروپ غړي",
"description": ""
"showMembers": {
"message": "غړي وښیئ",
"description": ""
"showSafetyNumber": {
"message": "د خوندیتوب د شمېرې لیدل",
"description": ""
"viewRecentMedia": {
"message": "وروستۍ رسنۍ لیدل",
"description": "This is a menu item for viewing all media (images + video) in a conversation, using the imperative case, as in a command."
"verifyHelp": {
"message": "د دې لپاره چې له $name$ سره ستاسې سرتاسرې انکرپشن امنیت تایید شي، نو د هغوی له وسیلې سره پورتنۍ شمېرې پرتله کړئ.",
"description": ""
"theirIdentityUnknown": {
"message": "تاسې تر اوسه پورې له دغه مخاطب سره کوم پیغامونه نه دي تبادله کړي. له هغوی سره به ستاسې د خوندیتوب شمېره د هغوی له لومړي پیغام وروسته د لاسرسي وړ واوسي.",
"description": ""
"back": {
"message": "شاته",
"description": "Generic label for back"
"goBack": {
"message": "بیرته شاته ولاړ شئ",
"description": "Label for back button in a conversation"
"moreInfo": {
"message": "لا زیات معلومات",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, takes you to message detail screen"
"retrySend": {
"message": "د لیږلو لپاره بیا هڅه وکړئ",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, but only if it is an outgoing message that failed to send"
"retryDeleteForEveryone": {
"message": "Retry Delete for Everyone",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, but only if a previous delete for everyone failed to send"
"forwardMessage": {
"message": "د پیغام فاروارډ کول",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, forwards a message"
"deleteMessage": {
"message": "پیغام زما لپاره پاک کړه",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, deletes single message"
"deleteMessageForEveryone": {
"message": "پیغام د هر چا لپاره پاک کړه",
"description": "Shown on the drop-down menu for an individual message, deletes single message for everyone"
"deleteMessages": {
"message": "پاکول",
"description": "Menu item for deleting messages, title case."
"deleteConversationConfirmation": {
"message": "غواړئ دا محاوره د تل لپاره پاکه کړئ؟",
"description": "Confirmation dialog text that asks the user if they really wish to delete the conversation. Answer buttons use the strings 'ok' and 'cancel'. The deletion is permanent, i.e. it cannot be undone."
"sessionEnded": {
"message": "د غونډې بیرته له سره تنظیمول خوندي شو.",
"description": "This is a past tense, informational message. In other words, your secure session has been reset."
"ChatRefresh--notification": {
"message": "د چټ غونډه ریفریش شوې",
"description": "Shown in timeline when a error happened, and the session was automatically reset."
"ChatRefresh--learnMore": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ ",
"description": "Shown in timeline when session is automatically reset, to provide access to a popup info dialog"
"ChatRefresh--summary": {
"message": "Signal سرتاسري انکریپشن کاروي او ښایي ځینې وختونه ستاسې د چټ غونډې ریفریش کولو ته اړتیا ولري. دا کار ستاسې د چټ امنیت نه اغیزمنوي، خو کېدای شي تاسې د خپل مخاطب پیغام له لاسه ورکړئ، نو کولای شئ له هغوی وغواړئ چې بیرته یې درته ولیږي. ",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from chat session refreshed timeline events"
"ChatRefresh--contactSupport": {
"message": "مرستې سره اړیکه ونیسئ",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from chat session refreshed timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--preview": {
"message": "د لیږلو ستونزه",
"description": "Shown in left pane preview when message delivery issue happens"
"DeliveryIssue--notification": {
"message": "د $sender$ له خوا یو پیغام و نه لیږدول شو",
"description": "Shown in timeline when message delivery issue happens"
"DeliveryIssue--learnMore": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ ",
"description": "Shown in timeline when message delivery issue happens, to provide access to a popup info dialog"
"DeliveryIssue--title": {
"message": "د لیږلو ستونزه",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events"
"DeliveryIssue--summary": {
"message": "د $sender$ له خوا تاسې ته یو پیغام، سټیکر، غبرګون، د لوستلو رسید یا رسنۍ و نه لیږل شوه. ښايي هغوی هڅه کړي وي چې هغه مخامخ تاسې ته یا هم په یوه ګروپ کې لیږلی وي.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in 1:1 conversations"
"DeliveryIssue--summary--group": {
"message": "په دغه چټ کې د $sender$ له خوا تاسې ته کوم پیغام، سټیکر، غبرګون، د لوستلو رسید یا رسنۍ و نه لیږل شوه.",
"description": "Shown on explainer dialog available from delivery issue timeline events in groups"
"ChangeNumber--notification": {
"message": "$sender$ changed their phone number",
"description": "Shown in timeline when a member of a conversation changes their phone number"
"quoteThumbnailAlt": {
"message": "د نقل قول شوې پیغام د thumbnail انځور",
"description": "Used in alt tag of thumbnail images inside of an embedded message quote"
"imageAttachmentAlt": {
"message": "انځور پیغام سره ضمیمه شو",
"description": "Used in alt tag of image attachment"
"videoAttachmentAlt": {
"message": "له پیغام سره د ضمیمه شویو ویډیوګانو سکرین شاټ",
"description": "Used in alt tag of video attachment preview"
"lightboxImageAlt": {
"message": "انځور په محاوره کې ولیږل شو",
"description": "Used in the alt tag for the image shown in a full-screen lightbox view"
"imageCaptionIconAlt": {
"message": "ایکن ښیي چې دغه انځور یو کپشن لري",
"description": "Used for the icon layered on top of an image in message bubbles"
"save": {
"message": "ثبت",
"description": "Used on save buttons"
"reset": {
"message": "له سره تنظیمول",
"description": "Used on reset buttons"
"fileIconAlt": {
"message": "د فایل ایکن",
"description": "Used in the media gallery documents tab to visually represent a file"
"installWelcome": {
"message": "د ډېسکټاپ Signal ته ښه راغلاست",
"description": "Welcome title on the install page"
"installTagline": {
"message": "محرمیت ساتل ممکن ده. Signal هغه اسانه کړی ده.",
"description": "Tagline displayed under 'installWelcome' string on the install page"
"linkedDevices": {
"message": "لینک شوې وسیلې",
"description": "Used in the guidance to help people find the 'link new device' area of their Signal mobile app"
"linkNewDevice": {
"message": "نوې وسیله لینک کړئ",
"description": "The menu option shown in Signal iOS to add a new linked device"
"Install__scan-this-code": {
"message": "دغه کوډ د خپل ټلیفون د Signal په اپلیکیشن کې سکن کړئ",
"description": "Title of the device link screen. Also used as alt text for the QR code on the device link screen"
"Install__instructions__1": {
"message": "Open Signal on your phone",
"description": "Instructions on the device link screen"
"Install__instructions__2": {
"message": "Tap into $settings$, then tap $linkedDevices$",
"description": "Instructions on the device link screen"
"Install__instructions__2__settings": {
"message": "تنظیمات",
"description": "Part of the 2nd instruction on the device link screen"
"Install__instructions__3": {
"message": "Tap $plusButton$ (Android) or $linkNewDevice$ (iPhone)",
"description": "Instructions on the device link screen"
"Install__qr-failed": {
"message": "The QR code couldn't load. Check your internet and try again. $learnMore$",
"description": "Shown on the install screen if the QR code fails to load"
"Install__qr-failed__learn-more": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ ",
"description": "Shown on the install screen if the QR code fails to load"
"Install__support-link": {
"message": "مرستې ته اړتیا لری؟",
"description": "Shown on the install screen. Link takes users to a support page"
"Install__choose-device-name__description": {
"message": "You'll see this name under \"Linked Devices\" on your phone",
"description": "The subheader shown on the 'choose device name' screen in the device linking process"
"Install__choose-device-name__placeholder": {
"message": "My Computer",
"description": "The placeholder for the 'choose device name' input"
"Preferences--device-name": {
"message": "د وسیلې نوم",
"description": "The label in settings panel shown for the user-provided name for this desktop instance"
"chooseDeviceName": {
"message": "د دغې وسیلې نوم وټاکئ",
"description": "The header shown on the 'choose device name' screen in the device linking process"
"finishLinkingPhone": {
"message": "د ټلیفون لینک کول پای ته ورسوئ",
"description": "The text on the button to finish the linking process, after choosing the device name"
"initialSync": {
"message": "د مخاطبینو او ګروپونو همآهنګ کول",
"description": "Shown during initial link while contacts and groups are being pulled from mobile device"
"initialSync__subtitle": {
"message": "Note: Your chat history will not be synced to this device",
"description": "Shown during initial link while contacts and groups are being pulled from mobile device"
"installConnectionFailed": {
"message": "له سرور سره نښلیدل تر سره نشو.",
"description": "Displayed when we can't connect to the server."
"installTooManyDevices": {
"message": "وبښئ، تاسې ډېر زیات لینک شوې وسیلې لری. ځینې یې لري کړئ.",
"description": ""
"installTooOld": {
"message": "په وسیله کې Signal اپډیټ کړئ تر څو خپل ټلیفون لینک کړئ.",
"description": ""
"installErrorHeader": {
"message": "کوم شی سم کار نه ورکوي!",
"description": ""
"installUnknownError": {
"message": "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.",
"description": ""
"installTryAgain": {
"message": "بیا هڅه وکړئ",
"description": ""
"Preferences--theme": {
"message": "تیم",
"description": "Header for theme settings"
"calling": {
"message": "د اړیکې نیولو په حالت کې",
"description": "Header for calling options on the settings screen"
"calling__call-back": {
"message": "بیا زنګ ووهئ",
"description": "Button to call someone back"
"calling__call-again": {
"message": "بیا زنګ ووهئ",
"description": "Button to call someone again"
"calling__start": {
"message": "د زنګ وهلو پیلول",
"description": "Button label in the call lobby for starting a call"
"calling__join": {
"message": "له اړیکې سره یو ځای کېدل",
"description": "Button label in the call lobby for joining a call"
"calling__return": {
"message": "بیرته اړیکې ته ګرځیدل",
"description": "Button label in the call lobby for returning to a call"
"calling__lobby-automatically-muted-because-there-are-a-lot-of-people": {
"message": "Microphone muted due to the size of the call",
"description": "Shown in a call lobby toast if there are a lot of people already on the call"
"calling__call-is-full": {
"message": "اړیکه ډکه شوې",
"description": "Text in the call lobby when you can't join because the call is full"
"calling__button--video__label": {
"message": "کیمره",
"description": "Label under the video button"
"calling__button--video-disabled": {
"message": "کیمره غیرفعاله شوې ده",
"description": "Button tooltip label when the camera is disabled"
"calling__button--video-off": {
"message": "د کیمرې خاموشه کول",
"description": "Button tooltip label for turning off the camera"
"calling__button--video-on": {
"message": "د کیمرې فعاله کول",
"description": "Button tooltip label for turning on the camera"
"calling__button--audio__label": {
"message": "صامت",
"description": "Label under the audio button"
"calling__button--audio-disabled": {
"message": "مایکروفون غیرفعاله دی",
"description": "Button tooltip label when the microphone is disabled"
"calling__button--audio-off": {
"message": "د مایک صامت کول",
"description": "Button tooltip label for turning off the microphone"
"calling__button--audio-on": {
"message": "مایک له صاحت حالت څخه ایستل",
"description": "Button tooltip label for turning on the microphone"
"calling__button--presenting__label": {
"message": "شریکول",
"description": "Label under the share screen button"
"calling__button--presenting-disabled": {
"message": "وړاندې کول غیرفعاله شو",
"description": "Button tooltip label for when screen sharing is disabled"
"calling__button--presenting-on": {
"message": "د وړاندې کولو پیلول",
"description": "Button tooltip label for starting to share screen"
"calling__button--presenting-off": {
"message": "د وړاندې کولو درول",
"description": "Button tooltip label for stopping screen sharing"
"calling__button--ring__label": {
"message": "زنګ",
"description": "Label under the ring button"
"calling__button--ring__disabled-because-group-is-too-large": {
"message": "دا چې ګروپ ډېر ستر دی نو ټولو ګډون والو ته زنګ نشي وهل کېدای",
"description": "Button tooltip label when you can't ring because the group is too large"
"calling__button--ring__off": {
"message": "خبر یې کړئ، چې زنګ و نه وهي",
"description": "Button tooltip label for turning ringing off"
"calling__button--ring__on": {
"message": "زنګ وهل فعاله کړئ",
"description": "Button tooltip label for turning ringing on"
"calling__your-video-is-off": {
"message": "ستاسې کیمره بنده ده",
"description": "Label in the calling lobby indicating that your camera is off"
"calling__pre-call-info--empty-group": {
"message": "نور هېڅوک دلته نشته",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
"calling__pre-call-info--1-person-in-call": {
"message": "$first$ په دغه اړیکه کې ده",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
"calling__pre-call-info--another-device-in-call": {
"message": "ستاسې یوه بله وسیله په دې اړیکه کې ده",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe when it is just you"
"calling__pre-call-info--2-people-in-call": {
"message": "$first$ او $second$ په دغه اړیکه کې دي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
"calling__pre-call-info--3-people-in-call": {
"message": "$first$، $second$ او $third$ په دغه اړیکه کې دي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
"calling__pre-call-info--many-people-in-call": {
"message": "$first$، $second$ او $others$ نور په دغه اړیکه کې دي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who is in the call"
"calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-1": {
"message": "Signal به $person$ ته زنګ ووهي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be rung"
"calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-2": {
"message": "Signal به $first$ او $second$ ته زنګ ووهي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be rang"
"calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-3": {
"message": "Signal به $first$، $second$ او $third$ ته زنګ ووهي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be rang"
"calling__pre-call-info--will-ring-many": {
"message": "Signal به $first$، $second$ او $others$ نورو ته زنګ ووهي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be rang"
"calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-1": {
"message": "$person$ ته به خبر ورکړل شي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be notified"
"calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-2": {
"message": "$first$ او $second$ ته به خبر ورکړل شي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be notified"
"calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-3": {
"message": "$first$، $second$ او $third$ ته به خبر ورکړل شي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be notified"
"calling__pre-call-info--will-notify-many": {
"message": "$first$، $second$ او $others$ نورو ته به خبر ورکړل شي",
"description": "Shown in the calling lobby to describe who will be notified"
"calling__in-this-call--zero": {
"message": "نور هېڅوک دلته نشته",
"description": "Shown in the participants list to describe how many people are in the call"
"calling__in-this-call--one": {
"message": "په دغه اړیکه کې . 1 کس دی",
"description": "Shown in the participants list to describe how many people are in the call"
"calling__in-this-call--many": {
"message": "په دغه ټلیفوني اړیکه کې - $people$ کسان دي",
"description": "Shown in the participants list to describe how many people are in the call"
"calling__you-have-blocked": {
"message": "تاسې $name$ بلاک کړ",
"description": "when you block someone and cannot view their video"
"calling__block-info": {
"message": "تاسې به د هغوی اډیو او ویډیو تر لاسه نه کړئ او هغوی به ستاسې تر لاسه نه کړي.",
"description": "Shown in the modal dialog to describe how blocking works in a group call"
"calling__overflow__scroll-up": {
"message": "سکرول پورته کش کړئ",
"description": "Label for the \"scroll up\" button in a call's overflow area"
"calling__overflow__scroll-down": {
"message": "سکرول ښکته کش کړئ",
"description": "Label for the \"scroll down\" button in a call's overflow area"
"calling__presenting--notification-title": {
"message": "تاسې یې هر چا ته وړاندې کوئ.",
"description": "Title for the share screen notification"
"calling__presenting--notification-body": {
"message": "دلته کلیک وکړئ تر څو کله چې تاسې د پریزنټیشن درولو ته چمتو یاست اړیکې ته ورشئ.",
"description": "Body text for the share screen notification"
"calling__presenting--info": {
"message": "Signal $window$ شریکوي.",
"description": "Text that appears in the screen sharing controller to inform person that they are presenting"
"calling__presenting--stop": {
"message": "شریکول ودروئ",
"description": "Button for stopping screen sharing"
"calling__presenting--you-stopped": {
"message": "تاسې وړاندې کول ودرول",
"description": "Toast that appears when someone stops presenting"
"calling__presenting--person-ongoing": {
"message": "$name$ یې وړاندې کوي",
"description": "Title of call when someone is presenting"
"calling__presenting--person-stopped": {
"message": "$name$ وړاندې کول ودرول",
"description": "Toast that appears when someone stops presenting"
"calling__presenting--permission-title": {
"message": "اجازې ته اړتیا ده",
"description": "Shown as the title for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
"calling__presenting--macos-permission-description": {
"message": "Signal ستاسې د کمپیوټر د سکرین ریکارډ اجازې ته اړتیا لري.",
"description": "Shown as the description for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
"calling__presenting--permission-instruction-step1": {
"message": "د سیستم ترجیحاتو ته ورشئ.",
"description": "Shown as the description for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
"calling__presenting--permission-instruction-step2": {
"message": "د قفل پر ایکن باندې ښکته کېڼې خوا ته کلیک وکړئ او د خپل کمپیوټر پټ نوم دننه کړئ.",
"description": "Shown as the description for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
"calling__presenting--permission-instruction-step3": {
"message": "ښۍ خوا کې Signal ته نږدې باکس باندې کلیک وکړئ. که مو چیرته په لیست کې Signal و نه لید، نو بیا پر + کلیک وکړئ تر څو یې اضافه کړئ.",
"description": "Shown as the description for the modal that requests screen recording permissions"
"calling__presenting--permission-open": {
"message": "د سیستم ترجیحات پرانیزئ",
"description": "The button that opens your system preferences for the needs screen record permissions modal"
"calling__presenting--permission-cancel": {
"message": "مرخص کول",
"description": "The cancel button for the needs screen record permissions modal"
"alwaysRelayCallsDescription": {
"message": "تل د اړیکو تیرول",
"description": "Description of the always relay calls setting"
"alwaysRelayCallsDetail": {
"message": "خپلې ټولې اړیکې د Signal د سرور له لارې تیرې کړئ تر څو ستاسې مخاطب ته ستاسې د IP پتې د ښکاره کېدو مخنیوی وکړي. د دې غوراوي فعالول به د اړیکې کیفیت راټیټ کړي.",
"description": "Details describing the always relay calls setting"
"permissions": {
"message": "اجازې",
"description": "Header for permissions section of settings"
"mediaPermissionsDescription": {
"message": "مایکروفون ته د لاسرسي اجازه ورکړئ",
"description": "Description of the media permission description"
"mediaCameraPermissionsDescription": {
"message": "کیمرې ته د لاسرسي اجازه ورکړئ",
"description": "Description of the media permission description"
"general": {
"message": "عمومي",
"description": "Header for general options on the settings screen"
"spellCheckDescription": {
"message": "د پیغام د لیکلو په باکس کې کتل شوې لیکنه دننه شوه",
"description": "Description of the spell check setting"
"spellCheckWillBeEnabled": {
"message": "کله چې بیا Signal خلاصوئ نو املايي کتنه به فعاله شوې وي.",
"description": "Shown when the user enables spellcheck to indicate that they must restart Signal."
"spellCheckWillBeDisabled": {
"message": "کله چې بیا Signal خلاصوئ نو املايي کتنه به غیرفعاله شوې وي.",
"description": "Shown when the user disables spellcheck to indicate that they must restart Signal."
"SystemTraySetting__minimize-to-system-tray": {
"message": "د سیستم پطنوس ته کمول",
"description": "In the settings, shown next to the checkbox option for minimizing to the system tray"
"SystemTraySetting__minimize-to-and-start-in-system-tray": {
"message": "پطنوس ته کمول شوی پیلول",
"description": "In the settings, shown next to the checkbox option for starting in the system tray"
"autoLaunchDescription": {
"message": "د کمپیوټر د روښانولو په مهال ننوتل",
"description": "Description for the automatic launch setting"
"clearDataHeader": {
"message": "د غوښتنلیک د ډیټا پاکول",
"description": "Header in the settings dialog for the section dealing with data deletion"
"clearDataExplanation": {
"message": "دا کار به په غوښتنلیک کې ټوله ډیټا پاکه کړي، ټول پیغامونه به ایسته کړي او د اکاونټ معلومات به ثبت کړي.",
"description": "Text describing what the clear data button will do."
"clearDataButton": {
"message": "د ډیټا پاکول",
"description": "Button in the settings dialog starting process to delete all data"
"deleteAllDataHeader": {
"message": "غواړئ ټوله ډیتا پاکه کړئ؟",
"description": "Header of the full-screen delete data confirmation screen"
"deleteAllDataBody": {
"message": "تاسې په دغه پروګرام کې د اکاونټ د ټولو ثبت شويو معلوماتو او د ټولو مخاطبینو او پیغامونه د پاکولو په حال کې یاست. تاسې تل کولای شئ بیا د خپل موبایل وسیلې په مټ سره لینک شئ، خو په دې سره به پاک شوی پیغامونه بیرته تر لاسه نه شي.",
"description": "Text describing what exactly will happen if the user clicks the button to delete all data"
"deleteAllDataButton": {
"message": "د ټولې ډیټا پاکول",
"description": "Text of the button that deletes all data"
"deleteAllDataProgress": {
"message": "د اړیکې پرې کېدل او د ټولې ډیټا پاکول",
"description": "Message shown to user when app is disconnected and data deleted"
"deleteOldIndexedDBData": {
"message": " د ډیسکټاپ د Signal د پخواني انسټالیشن ثبت شوي معلومات لری، که ادامه ورکړئ نو دا ډیتا به ټوله پاکه شي او او تاسې به یې له سر څخه پیل کړئ.",
"description": "Shown if user last ran Signal Desktop before October 2018"
"deleteOldData": {
"message": "زړه ډیټا پاکه کړئ",
"description": "Button to make the delete happen"
"notifications": {
"message": "خبرتیاووې",
"description": "Header for notification settings"
"notificationSettingsDialog": {
"message": "کله چې پیغامونه راځي، نو هغه خبرتیاووې یې ښکاره کړئ کوم چې ښیې:",
"description": "Explain the purpose of the notification settings"
"disableNotifications": {
"message": "د خبرتیاوو غیرفعاله کول",
"description": "Label for disabling notifications"
"nameAndMessage": {
"message": "نوم، محتوی او اقدامات",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display name and message text"
"noNameOrMessage": {
"message": "نوم یا محتوی نشته",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display no name and no message text"
"nameOnly": {
"message": "یوازې نوم",
"description": "Label for setting notifications to display sender name only"
"newMessage": {
"message": "نوی پیغام",
"description": "Displayed in notifications for only 1 message"
"notificationSenderInGroup": {
"message": "$sender$ په $group$ کې",
"description": "Displayed in notifications for messages in a group"
"notificationReaction": {
"message": "$sender$ ستاسې پیغام ته په $emoji$ سره غبرګون وښود",
"description": ""
"notificationReactionMessage": {
"message": "$sender$ $emoji$ ته غبرګون ښود: $message$",
"description": ""
"sendFailed": {
"message": "لیږل ناکامه شو",
"description": "Shown on outgoing message if it fails to send"
"deleteFailed": {
"message": "Delete failed",
"description": "Shown on a message which was deleted for everyone if the delete wasn't successfully sent to anyone"
"sendPaused": {
"message": "لیږل درول شوي",
"description": "Shown on outgoing message if it cannot be sent immediately"
"partiallySent": {
"message": "یوه برخه یې ولیږل شوه، د جزئیاتو لپاره کلیک وکړئ",
"description": "Shown on outgoing message if it is partially sent"
"partiallyDeleted": {
"message": "Partially deleted, click to retry",
"description": "Shown on a message which was deleted for everyone if the delete wasn't successfully sent to everyone"
"showMore": {
"message": "جزئیات",
"description": "Displays the details of a key change"
"showLess": {
"message": "د جزئیاتو پټول",
"description": "Hides the details of a key change"
"learnMore": {
"message": "د خونديتوب شمېرو د تایید کولو لپاره زیات زده کړئ",
"description": "Text that links to a support article on verifying safety numbers"
"expiredWarning": {
"message": "د ډیسکټاپ د Signal نسخه منقضي شوې ده. نو د پیغام لیږلو لپاره مهرباني وکړئ وروستۍ نسخې ته یې اپګریډ کړئ.",
"description": "Warning notification that this version of the app has expired"
"upgrade": {
"message": "کلیک وکړئ تر څو ته ولاړ شئ",
"description": "Label text for button to upgrade the app to the latest version"
"mediaMessage": {
"message": "د میډیا پیغام",
"description": "Description of a message that has an attachment and no text, displayed in the conversation list as a preview."
"unregisteredUser": {
"message": "شمېره ثبت شوې نه ده",
"description": "Error message displayed when sending to an unregistered user."
"sync": {
"message": "مخاطبین را وارد کړئ",
"description": "Label for contact and group sync settings"
"syncExplanation": {
"message": "د Signal ټول ګروپونه او مخاطبین د خپل موبایل له وسیلې څخه را وارد کړئ.",
"description": "Explanatory text for sync settings"
"lastSynced": {
"message": "وروستۍ وارد شوی په ",
"description": "Label for date and time of last sync operation"
"syncNow": {
"message": "اوس یې را وارد کړئ",
"description": "Label for a button that syncs contacts and groups from your phone"
"syncing": {
"message": "د وارد کېدو په حال کې...",
"description": "Label for a disabled sync button while sync is in progress."
"syncFailed": {
"message": "راواردول تر سره نشو. ډاډ تر لاسه کړئ چې ستاسې کمپیوټر او ستاسې موبایل له انټرنېټ سره نښتي دي.",
"description": "Informational text displayed if a sync operation times out."
"timestamp_s": {
"message": "اوس",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent less than a minute ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"timestamp_m": {
"message": "1 دقیقه",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent about one minute ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"timestamp_h": {
"message": "1 ساعت",
"description": "Brief timestamp for messages sent about one hour ago. Displayed in the conversation list and message bubble."
"hoursAgo": {
"message": "$hours$ ساعتونه",
"description": "Contracted form of 'X hours ago' which works both for singular and plural"
"minutesAgo": {
"message": "$minutes$دقیقې",
"description": "Contracted form of 'X minutes ago' which works both for singular and plural"
"justNow": {
"message": "اوس",
"description": "Shown if a message is very recent, less than 60 seconds old"
"timestampFormat_M": {
"message": "MMM D",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying month and day (but not the year) of a date within the current year, ex: use 'MMM D' for 'Aug 8', or 'D MMM' for '8 Aug'."
"timestampFormat__long__today": {
"message": "[Today] LT",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Today\" and the time"
"timestampFormat__long__yesterday": {
"message": "[Yesterday] LT",
"description": "Timestamp format string for displaying \"Yesterday\" and the time"
"messageBodyTooLong": {
"message": "د پیغام بدنه ډېره اوږده ده.",
"description": "Shown if the user tries to send more than 64kb of text"
"unblockToSend": {
"message": "دغه مخاطب له بلاک څخه وباسئ تر څو پیغام درته ولیږي.",
"description": "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked number"
"unblockGroupToSend": {
"message": "دغه ګروپ له بلاک څخه وباسئ تر څو پیغام درته ولیږي.",
"description": "Brief message shown when trying to message a blocked group"
"youChangedTheTimer": {
"message": "تاسې د ورک کېدونکي پیغام وخت $time$ ته تنظیم کړ.",
"description": "Message displayed when you change the message expiration timer in a conversation."
"timerSetOnSync": {
"message": "د ورک کېدونکي پیغام وخت مو $time$ ته اپډیټ کړ.",
"description": "Message displayed when timer is set on initial link of desktop device."
"timerSetByMember": {
"message": "یوه غړي د ورک کېدونکي پیغام وخت $time$ ته تنظیم کړ.",
"description": "Message displayed when timer is by an unknown group member."
"theyChangedTheTimer": {
"message": "$name$ د ورک کېدونکی پیغام وخت $time$ ته تنظیم کړ.",
"description": "Message displayed when someone else changes the message expiration timer in a conversation."
"disappearingMessages__off": {
"message": "خاموش",
"description": "Label for option to turn off message expiration in the timer menu"
"disappearingMessages": {
"message": "ورک کېدونکي پیغامونه",
"description": "Conversation menu option to enable disappearing messages. Title of the settings section for Disappearing Messages. Label of the disappearing timer select in group creation flow"
"disappearingMessagesDisabled": {
"message": "له منځه تلونکي پیغامونه غیرفعال شوي دي",
"description": "Displayed in the left pane when the timer is turned off"
"disappearingMessagesDisabledByMember": {
"message": "یوه غړي ورک کېدونکي پیغامونه غیرفعاله کړل.",
"description": "Displayed in the left pane when the timer is turned off"
"disabledDisappearingMessages": {
"message": "$name$ ورک کېدونکي پیغامونه غیرفعاله کړي دي.",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is turned off"
"youDisabledDisappearingMessages": {
"message": "تاسې ورک کېدونکی پیغامونه غیرفعاله کړي دي.",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is turned off"
"timerSetTo": {
"message": "ټایمر $time$ ته تنظیم شو",
"description": "Displayed in the conversation list when the timer is updated by some automatic action, or in the left pane"
"audioNotificationDescription": {
"message": "د خبرتیا غږونه پلي کړئ",
"description": "Description for audio notification setting"
"callRingtoneNotificationDescription": {
"message": "د اړیکې نیولو غږونه پلي کړئ",
"description": "Description for call ringtone notification setting"
"callSystemNotificationDescription": {
"message": "د اړیکو لپاره خبرتیاووې وښیئ",
"description": "Description for call notification setting"
"incomingCallNotificationDescription": {
"message": "راتلونکې زنګونه فعال کړئ",
"description": "Description for incoming calls setting"
"contactChangedProfileName": {
"message": "$sender$د خپل پروفایل نوم له $oldProfile$ څخه $newProfile$ ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Description for incoming calls setting"
"changedProfileName": {
"message": "$oldProfile$د خپل پروفایل نوم $newProfile$ ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown when a contact not in your address book changes their profile name"
"SafetyNumberModal__title": {
"message": "د خوندیتوب د شمېرې تایید",
"description": "Title for the modal for safety number verification"
"safetyNumberChanged": {
"message": "د خوندیتوب شمېره بدله شوې ده",
"description": "A notification shown in the conversation when a contact reinstalls"
"safetyNumberChanges": {
"message": "د خوندیتوب د شمېرې بدلونونه",
"description": "Title for safety number changed modal"
"safetyNumberChangedGroup": {
"message": "له $name$ سره د خوندیتوب شمېره بدله شوې ده",
"description": "A notification shown in a group conversation when a contact reinstalls, showing the contact name"
"verifyNewNumber": {
"message": "د خوندیتوب د شمېرې تایید",
"description": "Label on button included with safety number change notification in the conversation"
"cannotGenerateSafetyNumber": {
"message": "کارن تر هغه وخته نشي تایید کېدلای تر څو تاسې له هغه سره پیغامونه تبادله نه کړئ.",
"description": "Shown on the safety number screen if you have never exchanged messages with that contact"
"yourSafetyNumberWith": {
"message": "ستاسې د خونديتوب شمېره د $name1$ سره:",
"description": "Heading for safety number view"
"themeLight": {
"message": "روڼ",
"description": "Label text for light theme (normal)"
"themeDark": {
"message": "تیاره",
"description": "Label text for dark theme"
"themeSystem": {
"message": "سیستم",
"description": "Label text for system theme"
"noteToSelf": {
"message": "یاددښت د ځان لپاره",
"description": "Name for the conversation with your own phone number"
"noteToSelfHero": {
"message": "تاسې کولای شئ په دغه محاوره کې د خپل ځان لپاره یاددښتونه اضافه کړئ. که چیرته ستاسې اکاونټ کومې لینک شوې وسیلې ولري، نو نوي یاددښتونه به هلته هم ورشي.",
"description": "Description for the Note to Self conversation"
"notificationDrawAttention": {
"message": "کله چې خبرتیا راځي نو خپل پام دغې کړکۍ ته واړوئ",
"description": "Label text for the setting that controls whether new notifications draw attention to the window"
"hideMenuBar": {
"message": "د مینو بار پټ کړئ",
"description": "Label text for menu bar visibility setting"
"startConversation": {
"message": "نوې محاوره پیل کړئ...",
"description": "Label underneath number a user enters that is not an existing contact"
"newConversation": {
"message": "نوې محاوره",
"description": "Label for header when starting a new conversation"
"stories": {
"message": "Stories",
"description": "Label for header to go to stories view"
"contactSearchPlaceholder": {
"message": "د نوم یا ټلیفون شمېرې له مخې پلټنه",
"description": "Placeholder to use when searching for contacts in the composer"
"noContactsFound": {
"message": "هېڅ مخاطب و نه موندل شو",
"description": "Label shown when there are no contacts to compose to"
"noConversationsFound": {
"message": "هېڅ محاورې و نه موندل شوې",
"description": "Label shown when there are no conversations to compose to"
"Toast--error": {
"message": "An error has occurred",
"description": "Toast for general errors"
"Toast--error--action": {
"message": "د رپوټ تسلیمول",
"description": "Label for the error toast button"
"Toast--failed-to-fetch-username": {
"message": "Failed to fetch username. Check your connection and try again.",
"description": "Shown if request to Signal servers to find username fails"
"Toast--failed-to-fetch-phone-number": {
"message": "Failed to fetch phone number. Check your connection and try again.",
"description": "Shown if request to Signal servers to find phone number fails"
"startConversation--username-not-found": {
"message": "User not found. $atUsername$ is not a Signal user; make sure youve entered the complete username.",
"description": "Shown in dialog if username is not found. Note that 'username' will be the output of at-username"
"startConversation--phone-number-not-found": {
"message": "User not found. \"$phoneNumber$\" is not a Signal user.",
"description": "Shown in dialog if phone number is not found."
"startConversation--phone-number-not-valid": {
"message": "User not found. \"$phoneNumber$\" is not a valid phone number.",
"description": "Shown in dialog if phone number is not valid."
"chooseGroupMembers__title": {
"message": "د غړو ټاکنه",
"description": "The title for the 'choose group members' left pane screen"
"chooseGroupMembers__back-button": {
"message": "شاته",
"description": "Used as alt-text of the back button on the 'choose group members' left pane screen"
"chooseGroupMembers__skip": {
"message": "پريږدئ",
"description": "The 'skip' button text in the 'choose group members' left pane screen"
"chooseGroupMembers__next": {
"message": "بل",
"description": "The 'next' button text in the 'choose group members' left pane screen"
"chooseGroupMembers__maximum-group-size__title": {
"message": "د ګروپ حداکثر اندازه ډکه شوه",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you add the maximum number of group members"
"chooseGroupMembers__maximum-group-size__body": {
"message": "د Signal ګروپونه حداکثر $max$ غړي لرلای شي.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you add the maximum number of group members"
"chooseGroupMembers__maximum-recommended-group-size__title": {
"message": "د سپارښت شویو غړو اندازه ډکه شوه",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you add the maximum recommended number of group members"
"chooseGroupMembers__maximum-recommended-group-size__body": {
"message": "د Signal ګروپونه له $max$ غړیو یا کمو سره ښه کار ورکوي. د زیات شمېر غړو اضافه کول به د پیغامونو لیږل او تر لاسه کول وځنډوي.",
"description": "Shown in the alert when you add the maximum recommended number of group members"
"setGroupMetadata__title": {
"message": "دغه ګروپ ته نوم ورکړئ",
"description": "The title for the 'set group metadata' left pane screen"
"setGroupMetadata__back-button": {
"message": "بیرته د غړو ټاکنې ته ورشئ",
"description": "Used as alt-text of the back button on the 'set group metadata' left pane screen"
"setGroupMetadata__group-name-placeholder": {
"message": "د ګروپ نوم (اړین دی)",
"description": "The placeholder for the group name placeholder"
"setGroupMetadata__group-description-placeholder": {
"message": "توضیح",
"description": "The placeholder for the group description"
"setGroupMetadata__create-group": {
"message": "رامنځته کول",
"description": "The 'create group' button text in the 'set group metadata' left pane screen"
"setGroupMetadata__members-header": {
"message": "غړي",
"description": "The header for the members list in the 'set group metadata' left pane screen"
"setGroupMetadata__error-message": {
"message": "دغه ګروپ جوړ نشو. خپل د انټرنېټ اتصال وګورئ او بیا هڅه وکړئ.",
"description": "Shown in the modal when we can't create a group"
"updateGroupAttributes__title": {
"message": "د ګروپ تصحیح",
"description": "Shown in the modal when we want to update a group"
"updateGroupAttributes__error-message": {
"message": "د ګروپ اپډیټ تر سره نشو. خپل اتصال وګورئ او بیا هڅه وکړئ.",
"description": "Shown in the modal when we can't update a group"
"notSupportedSMS": {
"message": "د SMS/MMS پیغامونو ملاتړ نه کېږي.",
"description": "Label underneath number informing user that SMS is not supported on desktop"
"newPhoneNumber": {
"message": "د يوه مخاطب د زیاتولو لپاره د ټلیفون یوه شمېره دننه کړئ.",
"description": "Placeholder for adding a new number to a contact"
"invalidNumberError": {
"message": "ناسمه شمېره",
"description": "When a person inputs a number that is invalid"
"unlinkedWarning": {
"message": "له خپل موبایل سره د ډیسکټاپ د Signal پر بیا لینک کولو باندې کلیک وکړئ تر څو خپل پیغامونه وکاروئ.",
"description": ""
"unlinked": {
"message": "له لینک څخه ایستل شوی",
"description": ""
"relink": {
"message": "بیا لینک کول",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionTitle": {
"message": "اپډیټ د لاسرسي وړ دی",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateRetry": {
"message": "Retry update",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateContactSupport": {
"message": "contact support",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "د Signal د پیلولو لپاره کلیک وکړئ",
"description": ""
"downloadNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "د اپډیټ د راښکته کولو لپاره کلیک وکړئ",
"description": ""
"downloadFullNewVersionMessage": {
"message": "Signal couldnt update. Click to try again.",
"description": "Shown in update dialog when partial update fails and we have to ask user to download full update"
"autoUpdateNewVersionInstructions": {
"message": "د همدې اپډیټونو د عملي کولو لپاره د Signal بیا پرانیستل کېکاږئ.",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateRestartButtonLabel": {
"message": "Signal بیا پرانیزئ",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateLaterButtonLabel": {
"message": "وروسته",
"description": ""
"autoUpdateIgnoreButtonLabel": {
"message": "اپډیټ نه سترګې پټې کړئ",
"description": ""
"leftTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ ګروپ پرېښود.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when a single person leaves the group"
"multipleLeftTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ ګروپ پرېښود.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when multiple people leave the group"
"updatedTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ ګروپ اپډیټ کړ.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone updates the group"
"youUpdatedTheGroup": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ اپډیټ کړ.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when you update a group"
"updatedGroupAvatar": {
"message": "د ګروپ اواتار اپډيټ شوی ده.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone updates the group"
"titleIsNow": {
"message": "د ګروپ نوم اوس دی '$name$'.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when someone changes the title of the group"
"youJoinedTheGroup": {
"message": "تاسې له ګروپ سره یو ځای شوئ.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when you are added to a group."
"joinedTheGroup": {
"message": "$name$ له ګروپ سره یو ځای شو.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when a single person joins the group"
"multipleJoinedTheGroup": {
"message": "$names$ له ګروپ سره یو ځای شو.",
"description": "Shown in the conversation history when more than one person joins the group"
"ConversationList__aria-label": {
"message": "له $title$ سره محاوره، $unreadCount$ نوي پیغامونه، وروستی پیغام: $lastMessage$",
"description": "Aria label for the conversation list item"
"ConversationList__last-message-undefined": {
"message": "وروستی پیغام ښايي پاک شوی وي.",
"description": "For aria-label within conversation list. Describes if last message is not defined."
"BaseConversationListItem__aria-label": {
"message": "له $title$ سره محاورې ته ولاړ شه",
"description": "Aria label for the conversation list item button"
"ConversationListItem--message-request": {
"message": "د پیغام غوښتنه",
"description": "Preview shown for conversation if the user has not yet accepted an incoming message request"
"ConversationListItem--draft-prefix": {
"message": "مخلیکنه:",
"description": "Prefix shown in italic in conversation view when a draft is saved"
"message--getNotificationText--gif": {
"message": "GIF",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a GIF is received."
"message--getNotificationText--photo": {
"message": "انځور",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a photo is received."
"message--getNotificationText--video": {
"message": "ویډیو",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a video is received."
"message--getNotificationText--voice-message": {
"message": "غږیز پیغام",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a voice message is received."
"message--getNotificationText--audio-message": {
"message": "اډیويي پیغام",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when an audio message is received."
"message--getNotificationText--file": {
"message": "فایل",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a generic file is received."
"message--getNotificationText--stickers": {
"message": "د سټیکر پیغام",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane instead of sticker image."
"message--getNotificationText--text-with-emoji": {
"message": "$emoji$ $text$",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when text has an emoji. Probably always [emoji] [text] on LTR languages and [text] [emoji] on RTL languages."
"message--getDescription--unsupported-message": {
"message": "نه ملاتړ کېدونکی پیغام",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message has features too new for this signal install."
"message--getDescription--disappearing-media": {
"message": "هغه میډیا چې یو ځل لیدل کېږي",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane after view-once message is deleted. Also shown when quoting a view once media."
"message--getDescription--disappearing-photo": {
"message": "هغه انځور چې یو ځل لیدل کېږي",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message is a view once photo. Also shown when quoting a view once photo."
"message--getDescription--disappearing-video": {
"message": "هغه ویډیو چې یو ځل لیدل کېږي",
"description": "Shown in notifications and in the left pane when a message is a view once video. Also shown when quoting a view once video."
"message--deletedForEveryone": {
"message": "دغه پیغام پاک شوی",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when the message has been deleted for everyone."
"message--giftBadge--unopened--incoming": {
"message": "View this message on mobile to open it",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--outgoing": {
"message": "Tap this message on mobile to view your gift",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've sent a gift badge to a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--label": {
"message": "Gift",
"description": "Shown in a message's bubble when you've received a gift badge from a contact"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--incoming": {
"message": "Check your phone to open gift",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an incoming gift badge you haven't yet redeemed"
"message--giftBadge--unopened--toast--outgoing": {
"message": "Check your phone to view your gift",
"description": "Shown when you've clicked on an outgoing gift badge"
"message--giftBadge--preview--unopened": {
"message": "You received a gift",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge--preview--redeemed": {
"message": "You redeemed a gift badge",
"description": "Shown to label the redeemed gift badge in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge--preview--sent": {
"message": "You sent a gift badge",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've sent in notifications and the left pane"
"message--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gift Badge",
"description": "Shown to label the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"quote--giftBadge": {
"message": "Gift",
"description": "Shown to label a gift badge you've replied to"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--days": {
"message": "$days$ days remaining",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for days > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--hours": {
"message": "$hours$ hours remaining",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for hours > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--minutes": {
"message": "$minutes$ minutes remaining",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device (only rendered for minutes > 1)"
"message--giftBadge--remaining--one-minute": {
"message": "1 minute remaining",
"description": "Describes how long remains for the gift badge you've redeemed on another device"
"message--giftBadge--expired": {
"message": "Expired",
"description": "Shows that a gift badge is expired"
"message--giftBadge--view": {
"message": "ليدل",
"description": "Shown when you've sent a gift badge to someone then opened it"
"message--giftBadge--redeemed": {
"message": "Redeemed",
"description": "Shown when you've redeemed the gift badge on another device"
"modal--giftBadge--title": {
"message": "Thanks for your support!",
"description": "The title of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"modal--giftBadge--description": {
"message": "You've gifted a badge to $name$. When they accept, they'll be given a choice to show or hide their badge.",
"description": "The description of the outgoing gift badge detail dialog"
"stickers--toast--InstallFailed": {
"message": "د سټیکر کڅوړه انسټال نشوه",
"description": "Shown in a toast if the user attempts to install a sticker pack and it fails"
"stickers--StickerManager--InstalledPacks": {
"message": "انسټال شوي سټیکرونه",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager above your installed sticker packs."
"stickers--StickerManager--InstalledPacks--Empty": {
"message": "هېڅ سټیکر نه دی انسټال شوی",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager when you don't have any installed sticker packs."
"stickers--StickerManager--BlessedPacks": {
"message": "د Signal د هنرمندانو ټولګه",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager above the default sticker packs."
"stickers--StickerManager--BlessedPacks--Empty": {
"message": "د Signal د هنرمندانو هېڅ سټیکر نشته",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager when there are no blessed sticker packs available."
"stickers--StickerManager--ReceivedPacks": {
"message": "هغه سټیکرونه چې تاسې تر لاسه کړي",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager above sticker packs which you have received in messages."
"stickers--StickerManager--ReceivedPacks--Empty": {
"message": "د راغلو پیغامونو سټیکرونه به دلته شکاره شي",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager when you have not received any sticker packs in messages."
"stickers--StickerManager--Install": {
"message": "انسټال",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which can be installed."
"stickers--StickerManager--Uninstall": {
"message": "پاکول",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which are already installed."
"stickers--StickerManager--UninstallWarning": {
"message": "ښایې تاسې ونشئ کړای چې د سټیکر دغه کڅوړه بیا انسټال کړئ که چیرته تاسې نور اصلي پیغام ته د زیات وخت لپاره لاسرسی نه وي لرلی.",
"description": "Shown in the sticker pack manager next to sticker packs which are already installed."
"stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Image": {
"message": "د سټیکرونو پیژندنه: غله پشۍ",
"description": "Alt text on a tooltip image when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
"stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Title": {
"message": "د سټیکرونو پیژندنه",
"description": "Shown as the title on a tooltip when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
"stickers--StickerManager--Introduction--Body": {
"message": "چې سټیکرونه وي نو بیا د کلیمو کارولو ته اړتیا شته؟",
"description": "Shown as the body on a tooltip when the user upgrades to a version of Signal supporting stickers."
"stickers--StickerPicker--Open": {
"message": "د سټیکر انتخابوونکی پرانیزئ",
"description": "Label for the open button for the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--AddPack": {
"message": "د سټیکر کڅوړه اضافه کړئ",
"description": "Label for the add pack button in the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--NextPage": {
"message": "راتلونکې پاڼه",
"description": "Label for the next page button in the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--PrevPage": {
"message": "مخکنۍ پاڼه",
"description": "Label for the previous page button in the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--Recents": {
"message": "اوسني سټیکرونه",
"description": "Label for the recent stickers button in the sticker picker"
"stickers--StickerPicker--DownloadError": {
"message": "ځینې سټیکرونه نشوای ډانلوډ کېدای.",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when one or more stickers could not be downloaded."
"stickers--StickerPicker--DownloadPending": {
"message": "د سټیکر کڅوړه د انسټال کېدو په حال کې ده...",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when one or more stickers are still downloading."
"stickers--StickerPicker--Empty": {
"message": "هېڅ سټیکر و نه موندل شو",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no stickers to show."
"stickers--StickerPicker--Hint": {
"message": "ستاسې له پیغامونو څخه د نویو سټیکرونو کڅوړې د انسټال لپاره شته",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker the first time you have received new packs you can install."
"stickers--StickerPicker--NoPacks": {
"message": "د سټیکر هېڅ کڅوړې و نه موندل شوې",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no installed sticker packs."
"stickers--StickerPicker--NoRecents": {
"message": "وروستي کارول شوي سټیکرونه به دلته ښکاره شي.",
"description": "Shown in the sticker picker when there are no recent stickers to show."
"stickers--StickerPreview--Title": {
"message": "د سټیکر کڅوړه",
"description": "The title that appears in the sticker pack preview modal."
"stickers--StickerPreview--Error": {
"message": "د سټیکر د کڅوړې په پرانیستلو کې تیروتنه شوې. خپل د انټرنېټ اتصال وګورئ او بیا هڅه وکړئ.",
"description": "The message that appears in the sticker preview modal when there is an error."
"EmojiPicker--empty": {
"message": "هېڅ ایموجي و نه موندل شو",
"description": "Shown in the emoji picker when a search yields 0 results."
"EmojiPicker--search-placeholder": {
"message": "د emoji پلټنه",
"description": "Shown as a placeholder inside the emoji picker search field."
"EmojiPicker--skin-tone": {
"message": "د پوستکي غږ $tone$",
"description": "Shown as a tooltip over the emoji tone buttons."
"EmojiPicker__button--recents": {
"message": "وروستي",
"description": "Label for recents emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--emoji": {
"message": "Emoji",
"description": "Label for emoji emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--animal": {
"message": "څاروي",
"description": "Label for animal emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--food": {
"message": "خواړه",
"description": "Label for food emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--activity": {
"message": "فعالیت",
"description": "Label for activity emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--travel": {
"message": "سفر",
"description": "Label for travel emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--object": {
"message": "توکی",
"description": "Label for object emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--symbol": {
"message": "سمبول",
"description": "Label for symbol emoji picker button"
"EmojiPicker__button--flag": {
"message": "بیرغ",
"description": "Label for flag emoji picker button"
"confirmation-dialog--Cancel": {
"message": "لغوه کول",
"description": "Appears on the cancel button in confirmation dialogs."
"MessageBody--read-more": {
"message": "Read more",
"description": "When a message is too long this is the affordance to expand the message"
"Message--unsupported-message": {
"message": "$contact$ تاسې ته یو پیغام ولیږه کوم چې نه خلاصیږي یا نه ښودل کېږي ځکه هغه د Signal نوې بڼه کاروي.",
"description": ""
"Message--unsupported-message-ask-to-resend": {
"message": "تاسې کولای شئ له $contact$ څخه وپوښتئ تر څو دغه پیغام اوس درته ولیږي کوم چې د Signal تازه نسخه کاروئ.",
"description": ""
"Message--from-me-unsupported-message": {
"message": "ستاسې یوې وسیلې داسې پیغام لیږلی چې پرانیستل کېدای یا ښکاره کېدای نشي، ځکه چې هغه د Signal نوې ځانګړنه له ځانه سره لري.",
"description": ""
"Message--from-me-unsupported-message-ask-to-resend": {
"message": "راتلونکي پیغامونه لکه دغه به اوس سنکرونایز شي دا چې تاسې اوس د Signal تازه نسخه کاروئ.",
"description": ""
"Message--update-signal": {
"message": "د Signal اپډیټ کول",
"description": "Text for a button which will take user to Signal download page"
"Message--tap-to-view-expired": {
"message": "لیدل شوي",
"description": "Text shown on messages with with individual timers, after user has viewed it"
"Message--tap-to-view--outgoing": {
"message": "میډیا",
"description": "Text shown on outgoing messages with with individual timers (inaccessible)"
"Message--tap-to-view--incoming--expired-toast": {
"message": "تاسې دا پیغام مخکې لیدلی و",
"description": "Shown when user clicks on an expired incoming view-once bubble"
"Message--tap-to-view--outgoing--expired-toast": {
"message": "یو ځل لیدونکي پیغامونه ستاسې د محاورې په تاریخچه کې نه دي زیرمه شوي.",
"description": "Shown when user clicks on an expired outgoing view-once bubble"
"Message--tap-to-view--incoming": {
"message": "د انځور لیدل",
"description": "Text shown on photo messages with with individual timers, before user has viewed it"
"Message--tap-to-view--incoming-video": {
"message": "د ویډیو لیدل",
"description": "Text shown on video messages with with individual timers, before user has viewed it"
"Conversation--getDraftPreview--attachment": {
"message": "(ضمیمه)",
"description": "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
"Conversation--getDraftPreview--quote": {
"message": "(نقل قول)",
"description": "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
"Conversation--getDraftPreview--draft": {
"message": "(مخلیکنه)",
"description": "Text shown in left pane as preview for conversation with saved a saved draft message"
"Keyboard--navigate-by-section": {
"message": "بېلابېلو برخو ته تلل",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--previous-conversation": {
"message": "مخکنۍ محاوره",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--next-conversation": {
"message": "راتلونکې محاوره",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--previous-unread-conversation": {
"message": "پخوانۍ نالوستل شوې محاوره",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--next-unread-conversation": {
"message": "راتلونکې نالوستل شوې محاوره",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--preferences": {
"message": "ترجیحات",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--open-conversation-menu": {
"message": "د پرانیستې محاورې مینو",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--new-conversation": {
"message": "نوې محاوره پیل کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--archive-conversation": {
"message": "محاوره ارشیف کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--unarchive-conversation": {
"message": "محاوره له ارشیف څخه را وباسئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--search": {
"message": "پلټنه",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--search-in-conversation": {
"message": "په محاوره کې پلټنه",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--focus-composer": {
"message": "پر پیغام لیکونکي باندې تمرکز",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--open-all-media-view": {
"message": "د ټولې میډیا د پرانیستلو لیدل",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--open-emoji-chooser": {
"message": "د emoji د ټاکونکي پرانیستل",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--open-sticker-chooser": {
"message": "د سټیکر انتخابوونکی پرانیزئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--begin-recording-voice-note": {
"message": "د غږیز یاددښت ثبتول پیل کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--default-message-action": {
"message": "د ټاکل شوي پیغام لپاره عادي عمل",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--view-details-for-selected-message": {
"message": "د ټاکل شویو پیغامونو د جزئیاتو لیدل",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reply": {
"message": "ټاکل شوي پیغام ته د ځواب پرانیستل او تړل",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-reaction-picker": {
"message": "د ټاکل شوي پیغام لپاره د emoji د غبرګون د ټاکونکي پرانیستل او تړل",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--save-attachment": {
"message": "له ټاکل شوي پیغام څخه د ضمیمې ثبت",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--delete-message": {
"message": "د ټاکل شوي پیغام پاکول",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--add-newline": {
"message": "پیغام کې نوې کرښه اضافه کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--expand-composer": {
"message": "د پیغام لیکونکی پراخ کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--send-in-expanded-composer": {
"message": "(په پراخ شوي پیغام لیکونکي) کې یې ولیږئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--attach-file": {
"message": "فایل ضمیمه کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--remove-draft-link-preview": {
"message": "د لینک د مخکتنې مخلیکنه لري کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--remove-draft-attachments": {
"message": "د مخلیکنې ټولې ضمیمې لري کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--conversation-by-index": {
"message": "محاورې ته تګ",
"description": "A shortcut allowing direct navigation to conversations 1 to 9 in list"
"Keyboard--Key--ctrl": {
"message": "کنټرول",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--option": {
"message": "غوراوی",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--alt": {
"message": "Alt",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--shift": {
"message": "شیفټ",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--enter": {
"message": "انټر",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--tab": {
"message": "تب",
"description": "Key shown in shortcut combination in shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--Key--one-to-nine-range": {
"message": "1 تر 9",
"description": "Expresses that 1, 2, 3, up to 9 are available shortcut keys"
"Keyboard--header": {
"message": "د کېبورډ شارټ کټونه",
"description": "Title header of the keyboard shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--navigation-header": {
"message": "پیمایش",
"description": "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - navigation section"
"Keyboard--messages-header": {
"message": "پیغامونه",
"description": "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - messages section"
"Keyboard--composer-header": {
"message": "د پیغام لیکونکی",
"description": "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - composer section"
"Keyboard--scroll-to-top": {
"message": "د لیست سر ته تګ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--scroll-to-bottom": {
"message": "د لیست پای ته تګ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--close-curent-conversation": {
"message": "اوسنۍ محاوره وتړئ",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--calling-header": {
"message": "د اړیکې نیولو په حالت کې",
"description": "Header of the keyboard shortcuts guide - calling section"
"Keyboard--toggle-audio": {
"message": "د غږ روښانول او خاموشه کول",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--toggle-video": {
"message": "د ویډیو روښانول او خاموشه کول",
"description": "Shown in the shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--accept-video-call": {
"message": "Accept call with video",
"description": "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--accept-audio-call": {
"message": "Accept call with audio",
"description": "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--start-audio-call": {
"message": "د اډیويي اړیکې نیولو پیلول",
"description": "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--start-video-call": {
"message": "د ویډیويي اړیکې نیولو پیلول",
"description": "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--decline-call": {
"message": "د زنګ بندول",
"description": "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
"Keyboard--hang-up": {
"message": " د زنګ پای ته رسول",
"description": "Shown in the calling keyboard shortcuts guide"
"close-popup": {
"message": "د پاپ اپ تړل",
"description": "Used as alt text for any button closing a popup"
"add-image-attachment": {
"message": "د انځور د ضمیمې اضافه کول",
"description": "Used in draft attachment list for the big 'add new attachment' button"
"remove-attachment": {
"message": "د ضمیمې لري کول",
"description": "Used in draft attachment list to remove an individual attachment"
"backToInbox": {
"message": "بیرته انباکس ته تګ",
"description": "Used as alt-text of button on archived conversations screen"
"conversationArchived": {
"message": "محاوره ارشیف شوه",
"description": "A toast that shows up when user archives a conversation"
"conversationArchivedUndo": {
"message": "بیرته پاک کول",
"description": "Undo button for archiving a conversation"
"conversationReturnedToInbox": {
"message": "محاوره انباکس ته ولاړه",
"description": "A toast that shows up when the user unarchives a conversation"
"conversationMarkedUnread": {
"message": "محاوره د نالوستې په توګه په نښه شوه",
"description": "A toast that shows up when user marks a conversation as unread"
"StickerCreator--title": {
"message": "د سټیکر د کڅوړې جوړونکی",
"description": "The title of the Sticker Pack Creator window"
"StickerCreator--DropZone--staticText": {
"message": "د انځور لپاره دلته کلیک وکړئ یا یې را کش کړئ",
"description": "Text which appears on the Sticker Creator drop zone when there is no active drag"
"StickerCreator--DropZone--activeText": {
"message": "انځورونه دلته را کش کړئ",
"description": "Text which appears on the Sticker Creator drop zone when there is an active drag"
"StickerCreator--Preview--title": {
"message": "د سټیکر کڅوړه ",
"description": "The 'title' of the sticker pack preview 'modal'"
"StickerCreator--ConfirmDialog--cancel": {
"message": "لغوه کول",
"description": "The default text for the confirm dialog cancel button"
"StickerCreator--CopyText--button": {
"message": "کاپي کول",
"description": "The text which appears on the copy button for the sticker creator share screen"
"StickerCreator--ShareButtons--facebook": {
"message": "فیسبوک",
"description": "Title for Facebook button"
"StickerCreator--ShareButtons--twitter": {
"message": "ټویټر",
"description": "Title for Twitter button"
"StickerCreator--ShareButtons--pinterest": {
"message": "پنټریسټ",
"description": "Title for Pinterest button"
"StickerCreator--ShareButtons--whatsapp": {
"message": "واټساپ",
"description": "Title for WhatsApp button"
"StickerCreator--AppStage--next": {
"message": "بل",
"description": "Default text for the next button on all stages of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--AppStage--prev": {
"message": "شاته",
"description": "Default text for the previous button on all stages of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--title": {
"message": "خپل سټیکرونه اضافه کړئ",
"description": "Title for the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--removeSticker": {
"message": "سټیکر ایسته کړئ",
"description": "Label for the X button used to remove a staged sticker"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--dragDrop": {
"message": "یو فایل باندې کلیک وکړئ یا دلته یې را کش/واچوئ تر څو سټیکر اضافه کړئ",
"description": "Shown on the + section of the file addition stage of sticker pack creation"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--help": {
"message": "سټیکرونه باید د PNG، APNG یا WebP په فارمټ کې له رڼه بکګراونډ سره وي چې اندازه یې هم باید 512x512 پیکسیل کې وي. توصیه شوي حاشیه یې 16px ده.",
"description": "Help text for the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--showMargins": {
"message": "د حاشیو ښودل",
"description": "Text for the show margins toggle on the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--DropStage--addMore": {
"message": "$count$ یا تر دې زیات اضافه کړئ",
"description": "Text to show user how many more stickers they must add"
"StickerCreator--EmojiStage--title": {
"message": "هر سټیکر ته یو emoji ور اضافه کړئ",
"description": "Title for the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--EmojiStage--help": {
"message": "دا کار موږ ته اجازه راکوي تر څو تاسې ته د داسې سټیکرونو وړاندیز وکړو چې تاسې په پیغامونو کې وکارولای شئ.",
"description": "Help text for the drop stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--title": {
"message": "یوازې څو نور جزئیات",
"description": "Title for the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--Field--title": {
"message": "عنوان",
"description": "Label for the title input of the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--Field--author": {
"message": "لیکونکی",
"description": "Label for the author input of the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--Field--cover": {
"message": "د پوښتۍ انځور",
"description": "Label for the cover image picker of the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--Field--cover--help": {
"message": "دا هغه انځور دی چې کله تاسې خپل د سټیکر کڅوړه شریکوئ نو هغه به وښودل شي",
"description": "Help text for the cover image picker of the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--ConfirmDialog--title": {
"message": "ایا ډاډه یاست چې غواړئ خپل د سټیکر کڅوړه پورته کړئ؟",
"description": "Title for the confirm dialog on the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--ConfirmDialog--confirm": {
"message": "پورته کول",
"description": "Text for the upload button in the confirmation dialog on the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--MetaStage--ConfirmDialog--text": {
"message": "کله چې مو د سټیکر کڅوړه جوړه کړه بیا نشئ کولای چې بکې تصحیح راولئ یا یې هم پاک کړئ.",
"description": "The text inside the confirmation dialog on the meta stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--UploadStage--title": {
"message": "د خپل سټیکر د کڅوړې جوړول",
"description": "Title for the upload stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--UploadStage-uploaded": {
"message": "له $total$ څخه $count$ یې اپلوډ شوي دي",
"description": "Title for the upload stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--title": {
"message": "مبارک! تاسې د سټیکر کڅوړه جوړه کړه.",
"description": "Title for the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--help": {
"message": "خپلو نویو سټیکرونو ته د سټیکر د ایکن له لارې لاسرسی ولری، یا هم د لاندني لینک په کارولو سره هغه له خپلو ملګرو سره شریک کړئ.",
"description": "Help text for the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--callToAction": {
"message": "د $hashtag$ هشټګ له نورو خلکو سره د مرستې لپاره وکاروئ تر څو د هر ډول سفارشي سټیکرونو کڅوړو URLs ومومئ کوم چې غواړئ یې په عامه توګه یې نورو ته د لاسرسي وړ وګرځوئ.",
"description": "Call to action text for the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--copyTitle": {
"message": "د سټیکر د کڅوړې URL",
"description": "Title for the copy button on the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--close": {
"message": "بندول",
"description": "Text for the close button on the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--createAnother": {
"message": "د سټیکر بله کڅوړه جوړه کړئ",
"description": "Text for the create another sticker pack button on the share stage of the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--ShareStage--socialMessage": {
"message": "د سټیکر دغه نوې کڅوړه وګورئ کوم چې ما د Signal لپاره جوړه کړې ده. #makeprivacystick ",
"description": "Text which is shared to social media platforms for sticker packs"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--imagesAdded": {
"message": "$count$ انځور(ونه) اضافه شول",
"description": "Text for the toast when images are added to the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--animated": {
"message": "انیمیشن لرونکي سټیکرونه د اوس مهال لپاره نه ملاتړ کېږي",
"description": "Text for the toast when an image that is animated was dropped on the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--tooLarge": {
"message": "اچول شوی انځور ډېر ستر دی",
"description": "Text for the toast when an image that is too large was dropped on the sticker creator"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--errorProcessing": {
"message": "د انځور په پروسیس کې تیروتنه شوې ",
"description": "Text for the toast when an image cannot be processed was dropped on the sticker creator with a generic error"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--APNG--notSquare": {
"message": "انیمیشن شوي PNG سټیکرونه باید مربع وي",
"description": "Text for the toast when someone tries to upload a non-square APNG"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--mustLoopForever": {
"message": "انیمیشن شوي سټیکرونه باید د تل لپاره حلقوي وي",
"description": "Text for the toast when an image in the sticker creator does not animate forever"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--APNG--dimensionsTooLarge": {
"message": "د انیمیشن شوي PNG سټیکر ابعاد ډېر ستر دي",
"description": "Text for the toast when an APNG image in the sticker creator is too large"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--APNG--dimensionsTooSmall": {
"message": "د انیمیشن شوي PNG سټیکر ابعاد ډېر کوچني دي",
"description": "Text for the toast when an APNG image in the sticker creator is too small"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--errorUploading": {
"message": "د سټیکرونو په پورته کولو کې تیروتنه شوې: $message$",
"description": "Text for the toast when a sticker pack cannot be uploaded"
"StickerCreator--Toasts--linkedCopied": {
"message": "لینک کاپی شو",
"description": "Text for the toast when a link for sharing is copied from the Sticker Creator"
"StickerCreator--StickerPreview--light": {
"message": "زما سټیکر په روڼه تیم کې",
"description": "Text for the sticker preview for the light theme"
"StickerCreator--StickerPreview--dark": {
"message": "زما سټیکر په تیاره تیم کې",
"description": "Text for the sticker preview for the dark theme"
"StickerCreator--Authentication--error": {
"message": "د مهرباني له مخې Signal په خپل موبایل او ډیسکټاپ کې انسټال کړئ تر څو د سټیکر د کڅوړې جوړونکی وکاروئ",
"description": "The error message which appears when the user has not linked their account and attempts to use the Sticker Creator"
"Reactions--remove": {
"message": "غبرګون ایسته کړئ",
"description": ""
"Reactions--error": {
"message": "د غبرګون لیږل تر سره نشو. مهرباني وکړئ بیا هڅه وکړئ.",
"description": "Shown when a reaction fails to send"
"Reactions--more": {
"message": "زیات",
"description": "Use in the reaction picker as the alt text for the 'more' button"
"ReactionsViewer--all": {
"message": "ټول",
"description": "Shown in reaction viewer as the title for the 'all' category"
"MessageRequests--message-direct": {
"message": "غواړئ $name$ ته اجازه ورکړئ چې تاسې ته پیغام وکړي او ستاسې نوم او انځور له هغوی سره شریک کړي؟ هغوی به پوه نشي چې تاسې د هغوی پیغام لیدلی دی تر څو تاسې یې ونه منئ.",
"description": "Shown as the message for a message request in a direct message"
"MessageRequests--message-direct-blocked": {
"message": "غواړئ $name$ ته اجازه ورکړئ چې تاسې ته پیغام وکړي او ستاسې نوم او انځور له هغوی سره شریک کړي؟ تاسې به د هغوی هېڅ پیغام تر لاسه نه کړئ تر څو یې له بلاک څخه و نه باسئ.",
"description": "Shown as the message for a message request in a direct message with a blocked account"
"MessageRequests--message-group": {
"message": "غواړئ له دغه ګروپ سره یو ځای شئ او خپل نوم او انځور مو د هغه له غړو سره شریک کړئ؟ هغوی به پر دې پوه نشي چې تاسې د هغوی پیغام لیدلی دی تر څو یې تاسې ونه منئ.",
"description": "Shown as the message for a message request in a group"
"MessageRequests--message-group-blocked": {
"message": "غواړئ دغه ګروپ له بلاک څخه وباسئ او خپل نوم او انځور مو د ګروپ له غړو سره شریک کړئ؟ تاسې به تر هغه پورې هېڅ پیغام تر لاسه نه کړئ تر څو چې له بلاک څخه یې و نه باسئ.",
"description": "Shown as the message for a message request in a blocked group"
"MessageRequests--block": {
"message": "بلاک کول",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user block a message request"
"MessageRequests--unblock": {
"message": "له بلاک څخه ایستل",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user unblock a message request"
"MessageRequests--unblock-direct-confirm-title": {
"message": "غواړئ $name$ له بلاک څخه وباسئ؟",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user unblock a message request"
"MessageRequests--unblock-direct-confirm-body": {
"message": "تاسې به وکولای شئ چې یوه بل ته پیغام وکړئ او ټلیفوني اړیکې ونیسئ.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for unblocking a private message request"
"MessageRequests--unblock-group-confirm-body": {
"message": "د ګروپ غړي به وکولای شي چې تاسې بیا په دغه ګروپ کې اضافه کړي.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for unblocking a group message request"
"MessageRequests--block-and-report-spam": {
"message": "د سپم رپوټ یې ورکړئ او بلاک یې کړئ",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user block a message request and report spam"
"MessageRequests--block-and-report-spam-success-toast": {
"message": "د سپم او بلاک په توګه رپوټ شوی.",
"description": "Shown in a toast when you successfully block a user and report them as spam"
"MessageRequests--block-direct-confirm-title": {
"message": "غواړئ $name$ بلاک کړئ؟",
"description": "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for blocking a private message request"
"MessageRequests--block-direct-confirm-body": {
"message": "بلاک شوي کسان به هېڅ ونشي کړای چې تاسې ته پیغام ولیږي یا درسره اړیکه ونیسي.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for blocking a private message request"
"MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-title": {
"message": "غواړئ $group$ بلاک او پریږدئ؟",
"description": "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for blocking a group message request"
"MessageRequests--block-group-confirm-body": {
"message": "تاسې به نور له دې ګروپ څخه هېڅ راز پیغامونه یا اپډیټ تر لاسه نه کړئ، او نور غړي به هم ونشي کړای چې تاسې بیا په دې ګروپ کې اضافه کړي.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for blocking a group message request"
"MessageRequests--delete": {
"message": "پاکول",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user delete any message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-direct-confirm-title": {
"message": "غواړئ چې محاوره مو پاکه کړئ؟",
"description": "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for deleting a private message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-direct-confirm-body": {
"message": "دغه محاوره به ستاسې له ټولو وسیلو څخه پاکه شي.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for deleting a private message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-group-confirm-title": {
"message": "غواړئ $group$ پاک او پریږدئ؟",
"description": "Shown as the title in the confirmation modal for deleting a group message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-direct": {
"message": "پاکول",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user delete a direct message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-group": {
"message": "پاک کول او پریښودل",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user delete a group message request"
"MessageRequests--delete-group-confirm-body": {
"message": "تاسې به دا ګروپ پریږدئ او هغه به ستاسې له ټولو وسیلو څخه پاک شي.",
"description": "Shown as the body in the confirmation modal for deleting a group message request"
"MessageRequests--accept": {
"message": "منل",
"description": "Shown as a button to let the user accept a message request"
"MessageRequests--continue": {
"message": "ادامه",
"description": "Shown as a button to share your profile, necessary to continue messaging in a conversation"
"MessageRequests--profile-sharing--group": {
"message": "غواړئ خپلې محاورې ته مو له دې ګروپ سره دوام ورکړئ او خپل نوم او انځور مو د هغه له غړو سره شریک کړئ؟ $learnMore$",
"description": "Shown when user hasn't shared their profile in a group yet"
"MessageRequests--profile-sharing--direct": {
"message": "غواړئ دغې محاورې ته مو له $firstName$ سره ادامه ورکړئ او خپل نوم او انځور مو د هغه له غړو سره شریک کړئ؟ $learnMore$",
"description": "Shown when user hasn't shared their profile in a 1:1 conversation yet"
"MessageRequests--learn-more": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ.",
"description": "Shown at the end of profile sharing messages as a link."
"ConversationHero--members": {
"message": "$count$ غړي",
"description": "Specifies the number of members in a group conversation"
"ConversationHero--members-1": {
"message": "1 غړی",
"description": "Specifies the number of members in a group conversation when there is one member"
"member-of-1-group": {
"message": "د $group$ غړی",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of a mutual group"
"member-of-2-groups": {
"message": "د $group1$ او $group2$ غړی",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of two mutual groups"
"member-of-3-groups": {
"message": "د $group1$، $group2$ او $group3$ غړی",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of three mutual groups"
"member-of-more-than-3-groups--one-more": {
"message": "د $group1$، $group2$، $group3$ او یوه بل غړی",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of four mutual groups"
"member-of-more-than-3-groups--multiple-more": {
"message": "د $group1$، $group2$، $group3$ او $remainingCount$ نورو غړی",
"description": "Shown in the conversation hero to indicate this user is a member of 5+ mutual groups."
"ConversationHero--membership-added": {
"message": "$name$ تاسې دې ګروپ ته اضافه کړئ.",
"description": "Shown Indicates that you were added to a group by a given individual."
"no-groups-in-common": {
"message": "هېڅ ګډ ګروپ نشته",
"description": "Shown to indicate this user is not a member of any groups"
"no-groups-in-common-warning": {
"message": "هېڅ ګډ ګروپ نه لري. غوښتنې په دقت سره تر نظر تیرې کړئ",
"description": "When a user has no common groups, show this warning"
"acceptCall": {
"message": "ځواب",
"description": "Shown in tooltip for the button to accept a call (audio or video)"
"acceptCallWithoutVideo": {
"message": "پرته له ویډیو یې ځواب کړئ",
"description": "Shown in tooltip for the button to accept a video call without video"
"declineCall": {
"message": "ردول",
"description": "Shown in tooltip for the button to decline a call (audio or video)"
"declinedIncomingAudioCall": {
"message": "تاسې اډیويي اړیکه رد کړه",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you declined an incoming audio call"
"declinedIncomingVideoCall": {
"message": "تاسې ویډیويي اړیکه رده کړه",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you declined an incoming video call"
"acceptedIncomingAudioCall": {
"message": "راغلی غږیز زنګ",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you accepted an incoming audio call"
"acceptedIncomingVideoCall": {
"message": "راغلی ویډیويي زنګ",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you accepted an incoming video call"
"missedIncomingAudioCall": {
"message": "غږیزه اړیکه مو له لاسه ورکړې",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you missed an incoming audio call"
"missedIncomingVideoCall": {
"message": "ویډیويي اړیکه مو له لاسه ورکړې",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you missed an incoming video call"
"acceptedOutgoingAudioCall": {
"message": "وهل شوی غږیز زنګ",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you made an outgoing audio call"
"acceptedOutgoingVideoCall": {
"message": "وهل شوی ویډیويي زنګ",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when you made an outgoing video call"
"missedOrDeclinedOutgoingAudioCall": {
"message": "بې خواب غږیز زنګ",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when your audio call is missed or declined"
"missedOrDeclinedOutgoingVideoCall": {
"message": "بې ځوابه ویډیويي زنګ",
"description": "Shown in conversation history when your video call is missed or declined"
"incomingAudioCall": {
"message": "راغلی غږیز زنګ...",
"description": "Shown in both the incoming call bar and notification for an incoming audio call"
"incomingVideoCall": {
"message": "راغلی ویډیويي زنګ...",
"description": "Shown in both the incoming call bar and notification for an incoming video call"
"incomingGroupCall__ringing-you": {
"message": "$ringer$ تاسې ته زنګ وهي",
"description": "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
"incomingGroupCall__ringing-1-other": {
"message": "$ringer$ تاسې او $otherMember$ ته زنګ وهي",
"description": "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
"incomingGroupCall__ringing-2-others": {
"message": "$ringer$ تاسې، $first$ او $second$ ته زنګ وهي",
"description": "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
"incomingGroupCall__ringing-3-others": {
"message": "$ringer$ تاسې ته، $first$، $second$ او 1 بل ته زنګ وهي",
"description": "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
"incomingGroupCall__ringing-many": {
"message": "$ringer$ تاسې ته، $first$، $second$ او $remaining$ نورو ته زنګ وهي",
"description": "Shown in the incoming call bar when someone is ringing you for a group call"
"outgoingCallRinging": {
"message": "د زنګ وهلو په حال کې...",
"description": "Shown in the call screen when placing an outgoing call that is now ringing"
"makeOutgoingCall": {
"message": "زنګ ووهئ",
"description": "Title for the call button in a conversation"
"makeOutgoingVideoCall": {
"message": "ویډیو کال وکړئ",
"description": "Title for the video call button in a conversation"
"joinOngoingCall": {
"message": "یو ځای کېدل",
"description": "Text that appears in a group when a call is active"
"callNeedPermission": {
"message": "$title$ به له تاسې څخه د پیغام غوښتنه تر لاسه کړي. کله چې ستاسې د پیغام غوښتنه ومنل شوه نو بیا کولای شئ زنګ ووهئ.",
"description": "Shown when a call is rejected because the other party hasn't approved the message/call request"
"callReconnecting": {
"message": "بیرته وصل کېږي...",
"description": "Shown in the call screen when the call is reconnecting due to network issues"
"callDuration": {
"message": "د Signal $duration$",
"description": "Shown in the call screen to indicate how long the call has been connected"
"callingDeviceSelection__settings": {
"message": "تنظیمات",
"description": "Title for device selection settings"
"calling__participants": {
"message": "$people$ په زنګ کې دي",
"description": "Title for participants list toggle"
"calling__call-notification__ended": {
"message": "ګروپي ټلیفوني اړیکه پای ته ورسیده",
"description": "Notification message when a group call has ended"
"calling__call-notification__started-by-someone": {
"message": "ګروپي ټلیفوني اړیکه پیل شوې وه",
"description": "Notification message when a group call has started, but we don't know who started it"
"calling__call-notification__started-by-you": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپي اړیکه پیل کړې",
"description": "Notification message when a group call has started by you"
"calling__call-notification__started": {
"message": "$name$ ګروپي کال پیل کړی",
"description": "Notification message when a group call has started"
"calling__in-another-call-tooltip": {
"message": "تاسې له پخوا څخه په ټلیفوني اړیکه کې یاست",
"description": "Tooltip in disabled notification button when you're on another call"
"calling__call-notification__button__call-full-tooltip": {
"message": "ټلیفوني اړیکه د $max$ ګډونوالو ظرفیت ته رسیدلی",
"description": "Tooltip in disabled notification button when the call is full"
"calling__pip--on": {
"message": "د اړیکې وړول",
"description": "Title for picture-in-picture toggle"
"calling__pip--off": {
"message": "اړیکه فول سکرین ته راوستل",
"description": "Title for picture-in-picture toggle"
"calling__switch-view--to-grid": {
"message": "شبکه اې لید ته اړول",
"description": "Title for grid/speaker view toggle when on a call"
"calling__switch-view--to-speaker": {
"message": "د سپیکر لید ته اړول",
"description": "Title for grid/speaker view toggle when on a call"
"calling__hangup": {
"message": "ټلیفوني اړیکه پریږده",
"description": "Title for hang up button"
"calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--title": {
"message": "خپل سکرین شریک کړه",
"description": "Title for the select your screen sharing sources modal"
"calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--confirm": {
"message": "شریکول پیل کړئ",
"description": "Confirm button for sharing screen modal"
"calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--entireScreen": {
"message": "ټول سکرین",
"description": "Title for the select your screen sharing sources modal and 'Entire Screen' source"
"calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--screen": {
"message": "$id$ سکرین",
"description": "Title for `Screen #N` source in screen sharing sources modal and overlay"
"calling__SelectPresentingSourcesModal--window": {
"message": "یوه کړکۍ",
"description": "Title for the select your screen sharing sources modal"
"callingDeviceSelection__label--video": {
"message": "ویډیو",
"description": "Label for video input selector"
"callingDeviceSelection__label--audio-input": {
"message": "مایکروفون",
"description": "Label for audio input selector"
"callingDeviceSelection__label--audio-output": {
"message": "سپیکرونه",
"description": "Label for audio output selector"
"callingDeviceSelection__select--no-device": {
"message": "هېڅ وسیله نشته",
"description": "Message for when there are no available devices to select for input/output audio or video"
"callingDeviceSelection__select--default": {
"message": "عادي",
"description": "Shown when the device is the default device"
"muteNotificationsTitle": {
"message": "د خبرتیاوو صامت کول",
"description": "Label for the mute notifications drop-down selector"
"notMuted": {
"message": "صامت شوی نه دی",
"description": "Label when the conversation is not muted"
"muteHour": {
"message": "د یوه ساعت لپاره یې صامت کړئ",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"muteEightHours": {
"message": "د اتو ساعتونو لپاره یې صامت کړئ",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"muteDay": {
"message": "د یوې ورځې لپاره یې صامت کړئ",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"muteWeek": {
"message": "د یوې اوونۍ لپاره یې صامت کړئ",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"muteAlways": {
"message": "تل یې صامت کړئ",
"description": "Label for muting the conversation"
"unmute": {
"message": "له صامت حالت څخه ایستل",
"description": "Label for unmuting the conversation"
"muteExpirationLabelAlways": {
"message": "د تل لپاره صامت شوی",
"description": "Shown in the mute notifications submenu whenever a conversation has been muted"
"muteExpirationLabel": {
"message": "تر $duration$ پورې صامت شوی",
"description": "Shown in the mute notifications submenu whenever a conversation has been muted"
"EmojiButton__label": {
"message": "Emoji",
"description": "Label for emoji button"
"ErrorModal--title": {
"message": "کوم شی سم کار نه ورکوي!",
"description": "Title of popup dialog when user-initiated task has gone wrong"
"ErrorModal--description": {
"message": "مهرباني وکړئ بیا هڅه وکړئ یا له مرستندوی ټیم سره اړیکه کې شئ.",
"description": "Description text in popup dialog when user-initiated task has gone wrong"
"Confirmation--confirm": {
"message": "هوکې",
"description": "Button to dismiss popup dialog when user-initiated task has gone wrong"
"unknown-sgnl-link": {
"message": "وبښئ، د سیګنال دا لینک کومه معنی نه ورکوي!",
"description": "Shown if you click on a sgnl:// link not currently supported by Desktop"
"GroupV2--cannot-send": {
"message": "تاسې هغه ګروپ ته پیغامونه نه شئ لیږلای.",
"description": "Shown in toast when you attempt to forward a message to an announcement only group"
"GroupV2--cannot-start-group-call": {
"message": "یوازې د دغه ګروپ اډمینان کولای شي اړیکه پیل کړي.",
"description": "Shown in toast when a non-admin starts a group call in an announcements only group"
"GroupV2--join--invalid-link--title": {
"message": "نامعتبر لینک",
"description": "Shown if we are unable to parse a group link"
"GroupV2--join--invalid-link": {
"message": "دا یو د ګروپ معتبر لینک نه دی. وړاندې تر دې چې ورسره یو ځای شئ ځان ډاډه کړئ چې لینک بشپړ او بې عیبه ده.",
"description": "Shown if we are unable to parse a group link"
"GroupV2--join--prompt": {
"message": "غواړئ له دغه ګروپ سره یو ځای شئ او خپل نوم او انځور مو د هغه له غړو سره شریک کړئ؟",
"description": "Shown when you click on a group link to confirm"
"GroupV2--join--already-in-group": {
"message": "تاسې له پخوا څخه په دې ګروپ کې یاست.",
"description": "Shown if you click a group link for a group where you're already a member"
"GroupV2--join--already-awaiting-approval": {
"message": "تاسې له پخوا څخه په دغه ګروپ کې د یو ځای کېدو لپاره د منلو غوښتنه کړې ده.",
"description": "Shown if you click a group link for a group where you've already requested approval'"
"GroupV2--join--unknown-link-version--title": {
"message": "د ناپیژانده لینک نسخه",
"description": "This group link is no longer valid."
"GroupV2--join--unknown-link-version": {
"message": "دغه لینک د ډیسکټاب د Signal د نسخې له مخې نشي ملاتړ کېدای.",
"description": "Shown if you click a group link and we can't get information about it"
"GroupV2--join--link-revoked--title": {
"message": "نشي کولای چې له ګروپ سره یو ځای شي",
"description": "Shown if you click a group link and we can't get information about it"
"GroupV2--join--link-revoked": {
"message": "د ګروپ دغه لینک نور د اعتبار وړ نه دی.",
"description": "Shown if you click a group link and we can't get information about it"
"GroupV2--join--link-forbidden--title": {
"message": "نشي کولای چې له ګروپ سره یو ځای شي",
"description": "Shown if you click a group link and you have been forbidden from joining via the link"
"GroupV2--join--link-forbidden": {
"message": "You can't join this group via the group link because an admin removed you.",
"description": "Shown if you click a group link and you have been forbidden from joining via the link"
"GroupV2--join--prompt-with-approval": {
"message": "د دغه ګروپ یو اډمین وړاندې تر دې چې له دغه ګروپ سره یو ځای شئ، ستاسې غوښتنه باید تایید کړي. کله چې تاسې د یو ځای کېدو لپاره غوښتنه لیږئ، نو ستاسې نوم او انځور به د هغه له غړو سره شریک شی.",
"description": "Shown when you click on a group link to confirm, if it requires admin approval"
"GroupV2--join--join-button": {
"message": "یو ځای کېدل",
"description": "The button to join the group"
"GroupV2--join--request-to-join-button": {
"message": "د یو ځای کېدو لپاره غوښتنه وکړئ",
"description": "The button to join the group, if approval is required"
"GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join": {
"message": "غوښتنه لغوه کړئ",
"description": "The button to cancel request to join the group"
"GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--confirmation": {
"message": "تاسې غواړئ له ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو خپله غوښتنه لغوه کړئ.",
"description": "A confirmation message that shows after you click the button"
"GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--yes": {
"message": "هو",
"description": "Choosing to continue in the cancel join confirmation dialog"
"GroupV2--join--cancel-request-to-join--no": {
"message": "نه",
"description": "Choosing not to continue in the cancel join confirmation dialog"
"GroupV2--join--member-count--single": {
"message": "1 غړی",
"description": "Shown in the metadata section if group has just one member"
"GroupV2--join--member-count--multiple": {
"message": "$count$ غړي",
"description": "Shown in the metadata section if group has more than one member"
"GroupV2--join--group-metadata": {
"message": "ګروپ · $memberCount$",
"description": "A holder for two pieces of information - the type of conversation, and the member count"
"GroupV2--join--requested": {
"message": "ستاسې د یو ځای کېدو غوښتنه د ګروپ اډمین ته واستول شوه. کله چې هغوی لاس په کار شول نو تاسې ته به خبر درکړل شي.",
"description": "Shown in composition area when you've requested to join a group"
"GroupV2--join--general-join-failure--title": {
"message": "د لینک تیروتنه",
"description": "Shown if something went wrong when you try to join via a group link"
"GroupV2--join--general-join-failure": {
"message": "له ګروپ سره نشي یو ځای کېدای. مهرباني وکړئ وروسته هڅه وکړئ",
"description": "Shown if something went wrong when you try to join via a group link"
"GroupV2--admin": {
"message": "اډمین",
"description": "Label for a group administrator"
"GroupV2--only-admins": {
"message": "یوازې اډمینان",
"description": "Label for group administrators -- used in drop-downs to select permissions that apply to admins"
"GroupV2--all-members": {
"message": "ټول غړي",
"description": "Label for describing the general non-privileged members of a group"
"updating": {
"message": "د اپډیټ کېدو په حال کې...",
"description": "Shown along with a spinner when an update operation takes longer than one second"
"GroupV2--create--you": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ جوړ کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--create--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ دغه ګروپ جوړ کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--create--unknown": {
"message": "دا ګروپ جوړ شوی و.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--title--change--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ نوم \"$newTitle$\" ته بدل کړی و.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--title--change--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ نوم \"$newTitle$\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--title--change--unknown": {
"message": "یوه غړي د ګروپ نوم \"$newTitle$\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--title--remove--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ نوم لري کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--title--remove--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ نوم لري کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--title--remove--unknown": {
"message": "یوه غړي د ګروپ نوم لري کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--change--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ اواتار بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--change--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ اواتار بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--change--unknown": {
"message": "یوه غړي د ګروپ اواتار بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--remove--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ اواتار لري کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--remove--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ اواتار لري کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--avatar--remove--unknown": {
"message": "یوه غړي د ګروپ اواتار لري کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ دا حق چې څوک کولای شي د ګروپ معلومات تصحیح کړي بدل کړ \"یوازې اډمینانو\" ته.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--you": {
"message": "تاسې دا حق چې د ګروپ معلومات باید څوک تصحیح کړي \"یوازې اډمینانو\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--admins--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین دا حق چې څوک کولای شي د ګروپ معلومات تصحیح کړی \"یوازې اډمینانو\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--all--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ دا حق چې څوک کولای شي د ګروپ معلومات تصحیح کړي \"ټولو غړو\" ته یې بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--all--you": {
"message": "تاسې دا حق چې د ګروپ معلومات باید څوک تصحیح کړي \"ټولو غړو\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-attributes--all--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین دا حق چې د ګروپ معلومات باید څوک تصحیح کړي \"ټولو غړو\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--admins--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ دا حق چې څوک کولای شي د ګروپ معلومات تصحیح کړي بدل کړ \"یوازې اډمینانو\" ته.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--admins--you": {
"message": "تاسې دا حق چې د ګروپ غړیتوب باید څوک تصحیح کړي \"یوازې اډمینانو\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--admins--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین دا حق چې د ګروپ غړیتوب باید څوک تصحیح کړي \"یوازې اډمینانو\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--all--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ دا حق چې څوک کولای شي د ګروپ غړیتوب تصحیح کړي \"ټولو غړو\" ته یې بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--all--you": {
"message": "تاسې دا حق چې د ګروپ غړیتوب باید څوک تصحیح کړي \"ټولو غړو\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-members--all--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین دا حق چې د ګروپ غړیتوب باید څوک تصحیح کړي \"ټولو غړو\" ته بدل کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ د لینک لپاره د اډمین تایید غیرفعاله کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ د ګروپ د لینک لپاره د اډمین تایید غیرفعاله کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-invite-link--disabled--unknown": {
"message": "د ګروپ د لینک لپاره د اډمین تایید فعاله شوی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ د لینک لپاره د اډمین تایید فعاله کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ د ګروپ د لینک لپاره د اډمین تایید فعاله کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--access-invite-link--enabled--unknown": {
"message": "د ګروپ د لینک لپاره د اډمین تایید فعاله شوی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--invited--you": {
"message": "تاسې رابلل شوی غړی $inviteeName$ اضافه کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--invited--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ را بلل شوی غړی $inviteeName$ اضافه کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--invited--unknown": {
"message": "یوه غړي را بلل شوی غړی $inviteeName$ اضافه کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other": {
"message": "$inviteeName$ ګروپ ته د $inviterName$ له خوا یوه بلنه ومنله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--other-no-from": {
"message": "$inviteeName$ ګروپ ته یوه بلنه ومنله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you": {
"message": "تاسې د $inviterName$ له خوا ګروپ ته یوه بلنه ومنله",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--you-no-from": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ ته یوه بلنه ومنله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--from-invite--from-you": {
"message": "$inviteeName$ ګروپ ته ستاسې بلنه ومنله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--other--other": {
"message": "$adderName$ $addeeName$ اضافه کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--other--you": {
"message": "تاسې $memberName$ اضافه کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--other--unknown": {
"message": "یوه غړي $memberName$ اضافه کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--you--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ تاسې ګروپ ته اضافه کړئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--you--you": {
"message": "تاسې له ګروپ سره یو ځای شوئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add--you--unknown": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ ته اضافه شوئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add-from-link--you--you": {
"message": "تاسې له دې ګروپ سره د ګروپ د لینک له لارې یو ځای شوي یاست.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add-from-link--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ د لینک له لارې ګروپ سره یو ځای شو.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--you--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ له ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو لپاره ستاسې غوښتنه ومنله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--you--unknown": {
"message": "له ګروپ سره ستاسې د یو ځای کېدو غوښتنه تایید شوه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--you": {
"message": "تاسې د $joinerName$ له خوا له ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو غوښتنه ومنله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ له ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو لپاره د $joinerName$ غوښتنه ومنله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-add-from-admin-approval--other--unknown": {
"message": "له ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو لپاره د $joinerName$ غوښتنه ومنل شوه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--other--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ $memberName$ ایسته کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--other--self": {
"message": "$memberName$ ګروپ پرېښود.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--other--you": {
"message": "تاسې $memberName$ ایسته کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--other--unknown": {
"message": "یوه غړي $memberName$ ایسته کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--you--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ تاسې ایسته کړئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--you--you": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ پرېښود.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-remove--you--unknown": {
"message": "تاسې له ګروپ څخه وایستل شوئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ $memberName$ اډمین کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--you": {
"message": "تاسې $memberName$ اډمین کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--other--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین $memberName$ اډمین کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ تاسې اډمین کړئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--promote--you--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین تاسې اډمین کړئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ له $memberName$ څخه د اډمین امتیازات واخیستل.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--you": {
"message": "تاسې له $memberName$ څخه د اډمین امتیازات واخیستل.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--other--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین له $memberName$ څخه د اډمین امتیازات واخیستل.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--you--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ ستاسې د اډمین امتیازات واخیستل.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--member-privilege--demote--you--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین ستاسې د اډمین امتیازات واخیستل.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ ګروپ ته 1 کس را وبلول.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--you": {
"message": "تاسې $inviteeName$ ګروپ ته را وباله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--other--unknown": {
"message": "یو کس ګروپ ته را وبلل شو.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--you--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ تاسې ګروپ ته راوبللئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--one--you--unknown": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ ته رابلل شوي وئ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--many--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ ګروپ ته $count$ کسان را وبلل.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--many--you": {
"message": "تاسې $count$ کسان ګروپ ته را وبلل.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-add--many--unknown": {
"message": "$count$ کسه ګروپ ته را وبلل شول.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--other": {
"message": "1 کس چې د $memberName$ له خوا ګروپ ته رابلل شوی وی بلنه یې رده کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--you": {
"message": "$inviteeName$ ګروپ ته ستاسې بلنه رد کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--from-you": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ ته بلنه رد کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--decline--unknown": {
"message": "1 کس ګروپ ته خپله بلنه رده کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ ګروپ ته د 1 کس لپاره بلنه لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--you": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ ته د 1 کس لپاره بلنه لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-own--to-you": {
"message": "$inviterName$ تاسې ته خپله بلنه رد کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-own--unknown": {
"message": "$inviterName$ 1 کس لپاره خپله بلنه لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--one--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین ګروپ ته د 1 کس بلنه لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ ګروپ ته د $count$ کسانو لپاره بلنه لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--you": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ ته د $count$ کس لپاره بلنه لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke--many--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین ګروپ ته د $count$ کسانو بلنې لغوې کړې.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ ګروپ ته د 1 کس بلنه چې د $memberName$ له خوا بلل شوی و لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--you": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ ته د 1 کس بلنه چې د $memberName$ له خوا را بلل شوی و لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--one--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین ګروپ ته د 1 کس بلنه چې د $memberName$ له خوا بلل شوی و لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ ګروپ ته هغه بلنه لغوه کړه چې تاسې $inviteeName$ ته لیږلې وه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--you": {
"message": "تاسې $inviteeName$ ته خپله بلنه باطله کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--one--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین ګروپ ته هغه بلنه لغوه کړه چې تاسې $inviteeName$ ته لیږلې وه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ ګروپ ته د $count$ کسانو هغه بلنې رد کړې کوم چې د $memberName$ له خوا را بلل شوي وو.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--you": {
"message": "تاسې ګروپ ته د $count$ کسانو بلنې لغوه کړي کوم چې د $memberName$ له خوا را بلل شوي وو.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from--many--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین ګروپ ته د $count$ کسانو بلنې لغوه کړي کوم چې د $memberName$ له خوا را بلل شوي وو.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ ګروپ ته هغه بلنې لغوه کړي کوم چې تاسې $count$ کسانو ته لیږلې وي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--you": {
"message": "تاسې $count$ کسانو ته خپله بلنه باطل کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--pending-remove--revoke-invite-from-you--many--unknown": {
"message": "یوه اډمین ګروپ ته هغه بلنې لغوه کړي کوم چې تاسو $count$ کسانو ته لیږلې وي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-add-one--you": {
"message": "له دغه ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو لپاره تاسې غوښتنه ولیږله.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-add-one--other": {
"message": "$joinerName$ د ګروپ د لینک له لارې د یو ځای کېدو غوښتنه کړې ده.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--you--you": {
"message": "تاسې له ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو خپله غوښتنه لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--you--unknown": {
"message": "له ګروپ سره ستاسې د یو ځای کېدو غوښتنه د اډمین له خوا رد شوه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--you": {
"message": "له ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو لپاره تاسې د $joinerName$ غوښتنه رد کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--own": {
"message": "$joinerName$ له ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو غوښتنه لغوه کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-remove-one--other--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ د $joinerName$هغه غوښتنه رد کړه تر څو له ګروپ سره یو ځای شي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-bounce--one": {
"message": "$joinerName$ requested and cancelled their request to join via the group link",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--admin-approval-bounce": {
"message": "$joinerName$ requested and cancelled $numberOfRequests$ requests to join via the group link",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ لینک د اډمین په غیرفعال تایید سره روښانه کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ د ګروپ لینک د اډمین په غیرفعال تایید سره روښانه کړ.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-add--disabled--unknown": {
"message": "د ګروپ لینک د اډمین په غیرفعال تایید سره روښانه شوی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ لینک د اډمین په فعال تایید سره روښانه کړی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ د ګروپ لینک د اډمین په فعال تایید سره روښانه کړی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-add--enabled--unknown": {
"message": "د ګروپ لینک د اډمین په فعال تایید سره روښانه شوی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-remove--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ لینک خاموشه کړی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-remove--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ د ګروپ لینک خاموشه کړی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-remove--unknown": {
"message": "د ګروپ لینک خاموشه شوی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-reset--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ لینک له سره تنظیم شوی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-reset--other": {
"message": "$adminName$ د ګروپ لینک له سره تنظیم کړی دی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--group-link-reset--unknown": {
"message": "د ګروپ لینک له سره تنظیم شو.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--description--remove--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ توضیح لري کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--description--remove--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ توضیح ایسته کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--description--remove--unknown": {
"message": "د ګروپ توضیح لري شوه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--description--change--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ توضیحات بدل کړل.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--description--change--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ توضیح بدله کړه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--description--change--unknown": {
"message": "د ګروپ توضیح بدله شوه.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--announcements--admin--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ تنظیمات بدل کړل تر څو یوازې اډمینانو ته دا اجازه ورکړئ چې پیغامونه ولیږي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--announcements--admin--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ تنظیمات داسې بدل کړي چې یوازې اډمینانو ته اجازه ورکوي تر څو پیغامونه ولیږي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--announcements--admin--unknown": {
"message": "ګروپ بدل شوی دی تر څو یوازې اډمینانو ته اجازه ورکړي چې پیغامونه ولیږي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--announcements--member--you": {
"message": "تاسې د ګروپ تنظیمات بدل کړل تر څو ټولو غړو ته اجازه ورکړئ چې پیغامونه ولیږي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--announcements--member--other": {
"message": "$memberName$ د ګروپ تنظیمات داسې بدل کړي چط یوازې غړو ته اجازه ورکوي تر څو پیغامونه ولیږي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV2--announcements--member--unknown": {
"message": "ګروپ بدل شوی دی تر څو ټولو غړو ته اجازه ورکړي چې پیغامونه ولیږي.",
"description": "Shown in timeline or conversation preview when v2 group changes"
"GroupV1--Migration--disabled": {
"message": "دغه ګروپ اپګریډ کړئ تر څو نوې ځانګړنې یې فعالې کړئ لکه @تذکرات او اډمینونه. هغه غړي چې خپل نوم او انځور یې په دغه ګروپ کې نه دي شریک کړي هغوی به د یو ځای کېدو لپاره راوبلل شي. $learnMore$.",
"description": "Shown instead of composition area when user is forced to migrate a legacy group (GV1)."
"GroupV1--Migration--was-upgraded": {
"message": "دغه ګروپ یوه نوي ګروپ ته اپډیټ شوی.",
"description": "Shown in timeline when a legacy group (GV1) is upgraded to a new group (GV2)"
"GroupV1--Migration--learn-more": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ ",
"description": "Shown on a bubble below a 'group was migrated' timeline notification, or as button on Migrate dialog"
"GroupV1--Migration--migrate": {
"message": "اپګریډ کول",
"description": "Shown on Migrate dialog to kick off the process"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--title": {
"message": "نوي ګروپونه څه شی دي؟",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--migrate--title": {
"message": "نوي ګروپ ته اپګریډ کول",
"description": "Shown on Migration popup after choosing to migrate group"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--summary": {
"message": "نوي ګروپونه ځینې ځانګړنې لري لکه @mentions او د ګروپ اډمینان او په راتلونکې کې به نورې ځانګړنې هم ولري.",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--keep-history": {
"message": "د پیغام ټوله تاریخچه او میډیا له اپګریډ کېدو وړاندې څخه ساتل کېږي.",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--migrate--keep-history": {
"message": "له اپګریډ کېدو څخه وړاندې د پیغام ټوله تاریخچه او میډیا به وساتله شي.",
"description": "Shown on Migration popup before GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--you": {
"message": "تاسې اړتیا لری تر څو بیا له دغه ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو لپاره یوه بلنه ومنئ، او تر هغه چې و یې نه منئ د ګروپ هېڅ پیغام به تر لاسه نه کړئ.",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--many": {
"message": "دغه غړي باید بیا له دغه ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو لپاره یوه بلنه ومني او تر هغه چې و یې نه مني د ګروپ هېڅ پیغام به تر لاسه نه کړي:",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--invited--one": {
"message": "دغه غړی باید بیا له دغه ګروپ سره د یو ځای کېدو لپاره یوه بلنه ومني او تر هغه چې و یې نه مني د ګروپ هېڅ پیغام به تر لاسه نه کړي:",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--before--many": {
"message": "دغه غړي له نويو ګروپونو سره د یو ځای کېدو وړ نه دي، نو له ګروپ څخه به ایسته کړل شي:",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--before--one": {
"message": "دغه غړی د دې جوګه نه دی چې له نوي ګروپ سره یو ځای شي، نو له دې ګروپ څخه به وایستل شي:",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--after--many": {
"message": "دغه غړي له نويو ګروپونو سره د یو ځای کېدو وړ نه دي، او له ګروپ څخه وایستل شول:",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--info--removed--after--one": {
"message": "دغه غړی د دې جوګه نه دی چې له نوي ګروپ سره یو ځای شي، نو له دې ګروپ څخه وایستل شو:",
"description": "Shown on Learn More popup after or Migration popup before GV1 migration"
"GroupV1--Migration--invited--you": {
"message": "تاسې له نوي ګروپ سره اضافه نشوئ او د یو ځای کېدو لپاره ورته رابلل شوي یاست.",
"description": "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and you were invited instead of added"
"GroupV1--Migration--invited--one": {
"message": "$contact$ نوي ګروپ سره نشي یو ځای کېدای او د یو ځای کېدو لپاره را وبلل شو.",
"description": "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and one person was invited, instead of added"
"GroupV1--Migration--invited--many": {
"message": "$count$ غړي له نوي ګروپ سره اضافه نشول او د یو ځای کېدو لپاره را وبلل شول.",
"description": "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and some people were invited, instead of added"
"GroupV1--Migration--removed--one": {
"message": "$contact$ له ګروپ څخه وایستل شو.",
"description": "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and one person was removed entirely during the upgrade"
"GroupV1--Migration--removed--many": {
"message": "$count$ غړي له ګروپ څخه وایستل شول.",
"description": "Shown in timeline when a group is upgraded and some people were removed entirely during the upgrade"
"close": {
"message": "تړل",
"description": "Generic close label"
"previous": {
"message": "مخکنی",
"description": "Generic previous label"
"next": {
"message": "بل",
"description": "Generic next label"
"BadgeDialog__become-a-sustainer-button": {
"message": "Signal سره مرسته کول",
"description": "In the badge dialog. This button is shown under sustainer badges, taking users to some instructions"
"BadgeSustainerInstructions__header": {
"message": "Signal سره مرسته کول",
"description": "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. The heading."
"BadgeSustainerInstructions__subheader": {
"message": "Signal is powered by people like you. Contribute and receive a badge.",
"description": "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. The subheading."
"BadgeSustainerInstructions__instructions__1": {
"message": "Open Signal on your phone",
"description": "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. First instruction."
"BadgeSustainerInstructions__instructions__2": {
"message": "پر خپل پروفایل انځور باندې پورته کېڼې خوا ته کلیک وکړئ تر څو د تنظیماتو برخه خلاصه شي",
"description": "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. Second instruction."
"BadgeSustainerInstructions__instructions__3": {
"message": "Tap on \"Donate to Signal\" and subscribe",
"description": "In the instructions for becoming a sustainer. Third instruction."
"CompositionArea--expand": {
"message": "پراخول",
"description": "Aria label for expanding composition area"
"CompositionArea--attach-file": {
"message": "فایل ضمیمه کړئ",
"description": "Aria label for file attachment button in composition area"
"CompositionArea--sms-only__title": {
"message": "دغه کس Signal نه کاروي",
"description": "Title for the composition area for the SMS-only contact"
"CompositionArea--sms-only__body": {
"message": "د ډیسکټاپ Signal هغو مخاطبینو ته چې Signal نه کاروي پیغام نشي لیږلای. له دې کس څخه وغواړئ چې د پیغام لیږلو د خوندي تجربې لپاره Signal انسټال کړي.",
"description": "Body for the composition area for the SMS-only contact"
"CompositionArea--sms-only__spinner-label": {
"message": "د مخاطب د نوم لیکنې د وضعیت کتل",
"description": "Displayed while checking if the contact is SMS-only"
"countMutedConversationsDescription": {
"message": "د بج په شمېر کې صامتې محاورې شاملې کړئ",
"description": "Description for counting muted conversations in badge setting"
"ContactModal--message": {
"message": "پیغام",
"description": "Button text for send message button in Group Contact Details modal"
"ContactModal--rm-admin": {
"message": "د اډمین په توګه ایسته کول",
"description": "Button text for removing as admin button in Group Contact Details modal"
"ContactModal--make-admin": {
"message": "اډمین کول",
"description": "Button text for make admin button in Group Contact Details modal"
"ContactModal--make-admin-info": {
"message": "$contact$ به د دې جوګه وي تر څو دغه ګروپ او د هغه غړي تصحیح کړي.",
"description": "Shown in a confirmation dialog when you are about to grant admin privileges to someone"
"ContactModal--rm-admin-info": {
"message": "غواړئ $contact$ د ګروپ د اډمین په توګه ایسته کړئ؟",
"description": "Shown in a confirmation dialog when you are about to remove admin privileges from someone"
"ContactModal--remove-from-group": {
"message": "له ګروپ څخه ایستل",
"description": "Button text for remove from group button in Group Contact Details modal"
"showChatColorEditor": {
"message": "د چټ رنګ",
"description": "This is a button in the conversation context menu to show the chat color editor"
"showConversationDetails": {
"message": "د ګروپ تنظیمات",
"description": "This is a button in the conversation context menu to show group settings"
"showConversationDetails--direct": {
"message": "Chat settings",
"description": "This is a button in the conversation context menu to show chat settings"
"ConversationDetails__unmute--title": {
"message": "Unmute this chat?",
"description": "Title for the modal to unmute a chat"
"ConversationDetails--group-link": {
"message": "د ګروپ لینک",
"description": "This is the label for the group link management panel"
"ConversationDetails--disappearing-messages-label": {
"message": "ورک کېدونکي پیغامونه",
"description": "This is the label for the disappearing messages setting panel"
"ConversationDetails--disappearing-messages-info--group": {
"message": "کله چې فعال وي، نو په دغه چت کې به تر لاسه شوي او لیږل شوي نوي پیغامونه له لیدل کېدو وروسته سمدلاسه ورک شی.",
"description": "This is the info about the disappearing messages setting, in groups"
"ConversationDetails--disappearing-messages-info--direct": {
"message": "When enabled, messages sent and received in this 1:1 chat will disappear after they've been seen.",
"description": "This is the info about the disappearing messages setting, for direct conversations"
"ConversationDetails--notifications": {
"message": "خبرتیاووې",
"description": "This is the label for notifications in the conversation details screen"
"ConversationDetails--group-info-label": {
"message": "څوک کولای شي د ګروپ معلومات تصحیح کړي",
"description": "This is the label for the 'who can edit the group' panel"
"ConversationDetails--group-info-info": {
"message": "دا وټاکئ چې څوک کولای شي د ګروپ نوم، انځور، تشریح او د ورک کېدونکو پیغامونو ټایمر تصحیح کولای شي.",
"description": "This is the additional info for the 'who can edit the group' panel"
"ConversationDetails--add-members-label": {
"message": "څوک کولای شي نوي غړي اضافه کړي",
"description": "This is the label for the 'who can add members' panel"
"ConversationDetails--add-members-info": {
"message": "دا وټاکئ چې څوک کولای شي دغه ګروپ ته غړي اضافه کړي.",
"description": "This is the additional info for the 'who can add members' panel"
"ConversationDetails--announcement-label": {
"message": "څوک کولای شي پیغامونه ولیږي",
"description": "This is the additional info for the 'who can send messages' panel"
"ConversationDetails--announcement-info": {
"message": "دا وټاکئ چې څوک کولای شي دغه ګروپ ته پیغامونه ولیږي.",
"description": "This is the additional info for the 'who can send messages' panel"
"ConversationDetails--requests-and-invites": {
"message": "غوښتنې او بلنې",
"description": "This is a button to display which members have been invited but have not joined yet"
"ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group": {
"message": "د ګروپ پریښودل",
"description": "This is a button to leave a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--block-group": {
"message": "د ګروپ بلاک کول",
"description": "This is a button to block a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--unblock-group": {
"message": "ګروپ له بلاک څخه ایستل",
"description": "This is a button to unblock a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-must-choose-new-admin": {
"message": "وړاندې تر دې چې ولاړ شئ، نو باید کم تر کمه یو کس د دې ګروپ د اډمین په توګه وټاکئ.",
"description": "Shown if, before leaving a group, you need to choose an admin"
"ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-modal-title": {
"message": "په رښتیا غواړي چې دا پریږدي؟",
"description": "This is the modal title for confirming leaving a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-modal-content": {
"message": "تاسې به نور هېڅ وخت په دغه ګروپ کې پیغامونه و نشئ لیږلی او تر لاسه به یې نه کړئ.",
"description": "This is the modal content for confirming leaving a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--leave-group-modal-confirm": {
"message": "پریښودل",
"description": "This is the modal button to confirm leaving a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--unblock-group-modal-title": {
"message": "Unblock the \"$groupName$\" Group?",
"description": "This is the modal title for confirming unblock of a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--block-group-modal-title": {
"message": "غواړئ د \"$groupName$\" ګروپ بلاک او پریږدئ؟",
"description": "This is the modal title for confirming blocking a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--block-group-modal-content": {
"message": "تاسې به نور له دغه ګروپ څخه هېڅ ډول پیغامونه یا اپډیټونه تر لاسه نه کړئ.",
"description": "This is the modal content for confirming blocking a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--block-group-modal-confirm": {
"message": "بلاک کول",
"description": "This is the modal button to confirm blocking a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--unblock-group-modal-content": {
"message": "Your contacts will be able add you to this group.",
"description": "This is the modal content for confirming unblock of a group"
"ConversationDetailsActions--unblock-group-modal-confirm": {
"message": "له بلاک څخه ایستل ",
"description": "This is the modal button to confirm unblock of a group"
"ConversationDetailsHeader--members": {
"message": "$number$ غړي",
"description": "This is the number of members in a group"
"ConversationDetailsMediaList--shared-media": {
"message": "شریکه شوې میډیا",
"description": "Title for the media thumbnails in the conversation details screen"
"ConversationDetailsMediaList--show-all": {
"message": "د ټولو لیدل",
"description": "This is a button on the conversation details to show all media"
"ConversationDetailsMembershipList--title": {
"message": "$number$ غړي",
"description": "The title of the membership list panel"
"ConversationDetailsMembershipList--add-members": {
"message": "د غړو اضافه کول",
"description": "The button that you can click to add new members"
"ConversationDetailsMembershipList--show-all": {
"message": "د ټولو لیدل",
"description": "This is a button on the conversation details to show all members"
"ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__label": {
"message": "را یادول",
"description": "In the conversation notifications settings, this is the label for the mentions option"
"ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__info": {
"message": "کله چې تاسې په صامت چټونو کې مینشن شئ نو خبرتیاووې تر لاسه کړئ",
"description": "In the conversation notifications settings, this is the sub-label for the mentions option"
"ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__select__always-notify": {
"message": "تل مې خبر کړئ",
"description": "In the conversation notifications settings, this is the option that always notifies you for @mentions"
"ConversationNotificationsSettings__mentions__select__dont-notify-for-mentions-if-muted": {
"message": "که صامت وي مه یې خبروئ",
"description": "In the conversation notifications settings, this is the option that doesn't notify you for @mentions if the conversation is muted"
"GroupLinkManagement--clipboard": {
"message": "د ګروپ لینک کاپی شو.",
"description": "Shown in a toast when a user selects to copy group link"
"GroupLinkManagement--share": {
"message": "لینک کاپي کړئ",
"description": "This lets users share their group link"
"GroupLinkManagement--confirm-reset": {
"message": "ایا ډاډه یاست چې غواړئ د ګروپ لینک تنظیم کړئ؟ خلک به نور ونشي کولای چې د همدې لینک په کارولو سره له دغه ګروپ سره یو ځای شي.",
"description": "Shown in the confirmation dialog when an admin is about to reset the group link"
"GroupLinkManagement--reset": {
"message": "د لینک تنظیم",
"description": "This lets users generate a new group link"
"GroupLinkManagement--approve-label": {
"message": "د نویو غړو تصویب",
"description": "Title for the approve new members select area"
"GroupLinkManagement--approve-info": {
"message": "اډمین ته اړتیا ده تر څو هغه نوي غړي تصویب کړي کوم چې د ګروپ د لینک له لارې یو ځای کېږي",
"description": "Description for the approve new members select area"
"PendingInvites--tab-requests": {
"message": "غوښتنې ($count$)",
"description": "Label for the tab to view pending requests"
"PendingInvites--tab-invites": {
"message": "بلنې ($count$)",
"description": "Label for the tab to view pending invites"
"PendingRequests--approve-for": {
"message": "غواړئ له \"$name$\" څخه غوښتنه ومنئ؟",
"description": "This is the modal content when confirming approving a group request to join"
"PendingRequests--deny-for": {
"message": "غواړئ د ”$name$“ غوښتنه رد کړئ؟",
"description": "This is the modal content when confirming denying a group request to join"
"PendingRequests--deny-for--with-link": {
"message": "Deny request from \"$name$\"? They will not be able to request to join via the group link again.",
"description": "This is the modal content when confirming denying a group request to join"
"PendingInvites--invites": {
"message": "ستاسې له خوا رابلل شوی",
"description": "This is the title list of all invites"
"PendingInvites--invited-by-you": {
"message": "ستاسې له خوا رابلل شوی",
"description": "This is the title for the list of members you have invited"
"PendingInvites--invited-by-others": {
"message": "د نورو له خوا را بلل شوی",
"description": "This is the title for the list of members who have invited other people"
"PendingInvites--invited-count": {
"message": "$number$ رابلل شوي",
"description": "This is the label for the number of members someone has invited"
"PendingInvites--revoke-for-label": {
"message": "د ګروپ بلنه لغوه کړئ",
"description": "This is aria label for revoking a group invite icon"
"PendingInvites--revoke-for": {
"message": "غواړئ د ”$name$“ لپاره د ګروپ بلنه لغوه کړئ؟",
"description": "This is the modal content when confirming revoking a single invite"
"PendingInvites--revoke-from-singular": {
"message": "غواړئ د ”$name$“ له خوا 1 بلنه لغوه کړئ؟",
"description": "This is the modal content when confirming revoking a single invite"
"PendingInvites--revoke-from-plural": {
"message": "غواړئ د ”$name$“ له خوا $number$ بلنې لغوه کړئ؟",
"description": "This is the modal content when confirming revoking multiple invites"
"PendingInvites--revoke": {
"message": "لغوه کول",
"description": "This is the modal button to confirm revoking invites"
"PendingRequests--approve": {
"message": "د غوښتنې منل",
"description": "This is the modal button to approve group request to join"
"PendingRequests--deny": {
"message": "د غوښتنې ردول",
"description": "This is the modal button to deny group request to join"
"PendingRequests--info": {
"message": "په دغه لیست کې شته خلک هڅه کوي تر څو د ګروپ د لینک له لارې له ”$name$“ سره یو ځای شي.",
"description": "Information shown below the pending admin approval list"
"PendingInvites--info": {
"message": "دغه ګروپ ته د را بلل شويو خلکو په اړه جزئیات تر هغه وخته پورې نه ښودل کېږي تر څو هغوی یو ځای نشي. رابلل شوي خلک به یوازې هغه وخت پیغامونه وویني چې کله دوی له ګروپ سره یو ځای شي.",
"description": "Information shown below the invite list"
"PendingRequests--block--button": {
"message": "Block request",
"description": "Shown in timeline if users cancel their request to join a group via a group link"
"PendingRequests--block--title": {
"message": "Block request?",
"description": "Title of dialog to block a user from requesting to join via the link again"
"PendingRequests--block--contents": {
"message": "$name$ will not be able to join or request to join this group via the group link. They can still be added to the group manually.",
"description": "Details of dialog to block a user from requesting to join via the link again"
"PendingRequests--block--confirm": {
"message": "Block Request",
"description": "Confirmation button of dialog to block a user from requesting to join via the link again"
"AvatarInput--no-photo-label--group": {
"message": "د ګروپ انځور اضافه کړئ",
"description": "The label for the avatar uploader when no group photo is selected"
"AvatarInput--no-photo-label--profile": {
"message": "د انځور اضافه کول",
"description": "The label for the avatar uploader when no profile photo is selected"
"AvatarInput--change-photo-label": {
"message": "د انځور بدلول",
"description": "The label for the avatar uploader when a photo is selected"
"AvatarInput--upload-photo-choice": {
"message": "د انځور پورته کول",
"description": "The button text when you click on an uploaded avatar and want to upload a new one"
"AvatarInput--remove-photo-choice": {
"message": "د انځور ایسته کول",
"description": "The button text when you click on an uploaded avatar and want to remove it"
"ContactPill--remove": {
"message": "د مخاطب ایسته کول",
"description": "The label for the 'remove' button on the contact pill"
"ComposeErrorDialog--close": {
"message": "هوکې",
"description": "The text on the button when there's an error in the composer"
"NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--title--one": {
"message": "بلنه ولیږل شوه",
"description": "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
"NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--title--many": {
"message": "$count$ بلنې ولیږل شوې",
"description": "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
"NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--user-paragraph--one": {
"message": "$name$ په اتومات ډول سره ستاسې له خوا ګروپ سره نشي اضافه کېدای.",
"description": "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
"NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--user-paragraph--many": {
"message": "دغه کارنیان ستاسې له خوا په اتومات ډول له دغه ګروپ سره نشي اضافه کېدای.",
"description": "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
"NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--info-paragraph": {
"message": "هغوی د یو ځای کېدو لپاره را بلل شوي دي او تر څو چې یې ونه مني نو د ګروپ هېڅ پیغام به و نه ویني.",
"description": "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
"NewlyCreatedGroupInvitedContactsDialog--body--learn-more": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ",
"description": "When creating a new group and inviting users, this is shown in the dialog"
"AddGroupMembersModal--title": {
"message": "د غړو اضافه کول",
"description": "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown in the dialog"
"AddGroupMembersModal--continue-to-confirm": {
"message": "اپډیټ کول",
"description": "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown in the dialog"
"AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-title--one": {
"message": "غواړئ $person$ له $group$ سره اضافه کړئ؟",
"description": "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown in the confirmation dialog"
"AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-title--many": {
"message": "غواړئ له \"$group$\" سره $count$ غړي اضافه کړئ؟",
"description": "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown in the confirmation dialog"
"AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-button--one": {
"message": "د غړي اضافه کول",
"description": "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown on the confirmation dialog button"
"AddGroupMembersModal--confirm-button--many": {
"message": "د غړو اضافه کول",
"description": "When adding new members to an existing group, this is shown on the confirmation dialog button"
"createNewGroupButton": {
"message": "نوی ګروپ",
"description": "The text of the button to create new groups"
"selectContact": {
"message": "د مخاطب ټاکل $name$",
"description": "The label for contact checkboxes that are non-selected (clicking them should select the contact)"
"deselectContact": {
"message": "د مخاطب نه ټاکل $name$",
"description": "The label for contact checkboxes that are selected (clicking them should de-select the contact)"
"cannotSelectContact": {
"message": "نشي کولای چې مخاطب وټاکي $name$",
"description": "The label for contact checkboxes that are disabled"
"alreadyAMember": {
"message": "تاسې له پخوا څخه دلته غړي یاست",
"description": "The label for contact checkboxes that are disabled because they're already a member"
"MessageAudio--play": {
"message": "د اډیويي ضمیمې پلي کول",
"description": "Aria label for audio attachment's Play button"
"MessageAudio--pause": {
"message": "د اډیويي ضمیمې درول",
"description": "Aria label for audio attachment's Pause button"
"MessageAudio--download": {
"message": "د اډیويي ضمیمې ډانلوډ",
"description": "Aria label for audio attachment's Download button"
"MessageAudio--pending": {
"message": "د اډیويي ضمیمې راښکته کول...",
"description": "Aria label for pending audio attachment spinner"
"MessageAudio--slider": {
"message": "د اډیويي ضمیمې د بیا پلي کولو وخت",
"description": "Aria label for audio attachment's playback time slider"
"MessageAudio--playbackRate1x": {
"message": "1x",
"description": "Button in the voice note message widget that shows the current playback rate of 1x (regular speed) and allows the user to toggle to the next rate"
"MessageAudio--playbackRate1p5x": {
"message": "1.5x",
"description": "Button in the voice note message widget that shows the current playback rate of 1.5x (%50 faster) and allows the user to toggle to the next rate"
"MessageAudio--playbackRate2x": {
"message": "2x",
"description": "Button in the voice note message widget that shows the current playback rate of 2x (double speed) and allows the user to toggle to the next rate"
"MessageAudio--playbackRatep5x": {
"message": ".5x",
"description": "Button in the voice note message widget that shows the current playback rate of .5x (half speed) and allows the user to toggle to the next rate"
"emptyInboxMessage": {
"message": "پورته پر $composeIcon$ کلیک وکړئ او خپلو مخاطبینو او ګروپونو ته د پیغام ورکولو لپاره پلټنه وکړئ.",
"description": "Shown in the left-pane when the inbox is empty"
"composeIcon": {
"message": "د کمپوز بټن",
"description": "Shown in the left-pane when the inbox is empty. Describes the button that composes a new message."
"ForwardMessageModal--continue": {
"message": "ادامه",
"description": "aria-label for the 'next' button in the forward a message modal dialog"
"TimelineDateHeader--date-in-last-6-months": {
"message": "ddd, MMM D",
"description": "Moment.js format for date headers in the message timeline, for dates <6 months old. See"
"TimelineDateHeader--date-older-than-6-months": {
"message": "MMM D, YYYY",
"description": "Moment.js format for date headers in the message timeline, for dates >=6 months old. See"
"MessageRequestWarning__learn-more": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ",
"description": "Shown on the message request warning. Clicking this button will open a dialog with more information"
"MessageRequestWarning__dialog__details": {
"message": "تاسې له دغه کس سره په هېڅ یوه ګروپ کې یو ځای نه یاست. نو غوښتنې وړاندې تر دې چې ویې منئ په دقت سره وګورئ تر څو د ناغوښتل شویو پیغامونو مخه ونیسئ.",
"description": "Shown in the message request warning dialog. Gives more information about message requests"
"MessageRequestWarning__dialog__learn-even-more": {
"message": "د پیغام د غوښتنو په اړه",
"description": "Shown in the message request warning dialog. Clicking this button will open a page on Signal's support site"
"ContactSpoofing__same-name": {
"message": "غوښتنې په دقت سره تر نظر تیرې کړئ. Signal یو بل مخاطب په ورته نوم سره وموند. $link$",
"description": "Shown in the timeline warning when you have a message request from someone with the same name as someone else"
"ContactSpoofing__same-name-in-group": {
"message": "د ګروپ $count$ غړي ورته نوم لري. $link$",
"description": "Shown in the timeline warning when you multiple group members have the same name"
"ContactSpoofing__same-name__link": {
"message": "د غوښتنې کتنه",
"description": "Shown in the timeline warning when you have a message request from someone with the same name as someone else"
"ContactSpoofing__same-name-in-group__link": {
"message": "د کتنې لپاره کلیک کړئ",
"description": "Shown in the timeline warning when you multiple group members have the same name"
"ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__title": {
"message": "د غوښتنې کتنه",
"description": "Title for the contact name spoofing review dialog"
"ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__description": {
"message": "که چیرته ډاډه نه یاست چې دا غوښتنه به د چا وي، نو لاندني مخاطبین تر نظر تیر کړئ او لاس په کار شئ.",
"description": "Description for the contact spoofing review dialog"
"ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__possibly-unsafe-title": {
"message": "غوښتنه",
"description": "Header in the contact spoofing review dialog, shown above the potentially-unsafe user"
"ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__safe-title": {
"message": "ستاسې مخاطب",
"description": "Header in the contact spoofing review dialog, shown above the \"safe\" user"
"ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__title": {
"message": "د غړو کتنه",
"description": "Title for the contact name spoofing review dialog in groups"
"ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__description": {
"message": "د ګروپ $count$ غړي ورته نومونه لري. لاندني غړي ووینئ یا هم لاس په کار شئ.",
"description": "Description for the group contact spoofing review dialog"
"ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__members-header": {
"message": "غړي",
"description": "Header in the group contact spoofing review dialog. After this header, there will be a list of members"
"ContactSpoofingReviewDialog__group__name-change-info": {
"message": "په دې وروستیو کې یې د خپل پروفایل نوم له $oldName$ څخه $newName$ ته بدل کړی.",
"description": "In the group contact spoofing review dialog, this text is shown when someone has changed their name recently"
"RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__remove-button": {
"message": "له ګروپ څخه ایستل",
"description": "When confirming the removal of a group member, show this text in the button"
"RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__description": {
"message": "غواړئ له ګروپ څخه \"$name$\" ایسته کړئ؟",
"description": "When confirming the removal of a group member, show this text in the dialog"
"RemoveGroupMemberConfirmation__description__with-link": {
"message": "Remove \"$name$\" from the group? They will not be able to rejoin via the group link.",
"description": "When confirming the removal of a group member, show this text in the dialog"
"CaptchaDialog__title": {
"message": "تایید یې کړئ چې پیغام ورکولو ته ادامه ورکړئ",
"description": "Header in the captcha dialog"
"CaptchaDialog__first-paragraph": {
"message": "په Signal کې د سپم د مخنیوي سره د مرستې لپاره، مهرباني وکړئ تایید یې بشپړ کړئ.",
"description": "First paragraph in the captcha dialog"
"CaptchaDialog__second-paragraph": {
"message": "له تاییدولو وروسته، تاسې کولای شئ پیغام ورکولو ته ادامه ورکړئ. هر هغه پیغام چې درول شوی و هغه به په اتومات ډول سره ولیږل شی.",
"description": "First paragraph in the captcha dialog"
"CaptchaDialog--can-close__title": {
"message": "غواړئ له تاییدولو پرته ادامه ورکړئ؟",
"description": "Header in the captcha dialog that can be closed"
"CaptchaDialog--can-close__body": {
"message": "که چیرته دا وټاکئ چې له تایید څخه تیر شئ، نو ښایي تاسې له نورو خلکو څخه پیغامونه تر لاسه نه کړئ او ستاسې پیغامونه هم و نه لیږل شي.",
"description": "Body of the captcha dialog that can be closed"
"CaptchaDialog--can_close__skip-verification": {
"message": "له تایید څخه تیر شئ",
"description": "Skip button of the captcha dialog that can be closed"
"verificationComplete": {
"message": "تایید بشپړ شو.",
"description": "Displayed after successful captcha"
"verificationFailed": {
"message": "تایید تر سره نشو. مهرباني وکړئ بیا هڅه وکړئ.",
"description": "Displayed after unsuccessful captcha"
"deleteForEveryoneFailed": {
"message": "د هر چا لپاره د پیغام پاکول تر سره نشو. مهرباني وکړئ بیا هڅه وکړئ.",
"description": "Displayed when delete-for-everyone has failed to send to all recipients"
"ChatColorPicker__delete--title": {
"message": "د رنګ پاکول",
"description": "Confirm title for deleting custom color"
"ChatColorPicker__delete--message": {
"message": "دغه سفارشي رنګ په $num$ چټونو کې کاریدلی دی. غواړئ چې د ټولو چټونو لپاره یې پاک کړئ؟",
"description": "Confirm message for deleting custom color"
"ChatColorPicker__global-chat-color": {
"message": "د نړیوال چټ رنګ",
"description": "Modal title for the chat color picker and editor for all conversations"
"ChatColorPicker__menu-title": {
"message": "د چټ رنګ",
"description": "View title for the chat color picker and editor"
"ChatColorPicker__reset": {
"message": "د چټ رنګ له سره تنظیم کړئ",
"description": "Button label for resetting chat colors"
"ChatColorPicker__resetDefault": {
"message": "د چټ رنګونه له سره تنظیم کړئ",
"description": "Confirmation dialog title for resetting all chat colors or only the global default one"
"ChatColorPicker__resetAll": {
"message": "د چټ ټول رنګونه له سره تنظیم کړئ",
"description": "Button label for resetting all chat colors"
"ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset-default": {
"message": "د عادي حالت له سره تنظیمول",
"description": "Button label for resetting only global chat color"
"ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset": {
"message": "له سره تنظیمول",
"description": "Confirm button label for resetting chat colors"
"ChatColorPicker__confirm-reset-message": {
"message": "غواړئ چې د چټ ټول رنګونه لغوه کړئ؟",
"description": "Modal message text for confirming resetting of chat colors"
"ChatColorPicker__custom-color--label": {
"message": "د سفارشي رنګ ایډیټور وښیئ",
"description": "aria-label for custom color editor button"
"ChatColorPicker__sampleBubble1": {
"message": "دلته د چټ د رنګ مخکتنه ده.",
"description": "An example message bubble for selecting the chat color"
"ChatColorPicker__sampleBubble2": {
"message": "یو بل حباب",
"description": "An example message bubble for selecting the chat color"
"ChatColorPicker__sampleBubble3": {
"message": "رنګ یوازې تاسې ته د لیدو وړ دی.",
"description": "An example message bubble for selecting the chat color"
"ChatColorPicker__context--edit": {
"message": "د رنګ تصحیح",
"description": "Option in the custom color bubble context menu"
"ChatColorPicker__context--duplicate": {
"message": "دوه ګونی",
"description": "Option in the custom color bubble context menu"
"ChatColorPicker__context--delete": {
"message": "ړنګول ",
"description": "Option in the custom color bubble context menu"
"CustomColorEditor__solid": {
"message": "جامد",
"description": "Tab label for selecting solid colors"
"CustomColorEditor__gradient": {
"message": "مسطح",
"description": "Tab label for selecting a gradient"
"CustomColorEditor__hue": {
"message": "رنګ",
"description": "Label for the hue slider"
"CustomColorEditor__saturation": {
"message": "اشباع",
"description": "Label for the saturation slider"
"CustomColorEditor__title": {
"message": "سفارشي رنګ",
"description": "Modal title for the custom color editor"
"customDisappearingTimeOption": {
"message": "سفارشي وخت...",
"description": "Text for an option in Disappearing Messages menu and Conversation Details Disappearing Messages setting when no user value is available"
"selectedCustomDisappearingTimeOption": {
"message": "سفارشي وخت",
"description": "Text for an option in Conversation Details Disappearing Messages setting when user previously selected custom time"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__label--value": {
"message": "Number",
"description": "aria-label for the number select box"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__label--units": {
"message": "Unit of time",
"description": "aria-label for the units of time select box"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__title": {
"message": "سفارشي وخت",
"description": "Title for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__body": {
"message": "د ورک کېدونکو پیغامونو لپاره سفارشي وخت وټاکئ.",
"description": "Body for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__set": {
"message": "تنظیم",
"description": "Text for the dialog button confirming the custom disappearing message timeout"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__seconds": {
"message": "ثانیې",
"description": "Name of the 'seconds' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__minutes": {
"message": "دقیقې",
"description": "Name of the 'minutes' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__hours": {
"message": "ساعتونه",
"description": "Name of the 'hours' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__days": {
"message": "ورځې",
"description": "Name of the 'days' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
"DisappearingTimeDialog__weeks": {
"message": "اوونۍ",
"description": "Name of the 'weeks' unit select for the custom disappearing message timeout dialog"
"settings__DisappearingMessages__footer": {
"message": "ستاسې له خوا د پیلیدونکو ټولو نویو چټونو لپاره د پیغام د ورک کېدو عادي وخت وټاکئ.",
"description": "Footer for the Disappearing Messages settings section"
"settings__DisappearingMessages__timer__label": {
"message": "د نویو چټونو لپاره عادي ټایمر",
"description": "Label for the Disappearing Messages default timer setting"
"UniversalTimerNotification__text": {
"message": "کله چې تاسې هغوی ته پیغام لیږئ نو د ورک کېدونکي پیغام وخت به $timeValue$ ته تنظیم شي.",
"description": "A message displayed when default disappearing message timeout is about to be applied"
"ErrorBoundaryNotification__text": {
"message": "دغه پیغام یې ښکاره نه کړ. د ستونزې د هواري د رپوټ د تسلیمولو لپاره کلیک وکړئ.",
"description": "An error notification displayed when message fails to render due to an internal error"
"GroupDescription__read-more": {
"message": "لا زیات ولولئ",
"description": "Button text when the group description is too long"
"EditConversationAttributesModal__description-warning": {
"message": "د ګروپ توضیحات به د همدې ګروپ غړو او هغو کسانو ته کوم چې رابلل شوي دي هغو ته به د لیدو وړ وي.",
"description": "Label text shown when editing group description"
"ConversationDetailsHeader--add-group-description": {
"message": "د ګروپ توضیحات اضافه کړئ...",
"description": "Placeholder text in the details header for those that can edit the group description"
"MediaQualitySelector--button": {
"message": "د میډیا کیفیت وټاکئ",
"description": "aria-label for the media quality selector button"
"MediaQualitySelector--title": {
"message": "د رسنۍ کیفیت",
"description": "Popup selector title"
"MediaQualitySelector--standard-quality-title": {
"message": "سټنډرډ",
"description": "Title for option for standard quality"
"MediaQualitySelector--standard-quality-description": {
"message": "ډېر تیز، لږه ډیټا",
"description": "Description of standard quality selector"
"MediaQualitySelector--high-quality-title": {
"message": "لوړ",
"description": "Title for option for high quality"
"MediaQualitySelector--high-quality-description": {
"message": "ډېر ورو، لا زیاته ډیټا",
"description": "Description of high quality selector"
"MessageDetailsHeader--Failed": {
"message": "نه دی لیږل شوی",
"description": "In the message details screen, shown above contacts where the message failed to deliver"
"MessageDetailsHeader--Pending": {
"message": "ځنډول شوی:",
"description": "In the message details screen, shown above contacts where the message is still sending"
"MessageDetailsHeader--Sent": {
"message": "ته لیږل شوی:",
"description": "In the message details screen, shown above contacts where the message has been sent (but not delivered, read, or viewed)"
"MessageDetailsHeader--Delivered": {
"message": "ته لیږل شوی",
"description": "In the message details screen, shown above contacts who have received your message"
"MessageDetailsHeader--Read": {
"message": "له خوا لوستل شوی",
"description": "In the message details screen, shown above contacts who have read this message"
"MessageDetailsHeader--Viewed": {
"message": "له خوا لیدل شوی",
"description": "In the message details screen, shown above contacts who have viewed this message"
"ProfileEditor--about": {
"message": "په اړه",
"description": "Default text for about field"
"ProfileEditor--username": {
"message": "کارن نوم",
"description": "Default text for username field"
"ProfileEditor--username--placeholder": {
"message": "کارن نوم دننه کړئ",
"description": "Placeholder for the username field"
"ProfileEditor--username--helper": {
"message": "په Signal کې کارن نومونه اختیاري دي. که غواړئ چې یو کارن نوم جوړ کړئ، د Signal نور کارنونه به وکولای شي چې تاسې د همدې کارن نوم په مټ ومومي او پرته له دې چې ستاسې د ټلیفون شمېره ولري، تاسې سره اړیکه کې شي.",
"description": "Shown on the edit username screen"
"ProfileEditor--username--check-characters": {
"message": "Usernames may only contain a-z, 0-9 and _",
"description": "Shown if user has attempted to use forbidden characters"
"ProfileEditor--username--check-starting-character": {
"message": "کارن نومونه نه باید په عدد سره پیل شي.",
"description": "Shown if user has attempted to begin their username with a number"
"ProfileEditor--username--check-character-min": {
"message": "Usernames must have a least $min$ characters.",
"description": "Shown if user has attempted to enter a username with too few characters - currently min is 3"
"ProfileEditor--username--check-character-max": {
"message": "Usernames must have at most $max$ characters.",
"description": "Shown if user has attempted to enter a username with too many characters - currently min is 25"
"ProfileEditor--username--check-username-taken": {
"message": "دا کارن نوم بل چا نیولی.",
"description": "Shown if user has attempted to save a username which is not available"
"ProfileEditor--username--general-error": {
"message": "Your username couldnt be saved. Check your connection and try again.",
"description": "Shown if something unknown has gone wrong with username save."
"ProfileEditor--username--delete-general-error": {
"message": "Your username couldnt be removed. Check your connection and try again.",
"description": "Shown if something unknown has gone wrong with username delete."
"ProfileEditor--username--delete-username": {
"message": "Delete username",
"description": "Shown as aria label for trash icon next to username"
"ProfileEditor--username--confirm-delete-body": {
"message": "This will remove your username, allowing other users to claim it. Are you sure?",
"description": "Shown in dialog body if user has saved an empty string to delete their username"
"ProfileEditor--username--confirm-delete-button": {
"message": "پاکول",
"description": "Shown in dialog button if user has saved an empty string to delete their username"
"ProfileEditor--about-placeholder": {
"message": "د خپل ځان په اړه یو څه ولیکئ...",
"description": "Placeholder text for about input field"
"ProfileEditor--first-name": {
"message": "نوم (اړین دی)",
"description": "Placeholder text for first name field"
"ProfileEditor--last-name": {
"message": "تخلص (اختیاري دی)",
"description": "Placeholder text for last name field"
"ConfirmDiscardDialog--discard": {
"message": "غواړئ دغه بدلونونه لغوه کړئ؟",
"description": "ConfirmationDialog text for discarding changes"
"ProfileEditor--info": {
"message": "ستاسې پروفایل په سرتاسرې بڼه سره انکریپټ شوی دی. کله چې تاسې نوې محاوره پیلوئ یا منئ، نو ستاسې پروفایل او په هغه کې راغلي بدلونونه به ستاسې مخاطبینو ته د لیدو وړ وي. $learnMore$",
"description": "Information shown at the bottom of the profile editor section"
"ProfileEditor--learnMore": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ ",
"description": "Text that links to a support article"
"Bio--speak-freely": {
"message": "ازادانه خبرې وکړه",
"description": "A default bio option"
"Bio--encrypted": {
"message": "انکریپټ شوی",
"description": "A default bio option"
"Bio--free-to-chat": {
"message": "چټ کولو ته اوزګار",
"description": "A default bio option"
"Bio--coffee-lover": {
"message": "د قهوې مئین",
"description": "A default bio option"
"Bio--taking-break": {
"message": "دمه نیول",
"description": "A default bio option"
"ProfileEditorModal--profile": {
"message": "پروفایل",
"description": "Title for profile editing"
"ProfileEditorModal--name": {
"message": "ستاسې نوم",
"description": "Title for editing your name"
"ProfileEditorModal--about": {
"message": "په اړه",
"description": "Title for about editing"
"ProfileEditorModal--avatar": {
"message": "Your Avatar",
"description": "Title for profile avatar editing"
"ProfileEditorModal--username": {
"message": "کارن نوم",
"description": "Title for username editing"
"ProfileEditorModal--error": {
"message": "ستاسې پروفایل اپډیټ نشو. مهرباني وکړئ بیا هڅه وکړئ.",
"description": "Error message when something goes wrong updating your profile."
"AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--modal": {
"message": "یوه اډمین ته پیغام ولیږئ",
"description": "Modal title for the list of admins in a group"
"AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--announcements-only": {
"message": "یوازې $admins$ کولای شي پیغامونه ولیږي",
"description": "Displayed if sending of messages is disabled to non-admins"
"AnnouncementsOnlyGroupBanner--admins": {
"message": "اډمینونه",
"description": "Clickable text describing administrators of a group, used in the message an admin label"
"AvatarEditor--choose": {
"message": "د یوه اواتار ټاکل",
"description": "Label for the avatar selector"
"AvatarColorPicker--choose": {
"message": "یو رنګ وټاکئ",
"description": "Label for when you need to choose your fighter, err color"
"LeftPaneSetGroupMetadataHelper__avatar-modal-title": {
"message": "د ګروپ اواتار",
"description": "Title for the avatar picker in the group creation flow"
"Preferences__button--general": {
"message": "عمومي",
"description": "Button to switch the settings view"
"Preferences__button--appearance": {
"message": "د پروګرام ظاهر",
"description": "Button to switch the settings view"
"Preferences__button--chats": {
"message": "چټونه",
"description": "Button to switch the settings view (and a title of pane)"
"Preferences__button--calls": {
"message": "ټلیفوني اړیکې",
"description": "Button to switch the settings view"
"Preferences__button--notifications": {
"message": "یادښتونه",
"description": "Button to switch the settings view"
"Preferences__button--privacy": {
"message": "محرمیت",
"description": "Button to switch the settings view"
"Preferences--lastSynced": {
"message": "وروستی وارد په $date$ $time$ کې شوی و",
"description": "Label for date and time of last sync operation"
"Preferences--system": {
"message": "سیستم",
"description": "Title for system type settings"
"Preferences--zoom": {
"message": "د زوم کولو کچه",
"description": "Label for changing the zoom level"
"Preferences__link-previews--title": {
"message": "د لینک د مخکتنې رامنځته کول",
"description": "Title for the generate link previews setting"
"Preferences__link-previews--description": {
"message": "د همدې تنظیماتو د بدلولو لپاره، د Signal اپلیکیشن به خپل موبایل کې پرانیزئ او بیا تنظیماتو>چټونو ته ولاړ شئ",
"description": "Description for the generate link previews setting"
"Preferences--advanced": {
"message": "پرمختللی",
"description": "Title for advanced settings"
"Preferences--notification-content": {
"message": "د خبرتیا محتوی",
"description": "Label for the notification content setting select box"
"Preferences--blocked": {
"message": "بلاک شوي",
"description": "Label for blocked contacts setting"
"Preferences--blocked-count-singular": {
"message": "$num$ مخاطب",
"description": "Number of contacts blocked singular"
"Preferences--blocked-count-plural": {
"message": "$num$ مخاطبین",
"description": "Number of contacts blocked plural"
"Preferences__who-can--title": {
"message": "څوک کولای شي چې...",
"description": "Title for the 'who can do X' setting"
"Preferences__privacy--description": {
"message": "د همدې تنظیماتو د بدلولو لپاره، د Signal اپلیکیشن به خپل موبایل کې پرانیزئ او بیا تنظیماتو>چټونو ته ولاړ شئ",
"description": "Description for the 'who can do X' setting"
"Preferences__who-can--everybody": {
"message": "هر څوک",
"description": "Option for who can see my X select"
"Preferences__who-can--contacts": {
"message": "زما مخاطبین",
"description": "Option for who can see my X select"
"Preferences__who-can--nobody": {
"message": "هېڅ کس",
"description": "Option for who can see my X select"
"Preferences--messaging": {
"message": "پیغام لېږل",
"description": "Title for the messaging settings"
"Preferences--see-me": {
"message": "زما د ټلیفون شمېره ووینئ",
"description": "Label for the see my phone number setting"
"Preferences--find-me": {
"message": "ما د خپلې ټلیفون شمېرې په مټ ومومئ",
"description": "Label for the find me by my phone number setting"
"Preferences--read-receipts": {
"message": "د لوستلو رسیدونه",
"description": "Label for the read receipts setting"
"Preferences--typing-indicators": {
"message": "د ټایپ کولو نښه",
"description": "Label for the typing indicators setting"
"Preferences--updates": {
"message": "اپډیټونه",
"description": "Header for settings having to do with updates"
"Preferences__download-update": {
"message": "اپډیټونه په اتومات ډول ډانلوډ کړئ",
"description": "Label for checkbox for the auto download updates setting"
"Preferences__enable-notifications": {
"message": "خبرتیاووې فعاله کړئ",
"description": "Label for checkbox for the notifications setting"
"Preferences__devices": {
"message": "وسیلې",
"description": "Label for Device list in call settings pane"
"DialogUpdate--version-available": {
"message": "شته $version$ نسخې ته یې اپډیټ کړئ",
"description": "Tooltip for new update available"
"NSIS__retry-dialog--first-line": {
"message": "Signal نشي تړل کېدای.",
"description": "First line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
"NSIS__retry-dialog--second-line": {
"message": "د مهرباني له مخې په مانول ډول یې وتړئ او د ادامې لپاره پر بیا هڅې باندې کلیک وکړئ.",
"description": "Second line of the dialog displayed when Windows installer can't close application automatically and needs user intervention to complete the installation."
"NSIS__appRunning": {
"message": "$appName$ is running.\nClick OK to close it.\nIf it doesn't close, try closing it manually.",
"description": "The contents of a dialog displayed when Windows installer detect that the application is running and asks user to close it. Note: please keep the line breaks so that the text occupies three separate lines"
"NSIS__decompressionFailed": {
"message": "Failed to decompress files. Please try running the installer again.",
"description": "Displayed when Windows installer cannot decompress application files"
"NSIS__uninstallFailed": {
"message": "Failed to uninstall old application files. Please try running the installer again.",
"description": "Displayed when Windows installer cannot uninstall the old application"
"CrashReportDialog__title": {
"message": "Application crashed",
"description": "A title of the dialog displayed when starting an application after a recent crash"
"CrashReportDialog__body": {
"message": "Signal restarted after a crash. You can submit a crash report to help Signal investigate the issue.",
"description": "The body of the dialog displayed when starting an application after a recent crash"
"CrashReportDialog__submit": {
"message": "لیږل",
"description": "A button label for submission of the crash reporter data after a recent crash"
"CrashReportDialog__erase": {
"message": "Don't Send",
"description": "A button label for erasure of the crash reporter data after a recent crash and continuing to start the app"
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__title": {
"message": "د غبرګونونو سفارشي کول",
"description": "Shown in the header of the modal for customizing the preferred reactions. Also shown in the tooltip for the button that opens this modal."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__subtitle": {
"message": "کلیک وکړئ تر څو emoji بدله کړو",
"description": "Instructions in the modal for customizing the preferred reactions."
"CustomizingPreferredReactions__had-save-error": {
"message": "د خپلو تنظیماتو د ثبت په مهال تیروتنه شوې. مهرباني وکړئ بیا هڅه وکړئ.",
"description": "Shown if there is an error when saving your preferred reaction settings. Should be very rare to see this message."
"MediaEditor__control--draw": {
"message": "رسامي کول",
"description": "Label for the draw button in the media editor"
"MediaEditor__control--text": {
"message": "Add text",
"description": "Label for the text button in the media editor"
"MediaEditor__control--sticker": {
"message": "سټیکرونه",
"description": "Label for the sticker button in the media editor"
"MediaEditor__control--crop": {
"message": "Crop and rotate",
"description": "Label for the crop & rotate button in the media editor"
"MediaEditor__control--undo": {
"message": "بیرته پاک کول",
"description": "Label for the undo button in the media editor"
"MediaEditor__control--redo": {
"message": "بیرته راوستل",
"description": "Label for the redo button in the media editor"
"MediaEditor__text--regular": {
"message": "Regular",
"description": "Describes what attribute the color picker will change on the text"
"MediaEditor__text--highlight": {
"message": "Highlight",
"description": "Describes what attribute the color picker will change on the text"
"MediaEditor__text--outline": {
"message": "Outline",
"description": "Describes what attribute the color picker will change on the text"
"MediaEditor__text--underline": {
"message": "Underline",
"description": "Describes what attribute the color picker will change on the text"
"MediaEditor__draw--pen": {
"message": "Pen",
"description": "Type of brush to free draw"
"MediaEditor__draw--highlighter": {
"message": "Highlighter",
"description": "Type of brush to free draw"
"MediaEditor__draw--thin": {
"message": "Thin",
"description": "Tip width of the brush"
"MediaEditor__draw--regular": {
"message": "Regular",
"description": "Tip width of the brush"
"MediaEditor__draw--medium": {
"message": "منځنی",
"description": "Tip width of the brush"
"MediaEditor__draw--heavy": {
"message": "Heavy",
"description": "Tip width of the brush"
"MediaEditor__crop--reset": {
"message": "له سره تنظیمول",
"description": "Reset the crop state"
"MediaEditor__crop--rotate": {
"message": "Rotate",
"description": "Rotate the canvas"
"MediaEditor__crop--flip": {
"message": "ګرځول",
"description": "Flip/mirror the canvas"
"MediaEditor__crop--lock": {
"message": "قفل کول",
"description": "Lock the aspect ratio"
"MediaEditor__crop--crop": {
"message": "Crop",
"description": "Performs the crop"
"MyStories__title": {
"message": "My Stories",
"description": "Title for the my stories list"
"MyStories__story": {
"message": "Your story",
"description": "aria-label for each one of your stories"
"MyStories__download": {
"message": "Download story",
"description": "aria-label for the download button"
"MyStories__more": {
"message": "More options",
"description": "aria-label for the more button"
"MyStories__views--singular": {
"message": "$num$ view",
"description": "Number of views your story has"
"MyStories__views--plural": {
"message": "$num$ views",
"description": "Number of views your story has"
"MyStories__replies--singular": {
"message": "$num$ reply",
"description": "Number of replies your story has"
"MyStories__replies--plural": {
"message": "$num$ replies",
"description": "Number of replies your story has"
"MyStories__delete": {
"message": "Delete this story? It will also be deleted for everyone who received it.",
"description": "Confirmation dialog description text for deleting a story"
"SignalConnectionsModal__title": {
"message": "Signal Connections",
"description": "The phrase/term: 'Signal Connections'"
"SignalConnectionsModal__header": {
"message": "$connections$ are people you've chosen to trust, either by:",
"description": "The beginning sentence to list the different ways a signal connection is formed"
"SignalConnectionsModal__bullet--1": {
"message": "Starting a conversation",
"description": "A way that signal connection is formed"
"SignalConnectionsModal__bullet--2": {
"message": "Accepting a message request",
"description": "A way that signal connection is formed"
"SignalConnectionsModal__bullet--3": {
"message": "Having them in your system contacts",
"description": "A way that signal connection is formed"
"SignalConnectionsModal__footer": {
"message": "Your connections can see your name and photo, and can see posts to \"My Story\" unless you hide it from them",
"description": "Additional information about signal connections and the stories they can see"
"Stories__title": {
"message": "Stories",
"description": "Title for the stories list"
"Stories__mine": {
"message": "My Stories",
"description": "Label for your stories"
"Stories__add": {
"message": "Add a story",
"description": "Description hint to add a story"
"Stories__add-story--text": {
"message": "Text story",
"description": "Label to create a new text story"
"Stories__add-story--media": {
"message": "Photo or video",
"description": "Label to create a new multimedia story"
"Stories__hidden-stories": {
"message": "Hidden stories",
"description": "Button label to go to hidden stories pane"
"Stories__list-empty": {
"message": "No recent stories to show right now",
"description": "Description for when there are no stories to show"
"Stories__placeholder--text": {
"message": "Click to view a story",
"description": "Placeholder label for the story view"
"Stories__from-to-group": {
"message": "$name$ to $group$",
"description": "Title for someone sending a story to a group"
"Stories__toast--sending-reply": {
"message": "Sending reply...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--sending-reaction": {
"message": "Sending reaction...",
"description": "Toast message"
"Stories__toast--hasNoSound": {
"message": "This story has no sound",
"description": "Toast message"
"StoriesSettings__title": {
"message": "Story settings",
"description": "Title for the story settings modal"
"StoriesSettings__new-list": {
"message": "New private story",
"description": "Label to create a new private story list"
"StoriesSettings__viewers--singular": {
"message": "$num$ viewer",
"description": "A single viewer"
"StoriesSettings__viewers--plural": {
"message": "$num$ viewers",
"description": "More than one viewer"
"StoriesSettings__who-can-see": {
"message": "Who can see this story",
"description": "Title for the who can see this story section"
"StoriesSettings__add-viewer": {
"message": "Add viewer",
"description": "Button label to add a viewer to a story"
"StoriesSettings__remove--action": {
"message": "ایسته کول",
"description": "Button to remove a member from a private list"
"StoriesSettings__remove--title": {
"message": "Remove $title$",
"description": "Title of the confirmation dialog, has a person's name"
"StoriesSettings__remove--body": {
"message": "This person will no longer see your story.",
"description": "Body of the confirmation dialog to remove someone from a private distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--title": {
"message": "Replies & reactions",
"description": "Title for the replies & reactions section"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--label": {
"message": "Allow replies & reactions",
"description": "Checkbox label to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__replies-reactions--description": {
"message": "Let people who can view your story react and reply.",
"description": "Description of checkbox to allow or disallow replies to your stories"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list": {
"message": "Delete private story",
"description": "Button label to delete a private distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__delete-list--confirm": {
"message": "Delete private story?",
"description": "Confirmation text to delete a private distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__choose-viewers": {
"message": "Choose Viewers",
"description": "Modal title when choosing to add a viewer to a private distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__name-story": {
"message": "Name this story",
"description": "Modal title when naming a private distribution list"
"StoriesSettings__name-placeholder": {
"message": "Story name (required)",
"description": "Placeholder for input field"
"StoriesSettings__hide-story": {
"message": "Hide story from",
"description": "Modal title when hiding people from my stories"
"StoriesSettings__mine__all--label": {
"message": "All Signal connections",
"description": "Input label to describe all signal connections"
"StoriesSettings__mine__all--description": {
"message": "Share with all connections",
"description": "Description of button StoriesSettings__mine__all--label"
"StoriesSettings__mine__exclude--label": {
"message": "All Signal connections except...",
"description": "Input label to create a block list"
"StoriesSettings__mine__exclude--description": {
"message": "$num$ people excluded",
"description": "Description of how many people are excluded in a list"
"StoriesSettings__mine__only--label": {
"message": "Only share with...",
"description": "Input label to create an exclusive allow list"
"StoriesSettings__mine__only--description": {
"message": "Only share with selected people",
"description": "Description of button StoriesSettings__mine__only--label"
"StoriesSettings__mine__only--description--people": {
"message": "$num$ people",
"description": "Description of how many people are in the exclusive allow list"
"StoriesSettings__mine__disclaimer": {
"message": "Choose who can view your story. Changes won't affect stories you've already sent. $learnMore$",
"description": "Disclaimer on how changes to story settings work"
"StoriesSettings__mine__disclaimer--learn-more": {
"message": "لا زیات زده کړئ.",
"description": "Learn more link to learn about who can view your story"
"StoriesSettings__context-menu": {
"message": "Story settings",
"description": "Button label to get to story settings"
"SendStoryModal__choose-who-can-view": {
"message": "Choose who can view your story",
"description": "Shown during the first time posting a story"
"SendStoryModal__title": {
"message": "ته لیږل",
"description": "Title for the send story modal"
"SendStoryModal__send": {
"message": "Send story",
"description": "aria-label for the send story button"
"SendStoryModal__new": {
"message": "New story",
"description": "button to create a new distribution list to send story to"
"SendStoryModal__new-private--title": {
"message": "New private story",
"description": "Create a new distribution list"
"SendStoryModal__new-private--description": {
"message": "Visible only to specific people",
"description": "Description of what a distribution list would do"
"SendStoryModal__new-group--title": {
"message": "New group story",
"description": "Select a group to send a story to"
"SendStoryModal__new-group--description": {
"message": "Share to an existing group",
"description": "Description of what selecting a group would do"
"SendStoryModal__choose-groups": {
"message": "Choose groups",
"description": "Modal title when choosing groups"
"SendStoryModal__my-stories-privacy": {
"message": "My stories privacy",
"description": "Modal title for setting privacy for My Stories"
"SendStoryModal__privacy-disclaimer": {
"message": "Choose which Signal connections can view your story. You can always change this in privacy settings. $learnMore$",
"description": "Disclaimer on how changes to story settings work"
"Stories__settings-toggle--title": {
"message": "Share & View Stories",
"description": "Select box title for the stories on/off toggle"
"Stories__settings-toggle--description": {
"message": "You will no longer be able to share or view Stories when this option is turned off.",
"description": "Select box description for the stories on/off toggle"
"StoryViewer__pause": {
"message": "Pause",
"description": "Aria label for pausing a story"
"StoryViewer__play": {
"message": "Play",
"description": "Aria label for playing a story"
"StoryViewer__reply": {
"message": "بیا پلي کول",
"description": "Button label to reply to a story"
"StoryViewer__reply-group": {
"message": "Reply to Group",
"description": "Button label to reply to a group story"
"StoryViewer__mute": {
"message": "صامت",
"description": "Aria label for muting stories"
"StoryViewer__unmute": {
"message": "بیرته خلاصول",
"description": "Aria label for unmuting stories"
"StoryDetailsModal__sent-time": {
"message": "Sent $time$",
"description": "Sent timestamp"
"StoryDetailsModal__file-size": {
"message": "File size $size$",
"description": "File size description"
"StoryDetailsModal__copy-timestamp": {
"message": "Copy timestamp",
"description": "Context menu item to help debugging"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__no-replies": {
"message": "No replies yet",
"description": "Placeholder text for when there are no replies"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__tab--views": {
"message": "Views",
"description": "Title for views tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__tab--replies": {
"message": "Replies",
"description": "Title for replies tab"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__react": {
"message": "React to story",
"description": "aria-label for reaction button"
"StoryViewsNRepliesModal__reacted": {
"message": "Reacted to the story",
"description": "Description of someone reacting to a story"
"StoryListItem__label": {
"message": "Story",
"description": "aria-label for the story list button"
"StoryListItem__unhide": {
"message": "Show stories",
"description": "Label for menu item to un-hide the story"
"StoryListItem__hide": {
"message": "Hide story",
"description": "Label for menu item to hide the story"
"StoryListItem__go-to-chat": {
"message": "Go to chat",
"description": "Label for menu item to go to conversation"
"StoryListItem__delete": {
"message": "پاکول",
"description": "Label for menu item to delete a story"
"StoryListItem__info": {
"message": "معلومات",
"description": "Label for menu item to get a story's information"
"StoryListItem__hide-modal--body": {
"message": "Hide story? New story updates from $name$ wont appear at the top of the stories list anymore.",
"description": "Body for the confirmation dialog for hiding a story"
"StoryListItem__hide-modal--confirm": {
"message": "پټول",
"description": "Action button for the confirmation dialog to hide a story"
"StoryImage__error2": {
"message": "Cant download story. $name$ will need to share it again.",
"description": "Description for image errors"
"StoryImage__error--you": {
"message": "Cant download story. You will need to share it again.",
"description": "Description for image errors but when it is your own image"
"StoryCreator__error--video-too-long": {
"message": "Cannot post video to story because it is too long",
"description": "Error string for when a video post to story fails"
"StoryCreator__error--video-unsupported": {
"message": "Cannot post video to story as it is an unsupported file format",
"description": "Error string for when a video post to story fails"
"StoryCreator__error--video-error": {
"message": "Failed to load video",
"description": "Error string for when a video post to story fails"
"StoryCreator__text-bg--background": {
"message": "Text has a white background color",
"description": "Button label"
"StoryCreator__text-bg--inverse": {
"message": "Text has selected color as the background color",
"description": "Button label"
"StoryCreator__text-bg--none": {
"message": "Text has no background color",
"description": "Button label"
"StoryCreator__story-bg": {
"message": "Change story background color",
"description": "Button label"
"StoryCreator__next": {
"message": "بل",
"description": "Button label text to advance to next step of story creation"
"StoryCreator__add-link": {
"message": "Add link",
"description": "Button label to apply the link preview to story"
"StoryCreator__input-placeholder": {
"message": "Add text",
"description": "Placeholder to add text"
"StoryCreator__text--regular": {
"message": "Regular",
"description": "Label for font"
"StoryCreator__text--bold": {
"message": "Bold",
"description": "Label for font"
"StoryCreator__text--serif": {
"message": "Serif",
"description": "Label for font"
"StoryCreator__text--script": {
"message": "Script",
"description": "Label for font"
"StoryCreator__text--condensed": {
"message": "Condensed",
"description": "Label for font"
"StoryCreator__control--text": {
"message": "Add story text",
"description": "aria-label for edit text button"
"StoryCreator__control--link": {
"message": "Add a link",
"description": "aria-label for adding a link preview"
"StoryCreator__link-preview-placeholder": {
"message": "Type or paste a URL",
"description": "Placeholder for the URL input for link previews"
"StoryCreator__link-preview-empty": {
"message": "Add a link for viewers of your story",
"description": "Empty state for the link preview"
"TextAttachment__placeholder": {
"message": "Add text",
"description": "Placeholder for the add text input"
"TextAttachment__preview__link": {
"message": "Visit link",
"description": "Title for the link preview tooltip"
"Quote__story": {
"message": "Story",
"description": "Title for replies to stories"
"Quote__story-reaction": {
"message": "Reacted to a story from $name$",
"description": "Label for when a person reacts to a story"
"Quote__story-reaction--single": {
"message": "Reacted to a story",
"description": "Used whenever we can't find a user's first name"
"Quote__story-unavailable": {
"message": "No longer available",
"description": "Label for when a story is not found"
"ContextMenu--button": {
"message": "Context menu",
"description": "Default aria-label for the context menu buttons"
"WhatsNew__modal-title": {
"message": "څه شی نوي دي",
"description": "Title for the whats new modal"
"WhatsNew__bugfixes": {
"message": "دغه نسخه یو شمېر واړه کارونه او د بوګ جوړونې لري تر څو Signal په روانه توګه سره کار ورکړي.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__bugfixes--1": {
"message": "Additional small tweaks, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. Thanks for using Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__bugfixes--2": {
"message": "Handful of bug fixes to keep your app running smoothly. More exciting changes on the horizon! ",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__bugfixes--3": {
"message": "Tweaks, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. Keep on texting, calling, and video chatting as usual.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__bugfixes--4": {
"message": "Hard at work fixing bugs and making other performance improvements to keep the app running smoothly for you. ",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__bugfixes--5": {
"message": "Additional small tweaks, bug fixes, and assorted plans for the future.",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__bugfixes--6": {
"message": "Small tweaks, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. Thanks for using Signal!",
"description": "Release notes for releases that only include bug fixes"
"WhatsNew__v5.57--1": {
"message": "Change the speed of audio messages to either get to the point or catch the details.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.57"
"WhatsNew__v5.57--2": {
"message": "Streamline your emoji searching. Once youve pulled up the emoji picker, skip the 🔍 and just start typing keywords.",
"description": "Release notes for v5.57"
2021-10-14 21:14:10 -04:00