2014-05-14 14:58:12 -04:00
/* vim: ts=4:sw=4
2014-05-04 02:34:13 -04:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2014-04-03 23:33:02 -07:00
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
//TODO: Stolen from MDN (copyright...)
function b64ToUint6 (nChr) {
return nChr > 64 && nChr < 91 ?
nChr - 65
: nChr > 96 && nChr < 123 ?
nChr - 71
: nChr > 47 && nChr < 58 ?
nChr + 4
: nChr === 43 ?
: nChr === 47 ?
function base64DecToArr (sBase64, nBlocksSize) {
sB64Enc = sBase64.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g, ""), nInLen = sB64Enc.length,
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00
nOutLen = nBlocksSize ? Math.ceil((nInLen * 3 + 1 >> 2) / nBlocksSize) * nBlocksSize : nInLen * 3 + 1 >> 2;
var aBBytes = new ArrayBuffer(nOutLen);
var taBytes = new Uint8Array(aBBytes);
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
for (var nMod3, nMod4, nUint24 = 0, nOutIdx = 0, nInIdx = 0; nInIdx < nInLen; nInIdx++) {
nMod4 = nInIdx & 3;
nUint24 |= b64ToUint6(sB64Enc.charCodeAt(nInIdx)) << 18 - 6 * nMod4;
if (nMod4 === 3 || nInLen - nInIdx === 1) {
for (nMod3 = 0; nMod3 < 3 && nOutIdx < nOutLen; nMod3++, nOutIdx++) {
taBytes[nOutIdx] = nUint24 >>> (16 >>> nMod3 & 24) & 255;
nUint24 = 0;
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00
return aBBytes;
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
2014-03-04 21:31:15 -04:00
/* Base64 string to array encoding */
function uint6ToB64 (nUint6) {
return nUint6 < 26 ?
nUint6 + 65
: nUint6 < 52 ?
nUint6 + 71
: nUint6 < 62 ?
nUint6 - 4
: nUint6 === 62 ?
: nUint6 === 63 ?
function base64EncArr (aBytes) {
var nMod3, sB64Enc = "";
for (var nLen = aBytes.length, nUint24 = 0, nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) {
nMod3 = nIdx % 3;
//if (nIdx > 0 && (nIdx * 4 / 3) % 76 === 0) { sB64Enc += "\r\n"; }
nUint24 |= aBytes[nIdx] << (16 >>> nMod3 & 24);
if (nMod3 === 2 || aBytes.length - nIdx === 1) {
sB64Enc += String.fromCharCode(uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 18 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 12 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 6 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 & 63));
nUint24 = 0;
return sB64Enc.replace(/A(?=A$|$)/g, "=");
2014-04-03 23:33:02 -07:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
window.textsecure = window.textsecure || {};
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
*** Type conversion utilities ***
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
// Strings/arrays
2014-03-06 17:44:59 -04:00
//TODO: Throw all this shit in favor of consistent types
2014-01-12 04:07:13 -10:00
var StaticByteBufferProto = new dcodeIO.ByteBuffer().__proto__;
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00
var StaticArrayBufferProto = new ArrayBuffer().__proto__;
2014-03-06 14:18:11 -04:00
var StaticUint8ArrayProto = new Uint8Array().__proto__;
var StaticWordArrayProto = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create('').__proto__;
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
function getString(thing) {
2014-03-06 14:18:11 -04:00
if (thing === Object(thing)) {
if (thing.__proto__ == StaticUint8ArrayProto)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, thing);
if (thing.__proto__ == StaticArrayBufferProto)
return getString(new Uint8Array(thing));
if (thing.__proto__ == StaticByteBufferProto)
return thing.toString("binary");
if (thing.__proto__ == StaticWordArrayProto)
return thing.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Latin1);
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
return thing;
2014-03-04 21:31:15 -04:00
function getStringable(thing) {
2014-03-10 15:47:37 -07:00
return (typeof thing == "string" || typeof thing == "number" || typeof thing == "boolean" ||
2014-03-06 14:18:11 -04:00
(thing === Object(thing) &&
(thing.__proto__ == StaticArrayBufferProto ||
thing.__proto__ == StaticUint8ArrayProto ||
thing.__proto__ == StaticByteBufferProto ||
thing.__proto__ == StaticWordArrayProto)));
2014-03-04 21:31:15 -04:00
function toArrayBuffer(thing) {
2014-03-06 14:18:11 -04:00
//TODO: Optimize this for specific cases
2014-03-04 21:31:15 -04:00
if (thing === undefined)
return undefined;
2014-03-06 17:44:59 -04:00
if (thing === Object(thing) && thing.__proto__ == StaticArrayBufferProto)
return thing;
2014-03-09 20:32:00 -04:00
if (thing instanceof Array) {
// Assuming Uint16Array from curve25519
var res = new ArrayBuffer(thing.length * 2);
var uint = new Uint16Array(res);
for (var i = 0; i < thing.length; i++)
uint[i] = thing[i];
return res;
2014-03-04 21:31:15 -04:00
if (!getStringable(thing))
2014-05-03 03:16:36 +00:00
throw new Error("Tried to convert a non-stringable thing of type " + typeof thing + " to an array buffer");
2014-03-04 21:31:15 -04:00
var str = getString(thing);
var res = new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
var uint = new Uint8Array(res);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
uint[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return res;
function ensureStringed(thing) {
if (getStringable(thing))
return getString(thing);
else if (thing instanceof Array) {
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < thing.length; i++)
2014-03-20 00:20:54 -07:00
res[i] = ensureStringed(thing[i]);
2014-03-04 21:31:15 -04:00
return res;
} else if (thing === Object(thing)) {
var res = {};
for (key in thing)
res[key] = ensureStringed(thing[key]);
return res;
2014-05-03 03:16:36 +00:00
throw new Error("unsure of how to jsonify object of type " + typeof thing);
2014-03-04 21:31:15 -04:00
function jsonThing(thing) {
return JSON.stringify(ensureStringed(thing));
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00
function base64ToArrayBuffer(string) {
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
return base64DecToArr(string);
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
// Protobuf decoding
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
//TODO: throw on missing fields everywhere
2014-01-22 03:28:35 +00:00
var IncomingPushMessageProtobuf = dcodeIO.ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile("protos/IncomingPushMessageSignal.proto").build("textsecure.IncomingPushMessageSignal");
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
function decodeIncomingPushMessageProtobuf(string) {
return IncomingPushMessageProtobuf.decode(btoa(string));
2014-01-22 03:28:35 +00:00
var PushMessageContentProtobuf = dcodeIO.ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile("protos/IncomingPushMessageSignal.proto").build("textsecure.PushMessageContent");
2014-01-17 01:08:33 -05:00
function decodePushMessageContentProtobuf(string) {
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
return PushMessageContentProtobuf.decode(btoa(string));
2014-01-22 03:28:35 +00:00
var WhisperMessageProtobuf = dcodeIO.ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile("protos/WhisperTextProtocol.proto").build("textsecure.WhisperMessage");
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
function decodeWhisperMessageProtobuf(string) {
return WhisperMessageProtobuf.decode(btoa(string));
2014-01-22 03:28:35 +00:00
var PreKeyWhisperMessageProtobuf = dcodeIO.ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile("protos/WhisperTextProtocol.proto").build("textsecure.PreKeyWhisperMessage");
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
function decodePreKeyWhisperMessageProtobuf(string) {
return PreKeyWhisperMessageProtobuf.decode(btoa(string));
2014-01-22 03:28:35 +00:00
var KeyExchangeMessageProtobuf = dcodeIO.ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile("protos/WhisperTextProtocol.proto").build("textsecure.KeyExchangeMessage");
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
function decodeKeyExchangeMessageProtobuf(string) {
return KeyExchangeMessageProtobuf.decode(btoa(string));
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
// Number formatting
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
function getNumberFromString(string) {
return string.split(".")[0];
function getEncodedNumber(number) {
var split = number.split(".");
if (split.length > 1) {
if (split[1] == 1)
return split[0];
return number;
} else
return number;
2014-03-25 15:27:19 -04:00
function verifyNumber(string) {
//TODO: fancy country-code guessing and number verification
return getEncodedNumber(string.trim());
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
// Other
2014-01-12 04:42:05 -10:00
function timestampToHumanReadable(timestamp) {
var date = new Date();
return date.toUTCString();
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
function objectContainsKeys(object) {
var count = 0;
for (key in object) {
return count != 0;
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
*** Utilities to store data in local storage ***
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
//TODO: textsecure.storage
window.storage = function() {
var self = {};
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
*** Base Storage Routines ***
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.putEncrypted = function(key, value) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
if (value === undefined)
throw new Error("Tried to store undefined");
localStorage.setItem("e" + key, jsonThing(value));
2014-01-17 01:08:33 -05:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.getEncrypted = function(key, defaultValue) {
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
var value = localStorage.getItem("e" + key);
if (value === null)
return defaultValue;
return JSON.parse(value);
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.removeEncrypted = function(key) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
localStorage.removeItem("e" + key);
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.putUnencrypted = function(key, value) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
if (value === undefined)
throw new Error("Tried to store undefined");
localStorage.setItem("u" + key, jsonThing(value));
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.getUnencrypted = function(key, defaultValue) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
var value = localStorage.getItem("u" + key);
if (value === null)
return defaultValue;
return JSON.parse(value);
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.removeUnencrypted = function(key) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
localStorage.removeItem("u" + key);
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
*** Device Storage ***
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.devices = function() {
var self = {};
self.getDeviceObject = function(encodedNumber) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
return storage.getEncrypted("deviceObject" + getEncodedNumber(encodedNumber));
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.getDeviceIdListFromNumber = function(number) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
return storage.getEncrypted("deviceIdList" + getNumberFromString(number), []);
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.addDeviceIdForNumber = function(number, deviceId) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
var deviceIdList = this.getDeviceIdListFromNumber(getNumberFromString(number));
for (var i = 0; i < deviceIdList.length; i++) {
if (deviceIdList[i] == deviceId)
deviceIdList[deviceIdList.length] = deviceId;
storage.putEncrypted("deviceIdList" + getNumberFromString(number), deviceIdList);
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
var getDeviceId = function(encodedNumber) {
var split = encodedNumber.split(".");
if (split.length > 1)
return split[1];
return 1;
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
// throws "Identity key mismatch"
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.saveDeviceObject = function(deviceObject) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
var existing = this.getDeviceObject(deviceObject.encodedNumber);
if (existing === undefined)
existing = {encodedNumber: getEncodedNumber(deviceObject.encodedNumber)};
for (key in deviceObject) {
if (key == "encodedNumber")
if (key == "identityKey" && deviceObject.identityKey != deviceObject.identityKey)
throw new Error("Identity key mismatch");
existing[key] = deviceObject[key];
storage.putEncrypted("deviceObject" + getEncodedNumber(deviceObject.encodedNumber), existing);
this.addDeviceIdForNumber(deviceObject.encodedNumber, getDeviceId(deviceObject.encodedNumber));
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.getDeviceObjectListFromNumber = function(number) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
var deviceObjectList = [];
var deviceIdList = this.getDeviceIdListFromNumber(number);
for (var i = 0; i < deviceIdList.length; i++)
deviceObjectList[deviceObjectList.length] = this.getDeviceObject(getNumberFromString(number) + "." + deviceIdList[i]);
return deviceObjectList;
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
return self;
return self;
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
2014-01-12 04:07:13 -10:00
function registrationDone() {
storage.putUnencrypted("registration_done", "");
2014-01-17 01:08:33 -05:00
//TODO: Fix dirty hack:
2014-01-12 04:07:13 -10:00
function isRegistrationDone() {
return storage.getUnencrypted("registration_done") !== undefined;
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00
*** NaCL Interface ***
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
window.textsecure.nacl = function() {
var self = {};
self.USE_NACL = false;
var onLoadCallbacks = [];
var naclLoaded = 0;
self.registerOnLoadFunction = function(func) {
if (naclLoaded || !self.USE_NACL) {
onLoadCallbacks[onLoadCallbacks.length] = func;
2014-03-09 20:32:00 -04:00
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
var naclMessageNextId = 0;
var naclMessageIdCallbackMap = {};
window.moduleDidLoad = function() {
naclLoaded = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < onLoadCallbacks.length; i++)
onLoadCallbacks = [];
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
window.handleMessage = function(message) {
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
self.postNaclMessage = function(message) {
if (!self.USE_NACL)
throw new Error("Attempted to make NaCL call with !USE_NACL?");
2014-03-09 20:32:00 -04:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
naclMessageIdCallbackMap[naclMessageNextId] = resolve;
message.call_id = naclMessageNextId++;
2014-01-15 02:46:05 -05:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
return self;
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
//TODO: Some kind of textsecure.init(use_nacl)
window.textsecure.registerOnLoadFunction = window.textsecure.nacl.registerOnLoadFunction;
// message_callback({message: decryptedMessage, pushMessage: server-providedPushMessage})
window.textsecure.subscribeToPush = function() {
var subscribeToPushMessageSemaphore = 0;
return function(message_callback) {
if (subscribeToPushMessageSemaphore <= 0)
2014-03-25 15:27:19 -04:00
2014-05-17 13:56:08 -07:00
var socket = textsecure.api.getWebsocket();
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
var pingInterval;
socket.onerror = function(socketEvent) {
console.log('Server is down :(');
2014-05-17 14:15:06 -07:00
setTimeout(function() { textsecure.subscribeToPush(message_callback); }, 60000);
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
socket.onclose = function(socketEvent) {
console.log('Server closed :(');
2014-05-17 14:15:06 -07:00
setTimeout(function() { textsecure.subscribeToPush(message_callback); }, 60000);
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
socket.onopen = function(socketEvent) {
console.log('Connected to server!');
pingInterval = setInterval(function() { console.log("Sending server ping message."); socket.send(JSON.stringify({type: 2})); }, 30000);
socket.onmessage = function(response) {
try {
var message = JSON.parse(response.data);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error parsing server JSON message: ' + response.responseBody.split("|")[1]);
if (message.type == 3) {
console.log("Got pong message");
} else if (message.type === undefined && message.id !== undefined) {
textsecure.crypto.decryptWebsocketMessage(message.message).then(function(plaintext) {
var proto = decodeIncomingPushMessageProtobuf(getString(plaintext));
// After this point, a) decoding errors are not the server's fault, and
// b) we should handle them gracefully and tell the user they received an invalid message
console.log("Successfully decoded message with id: " + message.id);
socket.send(JSON.stringify({type: 1, id: message.id}));
return textsecure.crypto.handleIncomingPushMessageProto(proto).then(function(decrypted) {
var handleAttachment = function(attachment) {
return textsecure.api.getAttachment(attachment.id).then(function(encryptedBin) {
return textsecure.crypto.decryptAttachment(encryptedBin, toArrayBuffer(attachment.key)).then(function(decryptedBin) {
attachment.decrypted = decryptedBin;
2014-05-15 00:26:37 -04:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < decrypted.message.attachments.length; i++) {
promises[i] = handleAttachment(decrypted.message.attachments[i]);
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
2014-05-11 17:13:09 -07:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
2014-05-15 00:26:37 -04:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
}).catch(function(e) {
console.log("Error handling incoming message: ");
// sendMessage(numbers = [], message = PushMessageContentProto, callback(success/failure map))
window.textsecure.sendMessage = function() {
function getKeysForNumber(number) {
return textsecure.api.getKeysForNumber(number).then(function(response) {
for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
encodedNumber: number + "." + response[i].deviceId,
identityKey: response[i].identityKey,
publicKey: response[i].publicKey,
preKeyId: response[i].keyId,
registrationId: response[i].registrationId
return response[0].identityKey;
2014-01-10 21:58:58 -10:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
// success_callback(server success/failure map), error_callback(error_msg)
// message == PushMessageContentProto (NOT STRING)
function sendMessageToDevices(number, deviceObjectList, message, success_callback, error_callback) {
var jsonData = [];
var relay = undefined;
var promises = [];
var addEncryptionFor = function(i) {
return textsecure.crypto.encryptMessageFor(deviceObjectList[i], message).then(function(encryptedMsg) {
jsonData[i] = {
type: encryptedMsg.type,
destination: deviceObjectList[i].encodedNumber,
destinationRegistrationId: deviceObjectList[i].registrationId,
body: encryptedMsg.body,
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
if (deviceObjectList[i].relay !== undefined) {
jsonData[i].relay = deviceObjectList[i].relay;
if (relay === undefined)
relay = jsonData[i].relay;
else if (relay != jsonData[i].relay)
throw new Error("Mismatched relays for number " + number);
} else {
if (relay === undefined)
relay = "";
else if (relay != "")
throw new Error("Mismatched relays for number " + number);
2014-05-13 15:15:45 -04:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
for (var i = 0; i < deviceObjectList.length; i++)
promises[i] = addEncryptionFor(i);
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
return textsecure.api.sendMessages(number, jsonData);
2014-03-25 15:27:19 -04:00
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
return function(numbers, message, callback) {
var numbersCompleted = 0;
var errors = [];
var successfulNumbers = [];
2014-03-25 15:27:19 -04:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
var numberCompleted = function() {
if (numbersCompleted >= numbers.length)
callback({success: successfulNumbers, failure: errors});
2014-03-25 15:27:19 -04:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
var registerError = function(number, message, error) {
errors[errors.length] = { number: number, reason: message, error: error };
2014-03-25 15:27:19 -04:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
2014-01-12 15:52:58 -10:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
var doSendMessage = function(number, devicesForNumber, message) {
return sendMessageToDevices(number, devicesForNumber, message).then(function(result) {
successfulNumbers[successfulNumbers.length] = number;
2014-05-13 15:15:45 -04:00
}).catch(function(error) {
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
if (error instanceof Error && error.name == "HTTPError" && (error.message == 410 || error.message == 409)) {
//TODO: Re-request keys for number here
registerError(number, "Failed to create or send message", error);
2014-05-13 15:15:45 -04:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
var number = numbers[i];
var devicesForNumber = storage.devices.getDeviceObjectListFromNumber(number);
if (devicesForNumber.length == 0) {
getKeysForNumber(number).then(function(identity_key) {
devicesForNumber = storage.devices.getDeviceObjectListFromNumber(number);
if (devicesForNumber.length == 0)
registerError(number, "Failed to retreive new device keys for number " + number, null);
doSendMessage(number, devicesForNumber, message);
}).catch(function(error) {
registerError(number, "Failed to retreive new device keys for number " + number, error);
} else
doSendMessage(number, devicesForNumber, message);
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
2014-05-17 01:53:58 -04:00
2014-01-11 21:32:13 -10:00
function requestIdentityPrivKeyFromMasterDevice(number, identityKey) {
2014-05-17 00:54:12 -04:00
sendMessageToDevices([storage.devices.getDeviceObject(getNumberFromString(number)) + ".1"],
2014-01-11 22:49:46 -10:00
{message: "Identity Key request"}, function() {}, function() {});//TODO
2014-01-09 21:48:05 -10:00
2014-01-22 06:23:41 +00:00