2014-10-29 18:32:29 -07:00
2016-01-01 14:23:44 -08:00
"name" : "signal-desktop" ,
2017-03-30 16:40:09 -07:00
"productName" : "Signal" ,
2017-03-07 16:55:24 -08:00
"description" : "Private messaging from your desktop" ,
2019-10-10 11:51:16 -07:00
"desktopName" : "signal.desktop" ,
2018-01-30 14:22:51 -08:00
"repository" : "https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop.git" ,
2024-02-28 18:37:56 -08:00
"version" : "7.1.0-beta.1" ,
2020-11-02 16:15:04 -06:00
"license" : "AGPL-3.0-only" ,
2017-03-07 16:55:24 -08:00
"author" : {
2022-03-17 16:22:51 -05:00
"name" : "Signal Messenger, LLC" ,
2018-01-30 14:22:51 -08:00
"email" : "support@signal.org"
2017-03-07 16:55:24 -08:00
} ,
2023-01-12 12:58:53 -08:00
"browserslist" : "last 1 chrome versions" ,
2023-04-20 17:23:19 -04:00
"browser" : {
"uuid" : "uuid-browser"
} ,
2021-10-01 11:49:59 -07:00
"main" : "app/main.js" ,
2014-11-22 19:36:52 -08:00
"scripts" : {
2023-01-31 18:03:44 -08:00
"postinstall" : "yarn build:acknowledgments && patch-package && yarn electron:install-app-deps" ,
2020-09-16 11:40:15 -05:00
"postuninstall" : "yarn build:acknowledgments" ,
2017-03-10 10:35:58 -08:00
"start" : "electron ." ,
2024-02-28 02:33:06 -06:00
"generate" : "npm-run-all build-protobuf build:esbuild build:dns-fallback sass get-expire-time copy-components" ,
2021-04-07 10:08:38 -07:00
"build-release" : "yarn run build" ,
2019-03-28 10:09:26 -07:00
"sign-release" : "node ts/updater/generateSignature.js" ,
2022-02-24 11:39:26 -08:00
"notarize" : "echo 'No longer necessary'" ,
2024-02-20 09:47:02 -08:00
"get-strings" : "ts-node ts/scripts/get-strings.ts && ts-node ts/scripts/gen-nsis-script.ts && ts-node ts/scripts/gen-locales-config.ts && run-p get-strings:locales get-strings:countries" ,
2024-02-08 15:19:03 -08:00
"get-strings:locales" : "ts-node ./ts/scripts/build-localized-display-names.ts locales ts/scripts/locale-data/locale-display-names.csv build/locale-display-names.json" ,
"get-strings:countries" : "ts-node ./ts/scripts/build-localized-display-names.ts countries ts/scripts/locale-data/country-display-names.csv build/country-display-names.json" ,
2023-03-16 13:19:43 -07:00
"push-strings" : "node ts/scripts/remove-strings.js && node ts/scripts/push-strings.js" ,
2021-12-14 08:43:46 -08:00
"get-expire-time" : "node ts/scripts/get-expire-time.js" ,
2023-01-12 19:24:59 -05:00
"copy-components" : "node ts/scripts/copy.js" ,
2022-02-11 13:33:06 -06:00
"sass" : "sass stylesheets/manifest.scss:stylesheets/manifest.css stylesheets/manifest_bridge.scss:stylesheets/manifest_bridge.css" ,
2023-11-29 22:48:43 +01:00
"build-module-protobuf" : "pbjs --target static-module --force-long --no-typeurl --no-verify --no-create --no-convert --wrap commonjs --out ts/protobuf/compiled.js protos/*.proto && pbts --no-comments --out ts/protobuf/compiled.d.ts ts/protobuf/compiled.js" ,
2018-05-07 19:08:43 -04:00
"clean-module-protobuf" : "rm -f ts/protobuf/compiled.d.ts ts/protobuf/compiled.js" ,
2018-05-07 19:12:53 -04:00
"build-protobuf" : "yarn build-module-protobuf" ,
"clean-protobuf" : "yarn clean-module-protobuf" ,
2021-08-06 14:21:01 -07:00
"prepare-beta-build" : "node scripts/prepare_beta_build.js" ,
"prepare-alpha-build" : "node scripts/prepare_alpha_build.js" ,
"prepare-alpha-version" : "node scripts/prepare_alpha_version.js" ,
2022-06-14 15:08:38 -07:00
"prepare-staging-build" : "node scripts/prepare_staging_build.js" ,
2021-08-06 14:21:01 -07:00
"prepare-windows-cert" : "node scripts/prepare_windows_cert.js" ,
2023-01-05 14:43:33 -08:00
"test" : "yarn test-node && yarn test-electron && yarn test-lint-intl && yarn test-eslint" ,
2024-03-01 20:31:02 -06:00
"test-electron" : "node ts/scripts/test-electron.js" ,
"test-release" : "node ts/scripts/test-release.js" ,
"test-node" : "cross-env LANG=en-us electron-mocha --timeout 10000 --file test/setup-test-node.js --recursive test/modules ts/test-node ts/test-both" ,
"test-mock" : "mocha --require ts/test-mock/setup-ci.js ts/test-mock/**/*_test.js" ,
"test-eslint" : "mocha .eslint/rules/**/*.test.js --ignore-leaks" ,
"test-node-coverage" : "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text mocha --recursive test/modules ts/test-node ts/test-both" ,
"test-lint-intl" : "ts-node ./build/intl-linter/linter.ts --test" ,
2023-03-29 12:53:27 -07:00
"eslint" : "eslint --cache . --cache-strategy content --max-warnings 0" ,
2023-04-20 10:03:43 -07:00
"lint" : "run-s --print-label lint-prettier lint-css check:types eslint" ,
2018-09-20 15:24:52 -07:00
"lint-deps" : "node ts/util/lint/linter.js" ,
2020-12-11 18:49:30 -06:00
"lint-license-comments" : "ts-node ts/util/lint/license_comments.ts" ,
2022-03-22 15:08:10 -07:00
"lint-prettier" : "pprettier --check '**/*.{ts,tsx,d.ts,js,json,html,scss,md,yml,yaml}' '!node_modules/**'" ,
2022-10-03 14:19:54 -07:00
"lint-intl" : "ts-node ./build/intl-linter/linter.ts" ,
2023-04-20 10:03:43 -07:00
"lint-css" : "stylelint '**/*.scss' --cache" ,
2022-09-16 11:32:28 -07:00
"danger:local" : "./danger/danger.sh local --base main" ,
"danger:ci" : "./danger/danger.sh ci --base origin/main" ,
2022-03-22 15:08:10 -07:00
"format" : "pprettier --write '**/*.{ts,tsx,d.ts,js,json,html,scss,md,yml,yaml}' '!node_modules/**'" ,
2023-02-23 13:32:19 -08:00
"svgo" : "svgo --multipass images/**/*.svg" ,
2022-02-11 13:38:52 -08:00
"transpile" : "run-p check:types build:esbuild" ,
"check:types" : "tsc --noEmit" ,
2023-04-20 17:23:19 -04:00
"clean-transpile-once" : "rimraf sticker-creator/dist app/**/*.js app/*.js ts/**/*.js ts/*.js bundles tsconfig.tsbuildinfo" ,
2021-07-07 14:09:49 -05:00
"clean-transpile" : "yarn run clean-transpile-once && yarn run clean-transpile-once" ,
2018-04-03 15:56:12 -07:00
"open-coverage" : "open coverage/lcov-report/index.html" ,
2022-10-03 14:19:54 -07:00
"ready" : "npm-run-all --print-label clean-transpile generate --parallel lint lint-deps lint-intl test-node test-electron" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"dev" : "yarn build-protobuf && cross-env SIGNAL_ENV=storybook storybook dev --port 6006" ,
2023-10-11 15:08:48 -07:00
"dev:transpile" : "run-p \"check:types --watch\" dev:esbuild" ,
"dev:esbuild" : "node scripts/esbuild.js --watch" ,
"dev:sass" : "yarn sass --watch" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"build:storybook" : "yarn build-protobuf && cross-env SIGNAL_ENV=storybook storybook build" ,
"test:storybook" : "yarn build:storybook && run-p --race test:storybook:*" ,
"test:storybook:serve" : "http-server storybook-static --port 6006 --silent" ,
"test:storybook:test" : "wait-on --timeout 5000 && test-storybook" ,
2023-03-15 17:59:30 -07:00
"build" : "run-s --print-label generate build:esbuild:prod build:release" ,
2023-08-18 13:40:04 -07:00
"build-linux" : "yarn generate && yarn build:esbuild:prod && yarn build:release -- --publish=never" ,
2020-09-16 11:40:15 -05:00
"build:acknowledgments" : "node scripts/generate-acknowledgments.js" ,
2024-02-28 02:33:06 -06:00
"build:dns-fallback" : "node ts/scripts/generate-dns-fallback.js" ,
2023-03-15 17:59:30 -07:00
"build:dev" : "run-s --print-label generate build:esbuild:prod" ,
2022-02-11 13:38:52 -08:00
"build:esbuild" : "node scripts/esbuild.js" ,
2023-03-15 17:59:30 -07:00
"build:esbuild:prod" : "node scripts/esbuild.js --prod" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"build:electron" : "electron-builder --config.extraMetadata.environment=$SIGNAL_ENV" ,
2021-04-07 10:08:38 -07:00
"build:release" : "cross-env SIGNAL_ENV=production yarn build:electron -- --config.directories.output=release" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"verify" : "run-p --print-label verify:*" ,
2021-12-03 23:49:15 +01:00
"verify:ts" : "tsc --noEmit" ,
"electron:install-app-deps" : "electron-builder install-app-deps"
2018-01-08 13:19:25 -08:00
} ,
2020-01-09 11:57:43 -08:00
"optionalDependencies" : {
"fs-xattr" : "0.3.0"
} ,
2018-01-08 13:19:25 -08:00
"dependencies" : {
2022-10-03 14:19:54 -07:00
"@formatjs/fast-memoize" : "1.2.6" ,
2023-03-31 15:36:14 -07:00
"@formatjs/intl-localematcher" : "0.2.32" ,
2023-01-19 11:56:02 -08:00
"@indutny/sneequals" : "4.0.0" ,
2023-08-01 09:06:29 -07:00
"@nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom" : "0.4.4" ,
"@nodert-win10-rs4/windows.ui.notifications" : "0.4.4" ,
2022-11-14 11:35:37 -08:00
"@popperjs/core" : "2.11.6" ,
2023-08-08 17:53:06 -07:00
"@react-aria/utils" : "3.16.0" ,
2022-11-14 11:35:37 -08:00
"@react-spring/web" : "9.5.5" ,
2023-12-04 18:38:40 +01:00
"@signalapp/better-sqlite3" : "8.6.0" ,
2024-02-13 13:41:48 -08:00
"@signalapp/libsignal-client" : "0.40.0" ,
2024-02-23 12:15:40 -06:00
"@signalapp/ringrtc" : "2.38.0" ,
2023-08-16 22:54:39 +02:00
"@signalapp/windows-dummy-keystroke" : "1.0.0" ,
2021-11-30 21:14:25 -05:00
"@types/fabric" : "4.5.3" ,
2021-06-07 11:43:42 -05:00
"backbone" : "1.4.0" ,
2021-07-14 16:39:52 -07:00
"blob-util" : "2.0.2" ,
2021-01-29 16:44:57 -06:00
"blueimp-load-image" : "5.14.0" ,
2020-05-27 17:37:06 -04:00
"blurhash" : "1.1.3" ,
2023-04-20 17:23:19 -04:00
"buffer" : "6.0.3" ,
2023-07-20 05:14:08 +02:00
"changedpi" : "1.0.4" ,
2023-03-21 14:23:27 -07:00
"cirbuf" : "1.0.1" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"classnames" : "2.2.5" ,
"config" : "1.28.1" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"copy-text-to-clipboard" : "2.1.0" ,
2020-09-16 12:31:05 -07:00
"dashdash" : "1.14.1" ,
2022-03-01 14:44:29 -08:00
"dicer" : "0.3.1" ,
2022-03-23 13:23:28 -07:00
"direction" : "1.0.4" ,
2024-02-27 13:04:39 -06:00
"emoji-datasource" : "15.1.2" ,
"emoji-datasource-apple" : "15.1.2" ,
"emoji-regex" : "10.3.0" ,
2023-02-14 10:07:00 -07:00
"encoding" : "0.1.13" ,
2021-11-30 21:14:25 -05:00
"fabric" : "4.6.0" ,
2020-02-21 18:40:04 -05:00
"fast-glob" : "3.2.1" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"filesize" : "3.6.1" ,
"firstline" : "1.2.1" ,
2021-10-04 10:14:00 -07:00
"focus-trap-react" : "8.8.1" ,
2021-10-06 09:25:22 -07:00
"form-data" : "4.0.0" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"fs-extra" : "5.0.0" ,
2022-04-04 17:38:22 -07:00
"fuse.js" : "6.5.3" ,
2020-02-26 17:53:39 -08:00
"glob" : "7.1.6" ,
2024-02-13 12:10:12 -08:00
"google-libphonenumber" : "3.2.34" ,
2022-06-27 11:59:51 -07:00
"got" : "11.8.5" ,
2022-06-24 12:52:48 -04:00
"heic-convert" : "1.2.4" ,
2021-12-06 11:18:48 -06:00
"humanize-duration" : "3.27.1" ,
2021-11-30 18:51:53 +01:00
"intl-tel-input" : "17.0.13" ,
2019-06-19 10:00:28 -07:00
"js-yaml" : "3.13.1" ,
2020-02-12 18:59:17 -03:00
"linkify-it" : "2.2.0" ,
2021-05-07 09:46:09 -05:00
"lodash" : "4.17.21" ,
2021-07-02 12:21:24 -07:00
"long" : "4.0.0" ,
2023-07-13 21:06:42 +02:00
"lottie-react" : "2.4.0" ,
2021-03-10 12:36:58 -08:00
"lru-cache" : "6.0.0" ,
2021-05-20 17:54:03 -04:00
"mac-screen-capture-permissions" : "2.0.0" ,
2019-03-20 10:42:28 -07:00
"memoizee" : "0.4.14" ,
2022-07-08 10:20:07 -07:00
"moment" : "2.29.4" ,
2022-08-12 19:44:10 -04:00
"mp4box" : "0.5.2" ,
2022-02-11 11:32:37 -08:00
"node-fetch" : "2.6.7" ,
2020-02-21 18:40:04 -05:00
"normalize-path" : "3.0.0" ,
2019-05-16 15:32:11 -07:00
"p-map" : "2.1.0" ,
2020-09-03 21:25:19 -04:00
"p-props" : "4.0.0" ,
2021-08-23 12:12:05 -05:00
"p-queue" : "6.6.2" ,
2022-05-09 18:12:04 -07:00
"p-timeout" : "4.1.0" ,
2020-10-21 09:53:32 -07:00
"parchment" : "1.1.4" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"pify" : "3.0.0" ,
2022-10-03 15:53:41 -07:00
"pino" : "8.6.1" ,
2023-07-12 19:54:37 +02:00
"protobufjs" : "7.2.4" ,
2023-08-30 01:58:48 +02:00
"proxy-agent" : "6.3.0" ,
2022-01-05 11:59:59 -06:00
"qrcode-generator" : "1.4.4" ,
2020-10-21 09:53:32 -07:00
"quill" : "1.3.7" ,
"quill-delta" : "4.0.1" ,
2022-06-06 20:48:02 -04:00
"react" : "17.0.2" ,
2023-08-08 17:53:06 -07:00
"react-aria" : "3.24.0" ,
"react-aria-components" : "1.0.0-alpha.3" ,
2020-05-27 17:37:06 -04:00
"react-blurhash" : "0.1.2" ,
2019-03-20 13:43:24 -07:00
"react-contextmenu" : "2.11.0" ,
2022-06-06 20:48:02 -04:00
"react-dom" : "17.0.2" ,
"react-hot-loader" : "4.13.0" ,
2022-10-03 14:19:54 -07:00
"react-intl" : "6.1.1" ,
2022-06-06 20:48:02 -04:00
"react-popper" : "2.3.0" ,
"react-quill" : "2.0.0-beta.4" ,
"react-redux" : "7.2.8" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"react-router-dom" : "5.0.1" ,
2022-06-16 20:48:57 -04:00
"react-textarea-autosize" : "8.3.4" ,
2022-06-06 20:48:02 -04:00
"react-virtualized" : "9.22.3" ,
2021-01-11 18:23:03 -06:00
"read-last-lines" : "1.8.0" ,
2022-02-23 10:48:40 -08:00
"redux" : "4.1.2" ,
2019-01-14 13:49:58 -08:00
"redux-logger" : "3.0.6" ,
"redux-promise-middleware" : "6.1.0" ,
2020-10-30 13:00:01 -05:00
"redux-thunk" : "2.3.0" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"redux-ts-utils" : "3.2.2" ,
2021-11-12 16:37:44 -06:00
"reselect" : "4.1.2" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"rimraf" : "2.6.2" ,
2020-01-13 14:28:28 -08:00
"sanitize.css" : "11.0.0" ,
2023-07-11 17:56:46 -07:00
"semver" : "5.7.2" ,
2021-10-21 15:53:14 -07:00
"split2" : "4.0.0" ,
2023-01-13 12:07:26 -08:00
"type-fest" : "3.5.0" ,
2023-11-02 12:42:31 -07:00
"urlpattern-polyfill" : "9.0.0" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"uuid" : "3.3.2" ,
2023-04-20 17:23:19 -04:00
"uuid-browser" : "3.1.0" ,
2022-12-15 18:03:01 -08:00
"websocket" : "1.0.34" ,
2023-12-11 19:52:46 +01:00
"zod" : "3.22.3"
2018-01-08 13:19:25 -08:00
} ,
"devDependencies" : {
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"@babel/core" : "7.23.0" ,
"@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties" : "7.18.6" ,
"@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator" : "7.18.6" ,
"@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining" : "7.21.0" ,
"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime" : "7.22.15" ,
"@babel/plugin-transform-typescript" : "7.22.15" ,
"@babel/preset-react" : "7.22.15" ,
"@babel/preset-typescript" : "7.23.0" ,
2021-11-23 23:00:44 +01:00
"@electron/fuses" : "1.5.0" ,
2023-10-30 14:57:49 -07:00
"@electron/notarize" : "2.1.0" ,
2023-03-13 14:10:35 -07:00
"@formatjs/intl" : "2.6.7" ,
2023-02-23 11:38:09 -07:00
"@mixer/parallel-prettier" : "2.0.3" ,
2024-02-28 22:07:43 -06:00
"@signalapp/mock-server" : "6.0.0" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"@storybook/addon-a11y" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/addon-actions" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/addon-controls" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/addon-interactions" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/addon-jest" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/addon-measure" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/addon-toolbars" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/addon-viewport" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/addons" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/jest" : "0.2.2" ,
"@storybook/react" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/react-webpack5" : "7.4.5" ,
"@storybook/test-runner" : "0.13.0" ,
"@storybook/testing-library" : "0.2.2" ,
"@types/backbone" : "1.4.16" ,
2021-01-29 16:44:57 -06:00
"@types/blueimp-load-image" : "5.14.1" ,
2021-05-17 11:03:42 -07:00
"@types/chai" : "4.2.18" ,
"@types/chai-as-promised" : "7.1.4" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"@types/classnames" : "2.2.3" ,
2021-10-01 11:49:59 -07:00
"@types/config" : "0.0.39" ,
2020-09-16 12:31:05 -07:00
"@types/dashdash" : "1.14.0" ,
2022-02-11 14:32:51 -08:00
"@types/debug" : "4.1.7" ,
2022-03-01 14:44:29 -08:00
"@types/dicer" : "0.2.2" ,
2022-03-23 13:23:28 -07:00
"@types/direction" : "1.0.0" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"@types/filesize" : "3.6.0" ,
2019-03-28 10:09:26 -07:00
"@types/fs-extra" : "5.0.5" ,
2024-02-13 12:10:12 -08:00
"@types/google-libphonenumber" : "7.4.30" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"@types/history" : "4.7.2" ,
2022-06-24 12:52:48 -04:00
"@types/humanize-duration" : "3.18.1" ,
2021-11-30 18:51:53 +01:00
"@types/intl-tel-input" : "17.0.4" ,
2019-03-28 10:09:26 -07:00
"@types/js-yaml" : "3.12.0" ,
2022-10-03 14:19:54 -07:00
"@types/json-to-ast" : "2.1.2" ,
2020-02-12 18:59:17 -03:00
"@types/linkify-it" : "2.1.0" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"@types/lodash" : "4.14.106" ,
2020-09-03 21:25:19 -04:00
"@types/long" : "4.0.1" ,
2021-03-10 12:36:58 -08:00
"@types/lru-cache" : "5.1.0" ,
2019-03-20 10:42:28 -07:00
"@types/memoizee" : "0.4.2" ,
2021-12-09 09:06:04 +01:00
"@types/mocha" : "9.0.0" ,
2023-05-10 12:58:35 -07:00
"@types/node" : "18.15.11" ,
2022-11-14 11:35:37 -08:00
"@types/node-fetch" : "2.6.2" ,
2020-02-26 17:53:39 -08:00
"@types/normalize-path" : "3.0.0" ,
2019-03-28 10:09:26 -07:00
"@types/pify" : "3.0.2" ,
2020-10-21 09:53:32 -07:00
"@types/quill" : "1.3.10" ,
2022-06-06 20:48:02 -04:00
"@types/react" : "17.0.45" ,
"@types/react-dom" : "17.0.17" ,
"@types/react-redux" : "7.1.24" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"@types/react-router-dom" : "4.3.4" ,
2019-03-28 10:09:26 -07:00
"@types/react-virtualized" : "9.18.12" ,
2019-01-14 13:49:58 -08:00
"@types/redux-logger" : "3.0.7" ,
2019-03-28 10:09:26 -07:00
"@types/rimraf" : "2.0.2" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"@types/semver" : "5.5.0" ,
2021-07-22 14:53:49 -05:00
"@types/sinon" : "10.0.2" ,
2021-10-21 15:53:14 -07:00
"@types/split2" : "3.2.1" ,
2021-04-07 15:40:12 -07:00
"@types/terser-webpack-plugin" : "5.0.3" ,
2019-03-28 10:09:26 -07:00
"@types/uuid" : "3.4.4" ,
2020-07-10 11:28:49 -07:00
"@types/websocket" : "1.0.0" ,
2021-12-09 09:06:04 +01:00
"@types/yargs" : "17.0.7" ,
2024-01-23 16:11:12 -08:00
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin" : "6.18.1" ,
"@typescript-eslint/parser" : "6.18.1" ,
2021-11-15 16:49:34 -08:00
"asar" : "3.1.0" ,
2022-12-02 13:42:51 -08:00
"axe-core" : "4.1.4" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"babel-core" : "7.0.0-bridge.0" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"babel-loader" : "9.1.3" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"babel-plugin-lodash" : "3.3.4" ,
2022-07-20 17:29:09 -04:00
"casual" : "1.6.2" ,
2021-05-17 11:03:42 -07:00
"chai" : "4.3.4" ,
"chai-as-promised" : "7.1.1" ,
2022-10-03 14:19:54 -07:00
"chalk" : "4.1.2" ,
2021-03-15 14:26:21 -07:00
"core-js" : "2.6.9" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"cross-env" : "5.2.0" ,
"css-loader" : "3.2.0" ,
2023-11-08 12:39:56 -08:00
"csv-parse" : "5.5.2" ,
2022-09-16 11:32:28 -07:00
"danger" : "11.1.2" ,
2022-02-11 14:32:51 -08:00
"debug" : "4.3.3" ,
2024-01-25 15:24:58 -08:00
"electron" : "28.2.0" ,
2023-08-18 18:34:02 +02:00
"electron-builder" : "24.6.3" ,
2024-01-23 16:11:12 -08:00
"electron-mocha" : "12.2.0" ,
2022-09-16 11:32:28 -07:00
"endanger" : "7.0.4" ,
2023-03-20 12:58:07 -07:00
"esbuild" : "0.17.11" ,
2024-01-23 16:11:12 -08:00
"eslint" : "8.56.0" ,
2022-11-17 16:45:19 -08:00
"eslint-config-airbnb-typescript-prettier" : "5.0.0" ,
"eslint-config-prettier" : "8.5.0" ,
"eslint-plugin-import" : "2.26.0" ,
2023-01-05 14:43:33 -08:00
"eslint-plugin-local-rules" : "1.3.2" ,
2022-11-17 16:45:19 -08:00
"eslint-plugin-mocha" : "10.1.0" ,
"eslint-plugin-more" : "1.0.5" ,
"eslint-plugin-react" : "7.31.10" ,
2023-06-14 16:26:05 -07:00
"execa" : "5.1.1" ,
2021-04-07 12:59:58 -07:00
"html-webpack-plugin" : "5.3.1" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"http-server" : "14.1.1" ,
2022-10-03 14:19:54 -07:00
"json-to-ast" : "2.1.0" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"mini-css-extract-plugin" : "2.7.6" ,
2021-12-09 09:06:04 +01:00
"mocha" : "9.1.3" ,
2023-12-06 15:43:37 -05:00
"node-gyp" : "10.0.1" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"npm-run-all" : "4.1.5" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"nyc" : "11.4.1" ,
2023-06-14 16:26:05 -07:00
"p-limit" : "3.1.0" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"patch-package" : "8.0.0" ,
2024-01-23 16:11:12 -08:00
"playwright" : "1.41.0-alpha-jan-9-2024" ,
2023-02-23 11:38:09 -07:00
"prettier" : "2.8.0" ,
2023-07-12 19:54:37 +02:00
"protobufjs-cli" : "1.1.1" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"resolve-url-loader" : "5.0.0" ,
2022-02-11 10:59:24 -06:00
"sass" : "1.49.7" ,
2021-11-09 17:53:37 +01:00
"sass-loader" : "10.2.0" ,
2021-07-22 14:53:49 -05:00
"sinon" : "11.1.1" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"storybook" : "7.4.5" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"style-loader" : "1.0.0" ,
2023-07-12 18:05:32 -07:00
"stylelint" : "15.4.0" ,
2023-04-20 10:03:43 -07:00
"stylelint-config-css-modules" : "4.2.0" ,
"stylelint-config-recommended-scss" : "10.0.0" ,
"stylelint-use-logical-spec" : "5.0.0" ,
2023-02-08 15:52:58 -08:00
"svgo" : "3.0.2" ,
2021-04-07 15:40:12 -07:00
"terser-webpack-plugin" : "5.1.1" ,
2018-11-15 17:08:35 -08:00
"ts-loader" : "4.1.0" ,
2019-12-17 15:25:57 -05:00
"ts-node" : "8.3.0" ,
2021-11-08 22:43:37 +01:00
"typed-scss-modules" : "4.1.1" ,
2024-01-23 16:11:12 -08:00
"typescript" : "5.3.3" ,
2023-10-11 12:06:43 -07:00
"wait-on" : "7.0.1" ,
"webpack" : "5.88.2" ,
2022-03-28 18:18:00 -05:00
"webpack-cli" : "4.9.2" ,
2023-01-12 12:58:53 -08:00
"webpack-dev-server" : "4.11.1"
2017-03-10 10:35:58 -08:00
} ,
2020-09-14 12:10:05 -05:00
"resolutions" : {
2023-02-23 11:38:09 -07:00
"@mixer/parallel-prettier/prettier" : "2.8.0" ,
2021-05-17 11:04:30 -07:00
"@storybook/react/@storybook/core/node-fetch" : "2.6.1" ,
2022-06-06 20:48:02 -04:00
"@types/react" : "17.0.45" ,
"@types/react-dom" : "17.0.17" ,
2022-03-02 08:55:35 -08:00
"dmg-license" : "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/nop/-/nop-1.0.0.tgz" ,
2021-12-06 15:58:07 -06:00
"fabric/canvas" : "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/nop/-/nop-1.0.0.tgz" ,
"fabric/jsdom" : "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/nop/-/nop-1.0.0.tgz" ,
2021-05-17 11:04:30 -07:00
"fast-glob/glob-parent" : "5.1.2" ,
2022-12-01 09:52:58 -08:00
"read-last-lines/mz/thenify-all/thenify" : "3.3.1"
2020-09-14 12:10:05 -05:00
} ,
2018-03-02 14:43:03 -05:00
"engines" : {
2024-01-23 16:11:12 -08:00
"node" : "18.18.2"
2018-03-02 14:43:03 -05:00
} ,
2017-03-10 10:35:58 -08:00
"build" : {
"appId" : "org.whispersystems.signal-desktop" ,
"mac" : {
2021-12-03 23:49:15 +01:00
"artifactName" : "${name}-mac-${arch}-${version}.${ext}" ,
2017-04-06 15:10:04 -07:00
"category" : "public.app-category.social-networking" ,
2019-05-16 15:32:38 -07:00
"darkModeSupport" : true ,
2019-10-10 11:30:47 -07:00
"hardenedRuntime" : true ,
"entitlements" : "./build/entitlements.mac.plist" ,
2023-05-31 12:00:15 -07:00
"entitlementsInherit" : "./build/entitlements.mac.inherit.plist" ,
2017-04-21 14:31:58 -07:00
"icon" : "build/icons/mac/icon.icns" ,
2017-10-04 23:04:52 +02:00
"publish" : [
"provider" : "generic" ,
"url" : "https://updates.signal.org/desktop"
] ,
2022-03-03 14:16:44 -08:00
"mergeASARs" : true ,
2023-01-18 15:31:10 -08:00
"releaseInfo" : {
"vendor" : {
2023-12-13 18:20:58 +01:00
"minOSVersion" : "19.0.0"
2023-01-18 15:31:10 -08:00
} ,
2023-01-09 10:38:57 -08:00
"singleArchFiles" : "node_modules/@signalapp/{libsignal-client/prebuilds/**,ringrtc/build/**}" ,
2017-05-03 11:32:20 -07:00
"target" : [
2021-12-03 23:49:15 +01:00
"target" : "zip" ,
"arch" : [
"x64" ,
} ,
"target" : "dmg" ,
"arch" : [
"x64" ,
2021-12-17 01:11:18 +01:00
"arm64" ,
2021-12-03 23:49:15 +01:00
2017-05-03 11:32:20 -07:00
] ,
2023-08-18 12:10:40 -07:00
"bundleVersion" : "1"
2017-04-06 15:10:04 -07:00
} ,
"win" : {
Beta versions support: SxS support, in-app env/instance display (#1606)
* Script for beta config; unique data dir, in-app env/type display
To release a beta build, increment the version and add -beta-N to the
end, then go through all the standard release activities.
The prepare-build npm script then updates key bits of the package.json
to ensure that the beta build can be installed alongside a production
build. This includes a new name ('Signal Beta') and a different location
for application data.
Note: Beta builds can be installed alongside production builds.
As part of this, a couple new bits of data are shown across the app:
- Environment (development or test, not shown if production)
- App Instance (disabled in production; used for multiple accounts)
These are shown in:
- The window title - both environment and app instance. You can tell
beta builds because the app name, preceding these data bits, is
- The about window - both environment and app instance. You can tell
beta builds from the version number.
- The header added to the debug log - just environment. The version
number will tell us if it's a beta build, and app instance isn't
* Turn on single-window mode in non-production modes
Because it's really frightening when you see 'unable to read from db'
errors in the console.
* aply.sh: More instructions for initial setup and testing
* Gruntfile: Get consistent with use of package.json datas
* Linux: manually update desktop keys, since macros not available
2017-10-30 13:57:13 -07:00
"artifactName" : "${name}-win-${version}.${ext}" ,
2021-08-06 14:21:01 -07:00
"certificateSubjectName" : "Signal Messenger, LLC" ,
2023-07-19 09:31:50 -07:00
"certificateSha1" : "8D5E3CD800736C5E1FE459A1F5AA48287D4F6EC6" ,
2021-08-06 14:21:01 -07:00
"signingHashAlgorithms" : [
] ,
2023-11-03 11:35:16 -07:00
"sign" : "./ts/scripts/sign-windows.js" ,
2021-08-06 14:21:01 -07:00
"publisherName" : "Signal Messenger, LLC" ,
2017-04-21 14:31:58 -07:00
"icon" : "build/icons/win/icon.ico" ,
2017-10-04 23:04:52 +02:00
"publish" : [
"provider" : "generic" ,
"url" : "https://updates.signal.org/desktop"
] ,
2023-01-18 15:31:10 -08:00
"releaseInfo" : {
"vendor" : {
2023-12-13 18:20:58 +01:00
"minOSVersion" : "10.0.10240"
2023-01-18 15:31:10 -08:00
} ,
2023-02-07 17:30:00 -08:00
"signDlls" : true ,
2023-11-08 12:39:56 -08:00
"signExts" : [
] ,
2017-05-05 16:28:27 -07:00
"target" : [
2018-05-01 09:47:10 -07:00
2023-08-18 12:10:40 -07:00
2017-03-10 10:35:58 -08:00
} ,
2018-03-05 15:24:56 -08:00
"nsis" : {
2023-03-22 17:16:25 -07:00
"deleteAppDataOnUninstall" : true ,
"differentialPackage" : true
2018-03-05 15:24:56 -08:00
} ,
2017-03-10 10:35:58 -08:00
"linux" : {
2019-07-19 19:36:12 +02:00
"category" : "Network;InstantMessaging;Chat" ,
2017-09-13 13:43:00 -07:00
"desktop" : {
"StartupWMClass" : "Signal"
} ,
2017-03-10 10:35:58 -08:00
"target" : [
2018-05-01 09:47:10 -07:00
2017-04-27 16:57:31 -07:00
] ,
2023-08-18 12:02:01 -07:00
"icon" : "build/icons/png" ,
"publish" : [ ]
2017-03-10 10:35:58 -08:00
} ,
2017-12-14 14:32:04 -05:00
"deb" : {
2017-12-14 16:30:24 -08:00
"depends" : [
"libnotify4" ,
"libxtst6" ,
"libnss3" ,
"libasound2" ,
2023-05-11 15:41:35 -07:00
"libxss1" ,
2023-09-06 15:48:12 -07:00
"libc6 (>= 2.31)" ,
"libgtk-3-0" ,
"libgbm1" ,
2017-12-14 16:30:24 -08:00
2017-12-14 14:32:04 -05:00
} ,
2019-12-18 14:21:35 -05:00
"protocols" : {
"name" : "sgnl-url-scheme" ,
"schemes" : [
2021-05-05 17:09:29 -07:00
"sgnl" ,
2019-12-18 14:21:35 -05:00
} ,
2023-08-18 12:10:40 -07:00
"afterSign" : "ts/scripts/after-sign.js" ,
2021-12-17 18:50:42 +01:00
"afterPack" : "ts/scripts/after-pack.js" ,
2022-04-05 16:13:11 -07:00
"afterAllArtifactBuild" : "ts/scripts/after-all-artifact-build.js" ,
2022-04-06 11:24:27 -07:00
"asar" : {
"smartUnpack" : false
} ,
2021-04-05 15:18:19 -07:00
"asarUnpack" : [
2022-12-01 09:52:58 -08:00
2021-04-05 15:18:19 -07:00
] ,
2017-03-10 10:35:58 -08:00
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2017-04-10 00:22:38 -07:00
"package.json" ,
"config/default.json" ,
2017-05-04 17:26:51 -07:00
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"config/local-${env.SIGNAL_ENV}.json" ,
2023-04-20 17:23:19 -04:00
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2017-04-10 00:22:38 -07:00
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2017-10-17 08:03:47 -07:00
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2021-05-20 17:54:03 -04:00
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2018-07-03 15:33:50 -07:00
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2020-03-25 19:45:37 -04:00
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2017-04-10 00:22:38 -07:00
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2021-04-16 16:13:13 -07:00
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2018-04-11 15:10:57 -04:00
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2022-12-14 13:32:07 -07:00
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"!**/.testem.json" ,
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2017-04-10 00:22:38 -07:00
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2022-12-14 13:32:07 -07:00
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2017-06-21 17:31:20 -07:00
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2017-04-10 00:22:38 -07:00
"main.js" ,
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2019-10-04 11:06:17 -07:00
"fonts/**" ,
2020-06-04 11:16:19 -07:00
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2023-04-17 12:26:57 -07:00
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2023-11-08 17:10:05 -08:00
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2024-02-08 15:19:03 -08:00
"build/country-display-names.json" ,
2024-02-28 02:33:06 -06:00
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2017-04-10 00:22:38 -07:00
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2022-11-29 16:53:39 -08:00
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2017-12-06 12:44:16 -08:00
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2020-01-23 13:17:06 -08:00
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2017-12-06 12:44:16 -08:00
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2019-06-17 14:46:42 -04:00
"!node_modules/emoji-datasource-apple/img/apple/sheets*" ,
2017-08-16 18:09:50 -07:00
"!node_modules/spellchecker/vendor/hunspell/**/*" ,
2023-08-31 23:23:49 +02:00
"!node_modules/@formatjs/intl-displaynames/**/*" ,
"!node_modules/@formatjs/intl-listformat/**/*" ,
2021-03-15 14:26:21 -07:00
"!**/node_modules/*/{CHANGELOG.md,README.md,README,readme.md,readme,test,__tests__,tests,powered-test,example,examples,*.d.ts,.snyk-*.flag,benchmark}" ,
2017-03-30 15:06:41 -07:00
"!**/node_modules/.bin" ,
2021-04-05 15:18:19 -07:00
"!**/node_modules/**/build/**" ,
2021-12-07 19:46:08 +01:00
"node_modules/intl-tel-input/build/**" ,
2021-11-11 07:24:28 -08:00
"!**/node_modules/**/prebuilds/**" ,
2022-12-14 13:32:07 -07:00
"!**/*.{o,hprof,orig,pyc,pyo,rbc,c,h,m}" ,
2017-03-30 15:06:41 -07:00
"!**/._*" ,
2020-10-29 20:46:37 -05:00
"!**/{.DS_Store,.git,.hg,.svn,CVS,RCS,SCCS,__pycache__,thumbs.db,.gitignore,.gitattributes,.flowconfig,.yarn-metadata.json,.idea,appveyor.yml,.travis.yml,circle.yml,npm-debug.log,.nyc_output,yarn.lock,.yarn-integrity}" ,
2017-12-06 12:44:16 -08:00
"node_modules/spellchecker/build/Release/*.node" ,
2018-08-02 12:25:00 -07:00
"node_modules/websocket/build/Release/*.node" ,
2021-01-29 16:17:28 -06:00
"!node_modules/websocket/builderror.log" ,
2018-11-27 16:20:48 -08:00
"node_modules/socks/build/*.js" ,
"node_modules/socks/build/common/*.js" ,
"node_modules/socks/build/client/*.js" ,
"node_modules/smart-buffer/build/*.js" ,
2022-12-14 12:48:36 -08:00
"!node_modules/@signalapp/better-sqlite3/deps/*" ,
"!node_modules/@signalapp/better-sqlite3/src/*" ,
"node_modules/@signalapp/better-sqlite3/build/Release/better_sqlite3.node" ,
2022-03-24 14:47:21 -07:00
"node_modules/@signalapp/libsignal-client/prebuilds/${platform}-${arch}/*.node" ,
2023-01-09 10:38:57 -08:00
"!node_modules/@signalapp/ringrtc/scripts/*" ,
"node_modules/@signalapp/ringrtc/build/${platform}/*${arch}*.node" ,
2021-05-20 17:54:03 -04:00
"node_modules/mac-screen-capture-permissions/build/Release/*.node" ,
2023-02-21 20:21:30 -08:00
"node_modules/fs-xattr/build/Release/*.node" ,
2023-08-01 09:06:29 -07:00
"node_modules/@nodert-win10-rs4/windows.data.xml.dom/build/Release/*.node" ,
"node_modules/@nodert-win10-rs4/windows.ui.notifications/build/Release/*.node" ,
2023-08-07 17:39:57 -07:00
"node_modules/@signalapp/windows-dummy-keystroke/build/Release/*.node" ,
2021-04-07 15:40:12 -07:00
"!**/node_modules/react-dom/*/*.development.js" ,
2022-12-13 12:09:50 -05:00
"!node_modules/mp4box/**" ,
"node_modules/mp4box/package.json" ,
"node_modules/mp4box/dist/mp4box.all.js" ,
2023-04-20 08:59:17 -07:00
"!node_modules/.cache" ,
2017-04-10 11:07:59 -07:00
2014-10-29 18:32:29 -07:00